oxidação de metano dependente de ferro e manganes

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  • 8/14/2019 oxidao de metano dependente de ferro e manganes


    DOI: 10.1126/science.1169984, 184 (2009);325Science , et al.Emily J. Beal

    Manganese- and Iron-Dependent Marine Methane Oxidation

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    11. A. P. Hitchcock, J. J. Dynes, G. Johansson, J. Wang,G. Botton, Micron 39 , 311 (2008).

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    23. K. Ishioka, M. Hase, M. Kitajima, L. Wirtz, A. Rubio,H. Petek, Phys. Rev. B 77 , 121402 (2008).

    24. K. Seibert et al., Phys. Rev. B 42 , 2842 (1990).25. Because FEELS records the energy spectra of all bands

    in the range studied, we were able to monitor thetemporal evolution of the peak at the laser energy(3 to 5 eV), t = 0, and compare with that of the bulkplasmon peak (at 26.9 eV). A definite shift (~150 fs)for the latter was observed in two different specimens.With least-squares analysis (rise and decay) wedetermined the decay of the low-energy band and therise of the higher-energy band to be ~180 fs. In previousreports (16, 22) the time zero was relative, reflectingthe point when the intensity increases (decreases),whereas in this study the time zero was determined fromthe behavior of the 3 to 5 eV region (at the initialexcitation). Thus, all data are analyzed here with thisdetermined value.

    26. R. K. Raman et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 , 077401 (2008).27. H. O. Jeschke, M. E. Garcia, K. H. Bennemann, Phys. Rev.

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    (1986).35. This work was supported by the National Science Fou

    and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research in thGordon and Betty Moore Center for Physical Biolo

    the California Institute of Technology. We thankB. Barwick for helpful and stimulating discussion.

    15 April 2009; accepted 1 June 200910.1126/science.1175005

    Manganese- and Iron-DependentMarine Methane OxidationEmily J. Beal,


    * Christopher H. House,1

    * Victoria J. Orphan2

    Anaerobic methanotrophs help regulate Earth s climate and may have been an important part ofthe microbial ecosystem on the early Earth. The anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is oftenthought of as a sulfate-dependent process, despite the fact that other electron acceptors are moreenergetically favorable. Here, we show that microorganisms from marine methane-seep sedimentin the Eel River Basin in California are capable of using manganese (birnessite) and iron(ferrihydrite) to oxidize methane, revealing that marine AOM is coupled, either directly orindirectly, to a larger variety of oxidants than previously thought. Large amounts of manganeseand iron are provided to oceans from rivers, indicating that manganese- and iron-dependent AOMhave the potential to be globally important.

    Anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM)

    occurs in freshwater samples in the ab-sence of sulfate, provided nitrite or ni-trate is present ( 1, 2). Incubation studies showthat the addition of manganese (MnO 2 ) or iron(FeCl 2 and FeCl 3 ) to anoxic sediments and di-gested sewage increases the ratio of methane oxi-dized to methane produced ( 3). However, therehas been no direct evidence for AOM in the ab-sence of sulfate in marine samples ( 4). Studies of pore-water geochemistry show manganese andiron reduction in areas where AOM occurs ( 5),and the highest AOM rates in marine sediment do not always correlate with the highest sulfatereduction rates ( 6 ). Furthermore, sediments of theuplifted Franciscan Complex, a paleo-analogof theEel River Basin (ERB), show methane-derived13 C-depleted carbonate associated with rhodocro-site (MnCO 3 ) (7 ). In addition, there is enrichment of manganese and other metals in methane seep

    associated carbonates from the Black Sea ( 8).

    Here, we show that birnessite (Fig. 1) and

    ferrihydrite (Fig. 2) can be used as electron ac-ceptors in marine AOM. Large amounts of man-ganese [~19 Tg/year ( 9)] and iron [~730 Tg/year (10)] are provided to continental margins fromrivers (11). Iron and manganese are provided tothe ERB in this manner by high sediment dis-charge from theEelRiver, whichdrains thenorth-ern California Coast Range ( 12). If the entireglobal flux of manganese and iron is used tooxidize methane, it could account for about one-fourth of present-day AOM consumption. Evenif only a small percentage of the influx of man-ganese and iron is used for AOM, it still has the potential to be a large methane sink because bothmanganese and iron can be oxidized and reduced100 to 300 times before burial ( 13).

