Term 4, Week 10 Highlights 19 December 2018 1 SYDNEY SECONDARY COLLEGE | LEICHHARDT CAMPUS P: 9560 2355 | F: 9550 9397 | E: [email protected] First Day 2019 Year 7 & 10 Wednesday 30 January Year 8 & 9 Thursday 31 January SCHOOL REPORTS FOR SEMESTER 2 2018 ARE AVAILABLE ON THE SENTRAL PARENT PORTAL Dear School Community. Thank you for your collaboraƟon to make 2018 a producƟve year. Each Ɵme I write a highlights arƟcle, it is clear to see that we have an amazing school community to be proud of. We have a number of stamembers leaving us in 2019, some permanently and some temporarily. First, we have our Head Teacher John Levingston reƟring. He has been a dedicated educator for a long Ɵme and we have been happy to have him posiƟvely inuencing our Math faculty over the last couple of years. James McCue our Math Teacher who has been with us for 8 years, is moving permanently to the BlackwaƩle Bay Campus, we will miss his humour and creaƟvity in the classroom. Andy Calvert, will also be moving to the BlackwaƩle Bay Campus, into the English faculty. I want to thank Andy for his contribuƟons to the broader school over the years, we will miss your eorts with Leichhardt TV. I want to congratulate Caitlyn McIntosh on gaining a permanent posiƟon at Dapto High School as a Visual Arts Teacher and Ian Bright on gaining permanency at Condell Park High School as a Science Teacher. We also have Samuel Park (SLSO) who has moved into a permanent SLSO role at Canterbury Boys. The respecƟve schools are lucky to have them. Emily Sinclair, our Special EducaƟon teacher will be taking leave in 2019, as will Liane Ferreira our school administraƟons ocer, we hope to see them back in 2020. Bryn Morgan (Math) and ChrisƟne Georges (HSIE) who have temporarily lled roles this year, will be conƟnuing as casual teachers in 2019. We also have the following staleaving in a temporary capacity to our BlackwaƩle Bay Campus, Anna Letsios as a Careers Adviser and Lawrence Furlong as a PDHPE teacher, we hope to see them back in 2020! Recently, we have had important events such as our OrientaƟon Day which occurred on Tuesday December 4 th , the event was used to ocially welcome our Year 7 2019 students and parents. Thanks to all involved. We also had our Year 10 recogniƟon ceremony on the evening of December 10 th and the Years 79 recogniƟon ceremony on Wednesday December 12 th . I want to parƟcularly thank Voula Georgelos for her organisaƟon of these two events. We also had our Year 7 Learning Fair which produced impressive products, well done. Our much loved Market Day and Talent Quest occurred last Friday. All the student performers were impressive and the staact of ‘I want to break free’ by Queen was highly enjoyable and a great way to end the week.

P: 9560 2355 | F: 9550 9397 | E: LEICHHARDT-H.SCHOOL@DET ... · Please ensure that you have a Merry Christmas and safe holiday break. Vince O’Donnell (Relieving Principal) Year

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Page 1: P: 9560 2355 | F: 9550 9397 | E: LEICHHARDT-H.SCHOOL@DET ... · Please ensure that you have a Merry Christmas and safe holiday break. Vince O’Donnell (Relieving Principal) Year

Term 4, Week 10

Highlights 19 December 2018


SYDNEY SECONDARY COLLEGE | LEICHHARDT CAMPUS P: 9560 2355 | F: 9550 9397 | E: [email protected]

First Day


Year 7 & 10 —

Wednesday 30 January

Year 8 & 9 —

Thursday 31 January




2018 ARE





Dear School Community.

Thank you for your collabora on to make

2018 a produc ve year. Each me I write a

highlights ar cle, it is clear to see that we

have an amazing school community to be

proud of.

We have a number of staff members

leaving us in 2019, some permanently and

some temporarily. First, we have our Head

Teacher John Levingston re ring. He has

been a dedicated educator for a long me

and we have been happy to have him

posi vely influencing our Math faculty over

the last couple of years. James McCue our

Math Teacher who has been with us for 8

years, is moving permanently to the

Blackwa le Bay Campus, we will miss his

humour and crea vity in the classroom.

Andy Calvert, will also be moving to the

Blackwa le Bay Campus, into the English

faculty. I want to thank Andy for his

contribu ons to the broader school over

the years, we will miss your efforts with

Leichhardt TV.

