Page 1 of 12 September 2016 Our Savior’s Lutheran 305 Sixth St PO Box 277 Cleveland, MN 56017-0277 www.oursaviorsclevelandmn.com T: 507/931-1564 MISSION STATEMENT "We at Our Savior's are called to let our light shine as instruments of the Holy Spirit so all may know God's love." Pastoral Letter Dear friends, grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus. Amen. Here it is September already. The old cliché, “Where did the summer go?” once again found its way into our conversations. Vacation times, summer reunions, summer activities, all have come and gone. Now we begin to anticipate all the preparation for the fall activities as it comes into being. With this reminder, we look all around us. The familiar scenery of the fields is beginning to take its customary shape. The corn and beans are entering their final stages of maturity. Our gardens are producing their fruits and our flowers are blooming for the final time. Soon, we will see the significant changes around us as nature prepares itself for its rest. The end of summer is near; school begins for our children, here and away at college. So marks the passage of time. The time for the fall program preparation is also taking place here at Our Savior’s. Our A New Thing staff, schedule and activities are nearly in place. September 14th is Rally Wednesday and that is soon upon us. With our Rally Wednesday, we begin the fall programs in the church. It is a time set aside to emphasize the continual growth in our lives and in the life of the church. Our Faith Formation becomes the focal point for all ages. Faith Formation / Cross Generational Ministry / Christian Education all have the same defining message. It is the emphasis of continual study and reflection upon God’s Word, as we participate in worship and in service projects within our congregation and our community. It is through God’s Word that we are strengthened to carry on the message of his saving acts and to participate together in ministry in our parish and in our community. In the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, Moses gives to the children of Israel a lasting ordinance. It is their final instructions before they enter the land of Canaan. Chapter 6:4f, Moses declares, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates”. Calendar of Events Sept 14 th , 21 st , 28 th Bible Study Sept 11 th Church Council Meeting Sept 14 th Rally Wednesday Sept 19 th & 26 th Choir Practice Sept 28 th 5th Grade Pre-Communion ANT (A New Thing)

Our Savior’s Lutheran

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September 2016

Our Savior’s Lutheran 305 Sixth St PO Box 277

Cleveland, MN 56017-0277

www.oursaviorsclevelandmn.com T: 507/931-1564


"We at Our Savior's are called to let our light shine

as instruments of the Holy Spirit so all may know God's love."

Pastoral Letter Dear friends, grace to you and peace from God our Father and our

Lord Jesus. Amen.

Here it is September already. The old cliché, “Where did the summer go?” once again found its way into

our conversations. Vacation times, summer reunions, summer activities, all have come and gone. Now we begin

to anticipate all the preparation for the fall activities as it comes into being. With this reminder, we look all

around us. The familiar scenery of the fields is beginning to take its customary shape. The corn and beans are

entering their final stages of maturity. Our gardens are producing their fruits and our flowers are blooming for

the final time. Soon, we will see the significant changes around us as nature prepares itself for its rest. The end

of summer is near; school begins for our children, here and away at college. So marks the passage of time.

The time for the fall program preparation is also taking place here at Our Savior’s. Our A New Thing

staff, schedule and activities are nearly in place. September 14th is Rally Wednesday and that is soon upon us.

With our Rally Wednesday, we begin the fall programs in the church. It is a time set aside to emphasize the

continual growth in our lives and in the life of the church. Our Faith Formation becomes the focal point for all

ages. Faith Formation / Cross Generational Ministry / Christian Education all have the same defining message.

It is the emphasis of continual study and reflection upon God’s Word, as we participate in worship and in

service projects within our congregation and our community. It is through God’s Word that we are strengthened

to carry on the message of his saving acts and to participate together in ministry in our parish and in our


In the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, Moses gives to the children of Israel a lasting ordinance. It

is their final instructions before they enter the land of Canaan. Chapter 6:4f, Moses declares, “Hear, O Israel,

the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with

all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your

children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and

when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door

frames of your houses and on your gates”.

