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Magazine Statement

o inform our readers and create anterest in missions and impact them tot involved in IEM’s missionary work

and mission in general.”

Theme for 2013


FOUNDERLate. Rev. Dr. Theodore Williams





Heads of Ministry Departments

Church Ministries & Communication Rev. Dr. E.D. Raja Singh Elias

Human Resource and AdministrationRev. Jonathan Chavan


IEM OUTREACH is published by IndianEvangelical Mission in English, Tamil,Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu Oriya,Marathi, Gujarati,Hindi and Khasi. Thosewho donate a minimum of Rs. 100/- peryear (0verseas by Air mail US $50 per year)towards the ministries of IEM can receivethis magazine.

YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS may be sent bycheque, DD or MO drawn in favour ofIndian Evangelical Mission through yourlocal IEM personnel or directly to theFinance Secretary.

ADDRESS CHANGE: Send old and newaddress with your code number orrecent address label. All emails to theCommunication Department should beaddressed to [email protected]/ [email protected]

Publication SecretaryMr. Timothy Austin

Associate EditorMr. Nelson Dhinakaran

Mr Solomon Swami Doss

Vol. XLVIII No 9 / XLIX No 1December 2012 / January 2013


38, Langford Road, Post Bag 2Phone : +91 080 2224525

Website : wwwE-mail : generalsecretary@iemoutr


5097, Bangalore - 560 0256, 22480080 Fax : 22122779.iemoutreach.orgeach.org or [email protected]

Luke 5:4


The General Secretary’s Thoughts 2

Editorial 4

Our God Plans for us 5

The Lord did not forsake him 6

Glowing Examples 7

The House on a Hill 8

Field Happenings 9

A beacon of Light 10

Praise and Prayer Calendar 11

Report : 47th National Convention 32

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3 December 2012 / January 2013

The General Secretary's Thoughts

2 December 2012 / January 2013

Dear Pray ing Par tners and Supporters

In 2012, we looked at the theme, “I have come down to rescue.” This was the decision of a compassionate God in response to the cry and misery of His people.

As a result of God's “coming down,” He directed Moses, “Now come, I will send you back to Egypt” (Acts 7:34). Later, God Himself came down in the “Avatar” of Jesus. The powerful message of Christmas is, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” (John 1:14) Now God is saying to us, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.“ (Mark 16:15). We see here the connecting thread of the Gospel of the K ingdom o f God from the beginning to the present time.

Three integral parts of the Gospel are evident here: 1. God's method of the Gospel is to use His children for His purpose 2. He uses His Child Jesus for His purpose and 3. He Uses His creation for His purpose.

God's method of the Gospel is to use His children for His purposes: God's method is always to use human beings. It doesn't mean that God has no other ways and He is dependent on us. On the contrary, it is our privilege to be used by God in His work of salvation. “For we are God's fellow workers.” God wants to use us like He used His servant Moses. He directs us to act now and go for Him to rescue others who are still lost in this world. God

wants us to be His ears, His eyes, His mouth, His hands and His feet. Moses offered many excuses but God insisted that Moses go back to Egypt, to set His people free from their bondage. When God wants to use you, you cannot escape by offering excuses.

God's method of the Gospel is to use His Child Jesus for His purposes: God gave His one and only Son to manifest His love. God sent His Son to die for the salvation of His people. “God had only ONE Son and He made Him a missionary” declared Dr. David Livingstone. The “Go” of the Gospel is to let go of everything for the sake of the salvation of humankind. Jesus emptied Himself to take on the form

of flesh and b l o o d . H e made Himself n o t h i n g ,

taking the very nature of a servant. Jesus humbled Himself and obeyed His Father all the way to the Cross. No Guru or Mahatma came into the world to die for mankind except Jesus. The “avatars” of the scriptures came to rescue people but not to die for the people. Christmas is all about making ourselves nothing to rescue the people from bondages of various kinds.

God's method of Gospel is to use His creation for His purposes: God used His creation like birds, fish, wind, lightening, worms, donkeys etc for His purposes. The IEM theme for 2013 is derived from the passage in Luke chapter 5 where we see Jesus uses Peter's boat and his net and even the fish for His

purposes. The instruction of Jesus to Peter is, “Let down the net into the deep.” According to fisherman Peter, Jesus' instructions seemed stupid. The timing was wrong, the place was wrong and the calculation was wrong. However, Peter realised that the person who issued the instructions was the God of creation. Therefore he responded: “But because you say so, I will let down the nets." (Luke 5:5) The fish obeyed and filled the net. In response, Peter humbled himself and admitted, “Lord I am a sinner.” May the Lord help us to be obedient, humble, and teachable and make us people who will work for Him with urgency.

Pastor John Harper was travelling on the ship Titanic when disaster struck and the ship began to sink. He saw a man drowning in the Atlantic Ocean and repeatedly shouted, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” While the man was rescued, Harper drowned. Years later, in Toronto, Canada, this man testified that he was the last convert of John Harper. Every one of us is expected to get involved in the rescuing work of the Lord.

As you begin 2013, will you resolve that apart from praying and giving to the Church and missionary work, you yourself will be a soul winner for Christ? In obedience to Jesus, will you let your net down in the places where you were disappointed earlier?

Thank you for praying for the National Prayer and Planning meeting. The Lord stirred us up to do more for Him and move up into greater heights in 2013. In November, the convention in Katni

and Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh went on well. I praise God for the Area Secretaries and other prayer partners in these places who are working very hard to impart the missionary vision to the Christians here. Please pray for the leadership of Mr. B Joshi here.

IEM Golden Jubilee Year [2014 -15] project: God has blessed us with a piece of land in Nagpur, located in the center of India. We want to develop a Local Leadership Training facility for emerging churches and their leaders from all our mission fields. Therefore, we need to secure this land by building a compound wall. This place will be named as, "Theodore Williams' Centre for Leadership Training." We appeal to our be loved supporters to contribute Rs. 14,00,000 to erect a compound wall. Meanwhile we shall present a project proposal in order to execute this project. We would like to see hundreds of evangelists and church leaders trained and developed in this place.

Pray for our missionaries who have moved into the new mission field in Hojai, Nogaon district, Assam. Pray for the Christmas celebrations in the mission fields which are a wonderful opportunity to share Christ. We are praying for an outpouring of the Spirit of God.

Mercy and I along with our children wish you a blessed Christmas and prosperous soul winning new year 2013.

With loving regards and prayers,

Yours in His joyful ministry,P John Wesley

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54 December 2012 / January 2013December 2012 / January 2013


God’s love for man - unmeasured, free,

Sent Jesus to earth so man might be,

Released from sin’s clutches, Praise the Lord,

For Jesus our Saviour – the FINAL WORD!

It cost our Saviour His precious blood,

Implicit obedience from the Son of God,

“Not my will but Thine,” – Praise the Lord,

For Jesus our Saviour – the FINAL WORD!

The angelic anthem – “He came to save,”

The rich, the poor, the bonded slave,

“Whosoever believes –Praise the Lord,

For Jesus, our Saviour – the FINAL WORD!

The task unfinished – They ALL should know,

The Glorious Gospel- But who will go?

To tell the World - O Praise the Lord,

For Jesus, our Saviour – the FINAL WORD!

EditorialThe journey through 2012 is almost over! Three hundred and sixty five

days is now history for some, memories for others, heartaches for a few and missed opportunities for many. All said and done, the past cannot be relived, and if we dwell in the past, we will have no future! God-willing, most of us will have the privilege of entering 2013 so the question before us is, “Are we ready to write a brand new script on a brand new slate called a brand new year?”

The aspect of GIVING in Christendom is much preached about but seldom practiced. On the one hand, we have some who have plenty but when it comes to giving are always empty; on the other, there are those who have next to nothing but always give something for the Lord's work! What about those who have not “heard” the call of God to step out as missionaries while others have heard it loud and clear and even responded appropriately? What a striking study of contrasts!

In this issue, we will try to understand the extent of God's love when He sent His Son to die on the Cross. We feature sample stories of how people, moved by the love of God were constrained to give sacrificially for the work of the Lord. If we feature every single story, it would run into volumes!

We'll meet you page to face in February 2013! Till then, use the praise and prayer calendar for December 2012 and January 2013. We covet your constant and consistent support in the New Year as well.

Your Kind Attention PleaseThe IEM Head Office will remain closed for Christmas vacation from December 22, 2012 to January 1, 2013. The office will reopen on Wednesday, January 2, 2013. You can contact us during the vacation, via the email Ids listed on page 1. God bless you!

Most of us begin the New Year with new resolutions and plans. There is

nothing wrong in this if we depend on the Lord and make our resolutions and

plans in submission to Him. Someone said, “I am afraid of making any more

plans because all my plans have failed.” That is what happens when we plan

without God.

He says, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to

prosper you and not harm you, and plans to give you hope and a future”

(Jeremiah 29:11). He is personal and His plan for us is personal. He is good

and so His plans for us are good. You may have fears and anxieties,

uncertainties and perplexities as you begin this New Year. A young woman

who was worried that she was getting on in years and yet not married said, “I

have no one to care for my future and plan for me.” She did not realize that the

Lord plans for her because He cares for her. Life is like a maze and to make

our way through this maze, making the right decisions and choices is not

easy. The assurance of the child of God is that God would guide him in His

plan. 'Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God' (Romans

8:14). because He is God. His ways are often

beyond our understanding. He says, “As the heavens are higher than the

earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your

thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9). There is often mystery in the unfolding of God's plans

for our lives. Though we may not understand all that happens to us, we must

remember that His plan for us is good. He plans to give us “hope and a future.'

