Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 1995; 54: 505-5 10 Oxygen radicals, nitric oxide and human inflammatory joint disease Barry Halliwell Interest in the role of free radicals in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) stems from the seminal work of McCord,' who noted the decreased viscosity of synovial fluid in RA patients and showed that a similar decrease could be produced by exposing synovial fluid, or solutions of hyaluronic acid, to a system generating superoxide radical, 02-. McCord's observations led to interest in the use of intra- articular injections of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase as a treatment in RA. However, the clinical data presented did not convince many rheumatologists2 3 and over- enthusiastic interpretations of the data may have led to unwarranted scepticism about the real role of free radicals in RA. Let us review our current knowledge. Basic definitions Electrons in atoms and molecules occupy regions of space termed orbitals, each of which holds a maximum of two electrons. A free radical is any species capable of independent existence that contains one or more unpaired electrons-that is, electrons alone in an orbital. Table 1 gives examples. Radicals react with other molecules in a number of ways.4 If two radicals meet, they can combine their unpaired electrons and join to form a covalent bond (a shared pair of electrons). An important example is the fast reaction of 02- with nitric oxide (also a free radical, NO') to form the non-radical peroxynitrite:5 O2-- + NO- ONOO- (1) A free radical might donate its unpaired electron to another molecule. Thus °2- reduces ferric (Fe3") cytochrome c to ferrous (Fe2+ ) cytochrome c, a reaction often used to assay 02- production by activated phagocytes:6 cyt c (Fe3+) + 02-- ' cyt c (Fe2+) + 02 (2) A free radical might take an electron from another molecule, thus oxidising it. For example, 02 oxidises ascorbic acid, a process believed to occur in RA:7 ascorbate + 02 + H+ - ascorbate radical + H202 (3) Left to itself, 02- undergoes the dismutation reaction: 02*- + 02-- +2H+ - H202 + 02 (4) Hydrogen peroxide, H2 02, is not a free radical (no unpaired electrons are present). The global term reactive oxygen species is often used to include the oxygen radicals (02- and OH") and important non-radical derivatives of oxygen such as H202 and hypochlorous acid (HOCI). Reactive oxygen species in vivo The chemical reactivity of oxygen radicals varies (table 1). The most reactive is hydroxyl radical (OH"), which reacts very fast with almost all molecules in vivo. When OH" is formed, it damages whatever it is generated next to; it cannot migrate within the cell.4 NITRIC OXIDE Whereas OH is probably always harmful, other (less reactive) free radicals may be useful in vivo. For example, NO is synthesised from L-arginine by many cell types, including chondrocytes.8 However, although human phagocytes can make NO,9 it is not yet clear how often they do so in vivo; much of the work with NO has investigated rats and mice, both of which species have phagocytes that make NO much more readily. SUPEROXIDE Superoxide is produced by phagocytes as a killing mechanism.6 Lesser amounts of extra- cellular O2* may be generated, perhaps as an intercellular signal molecule, by several other cell types, including vascular endothelial cells, osteoclasts, chondrocytes, lymphocytes, and fibroblasts.""'3 For example, treatment of human fibroblasts with RA synovial fluid causes 02- secretion. 3 In addition to this 'deliberate' 02 -genera- tion, some 02-- iS produced within cells by mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, apparently by the unavoidable 'leakage' of electrons onto oxygen from their correct paths in electron transfer chains and by chemical 'autoxidation' reactions.4 HYPOCHLOROUS ACID Another killing mechanism used by neutro- phils (but not macrophages) is the enzyme myeloperoxidase,14 which uses H202 to oxidise chloride ions into hypochlorous acid (HOCI), a powerful oxidising and chlorinating agent: H202 +Cl- - HOCI + OH- (5) Superoxide-nitric oxide interactions What happens if both 02- and NO are produced at the same site, for example by Pharmacology Group, King's College, University of London, London SW3 6LX, United Kingdom B Halliwell 505 on March 25, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. http://ard.bmj.com/ Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.54.6.505 on 1 June 1995. Downloaded from

