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Page 1: outdoor advertising


Submitted By: : Mamoon Omar Okour

Presented To :Dr M.zake:

Page 2: outdoor advertising


What is Transit advertising?

why is Transit advertising?

why is Transit advertising?

BENEFITS OF TRANSIT(transportation)


why is Transit advertising?

why is Transit advertising?

Page 3: outdoor advertising

Transit advertising includes printed posters found inside business and commuter trains, exterior posters on taxis and buses, and station posters located near or in subways and in railroad, bus, and airline terminals

Transit advertising

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Reaches More Viewers

Cost Efficiency

Proximity to Purchase Locations

Scope for Creativity

Reach Specific Target Customers

Captive Audience

Constant Exposure


Enhances the Effectiveness of Other


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Types of transportation

Hanging Posters

Over Window


Over Door Posters

Door-side Posters


Exterior Media


LCD Ad-screens

Whole Interior

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A common transit advertisement definition is advertising on a display that is on or related to a transit or transportation vehicle. Because of their great visibility and low transit media rates, advertising on public transit displays - including an in-transit sign - produces impressions for a transit advertisement rental at a low CPM and a low cost

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Bus advertising has grown in popularity over the past few years. As its popularity has increased, new advertisers have begun to explore this medium to include in their marketing plan

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Public transit or transportation advertisement signs come in several forms on the inside and outside of city - county and muncipal transit transportation vehicles - stations and terminals - including transit stop ads or transit shelter ads, all of which are listed under the Products section, below. Transit advertising costs, like bus shelter ads costs - such as those for advertising on buses - are low compared to other media. In fact, many studies find that the advertising on transit cost for transit media is relatively low when compared to other formats.

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out-of-home advertising on transportation vehicles such as buses, taxicabs, subways, commuter trains, rapid transit trains, and ferries, as well as in transportation vehicle terminals. There are three major types of transit advertising: car cards, found inside the vehicles in a fleet; outside posters, located outside the vehicles in a fleet; and station posters, located in carrier terminals. Transit advertising is offered at relatively low cost

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/transit-advertising#ixzz2HmrmfFFd

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There are various types of transportation


Print Advertising: Newspapers, Magazines,

Brochures, Fliers

Broadcast advertising: Television, Radio and the


Outdoor Advertising: Billboards, Kiosks,

Tradeshows and Events

Covert Advertising: Advertising in


Public Service Advertising: Advertising for

Social Cause

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AdvantagesExposure to one ad can be long if the ad is inside a transit vehicle.

Frequency, the number of times a viewer is exposed to an ad, may be high if the viewer uses the same method of transportation repeatedly. For example, a person may ride the same subway to and from work 10 times a week.

Ads on the exterior of buses and cabs are seen by large and diverse audiences. You can also say that some of the audience is captive, too, if you consider the number of drivers stuck behind a bus or the number of walkers waiting for a stopped bus to move past.

The ad message can be timely because often the person riding mass transit is on the way to shop, eat or visit an entertainment outlet.

Ads can be geographically targeted because you know the people are all in a certain area at a certain time.

Ads can be lifestyle targeted in some instances. Some transportation travels through very distinctive neighborhoods.

This method of advertising tends to be quite inexpensive in both absolute and relative terms

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DisadvantagesYour ad design is usually limited to the size of frames or holders you ad will be placed in.

People on mass transit are often not in a receptive mood or they may be so used to ads appearing in certain spaces that they don't even see them.

Transit ads are hard to target. Your ad reaches a lot of people, but many are not even potential customers.

You may not have mass transit in your advertising area. For example, many cities and towns don't have subways or bus service.

Subways, buses or other mass transit environments may not suit the product image.

The surroundings may detract from your message. A mud-splashed bus, a graffiti-sprayed subway car or a crumbling subway entrance wall may not be the showcase you had in mind

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What It IsTransit advertising is advertising placed in or on modes of public transportation or in public transportation areas. Using this method of advertising, ads can be placed anywhere from on the sides of buses, trains and taxis, to inside subway cars, inside bus stations and near train or bus platforms. The main purpose of transit advertising is to reach riders and acquaint them with your brand.

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Varied MediumsTransit advertising is quickly moving beyond only the traditional print advertisement. New technology has allowed advertisers to explore with different mediums in transit advertising. These mediums include digital advertising on plasma or LCD screens, interactive advertisements that allow you to scan a barcode with your smart phone, and "animated" advertisements set up in subway tunnels that "move" as the train whizzes past hundreds of images like a flip book.

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ImportanceTransit advertising is important because it can provide high visibility for your product on a daily basis. Also, your audience may not necessarily be able to ignore your ads as they would, for example, by fast-forwarding through a television commercial or radio advertisement, or flipping past a magazine ad. Many times, it may be hard for a person to ignore an ad they are sitting across from on a train or bus, simply because it's in their direct line of view. Also, transit advertising guarantees your small business a varied audience by age and income.

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• Objectives and methodology

• An overview of Kuala lumpur travellers

• General perceptions of advertising on Kuala lumpur transportation

• Response to current advertising formats/displays on the buses ,cars

• Response to newer advertising initiatives on Kuala lumpur

• Exploring expectations of advertising on Kuala lumpur in the future

• Conclusions & recommendations

Key Points