Wednesday 6 September 2017 Issue 13 M Cnr Hampshire & Derby Roads, SUNSHINE 3020 P 8311 5700 F 9312 3506 E [email protected] In This Issue Picture ThisArt Show 2017 Social Media and Privacy Staffing Traffic/Parking SPS Community Noces Remember © 2017 Copyrights Sunshine Primary School Calendar 2017 Wed 6 September Closing date for Pre-purchased Tickets and Tokens Fri 8 September Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge Ends Tue 12 September Due—Prep L & Prep/1 E Queen Vic Market Excursion Permission Form Wed 13 September Special Lunch Orders Close Art Show Picture ThisFri 15 September Excursion—Prep L & Prep/1 E visit Queen Vic Market Mon 18 September Educaon & Policy Sub-commiee Meeng 5:00pm Building & Grounds Sub-commiee Meeng 5:30pm School Council Meeng at 6:00pm Wed 20 September Special Lunch Fri 22 September Last Day of Term 3—Early Dismissal 2:30pm Mon 9 October First day of Term 4 Fri 13 October Due—Final Payment for Doxa Camp Tue 17 October Year 5/6 J & 5/6 O Ardoch Oung The calendar in this newsletter is subject to change so please check carefully each fortnight for any alterations. Term 3 - 2017 17 July to 22 September Last day of Term 3 Early Dismissal 2:30pm NEWSLETTER Our School Traffic/Parking From me to me I have parents and members of our local community express their concerns over the illegal double parking and the safety of children and motorists. We understand that school drop off and pick up mes are the busy mes of the school day. It is most important that you follow the simple rules listed below: Always take extra care Observe the 40km School Zone Park safely even if it means walking further to the school gate. Observe all parking signs. They are planned with childrens safety in mind. Never double park as it puts children at risk. Model safe and considerate behaviour for your child – they will learn from you. Slow down near the school crossing. At a supervised crossing, observe the direcons of the school crossing supervisor. Always park and turn legally around the school. Avoid dangerous manoeuvres such as U-turns and three-point turns. If you have concerns please get in contact the Brimbank City Council and they will send out a parking officer. Lyn Read—Principal Student Absence To report your childs absence please call the school on 8311 5700 and choose opon 1 OR use the link on our website and complete the absence form. Our School Values We shine when we are: Learning, Respectful, Safe Payments A reminder if you wish to pay for your childs/childrens incursion/excursion etccosts, you can pay cash, cheque, and now BPay. If you have misplaced your reference number please call the office to obtain your family reference number. Noces Online Did you know you can read and print out excursion permission forms and noces from our website? The inial noce will be given to students, and any further copies can be obtained from the office or the website, under the Recent Nocessecon at Message From The Principal Picture ThisArt Show 2017 Preparaons are almost complete and we are looking forward to a fabulous celebraon next Wednesday night. The official opening of the Art Show will be at 4:30pm in front of our new learning space where the portables once stood. We have had a compeon where the students have had the opportunity to name the space. We will unveil the new name and the winner on Wednesday night. A very big thank you to Julie Vella, the organising commiee and all our wonderful helpers for the reless efforts you make in order to produce such a great night of fesvies. We look forward to seeing you all to celebrate the amazing talents of the students at Sunshine Primary School. Social Media and Privacy We live in an extremely tech savvy world today where social media is a major part of peoples day to day lives. The school has a strict privacy policy with permissions for students photos being published or posted to social media being sought from parents. We have some students whose parents have not given permission for a variety of reasons and we are very careful to make sure we do not post these students photos as requested. This also applies to our wider community. Parents should not be taking photos and certainly should not be posng photos of children other than their own to social media. We ask parents to be mindful of familys privacy rights and respect this by not taking photos or posng them to social media. Staffing At the end of the term we say Farwell to Ms Borg who is taking a well deserved rest before the birth of her baby. We wish Ms Borg and her partner all the very best for the upcoming birth and we look forward to meeng the new addion to the family. Ms Richards will be taking the class next term. Both Ms Richards and Ms Borg will spend me compleng an in depth handover to ensure a smooth transion for all the students in the grade.

Our School€¦ · Learning, Respectful, Safe Payments A reminder if you wish to pay for your child’s/children’s incursion/excursion etc… costs, you can pay cash, cheque, and

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Page 1: Our School€¦ · Learning, Respectful, Safe Payments A reminder if you wish to pay for your child’s/children’s incursion/excursion etc… costs, you can pay cash, cheque, and

Wednesday 6 September 2017 Issue 13

M Cnr Hampshire & Derby Roads, SUNSHINE 3020 P 8311 5700 F 9312 3506 E [email protected]

