Out of my Heart

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  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    Out of My


    Beneth Musiime a .k.a Akoola

    2009-10 Poem c ollec tion

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    Beneth Musiime

    Out o f my hea rt is my first

    book! It s a c ollec tion of p oems,

    ma inly about love and life in


    Am mostly insp ired by my

    surround ing s, hoverer some

    poems, just hit my mind and I just write them down.

    I have b een running a b log

    http :/ / akoo la .wordpress.c om for over a yea r. And

    am so p lea sed with all of you that pa id me a visit

    and most of all written to me enc ourag ing me to

    keep writing.

    Out o f my hea rt is my g ift to you to share w ith

    those a round you.

    Thanks for being there, and pushing me on. Ma y the

    good Lord ric hly bless you.


  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    Look a t me

    Sitting here all p retty yet you don t see

    The fa c t tha t Im d oing nothing with my life

    Im no t anyone s wife, instead Im ha ving fun

    My life is not done, a t lea st a m b etter tha n you

    And there s nothing you can say or do

    Gosh a m tired of lies,

    You say am good when you d on t believe in you

    ow n words.

    You ha te the fac t tha t Im alive,

    Yet a m trying to survive,

    I strugg le like any othe r ma n on earth

    You re my numb er one fa n,

    Instea d of ha ting the fa c t,

    Just emb rac e it,

    Denying it won t chang e a thing.

    Am p retty, wha t a p ity

    Your loss no t mine

    So look a t me now.

    By Beneth, 12/ 05/ 2010

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    Am shining

    Am like a litt le b ird ,

    Tha t has just lea rnt to fly,

    So many words a flapping in my mouth

    I wish you w ere listening in.

    I don t have a ll I need,

    Yet I b lame no bod y,

    I don t know if I should hate this or love it?

    For Happ iness is a lways c ut short b y SAD moments

    Am shining,

    May be not for long ,

    Anyhow, who c ares?

    This is my moment,

    If am to bright

    Dont b lam e me,

    Get shades

    By Beneth, 12/ 05/ 2010

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    A c ry of my heart

    My fa c e is sta ined with tears,

    I don t think you und erstand me,

    For you think I have a ll you c ould eve r wa nt

    I need to know how it feels,

    To be a wife,

    To b e a mo ther,

    To ra ise a family of my own

    To b e a cknowled ged and known

    Are yo u still wond ering?

    Wond ering , why I c ry?

    I ha ve told myself to stop c rying ,

    I wish I could listen

    Is tha t too muc h to ask?

    How long must I wa it?

    No short c ut,

    So I got to wa it,

    Just like a baby wa its for sunrise to p lay

    Help me Lord ,

    As I wa it fo r the sun.

    By Beneth, 12/ 05/ 2010

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    Out of My Heart


    The one and only

    I felt my hea rt drop ,

    As I wa tched you go

    It s like I d ied that moment.

    My hea rt, poor hea rt,

    Nothing ma tters anymore!

    No laughter, joy, or ha pp iness

    May be am g iving up too fast?

    May be he w ill come bac k?

    Was tha t the one and only one for me?

    Did I lose my cha nce for ha ppy-ever a fter ?

    These questions a re killing me.

    Oh God, Tell me

    Was he

    Was he one a nd only?

    I hop e he wa s not,

    For I have a grea t love to sha re.

    And still I need love in my life.

    By Beneth, 12/ 05/ 2010

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    Out of My Heart


    Mr. Gentle Hash

    He c ame to my life,

    Like a wind tha t harms no p lant,

    Gently my hea rt opened ,

    Like a flower opens to the rain

    Soon, everything was fishy,

    The c are, faded awa y,

    Without warning !

    My hea rt was left hang on a sp ider rop e

    Assured of fa lling and b rea king

    I don t even have a c hanc e to p lea my c ase

    Or even a sec ond hea ring.

    Something will forever be misund erstood ,

    I wish our eyes can see into the hearts of o the rs,

    Ma y be then I will understand

    All the questions he left in my heart

    Muc h as I want a knife in my hands

    All I c an d o is to shake o ff the mad,

    Life seems to have more in sto re.

    By Beneth, 12/ 05/ 2010

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    Tired of love songs

    Every time I turn on the rad io,

    A love song is playing .

    Every time I turn on the TV,

    A love song is playing .

    Am tired of the love songs,

    Am tired of love shows,

    ta lks, books, ads, moves

    Whatever, am tired of it

    As lovers enjoy each other s c omp any,

    Exc ha ng e hugs, kisses and a ffec tion,

    Does anyone care what the lone ly do?

