Our Universe : Creation, Galaxies, Stars and Celestial Objects Through the Wormhole - Bi g Bang

Our Universe: Creation, Galaxies, Stars and Celestial Objects Through the Wormhole - Big Bang

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Page 1: Our Universe: Creation, Galaxies, Stars and Celestial Objects Through the Wormhole - Big Bang

Our Universe: Creation, Galaxies, Stars and

Celestial Objects

Through the Wormhole - Big Bang

Page 2: Our Universe: Creation, Galaxies, Stars and Celestial Objects Through the Wormhole - Big Bang

Big Bang Theory

•Our universe began with one huge exploding atom that relapsed all the energy and matter that exists in the universe today.•The Big Bang occurred 13.8 Billion years ago.•Hydrogen and Helium, the make-up of stars, were the first two elements formed in less than a quarter of a second!•The explosion was so enormous, that all objects in the universe are still moving outward today from the initial blast from billions of years ago!•The radiation from this tremendous explosion is also still traveling across our universe in the form of microwaves (a specific type of energy that travels in forms of waves)

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Evidence to Big BangBackground Radiation Red shift

•Background radiation is the aftermath of gas, dust and energy from the initial explosion that is found in every part of our universe.•It proves that there definitely was some explosion beyond enormous, billions of years ago!

•Red shift is a shift towards the red end of the spectrum of colors given off by objects in space.•This RED shift demonstrates that object is moving away from us and everything else.•The red shift is evidence of the “push” from the initial Big Bang.•BLUE shift would demonstrate that an object is moving TOWARDS us!

What is a Red Shift?

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Launched in January of 2001

W-MAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe)

• Mapped the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation (the oldest light in the universe)

• This radiation (and by extension, the early universe) is remarkably featureless; it has virtually the same temperature in all directions in the sky.

W-MAP 14-106

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Big Bang Timeline

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Future of the UniverseOpen Universe Closed Universe

•This theory states that everything in the universe will continue to move outward and away with continual expansion infinitely.•Eventually, all stars would burn out leaving our universe with empty darkness.

•This theory supports the idea that eventually that outward expansion from the initial Big Bang will wear. •At this point, the force of gravity will begin to pull everything back together again.•Then, another Big Bang will occur!

Flat UniverseA flat universe results if the expansion slows to a halt in an infinite amount of time but never contracts. Expansion occurs so slow that it appears to have stopped.

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3 Types of GalaxiesGalaxy- a cluster of billions and trillions of stars bound

together by gravityElliptical Galaxy-

round and flattened ovals (This is the most common type of galaxy)

Irregular Galaxy- smaller galaxies with

no distinct shape.

Spiral Galaxy-Galaxies with spiraling arms that rotate around a central bulge of massive substance in the center.

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Our Galaxy: The Milky Way

•Our Milky Way is a spiral galaxy.•The center of our galaxy is full of extremely massive, Red Super-Giant Stars. •The center is over 28,000 light years away. Which means it takes 28,000 years for the light of the stars in the center to travel through space and be seen by our planet!!!•The direction towards the center is toward the constellation Sagittarius•1 light year (which is measure of distance NOT time) is the distance light travels in a year. Light travels at a speed of 9.5x1015 m/s!!!•Our galaxy contains over 200 billion stars!


It is believed that there may be a massive black hole at the center of our galaxy pulling the massive supergiants in!!

Sun orbital speed around the center is 220km/s, orbital period is 240 million years.

The sun will complete 20 revolutions around center in its lifetime.

Universe according to the Animaniacs

How small a part of the Universe are we?

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Life Cycle of a Star

Medium Star

Gravity condenses the star to shrink

Giant Star(Where protostars are


White dwarf will eventually stop nuclear fusion and become a

black dwarf-”Dead


Star Size Comparison

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Nebula- the birth of a star

Orion Nebula

Lagoon Nebula

Horsehead Nebula

A Nebula is a cloud of cosmic gas and dust where stars are formed.•The gases of these nebulas are mostly hydrogen and helium. • These are the two gases that make up all stars!•Gravity begins to pull the gases inward during the birth of a star.•Then, with gravity, the density of the gases increases which causes the pressure and temperature to increase, until the star finally stabilizes.•A star can exist anywhere from 1 Million to 30 Billion years! (depending on size)•Our Sun has around 5 Billion years remaining. It is predicted to only exist for 10 Billion total years.

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Young StarsMedium Star:• Temperature= 6000°C• Color = yellow/orange• Example= Our Sun (closest star is

proxima centauri)• Size= over 90 million miles in diameter!

(actually measured in solar radii)

Protostar:•A baby star•These are formed in the nebulas after the gases have condensed enough to begin nuclear fusion.•Nuclear Fusion is the process that occurs in the cores of all stars.•In Nuclear fusion, hydrogen atoms are converted into helium, releasing the ENORMOUS amount of energy that causes stars to become so very hot! The amount of energy released per gram of mass is equal to the amount ofenergy released by 22,000tons of TNT. (The nuclear explosion at Hiroshima onlyreleased an amount equalto 13,000 tons of TNT)

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Giant and Supergiant StarsGiant Stars

•Color= Red or orange•Temperature= 4500°C•Size= 10 x time the size of the Sun

Red Super Giant Stars•Color= Red•Temperature= 3000°C•Size= 1000 x the size of the Sun!!

As size increases, the temperature decreases because the heat of nuclear fusion is spread out over such an enormous volume!