    Methane-seep sediment from the ERB was in-cubated with methane,

    13C-labeled methane, CO 2 ,

    and artificial sulfate-free seawater. Triplicate in-cubations were given either sulfate, birnessite,ferric oxyhydroxide, ferrihydrite, nitrate, nitrateand sulfate, or no electron acceptor (live control).The birnessite and ferrihydrite experiments were pre-incubated ( 14) to ensure that they were sul-fate free. As methane is oxidized, the

    13C-label is

    transferred from methane to CO 2 , and thus wecan monitor AOM by measuring the 13 C enrich-

    ment in the CO 2 throughout the experimend

    13CO 2 values are then converted into the amount

    of methane oxidized ( 15, 16 ).We measured

    13C-enrichment of CO 2 in c

    tures supplied with sulfate, birnessite, and fer

    rihydrite, indicating that AOM can proceed in theabsence of sulfate if birnessite (Fig. 1) or ferrihydrite (Fig. 2) is present ( 17 ). Sulfate was mesured (SulfaVer4 method; Hach, Loveland, CO) periodically in all live control, birnessite, and ferrihydrite incubations to show that they remainedsulfate free (

  • 8/14/2019 oxidao de metano dependente de ferro e manganes


    AOM coupled to ferrihydrite [simplified asFe(OH) 3 ] reduction (Eq. 3) yields a potential freeenergy of D G = 270.3 kJ/mol at our in situconditions.

    CH4 +8 Fe(OH) 3 +15H+

    HCO 3


    +21H 20(3)

    The incubations with ferrihydrite oxidize meth-ane at an average rate of 6 mmole/year/cm


    (Fig. 2), corresponding to a potential energy gainof 1.6 J/year/cm 3 sed (Table 1). This shows that the microorganisms responsible for ferrihydrite-dependent AOM have the potential to receiveenergy at about twice the rate of sulfate-dependent AOM, despite the fact that they are oxidizingmethane at about one-tenth the rate.

    Previous culture studies have found that mi-croorganisms from the Black Sea can reduce man-ganese oxides more efficiently than ferrihydrite(18). This result is consistent with our experiment,where we see that manganese-dependent AOMoccurs at a faster rate than iron-dependent AOM.Both manganese- and iron-dependent AOM occur

    at much slower rates than sulfate-dependentAOM,although they are substantially more energeticallyfavorable. This can be explained by consideringthat manganese and iron oxides areboth solids, andthus less accessible than sulfate. Despite theslower methane oxidation rates of manganese and iron-dependent AOM, it is likely that they are an im- portant part of biogeochemical methane cycling.

    There are three known archaeal groups re-sponsible for AOM: ANME-1 and ANME-2 ( 19)and ANME-3 ( 20). ANME commonly have sul-fate-reducing bacterial partners, often related to Desulfosarcinales and Desulfobulbus (21 24).However, ANME-1 and some ANME-2 have

    been found to live independently, suggesting that they may not need a physically associated sulfate-reducing bacteria to perform AOM ( 19, 22). Thefact that ANME are often found with sulfate re-ducers does not necessitate that sulfate is neededforAOMto proceed. Some sulfate-reducing bacte-riacanfacultatively useelectron acceptorsother thansulfate ( 25 27 ). In fact, one species of Desulfobulbusis capable of iron reduction ( 28). The presenceof greigite magnetosomes in sulfate-reducing bacteria associatedwith ANME-2 from the Black Sea further suggests a role in iron cycling ( 8, 29).

    To study the microbial communities respon-sible for manganese-dependent AOM, we sam- pled one incubation from each set of conditionsat the end of the experiment and determinedchanges in the microbial assemblage based on16S rRNA and methyl coenzyme M reductase(mcr A) gene diversity. Over the course of the 10-month incubation ( 14), a shift was observed inthe archaeal diversity relative to the starting sed-iment. The proportion of phylotypes associatedwith the crenarchaeota increased in both the man-ganese incubation and the live control (sulfate-free, no added electron acceptor), whereas thesulfate incubation supported an increase ineuryarchaeota, in particular phylotypes belong-

    ing to ANME 2b and 2c (fig. S2). Uncultured phylotypes belonging to Marine Benthic GroupD (MBGD) were the most abundant in the start-ing sediment and remained a substantial com- ponent of the archaeal diversity in all treatments,representing 35% or more of the total clones (fig.S2). The metabolic potential of MBGD is not currently known;however, it is interesting to note

    that the closest cultured relatives of many of threcovered phylotypes are methanogens (80%identity), and their potential role in methane cycling warrants further investigation. An increasein phylotypes associated with the CrenarchaeotaMarine Benthic Group C (MBGC), which is absent in the sulfate incubations, was observed in both themanganese and live control incubations (fig. S2).