    Am tired of the love songs,

    They ma ke the lonely more lonely,

    And they c a ll them love songs!

    I would love to listen to the rad io,

    Watc h the TV,

    But not the love songs,

    Am tired of love songs.

    By Benie 01/ 02/ 2010

    Am not sure where I got the insp ira tion to write this

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    Out of My Heart


    Old b ed of mine

    Moved to a new a new house,

    Running from our house,

    Our memories

    Our house

    where a ll our memories were c rea ted

    Memo ries I have fa iled to push behind .

    This old bed of mine,

    Lying on it,

    Takes me to wha t I was running from

    This old bed of mine,

    La id the w ay you want it,

    The p illows

    Placed where you wa nt them,

    On this old b ed of mine,

    I feel you lying b eside me,

    Yet as I mo ve to hold you,

    Ma y be to kiss you,

    All I touc h is a p illow!

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    Out of My Heart


    To forget you,

    I ha ve to lose,

    All tha t I sha red with you

    Memo ries make me lonely,

    Yet a m not rea dy to forget you,

    I will keep this old b ed of mine,

    Hold ing on to a hope,

    That one day,

    We ll sta rt where w e stopped .

    By Benie

    01/ 02/ 2010

    Music c an d rive you to any imagina tion

    Well tha t is wha t I c ould write a fter a song.

    I forgot the title though ma ybe it was Past


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    Out of My Heart



    My heart skipped

    At a glance at you

    You c aught me looking a t you,

    And the best I c ould was to smile

    That a ttrac ted you to me.

    Hard ly d id I know

    Tha t, that little thing would end up into sleep less


    All I think of is, you

    All I d ream of, is you

    All I see, is you

    In everything I set my eyes on

    I have tried to fight this

    As well as enjoying the mo ment

    Of this c razy feeling

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    Out of My Heart


    However it ha s c rossed the line,

    Am losing my mind ove r you

    It s d riving me c razy

    And I have to fight it,

    This time,

    Ge t rid of it

    And free my soul

    I got a c rush on you,

    But one question is

    When will it go a way?

    Wish I ca n turn pa ges backwards,

    I wo uld op en to before I met you.

    By Benie

    29/ 12/ 2009

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    Love sec rets

    Years have passed

    Me and you as best o f friend s

    Ma y be tha t is a ll I am to you,

    A b est friend ,

    And a m gra teful

    For ha ving you a s a friend

    Today I have to sha re

    This sec ret o f mine with you

    Am in love with you,

    For a long time,

    You have b een that to me


    You needed to know

    This love sec ret of m ine,

    By Benie

    29/ 12/ 2009

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    Out of My Heart


    Sec retos de Am or

    Han pasado los aos

    Yo y usted lo mejor de los amigos de

    Pued e ser que es todo lo que soy para ti,

    Un mejor amigo,

    Y estoy muy agradec ido

    Para c onta r c on usted c omo un am igo

    Hoy tengo q ue comp artir

    Este sec reto de la mina con ustedes

    Estoy enamorad a de ti,

    Durante muc ho tiempo,

    Usted ha sido que a m


    Usted nec esita saber

    Este sec reto amo r mo,

    Por Benie

    29/ 12/ 2009

    The d ay am to lea rn a new langua ge,

    it w ill be Spanish.

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    One night to remember

    The wind is c alm

    Your ha nd in m ine

    We ta ke the slope

    The sta rs a ll shining

    Birds singing softly

    And it s just you a nd I

    Looking a t you

    You re smiling

    Am c omforted

    Step by step

    You g uide my feet

    In every move I ma ke

    Holding on firm to my little hand ,

    And c arrying me up

    For the steps I missed

    Tha t is one night to remember,

    You c aring and p rotec ting me

    By Benie

    28/ 12/ 2009

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    Just for me

    With strips on your bac k

    I was hea led

    With three na ils,

    I was saved

    You re rejec ted

    For me to be loved

    You d ied ,

    For me to live

    All tha t just fo r me,

    Tha nks for loving me.

    By Benie,

    01/ 12/ 2009

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    Long , long time

    Long, long time

    Is what I have wa ited for


    From sun rise to sunset,

    From moonlight to d awn

    I have wa ited .

    Long, long time

    Is how long I have wa ited for you,

    Just to sha re this life with you

    I have wa ited ,

    From one season to a nother,

    From one harvest to another,

    From me to us,

    I have w a ited for eac h moment

    It ha s been a long, long time

    By Benie

    01/ 12/ 2009

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    Shine on

    Every c and le shines,

    No matter the size,

    Small or la rge

    Every cand le burns down,

    It melts to the hea t,

    Yet it lights up the darkness a round it,

    And c ompla ins not

    Shine on,

    I say to you,

    I say to myself,

    Work at our best,

    And shine o n, and on.

