OUT OF THIS WORLD: COMETS ASTEROIDS, AND METEOROIDS By Mercury Jones Edited by __________________

OUT OF THIS WORLD: COMETS ASTEROIDS, AND METEOROIDS By Mercury Jones Edited by __________________

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By Mercury Jones

Edited by __________________

In the Milky Way galaxy lies our solar system, a region composed

of the sun, nine planets, and moons. Most people disregard

the smaller celestial bodies called asteroids, comets, and

meteoroids that fill our solar system.


Comets, commonly known as “Fiery Boulders,” are composed entirely of rock and do not have

any definite shape.

Comets appear to be fireballs of light zooming through the

sky. Comets, however, do not produce their own light. Gas and dust particles reflect the

sun’s light.

In 1986, scientists all over the world awaited the arrival of Halley's comet. This would be the only opportunity in

history to gather information about such a comet, because its motion is

extremely unpredictable.


Asteroids are fragments of rock with an irregular shape that orbit the sun. They are too numerous

to be considered planets.

All asteroids can be found orbiting the sun between Mars and Jupiter. This region is known as the asteroid belt.

Due to the fact that asteroids do not differ in composition, there can be no specific classification system. Seen one asteroid, seen

them all.


Meteoroids, bits of rock and metal, are formed from asteroids and comets. These small celestial

objects move throughout the solar system.

Meteors are shooting stars that fall from space to Earth. Be sure to wear your safety helmet, because each day millions of meteors are making the trip.

Meteorites are meteoroids that pass through the

atmosphere and hit the Earth’s surface. Meteorites are classified based on their



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