Covered California Outreach, Education and Enrollment Program Presentation July 16, 2014 Elsa Ruiz-Duran Division Manager, Enrollment Assistance Program

Outreach, Education and Enrollment Program Presentation...2014/07/16  · enrollment assistance. $58 payment per application that results in effectuation of coverage; $25 renewal

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Page 1: Outreach, Education and Enrollment Program Presentation...2014/07/16  · enrollment assistance. $58 payment per application that results in effectuation of coverage; $25 renewal

Covered California Outreach, Education and Enrollment

Program Presentation

July 16, 2014

Elsa Ruiz-Duran

Division Manager, Enrollment Assistance Program

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The following presentation is not for consumer use and is for informational

purposes for the 2014 Stronger Bridges to Health Forum.

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Consumer Assistance Efforts


Role and Responsibility Funding Source Federal or State

Certified Educator: Work for a Covered California Outreach and Education Grant Recipient. Grant period: July 2013 – December 2014.

$43 million Outreach and Education Grant (Federal Grant)

No Federal or State Requirement.

Certified Enrollment Counselor: Work for an Enrollment Entity. Provide In-person enrollment assistance. $58 payment per application that results in effectuation of coverage; $25 renewal. $58 new Medi-Cal enrollment.

$21 million Consumer Assistance Initiative (Federal Grant). Medi-Cal payment from DHCS.

No Federal Requirement. State Regulation.

Navigator (Certified Enrollment Counselor): Work for a Covered California Navigator Grant Recipient. Conduct outreach, education, and enrollment assistance.

Self-sustainable budget. Federal Requirement. State Regulation.

Certified Application Counselor: Work for an Enrollment Entity. Provide enrollment assistance and must disclose their conflict of interest to the consumer in writing prior to enrollment assistance.

Covered California does not compensate for enrollment assistance work.

Federal Requirement. State Regulation pending.

Presentation Notes
In a few minutes I’ll be sharing with you staff recommendations to restructure our Outreach, Education and Enrollment Programs. But before I do that we wanted to express our commitment to continue to build relationships with trusted messengers in diverse communities. During the next few months we will be focusing on developing culturally appropriate collateral materials and work plans that will lay the frame work for the next OE period. While we will not be able to fund to all organizations we are committed to reaching all communities by building and expanding upon our uncompensated Community Outreach Network and continuing partnerships. The chart we are presenting here is a reminder of CC initial investment in 2 separate programs; $43 in a work force dedicated to outreach and education to raise awareness about the new marketplace and a separate investment in the CEC workforce to assist consumers in applying for coverage. As we transition to a self-sustainability model we must look at program expenditures and what is required under federal rules. The Navigator Program; which is based on a model that integrates Outreach, Education and Enrollment functions and Certified Application Counselors are both required under federal rules. Staff recommends incremental changes to restructure the Outreach, Education and Enrollment Programs with a focus on integrating the core enrollment assistance functions.
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What did we say we were going to do?


1. Outreach and Education Grant Program:

o 2.6 M consumers eligible for subsidies through Covered California o Over 220,000 small business owners eligible for SHOP o Over 200,000 medical providers and allied staff

2. In-Person Assistance: o Partner: over 1,500 entities o Certify: 10,000 enrollment counselors by the end of 2014

3. Community Outreach Network: o Partner with 500 organizations: provide uncompensated outreach

and education support

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What did we do?

1. Awarded: o ~$34 M grants to 50 organizations and over 250 subcontractors o $2.2 M grants to 3 small business focused organizations o $3.1 M grants to 4 medical professional organizations o 2,461 Certified Educators (as of May 9, 2014)

2. Recruited and certified:

o Over 800 Enrollment Entities o 5,776 Certified Enrollment Counselors (as of May 12, 2014) o 58% Spanish; 3% Cantonese; 3% Mandarin; 2% Vietnamese; 1%

Tagalog; 1% Korean Speaking.

3. Established: o Over 160 Community Outreach Network Partners


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Mayor Office of Edwin M. Lee

Lani Kent (415) 554.5262 [email protected]

Black Coalition on AIDS/Rafiki Wellness

Maxine Tatmon-Gilkerson, MPH, RD

(415) 615-9945 [email protected]

NICOS Chinese Health Coalition

Kent Woo (415) 788-6426 [email protected]

Myers Urbatsch, P.C. Kevin Urbatsch 415-896-1500 [email protected]

City College of San Francisco - Library

Lori Brown (415) 452-5585 [email protected]

SF Westside Volunteers Susan Pfeifer (415) 860.8081 [email protected]

Single Stop Shop Andrew Wu (415) 391-7170 [email protected]

BRIDGE Housing Gina Rivera (415) 225-5660 [email protected]

Presentation Notes
The total O&E numbers for the Provider Grantees is: 3,836 for the month of October with 3,750 Outreach and 71 Education activities. 2,218 Certified Educators Completed Outreach Contacts: 2,549,788 Completed Education Contacts: 148,202 Completed Leads: 46,181; 50,455 as of 11/14 Education to Lead Conversion Rate: 31%
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ENROLLMENT SUPPORT: CERTIFIED ENROLLMENT ENTITY PRODUCTION OCT. 1, 2013 – APRIL 15, 2014 338,897 individuals enrolled in Medi-Cal or Covered CA plans with Certified Enrollment Counselor assistance

o 229,223 (68%) Medi-Cal o 109,674 (32%) Covered California Plan


Clinics 39%

CBOs 34%

Other 27%

Covered CA Enrollment by CEE Type

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ENROLLMENT SUPPORT: CERTIFIED ENROLLMENT ENTITY PRODUCTION OCT. 1, 2013 – APRIL 15, 2014 Covered CA Plan Enrollment was concentrated among 150 of the 831 Certified Enrollment Entities: • Top 50 Entities = 50% (56,908 individuals)