Our security for this New Year rests in the assurance that God's plan for us is


We may be bothered by our failures and feel guilty that we have messed

up our lives. Perhaps we have gone contrary to God's will and frustrated His

plan for our lives. Does He still plan for us? Yes, He does!

. The promise in Jeremiah 29:11 was given to His people who had

strayed away from Him. Listen to what He said to David when he was

restored from his failure. “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you

should go. I will counsel you and watch over you”(Psalm 32:8). Though we

have failed, His plan for us continues to be good. Just because we have

failed, God does not give us His second best. This is what some people think.

But the Bible does not say so. God does not have second best and third best

plans in His shelf to pull them out and give them to us when we fail. His plan is

the best for us. In the story of the potter described in Jeremiah 18:1-4, when

the pot was marred in His hands, “the potter formed it into another pot,

shaping it as seemed best to him.” It does not say that he made it into a

Our God plans for us.

God's plan is a good plan

His plan for us is a

Grace plan

Bible study : Rev. Dr. Theodore Williams

Our God Plans for us

Timothy Austin

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76 December 2012 / January 2013December 2012 / January 2013

second rate pot but, “into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him. Oh

the depth of His mercy and the magnitude of His grace! Peter was called to be

a fisher of men. But after his failure Jesus said that he would be a feeder of the

flock (John 21:15-17). Through the heartache and agony of failure and

restoration he could understand the plight of those who stray away and could

be a tender shepherd. God's grace takes even our failures and weaves them

into the beautiful design of His plan for us provided we repent and turn to Him.

Because it is the plan of our sovereign Lord it is an . In

God's economy no one is a victim and no sorrow or

disappointment or failure is wasted. He says, “My purpose

will stand, and I will do all that I please” (Isaiah 46:10). Out

of the ashes of his afflictions Job arose triumphantly and

declared, “I know that you can do all things; no plan of

yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2). What an assurance to

begin a new year!

Our Founder and First General Secretary, the late

Rev. Dr. Theodore Williams encourages us to focus

on the future with God. This article was first published in the January

1989 issue of IEM Outreach.

unfailing plan

Kunjilal, the son of Lalba, one of the first believers from Mangiya village in

Korku field forsook the Lord Jesus in whom his father believed. He worked as a

local tourist guide, taking people to religious places. He also brewed liquor, and

was a patron of the religious celebration committee. But the Lord did not forsake

him. In due course of time our missionaries Bijoy and Jaisy were placed in

Mangya village. They made several visits to his house and spent a lot of time with

him. Kunjilal faced a lot of problems and he had no peace in spite of doing all the

necessary rituals, he was thoroughly confused. This was when His daughter was

harassed by an evil spirit, Our missionaries came and prayed for his daughter.

Kunjilals confessed his backsliding to the Lord, and asked for forgiveness, The

Lord honored Kunjilal not only by restoring him but also delivering his daughter

from satanic oppression. Kunjilal on his side got rid of all the fetishes and charms,

and other things. He and his wife openly declared that they will only follow the

Lord Jesus. He has relinquished his position as the patron of the religious festival

committee. Now with new exuberance Kunjilal hosted an all night prayer in his

house where there was a lot of singing and rejoicing.

This is a true home coming for Kunjilal, and indeed a new beginning.

Total Transformation: Kunjilal

The Lord did not forsake him

We served the Lord as a family for nearly 25 years among the Koya people and have seen glowing examples of sacrificial giving among the Koya believers. Here are a few stirring stories. Read on…

Bolli Laxmaiah from Uppusakka village is a poor man owning a small piece of land. In 1999, the believers planned an outreach programme and this was made known to the church. Though circumstances prevented Laxmaiah from getting involved, he was determined to do something. So he harvested his Bobber(cereal) crop, sold it and gave the money(Rs 500/-) for the outreach programme even though he needed proper footwear!

Today, we have many believers in the village where the outreach programme was conducted. Bolli Laxmaiah's sacrificially contribution was not in vain.

Erupa Muthammaa is a poor old widow from Kothur-Kurapally village. She lived alone in a small hut. Every year, she sacrificially contributed towards the expenses of the annual Koya field convention. She did this for many years until her death. - Rev C. Jebakumar

Glowing Examples of Giving… Koya

Something from Nothing

Although the Garasia people of Rajasthan are very poor, they are known for their generosity. This is what we saw during our visit to this region in 2010.

Garasia believers gather during the last week of every month. At that time, they bring the produce from their fields as an offering to the Lord. The produce is sold back to the believers and the money is given to the church. After the meeting, everyone is served lunch which is fully sponsored by the church.

The Garasia people have only one church building that was built because of the sacrificial giving of the believers themselves! What a shining example. - John Praveen


They are known for Generosity

Little GiversMichelle and Minu are two sisters from Chennai. Michelle is in class VII and

Minu is in class III. They attend the same church that our Missionaries Joseph and Omana Sounderaraj attend. Once while Omana was sharing their experiences as missionaries to the church folks, an avid interest grew in the heart of little Minu, she started praying for missionaries. Subsequently the family attended the TN state convention2012 for the first time. The girls attended the sessions with a lot of interest and were drawn towards missionary work when they heard all the reports of the missionaries. When they went back home, they decided to support the cause of missions. So when they received their pocket money from their family the next month, their immediate thought was to give to an IEM missionary they knew!! They are very keen to know, pray and support missionary work. Our hearts are blessed with such warriors around us.



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A government servant and ardent reader of “Padkar” the Gujarati edition of IEM Outreach magazine read an appeal for Christmas gift for IEM missionaries on his way to the market to buy new clothes. So he stopped his vehicle and decided in his heart to sacrifice his own desires and donated the money towards the missionaries' Christmas gift. Eventually he started supporting a tribal child, The Lord blessed him, so the family decided to support a missionary, They remain faithful in their commitment to the Lord in spite of financial constraints.

He said, “Difficulties come and go but instant obedience to God brings rejoicing and abundant blessings from GOD. We may fail but He never fails.”Another 94-year old faithful prayer partner and supporter was a 94 years old aunty. She and her husband played a key role in my spiritual development I Praise God for their life and for their spiritual contributions in my life. For years, she used to pray for the whole day for the missionaries of IEM whose names she remembered distinctly. When one of our missionary families visited her, she welcomed them by name! This surprised our missionaries! She explained that she had seen them in the IEM missionaries' poster and read their prayer points in the “Padkar.”

Before her death, she began praying for one Gujarat State Convention and gave some money to her granddaughter saying, “If I sleep in the LORD, before Shailesh's visit to me, please hand over this amount to him for the State Convention this year.” I was not in town at that time. By the time I visited her home, this aunty had passed away and her granddaughter had over the money to me. I was moved. Truly, “YOU CAN GIVE WITHOUT LOVE, BUT YOU CAN NOT LOVE WITHOUT GIVING.”

Bhatinda Punjab

Field convention

We praise God for the S.T.B.S. We as a team could plan and conduct it successfully. Our S.T.B.S. started from October 24 – 26, 2012 at LRC Lehra Mohabat. This time we had 11 believers from the different stations of Bathinda field. Every day we started classes, with a devotion followed by the teaching on different subjects. We had a good fellowship lunch every day. In the end of the day we also kept a small test on what they learnt throughout the day. We could see that believers wrote their test very well. We praise God for the students, they were very eager to learn the Word of God and have zeal to serve the Lord. Praise God.

Field convention of Bathinda field was held on October 12-14, 2012 in Mehraj village. The theme of the convention was,"Jesus is the Lord"(Phil.2:11). More than 150 people including children participated. Kindly pray that people who have heard God's Word may grow stronger in the Christian life.

Field Happenings

The House on a HillGiving out of a cheerful heart blesses the heart of both the giver and the

receiver. The joy of such a giving knows no bounds and the ripple effect is felt far and wide. The little house on the hill top in a remote village stands as a witness to such an act of giving.

Two sisters one from Tamilnadu and another from Himachal Pradesh came to work among the Rajput Garasias in Rajasthan in the year 1990. They needed a house to stay with the people in their villages. As they began praying about this need, the Lord answered!

Bablo Bhai, a dear Garasia believer came forward to give the land next to his goat pen for the house to be built! A couple working in UAE provided the amount for construction! The missionaries and a few believers of the local church of Nichlagadh took the task of building the house. Every stone, sand, each row of the sand slab, every beam and cross pole, every tile and all the masonry work of that house was an act of sacrifice and love, so that people could be reached with the Gospel. Within a short span of time, the house took shape and in moved the girls. The cozy little hut became a heaven for them. A few years later, the very couple who had funded the construction of the house from UAE came and lived in that house as missionaries! Even today prayers are raised from within its walls

Reminiscing those days and Thanking the Lord of all those who anticipated in giving their time, treasure, skill and labour for the Lord blesses the heart even today.

Additions in our family : David & Nuami Vaiphei, (Andamans) were blessed with a baby girl on 8th October 2012, Lalmuan & Ngaithianching (Himachal Pradesh) were blessed with a baby boy on 23rd October 2012 Joshua (S/o. Rev. & Mrs. Dayavaran) & Annie were blessed with a baby boy on 28th October 2012, Sathiya Raj & Jennita (Chinoor) were blessed with a baby girl on 2nd November 2012, Bijoy & Wonreilla (Assam)were blessed with a baby girl on 3rd November 2012, Viki Sema & Rebecca Sumi, (Arunachal Pradesh) were blessed with a baby girl on 2nd November 2012.