Oxygen radicals, nitric oxideand human inflammatoryjoint ... · Afree radical might take an electron from another molecule, thus oxidising it. For example, 02 oxidises ascorbic acid,

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Page 1: Oxygen radicals, nitric oxideand human inflammatoryjoint ... · Afree radical might take an electron from another molecule, thus oxidising it. For example, 02 oxidises ascorbic acid,

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 1995; 54: 505-5 10

Oxygen radicals, nitric oxide and humaninflammatory joint disease

Barry Halliwell

Interest in the role of free radicals inrheumatoid arthritis (RA) stems from theseminal work of McCord,' who noted thedecreased viscosity of synovial fluid in RApatients and showed that a similar decreasecould be produced by exposing synovial fluid,or solutions of hyaluronic acid, to a systemgenerating superoxide radical, 02-. McCord'sobservations led to interest in the use of intra-articular injections of the antioxidant enzymesuperoxide dismutase as a treatment in RA.However, the clinical data presented did notconvince many rheumatologists2 3 and over-enthusiastic interpretations of the data mayhave led to unwarranted scepticism about thereal role of free radicals in RA. Let us reviewour current knowledge.

Basic definitionsElectrons in atoms and molecules occupyregions of space termed orbitals, each of whichholds a maximum of two electrons. A freeradical is any species capable of independentexistence that contains one or more unpairedelectrons-that is, electrons alone in an orbital.Table 1 gives examples.

Radicals react with other molecules in anumber of ways.4 If two radicals meet, theycan combine their unpaired electrons andjoin to form a covalent bond (a shared pairof electrons). An important example is thefast reaction of 02- with nitric oxide (also afree radical, NO') to form the non-radicalperoxynitrite:5

O2-- +NO- ONOO- (1)A free radical might donate its unpaired

electron to another molecule. Thus °2- reducesferric (Fe3") cytochrome c to ferrous (Fe2+ )cytochrome c, a reaction often used to assay02- production by activated phagocytes:6

cyt c (Fe3+) + 02-- ' cyt c (Fe2+) + 02 (2)

A free radical might take an electron fromanother molecule, thus oxidising it. Forexample, 02 oxidises ascorbic acid, a processbelieved to occur in RA:7

ascorbate + 02 + H+- ascorbate radical+ H202 (3)

Left to itself, 02- undergoes the dismutationreaction:

02*- + 02-- +2H+ - H202 +02 (4)

Hydrogen peroxide, H2 02, is not a freeradical (no unpaired electrons are present).The global term reactive oxygen species is oftenused to include the oxygen radicals (02- and

OH") and important non-radical derivatives ofoxygen such as H202 and hypochlorous acid(HOCI).

Reactive oxygen species in vivoThe chemical reactivity of oxygen radicalsvaries (table 1). The most reactive is hydroxylradical (OH"), which reacts very fast withalmost all molecules in vivo. When OH" isformed, it damages whatever it is generatednext to; it cannot migrate within the cell.4


Whereas OH is probably always harmful,other (less reactive) free radicals may be usefulin vivo. For example, NO is synthesised fromL-arginine by many cell types, includingchondrocytes.8 However, although humanphagocytes can make NO,9 it is not yet clearhow often they do so in vivo; much of the workwith NO has investigated rats and mice, bothof which species have phagocytes that makeNO much more readily.


