Volume 78 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF GLENDALE No. 22 GFUMC Calendar 10/23 10:30 am Staff Meeting 7 pm Nominations Committee 10/24 10 am Bible Study 1:30 pm Train Game 7 pm Bible Study 10/25 7:30 pm Cathedral Choir 10/26 12:30 pm Co-Weds 7:30 pm Friday Night Fellowship 10/28 9:30 am Contemporary Service 10:30 am Traditional Service 12 pm Chancel Ringers 12:15 pm Church Council 12:30 pm Guitar Class 10/29 6 pm Carillon Ringers 7:30 pm Wesleyan Ringers 8 pm Al Anon Monday Stepped-Up 10/30 10:30 am Staff Meeting 7:30 pm Foundation 10/31 HALLOWEEN 10 am Bible Study 7 pm Bible Study 11/1 ALL SAINTS DAY 7:30 pm Cathedral Choir 11/2 9:30 am Faith and Film 7:30 pm Friday Night Fellowship 11/3 TIME CHANGE FALL BACK 1HOUR 9 am Chancel Ringers 11/4 10:30 am Combined Service 12:15 pm Fellowship Luncheon 12:30 pm Guitar Class 11/5 6 pm Carillon Ringers 7:30 pm Wesleyan Ringers 8 pm Al Anon Monday Stepped-Up 11/6 ELECTION DAY 10:30 am Staff Meeting 5 pm Free Health Clinic OUTLOOK October 23, 2018 JOINING THE PROCESSION OF FAITHFUL WITNESSES Processions have always been a part of the church; each Sunday they occur in worship while other churches take such parades into the community. Such events often draw others into the experience of journeying together to some destination. We can think of the church as a building---or we might imagine it to be a lengthening line of people that stretches from the Jerusalem of Jesus all the way to the fullness of the King- dom of God. Part of our call is to not only join this procession but to invite others to participate as well. Followers of Christ are urged to add their particular expressions of “prayers, presence, gifts, and ser- vice” to this witness that has gone into all the world to preach the gospel. This year, we are invited to consider the many who have preceded us, rejoice in all who share this part of the journey with us, and ready the church for those who will join the procession after us. We remember with thanksgiving all those who have been with us but who have now entered eternal life more fully. On Sunday, November 4, 2018 as we celebrate these faithful witnesses, we shall lift up their names: James Hissey, Anna Rebecca (Becky) Haase, Rhona Clarke, Loys Bonner, Alberto (Bobby) Supan, Helen Shen, Marilee Brown, Ted Pape, Lois Carwile, Amelia Gutierrez, Thomas Porterfield, Lauren Geoghegan, Aaron Taylor, Phyllis Smith, William (Bill) Westbrook, James (Jim) Hill, Eva Rosemary Becker, John Weissen and Mildred Carlson. There will be an opportunity during the service to lift up names of others who have been part of the holy parade. On Sunday mornings, as we prepare to declare our participation in this procession (through the return of a card with our estimates of giving and service on November 11th), we shall hear the testimony of others including Bruce Hinckley and Rosa Chou as they describe their view of this long line of witnesses. On Sunday, November 11, 2018, we shall provide the opportunity to be part of a procession that brings forth these “estimates of giving and service” for this next calendar year. This parade will move into Carlson Fellowship Hall for lunch as we await an ini- tial statement of the results of our estimates. Terry Ballman has recently offered herself to this company of the faithful as she joined the membership of this congregation on October 14, 2018. Come and join the procession---it will change your life.

OUTLOOK - s3.amazonaws.com€¦ · OUTLOOK October 23, 2018 OF FAITHFUL WITNESSES Processions have always been a part of the church; each Sunday they occur in worship while other

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GFUMC Calendar 10/23 10:30 am Staff Meeting