Bonagiripalli : Mr. Dinesh our church elder's son from village Borlagudem was suffering from brain fever and Jaundice. Doctors had given up hope,and advised his parents to take him home because of his serious condition. When they came home, immediately they brought Dinesh to church and asked us to pray for Him. We prayed and God answered our prayer and healed that boy completely. Next Sunday he came to church and gave his testimony which has aroused interest in many non believers who have started to come to worship

Answered Prayer


Missionaries Mary Yesudial & Yeswanthi

Giving in Gujarat

Sacrificial service

Obituary : We regret to announce the passing away of the FATHER of the IEM Board Chairman, Rev. Dr. KT Kurien on November 5, 2012 in Kerala. Kindly uphold the family in prayer during this hour of grief.

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Missionaries : AS Ayo & Wungreiwon, Naresh Lall & Shanta, Yoke Rumnong & Yofeeca, Tek Bahadur Khatri & ReenaEvangelist : Mr.Gulab SinghPraiseMany people had an opportunity to listen to the Gospel message during the Dusshera ministry fromOctober 24 – 31, 2012 in Kullu. People received literature like tracts, videos and so on near the Dusshera festival ground.PrayThe urgent need of a cemetery for the Christian communityFor the continued follow up of the dushera mela ministry

1110 December 2012 / January 2013December 2012 / January 2013

(Decembers are always exciting! While the climate cools down drastically in some places, the festivity warms up as people gear up for the “happy” holidays ahead. In the rush and tumble of such a situation, it's also time to remind ourselves of the need to pray for the “soldiers on the forefront,” some serving in unfriendly climatic conditions and trying to uncover the true meaning of “Joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth receive her KING!” Will your prayer be, “Lord! Let the Light of the world shine in the dungeons of darkness in India and around the world?”)

Praise and Prayer Calendar



2 HIMACHAL PRADESH, Lahaul Missionaries: Luke Vinod Titus,K Lalmuan Langel & Ngaithianching, Pynshailang LawphniawPraiseFor the contacts made during our summer ministryOur missionaries Lalmuan & Ching were blessed with a baby boy on October 23, 2012PrayThose who attended the Christmas programmes will respond to the love of ChristLahauli young people will prepare themselves to attend the “Equipping the bud” programme in January 2013

Missionaries: Gin Khen Mung Guite & Niangsaanching, Lamkhanmang Tonsing & Grace PraiseEnabling our missionaries to build a relationship with more than 60 new contacts during 2012Contacts Yunduh & Tseten and their son Rabyang enjoy a warm and open relationship with our missionariesPrayMore contacts to be contacted during the winter vacationWisdom for new missionaries Mr. & Mrs. Lamkhanmang as they persevere in learning the Tibetan languageThe 8 close contacts will desire to know the Saviour


A beacon of Light The beautiful church at Seppa, for the Puroik community was dedicated

on September 22, 2012 amidst heavy rainfall. The Seppa Puroik church was dedicated in the presence of many local Nyshi people, believers, pastors from the surrounding churches and well wishers like Doctors and the local Political leaders. As a special guest Mr. Solomon Swamidoss, HoD Finance and Mr Bijoy Jajo SFM NE participated in the dedication. More than 200 believers gathered for the church dedication though it was raining and the approach road was slushy and muddy making the climb difficult. The church was dedicated in the Baptist tradition by Rev. Kingkong Puroik, the lone Puroik pastor of the Puroik Baptist Mission. The most beautiful highlight of the program was when Rev. Kingkong, the Puroik pastor read out the dedication note saying that the church is dedicated for the glory of God and will continue to share the good news to their own community first, then the other people groups of our nation. The local believers honoured every guest by presenting their traditional gifts, handmade shawls, bow and arrow.

The total expense for the construction was Four Lakhs, IEM contributed Rs.50,000/- and the rest the believers raised in cash and kind. The house owner where our missionary stays in seppa is a puroik evangelist serving in a different location, he trekked many a mile to attend this dedication. The programme ended with a grand love feast that the believers had arranged. Pray that this church will be a beacon of light to the Puroik people and many will come to know the Lord.

- Contributed by Solomon Swamidoss and Bijoy Jajo

4 PUNJAB, BatindaMissionaries: Rakesh Kumar & Neeta, D Sunny & Bindu, Satish Christie & Shailla Christie, Stephen Joseph & Bindu Stephen PraiseMore than 150 people attended the field convention from October 12-14, 2012 in Mehraj villageBeliever Raja Singh was miraculously healed form his physical weaknessPrayThe 8 believers who attended the Short Term Bible School(STBS) from October 24 – 26, 2012 will use their knowledge and skills to help others grow in the LordThe 100 children who attended the

I Resolve!Making New Year resolutions is a global practice. Most

often people resolve to accomplish things to meet their own desires. How about making resolutions that could impact the far corners of our land and in fact change the lives of people! Here are some suggestions.

A) I Resolve to START an IEM MISSIONARY PRAYER CELL. When you do this, our missionaries are empowered to preach, teach and even start new worship groups!

B) I Resolve to SUPPORT A MISSIONARY COUPLE. When you do this, IEM can send more missionaries to the fields which are white unto harvest.

C) I Resolve to SEND the IEM MAGAZINE to 20 new readers. When you do this, you actually challenge more people to get involved in missionary work.

D) I Resolve to SEEK GOD's WILL regarding my going to the mission field as a missionary.

We want to help realise your resolutions kindly contact your nearest IEM representativeor write to us at Mobile : 94834 66870 e-mail : [email protected]

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1312 December 2012 / January 2013December 2012 / January 2013

1-day retreat in November will grow spirituallyThe 4 people from Lehra Mohabat village who openly confessed their faith in the Lord in November2012 will lead exemplary livesBeliever Kulvender Singh will find a suitable life partner

5 UTTARAKHANDMissionaries:Basheer Sheikh & Annamma, Suraj Majhi & Bunti Ratna Bahadur Raj & Nirmala, Hau Sawm Thang Shankar Gurung (Evangelist) Athang Serto & Romilla, Manoj Kumar (evangelist) Mr & Mrs. Johnson Dang


Praise23 people attended the seekers' meeting in September 20125 seeker families attended the Gospel meeting at DandiPrayEffective follow up of the seekers meeting4 persons will be trained to lead the worship service20 new contacts and 3 new seekers will be found soon

UTTARAKHAND, Tehri GarhwalPraiseNew contacts Manjeet, Mohan Lal Thapa and Subhde were establishedA Sunday service was started at the police quartersPrayOur missionaries will learn the local language and culture6 new contacts will be established1 new worship service will be started

6 UTTARAKHAND, Chandmari

Praise23 seekers were contacted in Clement

UTTARAKHAND, Ghattekhola

Praise4 villages were visited and 150 tracts were distributed15 new families were contacted10 people eagerly listened to the Gospel message on October 11Seekers meeting conducted on 11th October when 10 people heard the Gospel enthusiasticallyThat we could start a Sunday Gospel Meeting in 3 places. That Seekers Meet ings were conducted in 5 placesPrayOur missionaries may visit 5 villages, distribute 150 tracts , make 15 contacts and 10 seekers.


Missionaries: Solomon Swamidoss & Thangam, Rajakumar & EbenezerPraiseFor the provision of the needed funds to disburse Christmas gifts to all the workers of IEMFor His favour in obtaining the Nil Tax Return Certificate from the IT Department of Govt. of India for the Financial Year 2009– 2010.For the provision resources to meet the day to day needs of the Mission for the past 9 months.For His wisdom to submit all the needed documents and file all information for the Financial Year 2011 – 2012 to the Home Ministy of Govt. India.PrayGod may bless the efforts of uploading all the details of the financial transactions to the Home Ministry, Govt. of India.For the needed funds for the up gradation of the gadgets in the Finance DepartmentFunds for procuring appropriate software for the Finance Department.

8 UTTAR PRADESH, Robertsganj

Missionaries: Nehhao Doungel & Hatkhokim Doungel, Hastu Ram Nag & Taramani NagPraiseThe hostel ministry is going on well and children in the hostel are happy and are improving in their studies little by little.

Some of their basic needs such as text

books, bags and school uniforms are

9 RAJASTHAN, Sirohi & NORTH GUJARAT, Dhabavalivav

Missionaries: John Praveen & Angel, Firsttime Rynthathiang, Rasing MahongnaoPraiseFor the new worship group we have started in the village called Jamburi in Rajasthan on September 2, 2012.For the Nutrition Food Project we have started through the local society.For the good harvest in this monsoon.Kalu bhai, suffering for more than a year from TB is improving.The Garasia team could challenge the people in the 47th IEM national convention in Ahmadabad.52 youths attended the youth meeting in three different villages in the month of oct 12.PrayThe good use of the Garasia Audio Bible.For the Christmas and New year programmes to be meaningful.For the planned family retreat on January 29-30, 2013 for Native evangelist and elder's family.The Deliverance for Kali ben in Jamburi

met.God has given good health to the missionaries that we could all labour without any disturbance.PrayFor the believers that they will grow in their spiritual life and give first preference to God.For Mr. Ajay who is mentally disturbed for God's healing touch.The need of more missionaries in this field.The need of a hostel warden who could take care of the Children and the HostelThe evangelism ministry in Myorpur area that God will give us more fruits.