Calendar of Events

Sept 14th, 21st, 28th –

Bible Study

Sept 11th –

Church Council Meeting

Sept 14th –

Rally Wednesday

Sept 19th & 26th –

Choir Practice

Sept 28th –

5th Grade Pre-Communion

ANT (A New Thing)

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This was Moses’ reminder to his people. It is also a reminder to us. We commend our parents and

sponsors in their presentation of their child for Baptism, to teach, to pray and to worship with their child. As we

witness the baptism, it also becomes our responsibility as a congregation. As Moses declares, it is at all times

and in all places, we as community teach our children in all that we do and in all that we say. So how can we

faithfully live to the promise spoken in the baptismal service? We can by being faithful to the promise that we

gave at their baptism. For us as parents and for the whole congregation, we bear witness to our children of the

saving grace of our Lord Jesus. We do this through our worship, through our confession of faith, our

participation in the Lord’s Supper and our service to one another. We also bear witness to our children through

our faithfulness to the study and the reflection of God’s Word and how it applies to our daily living. In the Book

of Acts in chapter 2, the Marks of the Church were clearly defined. Luke wrote about the new believers: “They

devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer”. My

friends, this is how we respond to the declaration of Moses, the devotion of the new believers and to the baptism


Inside our newsletter is information about our Rally Wednesday and our A New Thing Wednesday

program. Please remember your children and their teachers in your prayers throughout the year.

I also desire to place a challenge before you as we begin this new Faith Formation year. A New Thing

for Adults is also an integral part of our Christian growth. A New Thing for Adults will offer bible study on

Wednesday mornings and a book study on Wednesday evenings. I have an article about each offering in our

newsletter. I encourage you to study and grow together in God’s Word.

God’s blessings to you in your work and in your play and in your rest.

Pastor G

Preparing for Sundays

September 2016 Theme: Stewardship

Each Sunday gives us an opportunity to worship and hear God’s Word. Preparing for Sunday gives us an

opportunity to read scripture and meditate on the promises the scriptures offer. Our Sundays in September

provide us with opportunities to ask the questions of who, when, where, what, why and how”. Our church

council has been in conversation at our meetings asking, in what ways do we participate in the acts of

stewardship? One of the ways is through the illustration of an umbrella. Stewardship is the umbrella which

embraces the whole of the church and its ministry. There are many ways that we can explore this aspect of

ministry. We will share these stories in September and into October.

Pastor G

September 4 Pentecost 16 “Stewardship: The Cost of Discipleship” (Luke 14:25- 33)

September 11 Pentecost 17 “Stewardship: Jesus ultimate gift: Inclusive Love” (Luke 15:1-10)

September 18 Pentecost 18 “Stewardship: Our Savior’s Mission Statement”

(I Corinthians 12:27-31)

September 25 Pentecost 19 “Stewardship: Healthy Choices for Living as God’s People”

(I Corinthians 12: 12-26)

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A New Thing for Adults – Bible Study and Book Study

A New Thing for Adults was thrown out as a name for our adult bible study opportunities. I thought,

why not, especially when we want to connect our Faith Formation opportunities with both our youth and our

adults. So my friends, here is a new identity and a connection with our Wednesday “A New Thing” events.

(1) I am planning to continue our Wednesday morning Bible Study which explores our coming Sunday

scripture lessons. Our study time will begin on September 14th. Study time will be at 10:00 am.

(2) Wednesday evening following our worship service (which is 6:40-7:00) I am planning to begin

with a book study called: “Searching for Sunday”, by Rachel Evans. It coincides with the Sunday morning

worship themes of this past month. We will explore our faith in Baptism; Lord’s Supper; Confession;

Confirmation; Anointing the Sick and Holy Orders. The book is available on e-bay for $7.99. I will order

the books and you can reimburse me. I will have a sign-up sheet available the latter part of August and into

September. Formal study time for our Wednesday evening will begin September 28th from 7:00-8:00.

Pastor G

Confirmation Students and Parents

9th Grade: Students and Parents and prospective Mentors. I am planning to meet with you on Rally

Wednesday, September 14th. The meeting will be to connect our students and mentors together for our

initial meeting, hand out schedule and material for our mentors.

7th & 8th Grade: Students and Parents, our group leaders are planning to meet with you on September 14th,

during our Rally Wednesday event. We will visit and walk through our year together. During the meeting

we will talk about the proposed schedule and curriculum. Please mark your calendar.

5th Grade Pre-Communion Class: Students and Parents, I am planning to meet with you on September

14th during our Rally Wednesday event. During the meeting we will talk about the proposed schedule and

curriculum. Please mark your calendar.

Acolytes: On Rally Wednesday, I will provide a calendar sign-up sheet through Christmas.