    0 20 40 60 80 100

    N o r m a

    l i z e

    d 1 3 F

    C O 2

    Time (Days)










    0 20 40 60 80 100

    Killed Control


    Live Control

    2nd Md injection

    2nd Md injection

    Fig. 1. 13 C enrichment of CO2 reported in 13 FCO2 (

    13 C/ 13 C+12 C) values and converted to moles methoxidized. The incubations with manganese (birnessite) oxidize about 3.5 times as much methane aslive control (sulfate free, no provided electron acceptor), indicating that manganese can be used as electron acceptor in AOM. Error bars represent the range of the triplicate incubations. The standdeviations of the triplicate incubations for the birnessite and live controls are within the symbol for edata point. In addition, when more birnessite is injected into the cultures, the rate of AOM incre~30%, from ~11 mmole/year/cm3 sed (days 23 to 43) to ~14 mmole/year/cm

    3sed (days 43 to 57).







    0 20 40 60 80 100 1200





























    0 20 40 60 80 100 120Time (Days)



    Live Control Killed Control

    N o r m a

    l i z e

    d 1 3 F

    C O 2

    Fig. 2. 13 C enrichment of CO2 reported in 13 FCO2 (

    13 C/ 13 C+12 C) values and converted mmethane oxidized. The incubations with iron (ferrihydrite) oxidize about 5 times as much methas the live control (sulfate free, no provided electron acceptor), indicating that iron can be usedan electron acceptor in AOM. Error bars represent the range of data from the triplicate incubatioThe standard deviations of the triplicate incubations for the ferrihydrite and live controls are withe symbol for each data point.

    www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 325 10 JULY 2009


  • 8/14/2019 oxidao de metano dependente de ferro e manganes


    16S rRNA phylotypes belonging to the knownmethanotrophic ANME groups made up a rela-tively small proportion of all sediment incuba-tions, with ANME-1 representing no more than5% of the total archaeal diversity. However, anal-ysis of the mcr A gene (specific for methanogensand methanotrophic archaea) indicated a greater diversity of the methanotrophic ANME than wasrecovered by the initial 16S rRNA screen. Spe-cifically, with the exception of the sulfate incuba-

    tions, the most common mcr A gene came fromthe ANME-1 (~85%) (fig. S2). In the sulfate in-cubations, ANME-1 represented 42% of the re-covered mcr A genes,with ANME-2representing46%. The manganese and sulfate incubations re-vealed an increase in diversity supporting a small

    percentage of ANME-3, not observed in the orig-inal sediment or live control (fig. S2).

    About 40% of the bacteria found in the birnes-site incubation are possible manganese reducers(Fig. 3 and fig. S3). These include clones relatedto microorganisms found in heavy-metal con-taminated sites or from hydrothermal systems.Specifically, the groups Bacteriodes, Proteobac-teria (including Geobacter ), Acidobacteria, andVerrucomicrobia contain representatives likely

    capable of metal reduction (Fig. 3) ( 30 33). Bac-teriodes are only present in the manganese andcontrol incubations,whereas Acidobacteria areonly present in the manganese incubations (Fig. 3). Theclones related to sulfur cycling in the birnessiteincubations are almost all sulfur oxidizers, such as

    the e-Proteobacteria Sulfurovumales . The bactein the sulfate incubations are dominated by sulfatereducers, mainly Desulfobulbus .

    The large change toward manganese reducersobserved in the bacterial community from th birnessite incubation suggests that bacteria ar playing a vital role in manganese-dependenAOM and that archaea are not solely responsi ble (Fig. 3). In the birnessite incubation, the reative proportion of ANME-2 decreases, whereas

    Methanococcoides/ANME-3 increases and ANME-1stays relativelyconstant (fig. S2). Overall, ourdataimply either that manganese-dependent AOM iscarried out by ANME-1 and/or Methanococcoides/ ANME-3 with a bacterialpartner,or that manganese-dependent AOM in this case is not performed by archaea but rather solely by bacteria. If bacteria are indeed solely responsible for manganesedependent AOM, it is likely that they do nocontain the mcr A gene, as recently observed fonitrite-dependent AOM ( 1).

