S ULLY C HRISTIAN R EFORMED C HURCH SEPTEMBER 2020 F ELLOWSHIP F INDINGS INSIDE THIS ISSUE: COUNCIL CLIPPINGS 2 THANK YOU OFFERING SCHEDULE 3 FINANCIAL I NFORMATION 4 BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES 5/6 MISSIONARY LETTER 7-8 COLORING PAGE 9 A family of believers experiencing personal transformation, Romans 12 using their unique gifts, Ephesians 4 to glorify GOD I Corinthians 10:31 and edify others. I Thessalonians 5:11 OurVision WHAT GOD IS CALLING US TO BE Cultivate space for people to experience the transforming love of Christ. OurMission WHAT GOD IS CALLING US TO DO AM Series: We will continue our series on the book of Matthew in morning worship. We will remember that Jesus came into the world as King of Kings, but his arrival was unexpected and unassuming. But it is by this method of arriving that this king began to shape the kingdom he would build. We meet our “Unexpected King” in our study of the book of Matthew. PM Series--Our World Belongs to God: This evening series will take a condensed look at this contemporary testimony adopted by the Christian Reformed Church in 1986. This testimony traces out the theme of God's sovereignty and care for this world as he estab- lishes his kingdom in this world. September 6 AM--Matthew 17.14-23 Gauging Your Level of Faith PM--Ephesians 2.11-22 A New Community September 13 AM--Matthew 17.24-27 Are You Exempt? PM--1 Thessalonians 1.2-2.9 A Church on Mission September 20 AM--Matthew 18.1-9 Princes and Princesses PM--2 Thessalonians 1.1-12 God's New Creation September 27 AM--Matthew 18.10-20 Unwilling To Lose One PM--Guest

OurVision · 2020. 9. 9. · that may not be the normal we hope for. The needs of many in the church and community ... Sally Van Wyk Jamie and Michelle Van Kooten Roger Jansen September

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Page 1: OurVision · 2020. 9. 9. · that may not be the normal we hope for. The needs of many in the church and community ... Sally Van Wyk Jamie and Michelle Van Kooten Roger Jansen September

















A family of believers experiencing personal

transformation, Romans 12

using their unique gifts, Ephesians 4

to glorify GOD I Corinthians 10:31

and edify others. I Thessalonians 5:11


Cultivate space for people to experience the

transforming love of Christ.


AM Series: We will continue our series on the book of Matthew in morning worship. We will

remember that Jesus came into the world as King of Kings, but his arrival was unexpected and

unassuming. But it is by this method of arriving that this king began to shape the kingdom he

would build. We meet our “Unexpected King” in our study of the book of Matthew.

PM Series--Our World Belongs to God: This evening series will take a condensed look

at this contemporary testimony adopted by the Christian Reformed Church in 1986. This

testimony traces out the theme of God's sovereignty and care for this world as he estab-

lishes his kingdom in this world.

September 6

AM--Matthew 17.14-23 Gauging Your Level of Faith

PM--Ephesians 2.11-22 A New Community

September 13

AM--Matthew 17.24-27 Are You Exempt?

PM--1 Thessalonians 1.2-2.9 A Church on Mission

September 20

AM--Matthew 18.1-9 Princes and Princesses

PM--2 Thessalonians 1.1-12 God's New Creation

September 27

AM--Matthew 18.10-20 Unwilling To Lose One


Page 2: OurVision · 2020. 9. 9. · that may not be the normal we hope for. The needs of many in the church and community ... Sally Van Wyk Jamie and Michelle Van Kooten Roger Jansen September

Fellowship Findings 2

Council Clippings

August 17, 2020

Chairman Bryce Arkema utilizing Genesis 11:1-9, a passage that reminds us that what God

wants and desires – He will do and that COVID will ultimately play out as God intends and

that may not be the normal we hope for. The needs of many in the church and community

were lifted up in prayer.

The council affirmed a prior e-mail vote approving a recommendation from the building

and grounds committee to accept a bid from A+ Roofing to remove and discard old shin-

gles and supply new and replace the shingles on the parsonage roof at a cost of $5,925.

The shingles were last replaced approximately 25 years ago and are rapidly failing.