Superoxide is produced by phagocytes as akilling mechanism.6 Lesser amounts of extra-cellular O2* may be generated, perhaps as anintercellular signal molecule, by several othercell types, including vascular endothelial cells,osteoclasts, chondrocytes, lymphocytes, andfibroblasts.""'3 For example, treatment ofhuman fibroblasts with RA synovial fluidcauses 02- secretion. 3

In addition to this 'deliberate' 02 -genera-tion, some 02-- iS produced within cells bymitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum,apparently by the unavoidable 'leakage' ofelectrons onto oxygen from their correct pathsin electron transfer chains and by chemical'autoxidation' reactions.4


Another killing mechanism used by neutro-phils (but not macrophages) is the enzymemyeloperoxidase,14 which uses H202 to oxidisechloride ions into hypochlorous acid (HOCI), apowerful oxidising and chlorinating agent:

H202 +Cl-- HOCI + OH- (5)

Superoxide-nitric oxide interactionsWhat happens if both 02- and NO areproduced at the same site, for example by

Pharmacology Group,King's College,University ofLondon,London SW3 6LX,United KingdomB Halliwell


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Table 1 Examples offree radicals

Name Formula Comments

Hydrogen atom *H. The simplest free radical known.Trichloromethyl CC13 A carbon centred radical (the unpaired electron resides

on carbon). CC3l is formed during metabolism ofcarbon tetrachloride (CC14) in the liver andcontributes to the toxic effects of this solvent.

Superoxide 02- An oxygen centred radical. Reacts quickly with a fewmolecules (such as nitric oxide) but generally not veryreactive.

Hydroxyl OH An oxygen centred radical. The most highly reactiveoxygen radical known. When generated in vivo, reactsat its site of formation.

Thiyl RS' General name for a group of radicals with an unpairedelectron residing on sulphur. Reactivity varies; oftenreact with oxygen to give damaging oxysulphurradicals.

Peroxyl, alkoxyl RO2., RO Oxygen centred radicals formed during the breakdown oforganic peroxides.

Oxides of nitrogen NO, NO2. Both are free radicals. NO is formed in vivo from theamino acid L-arginine. N02 is made when NO reactswith oxygen, and is found in polluted air and smokefrom burning organic materials, such as cigarettesmoke.

*A superscript dot is used to denote free radical species.

activated macrophages, or when neutrophilsadhering to endothelium (a source of NO0)generate 02"-? One possibility is that 02-and NO antagonise each other's bio-logical actions. Inappropriate antagonism ofNO, by excess 02-, has been suggestedto contribute to impaired endotheliummediated vasodilatation, for example inhypertension. 15The interaction of 02- and NO can also

be dangerous.5 The product, peroxynitrite(equation (2)) is not only directly toxic, forexample by oxidising methionine and protein-SH groups, but also it breaks down togenerate multiple toxic products (figure), in-cluding nitrogen dioxide gas (NO2'), OH' andnitronium ion (NO24).5 16 Some of thesespecies will nitrate aromatic amino acids, sothat formation of nitroaromatics (especiallynitrotyrosine) is thought to be a 'marker' ofperoxynitrite generation.5 17

0; + NO

ONOO- Peroxynitrite


ONOOH Peroxynitrous acid


Nitrate ion Nitroniumion

NO. Nitrogen dioxide2 radical

OH- 'OH Hydroxyl radicalFormation and decomposition ofperoxynitrite.

Transition metals and hydrogen peroxideMany transition metals have variable oxidationnumbers: for example iron as Fe2+ or Fe3+, andcopper as Cu+ or Cu24. Changing betweenthese oxidation states transfers single electrons,for example:

Fe3+ + e-= Fe2+

Also, for titanium salts:

Ti4+ + e-= Ti3+


(7)Thus transition metal ions are good

promoters of free radical reactions. Forexample, copper, iron and titanium ions reactwith H202 to form OH" radicals:4

Cu4+ H202- Cu2+ +OH' + OH- (8)

Ti3+ + H202 -_ Ti4+ + OH + OH- (9)

H202 is produced in vivo by dismutation ofO2- and by several oxidase enzymes, includingxanthine oxidase.4 Like 02', H202 can beuseful in vivo; for example, it is a substrate fora thyroid peroxidase enzyme that helps makethyroid hormones."8 It can also regulate geneexpression, for example by activating thecytoplasmic gene transcription factor NF-KB.'9H202 is very diffusible within and betweencells,4 but if it comes into contact withtransition metal ions, OH will be generated atthat site and cause immediate damage.