Town, Halduwala and Chandmari20 people saw the Jesus film in ChandmariSeeker Asha was miraculously healed in answer to prayer5 New Testaments and 20 tracts were distributedPray10 new contacts were established, 20 tracts and 5 New Testaments were distributedStrategic follow up programmes will be conducted after the seekers' meetings and film shows

7 MINISITRIES New Delhi & U.P.


Missionaries: M.G. Daniel & Rosamma, Lawrence Gangte & Vunglianmman, Stephen KingMission Co-ordinator : Jasper Paul PraiseFor the good response in different churches and Bible collages.The new efforts taken to promote IEM in Dehra Dun region will yield more response

Pray For the Bible translation workshop in different collages on December 1, 2012.For the Christmas get together on the December 7, 2012 and also the ministry of a singing team fro Meghalaya

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PraiseSustaining our Missionary Bose Kuriakose when he was down with Typhoid fever.Leaders visit in October 20-24th to Nashik field & Dangs field, has given a positive impetus1st Medical camp held in Nashik on September 22, 2012 in Borgaon & Bandharpada villages 3 lady Doctors served 150 people Khairad worship group has revived again with 5 families from September onwardsPrayChristmas celebration in each village in Nashik field, around 60-100 people gather, For many non believers to be attracted to the Lord.Special Christmas programme for youth organized, hoping to see 200 youths in the programmeManglidhar Church completion & dedication for the glory of God before ChristmasInfrastructure development like bathrooms and Toilet in Jivan Jyothi BAL Vikas centre for 100 children & staff

village who is demon possessed.The missionary and evangelist team will be kept safe and sound

Evangelists: Deacon Vaman Bawar, Deacon Sakkaram Bagul & 9 Team, 11 Volunteer workers,

PraiseFor the regular monthly prayer, where all CNI & IEM workers come together & pray for the monthly programme 150 to 200 Women gather every month in different villages for women’s meeting.100 youths gathered for 15-18th November youth meeting at Autyapani,and were challenged by the Word and enjoyed fellowship. 5 new families in Pyergodi village (which opposed ministry in the past) will stand for the Lord PrayIEM involvement to develop Church Elders in Word of God & fellowship gatherings,Dangs monthly programmes of R e t r e a t , B h a j a n s , W o m e n gatherings, 3 Christmas programmes in Borkal, Galkund & Shamgahan areas.New worshiping groups in Gaikas, Temburungar i ta , Ga lkund & Hanavatmal will grow in the Lord.

Missionaries: Sudhakar D. Mavli & Ruth, P.D.Thole Veonah & Elizabeth VivenaiPraise Women Bible study started at Chepralla A.P.Evangelist and Elders meeting went on well at Chepralla on October 25, 2012, 22 people attended the meeting.Mr. Chatrughan Kuchanker and Mrs. Sathbhma, Mr.Jevan are attending the worship regularly at Junani.


Evangelist Pravin’s wife Mrs. Kavita

was blessed with a baby girl on

October 13, 2012


New believers to grow in the Lord.

Mrs. Sathabhama a seeker suffering

from joint pain for past many months

may be healed. Their whole family is

attending the worship.

Mohan from village called Nimbadavi

paralysed and suffering mentally may

experience Gods healing. His mother

is attending worship regularly at


Mrs. Chanda from Junani is a seeker.

Pray that her husband will understand

the Gospel and they both can

experience Salvation.

Missionaries: Khaling Mocha & Bongkushel, T. Sholal & Kimneo, Tinglamkim Vaiphei, L. Thangzalun & Linda, R. V. Thakzii (Minister-at-large) & PaosiiruMission Coordinator : Ningthoujam, Phanitphang Shimrei, Romendro MeeteiArea Coordinator: Jasha Jamvol AnalPraise :In Churachandpur District many IEM prayer cells are blooming (one almost every month). Many Missionary candidates are coming forward.Increase of support every year.Pray:The State is facing financial overdraft and hence finds it difficult to raise funds.We want to have volunteers in districts like, Tamenglong, Senapati, Ukhrul, Thoubal, Bishnupur,

Imphal East and West etc.

Wisdom to select suitable Steering


Committee members for the 48th IEM

National convention.

Peace and harmony in the State.

Good coordination between IEM and

MoU partners

Missionaries: John Mathai & Elizabeth PraiseKorku and Rana Tharu Teams completed the Training in Software for Paratext in BibleTranslationRana Tharu and Hadothi Mother Tongue Translators completed Luke’s Gospel drafting in a workshop at Dehradun.Drafting of Nehemiah completed in Koya languageRepresentatives from 26 mission field attended the Literacy Orientation programme and made action plan to implement Literacy in all the fields of IEM.PrayCompletion of exegesis of Acts of Apostles and 1 Peter in the Ho Language.Completion and distribution of Audio Bible of Madiya and Adivasi Oriya Language.Mother Tongue Translators' training in Koya and Bhojpuri language.Drafting of Ezra will be completed in Koya language.Literacy push in all the fields as we want to see all believers literate.


15 ODISHA, KoraputMissionaries: P Joseph Peter & Sheela Peter, G Prabath & Kirithika DeviPraiseMrs. & Mr. Prabath have moved to the new zone. Praise God for the opening.VBS was conducted in 2 centers during Dasara Holidays - About 100 children were taught.

Missionaries: Nasik: Venganna & Regina Bandharpada: Ranjit Tirkey & Sunita Borgaon: Bose Kuriakose & Elsamma Khadiki: Daniel Kom & KapneihoiEvangelists: 8 Evangelist Families & 4 Balwadi Staff

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16 RAJASTHAN, Hadothi

Missionaries: Senthil Kumar & Kanagamani, Durgam Sakaram & Pagidi Posu. Praise:For the deliverance granted to the wife of Mr.Vinod Bairwa in Ranodiya village, who was possessed with an evil spirit, now they are coming regularly for

worship.For good opening in Pachel village for evangelism work, here many ladies are coming forward to hear about the Lord, For Children's ministry in Ranodiya village, our Evangelist Mr.Sonu Kumar is taking care, every Sunday more than 40 children are attending Sunday class, In Anta tehsil, where our Missionaries Mrs. & Mr. Sakaram are staying at present, some girls are coming forward to learn tailoring, through the tailoring class our missionaries plan to start evangelism work Pray Translation of the Gospel according to Luke for wisdom and right words For opposition in Ranodiya village for the Gospel Work, the Anti-Christian elements are trying to chase out missionaries and stop the Gospel work.Pray for youths in Getha village, every Sunday service many youths are coming to hear about the Lord, our Evangelist Mr.Mukesh Kumar is taking care of the worship group in Getha, Pray for our Day care centre in Phusod village, for smooth functioning in the midst of problems, For the opening for Evangelism work in this village.

17 UTTAR PRADESH, Utraula / Balrampur

Missionaries: Shibu Matthew & Sija, Samuel Theik, Sukhnath Badaik & Pankajani, Tharaya Shehkai & Mangam, Theba Timothy & Hangmila, Uppa Sankara Ganesh & SarithaPraiseFor helping our evangelist Mr.Kesav and family to shift from Balrampur to Mahuva and start ministry in Utraula area. That 27 Children could attend and experience the love of God in their life during the VBS program conducted from 22nd-24th Oct. 2012.For the answer to our prayer for one of our seeker Mrs. Urmila Devi who was ser iously s ick throughout her pregnancy because of severe anaemia, was healed and blessed with a baby boy.For His provision for the musical instruments to Balrampur Church.Pray Mrs. Urmila and her family will accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ soon.The believers and seekers in Agrahva village are discouraged because they are ostracized by other villagers because of their faithThe deliverance of Mrs. Geetha, Manisha and brother of Mr. Suresh (believer) from an evil spirit attack.The 6 seekers in Sonaha worship center accepted Jesus as their

FEBA- By the grace of God preparation and recording of the Kuvi program is going on well.Our Hostel Children are growing in the LordVoluntary Health Workers Training- God Helped us to train voulunteers from 3 more villagesGod enabled our Evangelists and Helpers to evangelize very interior villagesPrayThe Preparation and presentation of cultural Programmes in 5 Centers during the Christmas Season.The Provision of Land for the Hostel and Training center.God's help for the smooth Registration of our Hostel with the Government.Kuvi radio Programme may reach all Kuvi pocketsFor the believers and newly formed Church council and their effective involvement

personal saviour may take decision for baptism and The 5 new seekers in Sadullah Nagar may come close to God.For the follow up of Christmas programmes in various locations


Missionaries: Jenny Christopher & Vijaya Kumari - BangalorePraiseThe success of the Blast programme in the North East. Many have given their lives to Jesus and accepted Him as their personal savior for the first time, For the opening we have in the dornakkal diocese to build the youth. The Bishop has consented to use our resources.

The IEM family wishes all our Prayer partners and well wishers a blessed Christmas and Joyful New year 2013

UTTAR PRADESH, FatehpurMissionaries: Jaimon Joseph & Versha, Robert Joy & BimlaPraise15 people openly confessed their faith in Jesus ChristBelievers are standing firm and growing in the Lord as they attend cottage meeting, Bible study and prayer meetingsPrayA land to build church and to start a project in the in the fieldD e v e l o p l o c a l l e a d e r s h i p systematically

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19 IEM Prayer Day

A time to truly look back and thank God for all his favour and tender mercies as He carried us through 2012.

God willing we will be signing a MOU with Upper Room Fellowship a youth movement in AP for building the youth together for God’s kingdom.For the openings we had at the IPC Bible College at Kumbanad Kerala. Many have expressed their desire to serve God as missionaries after their training. PrayThat those who have accepted Christ during our youth programmes may stand strong in their faith and be a witness for Him.That we may organise God willing a Youth Coordinators meet ing at Bangalore during last week of January or first week of February 2013. We are expecting about 15 to 20 coordinators from all over India.For the Character Building Programme to be organised in February 2013 for the IT Professionals who have already attended the Stress management seminar organised by IEM at Bangalore.For the opening at Chennai, Hyderabad and Mumbai among the IT professionals. There is a great need to challenge them for missions.That the MOU may be signed between IEM Youth ministries and UESI Andhra Pradesh, UESI Bangalore and UPF Andhra Pradesh soon for the extension of God 's Kingdom as we work together for His glory.


