OUR SUPPORTERS - JAI supporters_opt.pdfOUR SUPPORTERS INSPIRING YOUNG MINDS Junior Achievement brings enterprise education to young people throughout Ireland teaching them about the

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Page 1: OUR SUPPORTERS - JAI supporters_opt.pdfOUR SUPPORTERS INSPIRING YOUNG MINDS Junior Achievement brings enterprise education to young people throughout Ireland teaching them about the


Page 2: OUR SUPPORTERS - JAI supporters_opt.pdfOUR SUPPORTERS INSPIRING YOUNG MINDS Junior Achievement brings enterprise education to young people throughout Ireland teaching them about the



Junior Achievement brings enterprise education to young people throughout Ireland teaching them about the world of work, helping them set goals, plan for their future and learn the skills necessary to succeed in a fast changing world. Some of our young people don’t have any connection with business or a role model to inspire them to succeed in life – Junior Achievement is filling this gap – with your help! It’s a win – win!

As well as helping the students, your company will benefit too!

Teaching enterprise programmes to young people in local schools is an excellent form of personal development for volunteers, and an experience that is challenging, enjoyable and very rewarding.


Your company will gain from an enhanced profile in the community as a responsible and ethical corporate citizen.

In the longer term, school leavers who have benefited from JA programmes and acquired many of the essential skills needed in the workplace will make better employees.

Page 3: OUR SUPPORTERS - JAI supporters_opt.pdfOUR SUPPORTERS INSPIRING YOUNG MINDS Junior Achievement brings enterprise education to young people throughout Ireland teaching them about the


“Junior Achievement provides excellent opportunities for staff volunteering in the communities in which we operate. The staff who taught programmes felt they made a real difference to the students they worked with, many of whom would not have had the same career and life opportunities as our people.

Working with Junior Achievement has provided our staff with the opportunity to make a real difference in the community in which we operate. Junior Achievement enables us to bring our experience of the world of work to the classroom and to students many of whom would not have had the same career and life opportunities as our people.”

Gerry Loughrey, – Group Corporate Responsibility Manager, Irish Life & Permanent

“Junior Achievement has been a fantastic success to date for Wyeth. Our employees have volunteered 450 hours of their time to deliver JA programmes in eight local primary and secondary schools. We have welcomed over 300 students to Grange Castle to see at first hand life in a Biotech company.

Junior Achievement is a perfect opportunity to promote science in a fun and interactive manner. It is important that students get to know companies in their area and understand the potential career opportunities available to them. The feedback which we have received from volunteers, teachers and students leaves me in no doubt that we are certainly making a positive difference.”

Dr Reg Shaw – Managing DirectorWyeth BioPharma

Page 4: OUR SUPPORTERS - JAI supporters_opt.pdfOUR SUPPORTERS INSPIRING YOUNG MINDS Junior Achievement brings enterprise education to young people throughout Ireland teaching them about the


3M IRELANDFergal MorrisGeneral Manager

ABBOTT IRELAND John McAteer Human Resources Director

ABBOTT VAscuLAR cLONMEL Margaret Morrissey Human Resources Manager

AccENTuRE Alastair Blair Partner

AKZO NOBEL P.J. Gunn Managing Director

ALLIANZ IRELAND PLc Michael Carr Human Resources Director

ANGLO IRIsH BANK Mary Nolan Group Marketing Manager

A&L GOODBODY Frank O’Riordan Consultant

AIB Dave Mc Grath Director of Corporate Banking

ALcAN PAcKAGING DuBLIN LTD Gay McCabe Business Unit Manager

ALZA IRELAND Kerry O’Keeffe Human Resources Director

AXA PMPA INsuRANcE Paul Moloney Corporate Affairs

BALLYMORE PROPERTIEs LTD. Sean Mulryan Managing Director

BANK OF IRELAND PRIVATE BANKING Olwyn Downey Human Resources Manager

BARcLAYs BANK Tom McAleese Managing Director

BAuscH & LOMB Dr. Joe Dowling Director of Engineering & Technology Development

BAXTER HEALTHcARE Harry Keenan General Manager

BNP PARIBAs Francois van der Bosch General Manager

BOsTON scIENTIFIc cLONMEL Teresa Holden Human Resources Manager

BOsTON scIENTIFIc cORK Colin Wallace Human Resources Director

BOsTON scIENTIFIc GALWAY Neville Burke Human Resources Director

BROWN BROTHERs HARRIMAN Sean Pairceir Managing Director

cALMARK IRELAND LTD Frances Longan Development Manager/ Community Relations

cAMPBELL BEWLEY GROuP LTD. Michael O’Sullivan Financial Director


cENTOcOR Deirdre Power Human Resources Director

cENTuRY HOMEs WOODROE LTD. Gerard Mc Caughey Managing Director

cHANELLE GROuP Michael Burke Managing Director

cITIGROuP Moira Lynam Human Resources Manager

cIT Terry Kelleher Chief Executive

cORK cITY cOuNcIL Jim O’Donovan Director of Community & Enterprise

cORK cOuNTY cOuNcIL Katherine Walshe Director of Service

DELL Fiona McCarthyHR Site Team Leader

DELOITTE Pat Kenny Managing Partner

DEPuY Allana Brown Human Resources Manager

DIAGEO Michael Patten Group Corporate Relations Director

DONEGAL cOuNTY cOuNcIL Mícheál Ó hÉanaigh Director of Community, Enterprise & Culture

