33®e«ewst-j I •- '-i. V ' •t v r * V A t U ftCA'> iV / <5r f:v - '•'."•$; »' - * *;&' 3 v * ^ ,'; * r-sj * - t *• ' J it E , 5* *-*?"• 'X- VOL. S1SSKT;>N, ROBKKTS COUNTY, S. D. .JANUARY 2(i, UXH>. -No. 30 *• * * * * * I * * * * * v*v, -;.•.. ;•'' v; 4K':\.• vrvl-•.»• v>-X**;v-X*v>v.-*X**X-v>\ f S oi-' «i»s«2T<>>.. p. t>. SO LI <'ITS Your an-dimr, assuring: yn every ]»'^iI> 1«' liberality that is in keeping with ti'ood business. Let us he!]> you to take rare of |>art of your < .: nn^s, Small ai'Hiiinrs are welcomed oy Swutl &t bt of §>w&tt&n most del i{_ r li1 ful time was had at i hy t lie I lode-Fisiv-. i.M ehc-t ra at tIn: the ton .nightly mcr nig' of the cnicli ! opera house. Feb. 1st promis.- to lie i dub held in Cd! wii's hall last, j the i-vent. of the month. The dance v isi>tant bish.1,1 ill >ont,h Dakota, vis- i lied .Sisselim yesterday with Rev. '1 rami I lor I he IIrst tune, ami a re- .jMKWtNWMrnrarM ( S*~~) ) / •• J «-aSaa* ' ///s <> f j'-" .u/y f <-• r J « r- . f rk.J r ,< 'S/fJJ £ V '% ; : Leading Business College of the Northwest S TRONGEST F ACULTY. JAR-GKST ;\TTKNI»ANCK.; K INKKT L OCATION AND K QUIPVKNT. tm> * UOOKKKEI'lMi; COURSE: Bookkeeping. Ant hii:rl.c. litis-' incss Practice. Vcninunsliip. Comincreiitl I.aw. Oilier Wi it. ftr. SHORTHAND COL'USE: Oi-irgg s liorilnunl. L'.ruiini:;.r. Cor-: vespondenee, Touch Typewriting, Spelling. Miiin'.ii'iapl ir.;:. etc. TEACHERS COUKKK : All the raiuirctisom* of ;i Teacher's First Grade Suite Ct'i tili'-;il.e. COMBINATION COtJItSh : Shonhimi course '..'oiiiplt-te ami L'iivt of RookUccjiinir. PHEPAltATOHY COUItSH: Arithmetic. Reading. I'ciiimm ship. Grammar. Spellin;,'. Correspondence. etc. C1V1I. SERVICE COI'KSK. .">• Mt: fKl'Hjr'.M.I.!-'.]• FKATI'ISKS* <">K OU1J SCHOOL (>: i ii.T ii] locul ion etcibli.- ' s MI luimsli out of M.wi! M.tui- ( nls w.il; L-'-'Cii board ami looin Ifif per wci lc. _. W'v furiii-li all ln:<ik:«:iiul sii|»plius KISKK thus ^ayiiig "«v sunU'iils I'ri.-ni M - *.o ^2': 011 a. cour-* of sludy. :i.-\Vi' ass:)-'' oui KraclU'.itis to positions. \v ( ; sci -, .ri- posiiions for our -Onlriits to work /or board and room -when d< '-ired, r».- Wo jihi.'c im.i'i: stuOi-n!- in pnymj-- petitions 11);in an oil:i-riliM e . s eon l :i.nd. ti.--ThisCOl'.« (,•« is p.'- : i ' i'i>'ed tiy'ihi' 1-eM. eliigs el yniinapeopi' Meiitio.li tliispapi r ar.u -.vrite l'orotir handsome Free I'vv-peeUis RUCIi A BDVCK, ' :iii5 eKNTHAL A V ION I' Iv MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. Wednesday uiylil. The hostesses of the evening were Me- lames ,\. \V . Tower, Thomas. Tnoison and Ta)i- lin Tin.' informal hop K r iven by tiie daueiuy elub at the opera house 1 asi 1-Tida.t eveniji^ attended by a yuofll.y crowd am; all repoi't. an en joyahle time. H v> >r | ;'I'iiere was a iiiI't.hday pari y at the'j home of Mr. ami Mr-. A. I'. Monde ; las; Friday evenntL!. tin: oceasion be- iiifz I lie annivers.iry of A I'. s en- trance m(o this vide.of ! e.ii's V; : tV -w j Troop are arraiitfinn to put a Mrs. W. K. MOM ;s assisted by .Mrs. I nnns|.r»:l show on the boards in the II. S Morris will i niertaMi tin 1 ladies j near future and it, is safe to say thai Aid Sosiet.y of (he Presbyterian they will «ivo an entertainment that is an invitation alTair and tickets are S.i.OO a throw. It is expertcd that H.e elite and beauty of Sisset-tm will be in evidence that evening. , -V- A>- Q- j About 2f> people met at the res- i idence ol llowaro Hahr.i>CK last even- ' IIIJ: lor tin 1 pre) unina i v prac.tic in (he | opera, Pmatoiv. which will be put. on | in lite near luture by the ladies of the Presbyterian aid society . K- V flu, regular meet inn of iii.