Missionaries: Ahmedabad:Shailesh

Amin & Pearl Sheela, Heaven Brase,

Wilson W. Hunter

Vadodara: Rev. Harold Waghela & Mrs.

Sheela Waghela, Somabhai P Christian

Surat: Mr. Sabu George & Mrs. Elvina

GeorgeManinagar: Mr. Paul S. MacwanNadiad: Mr. John S. MacwanAnand: Major Maganlal B. Parmar

20 KARNATAKA, ChitradurgaMissionaries: Shibhu Issac & SmithaBharamasagar: Manjunath & Hannah Joyce Donnehalli : Anandkumar & Maria Malar Chitradurga: Evangelists: Manjunath & Family, Umesh & FamilyPraise Seeker Mrs. Bandhamma who is handicapped was blessed with a baby boy.4 new seekers Mr. Manthesh & Mahesh from Palikkehalli village and Rudramma & Manjanna family from Masarahalli village are regularly attending in the worship service.60 people attended the Youth meeting at ChitradurgaOur believer Sis. Soujania stood first in her first semester exams in medical collegeNew families Bro. Manju and Sis. Geeta from new village Kanagatti attended worship service at Donehalli.New young people attended the worship service at Baramasagara Church PrayMr.Rajanna from Kasavanahalli village who is suffering from HIV.Suitable house near the church will be

available for our missionaries Mrs. & Mr. Manjunath. Relatives will care for our believers Miss.Parvathajji and NagajjiBeliever Mrs.Deepa will be granted a safe deliveryLand will be available for a church building at Chukkanahalli village

21 MAHARASHTRA, Chikaldara

Missionaries: Sam Sukumar & Surekha, Pranab Kauri &Resmi, A.M.Bijoy & Jaisymol, Radhakrishna & BeenaPraise The Lord has given good health to all the missionaries of Chikaldara field.The Lord has povided a house to stay and do His ministry to Mr. Pranab Kauri in Patkoh village.one backslidden family has returned to the Lord in Mangia church.prayer fellowship meeting and bhajan held at Kesarpur church in the last month of September in spite of opposition from the village people.Praise the Lord that the new four contacts are coming to the church at patkoh village.Pray.For the new local leader who can do the ministry with commitment.For the four new people who are listening to the Word of God should know and accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour.Raju and his family who are bound by Satan and need deliverance in the Patkoh village.

PraiseFor God's faithfulness and control over everything during 47th National Convention in AhmedabadThe Powerful Revelation of God’s purposes through all the presentationsFor hard work put up by the Steering committee For good response from local Christians.PrayFor more involvement of the delegates in prayer and financial support for IEM.For the meaningful follow up of the People who have made decisions.That we may get more full time missionaries, Area Secretaries and Area/Mission co-ordinaters.That we may get more readers to read magazine and IEM Publications.

22 MADHYA PRADESH, Lakhnadon

Missionaries: Satyajeet B.Desai & Sanyogita, Pranicharan Basumata & Hiya Basumata, Joel Sarkar & Pajhren ToppoPraise for sister Rajani. she is willing to help in our ministry by taking Tailoring class.

23 ARUNACHAL PRADESH, PapumpareMissionaries: Jam Za Kap & Haukhan Niang, Vikugha Sema & Rebika Sumi, Th. Korienth Maring & Saka Moiran Maring, Praise

Mrs. Rina Horo and Mrs. Santi Tana

openly confessed the Lord on

September 30, 2012 at Lakhi village.

Women one day retreat held on October

13, 2012 at NEEPCO Church where 90

women participated from adjoining


One day retreat for youth held on

October 24, 2012 at Neepco Church

where 42 participated from Satang, Hoj,

Jampa and Lakhi churches

one day believers retreat was held on

October 20, 2012 at Gensi, six people

openly confessed their faith.

For the overall improvement of the hostel


Opening in Janevara and Sadkaseoni 2 new villages. Brother Jeetendra’s family openly believed in Jesus Christ and accepted Christ as their personal Savior.our Local Evangelist and Elders visited 4 new villages and shared the GospelMrs. & Mr. Pranicharan Basumata were blessed with a baby girlPrayNeeded money for corrective surgery on Mr. Ramprakesh’s leg. Weekly house prayer in Laveri, Dabakia, Patharkhti, and Gorabibi is going on For our Tailoring project we are planning to begin in 3 villages.Openings in Laveri, Bhomaka, Lihari, Chipaka, Kusumghat, Patharkhati, Khuta khamaria, Vadadod,Saliwada, Dapkia, Gorabibi, Katcohi, Janevara, Sadkaseoni, Kalrabaki and Seoni villages to do ministry

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Mrs. Dr. D. Khanchan Mugli, a medical

Doctor from Neepco and Sister Taba

Yalam Dony who openly confessed their

faith December 2, 2012 will be strong.

6 people who openly confessed the Lord

on November 19, 2012 at Nikte village will

grow stronger in the faith.

Christmas Carol to be started from 10 –

December 22, 2012 in five villages and

new year celebrations.

One Day believer's retreat program to be

held on January 27, 2013

Missionaries: Aimson Mavei & Delimond, Eric Basumata & BironiPraise.One worship centre formed at Shaldanga.Mr.Joy Tambuley who openly confess the Lord on31-10-012 will grow steadilySeeker meeting was a blessing to 8 peopleMr.Rajeswari Roy accepted the Lord recentlyPrayMr.Rajeswari getting ready to openly confess the Lord will be firm.Christmas programme.at Bonchukamari and Tupanganj.16 new believers may stand firm in the Lord.Believers winter camp in Jan 2013.

24 WEST BENGAL, Cooch Behar

26 WEST BENGAL, Jalpaiguri

Missionaries: Imongtosu Chang & Sometnaro, Pishang Maring & Anitha, John Kashyap & Subala, David Haokip & Rachel TuboiPraise This year we reached out into 4 new v i l l ages (Kh iapu l ,Tasa t i ,B i rpa ra , Dalgaon).Our Children got through in the first terminal examination.Believers are growing in their faith.That Rev. Pishang could finish the literacy training from November 1-3, 2012 at OTI.Pray For Sanjay's Parents to accept Jesus C h r i s t a s t h e i r s a v i o r .For Miss.Tarshilla suffering from liver infection.For our ministry goal / plan of 2013 -2014.We need very urgently a WG shed in Birpara

Praise That we could continue our ministry in

27 WEST BENGAL, Jalpaiguri

Mechpara village.60 seekers attended the seekers meeting on September 29, 2012 they are i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e G o s p e l .Through many programs our seeker Mrs. Pairo Mahali 47 year old confessed her faith in the Lord openly on October 21, 2012. That we could conduct V.B.S on October 14, 2012, 90 children attended the program and could learn Bible verses, action songs, and Bible stories.PrayThat our seekers must come to the Lord. Susma oraon, Dippa Mahali,Sumrit Mahali,Kajal Lohara,Nitai Oraon may openly confess the Lord.That a worship group be formed very soon in Mechpara village.Pray for the Christmas and New year programmes to be a blessing for the people and many will hear the Gospel.

28 WEST BENGAL, JalpaiguriPraise

That we conducted V.B.S program on

October 20, 2012. 23 children gathered

from Kapra village and children could

learn Bible verses and Bible stories.

10 youths dedicated their lives to the

Lord in the youth retreat.

That new seekers are coming to the

Church regularly.Pray Pray that Christmas program will be blessed and believers must participate in the program, that our nearby non-believers may accept Jesus as their Savior.Pray for Children programs in January 2013 in Salbari village that we can share the love of Jesus Christ.

29 WEST BENGAL, Jalpaiguri

PraiseThat we could visit new village, Dippu

and make friends. Five new friends are i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e g o s p e l .Our seekers Mr. Seva Oraon and his wife are interested in the Gospel and are getting ready to openly confess the Lord.Deborah program was conducted at Deema Beech line Church and 75 participants were blessed through the program, it was a really refreshing for them.This year we were able to share the love of God in 7 villages and made182 new contacts.We were able to minister to 23seekers.6 believers openly confessed the Lord.Pray Women from Jalpaiguri field could share their faith to others as they have learned during retreat.Kindly pray that Mr. Seve Oraon and his wife will make a firm decision to openly confess to the Lord.To start adult Literacy in two villages, Kalchini and Dimapati village in 2013.Planning to make 150 new contacts and share the love of God, minister to 40 seekers and 20 believers along with our present contacts and seekers.To cover 10 villages with the Gospel in the year 2013-2014.To develop 2 people as local leaders in 2013-2014.2 WGs to be formed in 2013-2014.For Chistmas program at Lothabari village, many people must hear the birth of Jesus.


Missionaries: Lalchawlthang Thiek & Lienkhawtling Thiek (Secretary for Church Ministries, North East,) Chin Lam Thang & Gou Siam Ching, Bijoy Jajo & Wonreilla, Lian Minthang & Hoineiniang (Golaghat)PraiseHis protection through floods and

25 Church Ministries - Meghalaya

Missionaries: Dr G.P.Kharchandy & Lady Grace Office Staff: Lovelybell Kharmuja i , Ba lbar ine Myr thongArea Coordinator: Iarlin RongrinPraiseGod for the awareness programs conducted by IEM Meghalaya Women Wing in 4 places and the Women Volunteers who went to 2Hostels at

Andaman & Papumpare. The Gospel Triumph who participated in the National Convention 2012 Ahmedabad, the translation of the Book My Utmost in Khasi language was released during National Convention Ahmedabad.God for the State Convention which was held in December 2012, especially the financial needs met from the generous donations by the Well Wishers and Supporters and Lynshing Presbyterian Church who hosted State ConventionPray Proposed visit by One Supporting Group ( Lamp of Salvation) to Delhi and Manali during the first week of Dec-12.and the new opening with the Youth Wing of Nongthymmai District Presbyterian Church to support IEM Missionaries. More workers (Area Secretary, area Coordinators) especially in Garo Hills areas and Non-Khasi Communities in Shillong.