In This Issue

“Picture This” Art Show 2017 Social Media and Privacy


Traffic/Parking SPS Community Notices

Remember © 2017 Copyrights Sunshine Primary School

Calendar 2017

Wed 6 September

Closing date for Pre-purchased Tickets

and Tokens

Fri 8 September

Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge


Tue 12 September

Due—Prep L & Prep/1 E Queen Vic

Market Excursion Permission Form

Wed 13 September

Special Lunch Orders Close

Art Show “Picture This”

Fri 15 September

Excursion—Prep L & Prep/1 E visit

Queen Vic Market

Mon 18 September

Education & Policy Sub-committee

Meeting 5:00pm

Building & Grounds Sub-committee

Meeting 5:30pm

School Council Meeting at 6:00pm

Wed 20 September

Special Lunch

Fri 22 September

Last Day of Term 3—Early Dismissal


Mon 9 October

First day of Term 4

Fri 13 October

Due—Final Payment for Doxa Camp

Tue 17 October

Year 5/6 J & 5/6 O Ardoch Outing

The calendar in this newsletter is subject to

change so please check carefully each fortnight

for any alterations.

Term 3 - 2017 17 July to 22 September

Last day of Term 3 Early Dismissal 2:30pm


Traffic/Parking From time to time I have parents and members of our local community express their concerns over the illegal double parking and the safety of children and motorists. We understand that school drop off and pick up times are the busy times of the school day. It is most important that you follow the simple rules listed below:

Always take extra care

Observe the 40km School Zone

Park safely even if it means walking further to the school gate.

Observe all parking signs. They are planned with children’s safety in mind.

Never double park as it puts children at risk.

Model safe and considerate behaviour for your child – they will learn from you.

Slow down near the school crossing.

At a supervised crossing, observe the directions of the school crossing supervisor.

Always park and turn legally around the school.

Avoid dangerous manoeuvres such as U-turns and three-point turns.

If you have concerns please get in contact the Brimbank City Council and they will send out a parking officer.

Lyn Read—Principal

Student Absence To report your child’s absence please call the school on 8311 5700 and choose option 1 OR use the link on our

website and complete the absence form.

Our School Values We shine when we are: Learning, Respectful, Safe

Payments A reminder if you wish to pay for your

child’s/children’s incursion/excursion etc… costs, you can pay cash, cheque, and now BPay.

If you have misplaced your reference number please call the office to obtain your family reference number.

Notices Online Did you know you can read and print out excursion permission forms and notices from our website? The initial notice will be given to students, and any further copies can be obtained from the office or the website, under the “Recent Notices” section at

Message From The Principal

“Picture This” Art Show 2017 Preparations are almost complete and we are looking forward to a fabulous celebration next Wednesday night. The official opening of the Art Show will be at 4:30pm in front of our new learning space where the portables once stood. We have had a competition where the students have had the opportunity to name the space. We will unveil the new name and the winner on Wednesday night. A very big thank you to Julie Vella, the organising committee and all our wonderful helpers for the tireless efforts you make in order to produce such a great night of festivities. We look forward to seeing you all to celebrate the amazing talents of the students at Sunshine Primary School.

Social Media and Privacy We live in an extremely tech savvy world today where social media is a major part of people’s day to day lives. The school has a strict privacy policy with permissions for student’s photos being published or posted to social media being sought from parents. We have some students whose parents have not given permission for a variety of reasons and we are very careful to make sure we do not post these students photos as requested. This also applies to our wider community. Parents should not be taking photos and certainly should not be posting photos of children other than their own to social media. We ask parents to be mindful of family’s privacy rights and respect this by not taking photos or posting them to social media.

Staffing At the end of the term we say Farwell to Ms Borg who is taking a well deserved rest before the birth of her baby. We wish Ms Borg and her partner all the very best for the upcoming birth and we look forward to meeting the new addition to the family.

Ms Richards will be taking the class next term. Both Ms Richards and Ms Borg will spend time completing an in depth handover to ensure a smooth transition for all the students in the grade.

Page 2: Our School€¦ · Learning, Respectful, Safe Payments A reminder if you wish to pay for your child’s/children’s incursion/excursion etc… costs, you can pay cash, cheque, and

A big thank you to Sonia, Michelle, Helen, Heidi, Anna, Carmen, Hayley and Rebecca for all their efforts in organising and assisting with this year's Father's Day Stall. We hope you like the gift/gifts your child purchased from the Father's Day Stall.

A big thank you to everyone for supporting our fundraising efforts for Daffodil Day.

Together we raised $226 for the Cancer Council.

Pictured in the Star Weekly—Makayla, Stella Blake & Kate


All students are required to wear hats in Term 4 in line with our SunSmart Policy. It is also a good idea to apply sun-screen before students come to school. Students without hats will be asked to sit under the shade. Please remember to supply your child/children with a hat.

School hats with logo can be purchased from the office for $15.00 each.

Entrance to the ART SHOW is $5 per person. This cost is for adults.