- lOp.seo- I pil uuild will lie held it the home of I Mrs. .1. ,1. llatterton next Wednes- . . . mm,-. ception was ^iven oiilld at t he home ol hv the church Mrs. .1 .1. Pat- Church at a te'a next Weanestlay afternoon. it Hr •£ The coneeri, and dance to be tfiven will be highly appreciated by lovers of minstrelsy. it -ir rite. lit. llev. L. l-\ .bjhnson. as- terton. at winch time the bishop was lornially preseni ed to the trieiuis of the church. I he meinbers ol the church were well represented ai. the rec.epiion and a most, deliolitlul time was had. Hrfreshments were served. The bishop is a very pleasant, tfen-. tle'inan and won a warm place in the l hearts ol the people, who met, Inin. i Anions the visilm# from out of town who participated was Ke\. llobinson of the lOplseopal mission at the iiircQ- cy. Pisiiop iohnson was lece.i.tly, contmissioned b\' t he House of Pish- ops of i lie Kpiseopal church at Hisnop Mare s request tn assist I)lm in [lie \> in U in Miutli l>ai\(ita which has ;it,sumeil proportions lieyond the strength of one man to care fro, T'ie I bishop held services in (iuild hall Thursday evening, assisieti l»v I lev. Tragi! I. .1. UOSS. VICE-l'*nu: A. 1). I'ARTSON. CASH IEK. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Reservation. State Bank, ,oi Sisseton, South Dakota. i'iie oidoM Uaiikh)^ house la .Si^ct^ii). Ktirm . - y am) City Losins iiuidc. ^'olluctions a SpeciiiHy, Insur- •' \ , iiuce WrUten. We Uo a general bunking business.. Vour Patronage Ss Sollcitetl« F~ R E: S H - HASH I .J your dvtn reasons why show yon. age to lind out. tic (Jive them a ehan ee to i'he > TANDA iu> for j(-b print mo. Miss [eloy Parmetpr went to Peever and back to-day on business for the 1'cover- < Joahani Co . STANDARD ADS BRING RESULTS T«AD£ NiARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sen-Hn^ a skolrh nnd ^oscrcption may qnlcicly ascerlain our opinion free Tvnethar an invont'ion is probnbly patcnt;iMo.. I'onmiunica- tionsptrictlycontldc ntial. HANDBOOK on Patents sent froe. <»hU»3t naencv mr M^*«rin^r patents. Tatcnts taken throueh Munn & Co. rccelvc spirial n~'tice t without charge, in the Scientific Emerjcaii. A handsomely illustrated "wookiv. l/irtiest c!r- cu'alion of any ^rjcntitlc j«)urual. Terms, $3 a vear: four moritb8»^L Sold byj>U newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 3G,Broadwa * New York Branch OHIee, 625 F St., WaFhincton, D. C. Win. IvoepKe. one ol' 'lie sui-stau i nal farmers liviuy nortl'o ast cil iown:i « was a eali-r at this mike vesferdavi Tin- infant, daughter of Mr. and sei his subscription ahead a year. | 1 '• Axness was H inel yest.erday out is now be tier y'-J a nil sick have inolher bargain dav riiursday, Kehi'iiary I, at. which tune we hope to add even more names than we d d on Wednesda-i . •• , No Man Ever Went Broke ON: Over -Production of Facts Recolleet how'the minister used to claw the specs off his nose, swing them 'round and 'round his finger"for a moment, then say: "Brethren, before we-commence the service, I have an announcement to make." That was when you were a very small boy, but you "sat up and took notice." (HUBeforeiwe^get down to business, we have an announcement to make. We want 1000 new subscribers-and in order to get them we are going to start out with a bargain day which will be , THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1. Any new subscriber can get the paper on that day and date only at 75 cents for a yeai—just one-half the regular price. This ought to be inducement sufficient but|there are other reasons why you should be a subscriber to T HE S ISSETON S TANDARD, it*prints all the news while itis news, without fear, favor or prejudice "•"""liAdvertising ought to be truth boiled down solid; canned information. Any adulteration is labor and raw material lost. Therefore we try to be