Overview of Child Health Nursing

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  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    Overview of Child Health Nursing

    Child Health Nursing

    Focuses on protecting children from

    illness and injury

    Assists children to obtain optimal levels of wellness

    Primary roles of the Pediatric Nurse

    Care provider



    Pediatric Health !tatistics

    "nfant #ortality


    Number of deaths per

    $%%% live births during $


    year of life&

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing



    "nfant mortality rate is an indicator of how healthy the nation is&


    'his rate is used to compare national health care to previousyears and to other



    'here has been a great decrease in the number of deaths overthe past century&

    "n $(()* +&( per $%% live births&

    Childhood #ortality

    For children older than one year* death rates have always been lessthan those for


    "n later adolescence* there is a sharp rise in deaths&

    "njuries, the leading -iller in childhood

    "njuries cause more death and disabilities in children than anydiseases&

    !ome e.amples include/


    #otor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death inchildren over $ year of



  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    #ajority of deaths are due to no use of seatbelts&

    0rowning is 1


    leading cause of death in boys $2$3, both se.es $4213years old& 0rowning is the 5


    leading cause of death for girls $2$3&

    6urns are the 1


    leading cause of death from injury in girls and the 5


    in boys from $2$3 years old&

    Childhood #orbidity 7"llness8

    An illness or injury that limits activity* re9uires medical attention orhospitali:ation*

    or results in a chronic condition&



    Congenital heart defects




    Cerebral Palsy


    Cystic Fibrosis

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    Concerned with helping to decrease these statistics as children missschool and

    other activities when ill&

    Advanced Practice roles for nurses in Child health nursing

    Family nurse practitioner

    Neonatal nurse practitioner

    Pediatric nurse practitioner

    Nurse midwife

    ;rowth and 0evelopment

    ;rowth / used to show an increase in

    physical si:e

    or a signi

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    0evelopment / >sed to denote an increase in

    s-ill or ability to

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    CN!* Cardiac develops 9uic-ly&

    ungs are typically the last to develop&

    0evelopment is



    which is the 5


    principle of ; @ 0& DHeadto toeE&

    0evelopment goes from

    pro.imal to distal*

    which is the 3



    .ample/ 0evelopment proceeds from gross to re

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing






    "nborn in all of us

    A way of reacting to the world around us

    eaction Patterns/

    Activity level


    evel of activity diBers widely among children



    Have a regular rhythm is physiologic terms



  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    Child?s response to a new situation



    "s the child able to adapt to new situationsG

    "ntensity of reaction


    Attention span and persistence

    #ood 9uality

    Categories of temperament

    'he DasyE Child


    asy to care for if they have predictable rhythmicity* approachand easily adapt to

    new situations* have a mild to moderateintensity of reaction* and an overall positive

    mood 9uality&


    3%24% of children fall into this category

    'he D0iIcultE child


  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    Children are DdiIcultE if irregular in habits* have negative mood9uality* and

    withdraw from new situations


    $% of children

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    As a child normally develops somewhat predictably in growth andphysical

    development* he also matures emotionally* intellectually* andspiritually along

    certain paths&


    ri-son?s theory of Psychosocial development

    Piaget?s theory of cognitive development

    Johlberg?s theory of #oral development

    Text Mode Text version of the exam

    1. The nurse is caring for a male client with a chest tube. If the chest drainage system isaccidentally disconnected, what should the nurse plan to do?

    A. lace the end of the chest tube in a container of sterile saline.

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    !. Apply an occlusive dressing and notify the physician.

    ". "lamp the chest tube immediately.

    #. $ecure the chest tube with tape.

    %. A male elderly client is admitted to an acute care facility with influen&a. The nurse monitorsthe client closely for complications. 'hat is the most common complication of influen&a?

    A. $epticemia

    !. neumonia

    ". (eningitis

    #. ulmonary edema

    ). A female client has a tracheostomy but doesn*t re+uire continuous mechanical ventilation.

    'hen weaning the client from the tracheostomy tube, the nurse initially should plug the openingin the tube for

    A. 1- to / seconds.

    !. - to %/ minutes.

    ". )/ to 0/ minutes.

    #. 0- to / minutes.

    0. ina, a home health nurse is visiting a home care client with advanced lung cancer. 2ponassessing the client, the nurse discovers whee&ing, bradycardia, and a respiratory rate of 1/

    breaths3minute. These signs are associated with which condition?

    A. 4ypoxia

    !. #elirium

    ". 4yperventilation

    #. $emiconsciousness

    -. A male client with uillain5!arr6 syndrome develops respiratory acidosis as a result of

    reduced alveolar ventilation. 'hich combination of arterial blood gas 7A!8 values confirms

    respiratory acidosis?

    A. p4, -./9 a":% )/ mm 4g

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    !. p4, ;.0/9 a":% )- mm 4g

    ". p4, ;.)-9 a":% 0/ mm 4g

    #. p4, ;.%-9 a":% -/ mm 4g

    . A female client with interstitial lung disease is prescribed prednisone 7#eltasone8 to controlinflammation. #uring client teaching, the nurse stresses the importance of ta. A male client abruptly sits up in bed, reports having difficulty breathing and has an arterial

    oxygen saturation of >>. 'hich mode of oxygen delivery would most li

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    A. Immediately before a meal

    !. At least % hours after a meal

    ". 'hen bronchospasms occur

    #. 'hen secretions have mobili&ed

    1/. :n arrival at the intensive care unit, a critically ill female client suffers respiratory arrest andis placed on mechanical ventilation. The physician orders pulse oximetry to monitor the client*s

    arterial oxygen saturation 7$a:%8 noninvasively. 'hich vital sign abnormality may alter pulse

    oximetry values?