The council approved a draft letter to the Peoria CRC. While the council has concerns

with some of the positions and statements made by the CRCNA Office of Social Justice, it

also recognizes that there have been changes in leadership in both the office and also of

the denomination since many of the position statements were made. The council of Sully

encouraged that a period of time be allowed for the new leadership to assimilate into their

roles rather than inviting them to come and discuss positions and statements largely made

by their predecessors.

It was reported that Rick Fopma, Randy De Vries, Jana Van Zante, Jerri Nikkel, Sierra Plei-

ma along with Pastor Brian have agreed to serve on the inaugural Focus Team. Steve Fop-

ma and Jamie Van Kooten were appointed as council liaisons to the team. The team plans

to hold its initial meeting on August 24.

Council considered and approved of a recommendation from the Executive Committee to

extend an offer for the Worship Coordinator position to Jodi De Berg. Jodi has given pre-

liminary indication that she has accepted the role and various details are being worked out

at this time.

A report was given on the progress of the re-carpeting project and a few of the challenges

that have been encountered in the process. Jamie also reported on a strategy to have the

car that has been abandoned in the South parking lot removed. A plan to address a num-

ber of concerns with groups parking and congregating in the East parking lot was also re-


Additional reports were received outlining planning for the Rededication Services, for re-

suming Sunday School and Catechism classes, for the upcoming 412 season and for distri-

bution of additional funds to our supported missionaries.

Following the singing of “Sanctuary”, Mike Van Soelen closed in prayer.

Page 3: OurVision · 2020. 9. 9. · that may not be the normal we hope for. The needs of many in the church and community ... Sally Van Wyk Jamie and Michelle Van Kooten Roger Jansen September

Fellowship Findings 3

September Offering Schedule

September 6 Local Storm Relief

September 13 Sully Christian School

September 20 Resonate Global Mission

September 27 Christian Education Encouragement Fund (CEEF)

Ruth Circle will be starting on September 16. Our group is getting very small in

numbers and we would welcome new members. We meet every other week. Mari-

lyn Vander Griend is our leader and we have good discussions and coffee time and

fellowship afterwards. Please consider joining us.

I thank my God every time I

remember you.

Philippians 1:13

I would like to say a sincere thank you to all who remembered me in various ways on my 90th

birthday. For all the cards, visits, phone calls, letters, flower, food and gifts! It was over-

whelming! Thank you to Elder Brent for his care and concern for my family. Thanks also, to

Pastor Brian for his care and concern shown.

Above all, thank you to my God! Sincerely, Berdena Vos

Page 4: OurVision · 2020. 9. 9. · that may not be the normal we hope for. The needs of many in the church and community ... Sally Van Wyk Jamie and Michelle Van Kooten Roger Jansen September

Fellowship Findings 4

2020 Budget

Category Amount Year to Date


Year to Date


General Fund

(includes Ministry Share) $11,993.91 $74,098.30 $88,074.33

Missions $1,355.13 $7,676.07 $7,974.99

Building and Grounds $1,147.74 $7,083.64 $7,500.00

Total $14,496.78 $88,858.01 $103,549.32

Offerings Received

Date Recipient Amount

August 2 New Life Prison Community $1,388.00

August 9 Sully Christian School $1,618.00

August 16 Justin Van Zee/Amy Hoogeveen $2,709.00

August 23 Rededication Service $2,285.00

August 30 CEEF


Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much… Luke 16:10a

Bethel Mission Ministry:

January -412 Youth, March -Outreach Committee, May –Care Team 1, July– Share

Your Faith, September - Couples for Christ, November - Truth Seekers.

We are assigned to the second Monday of each of the above months. If your group is

unable to go in the assigned month, please notify Glenda in the church office (594-

3491) so other arrangements can be made.

