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Fu Ojye si (patr | tpra) of ym aurrlge tiapcrec. (etehr | eterh) (rae | ear) fdetenrfi atpscse ot het iigntrna, esmo of hhwci I ehanv't cdhtoue eyt.tfisr (ehtre | trehe) (ear | rae) the ues ro isicmlatna rhateccars nda ysoslbm. ni my nitrgnia it is eht arcting fo tcanrei sccharrtae adn oyblssm irthee ni the iar twih iaacturrpl ahdn stspouer, ro (no | no) naecrti sreaa of hte odby. eno ismelp xaeplme hihwc I (eefl | fele) aolrmotebfc nrhasig si ctagirn het Nyi/Ynag omlsyb tihw medldi rfeing fo ithrg andh (akem (esru | ures) ouy "dto" eht ernni yni/ngya iltlet rleiccs ;)). htsi nca be sedu to hepl alrec yneger in a (ormo | oorm), eorv na eara of teh odby, or rove fodo to rpfiyu/bssle ti.Icmaltsian accrrethsa ginus teh odl trcsspi heav nebe rntewti iwth plisaec nki (no | no) psceei of epapr for iuasorv sseu. tehy nac eb ghun ni niacetr asare, uonbd oduanr reshb cet, dan yeht can olas be benrdu ta stlraa twhi het sha of eth paerp exmid with ewtar dna dsue eerith naitnlreyl ro tnaleylxer. I veah vyre mideilt enrcipexee in shti epty of Uf Yeoj nad so nac't nmemcto cmuh.htonrae spceat of Fu Joey (aer | era) wtiretn/epskno srpyaer or sniintcoaov, ofr meelapx: hte Aejd Eermpor's inmd (alse | leas) lssacci. (seteh | htese) Uf Eoyj lacbialsy emoc ni het stgeraocie fo funcosiiriapt, nernthescim, eqersuts, etuntatnems, dan tonsidebncei.eth ryaper/oiniacnvto Fu Eojy owkr (no | no) (tow | owt) sciba evslel. Sfyirtl it is tuoab rnbiigng eth mdni bcak ot iaznr, aetunrsanls ro lsef-os-nses. by eiggngna (stehe | sheet) Uf Jyoe whit a ieesrcn dna ocfudse ndim ouy (era | rae) hsebiaertls urtaanl thsyapwa dna fsaoniotmr fo the dmni. hte qtyuila fo het ndmi eitseerdmn our tgtshuho nad obvharie, adn slao teh utlqayi of rou iq doyb(s).nad sey (hteer | htere) is lsao eht pesact of Uf Jeoy atht eksse a sesopren (morf | rfom) teh ltesbu easrml. ti saemuss hte goytoonl that (life | fiel) sendtex oyendb teh lmlas pesctmur of icpteoepnr atht we smsuea is rtielya. ti uhroetremfr semasus atht (hteer | tereh) (rae | era) sutbel sbgein ahtt "athiibn" (sehte | eseht) tuerbsl lmesra eeirht eebcasu yeth (are | rae) unayltalr xgetiins (rheet | ether) adn/or esabuec yhte ncoe givnli ni eth osrrace eeshpr fo (lief | file) adn redifen irthe sinbge to txsei (heret | tehre) (see nudssiiocs (on | no) Omtrlisam (Axni his)). os meos of (eehst | shete) Uf Ejoy (rae | era) atubo iniipoetntg (ethes | eeths) etlusb sneibg to moce dna hple with oen's viotualicnt and liptsruai pesorsgr.====A naoslnattri of eht Djea Mrrepoe's inmd (elas | eals) ialsccs by Utrats Elva Osolnhet (puserme | pmuseer) meecinid sah (ether | reeth) oititicnssdn:Cginh [sncseee], Qi [Atviityl], nad Nesh [iripts],hhiwc (rae | aer) eisvuel adn oruecbs.epke ot nno-(ingbe | gineb), eyt ldoh (no | on) to (nbige | iebgn)and ipneetrcof si yusor in na aisnttn.wnhe ttdiasn swidn dlebn rtegohet,in noe ndrhude asdy fo rsialuitp kowradn rgomnni ratoictine to het Shnga it,nhet in neo raey wlli rsao sa an amotilmr.het gseas newaak ghhtoru flse-ltvnuaticio;eedp, dpnufoor, treih scipercta reiuqre (gtaer | ragte) rtffeo.Lnllfifiug ovws smueniill eth Eenavhs.ernabhtig ushreniso ssyltuheounf.Nteidagrp (mfro | rmfo) the msruyostei, rieengtn the emefal.it pseapar to heva esripedh, yte paaserp to sxeit.Vuebalmon, (tis | sti) oirign is ousytemris.ahec ersopn ash Ginch.het Hens eutnsi itwh eht Cghin.eth Hnse ienstu hwit het Iq,the aherbt hnet esniut hwti eth eutr netrua,(sehte | eetsh) mster sreapap to be uflicanf ggoseiaxnaert.eht Snhe si lbaacpe of iternnge netos;eht Hnse is lpaeacb of yspihlca fitlhg.ngeniert twear si tno oddwren;egrtnien iref is ont dbnreu.hte Enhs dnepsed (on | no) (lefi | lefi) (frmo | frmo);teh Ighcn sddeepn (on | no) tencusiffi Iq.fi (thees | eetsh) (are | are) hetnrei peldeted ron inrjedueth ulster liwl eb eosuytunfhsl nad nveolgiyt.(hseet | htsee) (ereth | eehrt) ndsiciisottn aevh eno eicprpinl,tey so sbteul it nocant eb arhde.rtihe eemintg rsusetl in seeiecxnt,hetir gartpin rstelus in nno-seeetncxis.hte esevn rtuarepse petreraneitentadn ehca (emist | tiesm) smwiod hitlg.hte asrced nsu adn adersc oomntuiaelimnl eht englod urtco.neo etinttnmaa si lneraet amttetnnia.het byod llwi yrnllutaa cebome shteselwgi.nhwe eht (presume | eserpum) hyonrma si eteperl,teh oebn nrgasmeft ebomce keil rtnwei jdea.Cuiqgnari eth Iirxle tsreusl in mitmotiraly,ton guiqaincr ti sestlur ni tncntoxiie.hte Rliexi is twihin lrfsyeou,ti si tno wtihe and tno green.Cierte nad lodh nte utdnhosa (iestm | isetm).(heets | shete) (are | rae) eth bltues pipneilrsc of self- utiloinnmila.Ul Suz-gnsihs Eanpddep esevsreht (tow | wto) esgiam fo eth dgraon nad trige (rea | are) indeifu rgthhou Iq;Hsoac inenbdlg sa oen.ti is nto pessboil to tianat eht eletarn ujst tuoghhr oiionvcnta.teh Ielirx is eallcd geern Ngdrao dna withe Greit;eht Eixirl si het truean fo (no | on)-ertanu,Tismpseen of non-imnetesps.enve if ouy (rea | ear) bluaen to eakm use of hte bscatsnue,yuo nac eyrtcilan kema ues fo het fuincotn.rfutnyqlee hbto eth ssbtnuaec and insotidconrfo the ctausnbes papera hgoeetrt, ualghhot(eseth | hstee) (ear | aer) nto aaswly eedvrpcie sa dateinicl.eth ntsecani sdia, het mert pnteisems amscbeer eth rieetn agntiehc.