    Burn down,

    It can t be a voided ,

    Shining is worth the hea t,

    So lets shine,

    Shine on.

    By Benie

    28/ 11/ 2009

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    Out of My Heart


    Hopeless, Hope on.

    Hopeless is a ll tha t is sa id,

    Yet to hop e-less

    Is to a c c ep t dea th,

    To live is never to g ive-up,

    But to hope on

    The wa lls press in,

    Closing you within,

    But you hop e on.


    Walk in the sto rm,

    You drow n the rag ing wa ves,

    But to hope is to hold on

    the weakest p lant

    to save your life

    Hopeless, look,

    The tower c rumbling on you,

    But hope

    runs to a sa fe c orner

    By Benie

    28/ 11/ 2009

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    Out of My Heart


    You g ot to slowdown

    I feel like a b ird in the a ir,

    Eager to fly high and higher

    He says, you ha ve to slow down

    When the music is roc king

    And I feel like shaking it o ff,

    He says slowdown

    When my hea rt is burning with anger,

    And Im b iting my lips to keep c a lm

    He says slowdown

    When a m pressed in a c orner,

    My sea t is getting hot,

    And I fee l like sc reaming on top of my voic e

    He says, Slow down

    When I feel like fighting,

    With every litt le streng th I have

    Crash eve rything d ow n

    He says slowdown.

    You ha ve to slow down, baby

    you do nt want to do anything

    you may regret.

    By Beneth

    04/ 09/ 2009

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    Out of My Heart


    Protec t me

    Prote c t m e

    dea r lord .

    Prote c t m e

    from this enemy within me.

    He is strong

    and he fights from w ithin me.

    His words hurt me,

    they pierc e me

    like sha rp knives into my skin

    And he spea ks with no end .

    My heart feels torn apart

    and so wea k.

    This enemy lord ,

    has a lready broken

    into my kingdom.

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    Out of My Heart


    And he ha s left me with

    no escape door.

    Protec t me lord

    from myself,

    guide my thoug hts,


    and ac tions.

    Protec t me lord

    so tha t I ma y serve you


    For serving you is

    what I want to do.

    By Beneth

    01/ 09/ 2009

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    Out of My Heart



    We have fa llen,

    A fa ll

    Tha t we re no t proud of,

    One not w orth to boost ab out

    Or wish for others,

    It d oesn t matter if we fa ll anywa y

    It d oesn t matte r if we spoil our garments,

    The only thing tha t matters is,

    We ha ve to stand up ,

    Clean up and move on.

    By Beneth,

    29/ 08/ 2009

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    My Sweet Aroma

    A sc ent of you

    ma kes my heart

    yea rn for you.

    You re so colorful,


    and b right

    I hardly resist the

    urge to get to you,

    and the d esire to have you.

    In winter you keep me worm

    and in the night you

    keep me c omfort me,

    And in the evening,

    you g ive yourself to me.

    Oh my sweet c offee,

    how I love you.

    By Beneth

    On 29/ 07/ 2009

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    Out of My Heart


    You Quenc h My Thirst

    You bless me with freshness

    in every b it o f you.

    With an ice cold kiss I rec eive you,

    As you fill my mo uth w ith b ubb les

    As I rea c h out for mo re a nd more,

    I feel fresh, and thirst no more.

    You a re so sweet,

    And cool,

    As I hold you up in my hand s.

    You fill me with c olor,

    Tha t te lls everyone,

    I enjoy every moment w ith you.

    Sweet Mirind a ,

    You q uenc h my thirst

    By Beneth

    On 16/ 07/ 2009

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    I would like to love you.

    You knew me first,

    And you c hose to love me,

    Even in my weakness

    You desired to love me

    I would like to love you,

    As muc h as you deserve,

    So deep and so strong

    So passiona te , so c lose, and so pure

    I would like to t rust you,

    With no questions or doub t

    Follow your p lan

    Even w hen I don t know what it is

    I would like to love you,

    Just like you d eserve,

    I would like to love you,

    Fee l you within me,

    For tha t is where you live,

    I would like to love you,

    Just like you love me

    For it s the only reward worth

    By Beneth On 16/ 07/ 2009

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    Out of My Heart


    Am with you,

    I smell you in eve ry b rea th I take,

    I hear the sound of your footstep s, in ever move I


    I when I fa ll I land on you.

    I rise with you,

    You rise with me,

    You wa tch every move I ma ke,

    Every word I speak,

    And ea c h tea r I shad e,

    I c ry with you.