    Abiotic and biotic processes can oxidizsulfide to sulfur in the presence of metal oxide(34, 35). In principle, sulfur disproportionation

    producing transient sulfate, mediated perhaps by

    Table 1. Rates and potential energy gain from AOM with different electron acceptors.

    Reaction Rate

    (mmole/year/cm 3 sed )Potential energy gain

    (J/year/cm3 sed )

    SO4 2- + CH4 HCO3 - + HS- + H2 O 52 0.7CH4 + 4MnO2 + 7H

    + HCO3

    - + 4Mn2+ + 5H2 O 14 7.8CH4 + 8 Fe(OH)3 +15H+ HCO3 - + 8Fe2+ + 21H2 O 6 1.6











    % o

    f C l o n e s

    Original Mud Bacterial Clones











    % o

    f C l o n e s

    Sulfate Bacterial Clones

    Metal Associated

    Sulfur Metabolsim











    % o

    f C l o n e s

    Control Bacterial Clones











    % o

    f C l o n e s

    Manganese Bacterial Clones


    Metal Associated

    Sulfur Metabolsim


    Metal Associated

    Sulfur Metabolsim


    Metal Associated

    Sulfur Metabolsim


    B e t a

    G a m m

    a D e

    l t a

    E p s i l o


    A c i d o

    b a c t e

    r i a

    A c t i n

    o b a c

    t e r i a

    B a c t e

    r i o d e

    t e s

    C h l o r

    o b i

    C h l o r

    o f l e x i

    F i r m i

    c u t e s

    F u s o b a

    c t e r i a

    P l a n c

    t o m y c

    e t e s

    S p i r o

    c h a e

    t e s

    V e r r u

    c o m i

    c r o b i a

    O t h e

    r B e

    t a

    G a m m

    a D e

    l t a

    E p s i l o


    A c i d o

    b a c t e

    r i a

    A c t i n

    o b a c

    t e r i a

    B a c t e

    r i o d e

    t e s

    C h l o r

    o b i

    C h l o r

    o f l e x i

    F i r m i

    c u t e s

    F u s o b a

    c t e r i a

    P l a n c

    t o m y c

    e t e s

    S p i r o

    c h a e

    t e s

    V e r r u

    c o m i

    c r o b i a

    O t h e


    B e t a

    G a m m

    a D e

    l t a

    E p s i l o


    A c i d o

    b a c t e

    r i a

    A c t i n

    o b a c

    t e r i a

    B a c t e

    r i o d e

    t e s

    C h l o r

    o b i

    C h l o r

    o f l e x i

    F i r m i

    c u t e s

    F u s o b a

    c t e r i a

    P l a n c

    t o m y c

    e t e s

    S p i r o

    c h a e

    t e s

    V e r r u

    c o m i

    c r o b i a

    O t h e

    r B e

    t a

    G a m m

    a D e

    l t a

    E p s i l o


    A c i d o

    b a c t e

    r i a

    A c t i n

    o b a c

    t e r i a

    B a c t e

    r i o d e

    t e s

    C h l o r

    o b i

    C h l o r

    o f l e x i

    F i r m i

    c u t e s

    F u s o b a

    c t e r i a

    P l a n c

    t o m y c

    e t e s

    S p i r o

    c h a e

    t e s

    V e r r u

    c o m i

    c r o b i a

    O t h e


    Proteobacteria Proteobacteria

    Proteobacteria Proteobacteria

    Fig. 3. Percent distribution of recovered bacterial clones based on 16S rRNAgenes in the starting sediment (Other includes clades OP3 and Marine GroupA), live control, manganese (Other includes clades Elusimicrobia and KSB3),and sulfate incubations (Other includes clades Marine Group A, KSB3, GN02,and TM6). Sulfur metabolism indicates phylotypes putatively involved in sulfur

    cycling. Metal associated represent phylotypes that are possible manganreducers. Metal/Sulfur are the phylotypes that have the potential to partakesulfur and/or metal cycling. The starting sediment was stored anaerobically~1 year before use and therefore does not reflect the proportions of bactewhen it was sampled.

    10 JULY 2009 VOL 325 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org86


  • 8/14/2019 oxidao de metano dependente de ferro e manganes


    Desulfobulbus (36 ) or e-Proteobacteria, could bethe underlying process observed, indirectly link-ing AOM to metal reduction. Although the shift in the bacterial community from known sulfate-reducingbacteria to putative metal-reducingmicro-organisms in the birnessite incubations supportsthe idea that the AOM is directly linked to metalreduction, the observed shift in microbial com-munity could also be a result of the stimulation of heterotrophic metal reduction. If metal reduction

    is indirectly linked to AOM in marine sediments,then the realized energy gain for the microorga-nisms directly catalyzing AOM would be muchlower than that suggested in Table 1. Regardlessof mechanism, the stimulation of AOM with Mnand Fe has important implications for capacity of CH 4 oxidation.