DuBLIN AIRPORT AuTHORITY Damian Lenagh Group Human Resources Manager

DuBLIN cITY cOuNcIL Kathy QuinnHead of Finance

EIRcOM Yvonne McWey Head of People Development

ELI LILLY & cO. Gerald Farrell Managing Director

EMc Denis Cronin Human Resources Manager

FBD INsuRANcE PLc. Michael Lee Human Resources Manager

FIDELITY INVEsTMENTs Paul Murtagh Senior Vice President

GENWORTH FINANcIAL Deirdre Bennett European Project Leader

GENZYME IRELAND LTD. Paul Shanahan Human Resources Manager

GLANBIA Geoff Meagher Group Financial Director

Page 5: OUR SUPPORTERS - JAI supporters_opt.pdfOUR SUPPORTERS INSPIRING YOUNG MINDS Junior Achievement brings enterprise education to young people throughout Ireland teaching them about the

GLAXOsMITHKLINE Don Hegarty Human Resources Manager GLEN DIMPLEX Roddy Ryan Group Executive Director

HALIFAX Jerry White Managing Director

HERTZ EuROPE sERVIcE cENTRE LTD. Mary Rogers Training & Development Manager

HEWLETT-PAcKARD IRELAND LTD. Una Halligan Public Affairs Manager

HEWLETT-PAcKARD GALWAY Mark Gantly HPTC Engineering Manage

HsBc IRELAND Charles Gregory Chief Executive Officer

HuDsON Peter Cosgrove Country Manager

IIB BANK Louise Roberts Human Resources Manager

INAMED AEsTHETIcs T.P. McDermott Director of Human Resources

INDEPENDENT NEWs & MEDIA PLc Donal Buggy Chief Financial Officer

INTEL IRELAND Ciara Lynch External Affairs Manager

INVEscO Nicola Balfe Human Resources Manager

JAcOBs FRuITFIELD FOOD GROuP John Carroll Group Human Resources Director

IRIsH LIFE & PERMANENT Niall Saul Group Head of Human Resources

IVAX Mary Hanson Human Resources Manager

JANssEN PHARMAcEuTIcALs Jim Murphy Training and Staff Development Manager

JANssEN-cILAG Leisha Daly Head of Medical Affairs - Ireland

JOHNsON & JOHNsON MEDIcAL Pauric O’Grady Managing Director

KEPAK GROuP Niamh Keating Project Manager

KINGsPAN GROuP PLc Eugene Murtagh Chief Executive

KPMG Kenneth Hardy Tax Partner

KWcD AREA PARTNERsHIP LTD. Darina Greene Education & Youth Co-ordinator

LEO PHARMA Paddy O’Sullivan Chief Executive

LK sHIELDs sOLIcITORs Hugh McGarvey Managing Partner

LOuTH cOuNTY cOuNcIL Joe McGuinness Director of Corporate Services

MATHEsON ORMsBY PRENTIcE Pat Synnott Director of Finance

MBNA Ian O’Doherty President of Ireland Card Services, Bank of America

MccANN FITZGERALD sOLIcITORsHannah Carney Director of Professional Development

McDONALD’s REsTAuRANTs OF IRELANDLucy Murray Head of Marketing

MEDTRONIc AVE Sean Silke Director of Human Resources

MERcK sHARP & DOHMEEmer O’ByrneHuman Resources Director

MILLIPORECaroline Horgan Senior Human Resources Specialist

MOTOROLA LTD. Kieran Organ OSS Applic. Development & Integration Manager

MusGRAVE GROuP Noel Keely Human Resources Director

NATIONAL IRIsH BANK John Trethowan Executive Director

NORTH TIPPERARY cOuNTY cOuNcIL Mr. Brian Dunne Partnership Facilitator NOVARTIs Cyril Thornton Employee Relations & Training Manager

O2 Elaine O’Reilly Head of Financial Reporting

ORAcLE Paul O’Riordan Managing Director

PAcIFIcARE INTERNATIONAL Niall Tuohy Managing Director

PEPsI cOLA INTERNATIONAL Sinéad Brady Human Resources Manager

PFIZER IRELAND PHARMAcEuTIcALs Charlie Hipwell Director of Environmental Health & Safety