truth- » t ful in-oiir statements. "The Best Paper on Earth" style of argument is feeble with age. There's bad air in the can and the can is bulged out at the ends. A ii papers are strictly the best or else, as Loyal* Letts, the cowboy, says, a big bunch of unbranded liars are still running at large, having escaped the round- But the STANDARD is really the best—we admit it. Selecting a paper is The otlier|fellow charges the S TANDARD and judge is now the national up. like trading horses; it pays to do your own thinking too much when you let him do it for you. for yourself whether or not we make good, war cry, and the paper speaks for itself. Look <*vei "Show me All tile owners of ic:e houses in! Sisseton are improving the cold I weather bv putting up their harvest (>f cotpjc.iied avuia iMini and from present indications there will not be a repetition of last year's ice famine in Sisseton. • • A council ot the Indians of the Sisseton and '.Vahpeton band, was held iti this city on Tuesday to con- sider the pioposed bill of Senator Gamble, whieh contemplates the sep- arating of money belonging to Indi- ans from the tribal fund and making individnal accounts of ali monies due tribe under any past treaties. •Tis said that one of the reformers and bright lights of the Sons of Temperance went home the other night a trifle late with a beautiful sosh on, trying to reconcile a pair of round feet with an embroidered side walk and anon, if not oftener. emit- ting a war whoop that would make a Sisseton Sioux green with etivj^, or yelling like a catamount with ap- pendicitis. Great is reform. • • • Judge J.' J. Batterton, of Sisseton, spent. Mondav in this city taking testimony as referee in the case of Andrew G. Dunlop, of Minneapolis, vs N«ttie A. Sanders, of Summit, in proceedings supplementary to execu- tion. Attorney George S. Grimes, of Minnoapolis, Jand Judge S. S. Lock- hart, of this city appeared for the plaintiff, and Attorney George S. Rix for the defendant.—Grfint Co. Review. M. D .MeR'iirv.special agent ot the Interior departmen was in the city Wednesday looking after the in- terests of the government in several matters. Mr. MeEu1ry\s headquart-- ci» .itc at Fargo and lie has charge of the: jjoyernmet.it,s interests in North Dakota and all of South Dakota except the Blaok,Mills district. Mine. Most Kairchild of the SI. I iIubeiT, at. Milhank and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were Sisseton visitors to-day i' K/kint; 'over the town but Mr. Fair- child assumed us he had no designs on the city. • • - E. K. Toftun was brought before Justice Croal on the 23d day of Jan- uary. on a complaint cbargicg him with striking "the person of Mrs. Mary Toftun, thereby injuring her and causing her much pain,'' the said Mrs. Mary Toftun btjjng the law- ful wife of the said E. K. Toftun. ITc was given $40 line, in default of which a twenty days sentence in the county jail to repent, ol bis rash act. • • In 1906 no holidays will occur Sunday. nNew Year's day was on Monday, Washington's birthday on Thursday, Memorial day on Wednes- day, Independence day on Wednes- day and Labcr day >n Monday. Other special days are Valentine's day on Wednesday, Hallowe'en on Wednesday, Thanksgiving, Nov. 29, and Christmas on Tuesday. There will be only one eclipse, that of the moon, visible in this locality during the year This will be at midnight on Feb. 8. The eclipse will be total, and it the weather is clear and the sleighing goo j there will be a for- midable excuse for staying out a little late. Kcsuliiii? Ikooin. , The ladies of the literary society who have been working tin the read- j ing room project, have not, met wit.lii the encouragement they deserve, and j it has been decided to have a com-; mitt.ee made up of delegates Iroiu the I young peoples societies o! each ol the ; church societies and let them can-? vass the matter. The people should; give this project their hearty sup- ; port. <i!ood Seed Lectures- Members of the faculties of lead- ing western Agricultural Colleges will !