    A. ever

    !. Tachypnea

    ". Tachycardia

    #. 4ypotension

    11. The nurse is caring for a male client who recently underwent a tracheostomy. The first

    priority when caring for a client with a tracheostomy is

    A. helping him communicate.


  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    !. residual volume.

    ". vital capacity.

    #. dead5space volume.

    10. A male client with pneumonia develops respiratory failure and has a partial pressure ofarterial oxygen of -- mm 4g. 4e*s placed on mechanical ventilation with a fraction of inspired

    oxygen 7I:%8 of /.B. The nursing goal should be to reduce the I:% to no greater than

    A. /.%1

    !. /.)-

    ". /.-

    #. /.;

    1-. @urse (ic

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    ". ;.-/ to ;./

    #. ;.-- to ;.-

    1>. !efore weaning a male client from a ventilator, which assessment parameter is most

    important for the nurse to review?

    A. luid inta

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    ". 2se of cooling blan

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    !. % to - mcg3ml

    ". - to 1/ mcg3ml

    #. 1/ to %/ mcg3ml

    %. A male client is to receive I.. vancomycin 7ancocin8. 'hen preparing to administer thisdrug, the nurse should . At 11 p.m., a male client is admitted to the emergency department. 4e has a respiratory rateof 00 breaths3minute. 4e*s anxious, and whee&es are audible. The client is immediately given

    oxygen by face mas< and methylprednisolone 7#epo5medrol8 I.. At 11)/ p.m., the client*s

    arterial blood oxygen saturation is > and he*s still whee&ing. The nurse should plan toadminister

    A. alpra&olam 7Janax8.

    !. propranolol 7Inderal8

    ". morphine.

    #. albuterol 7roventil8.

    %B. ulmonary disease 7":#8, which nursing action best promotes ade+uate gas exchange?

    A. Cncouraging the client to drin< three glasses of fluid daily

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    !. Heeping the client in semi5owler*s position

    ". 2sing a high5flow enturi mas< to deliver oxygen as prescribed

    #. Administering a sedative as prescribed

    )/. @urse Foana is teaching a client with emphysema how to perform pursed5lip breathing. Theclient as

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    mental confusion characteri&ed by disorientation to time and place. 4yperventilation

    7respiratory rate greater than that metabolically necessary for gas exchange8 is mar

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    1%. Answer C. "ontrolled coughing helps maintain a patent airway by helping to mobili&e

    and remove secretions. A moderate fluid inta to /.%1.

    1-. Answer B. A positive reaction means the client has been exposed to T!9 it isn*t

    conclusive of the presence of active disease. A positive reaction consists of palpable

    swelling and induration of - to 1- mm. It can be read 0> to ;% hours after the inDection. In

    clients with positive reactions, further studies are usually done to rule out active disease.In immunosuppressed clients, a negative reaction doesn*t exclude the presence of active


    1. Answer A.In a client with emphysema, albuterol is used as a bronchodilator. Arespiratory rate of %% breaths3minute indicates that the drug has achieved its therapeutic

    effect because fewer respirations are re+uired to achieve oxygenation. Albuterol has no

    effect on pupil reaction or urine output. It may cause a change in the heart rate, but this isan adverse, not therapeutic, effect.

    1;. Answer B.A p4 less than ;.)- is indicative of acidosis9 a p4 above ;.0- indicates

    al. Answer B. !efore weaning a client from mechanical ventilation, it*s most important to

    have baseline A! levels. #uring the weaning process, A! levels will be chec

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    %/. Answer C. The most significant and direct indicator of the effectiveness of oxygen

    therapy is the a:% value. !ased on the a:% value, the nurse may adDust the type of

    oxygen delivery 7cannula, venturi mas

  • 7/25/2019 Overview of Child Health Nursing


    respirations8 don*t cause excessive ":% loss. (yasthenia gravis and narcotic overdose

    suppress the respiratory drive, causing ":% retention, not ":% loss9 this may lead to

    respiratory acidosis, not al. Answer D. The client is hypoxemic because of bronchoconstriction as evidenced by

    whee&es and a subnormal arterial oxygen saturation level. The client*s greatest need isbronchodilation, which can be accomplished by administering bronchodilators. Albuterol

    is a beta% adrenergic agonist, which causes dilation of the bronchioles. It*s given bynebuli&ation or metered5dose inhalation and may be given as often as every )/ to /

    minutes until relief is accomplished. Alpra&olam is an anxiolytic and central nervous

    system depressant, which could suppress the client*s breathing. ropranolol iscontraindicated in a client who*s whee&ing because it*s a beta% adrenergic antagonist.

    (orphine is a respiratory center depressant and is contraindicated in this situation.

    %B. Answer C. The client with ":# retains carbon dioxide, which inhibits stimulation of

    breathing by the medullary center in the brain. As a result, low oxygen levels in the blood

    stimulate respiration, and administering unspecified, unmonitored amounts of oxygenmay depress ventilation. To promote ade+uate gas exchange, the nurse should use a

    enturi mas< to deliver a specified, controlled amount of oxygen consistently andaccurately. #rin