Antioxidant defencesENZYMESLiving organisms have evolved multipleantioxidant defence systems. Superoxidedismutase (SOD) enzymes remove 02'- byaccelerating its dismutation by about fourorders of magnitude. Human cells have anSOD enzyme containing active site manganese(MnSOD) in mitochondria, whereas cytosolcontains a copper and zinc containing SOD(CuZnSOD).4 H202 can be destroyed bycatalases, but the most important H2 02removing enzymes in human cells are gluta-thione peroxidases, which remove H202 by usingit to oxidise reduced glutathione (GSH) tooxidised glutathione (GSSG):

2GSH + H202- GSSG + 2H20 (10)

METAL ION SEQUESTRATIONAnother important antioxidant defence is thatiron and copper ions are kept safely proteinbound whenever possible, so that OHformation is largely prevented. This isparticularly important in extracellular fluids,including synovial fluid, because their levels ofantioxidant defence enzymes are low.7 20 21The value of this sequestration of metal ions

is illustrated by an inspection of the severepathology suffered by patients with metaloverload diseases. For example, in patientswith iron overload secondary to idiopathichaemochromatosis, transferrin is iron satu-rated and iron ions 'catalytic' for free radicalreactions circulate in the blood.22 Among manyother problems, these patients can suffer joint


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Oxygen radicals, nitric oxide and human inflammatory joint disease

inflammation,23 illustrating the well knownrelationship between chronic inflammationand disordered iron metabolism.24

CI-TOCOPHEROLThis fat soluble vitamin functions as a chainbreaking antioxidant in membranes andlipoproteins.25 When peroxyl radicals aregenerated during lipid peroxidation (table 1),they abstract hydrogen preferentially from thephenolic -OH group of tocopherol:

-CO2- +TOH---CO2H+TO' (11)This stops peroxyl radicals from attacking anadjacent fatty acid side chain or protein andterminates the chain reaction, hence the namechain breaking antioxidant. The oa-tocopherolradical, tocopherol-O, is poorly reactive andis widely believed to migrate to the surfaceof membranes or lipoproteins for conversionback to a-tocopherol by reaction with ascorbicacid.

REPAIR SYSTEMSThe antioxidant defences of the human bodyare not 100% efficient, so that some freeradical damage occurs in the human bodyand repair systems are needed. Thus cellshave enzymes that can repair oxidisedDNA, degrade free radical damaged proteins,and remove lipid hydroperoxides frommembranes.4

Oxidative stressOxidative stress is said to result when reactiveoxygen species are generated in excess in thehuman body.26 This can occur if antioxidantconcentrations are too low (severe mal-nutrition, for example, can deplete levels ofa-tocopherol and vitamin C) or if free radicalformation is increased-for example by theaction of certain toxins.4

Cells can tolerate mild oxidative stress, andoften respond to it by increased synthesis ofantioxidant defence enzymes and other protec-tive proteins. However, severe oxidative stresscan cause cell injury or even death; oxidativedamage to DNA, proteins and lipids candamage or destroy cells. Cell death induced byoxidative stress can occur by necrosis or apop-tosis.27 Oxidative stress causes increased intra-cellular free Ca2" 28 and may release intracellulariron to catalyse OH' generation.29

Reactive oxygen species in RAGENERAL PRINCIPLESWhat is the role played by reactive oxygenspecies in human disease? Some diseases maybe caused by oxidative stress, for example thesequelae of overexposure to ionising radiation4and the neurodegeneration produced bychronic a-tocopherol deficiency.30For most human diseases, however, the

oxidative stress is secondary to the primarydisease process.29 For example, tissue injuryrecruits and activates neutrophils, which

produce 02'-, H202, HOCI, and possibly NO';in excess, these cause damage. Tissue injuryreleases iron and copper ions and haemproteins (haemoglobin and myoglobin), bothcatalytic for free radical reactions, from theirnormal intracellular storage sites;4 29 it alsodisrupts electron transport chains in mito-chondria and endoplasmic reticulum, so thatmore electrons leak to oxygen to form 02'- 31

For such secondary oxidative stress, the keyquestion is 'does it contribute significantly todisease pathology?'