    In the darkness,

    You don t c lose your eyes,

    And you watch me sleep

    As you c ontrol my brea th

    You re suc h a friend ,

    A p rovider,

    A g uider,

    Tha nk you Lord .

    By Beneth,

    19/ 08/ 2009.

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    Out of My Heart


    I lose myself

    I lose myself,

    And I find myself in


    I lose my wa y,

    And you find me,

    Yet questioned me not

    In search of myself,

    Am left a lone ,

    Yet you d raw c loser

    My fee t a re frozen,

    I let go of myself,

    I let g o o f my choic es,

    For yours lead

    I let g o o f the roc k,

    For you to hold me

    In you,

    I stand

    In you,

    I belong

    In you

    I find myself,

    In you

    I find my a ll,

    I lose myself,

    To find myself in you

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    The oil of joy

    My eyes a re red ,

    As my heart b leeds,

    My voice is going low, and low,

    And I fee l a ll a lone.

    Ra ising my eyes,

    I see you,

    Like a b right light from horizon,

    Rea c hing out for me,

    With tend erness and love

    Your a rms c omfort me,

    Your voic e c onfirms the truth,

    You re no t a lone , and never will you !

    My tears a re d ry,

    As my lips lighten w ith a smile,

    Sprea d ing to a b righter fac e,

    I feel my heart restored .

    It feels like a drop of oil,

    Sprea d ing a round ,

    Covering every piec e it can.

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    Out of My Heart


    Am a ll c overed ,

    I feel worm,

    As your love and tenderness c omfort me,

    I fee l a lot mo re tha n my words c an exp la in,

    You re my oil,

    My o il for joy,

    Tha t c lears my pa in,

    Even in morning times.

    Even w hen I don t know it,

    You re a lways there for me,

    Always there fo r everyone,

    As a d rop of oil,

    The oil fo r joy

    By Beneth,

    On 23/ 07/ 2009

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    My Petition

    To you my king ,

    I c ome,

    For you re full of mercy and grac e

    Nothing is too muc h to ask be fore your throne

    To you, I bring my hearts desires,

    To you, ask for peac e, love,

    Prote c tion, know led ge a nd wisdom

    You a lone have p rovided a ll I have,

    The owner of a ll I see and don t see,

    Your kingdom c overs the earth a nd heaven,

    To you I ask my king .

    The g iver of a ll

    I b ring a basket,

    Just my heart a lone in it,

    And a will to serve you

    My king, loo k a t me one more time ,

    With grac e a nd merc y,

    My fee t a re slipp ing off the roc k,

    Give m e streng th to hold on,

    And your hand to lift me up

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    Out of My Heart


    Fill my basket,

    Acc ord ing your merc y and grac e,

    Accord ing to your ric hes,

    And ma y it never run d ry

    Im not a fa ithful servant,

    I may not d eserve a ll tha t I ask of you

    Acc ord ing to the law of the land,

    But you a re full of love,

    And I believe in you

    Tha t is wha t I ask of you my king ,

    And here I stand wa iting for your word ,

    For tha t is not too-muc h before your throne

    By Beneth

    on 12/ 08/ 2009

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    Out of My Heart


    Mirror Beautiful Me,

    Every moment,

    You g ive me a new


    A bea utiful loo k

    A smile

    A rem inder,

    Yo loo k wond erful

    As I leave

    I forget

    I c ome b ac k,

    Aga in and again

    Looking in yo eyes

    Making fac es


    I te ll myself

    Yo look Good Ga l

    Mirror Beautiful me

    My go od friend ,

    You spea k well of m e.

    Am bea utiful

    we ll meet ag a in soon.

    Composed by Beneth

    on 28/ 07/ 2009

    Just thinking

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    Out of My Heart


    Mysterious Eyes

    Your eyes a re so d eep ,

    They sparkle every time I look a t them

    So d eep I go,

    Trying to find , and know

    What you re thinking about

    Your shyness,

    Alwa ys b loc ks my way,

    When a m just about to see beyond the line,

    You turn away with a smile.

    As you smile,

    I ca n t hold ba ck

    The desire to ho ld your c hin

    And look straight in your eyes.

    In your eyes,

    There lies a beautiful myste ry,

    A m ystery tha t I long to know

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    Out of My Heart


    A plac e so c alm,

    Yet so ha rd to rea c h,

    Filled with emotions

    Tha t I long to know

    And feel.

    Make a way for me,

    To know you,

    To get c lose to you,

    To sha re with you

    Mysterious Eyes,

    Just trust me!