_ r ive free lectures on "good seed" an. i 'ing here Tuesday January 30i i5 p.m.'iria special traiu prn\ med for that purpose by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way. JMI those interested in agric- ulture are cordially invited. See ticket agent tor further information > regarding the "Good Seed" special train. K. A. Miller. General Pas- senger Agent. It LOW RATES TO COLORADO The Sisseton Off ice u n der Post Office Standard Sisseton, S. D Father O'lJoro, of Parker, was a visitor in the city Tuesday and 1 Wednesday in the interests of the Catholic Ordor of Foresters. A. C iiirt, is being organized in Sisseton and Dr. Bobb has been selected as medical examiner. Father O'Horo expects to return in a couple of weeks to complete the organization . • • • Patronize our advertisers. It will mean mobev in your pocket. Every advertiser believes bis good6 to be ubs li68t for the ruouey. If not be wouldn't be advertising. It is to \',vc | •• ?' v..-_ Pun' Seed Train- The pure seed train that is being sent over the state will be in Sis- seton on Tuesday afternoon at 4:15 p. m. aud remain for one hour. The opera house has baen donated for the occasion and all farmers who are in- terested m the discussion of the pure seed ov-^iioi)--and they all shouli^ 1 be-aru invited come out and hear the interesting lectures of Prol. Cole and Prof. Whueler of t he South Da kota. Agricultural college. A supply of Agricultural Bulletins will be dis- tributed free. Ami Return—Chicago, Milwaukee & St- Paul Railway- One fare plus $2.00 to J)enver, <Col- orado Springs or Pueblo and return, account Annual Convention National Live Stock Association at Denver. January 29 to February 3. Tickets will be on sale January 27, 28 aud 29 and will be limited for return to February 15. Liberal stop-overs al- lowed going and returning Ask nea-est ticket agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Sr. Paul Railway for further information or write today to F. A. Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. It Pays To A«1 vertii^- ln order to demonstrate that it pays to advertise we placed an ad- vertisement on the lirso page of the STANDARD last Friday offering special inducements for new subscrib- ers on Wednesday of this week only and on tbat day as result of the ad- vertisement inserted only once, we added thirt'y-oDe new names to our list. So' wet! satisfied are WB witb the result that we have concluded to Heal Kstate Transfers. (This list furnished by courtosy of ttie •SiSBeton l.o.'m :incl Tilli? Co, a fomplcte list, will .Ik; printed cuoh week.) .IANCAKY 18, Ktnimi N. Aitinol *.o A ma O. Sjorven, lot 1-t block 2. Kehhorgs A<hlii,lon .summit. ."Hi'tO, i.'arl 10. Kasl< le Ji.lm Te'len. o;i rnv 1 /, and lots l and » mjc 1!) i»s IS. #3X1)0. ole Trulson to Miliireil Gorructi, sw',< seo .'12- l^.-'-.'il. $.'«*>, ... _ JANTTAKY IN. liilwiinl N. israulsmi io Geo. f* OnsttuI, strip VJ rods wide olT the north end of nw'4 sw'.i sec 17 18-1-58. fiSl. Henry K. I<mason t a Herman Unset n\vj£ see .T,-iai-50. f-IOOt). •lA.NI'Att.Y 20. IV'ler I j . Hilluml t.n A. J. Norby, sc'i sec27«- li7.r>l. 84500 I-uolla l-'ie to W. "V. Marble. mtorest in sw'4 sec 17-120-49, J24UO. Asle Swonson to I^c.vls Otto, '/t interest in e54 nw5i nee ICuud i:U swlj, a'/i se!4«ec 9-122- 48. 12800. •$, ,4 *1 - i 1 U'.. I ;}}#0 -j j . ^ lb r f >*• ^ X- 1 Mi A masque carnival will, be held at th|l|||l4M)IV nnk this evening,. All uulttH Muit^d'ftee. >• Jtv