Pastor G

Newsletter Mailings (Reminder: This copy is our last regular scheduled


Dear members and friends of Our Savior’s

At our July council meeting we discussed the expense of our monthly newsletters. The cost for our

bulk mailing permit is $217.00 a year and we average a cost of $40 – 50.00 per month for mailing our letters.

For the bulk rate we must have a minimum of 200 mailings. In addition to this cost we have the paper,

printing ink and our secretary’s time. Since electronic opportunities give us an excellent tool for outreach, we

have made a decision beginning in October, to no longer send our newsletter via mail. We are prepared to

offer the following options for receiving our newsletter. 1) We have members who are receiving via e-mail.

If you are also willing to receive the newsletter via e-mail, please send your name and e-mail address to

[email protected] by September 20th. We will add your name to our current list. 2) We

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have up-dated our church website. We have added several new links for information, including our new page

for our monthly newsletter link. You may for either the e-mail or website, simply read it online, download or

print it off for your convenience. Our website address is: www.oursaviorsclevelandmn.com . 3) We will

have limited printed copies available in our church narthex. They will be available by the first Sunday of

each month. If you want a hard copy mailed to you, please call Sandy at our church office, 507-931-1564.

Thank you. On behalf of the church council, Pastor G

Transition Team Studies

Our Worship Committee, A New Thing Committee have completed their study. Our Youth will be

meeting in September for their conversations. Also in September I am going to schedule study meetings for

Building and Grounds, Church History, Evangelism and Stewardship Ministries. Again, if you would like to

join us in any of these conversations, please let me know. After these are completed, we will offer a couple

of general conversation meetings for all members to participate. One will be offered in the morning and one

in the evening. After this, the Transition Team begins its work to summarize our conversations and prepare

our Ministry Site Profile. My friends, we are on our way. Thanks to those who have participated thus far.

Pastor G

Council Minutes (attachment in email)

Council Minutes 071116.pdf

Youth News –

Blessings of Backpacks

Kids are asked to bring their backpacks to worship on Sunday, September 11th or on Rally Wednesday,

September 14th. During the worship service, we will bless these backpacks, pray for you and the new school

year. We will pray for your parents and teachers also!

Music for the Kids –

When we hear music and kids we think of SONshine Singers. Jean Seely and Kay Wendelschafer are

retiring from SONshine Singers after many, many tireless hours and endless dedication to the kids. The

SONshine Singers were organized and directed by Pastor Roland Wells and his wife Brenda. Jean Seely has

been a part of the SONshine since it started. Kay started in 1988 and helped out with playing her guitar. The

last two years they have split the duties of director.

Jean and Kay, THANK YOU for your years of dedication and bringing music to the kids. You opened

up another avenue of bringing Jesus into their life through words and music.

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News from Jamier Zishka –

VBS was different this year. I like it more because it wasn’t at the church. The food was great

and I liked the games. The scavenger hunt was super fun!


Valleyfair was SO fun except we should have been able to pick the group of people you go with. My

whole group won a ball at a basketball thing. I wish we could’ve got more time there. We didn’t get on

enough rides because we spent more time in the pool. My favorite ride was the “Riptide”. It’s so fun! You

do backflips and stuff. I also like the Power Tower. Jamier Zishka

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Fishing Day

The above pictures are from the Fishing Day on August 11th. The kids had lots of fun fishing

and catching some big ones. Pastor caught the small fish and left the BIG ones for the kids. After

the afternoon of fishing they went ashore and had a fish fry. From an unnamed source they ate a

lot of fish. At the end of the day each youth was given a rod and reel, which was donated by

Dave Wendelschafer. Special thanks to Mark Consoer for spearheading this event and his

pontoon, Dave Wendelschafer for the rods and reels, Dennis Starner for his pontoon, Bob Gerhke

for his fishing expertise and assistance and most of all God for providing fish! Mark says they are

looking forward to next year and possibly making it a weekend outing.

Thank you gentlemen for making this a special day for the kids!



A New Thing (ANT)

Sep 14th - Rally Wednesday – starts at 5:15pm – watch for invitations in the mail

Sep 28th - 1st night of ANT (A New Thing) – starts at 5:15pm

Oct 19th - NO class (MEA)

Oct 26th - Trick or Treat for the Cleveland Food Shelf * All age Youth Event*

no class service event

Nov 6th – 1st Communion Acknowledgement

Nov 23rd - ANT meets, Worship at School

Dec 18th - Christmas program

Dec 21st & 28th - School Break/ Possible Church lock-in

April 26th - Last day, church cleanup, pizza party, games

Youth Activities

Oct? - Haunted Hayride

Other Information -

Adult Choir Resumes September 19th

Come and join us!

