Overview of Worldwide “Data Link” Equipage Mandates PRESENTED BY: Tom Kraft, FAA Wednesday, November 18, 2015 | 3:00 to 4:30 pm

Overview of Worldwide “Data Link” Equipage … of Worldwide “Data Link” Equipage Mandates PRESENTED BY: ... RCP RNP RSP RNAV Surveillance ... • Complements CPDLC,

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Overview of Worldwide “Data Link” Equipage Mandates


Tom Kraft, FAA

Wednesday, November 18, 2015 | 3:00 to 4:30 pm


CPDLC and ADS-C “Data Link” Mandates (and Incentives)

Sources: FAA, ICAO, EC

•  FAA Airborne Data Link Recording (DLR) Rule –  CPDLC

•  North Atlantic Data Link Mandate (NAT DLM) –  FANS 1/A CPDLC and ADS-C

•  European Data Link Services “Rule” (EC DLS IR) –  ATN B1 CPDLC (Link 2000+)

•  “Data Link” Incentives

•  An additional capability – Satellite Voice (SATVOICE)


FAA Airborne Data Link Recording Rule (1/2)

•  Since 2008, the data link recording rule had impeded equipping aircraft with NextGen technologies, which hindered advances in safety

•  On “retrofit aircraft,” applicability of the rule would consider the date a data link capability would be installed or modified on the specific aircraft

•  The rule affected over 2,000 air transport and over 5,000 business aviation/high-end general aviation aircraft

ü  2 March 2015 à FAA published notice of policy change in response to Performance-based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee (PARC) report


Source: http://www.regulations.gov, Docket No. FAA-2015-0289


FAA Airborne Data Link Recording Rule (2/2)

•  Under the policy change—when a CVR and FDR is required—applicability of the data link recording rule is now determined by

a)  Date of manufacture for the aircraft b)   Date of CPDLC design approval (e.g., FANS 1/A or ATN B1) for the make,

model and series (M/M/S) of that aircraft

c)  Effective date of rule for type of operation 1)  December 6, 2010 for aircraft operating under Parts 121, 125 and 135

2)  April 8, 2012 for aircraft operating under Part 91

•  Then DLR capability is NOT required—for the life of the aircraft


Source: http://www.regulations.gov, Docket No. FAA-2015-0289

If the a) & b) dates are

both before the relevant

c) date


North Atlantic Data Link Mandate (1/4) NAT DLM à FANS 1/A CPDLC and ADS-C

Source: http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/notices, FAA Notices To Airmen, Part 3, Section 2

ü  Phase 1, began 7 February 2013 – FL360 to FL390 on no more than two specified tracks within the NAT organized track system (OTS)

ü  Phase 2A, began 5 February 2015 – FL350 to FL390 within the NAT OTS

–  Applies to all aircraft operating on or at any point along the tracks

•  Phase 2B, beginning 7 December 2017 – FL350 to FL390 in ICAO NAT Region

•  Phase 2C, beginning 30 January 2020 – FL290 and above in ICAO NAT Region


North Atlantic Data Link Mandate (2/4) NAT DLM à FANS 1/A CPDLC and ADS-C •  FANS 1/A CPDLC & ADS-C is required with limited exceptions

(e.g., State & SAR aircraft)

•  Data Link Mandate (DLM) is not applicable in the following airspace

–  NAT airspace where ATS surveillance (radar or ADS-B) services are provided •  The aircraft must be suitably equipped (transponder/ADS-B Extended Squitter

(ES) transmitter) AND •  The entire flight planned route must be within ATS surveillance coverage

–  New York Oceanic FIR (FAA rulemaking is required)

–  North of 80 north (geostationary satellite coverage is not reliable)

Source: http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/notices, FAA Notices To Airmen, Part 3, Section 2


North Atlantic Data Link Mandate (3/4) NAT DLM – Operating Policies •  Climb or Descent of Non-equipped Aircraft à ATC will consider requests for a

continuous climb or descent without intermediate level off through NAT DLM airspace on a tactical basis

•  FANS 1/A CPDLC and ADS-C failure situations

–  Prior to departure à flight plan must be clear of NAT DLM airspace –  After departure à notify ATC of status PRIOR TO ENTERING NAT DLM airspace, ATC

will consider requests to enter DLM airspace on a tactical basis

–  After Entering NAT DLM Airspace à immediately advise ATC; ATC may re-clear the flight, or allow flight to remain in DLM airspace on a tactical basis

Source: http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/notices, FAA Notices To Airmen, Part 3, Section 2


North Atlantic Data Link Mandate (4/4) NAT DLM – Operating Policies •  U.S. operators require operational authorization prior to using CPDLC/ADS-C

–  FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 20-140 (as amended), Design Approval Guidelines •  Satellite (Inmarsat or Iridium) communications are considered acceptable

subnetworks for FANS 1/A operations outside VHF coverage in the NAT Region

–  FAA AC 120-70 (as amended), Operational Authorization Guidelines

•  FAA grants operational authorization by issuing

–  Operational Specifications or Management Specifications A056 (Data Link Communications), as appropriate, or

–  Part 91 Letter of Authorization A056 (Data Link Communications).

Source: http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/notices, FAA Notices To Airmen, Part 3, Section 2


Air traffic management operations are becoming more dependent on reliable

communication and surveillance

Sources: enter sources here




CPDLC Link 2000+


30/50 NM LongSM 30/50 NM LatSM



North Atlantic High Level Airspace NAT MNPS transition to NAT HLA

•  4 Feb 2016 – MNPS airspace re-designated HLA (FL 285-420)

•  Starting 1 Jan 2015 – RNP 10 or RNP 4 required for NEW MNPS authorizations

•  Until 30 Jan 2020, existing MNPS authorizations remain valid

Performance-Based Communication Performance-Based Surveillance

Performance-Based Navigation

Air Traffic Management








ICAO provisions in progress

•  RNP 2

•  PBC (RCP)

•  PBS (RSP).