Over-Production of Facts - Chronicling America · C1V1I. SERVICE COI'KSK. .">• Mt: fKl'Hjr'.M.I.!-'.]• ... • it -ir rite. lit. llev. L. l-\ .bjhnson. as-terton. at winch time

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Page 1: Over-Production of Facts - Chronicling America · C1V1I. SERVICE COI'KSK. .">• Mt: fKl'Hjr'.M.I.!-'.]• ... • it -ir rite. lit. llev. L. l-\ .bjhnson. as-terton. at winch time



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• VOL. l» • S1SSKT;>N, ROBKKTS COUNTY, S. D. .JANUARY 2(i, UXH>. -No. 30

*• * * * * *

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oi-' «i»s«2T<>>.. p. t>. SO L I < ' I T S Y o u r a n - d i m r , a s s u r i n g : y n e v e r y ] » ' ^ i I > 1 « ' l i b e r a l i t y

t h a t i s i n k e e p i n g w i t h t i ' o o d b u s i n e s s . L e t u s h e ! ] > y o u t o

t a k e r a r e o f | > a r t o f y o u r < . : n n ^ s , S m a l l a i ' H i i i n r s a r e w e l c o m e d

oy Swutl &t bt of §>w&tt&n

most del i{_ r l i1 ful t ime was had at i hy t l ie I lode-Fisiv-. i.M ehc-t ra at tIn: the ton .nightly mcr nig' of the cnicli ! opera house. Feb. 1st promis.- to lie

i dub held in Cd! wii's hall last, j the i-vent. of the month. The dance

v isi>tant bish.1,1 il l >ont,h Dakota, vis-i l ied .Sisselim yesterday with Rev.

'1 rami I lor I he IIrst tune, ami a re-


( S*~~) ) / •• J — «-aSaa* —

' ///s <> f j'-" .u/y f <-• r J • « r- . • f rk.J r ,< 'S/fJJ £ V '%;:


tm> *

UOOKKKEI'lMi; COURSE: Bookkeeping. Ant hii:rl .c. l it is-' incss Practice. Vcninunsliip. Comincreiitl I .aw. Oilier Wi it . ftr. SHORTHAND COL'USE: Oi-irgg s l iorilnunl. L'.ruiini:;.r. Cor-: vespondenee, Touch Typewriting, Spelling. Miiin'. i i ' iapl ir.;: . etc. TEACHERS COUKKK : All the raiuirctisom* of ;i Teacher's First Grade Suite Ct'i t i l i '-;i l .e. COMBINATION COtJItSh : Shonhimi course '. . 'oii iplt-te ami L'iivt of RookUccjiinir.

PHEPAltATOHY COUItSH: Arithmetic. Reading. I'cii imm • ship. Grammar. Spellin;,' . Correspondence. etc. C1V1I. SERVICE COI'KSK.

.">• Mt: fKl'Hjr'.M.I.!-' .]• FKATI'ISKS* <">K OU1J SCHOOL (>: i i i .T i i] locul ion etcibli .- ' s MI luimsli out of M.wi! M.tui-

( nls w.il; L-'-'Cii board ami looin Ifif per wci lc. _. W'v furiii-l i all ln:<ik:«:iiul si i |»plius KISKK thus ^ayiiig "«v

sunU'iils I'ri .-ni M - *.o ^2': 011 a. cour-* of sludy. :i .- \Vi' ass:)-' ' oui KraclU'.itis to positions.

\v (; sci - , .ri- posiiions for our -Onlriits to work /or board and room -when d< '- ired,

r».- Wo jihi. 'c im.i'i: stuOi-n!- in pnymj-- petitions 11);in an oil:i-ril iM e . s eon l : i .nd.

ti .--ThisCOl'.« (,•« i s p.'- : i ' i' i>'ed tiy'ihi' 1-eM. eli igs el yniinapeopi' Meiitio.l i t l i ispapi r ar.u -.vrite l 'orotir handsome Free I'vv-peeUis

R U C I i A B D V C K , ' :iii5 e K N T H A L A V I O N I ' Iv MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.

Wednesday uiylil . The hostesses of the evening were Me- lames , \ . \V . Tower, Thomas. Tnoison and Ta)i-l in

Tin.' informal hop Kr iven by ti ie

daueiuy elub at the opera house 1 asi 1-Tida.t eveniji^ attended by a yuofll .y crowd am; all repoi't . an en joyahle time.