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Supernova or Planetary Nebula

•If a star is extremely massive, the extreme density of the core collapses under the gravity causing a stellar explosion known as a supernova.•The catastrophic explosion releases elements and cosmic dust for millions of the years. •These explosions are more intense than 1 million nuclear bombs!•Why are supernovae important to us? These explosions create the heavier elements that are used and make up humans!!!•If a star has a lower mass, it will eventually shrink to a planetary nebula.•The planetary nebula then condenses to a white dwarf and eventually a black dwarf.

Computer Animation

Actual Supernova-

70 mill light years away and

occurred millions of years ago!

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White and Black Dwarf Stars

White Dwarf Stars:•Color = White•Temperature= 15,000°C•Size= Average around the size of Texas

Black Dwarf or “Dead Stars”•These are stars that have burned out and nuclear fusion is no longer occurring, therefore these stars are creating no energy.•Pressure causes these stars to become extremely dense, similar to squeezing an aircraft carrier into a glass jar!

Both images are computer animations. Black Dwarfs do not

give off any light to be seen.

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Neutron StarColor: BlueTemperature: 35,000°CSize: A little larger than New York City (5-10 Miles)

•The Neutron Star is extremely dense and small.•As the star decreases in size, the pressure increases so immensely that the temperature increases dramatically.•As temperature increases, so does brightness.•A Neutron Star is almost 1.5 million times brighter than our Sun!•Density of a neutron star is 10 x 1015 g/cm3

•10,000,000,000,000,000 g/cm3

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Black holes

•A black hole is a theoretical space where the gravitational pull is so incredibly strong that no radiation, including heat and light, cannot exist.•These black holes are a million to a billion times more massive than our sun!•Is there a black hole in the center of our Milky Way- YES! •The fundamental descriptions of black holes are based on equations in the theory of general relativity developed by the German-born physicist Albert Einstein. The theory was published in 1916. •The surface of a black hole is known as the event horizon. This is not a normal surface that you could see or touch. At the event horizon, the pull of gravity becomes infinitely strong. Thus, an object can exist there for only an instant as it plunges inward at the speed of light.

These are computer animations- true black holes cannot be seen because light cannot

reflect off them to create a shape.

This is an actual black hole in the center of our galaxy. The black hole cannot be seen but we can see its gravitational pull “eating”

everything around it

Galactic Blackholes- weighing a few billion times the mass of the sun, most galaxies have a supermassive Blackholes in their center. (ours is slightly smaller than our solar system!)

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Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram

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Variable Stars•Variable Stars- stars that pulsate in brightness because of the expansion and contraction of their outer layers, or the blocking of their light by another object.•Variable stars are brightest at their largest diameter and dimmest at their smallest diameter.DON’T COPY: ONLY EXAMPLES•RR Lyrae Variable Stars are stars that have periods of pulsation between 1.5 hours and 1 day, and on average, they have the same brightness.•Cepheid Variable Stars have pulsation period between 1 and 100 days and the brightness (luminosity) doubles form dimmest to brightest.

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Dark Matter and Dark Energy• This is a “force” that is believed

to be like an anti-gravitational force.

• Compared to water on the Earth, 78% of universe is dark matter!!!

• Dark matter and dark energy are still undefined today.

• We believe dark matter consists of subatomic particles, smaller than protons and neutrons!

• Scientists recognize the effects of dark energy, but they still do not know exactly what it is.

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Celestial Objects: Asteroids, Meteors, Meteorites and

CometsA. Asteroids- large pieces of rocky

debris, some larger than our moon.

A. Most asteroids in our solar system are located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

B. Asteroids do not have a specific orbit, they cluster in the belt and are continuously knocked out or pulled in my Jupiter.

B. Meteors and Meteorites:A. Meteors- pieces of rock that

burn up in our atmosphere. (shooting star)

B. Meteorite- pieces of rock that survive burning up in our atmosphere and land on the surface of the Earth.

C. Comets- balls of ice and dust in a specific orbit in space.

A. Kuiper Belt and Orrt Clouds-these are two areas at the edge of our solar system where comets are located until knocked into a new, closer orbit.

Computer animated asteroid impact

Images of asteroids in space

Kuiper beltHalley’s Comet (Every 76 years)

Meteor Shower Meteorite

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What if one hits us???Asteroids and other objects come close to our planet EVERY DAY! Most of the time we never notice them, but with improving technologies we are detecting more of them, and detecting them earlier.

In fact, on Wednesday Sept. 8th, 2010 NASA telescopes spotted 2 asteroids (both around 30 feet in diameter) that came very close to Earth. One actually passed between the orbit of Earth and the Moon.

Neither would have been large enough to cause large scale damage. The majority of these asteroids would burn up while entering our atmosphere.

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-This blue ring is the Oort cloud,

nearly a light year away (to put it in


-Sedna is the furthest known

object to orbit our sun. The IAU (International

Astronomy Union) has yet to define it as a planet/dwarf planet/asteroid.

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Recent UARS satellite collision with Earth (Friday 9/23/11)

-The UARS (Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite) was launched into orbit in 1991.

-After years of observing the ozone, the 13,000 lb. chunk of metal has not been controllable by NASA since 2005. It has slowly been descending toward Earth.

-Earth’s gravity pulled the uncontrolled satellite back to earth. The debris fell to our surface, the largest chunk weighing 300 lbs.

Animated UARS satellite orbit and crash