Following the work of McCord,' I showed thathyaluronic acid depolymerisation by 02*-generating systems in vitro is caused by irondependent formation of OH' from 02- andH202. 32 The hydroxyl radical causes randomfragmentation of hyaluronate, eventuallyproducing oligosaccharides.33 How could OH'arise in the RA joint? 'Catalytic' copper ionswere not detected in fresh synovial fluid,34 but'catalytic' iron can be measured by thebleomycin assay in about 40% of synovialfluids aspirated from inflamed RA kneejoints,35 and this iron has been directlydemonstrated to stimulate lipid peroxidation.36In addition, aspiration of synovial fluid fromsome RA patients into a solution of phenyl-alanine produces a pattern of hydroxylationproducts characteristic of OH' attack upon thearomatic ring,37 suggesting that constituents ofRA synovial fluid can lead to OH' formation.The catalytic iron could arise by release from

dead cells, by H202 mediated degradation ofhaemoglobin38 (released by traumatic micro-bleeding in the joint), or by the action of 02'-on synovial fluid ferritin.39 Release of iron uponexposure of synovial fluid to 02'-, especially atacidic pH, has been demonstrated.40 The chem-ical pattern of damage to hyaluronate in RAsynovial fluids (as demonstrated using nuclearmagnetic resonance33) is consistent with OH'attack, though hyaluronate may additionally besecreted as abnormally short chains in RA.4'

Reaction of 02' with NO" is anotherpotential source of OH', as the synthesis notonly of 02'- but also of NO' 42 appears to beincreased in RA patients. Demonstration of thepresence of nitrotyrosines in patients withactive RA43 is consistent with formation ofperoxynitrite (equation (1)) in vivo.5A third source of OH' is reaction of 02'

with HOC1,44 both produced by activatedphagocytes:

02- + HOCI - 2 + OH- + Cl- (12)


The most discussed source is activatedphagocytes. Activated neutrophils liberate02'-, H202, elastase, HOCI, and eicosanoids,and synovial fluid IgG aggregates may activateneutrophils.45 Hypochlorous acid and 02-both react with ascorbate, which may help toexplain the low levels of ascorbate in RA bodyfluids.7 46 Hypochlorous acid inactivates


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a5-antiproteinase, an important inhibitor ofserpins (such as elastase), and the amount ofactive al-antiproteinase is decreased in RA;47HOCI also fragments collagen.48 The pannuscontains many macrophage-like cells, pre-sumably secreting 02*- H202 49 and, possibly,NO' (it is not yet clear if neutrophils or macro-phages in the RA joint make NO").

It has also been proposed that the inflamedrheumatoid joint, upon movement and rest,undergoes a hypoxia-reperfusion cycle, whichmay result in free radical generation by severalmechanisms.50 It is interesting to note that oneof these mechanisms is xanthine oxidase,51 52relating back nicely to the original work ofMcCord.'