H v> >r |

;'I'i iere was a ii iI't .hday pari y at the'j home of Mr. ami Mr-. A. I'. Monde ; las; Friday evenntL!. t in: oceasion be-iiifz I l ie annivers.iry of A I' . s en­trance m(o this vide.of ! e. i i 's

V; : • tV -w j Troop are arraiitfinn to put a Mrs. W. K. MOM ;s assisted by .Mrs. I nnns| .r»:l show on the boards in the

II. S Morris will i niertaMi tin1 ladies j near future and it, is safe to say thai Aid Sosiet.y of (he Presbyterian they will «ivo an entertainment that

is an invitation alTair and tickets are S.i .OO a throw. It is expertcd that H.e elite and beauty of Sisset-tm will be in evidence that evening.

, -V- A>- Q-j About 2f> people met at the res-i idence ol l lowaro Hahr.i>CK last even-' IIIJ: lor tin1 pre) unina i v prac.tic in (he | opera, Pmatoiv. which will be put. on | in l ite near luture by the ladies of

the Presbyterian aid society .

K- V flu, regular meet inn of ii i .- lOp.seo-

I pil uuild will l ie held it the home of I Mrs. .1. ,1. l latterton next Wednes-

. . . mm,-.

ception was ^iven oiil ld at t he home ol

hv the church Mrs. .1 .1. Pat-

Church at a te'a next Weanestlay afternoon.

it Hr •£ • The coneeri, and dance to be tfiven

will be highly appreciated by lovers of minstrelsy.

• it -ir

rite. l it . l lev. L. l-\ .bjhnson. as-

terton. at winch time the bishop was lornially preseni ed to the trieiuis of the church. I he meinbers ol the church were well represented ai. the rec.epiion and a most, deliolitlul t ime was had. Hrfreshments were served. The bishop is a very pleasant, tfen-. tle'inan and won a warm place in the

l hearts ol the people, who met, Inin.

i Anions the visilm# from out of town who participated was Ke\. l lobinson of the lOplseopal mission at the iiircQ-cy. Pisiiop iohnson was lece.i .t ly, contmissioned b\' t he House of Pish-ops of i l ie Kpiseopal church at Hisnop Mare s request tn assist I)lm in [l ie \> in U in Miutli l>ai\(ita which has ;it ,sumeil proportions lieyond the strength of one man to care fro, T'ie

I bishop held services in (iuild hall • Thursday evening, assisieti l»v I lev. Tragi! I.

.1 . UOSS. VICE-l'*nu: A. 1) . I 'ARTSON. CASH IEK. 60 YEARS'


Reservation. State Bank, ,oi Sisseton, South Dakota.

i ' i ie oidoM Uaiikh)^ house la .Si^ct^ii) . Ktirm . - y am) City Losins i iuidc. ^'olluctions a SpeciiiHy, Insur-

•' \ • , i iuce WrUten. We Uo a general bunking business. .

Vour Patronage Ss Sollcitetl«

F ~ R E : S H - H A S H I .J

your dvtn reasons why show yon.

age to lind out. t ic (Jive them a ehan ee to

i 'he >T A N D A iu> for j(-b print mo. Miss [eloy Parmetpr went to Peever and back to-day on business for the 1'cover- < Joahani Co .



COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sen-Hn^ a skolrh nnd ̂ oscrcption may

qnlcicly ascerlain our opinion free Tvnethar an invont'ion is probnbly patcnt;iMo.. I'onmiunica-tionsptrictlycontldc ntial. HANDBOOK on Patents sent froe. <»hU»3t naencv mr M^*«rin^r patents.

Tatcnts taken throueh Munn & Co. rccelvc spir ia l n~ ' t ice t without charge, in the Scientific Emerjcaii. A handsomely il lustrated "wookiv. l / irtiest c!r-cu'alion of any ^rjcntitlc j«)urual. Terms, $3 a vear: four moritb8»^L Sold byj>U newsdealers.

MUNN & Co.3G,Broadwa* New York Branch OHIee, 625 F St. , WaFhincton, D. C.

Win. IvoepKe. one ol' ' l ie sui-stau i nal farmers l iviuy nortl'o ast cil iown:i • « • was a eali-r at this mike vesferdavi Tin- infant, daughter of Mr. and sei his subscription ahead a year. | 1 '• Axness was H i n e l

yest.erday out is now be tier y'-J

a nil sick

have inolher bargain dav riiursday, Kehi'i iary I, at. which tune we hope to add even more names than we d d on Wednesda-i . •• ,

No Man Ever Went Broke ON:

Over-Production of Facts Recolleet how'the minister used to claw the specs off his nose, swing

them'round and 'round his finger"for a moment, then say: "Brethren, before

we-commence the service, I have an announcement to make." That was when

you were a very small boy, but you "sat up and took notice."