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Fellowship Findings 5



September 3 Marla Fopma

Ron De Nooy

September 4 Kevin Van Kooten

Barry Van Haaften

September 5 Gary Christensen

Scott Nikkel

Pam Snodgrass

Joshua Vander Molen

September 6 Tim Vander Schel

Zachary Ritter

September 8 Barbara Van Zante

September 9 Marlene Van Soelen

Dryson Van Maanen

September 11 Mike Arkema

September 13 Gary Fynaardt

Sally Van Wyk

Roger Jansen

September 14 Allison Pleima

September 15 Isabelle Vos

September 17 Dale Van Wyk

Heather Zylstra

Bethany Kramer

September 20 Sharla Dunsbergen Marcus Goodyk

September 21 Alene Fopma

September 22 Norm Nikkel

Breighann Van Baale

September 23 Steve Fopma

September 27 Ethan Vander Leest


September 3

Larry and Joan Pleima (50)

Kevin and Brenda Van Kooten

Trevor and Jerri Nikkel

September 5

Rick and Staci Jansen

Jamie and Michelle Van Kooten

Bradley & Allyson Van Sant

September 9

Melvin and Wanda Lanser

September 15

Marvin and Lynda Slings

Craig and Linda Zylstra

September 21

Don and Deloris Van Rees

Scotty and Brenda De Nooy

September 23

Wayne and Nora Ritter

Page 6: OurVision · 2020. 9. 9. · that may not be the normal we hope for. The needs of many in the church and community ... Sally Van Wyk Jamie and Michelle Van Kooten Roger Jansen September

Fellowship Findings 6


October 2 Justin Van Zee

October 3 Lawrence Van Zee

October 4 Joyce Dieleman

Miranda Nikkel

October 6 Glenna Budding (92)

Kallie Van Zee

Corey Van Kooten

Zachary Dunsbergen

October 7 Sharon Van Wyk

October 8 Marvin Slings

October 9 Bonnie De Nooy

October 10 Valerie Nikkel

Kelsie Van Haaften

October 11 Troy Fopma

October 12 Gladys Stravers

October 13 Skyler Stoll

October 14 Hampton Lowry

October 15 Phyllis Zylstra

Madison Jochems

Jodi De Berg

October 17 Janice Pothoven

Harlan Beerends

October 18 Theda Fopma (93)

October 19 Owen Vos

October 21 Tyler De Berg

October 23 Marilyn Vander Griend

Norma Beerends

Abbie De Berg

Gwendalyn Zylstra

October 24 Clara Hoogeveen (93)

Carla Zylstra

Laurel Zylstra

October 25 Heather Hastings

Caleb Roose

Aspen Kramer

October 27 Stacy Phanhamath

October28 McKenzie Goodyk

David Olivier

October 29 Ezra Ochsner

October30 Duke Zylstra

October 31 Esme Plowman


October 2 Stuart & Sheila Pleima

October 4 John & Lynn Wey

Randy & Jodi De Vries

October 6 Ryan & Aimee Pastoor

October 8 Merl & Candy Van Zante

October 9 Murray & Kendra Pothoven

October12 Brent & Beth Vander Molen

October 14 Ben and Heather Hastings

October 29 Jesse & Breighann Van Baale (15)

Listen, my son, accept what I say, and the years of your life

will be many.

Proverbs 4:10

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Fellowship Findings 7

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Fellowship Findings 8

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Fellowship Findings 9

Page 10: OurVision · 2020. 9. 9. · that may not be the normal we hope for. The needs of many in the church and community ... Sally Van Wyk Jamie and Michelle Van Kooten Roger Jansen September

Fellowship Findings 10

I will trust in the Lord with all my heart and

not depend on my own understanding. I will

seek His will in all I do, and He will show

me which path to take.

(adapted from Proverbs 3:5-6)

Lord, we walk into this year completely depend-

ent upon You. When we begin to lean on our own

understanding, remind us that Your ways far sur-

pass ours. Thank you in advance for showing

us the right paths and leading us in the way

we should go. We don’t know what this year has

in store, but You do. We trust in Your ability to

care for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

103 9th Ave, PO Box 205

Phone: 641-594-3491

E-mail: [email protected]




S ul lyc rc . or g

At-home Faith Formation Tip--the Practice of Sabbath:

In Wendell Berry and the Given Life, author Ragan Sutterfield quotes Berry: “[Sabbath] is

not a break so that we might become renewed and refreshed for more work, but is rather

a time when we live in the simple reality that we are creatures whose lives are given by

God.” How might this insight change how you celebrate sabbath? (Tip from Faith For-

mation Ministries; crcna.org/FaithFormation)