Our Savior’s choir will resume rehearsals on Monday, September 19thAt 6:30 pm. Come check it out!

(You do not need to read music to join.) it’s a joyful way to praise the Lord while having fun and fellowship. It

is open to ANYONE with willing hearts who love to sing – even high school kids. Practice will be every

Monday at 6:30 pm unless otherwise announced. The choir is directed by Jean Seely and accompanied by

Vicki Walechka.

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Grandparents Day ----- September 11th

Our Savior’s Church will help celebrate Grandparents Day. Kids, on Sunday, September 11th, invite

your grandparents or those who are grand people in your life to come and worship with you. “Grand People”

invite your grandkids to come worship with you.

God’s Work our Hands – September 11th

“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical

Lutheran Church in America – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.

Service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans:

that all of life in Jesus Christ – every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life – flows freely

from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.

You work every day to make your community a better place. Let us continue doing this work together in

2016! Here is one of the ways that OSL is helping -


Each spring, Hunger Boxes are distributed for families to take home and fill with money to help those

who hunger. These coin boxes will be collected by the children on Sundays, September 11th and 18th, and also

on Rally Wednesday, September 14th. The money received will then be sent to the ELCA World Hunger


Did you know that just 50 cents provide a pound of SEED to grow food; $1 adds a CHICK to a family’s

egg business; just $10 provides a FRUIT TREE seedling; and $40 offers a month of MEALS for an orphan.

help our kids help other kids by making a special donation to this cause. Anyone wishing to donate, may

always drop it off or mail their contribution to the church. Please make checks payable to Our Savior’s Church

and mark it “World Hunger.” Thank you!

Last year the kids collected $1,012.16, in 2014 they collected $1,311.08 which was the largest amount ever.

Can we exceed 2014?


Café – Is a monthly online magazine for young adult women - www.boldcafe.org

Daily Grace – Receive daily devotionals to your smartphone via Women of the ELCA’s Daily

Grace app.

Living Lutheran (FKA The Lutheran Magazine) - www.livinglutheran.org

SEMN Synod Calendar – www.semnsynod.org/news-and-events/calendar

Women of the ELCA – www.womenoftheelca.org

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Acolytes: September – Volunteers needed

Altar Guild: September – Alice Ely & Corrinne Ely

Communion Servers: September – Ben Olsen

Greeters: September – Darren & Corrinne Ely

Dennis & Anne Hiller

Head Ushers: September – Mark Consoer

Dave Wendelschafer


September – Cindy Flowers

1st – Brian Eppmeyer, Dorothy Hansen, Mark Zimmerman

3rd – Steve Biehn

4th – Lonna Wing, Mariah Ziegler

5th – Thelma Ferguson

6th – Elijah Johnson

7th – Derek Rossow

8th – Matt Landsteiner, Sam Voit, Pam Zimmerman

9th – Eric Kehoe

10th – Don McCabe, Tyler Schafer

12th – Luke Mueller,

13th – Grayce Kortuem, Brock Olson, Tiffany Stocker

14th – Greg Mettler

15th – Taylor Garrison

16th – Mitchell Johnstone

17th – Julie Plafcan

18th – Robert Petrich

19th - Brandon Crosby

20th – Michele Kluntz

21st – Simon Kortuem, Adam Wendelschafer

24th – Linda Zuhlsdorf

25th – Amanda Smith

26th – Bray Lassiter, Donna Rausch

28th – Tom Johnson, Aidan McCabe, Charlie Meyer

29th – Maria Ferguson, Matthew Miller, Alexander Reed

30th – Terry Bateman, Mark Consoer, Leonard Seitz

3rd – Jeff & Jody Block 22nd – Darren & Corrinne Ely

Kirk & Tracy Garrison Ralph & Mary Johnston

4th – Tony & Brenda Smith 23rd – Derek & Brandi Rossow

6th – Mike & Shelly Miller 25th – Bruce & Rhonda Johnson

Kurt & Becky Ross Tim & Betsy Koppelman

9th – Terry & Sandy Bateman 26th – Charlie & Donna Meyer

Greg & Michelle Mettler 27th – John & Valerie Weber

10th – Doug & Tammy Ellickson 28th – Dennis & Anne Hiller

14th – Bob & Deb Gehrke Phillip & Sherry Johnstone

15th – Dan & Randilee Dauk 29th – Michael & Andrea Iten

16th – Myron & Leanne Wolf 30th – Brady & Stacy Hahn

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1. How many books are in the New Testament?