(HUBeforeiwe^get down to business, we have an announcement to make. We

want 1000 new subscribers-and in order to get them we are going to start out

with a bargain day which will be ,

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1. Any new subscriber can get the paper on that day and date only at 75 cents for

a yeai—just one-half the regular price. This ought to be inducement sufficient

but|there are other reasons why you should be a subscriber to THE SISSETON

STANDARD, it*prints all the news while itis news, without fear, favor or prejudice

"•"""liAdvertising ought to be truth boiled down solid; canned information.

Any adulteration is labor and raw material lost. Therefore we try to be truth-» t

ful in-oiir statements. "The Best Paper on Earth" style of argument is feeble

with age. There's bad air in the can and the can is bulged out at the ends. A ii

papers are strictly the best or else, as Loyal* Letts, the cowboy, says, a big

bunch of unbranded liars are still running at large, having escaped the round-

But the STANDARD is really the best—we admit it. Selecting a paper is

The otlier|fellow charges

the STANDARD and judge

is now the national

up. like trading horses; it pays to do your own thinking

too much when you let him do it for you.

for yourself whether or not we make good,

war cry, and the paper speaks for itself.

Look <*vei

"Show me

All ti le owners of ic:e houses in! Sisseton are improving the cold I weather bv putting up their harvest (>f cotpjc.i ied avuia iMini and from present indications there will not be a repetition of last year's ice famine in Sisseton.

• • •

A council ot the Indians of the Sisseton and '.Vahpeton band, was held iti this city on Tuesday to con­sider the pioposed bill of Senator Gamble, whieh contemplates the sep­arating of money belonging to Indi­ans from the tribal fund and making individnal accounts of ali monies due tribe under any past treaties.

• • •

•Tis said that one of the reformers and bright l ights of the Sons of Temperance went home the other night a trifle late with a beautiful sosh on, trying to reconcile a pair of round feet with an embroidered side walk and anon, if not oftener. emit­ting a war whoop that would make a Sisseton Sioux green with etivj^, or yelling like a catamount with ap­pendicitis. Great is reform.

• • • Judge J.' J. Batterton, of Sisseton,

spent. Mondav in this city taking testimony as referee in the case of Andrew G. Dunlop, of Minneapolis, vs N«ttie A. Sanders, of Summit, in proceedings supplementary to execu­tion. Attorney George S. Grimes, of Minnoapolis, Jand Judge S. S. Lock-hart, of this city appeared for the plaintiff , and Attorney George S. Rix for the defendant.—Grfint Co. Review.

• • • M. D .MeR'iirv.special agent ot

the Interior departmen was in the

city Wednesday looking after the in­terests of the government in several matters. Mr. MeEu1ry\s headquart--ci» . itc at Fargo and lie has charge of the: jjoyernmet.it ,s interests in North Dakota and all of South Dakota except the Blaok,Mills district.

Mine. Most Kairchild of the SI. I iIubeiT, at. Milhank and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were Sisseton visitors to-day i' K/kint; 'over the town but Mr. Fair-child assumed us he had no designs on the city.

• • • - • • •

E. K. Toftun was brought before Justice Croal on the 23d day of Jan­uary. on a complaint cbargicg him with striking "the person of Mrs. Mary Toftun, thereby injuring her and causing her much pain,'' the said Mrs. Mary Toftun btjjng the law­ful wife of the said E. K. Toftun. ITc was given $40 line, in default of which a twenty days sentence in the county jail to repent, ol bis rash act.

• • •

In 1906 no holidays will occur Sunday. nNew Year's day was on Monday, Washington's birthday on Thursday, Memorial day on Wednes­day, Independence day on Wednes­day and Labcr day >n Monday. Other special days are Valentine's day on Wednesday, Hallowe'en on Wednesday, Thanksgiving, Nov. 29, and Christmas on Tuesday. There will be only one eclipse, that of the moon, visible in this locality during the year This will be at midnight on Feb. 8. The eclipse will be total, and it the weather is clear and the sleighing goo j there will be a for­midable excuse for staying out a little late.