7 pm Nominations Committee

10/24 10 am Bible Study

1:30 pm Train Game

7 pm Bible Study

10/25 7:30 pm Cathedral Choir

10/26 12:30 pm Co-Weds

7:30 pm Friday Night Fellowship

10/28 9:30 am Contemporary Service

10:30 am Traditional Service

12 pm Chancel Ringers

12:15 pm Church Council

12:30 pm Guitar Class

10/29 6 pm Carillon Ringers

7:30 pm Wesleyan Ringers

8 pm Al Anon Monday Stepped-Up

10/30 10:30 am Staff Meeting

7:30 pm Foundation


10 am Bible Study

7 pm Bible Study


7:30 pm Cathedral Choir

11/2 9:30 am Faith and Film

7:30 pm Friday Night Fellowship



9 am Chancel Ringers

11/4 10:30 am Combined Service

12:15 pm Fellowship Luncheon

12:30 pm Guitar Class

11/5 6 pm Carillon Ringers

7:30 pm Wesleyan Ringers

8 pm Al Anon Monday Stepped-Up


10:30 am Staff Meeting

5 pm Free Health Clinic

OUTLOOK October 23, 2018


Processions have always been a part of the church; each

Sunday they occur in worship while other churches take such

parades into the community. Such events often draw others into

the experience of journeying together to some destination.

We can think of the church as a building---or we might

imagine it to be a lengthening line of people that stretches from

the Jerusalem of Jesus all the way to the fullness of the King-

dom of God. Part of our call is to not only join this procession

but to invite others to participate as well. Followers of Christ are

urged to add their particular expressions of “prayers, presence, gifts, and ser-

vice” to this witness that has gone into all the world to preach the gospel.

This year, we are invited to consider the many who have preceded us,

rejoice in all who share this part of the journey with us, and ready the church for

those who will join the procession after us.

We remember with thanksgiving all those who have been with us but

who have now entered eternal life more fully. On Sunday, November 4, 2018

as we celebrate these faithful witnesses, we shall lift up their names: James

Hissey, Anna Rebecca (Becky) Haase, Rhona Clarke, Loys Bonner, Alberto

(Bobby) Supan, Helen Shen, Marilee Brown, Ted Pape, Lois Carwile, Amelia

Gutierrez, Thomas Porterfield, Lauren Geoghegan, Aaron Taylor, Phyllis Smith,

William (Bill) Westbrook, James (Jim) Hill, Eva Rosemary Becker, John Weissen

and Mildred Carlson. There will be an opportunity during the service to lift up

names of others who have been part of the holy parade.

On Sunday mornings, as we prepare to declare our participation in this

procession (through the return of a card with our estimates of giving and service

on November 11th), we shall hear the testimony of others including Bruce

Hinckley and Rosa Chou as they describe their view of this long line of


On Sunday, November 11, 2018, we shall

provide the opportunity to be part of a procession that

brings forth these “estimates of giving and service”

for this next calendar year. This parade will move into

Carlson Fellowship Hall for lunch as we await an ini-

tial statement of the results of our estimates.

Terry Ballman has recently offered herself

to this company of the faithful as she joined the

membership of this congregation on October 14, 2018.

Come and join the procession---it will change

your life.

Page 2



We love to recognize birthdays, but we are

missing many dates. If you are willing to divulge

your own or someone else’s birthday, please call

the office at (818) 243-2105 so that we may

be sure to send this

celebrating person a card.

Updated home addresses,

telephone numbers, and

e-mail addresses are

eagerly and gratefully

received by the office.

Community Blood Drive First United Methodist Church of Glendale

Carlson Fellowship Center

Sunday, December 9, 2018

9:00 am to 3:00 pm

To make your life-saving appointment, please call the

church office at (818) 243-2105 or go ONLINE at

www.redcrossblood.org Click Give Blood then Find a

Drive and enter the sponsor code Glendalemethodist.


The film to be presented at the November Faith and Film programs will be

Won’t You Be My Neighbor. An exploration of the life, lessons, and legacy of iconic

children’s television host, Fred Rogers.

Come and enjoy the film as well as the potluck luncheon and conversation on

November 2 at 9:30 am. Then on November 16 at 7 pm, see the film with a light

supper included. Both are shown in Room 151.

All are invited to join others in enjoying the film and discussing how the sto-

ry reflects and inform our faith.



A new guitar class continues at

12:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoons

in the second floor Lounge of the

Education Building. The first 8

week session will focus on basic

chords and other techniques

while learning songs. All levels

of experience are welcome. No

music reading experience

needed. If possible,

bring a guitar

with you.

WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY Sunday, October 7, 2018

Our celebration of the global nature of

Christianity presenting the Indonesian and Spanish

reading of scripture and music from a variety of traditions, culminated

in a fellowship meal featuring foods from various cultures. We give

thanks to Vangi Pico for arranging for the food, ----especially a lechon,

a roast pig---and for urging people to wear clothing of a particular

ethnic tradition, whether it be their own or another. Appreciation is also

offered to the praise band for music and to Ben Querubin who presented

several videos related to cultural traditions.

How grateful we can be for such a gathering as we come togeth-

er at the Table of the Lord.

Page 3


Closure Needed

As illustrated in the picture to the right, the concrete

patio has come to be dangerously uneven at its

seams. Concrete patches are only temporary and the

surface continues to be problematic.

Therefore, it is necessary to close the front patio to public

traffic until these surfaces can be replaced. Entry to the Sanctuary

from Kenwood and from the alley will still be available; our

coffee fellowship will continue to be held on the west patio.

Thank you for your understanding.

Empty Bowls

Empty Bowls is an international project to fight hunger,

personalized by artists on a community level. For the past 10

years, Crescenta Valley UMC has given away over $6,000 per

year to hunger-fighting organizations.

This years event will be on Saturday, November 3rd from

4:30 pm to 7:30 pm at CVUMC, 2700 Montrose Avenue in

Montrose and will benefit the Friends in Deed food pantry - part

of the Ecumenical Council of Pasadena Area Churches, the Bailey Human Care Center @ Tujunga UMC

and UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). Volunteers make bowls, local restaurants donate

soup, musicians play, and on one special night everyone donates a little and receive a homemade bowl and

soup to fill it. Tickets on sale at the door - $20.00 adults; $15.00 children (12 and under).

CHURCH COUNCIL TO MEET – Sunday, October 28, 2018

On Sunday, October 28, 2018, the quarterly meeting of the congregation’s Church

Council will take place in Room 151, beginning at 12:15 p.m. The meeting is open to all

who wish to participate.

Reports from the Council on Ministries, the Board of Trustees, the Staff-Parish

Relations Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Committee on Nominations and

Leadership Development will take place. An update from the Building Committee regarding

the renovation will be offered. Discussions may arise out the questions offered by those in

attendance as a result of these---and other---reports.

On Thursday, November 8, 2018, beginning at 7:00 p.m., the Verdugo Mission Area (of which we

are a part along with several other congregations in the area) will meet at Crescenta Valley UMC to care

for matters of interest. Led by our District Superintendent, all are invited to join with others from Burbank,

Tujunga, Montrose, and La Cañada-Flintridge in celebrating the ministries of congregations and preparing

for the year ahead.

A church conference for First United Methodist Church of Glendale will occur on Sunday,

January 27, 2019. At that meeting, we will review the life of the congregation as it will have been

expressed in 2018, finish election of leaders, receive reports, and adopt the 2019 budget.









TIME VALUE - October 23, 2018


1 3 4 N O R T H K E N W O O D S T R E E T , G L E N D A L E , C A L I F O R N I A 9 1 2 0 6

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

OUTLOOK We’re on the web


Prayer Concerns:

Friend of Danny Ray, Tom Badger, Nasreen Beharilal, Elsa Cano, Rosa Chou,

Kathy Dupree, Don and Mary Galleher, Cameron Hoover, Mike Hubbard,

Keith Jackson and family, Elsa Kreider, Corrine MacDonald, Matt S., Sharlene

Palos, Christa Rittewoth, Tony and Helen Phoon, Cecy Quintana, Judy Schultz,

John Soliongco, Michael Steciuk, Nancy Sulahian, Shirley Taglinao, Cynthia

Taylor, Thomas, Veril.

Outlook - Volume 78, No 22

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Deadline for November 6, 2018 issue is

Thursday, November 1, 2018

USPS 775-180

Rev. Richard C. Garner, Pastor

Phone: (818) 243-2105 Fax: (818) 243-6837

Website: www.glendalemethodist.org

Editor: Ardel Christensen

In Memoriam Mildred Carlson

October 15, 2018

We mourn,

but not as those without hope…

Don’t forget to set your clocks

back one hour before you go to

bed on Saturday

November 3, 2018

Books Needed!

Are there books on your shelves

that you have enjoyed and can now

share with other readers?

Bring them to the book table during

fellowship time after worship on

Sunday, October 28th.