2. What man wrote at least 14 books of the New Testament?

3. Who baptized Jesus?

4. Finish this line from the Lord’s Prayer:

“Give us this day our ____ ____...”

5. For how many days was Jesus tempted in the wilderness?

6. Which two brothers were the first of Jesus’ disciples?

7. Who was the man that came to Jesus at night and asked how an old man could be

born again?

8. Jesus touched and cured a man with what contagious skin disease?

9. What man did Jesus raise from the dead, four days after he died?

11. Who was Bartimaeus?

12. Where was Jesus’ hometown in which his teachings were rejected?

13. Who went up the mountain to pray with Jesus when he was transfigure

Bring the Answers to Lynn for a fun surprise

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Daily Grace from Women of the ELCA

Changes In Our Lives

September is here! When this month arrives, I think of Labor Day, the beginning of school, the fall season and

shorter days. So much happens in September which is why I think this month is so special.

Without these changes in our daily lives and in the universe, how can we start anew? Flowers fade so they can

come back to life next year. Birds fly south only to return in a few months and grace us with their beautiful

sounds and a sight to behold. Best of all, this is a time for us to make those necessary changes that we want to

make in our lives and to appreciate the changes that we’ve already made.

This message is adapted from “Starting Anew,” written by Vanessa Davis for the Women of the ELCA blog

on September 10, 2012. Today we remember Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig, bishop, renewer of the

church, who died 1872

Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter; Whoever finds one has found a treasure.

Faithful friends are beyond price; No amount can balance their worth.

Faithful friends are life-saving medicine; And those who fear the Lord will find them.

Ecclesiasticus 6:14-16

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Contact Information

Interim Pastor Gerry Giese 507/380-1176 [email protected]

Secretary, Sandy Bateman 507/931-1564 [email protected]

Treasurer, Brian Block 507/560-0050 [email protected]

Newsletter, Lynn Pohlman 507/779-6188 [email protected]

A New Thing (ANT) Contact, Brandi Zishka Rossow 507/340-6918 [email protected]

Youth Activities, Carrie Mueller 507/560-0351 [email protected]

Youth Coordinator, Lynn Pohlman 507/779-6188 [email protected]

Youth Fundraising, Lynn Pohlman 507/779-6188 [email protected]

2016 Council Member Information

Randy Biehn, President 507/317-6552 [email protected]

Mark Consoer 507/995-8144 [email protected]

Louise Goede 507/931-4809 [email protected]

Ginger McCabe, Secretary 763/350-4970 [email protected]

Ben Olsen 507/351-7098 [email protected]

Mike Pohlman, Vice President 507/302-8358 [email protected]

Building of Transition Team

Altar Guild, Sandy Bateman 507/931-5533 [email protected]

A New Thing (ANT), Carrie Mueller 507/560-0351 [email protected]

Building and Grounds, Gary Dunn 507/931-6819 [email protected]

Church History, Cindy McCabe 507/931-6578 [email protected]

Church Council, Mike Pohlman 507/302-8358 [email protected]

Evangelism, Terry Bateman 507/931-5533 [email protected]

Stewardship, Greg Davis 507/931-1773

Worship, Ginny Grabow 507/304-0667 [email protected]

Youth, Brandi Zishka Rossow 507/340-6918 [email protected]

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Our Savior’s Lutheran

305 Sixth St

PO Box 277

Cleveland, MN


Church Office



Pastor Giese


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

16th Pentecost

9am Worship &


10am Fellowship

Kaitlyn Sexe & John Powers Wedding

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

17th Pentecost

9am Worship

10am Fellowship

10am Church

Council Meeting

10am Bible Study

5:15pm Rally

Wednesday for


(A New Thing)

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

18th Pentecost

9am Worship &


10am Fellowship

6:30pm Adult


Hosting MN River

Pastors Conf


9:30am -12:30pm

10am Bible Study

Autumn Equinox

25 26 27 28 29 30

19th Pentecost

9am Worship

10am Fellowship

6:30pm Adult


10am Bible Study

3pm 5th Grade


5:15pm ANT

7pm Bible Study

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 20th of the month