Overview of indirect dark matter detection Jae Ho HEO Theoretical High Energy group [email protected] Yonsei University 2012 Jindo Workshop, Sep. 20-23

Overview of indirect dark matter detection

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Overview of indirect dark matter detection. Jae Ho HEO Theoretical High Energy group [email protected] Yonsei University . 2012 Jindo Workshop, Sep. 20-23. Outlines. Introduction Relic abundance Indirect detections (positrons, antiprotons, photons) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Overview of indirect dark matter detection

Overview of indirect dark matter detection

Jae Ho HEO Theoretical High Energy group

[email protected] University

2012 Jindo Workshop, Sep. 20-23

Page 2: Overview of indirect dark matter detection


Jae Ho HEO 2

1. Introduction

2. Relic abundance

3. Indirect detections (positrons, antiprotons, photons)

4. Direct detections (annual modulation, iDM)

5. Triplet dark matter (no hypercharge Y=0, but weak charge SU(2) )

6. Future work

Heo, PRD 80, 033001 (2009)

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Jae Ho HEO 3

1930s ZwickyL. Bergstrom Rept. Prog. Phys 63, 793 (2000)

Galactic Rotation Curves

• Newtonian prediction expect velocity to fall across the galactic disk as mass density falls.

• Observed rotational curves not consistent with visible distribution of matter.

• Supports the view that galaxies are immersed in a halo of so-called dark matter.

• Appears to make up ~83% of mass in the Universe




N1)( 2



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World Composition(mass-energy density)

Nobody knows these

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Antimatters: rarely produced in astrophysical background.

Gamma rays: can transport freely long distance without energy loss or transmutations of the direction.

Dark matter particles can annihilate and create other particles relic abundance, indirect DM detection

Dark Matter Annihilation

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Jae Ho HEO 8

Relic density : Time evolution Boltzmann equation

Constant inverse freeze out temperature : xF~20-25 for 10 GeV<M <1000 GeV 25-… for M>1000 GeVThermal average for this annihilationP. Gondolo NP B360, 124 (1991)

WMAP data : 0.1097 < WCDMh2<0.1165 (at 3s)

WMAP Col. AJS 180, 330 (2009)

From Boltzman distribution considered relativityv~0.3 c

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Source for Cosmic Ray Signals

Jae Ho HEO 9

• Emissivity/energy at location x from GC Injected

particle spectra

DM density at location x(DM halo profile) : NFW, Moore, core Isothermal, Einasto

Boost factor

• Fluxes

Number of particles

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Jae Ho HEO 10

Boost factors• Subhalo structure : less than 10 or 20 at GH, it can be very large ~100(000) around GC

• Sommerfeld nonperturbative effect : non-relativistic velocity and a long-range

attractive force For a singe Abelian massless vector with potential

• Breit-Wigner resonance : In case that mediators have mass just below twice the DM

mass annihilation rates can be enhanced

22 (x) (x)

Sommerfeld enhancement factor: presentat 10~

out-freezeat 0.3~ velocityDM :



Cirelli et al., NPB 800, 204 (2008)

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Propagation of CRs

Particles, emitted by whatever process, must reach the detector (Earth) travelling through a medium with structure (the galaxy): interstellar gas, magnetic fieldWe have a standard diffusion model (Galprop) which assumes the galaxy is a flat cylinder with free scape at the boundaries

Space diffusion Energy loss Convective wind

Scattering in IS (H, He atoms)

Casse, Lemoine, Pelleetier, PRD 65, 023002 (2002)

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Two-Zone model



,0condition statesteady with thedensity number The



model. zone- twoain conditionsboundary and

Three propagation models : MIN, MED, MAX Correspond to minimal(MIN), medium (MED), maximum(MAX) antiproton fluxes.

Deliahaye et al., PRD 77, 063527 (2008)

L=3-20 kpc

h=0.1 kpc

R=20 kpc

8.5 kpc


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A model with magnetic dipoleHeo, Kim, arXiv:1207.1341

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Positrons• Predicted signals have

almost no difference in halo profiles or diffusion models.

• Predicted fractions exhibit rather sharp distribution at E~M, since our candidate can directly annihilate into electron-positron pair.

• Predicted signals with the boost factor, 30-80 nicely fit measurements of the PAMELA, Fermi LAT, etc

• We predict that an enhancement of 16 factor comes from Sommerfeld effect, and the rest 2-5 enhancements from the subhalo structure (dark clumps).

Solar modulation at low energies (<10 GeV)

Gleeson et al., Astropart. Phys. 154, 1011 (1968)

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Gamma-Rays from GH

• Almost no difference in the halo profiles

• Slightly touch EGRET anomaly

The predicted signals are within the current unobservable experimental constraint.

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• No difference in halo profiles

• Sensitive to the propagation models

• Viable in MIN propagation model

• Likely rule out for other propagation Models, MED and MAX

• The MED propagation parameters are in uncertainty of one order of magnitude.

• The MED propagation model might be viable, if we consider uncertainty of Propagation parameters.

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Gamma-Rays from around GC

Most complex regions in galaxy due to many possible sources : difficult to model the diffuse emission, and discriminate the DM annihilation signals from background.

Smoking-gun signatures : monochromatic gamma-ray lines

state final Zfor angle rgby Weingben suppressio Additional dipole magneticby Suppressed 4

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Jae Ho HEO


Signals from around GC• Predictions are

under experimental exclusion limits

100)(~t enhancemen subhalo a with explained becan

GeV 130 around mass DMat excess s/cm 103-1

analysis, tativerecent ten The327-

• The predicted signals are in the potential probe at the AMS-02 with the better experimental method (energy resolution 1.5-2%, Fermi LAT 11-13%).

C. Weniger, hep-ph/1205.2797E. Tempel, A. Hektor, M. Raidal,hep-ph/1205.1045

A. Kounine, astro-ph/1009.5349; http://ams.cern.ch.

Fermi. Col., astro-ph/1205.12739

s/cm 1010~ 32930

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Direct dark matter detection

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Normal dark matter (elastic scat-tering)

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Inelastic dark matter

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M=50 GeV M=100 GeV

M=300 GeV

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Triplet Dark Matter• Extend the SM with an exotic lepton triplet E per


• Anomaly constraints provide gauge charge of E

Heo, PRD 80, 033001 (2009)

Fermion gauge charges

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• There are no photon and Z boson couplings : This avoids direct detection constraint.

• Neutral and charged Es have mass splitting by radia-tive correction (~165 MeV)

:induce inelastic scattering for direct detection, but splitting is large -> also avoid direct detection con-straint.

I need consider indirect detection of this model

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Thanks for the atten-tion

Jae Ho HEO 25

Future Work

• Fermion triplet dark matter• Scalar triplet dark matter

• Neutrino Telescopes : We need the magnetic profile of the SUN