Kcsulii i i? Ikooin. ,

The ladies of the literary society who have been working tin the read- j

ing room project, have not, met wit.l i i the encouragement they deserve, and

j i t has been decided to have a com-; mitt.ee made up of delegates Iroiu the I young peoples societies o! each ol the ; church societies and let them can-? vass the matter. The people should; give this project their hearty sup- ; port.

<i!ood Seed Lectures-

Members of the faculties of lead­ing western Agricultural Colleges will !_ r ive free lectures on "good seed" an. i ' ing here Tuesday January 30i i5 p.m.'iria special traiu prn\ med for that purpose by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail­way. JMI those interested in agric­ulture are cordially invited. See ticket agent tor further information > regarding the "Good Seed" special train. K. A. Miller. General Pas­senger Agent. It


T h e S i s s e t o n O f f i c e u n d e r P o s t O f f i c e

S t a n d a r d S i s s e t o n , S . D

Father O'lJoro, of Parker, was a visitor in the city Tuesday and

1 Wednesday in the interests of the Catholic Ordor of Foresters. A. C ii irt, is being organized in Sisseton and Dr. Bobb has been selected as medical examiner. Father O'Horo expects to return in a couple of weeks to complete the organization .

• • •

Patronize our advertisers. It will mean mobev in your pocket. Every advertiser believes bis good6 to be ubs li68t for the ruouey. If not be wouldn't be advertising. It is to

\',vc | •• ?' • v . .-_ •

Pun' Seed Train-

The pure seed train that is being sent over the state will be in Sis­seton on Tuesday afternoon at 4:15 p. m. aud remain for one hour. The opera house has baen donated for the occasion and all farmers who are in­terested m the discussion of the pure seed ov-^iioi)--and they all shouli^

1 be-aru invited come out and hear the interesting lectures of Prol. Cole and Prof. Whueler of t he South Da kota. Agricultural college. A supply of Agricultural Bulletins will be dis­tributed free.

Ami Return—Chicago, Milwaukee

& St- Paul Railway-

One fare plus $2.00 to J)enver, <Col­orado Springs or Pueblo and return, account Annual Convention National Live Stock Association at Denver. January 29 to February 3. Tickets will be on sale January 27, 28 aud 29 and will be l imited for return to February 15. Liberal stop-overs al­lowed going and returning Ask nea-est ticket agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Sr. Paul Railway for further information or write today to F. A. Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago.

It Pays To A«1 vertii^-

ln order to demonstrate that it pays to advertise we placed an ad­vertisement on the lirso page of the STANDARD last Friday offering special inducements for new subscrib­ers on Wednesday of this week only and on tbat day as result of the ad­vertisement inserted only once, we added thirt'y-oDe new names to our list. So' wet! satisfied are WB witb the result that we have concluded to

Heal Kstate Transfers. (This list i« furnished by courtosy of ttie

•SiSBeton l.o.'m :incl Tilli? Co, a fomplcte list, will .Ik; printed cuoh week.)

.IANCAKY 18, Ktnimi N. Aitinol *.o A ma O. Sjorven, lot

1-t block 2. Kehhorgs A<hlii,lon .summit. ."Hi'tO, i . 'arl 10. Kasl< le Ji. lm Te'len. o;i rnv1 / , and

lots l and » mjc 1!) i»s IS. #3X1)0. ole Trulson to Miliireil Gorructi, sw',< seo

.'12- l^.-'-.'il. $.'«*>, ... _ JANTTAKY IN.

liilwiinl N. israulsmi io Geo. f* OnsttuI, strip VJ rods wide olT the north end of nw'4 sw'.i sec 17 18-1-58. fiSl.

Henry K. I<mason ta Herman Unset n\vj£ see .T,-iai-50. f-IOOt).

• lA.NI'Att.Y 20. IV'ler I j . Hilluml t.n A. J. Norby, sc'i sec27«-

li7.r>l. 84500 I-uolla l-'ie to W. "V. Marble. mtorest in

sw'4 sec 17-120-49, J24UO.

Asle Swonson to I^c.vls Otto, '/t interest in e54 nw5i nee ICuud i:U swlj, a'/i se!4«ec 9-122-48. 12800.



*1 - i





-j j

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A masque carnival will, be held at th|l|||l4M)IV nnk this evening,.

All uulttH Muit^d'ftee.

>• Jtv