PRIcEWATERHOusEcOOPERs Carmel O’Connor Partner

ROYAL BANK OF scOTLAND Chris Gibson Senior Programme Manager

sLIGO cOuNTY ENTERPRIsE BOARD Stephen Walshe Business Executive

sMARTPLY EuROPE Louis Hess Managing Director

sOuTH DuBLIN cOuNTY cOuNcIL Laura Leonard Senior Executive Officer

Page 6: OUR SUPPORTERS - JAI supporters_opt.pdfOUR SUPPORTERS INSPIRING YOUNG MINDS Junior Achievement brings enterprise education to young people throughout Ireland teaching them about the

sTARWOOD HOTEL GROuP Carol Tabb-Healy, Starwood Global Services Sales ManagersTATOIL Paul Candon Human Resources Director

sTATE sTREET INTERNATIONAL Pat Concannon Chief Financial Officer

sTRYKER ORTHOPAEDIcs Jan Harte Human Resources ManagesYMANTEc Austin Mc Cabe Managing Director

TEDcAsTLEs OIL PRODucTs Teresa AbbeyHuman Resources Manager

uLsTER BANK Nuala McLaughlin Charity/Community Investment Manager

VHI HEALTHcARE Michael Owen Human Resources Director

VIsTAKON Barry O’Sullivan Managing Director

WATsON WYATT Raymond McKenna Partner

WATERs TEcHNOLOGIEs Seamus Kilgannon General Manager

WEB REsERVATIONs Ray Nolan President & Founder

WEsTMEATH cOuNTYcOuNcIL Olive Falsey Training Manager

WYETH BIOPHARMA Peter O’Brien Director of External Relations & Communications

XL EuROPE Michael Brady Country Manager & CFO

Page 7: OUR SUPPORTERS - JAI supporters_opt.pdfOUR SUPPORTERS INSPIRING YOUNG MINDS Junior Achievement brings enterprise education to young people throughout Ireland teaching them about the

Accenture European ServicesAGB Scientific LtdAmerican Chamber of CommerceAon Mac Donagh Boland

AvocentBank of IrelandBridge PrintCapmark Mullingar Cascade DesignsCavan County Enterprise BoardConoco PhilipsFidelity Investments, GalwayGarrett Engine Boosting SystemsGPH Consulting Ltd.GTECH Ireland Operations Ltd.Jurys Ballsbridge HotelKilkenny Credit Union

Leinster Society of Chartered AccountantsMasonite IrelandNetiqNortel Networks Ireland Ltd.O’Grady ConstructionOlympus DiagnosticaPEI Ireland Pramerica Systems Ireland Ltd.Roche IrelandShannon DevelopmentThe Irish TimesTom CavanaghWaterford Credit Union


Page 8: OUR SUPPORTERS - JAI supporters_opt.pdfOUR SUPPORTERS INSPIRING YOUNG MINDS Junior Achievement brings enterprise education to young people throughout Ireland teaching them about the


SUCCESS SKILLS The Success Skills Project is supported by Border Action through the EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation 2000-2006, and part-financed by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan 2000-2006.


The KEY (Knowledge through Enterprise for Youth) Project, and the LET (Learning Enterprise Together) Project are funded by The International Fund for Ireland.

Discover Science and Engineering GE Foundation Vodafone Foundation Synopsys Foundation East Cork Area Development Ltd. under the National Rural Development Programme. The Health and Safety Authority

Page 9: OUR SUPPORTERS - JAI supporters_opt.pdfOUR SUPPORTERS INSPIRING YOUNG MINDS Junior Achievement brings enterprise education to young people throughout Ireland teaching them about the


Member Company Participation

Junior Achievement’s member companies participate in educational programmes to nurture the talents of the next generation. As a member you have the opportunity to nominate a representative to sit on the JA Council and we look for your committment to:

- Provide business volunteers to teach the programmes - Make an annual financial contribution

Volunteers from the business community trained by Junior Achievement teach the programmes. These volunteers share their experience and enthusiasm with students of all ages.

JA Effectiveness

Junior Achievement delivers on Economic Education!

Junior Achievement carries out a number of rigorous evaluations each year, both by external independent evaluators and internally which show year on year that the aims and objectives of the enterprise programmes are being met or exceeded.

Page 10: OUR SUPPORTERS - JAI supporters_opt.pdfOUR SUPPORTERS INSPIRING YOUNG MINDS Junior Achievement brings enterprise education to young people throughout Ireland teaching them about the

Junior Achievement Ireland

8 Longford PlaceMonkstownCo. Dublin

Phone: +353 1 236 6644Fax: +353 1 280 3758

e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.juniorachievement.ie