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Bandhs the missionaries could continue ministry in this areaGod answered our prayers, One Mission Co-Ordinator Mr. Joshua Traite was newly appointed in Silchar area.we could have three mission seminars and Supporters Get-Together in Assam.Praise God He blessed us with 7 new Missionary Children’s support and Hostel children.PrayGod may give at least five Area Secretaries in Assam.churches may open wider to support more missionaries.


Praise First Mission Awareness Seminar was held in the Tripura Baptist Church Union (TBCU) on 16-17 June, 2012 at Agartala, Tripura.MOU is ready to be signed with TBCUPrayfor Evangelical Free Church of India (EFCI) Leaders and Workers Mission Awareness Seminar to be held on 8th to 9th Dec, 2012 at Saikar, North Tripura.We need a Mission Co-ordinator and Area Secretary who have commitment in this area.We need more supporters and area secretaries in Tripura state.

It's another brand New Year,

immense possibilities are awaiting

us, let us move forward in faith and

take hold of what God has for us. Let

us continue to walk this trail and get




Missionaries: Prem Kumar Shankar & Asha, Lichamo Murray & Rahel, Lasterjon & MerylistPraiseMissionaries could develop more contacts and seekers.15 people openly confessed their faith in Gensi and Nikte village on Oct. & Nov.Ministry among youth and children progressing.Literacy started at Nikte and Ngomdir village New mission station opened at Ngomdir village in SeptemberPrayFor permanent Church Land for Nikte village. For many Non-christians who heard the Gospel during the Christmas season For Galo Believers to be firm in their faith to witness to their own people.

to know God a little deeper. Pray that

we will be sensitive to the nudging of

the Spirit and avail the avenues that

He will open to us to be a blessing.


God would move in a special way in

our Land and we may have a rich

harvest of Souls

3 Church Ministries, ANDHRA PRADESH

Missionaries: Gideon Vijayakumar & Vijaya, N S Vijay Kumar & Victoria, Jeevan Pratap & Shara, K Augustine Mark & Veronica, R Shalem Raju & Rani, R Benjamin & Salomi, A John Mark & Sheela, A. Suvarna Raju & Beulah, Subbarayudu & Thangamani, Suvarna Daniel, P Sirish Kumar & SwarnaMission Coordinators: D J Prasanth

Kumar, B P Sukumar Patnaik, A S David Raju, B S Pradeep, I Nallaraj Edward, S Vijay Kumar, Prabhu DassArea Coordinators: K Irene Kumar, Amitha Pradeep, P S S Satya Babu, Mrs. Prabhu Dass PraiseFor the many open doors in churches and God’s favour on us to minister His Word.For the faithful supporters and sponsors who back us up with prayers Pray:Planned meetings of Bishop Rev Robert Solomon, Singapore 9th & 10th January 2013 at Hyderabad, 11 to 13 January 2013 at VisakhapatnamFor a l l Miss ionar ies, Miss ion Coordinators, Area Coordinators, Area Secretaries, Prayer & Financial Supporters, Churches, Pastors & Elders.

Missionaries: Akhai Haokip & Lois, Sreedhar Stephen & Susy, David Vaiphei & Naomi, S.Gidheon Rajadurai & Narayana T.Jadhav.Mission Coordinator: RajkumarEvangelist: Nabor Toppo Praise Mr.Biswas Das accepted Jesus as his personal savior and Miss. Rukmani Bai surrendered her life to the Lord to serve Him in the recent youth camp in Diglipur. 7 girls of Jeevan Jyothi Girls Hostel made decision to follow Jesus during this Camp. The newly constructed dining hall for Jeevan Jyothi Girls Hostel at Gilgal Bhavan, Diglipur, North Andaman, sponsored by FIEMA. Also extension of one more c lass room for Kindergarten school.The construction work of the long awai ted Communi ty ha l l cum

4 Andamans

residence at Nimbutala Jetty, Middle Andaman. The faithful friends who had contributed for the same.Language learning by our new missionaries-Narayana and Giheon at Kadamtala stat ion, who could communicate with the people in Hindi which is the common language of the local people.PrayField Convention at IEM Gilgal Bhavan, Diglipur, North Andaman from January 12-15, 2013. For God's anointing upon the resource persons, blessing upon all the participant believers, and boldness for our new believers to confess their faith by water baptism.The spiritual growth of our believers to be a vibrant witness for the Lord among their own people group and bring back those who are backslidden due to various reasons, particularly the youth.


Missionaries: Satya Ranjan Soren & ShinoMission Co-ordinators : Joshua Chopra (Kolkata) PraiseFor the visit of Rev. Sathyaranjan Soren to different Churches in Ranchi, Bokaro & Ghatsila areas. For Brother Ravi Kumar who arranged meetings in July and in October in Bokaro Steel City, Rev. Jonathan shared of our Vision, Faith & Sacrifice. On 27th Rev. Yoke Rumnong from Himachal Pradesh spoke in half day Youth Retreat. 107 Young People gathered and 12 have committed for Missionary work.For the good response we have in Calcutta through Bro. JoshuaMr. Tapan Kisku our Area Secretary in Ghatsila is very helpful in the ministry.

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Miss ionar ies: Ki r i vasan .N & Amirthamary, Samuel Ebin & Rajani, Selvi Michael(Hon), Jeevan Paul & Mercy, Prasad Alex & Animol Jacob.PraiseGod has granted us one new contact from Giddaverli village we have good openings.We could meet our believers in this month. ln Beespur village, praise God for the growth of our believer Sukdi in the Lord. Belku who is our believer from Kumar Sadra is growing and strong in the Lord in spite of opposition. He is ready to confess the Lord openly.PrayGod may open the way to restart the worship service in spite of opposition.For the Literacy class we want to start for our contacts, only now they are free from work.Sukram and Somaru our new seekers may know the Lord personally.For our co worker Mr. Prasad Alex for his health and further treatment.

6 CHATTISGARH, Bhatra, Bison Horn Madiya & Durva

Missionaries: Gnanasekaran & Sheeba, Tiatemjen Jamir & ImtililaArwan Roy MawliehPraise For the good performance of the hostel inmates in their recent examsFor the open support of the Rana Tharu Samaj for our literacy program inside NepalThat Gospel of Luke could be drafted into Rana Tharu languagePray The new hostel inmates would improve in their studies and would have good health.Adaptation of the present Kheri dialect translation into their Khatima dialect. For cooperation of the Rana Tharu Church leaders from the Khatima dialect area.The consultant check of the Epistle to Hebrews scheduled between Jan 3- Jan 18, 2013 ,Availability of a language helper, good health, effective work and journey mercies.

Church MinistriesMadhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh

Missionaries: B. Joshi & Vishwa Bharathi, Prasad Raju & Accamma, Mission Coordinators: Nisha Lall, A. K. LallPraiseFor the fruitful ministry of our GS in


PrayPlanned visit of Bihar & other districts in Jharkhand. .For a Mission Co-ordinator to be appointed.Bible college students who came for IEM meeting in Calcutta.Follow up of Bokaro Meeting. Those who have committed for Missionary work may be clear about the Call. 3 Area Secretaries are needed.

Katni, many were challenged from God’s WordPrayMany will respond positively and get involved in the ministry of IEM

8 ODISHA, Mayurbhanj

Missionaries: Pradeep Kumar Das & S a n k h i p t a , P r e m l a t h a D a s , Karimunssa, Milan Munda & PallaviPraise More than 250 women and youths attended the Women's Meeting and were challenged by the Word. For 15 believers who openly confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior.For many educated youth who are coming forward to serve the Lord rather than to choose secular work.

For the healing of Gansa Bodora and Mutura Alda received in answer to prayer.PrayEvangelists who are planning to move to other unreached areas with Gospel, they need God's guidance.Boy’s hostel newly started at Thakurmunda and Girls hostel at Rairangpur will bear good result for the glory of God.Women who attended the women's meeting will grow in the Word of God & be firm in their decision they have taken to serve the Lord

CHURCH MINISTRIES, ODISHAMissionaries: Sushobhan Nayak, & Jyotirmayee, Asish Kumar Nayak & Sunita Mission Coordinators: P. K. Roul & Suhasini,Subha Dutta Rout & Moushmi, Priti Pakash Swain & Kabita.PraiseThe team members could relocate and settle in the ministry.For the planning meeting and the decision taken.For the good response in Behrampur.PrayFor more openings in Churches in Odisha.For the b las t p rogramme in Bhubaneswar and Rourkela.


Missionaries: ED Raja Singh Elias & Fanny, Stephen Daniel DC & Christina, Timothy Austin & Alice, J. Isaac & EstherPraise 47th National convention Andhra Pradesh Silver Jubilee women’s Prayer Conference went on well.For the new avenues God is opening specially in the Eastern and North Eastern Regions.

South Indian states planning meetings went on well.PrayThe goal that is set for the 2013-14 would be achieved.The OUTREACH magazine published in 9 languages will be an effective tool to educate and challenge people for greater involvement in Missions.For the planned publishing of different books and needed finance for the same.Outreach Magazine Translators: Vilas Borde, Manjual P.Kumar, Deena Manoj


Missionaries: Thomson George &Mini, Johnson Abraham & Sicily, Shine Varghese & Bindhu, Ms K. Leela, Y Cheriyacehn & Rosamma, George Mathew & Shirly, CP Varghese & Annamma, MM Sosamma, CI Joseph & Mariamma Mission Coordinators: George P.Oommen & Shyla, P.H.John, Shyju IsaacPraise Regional convention at Palakkad Newly formed youth music team. New supports for missionary, Tribal, M K supports and Church constructionNew opening in the Bible Colleges and new areas. Pray All Missionaries, Mission Co-ordinators, Ministers at large, Area Secretaries and supporters.New Area Secretaries and Volunteers. Main line Churches to support Mission.