    It is estimated that AOM consumes most methane released in marine settings, equaling 5to 20% of today s total global methane flux ( 37 ),making this process an important part of theglobal carbon cycle today. However, before Earth became oxygenated, growth of methanotrophswas limited by their ability to find electron ac-

    ceptors. Based on the column-integrated photo-oxidation rates of 5 mg/cm2/year of manganese

    and 200 mg/cm 2 /year of iron ( 38), onthe order of 10,000 Tg/year of methane could be oxidizedduring this time period by manganese- and iron-dependent AOM, irrespective of whether the pro-cesses directly link metal reduction to methaneoxidation. Estimates of the methane flux to theatmosphere during the Proterozoic are on theorder of 1,000 to 10,000 Tg/year ( 39), meaningthat manganese- and iron-dependent AOM hadthe oxidative potential to oxidize the entire earlyEarth methane flux. Thus, manganese- and iron-dependent AOM could have been extremely im-

    portant methane sinks, as well as energy sources,for the early biosphere.

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    mass spectrometer, Z. Zhang and S. Goffredi forlaboratory assistance, D. Walizer for technical assistand D. Jones for help with phylogenetics. We also the shipboard scientists, crew, and pilots of R/V Atlaand R/V Western Flyer . Funding for this project has

    from the National Science Foundation (MCB-03484National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NAAstrobiology Institute under NASA-Ames CooperatAgreement NNA04CC06A, and the Penn StateBiogeochemical Research Initiative for Education (funded by NSF (IGERT) grant DGE-9972759. Seqwere submitted to GenBank and have accession numFJ264513 to FJ264602 and FJ264604 to FJ264884

    Supporting Online Materialwww.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/325/5937/184/DC1Materials and MethodsSOM TextFigs. S1 to S3References

    18 December 2008; accepted 2 June 200910.1126/science.1169984

    Consistency Between Satellite-Derivedand Modeled Estimates of theDirect Aerosol EffectGunnar Myhre

    In the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report, the direct aerosoleffect is reported to have a radiative forcing estimate of 0.5 watt per square meter (W m2 ),offsetting the warming from CO2 by almost one-third. The uncertainty, however, ranges from 0.9 to 0.1 W m2 , which is largely due to differences between estimates from global aerosolmodels and observation-based estimates, with the latter tending to have stronger (more negative)radiative forcing. This study demonstrates consistency between a global aerosol model andadjustment to an observation-based method, producing a global and annual mean radiative forcingthat is weaker than 0.5 W m2 , with a best estimate of 0.3 W m2 . The physical explanationfor the earlier discrepancy is that the relative increase in anthropogenic black carbon (absorbingaerosols) is much larger than the overall increase in the anthropogenic abundance of aerosols.

    The complex influence of atmospheric aero-sols on the climate system and the influ-ence of humans on aerosols are among

    the key uncertainties in the understanding of cur-

    rent climate change ( 1 3). The direct aerosol ef-fect may have contributed to a cooling in the mid20th century ( 4) and may have masked a con-siderable degree of current global warming ( 5),

    potentially leading to more rapid warming in thfuture because of stricter controls on aerosol emissions ( 5). In addition, the direct aerosol effecis probably responsible for a substantial part othe observed dimming and the later reversal to brightening ( 6 ) at many locations. The direct aerosol effect includes both scattering and absorption of solar light, and evaluating its magnitudeis complicated by the fact that some atmosphericaerosols are predominately scattering, whereasothers are mainly absorbing. The main anthropo-genic scattering components are sulfate, nitrateand organic carbon (OC), whereas black carbon(BC) absorbs solar radiation.

    Previously, two approaches have been em ployed in the calculation of the total direct aerosol effect. The first approach uses global aerosomodels to simulate the change in the aerosol abundance that is attributable to human activities andradiative transfer models to calculate the radiative forcing on the basis of simulations for pre

    Center for International Climate and Environmental ReseOslo (CICERO), Post Office Box 1129 Blindern, N-03Norway. E-mail: [email protected]

    www sciencemag org SCIENCE VOL 325 10 JULY 2009
