P 3 : The PIV Particle Perspective For a free copy of this program email: [email protected] or go to: http://www.ecs.umass.edu/mie/faculty/perot/index. Try It Theoretical & Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Partially Supported by a Poster by Prof. Perot This program uses Fourier Spectral Direct Numerical Simulation of the turbulence. But who cares about that - Just play. Interactiv e Turbulence and Particle Dynamics Lagrange vs Euler Things To See and Do … “Be the Ball” Buckets NOT provided for “vomit mode” Did you miss last years poster? It was used to get the background on this poster and is also available. Particle Dynamics Chaos in Motion - Serious stretching and folding Watch the Energy Cascade – “Live” Watch particles gather in straining regions and exit from vortical ones Use the “clump” command in Lagrangian or Eularian Mode Add small scale energy – “shake” – and watch it dissipate fast. Add large scale energy – “stir” – and watch the “energy cascade” in live action. Which of these ancient dudes rocked more? Try both modes out – and then vote your preference. The domain is a fully periodic box, so the fluid, the particles and even you, can pass through the walls. If it slows down too much – “Stir it”. If you loose your particle clump – find it in Eularian mode (and by dragging with the left mouse down) using a Pretty Physics Program Next Year? The laptop will be turned into a 3D screen (just like at the IMAX theater) using household items and tricky tricks. Hope you can’t wait. Donations are being

P 3 : The P IV P article P erspective

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Theoretical & Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. Interactive Turbulence and Particle Dynamics. P 3 : The P IV P article P erspective. using a P retty P hysics P rogram. a P oster by P rof. P erot. Things To See and Do …. Chaos in Motion - Serious stretching and folding. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: P 3 : The  P IV  P article  P erspective

P3: The PIV Particle Perspective

For a free copy of this program email: [email protected] go to: http://www.ecs.umass.edu/mie/faculty/perot/index.html

Try ItTry It

Theoretical & Computational Fluid Dynamics LaboratoryTheoretical & Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

Partially Supported by

a Poster by Prof. Perot

This program uses Fourier Spectral Direct Numerical Simulation of the turbulence. But who cares about that -

Just play.

Interactive Turbulence and Particle Dynamics

Lagrange vs Euler

Things To See and Do …

“Be the Ball”

Buckets NOT provided for

“vomit mode”

Buckets NOT provided for

“vomit mode”

Did you miss last years poster? It was used to get the background on this poster and is also available.

Particle Dynamics

Chaos in Motion - Serious stretching and folding

Watch the Energy Cascade – “Live”

Watch particles gather in straining regions and exit from vortical ones

Use the “clump” command in Lagrangian or Eularian Mode

• Add small scale energy – “shake” – and watch it dissipate fast.

• Add large scale energy – “stir” – and watch the “energy cascade” in live action.

Which of these ancient dudes rocked more?

Try both modes out – and then vote your preference.

•The domain is a fully periodic box, so the fluid, the particles and even you, can pass through the walls.

•If it slows down too much – “Stir it”.

•If you loose your particle clump – find it in Eularian mode (and by dragging with the left mouse down)

using a Pretty Physics Program

Next Year? The laptop will be turned into a 3D screen (just like at the IMAX theater) using household items and tricky tricks. Hope you can’t wait. Donations are being gratefully accepted.