• Top 100 Entities = 70% (77,495 individuals)

• Top 150 Entities = 80% (88,131 individuals)


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Lessons Learned – Best Practices • Education/workshop sessions

• Access

• Stories

• Multi-language, culturally relevant collateral materials

• Consumer follow-up is critical

• Focused outreach efforts


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What’s next? • Who is left to enroll?

• Why did some eligible consumers not effectuate or end


Expand resources to an integrated Outreach, Education and Enrollment Navigator Grant Program. • $16.9M Competitive Request for Application

Grant issued


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What’s next? Extend Outreach and Education Grantees that do

not become Navigators through the end of 2nd Open Enrollment with no additional funding.

Continue In-Person Assistance Program through the end of 2nd Open Enrollment.

• $58 per application, $25 per renewal

• After 2015 Open Enrollment, convert to Certified Application Counselors (required federal uncompensated model)


Presentation Notes
For those organizations that do not want to convert to the expanded Navigator model staff is recommending that we allow O & E grantees to continue with their activities through the end of the 2nd OE with no additional funding. The CEE compensation model of $58/application and $25/renewal will continue through the next OE period. There has been a lot of confusion and misinterpretation around this recommendation. Let me be clear that this recommendation means that those organizations can continue to provide application assistance and receive payment under the existing compensation rules through the end of the next OE period. Staff is recommending that after the end of the next OE period we consider ending per application payment but continue to allow CEE to provide application assistance and classify the workforce as CAC to meet federal rules.
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• Required

• Interactive Computer-Based Training (CBT) course

• Email notice when CBT available in the Learning Management System (LMS)

• ~ 3 hours

• Exam

• Starts in September 2014 – Due by November 2014

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CoveredCA.com enhanced process to verify applicant identity

• When: August 2014

• Where: Application process

• Who: Applicant or enrollment counselor

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Next Webinar: July 30, 2014 • CalHEERS’ Demonstration on Identity

Proofing • Paper Application Process

• Renewals

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Navigator Grant If you apply for the Navigator Grant program will you still be able to be a CEE?

Yes. CEEs that are also awarded a Navigator Grant will be compensated for Medi-Cal eligible applications through open enrollment as long as funding is available from DHCS. To receive compensation, CEES will need to submit applications under the CEE ID.

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Schedule Request for Applications Release June 30, 2014

Grant Applicant Webinar July 1, 2014

Letter of Intent to Respond Due July 8, 2014 Round 1 Response to Questions Posted on Exchange Website July 11, 2014

Round 2 Response to Questions Posted on Exchange Website July 17, 2014

Applications Due July 28, 2014

Evaluation and Selection Process July 29- August 26, 2014 Intent to Award Notice Posted on the Exchange's Website

Beginning August 27, 2014. May award in phases.

Last Day to Submit Protest Five (5) business days

Navigator Grant Award Period October 1, 2014- June 30, 2015


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Certified Enrollment Entity (CEE) Payments To Date


# CEEs Paid Total Paid

Covered CA Plans 527 $1,956,398 Medi-Cal 388 $1,129,144

Total Payments $3,085,542


Covered CA August 1, 2014


Presentation Notes
People’s perception about health, wellness, and illness is influenced by their ethnicity and cultural background. Supporting consumers through health plan decision making requires appreciation and respect for diversity in beliefs and viewpoints. When working with consumers, try to understand their perspective and carefully consider the following: Values, beliefs, and attitudes Race and ethnicity Gender Nontraditional families/households Recognized cultural differences Language preference Sexual orientation Literacy levels (reading and writing) Importance of using illustrations, diagrams, and photos to explain concepts to people with lower literacy levels or language comprehension challenges
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• Covered California is looking for individuals enrolled through the Exchange who are willing to publicly share their health coverage story.


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The Health Consumer Alliance (HCA): • Partnership between Legal Aid organizations • Provides free local assistance to individuals and

families applying for or enrolled in Covered California or Medi-Cal.

CECs may refer consumers to HCA: www.healthconsumer.org OR (888) 804-3536.


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Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Medi-Cal Program:

• Learn about • How to apply • Locate a health care provider • File a complaint

PHONE: 1-800-541-5555 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.dhcs.ca.gov Listing of Local County Medi-Cal Offices: http://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/medi-cal/Pages/CountyOffices.aspx


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Special Enrollment: http://www.coveredca.com/faqs/special-enrollment/ https://www.coveredca.com/coverage-basics/special-enrollment/ https://www.coveredca.com/FAQs/cobra/ Navigator Program: http://hbex.coveredca.com/navigator-program/ Medi-Cal and pregnancy: https://www.coveredca.com/faqs/Medi-Cal/ http://www.dhcs.ca.gov/ Prescription drugs: http://www.coveredca.com/faqs/prescription-drugs/


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Q & A

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