DRUG-DERIVED RADICALSA few anti-inflammatory drugs may scavengereactive oxygen species in vivo, but this abilityis not widespread.53 Indeed, the reverse can betrue: several drugs used in the treatment ofRAmight themselves be converted into freeradicals in vivo. Thus they could suppress thesigns of RA whilst aggravating oxidativedamage. For example, radicals derived frompenicillamine, phenylbutazone, some fenamicacids, and the aminosalicylate component ofsulphasalazine, might inactivate a1-anti-proteinase, deplete ascorbic acid and acceler-ate lipid peroxidation.5355

Consequences of oxidative stress in RAThere is no doubt that oxidative stress occursin RA patients (table 2).51-71 Lunec et a167 haveargued that oxidative damage to IgG generatesprotein aggregates that can activate neutrophilsand set up a 'vicious cycle' of free radicalproduction.Does oxidative stress contribute to cartilage

and bone destruction in RA? The answer is

Table 2 Evidence consistent with oxidative stress in rheumatoid disease

Observation Reference Comment

Increased lipid peroxidation 56 Decreased a-tocopherol (per unit lipid) inproducts in serum and synovial fluid57 is consistent with increasedsynovial fluid lipid peroxidation, as are reports of 'foam cells'

containing oxidised low density lipoprotein inrheumatoid synovium"8 and increased levels of4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, a cytotoxic productgenerated by the decomposition of lipidperoxides, in RA.59

Depletion of ascorbate in See text Presumably results from oxidation of ascorbateserum and synovial fluid during its antioxidant action. Activated

neutrophils also take up oxidised ascorbaterapidly.60

Increased exhalation of 61 A putative endproduct of lipid peroxidation,4pentane although its validity as an assay is debated.62

Increased concentrations of 63 Products measured appear to be endproducts ofuric acid oxidation free radical attack upon uric acid.products

Formation of 2,3-dihydroxy- 65 2,3-DHB appears to be a product of attack ofbenzoate (2,3-DHB) from OH' upon salicylate in patients takingsalicylate in increased aspirin.'6amounts

Degradation of hyaluronic - See text.acid by free radicalmechanisms

Formation of 'fluorescent' 67,68 Fluorescence probably caused by oxidativeproteins damage to amino acid residues in proteins.

Increased steady state levels 69,70 80HdG is a major product of oxidative damage(in cellular DNA) and to DNA.4increased urinary excretionof 8-hydroxy-deoxyguano-sine (8OHdG)

Increased levels of 'protein 71 Protein carbonyls are an endproduct of oxidativecarbonyls' in synovial fluid damage to proteins.

unclear. Hydroxyl radicals degrade isolatedproteoglycans' 32 33 and HOC1 fragmentscollagen,48 but their effects on intact cartilageare probably limited. However, H202 is verydiffusible and inhibits cartilage proteoglycansynthesis,72 for example by interfering withATP synthesis.73 Indeed, intra-articular in-jection of H2 02 generating systems causessevere joint damage in animals.74 Henceinhibition of cartilage repair systems couldaggravate the effects of proteolytic and freeradical mediated cartilage degradation. HOC1can also activate latent forms of neutrophilcollagenases and gelatinase, though the extentto which this happens in vivo is uncertain.75Chondrocytes are damaged by H202,76 and ithas been suggested that low concentrationsof H2 02, 02' , or both, accelerate boneresorption by osteoclasts,77 78 whereas NO'inhibits it.79 In addition, ascorbate is essentialfor cartilage function80 and the low concen-trations found in RA synovial fluid mightimpair cartilage metabolism. The currentinterest in the role of tumour necrosis factor ct(TNFot) in RA8' may relate to observationsthat TNFot causes oxidative stress.82 83

In summary, we do not as yet know the exactcontribution made by reactive oxygen speciesto joint damage in RA. The development ofimproved assays of oxidative damage thatare applicable to humans29 should help toaddress this point and allow a rational selectionof antioxidants for possible therapeuticapplication.84

I thank the Arthritis and Rheumatism Council for researchsupport.

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Oxygen radicals, nitric oxide and human inflammatory joint disease

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Page 6: Oxygen radicals, nitric oxideand human inflammatoryjoint ... · Afree radical might take an electron from another molecule, thus oxidising it. For example, 02 oxidises ascorbic acid,


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