I want to congratulate Caitlyn McIntosh on

gaining a permanent posi on at Dapto High

School as a Visual Arts Teacher and Ian

Bright on gaining permanency at Condell

Park High School as a Science Teacher. We

also have Samuel Park (SLSO) who has

moved into a permanent SLSO role at

Canterbury Boys. The respec ve schools

are lucky to have them.

Emily Sinclair, our Special Educa on

teacher will be taking leave in 2019, as will

Liane Ferreira our school administra ons

officer, we hope to see them back in 2020.

Bryn Morgan (Math) and Chris ne Georges

(HSIE) who have temporarily filled roles

this year, will be con nuing as casual

teachers in 2019.

We also have the following staff leaving in

a temporary capacity to our Blackwa le

Bay Campus, Anna Letsios as a Careers

Adviser and Lawrence Furlong as a PDHPE

teacher, we hope to see them back in


Recently, we have had important events

such as our Orienta on Day which

occurred on Tuesday December 4th, the

event was used to officially welcome our

Year 7 2019 students and parents. Thanks

to all involved. We also had our Year 10

recogni on ceremony on the evening of

December 10th and the Years 7‐9

recogni on ceremony on Wednesday

December 12th. I want to par cularly thank

Voula Georgelos for her organisa on of

these two events.

We also had our Year 7 Learning Fair which

produced impressive products, well done.

Our much loved Market Day and Talent

Quest occurred last Friday. All the student

performers were impressive and the staff

act of ‘I want to break free’ by Queen was

highly enjoyable and a great way to end

the week.

Page 2: P: 9560 2355 | F: 9550 9397 | E: LEICHHARDT-H.SCHOOL@DET ... · Please ensure that you have a Merry Christmas and safe holiday break. Vince O’Donnell (Relieving Principal) Year

10/10 for our students Please read the email below from a member of the public. Hello, It’s a li le out of the blue but I wanted to drop a quick message to men on how lovely your students are. Every day my sister and I no ce them giving up their seats for anyone and everyone on the lightrail, when they no ce members of the public without a seat. We’re very impressed and remember our school headmaster encouraging the same when we were at school. It’s a lovely way to start a morning! Kind regards

All parents should already have an electronic copy

of student’s reports through the parent portal. The

last day of the term for students was December

19th and only a small number of staff will be at

school on Thursday the 20th of December, due to

comple ng extended professional learning

evenings throughout the year. Therefore, we will

not have any staff available to respond to requests

from Friday the 20th of December onwards, they

will be enjoying a well earnt break.

Lastly, we welcome back Melinda Bright as our

substan ve Principal in 2019. Thanks for everyone

support whilst I have had the honour of relieving as


Year 7 and 10 student’s return on Wednesday 30th

of January 2019 and Year 8 and 9 return on

Thursday 31st of January 2019.

Please ensure that you have a Merry Christmas and

safe holiday break.

Vince O’Donnell (Relieving Principal)

Year 10 Fundraiser

Congratula ons to all the year 10 students involved last Thursday the 13 December who held a

sausage sizzle and cake sale to raise funds to support Randwick Children’s Hospital. A total of

$2,209.80 was raised. A great achievement. Special thanks to Ben Searle the Chief organiser.

Page 3: P: 9560 2355 | F: 9550 9397 | E: LEICHHARDT-H.SCHOOL@DET ... · Please ensure that you have a Merry Christmas and safe holiday break. Vince O’Donnell (Relieving Principal) Year

Performances galore, skills developed and new goals set for next year. Good luck year 10 elec ve mu‐

sic in stage 6.

Great work year 9 elec ve music se ng the bar high for the incoming year 9.

The talent quest is over for another year uncovering more talent coming through than ever before.

The music department is buzzing with Karaoke stars stretching their vocal chords for the holidays……

Thank you to students and staff for their hard work throughout the year.

Mrs Salerno

Year 10 Final Assembly




Talent Quest

Page 4: P: 9560 2355 | F: 9550 9397 | E: LEICHHARDT-H.SCHOOL@DET ... · Please ensure that you have a Merry Christmas and safe holiday break. Vince O’Donnell (Relieving Principal) Year

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from the Staff at

Sydney Secondary College Leichhardt.