Primary school students and toddlers are FREE. As stated on the order form the final cut off date for

pre-purchased tickets is today at 4:00pm.

Tickets can be purchased at the entrance door on the night of the ART SHOW.

There will be several activities for the

students on the night.

We sincerely hope to see you and all your extended family and friends. Come along and support the

students at this special event.

Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge

The program will finish on FRIDAY 8 SEPTEMBER

Well done to all the students who participated in this year challenge.

Page 3: Our School€¦ · Learning, Respectful, Safe Payments A reminder if you wish to pay for your child’s/children’s incursion/excursion etc… costs, you can pay cash, cheque, and

2018 Prep Enrolments It’s that time of the year where we commence our formal process of enrolments for Prep students commencing school in 2018. Students will need to turn five years of age by 30 April, 2018. If you have a child who will be coming to school for the first time in 2018 please complete an enrolment form, (available from the office), at your earliest convenience. I would also appreciate it, if parents would let other families in the community know that we are currently accepting enrolments for next year. New parents to the school are encouraged to make an appointment to see myself for a tour of the school.

Available over the Counter ONLY

When Item Cost

13 September Nachos $2.00


When Who

Fri 8 September Michelle

Mon 11 September Elzette

Wed 13 September Danni


The next meeting is scheduled for tomorrow Thursday 7 September at 1:40pm in the office.

The Fundraising Team have organised a Special Lunch for WEDNESDAY 20 SEPTEMBER.


Late orders cannot be accepted.

Order forms have been distributed.

If your child did not receive a form please check with the classroom teacher.

We remind parents to label their child/children’s jumpers, jackets, hats, beanies, etc….. Our lost property basket is growing by the day. Unfortunately, we are unable to return these items to the students as they have no names. At the end of each month all unclaimed uniform is washed and donated to the second hand uniform shop and non uniform items are donated to charity. Due to hygiene reasons unclaimed Lunch boxes and Water bottles will the disposed of weekly.

If your child arrives after 9:00am they must collect a late pass from the office.

Upon arrival to the classroom they must need to give the late pass to the teacher.

This then alters the roll effectively to indicate they are present.

DROP OFF & PICK UP We ask parents to please use the gates on Derby Road, Hampshire Road (near the bike rack) and Leith Avenue as entry and exit points to the school when dropping and picking up your child/ren from school.

Please note that the Leith Avenue gate is to be used to exit the school in the afternoon after 3:45pm as all other gates are locked.

We appreciate your support in this matter.

Monday Wednesday Friday

15 September

18 September 20 September 22 September

School Holidays School Holidays School Holidays

School Holidays School Holidays School Holidays

9 October 11 October 13 October

16 October 18 October 20 October

Please be aware that due to unforeseen circumstances the canteen will be closed on the following days.

Page 4: Our School€¦ · Learning, Respectful, Safe Payments A reminder if you wish to pay for your child’s/children’s incursion/excursion etc… costs, you can pay cash, cheque, and

To advertise in our newsletter please refer to our website for pricing and different sizes available. SPS only advertise on behalf of the third party but do

Not guarantee the results or merchantable quality of the goods or services provided.

Orders have been placed and should arrive on THURSDAY 21 SEPTEMBER. If you are able to help put order together please see the office.

Happy Bir thday August & September Ava, Arthur, Alannah, Ben N, Adhya, Jeyda, Nolan, Nuban, Alson, Yuvraj, Alexander, Martin.

Week ending Friday 25 August & 1 September Prep L Sahajdeep & Nuban Alexander & Milla Prep/1 E Ayush, Arabella, Angelina & Shubhpehal Yuga & Harley 1/2 B Truong Jasmeen & Jordi 1/2 M Willow & Jasmine 3/4 K Jericho & Abiraj Surajh & Kenny 3/4 L Muhammad & Salih Maja & Ava 5/6 J Mia & Anthony Kilarney & Paru 5/6 O Alex, Eleni & Taranvir Erna & Raife

Music Awards

Damon, Paru, Dean, Ayush.

Reward Tokens

Week Raffle Winners

6 (T3) Koby - 1/2 M

79 Tokens Muhammad - 3/4 L

6 (T3) Blake - 5/6 J

122 Tokens Marcus - 3/4 L

Before & After School Care Program For Bookings and cancellations please ring

Maryanne on 0423 795 361

Primary School Wear Shop address

58 Westwood Drive, Deer Park Phone: 9363 8458

Order online at www.psw.com.au

SPS Breakfast Club Open every morning

from 8:30am till 8:50am Proudly sponsored by Bakers Delight S’hine

Always looking for donations of Bread, Margarine, Strawberry Jam & Vege-mite


Linh —1/2 B


Jericho, Shreya.

Page 5: Our School€¦ · Learning, Respectful, Safe Payments A reminder if you wish to pay for your child’s/children’s incursion/excursion etc… costs, you can pay cash, cheque, and