EC DLS IR Target à ATN B1 CPDLC (Link 2000+) •  The benefits of having 75% CPDLC

flights above FL285:

–  R/T communication reduction of 61% –  Sector capacity gain of 11%

•  Beyond the benefits of CPDLC implementation, data link will support future SESAR driven concepts and technologies

Sources: EUROCONTROL, Regulation (EC) No 29/2009

European Data Link Services “Rule” (1/4)


EC DLS IR Delay à ATN B1 CPDLC (Link 2000+)

Source: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/310

•  The EASA Report (March 2014) – Requested by the European Commission

–  Disconnections, known as “Provider Aborts” are beyond acceptable levels –  Provider aborts were attributed to a combination of factors (i.e. no single cause)

–  Technical solution requires multi-frequency infrastructure and optimized for radio frequency interference prevention

–  Further work is needed to investigate issues and validate technical solution

–  More time is needed

•  ANSPs have implemented mitigation measures (‘white lists’), which are used to allow DLS operations only to aircraft equipped with specific avionics

European Data Link Services “Rule” (2/4)


EC DLS IR Delay à ATN B1 CPDLC (Link 2000+)

Source: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/310

•  EASA Safety Information Bulletin No 2014-14 (May) – recommends operators to revert from CPDLC to voice when confronted with a high level of provider aborts

•  EU 2015/310 amends Regulation (EC) 29/2009 (DLS IR) (February 2015)

–  Instruct the SESAR Joint Undertaking (JU) to conduct studies and determine remedial actions deemed necessary in relation to, in particular, the data link ground infrastructure issues and the finding and validation of technical airborne solutions. The preliminary results and remedial actions are expected by 2016, while further validation may require two more years.

–  Extend the dates for complying with EC 29/2009 (DLS IR)

European Data Link Services “Rule” (3/4)


EU DLS IR Delay à ATN B1 CPDLC (Link 2000+)

Source: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/310

The important date changes to Regulation (EC) 29/2009 – in a simplified form - are:

•  The amended regulation will be applicable as from 05 Feb 2018

•  All ANSPs should be ready by 05 February 2018

•  All aircraft should be equipped by 05 February 2020

–  There is no longer a distinction between forward fit and retrofit

–  Regarding exemptions, the extra delay for fitting/retrofitting the airborne side until Februrary 2020 will allow the Commission to work on a revision of the exemption procedure, pending results of on-going studies (notably by SJU).

European Data Link Services “Rule” (4/4)

Link 2000+ / FANS 1/A


Prior- years 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020+

FAA CVR Datalink Recording -December 6, 2010 for Parts 121, 125, 135 -April 8, 2012 for Part 91

NAT Region – FANS 1/A -February 2013 -Two NAT OTS Core Tracks: FL360 – FL390

NAT Region – FANS 1/A -February 2015 -All NAT OTS Tracks: FL350 – FL390

NAT Region – FANS 1/A -December 2017 -All NAT Region: FL350 – FL390

NAT Region – FANS 1/A -January 2020 -All NAT Region: FL290 and Above

ANSP Readiness: February 2018

EUR Region - Link 2000+ (ATN Baseline 1) -ANSP Readiness is now February 2018 -Retrofit and Forward Fit are now February 2020


CPDLC and ADS-C Incentives

Sources: FAA, ICAO

•  Safety •  Performance-based separation minima

–  5 minute longitudinal –  30 NM and 50 NM longitudinal –  23 NM lateral

•  User Preferred Route (UPR) •  Dynamic Airborne Re-Route Procedure (DARP) •  Climb/Descent Procedure (ADS-C) •  In-Trail Procedure (ADS-B)



Satellite Voice Communications (1/2) SATVOICE – An additional capability

Sources: FAA, ICAO

•  Complements CPDLC, ADS-C and HF voice by providing alternative long range communication system (LRCS)

•  Industry/FAA effort to justify recommendations to allow one high frequency (HF) voice system to be permanently replaced with a SATVOICE system

•  This effort is challenged by the need for global reliable SATVOICE services –  The main issues are NOT related to aircraft equipage –  November 2016 – new ICAO provisions together with supporting guidance material are

expected to be applicable to facilitate SATVOICE implementation •  FAA policies allow some relief on HF voice equipment, but … (see next slide)


Satellite Voice Communications (2/2) SATVOICE – An additional capability

Sources: FAA, ICAO

•  The pilot/owner must ensure that the planned use of SATVOICE for the flight will be in accordance with regulations, policies and procedures applicable in individual States and/or FIRs for the flight, as published in AIPs (or equivalent publication).

–  Some ANSPs may limit the use SATVOICE only for certain types of communications (e.g. of an urgent nature), which may not be appropriate for MEL relief

•  The pilot/owner must ensure that the proper information is included in the ICAO flight plan, which includes

–  Item 10 – one or more type(s) of SATVOICE capability –  Item 18 – aircraft registration (REG/) and aircraft address (CODE/)


Conclusion “Data Link” Mandates (and Incentives) •  There are “Data Link” Mandates

–  FAA Airborne Data Link Recording (DLR) Rule –  North Atlantic Data Link Mandate (NAT DLM) –  European Data Link Services “Rule” (EC DLS IR)

•  But also there are “Data Link” Incentives –  Improves safety –  Enables application of performance-based separation minima –  Allows more efficient air traffic management operations

•  An additional capability – Satellite Voice (SATVOICE)