Missionaries: Amiyanand Nag & Anna

Mary, Ramesh Elanchelian & Solome

PraiseFor the Literacy Orientation workshop

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held in November 1-3, 2012 at OTI to initiate literacy in all our fields.All those who completed CLHTC 2011 have begun to get involved in healthcare ministries in their fields.The medical kits received by some of our missionaries have been effectively used to help people with various ailments.For His grace and help to all who joined the CLHTC course and attended contact programme in 8 different centresPrayLord's guidance and resources to start literacy programmes in all our fields.Need of providing medical kits to all who completed the CLHTC course to help them to be effective .Guidance to start tuition centres, t a i l o r i ng c l asses , and o the r development programme in every field.The commun i t y deve lopmen t programme will lead to opportunities f o r chu rch p lan t i ng m in i s t r y everywhere.For the need of funds to start programmes in the initial stages to start programmes .

Missionaries: V.E. Ravikumar & Grace, Chitrarasu & Rosamma, Sunder Raj & Helen, Thambi Raj & S u l o c h i , E d w i n & G e t z i e , Sounderarajan & Kanta, Thomas Edison & Sheela, Devapaulraja & Latha, Joseph Sounderarajan & Omana (Bible Translation)Praise The Christmas get-togethers held at different places in North Tamilnadu.The missionaries' dedications held at Chennai.PrayNeeded Church Ministries personnel for Trichy and Puducherry.we are in need of Area Secretaries in


Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri and Nilgiris .The reprinting of Tamil books written by Rev. Dr. Theodore Williams.


Missionaries: Justus Sathia Singh & Malar, Felix John & Omana, Office Staff: Kisan DhoknePraiseFor the glorious dedication ceremony of the Jamnivangan church building on September 23, 2012 in Nasik.The Seppa church building in Arunachal Pradesh was dedicated on September 22, 2012.PrayPray for funds towards the building of the compound wall for the Nagpur IEM land. This is a very urgent need. It needs to be completed in 3-4 weeks.For Omana and Felix as they both have not been keeping well in health. Omana has severe back-ache.For Justus S Singh, as he assists Mr. Vicky Sema in the Program Planning for Bible Translation.A new Kotia Song Book is under preparation. Justus needs to key in all the collected songs, have an audience with the Kotia people and finalize it.

14 BIHAR, Raxual

Missionaries: Joychandra Singh & Agui, Andrew & Pichgnanam, Suku Kachuua & Sukanya, Alexander & MercyPraiseWe could conduct women's meeting in Bela Village 30 women attended the meeting. At least 5 women responded to the Gospel.For the interest shown by women in PANIYARAWA and Bandhu Barwa village, in the interest of the women to the Gospel is really growing day by day.Mrs. & Mr. Alexander could find a house in the Gaur, Rautahat District Nepal.

PrayMrs. & Mr. Alexander begin their ministry among the Madhesi Gaur people in NepalFor our two brothers Mr. Sasi Kumar and Mr. Ajay Kumar who are here in Raxaul for their field Exposure.For the growth of the ministry in Raxaul and breakthrough in Nepal specially among the Madhesi.For the follow up of Christmas programmes in 10 villages.

15 HEAD OFFICE – Bangalore

General Secretary : John Wesley & Mercy Office Staff : Anitha vijay, Arun Kumar, Cinthikayal, Cyril Ajith, John Cornelius, Leena Jeyaseelan, Lisha Charles, Maria Raju, Mary Balraj, Narayanamma, Netra Ajay, Parimala, Prema, Prema Latha Michael, Priscilla Titus, Rajan, Ranjith, Reeta, Rosy David, Samson Jayakumar, Samuel Caleb, Sharon, Sheela, Silvia Devan, Steven, Sultana Butt, Sunil Kumar, Viji Ronald, VimalaThis very day in 1965 this Movement called IEM sprung up and has been touching scores of l ives in our Nation a n d Overseas as well. We Thank God for His continued faithfullness in providing the personnel, the resources, and the harvest for us as a Mission.Praise God For the Life and ministry of our dear Founder Rev.Dr.Theodore Williams.God for the sacrificial service rendered by our overseas associatesPrayAll the Leaders and Missionaries will carry forward the same Vision with

16 IEM Prayer Day

We Bend our Knees and pour our hearts to the One Lord, our sustainer, in fervent Prayer, so that we will not swerve in our commitment of reaching the unreached people and we as a Mission would continue to fulfill His purposes, and seek his favor in all our endeavors

MAHARASHTRA Church Ministries

Missionaries: Arul Mani & Christy, VT Samuel & Valsamma, KC Abraham & Grace, Thomas George & Moni, Kalpana Gaikwad, Rajeev Shelke & Snehal, Ashok Todasam & ArunaMagazine Translator: Vilas BordePraise Opening in New Life Marathi Church in Bhandup.For the promise of a few churches to support our missionaries from the next year. Two new prayer cells started (one in Bhandup and another one in Navi Mumbai)Good response received from Union Biblical Seminary students for the Bible Translation ministryPray For our supporters who are having problems in their businesses and 3 bereaved families of our supportersPositive response from the churches where we have visited and shared about our ministry.More missionaries to work among Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu speaking peopleMaharashtra faith target Rs.62 lakhs to be achieved.


M i s s i o n a r i e s : J e b a k u m a r & JebacrowniePraiseRecording of 20 Koya and six Kuvi radio programs radio programs at FEBA

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studio in Bangalore in first week of October 2012.FEBA has given 100 radios to Koya field A supporter from Nasik donated Rs.20,000/- for the distribution of radios to Kukna believers to listen to Kukna radio programs and other Christian radio programs in Radio in last week of September 2012.PrayDistribution 225 Garasia Audio Bible to Garasia believers in Rajasthan and 100 radios to Kukna field by January 2013.Completion of recording of Audio Bible in Madia language and Dedication of that by January 2013.Removal of hindrance in completion of recording of Audio Bible in Kotia language so that God will help us to dedicate it for the use of believers by January 2013.Audio recording of newly translated Luke’s Gospel in Bathri language by Jan 2013.

18 OTI – TAMIL NADUMissionaries: Mathews P. Mathew & Shiby, Paul Newton & Chella, PaulKhude & Leena, Esther Rajamoni, W.S. Delarson & Christina Halam, Kishore Paul & Mercy, John Booma & LathaOffice Staff: Mrs. Grace VargheseMissionaries under theological studies: John Douglas&Jyothi, Samson Prabhakar & Sandhya, Manoharan & NirmalaPray New tailoring course begins January 2013 and urgent need of a tailoring teacherTuition centre in Dodekannapalli village15 seekers in Hosur field will take the decision to follow ChristFollow up of Christmas programs conducted in nearby villages of OTI

19 Church Ministries Tamil Nadu - South

Missionaries: J Rajaiah & Stella, Duraisingh & Rebecca, Jeyasekaran & Rethinam, P. Vethanayagam & Arul Janaki,Indira Jacqualin, Mehendran & JayaPraise5 new missionary support through CSI churches.New opening at Keela Chadayaman Kulam CSI church, Tiruvelveli Dt. 3 Child supports from Tuticorin.Moolachal prayer Fellowship helped to build a church at Sarvaipadu Banjar, Koya fieldPrayThe supporters one day retreat at Palayam Kottai on January 14, 2013 .Mr. S. Prince Talbert Thampu from Neyyoor who is willing to support one missionary from January 2013 onwards by giving Rs. 3,000 every month.Mrs. and Mr. Mahendran joined the church ministries team.


Missionaries: Dr Narasimha Rao & Sunanda, D. Prabhakar & Susheela, V. V i c t o r S a m u e l & P r i s c i l l a , Devagnanavaram & Vanitha, Vineet Kumar Masih & Ranjana, Eswara Rao & Usha, Stanley Tatpati & Sudha, Salikutty Joseph, Mary Yesudial, Jerin M a g d a l i n , S a m u e l M u r m u & Sushanthi, VijiPraise200 youth attended the youth convention held in October 25 - 27,2012. 40 dedicated their lives. 10 of them for full time ministryWomen’s convention held on October 22-24, 2012 and local women’s meetings held successfully in 10 d i f fe rent p laces, 300 women

empowered by the Word of God.K o n d r u M u t h a i a h f r o m Thummalacheruvu was bitten by a poisonous snake, but he survived miraculously by the grace of God.Bhadramma from Boggamirpaka miraculously was healed from paralytic stroke.Pray 1 6 Ye a r R a j a k u m a r i f r o m Pullaiahgudem is coming to church, she is suffering with TB Meningitis, God's healing touch may be on her.Ramanatham f rom Gangaram suffering from chest pain, God may touch him and heal him.G u m m a d i L a x m i , K o d e m Venkatamma, Soyam Ramesh are possesed with evil spirits, will experience God's deliverance


Missionaries: Nehemiah & Kumari,

K.I. Joseph & Ammu Kutty, Sathyaraj &

Jeberslin Jenitha, Sudhir Naik &

Nirmala, B. Solomon & Suguna


For successful youth camp in

Bobbersiluka on Oct 16-18, 2012. 250

youths attended and 40 youths

committed to serve the Lord.

For formation of worship teams in each

worship center to help lead the


Family retreat held in Nov 13, 2012.