    By Beneth

    On 20/ 07/ 2009

    just 4 just

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    I have loved

    I have loved ,

    With m y hea d over the hills,

    And my feet in a ir,

    As though am swimming in c louds.

    With a sip of love in my month,

    So g ood to let g o,

    And so hot to swa llow,

    I c ry.

    Tears in my eyes,

    Comfort in my heart,

    Happiness in m y soul

    Sadness in my sp irit,

    I c ry, again and aga in.

    I have loved ,

    Felt g uilty of wha t I fee l,

    Wrong a t hea rt,

    Yet the powerful within.

    I have d one right,

    Yet felt wrong,

    In a right p lace,

    Yet felt lost,

    Wa lked with many,

    Yet fe lt lonely.

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    Out of My Heart


    I have loved ,

    A d ifferent test of love ,

    Swee ter tha n before,

    Smooth, yet powerful.

    I have loved to shout it loud ,

    Yet none is listening ,

    I look up in the sky,

    Sta rs a re shining brighter and brighter,

    I feel Ang les a re listening.

    It s burning me inside,

    Gently touched by joy

    Fills my heart w ith happiness,

    For onc e I felt good .

    As i hold my tongue,

    Not to say anything a t a ll,

    I smile,

    I smile,

    As I feel myself move,

    From moment to moment,

    Like a small butterfly,

    Moving from flower to flower,

    I smile aga in and aga in.

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    Out of My Heart


    No more, do I fee l guilty

    Nor sad to c ry

    Or too hot to em brac e

    I have loved ,

    To emb rac e the moment,

    Cherish the memories,

    Live the d ream,

    And smile, within myself.

    I have loved ,


    With nothing else inside,

    Just love.

    Composed By

    Beneth Akoola

    On 24th June 2009

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    When I saw her

    She was danc ing with he r hair in the a ir,

    With the sun set raises dashing through it

    Turning a round a nd a round ,

    I c ould not stop looking a t her,

    I sa id to myself, wha t a beauty?

    For a mom ent my b rea th wa s swept away,

    And felt my heart p lay softly,

    To music , my ea rs ha d never hea rd

    I looked a t her aga in,

    She w as danc ing to the rhythm of my hea rt,

    I moved forth to say hullo,

    And I heard myself say,

    Hullo bea utiful?

    As though there wa s a d ifferenc e between m e and I.

    Her eyes were g lowing as thoug h

    There w as a flame in them,

    Her lips so soft and so beautiful,

    She sa id, Hi, strang er!

    Do you have time? I asked ,

    Time to know m e,

    For I c ould not help being a stranger in her eyes

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    Out of My Heart


    At that moment I knew,

    I ha d found my missing rib ,

    A piec e of me,

    Mad e by God

    We wa lked in the g arden tog ether,

    Hand in Hand, Smiling ,

    As our hea rts danced ,

    And our souls met for the first t ime.

    As I saw her leave to the horizon,

    I d id not a sk her name! I rem embered ,

    Seemed too la te for me,

    I had lost my rib aga in!

    But one thing I knew , for sure,

    I will meet her aga in and w a lk throug h that g arden.

    Composed by

    Benie Akoola ,

    On 09/07/2009.

    (Just Imagining)

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    If Today is Tomorrow

    Today, you te ll me lots of grea t things about me;

    How m uch you love m e,

    And how c ute I look

    Today I trea sure

    every moment we share tog ether.

    The n I ask myself;

    If today is tomorrow ,

    Will you still say tha t to me?

    If today is tom orrow ,

    Will I still believe in wha t you say,

    just like I do now?

    They say tomorrow never comes,

    But I wa nt tomo rrow to be as bea utiful as tod ay,

    I want us to b e together,

    Just a s we a re, right now.

    If today is tomorrow ,

    I will still wa nt what we have now!

    Composed by,

    Beneth on 30th June 2009.

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart


    One Moment

    A moment will c ome

    When d reams will stop

    And life b egins,

    Me a nd You tog ether

    One m oment will


    when we will say

    Good bye no more

    but welcome

    That mom ent,

    It w ill be just

    You a nd I

    A moment will c ome

    When our lives will be

    born aga in,

    And sta rted a fresh

    No w ind , nor storm

    should draw us apart

    No fight, nor should

    challenge take our

    smiles away

    Today it s a d rea m,

    But one day,

    It w ill be our life.

    I look forwa rd to that,

    And a m wa iting for

    Nothing else, but

    Tha t mom ent!

    Composed by,


    on 30th June 2009.

  • 8/6/2019 Out of my Heart


    Out of My Heart

    T hank youBeneth Musiime

    a.k.a. Akoola