Baptisms and church anniversary in

Asnath on Nov 10, 2012.


New year programs in Chennur field in

all 20 worship centers.

For Mr.Prasad and Mr.Christopher as

they are going to give pastoral care and

do evangelistic outreach in Mulukapet

and Narwaipeta worship centers.

For five new seekers from five villages

Ar lepa l ly, Roypet , Abbapa l ly,

Narayanapuram and Chinnoor.Follow up of youth camp and 40 youths who commited to serve the Lord in Youth camp on October 2012.

22 ANDHRA PRADESH, Bonagiripally

Missionaries: Mr.B.Vijayakumar & Praneetha Evangelists: Kristudas (Rampur), Premkumar (Borlegudem)Praise For helping us to conduct 3 days women's convention at Bonagiripally from 24th to 26th of this month. many women have taken a strong decision to grow in the Lord and were revived in their spiritual life through these conventions.For the Calvary Temple Bible college students , they have adjusted themselves quickly to the field SituationPrayFor those who have made a commitment to grow in the Lord during the women's convention. The women who attended may witness to other women and bring many other women to the Lord.For Mrs& Mr. Venkataratnam's family's spiritual growth. They are the new believers from villagePandipampula. This family is willing to give their land for worship service.For the follow up of our Field Christmas programmes in different churches.


Missionaries: Shadrach Daniel & Jyothi, Sukant Kar & LuchimaPraiseFor His protection to our hostel children during the monsoon season.For the good health granted to our

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daughter Rosy.For Pulicherla Nagamma our believer in Kottalacheruvu who is recovering from an accident injury.PrayFor the parents with whom we have shared the Gospel during the parents day on Dec.20th For the unbelievers who came for the Christmas programs in each village.For Utthaluri Nagamma who is mentally sick, she will be restored to her normal health

Missionaries: R.Mangyang Chang & Chaya Chang, Lumdemo Kikon & Athunglo Kikon, Nikavi Chishi & Kanili Yepthome Chishi Mission Coordinators: Nungsangmar AO, Chutilo Apon, Imtila Jamir, Chuba Chang, Hokiye L. Awomi, PraiseA woman has conceived a child after 10 years of marriage. God answered our prayers for her.Could conduct Mission seminar, Women Seminar, Youth BLAST program in different churches Our missionaries were able to visit many churches, families, individuals and Church elders.New churches in new areas have opened their doors for IEM work.PrayTo progress in our ministries in the midst of challenges.Planned Mission seminars, Youth BLAST programs and Women seminars in different churches this year.Plans to send churches, individuals of different societies for IEM field visit this year.To get a good rented house for our associate secretary and separate room for state office


25 TAMIL NADU, Krishnagiri & Hosur

26 MADHYA PRADESH, Chattarpur

Missionaries: Kunal Parichha & Anupama, Henlal sang Gangte, Zimik Temrichen, Malvi Field: Sanjay Digal & Binita Praise 5people accepted the lord newly and are waiting for public confession. Tailoring project at Ishnagar, first batch 14 women completed their training. For new motor bike we received for Ishnagar field station.For good understand with EHA hospital in widening the ministry surrounding Chhatarpur.Pray We need new Hindi speaking missionary couple to start literacy work.

For the ongoing tailoring project, all 9 women may understand the love of God and may receive new life.Believers may receive the power of God to resist the evil one without fearFor Malati, a believer's wife may experience the salvation of God.

27 HR & Administration Bangalore Head Office

Missionaries: Jonathan Chavan & Shalini, Gnanamani Jeyaseelan (Vellore)Recruitment: Ebenezer RajakumarPraiseFor the 15 Candidates who have been appointed as Candidates under Training in various IEM mission fields.Pray For the second phase of the missionary training which is going on from November 2012 .The next course will start from the month of March 2013. Please pray for the candidates who are weak in English to pick up the language before the start of the course.That the Lord will raise committed youth from different states to join as Missionaries

The families of Mrs. & Mr. Sunil Kumar Nayak, Mrs. & Rev. Infimate, Mrs. & Mr. P S Thomas, Mrs. & Mr. B. Daniel, Anana Rao, Mrs. Manjula P Kumar, Mrs. & Mr. Gladson Anchan, Mrs. & Mr. Victor Sitther, Mrs. & Rev. Jeypaul Sitther, Drs. Theodore Srinivasagam, Mrs. & Mr. John David, Mrs. & Rev. George Raju, Mrs. & Rev. K.R.Stanley, Mrs. & Rev. Victor S. Dhas, Mrs. & Rev. P.M. Mathews, Mrs. & Rev. Joseph Chettri, Mrs. & Mr. E.A. Abraham, Mrs. & Rev. Johnraj, Mrs. & Rev. Victor Benjamin, Mrs. Grace Thankachan, Mrs. & Rev. T.V. Thomas, Mrs. & Mr.

28 Senior (Retired) Missionaries


Missionaries: Johnson Kuruvilla &

Jaimol, Kanakaratnam & Vanitha,

Gaurav Deep & Suganthi


New openings in many villages. We

had outreach in the past months God

opened many hearts and they are

coming to the church.

More than 15 people are ready to

openly confess the LordHealing touch on many of our believers who were affected with Malaria and Viral fever PrayPeople who are coming to the church newly should stand firm and grow in the

Missionaries: James Raj & Prabha, BB Raja & Santhi, Esther Gnanamani, Vetrivel & GladysPraiseThe outreach program went on well. We could meet and share with 100 peop le in 6 v i l l ages a round Kaveripatnam.For Mrs. Sudha and Mrs. Shakkamma, coming to Poovathi Church regularly after our outreach ministry.For Vengilikanapalli worship centre coming up with 3 Baptized believers, 3 seekers, 5 youth and 20 children attend the Sunday worship regularly. They have come forward and built a worship shed, and now it is in a finishing stage.Pray Jivan Jothi Girls Hostel need to get Government recognition Certificate ( Registration). Thus far we have received Sanitary, Stability and Fire protection Certificate. Follow up of Christmas programmesMedical camp in 13 – 1 – 2013, and seekers meeting on 20th Jan 2013.

Varghese C.P, Jayakumar D.S, Mrs. & Rev. Mohan Das, Mrs. & Rev. B.L.Khude, Mrs. & Mr. Y. Samuel & Mrs. & Rev. A. Dayavaran & Rachel Mrs. Swarna Daniel, Mrs. & Rev. Paranjothi S Nathan, Mrs. & Rev. Emmanuel PrakashPraise For being great role models For their commitment and contribution towards the Growth of the Mission.PrayThey will be sustained with good health and continue to be a blessing to many.

Mrs. & Mr.


Praise For The Co-operation Of Our Ministry Partners Both In The Mission Fields And Church MinistriesThe sacrificial and the service of the Honorary Area secretaries PrayGod’s blessing on each one of the dear ones both within the country and outside.New supporters will be enlisted in the coming year.

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Church construction in Rengelsing

village.The missionary team accomplishes the goal of 2012.


Missionaries: Jeyaseelan & Daisy, Ms. Alice Arulmozhi, Mission / Area co ordinators: Samuel George, Malathy Daniel, Samuel Induwasi, Vimala Vijay, Jeevamani, Vijaya, Udhayakumar, PremkumarPraise The one day youth retreat in KGF went

on well. Many were challenged by this.For the new openings in Gudalur, many have come forward to support our mission.For adding a new area secretary and area co-ordinator in our team.PrayFor the follow up work of youth retreat in KGF and forth coming discipleship camp, many may participate and commit their lives for ministry.For the all church ministry personnel in Karnataka. We may carry out our ministry with the vision- 2013.

Report : 47th National Convention, October 25– 28, 2012

- Mrs. & Mr. Sailesh Amin,

The 47th National Convention of Indian Evangelical Mission was held at the Methodist Church, Maninagar, Ahmadabad, based on the theme, “I have come down to rescue.” (Exodus 3:8)

Delegates Nagaland, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Rajasthan, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Believers and missionaries from Nasik, Dangs, Garasia, Hadoti, and Arunachal Pradesh(Galo) mission fields attended.

Rev. Dr. Albert Selwyn, Pastor of the Anglican Church, Singapore, Dr. Theodore Srinivasgam, former General Secretary, IEM and Rev. P. John Wesley, and missionaries were the speakers, Mr. Johnny Desai of EFI and Mr. Biju Mathew of Jabalpur translated the messages into Hindi. The Gospel Triumph Choir from Shillong, Meghalaya and the IEM Choir, Surat ministered through music.

The Convention was declared opened by Rev. Dr. Nicholas Parmar the Secretary of the Bible Society, Gujarat Auxiliary.

On October 26, 2012 Dr. Srinivasagam led the Bible study based on Exodus 3:8. The morning sessions were replete with challenging, informative and encouraging reports from Dangs and Garasia mission fields. The post lunch sessions featured statistics and reports on IEM's holistic ministry. Delegates were challenged towards greater involvement.

Rev. Dr. Albert Selwyn's messages from II Kings 5:1-15 and Romans 1:1-17 encouraged people to share the Word and witness to others.

Dr. Srinivasgam took the delegates around the globe to bring an awareness about the need to evangelize. In the afternoon, Rev. P. John Wesley and Sister Mercy Wesley led a session called, “Focus on the Family.”

On Sunday, October 28, 2012, missionaries preached in various churches in Ahmedabad city followed by a session on vision building. Many shared their resolutions decision to support the ministry of IEM in various ways. This convention illustrated the wonderful team of the Steering Committee, pastors, Associate Secretaries, volunteers. Cds and Books were released. We praise God!

IEM Gujarat & Convention Co-ordinator