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Our Purpose is to Save the Lives of the Pope and Bishops

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8/9/2019 Our Purpose is to Save the Lives of the Pope and Bishops

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To Save the Lives of the Pope and Bishops

Our Purpose is:

by Father Nicholas Gruner, S.T.L., S.T.D. (Cand.)

There are still some who claim that because the Pope consecrated theworld in 1984 and since Russia is part of the world, he also therebyconsecrated Russia and therefore he fulfilled the request of Our Lady ofatima!

"f that is true, why was not the October #1, 194$, consecration equally

%ood since Pope Pius &"" consecrated the world and ob'iously Russiawas also then part of the world( )ut no, it was not what Our Ladyas*ed for and world peace and the con'ersion of Russia did not resultfrom it, not  in 194$, not  in 1984!

"n fact, it is Our Lord +imself who distin%uishes between theonsecration of Russia from that of the world, to -ister Lucia!

.esus -hows /s0 The onsecrations up to now o 2ot Obey Our Lady

of atima

It is well for us to recall the circumstances which caused Pope Pius XII toconsecrate the world (not Russia) in 1942. Until Jul! 194"! #ister $ucia alwasas%ed only  for the &onsecration of Russia. ' numer of priate initiaties to our*ol +ather ia ishops and priests resulted in refusals Pope Pius XI andPope Pius XII to act upon the command that the consecrate Russia to theImmaculate *eart of ,ar.

-he ishop of /ur0a! who had %nown #ister $ucia for a numer of ears andwho was one of her counselors ae #ister $ucia the order  to write to the Popeto mention the messae ien to her that Russia e consecrated and also to as%for the &onsecration of the world to the Immaculate *eart of ,ar.

#ince #ister $ucias arious confessors! some of them een ishops! (e..ishop /ur0a who %new Pope Pius personall) ot nowhere with the re3uest forthe &onsecration of Russia! it was thouht easier to otain the &onsecration ofthe world with a special mention of Russia.


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-he proect of consecratin the world to the Immaculate *eart of ,ar was thespecial mission of 'le5andrina da &osta 6 a hol soul who lied in Porto!Portual! at this time.

-he idea of unitin the re3uest of 7ur $ad of +atima to #ister $ucia

to consecrate Russia 6 with the re3uest to consecrate the world  ien to'le5andrina da &osta cauht on amon certain Portuuese ishops at this time.

-his too% place especiall ecause for oer 1" ears the *ol +athers! Pope PiusXI and Pope Pius XII! did not respond to the command to consecrate Russia.

.esus Told -ister Luciaonsecrate the 3orld to end the 3ar,

onsecrate Russia for World Peace

#ister $ucia! upon receiin this order of the ishop of /ur0a to as% for the

&onsecration of the world  with onl a special mention of Russia! caused #ister$ucia reat consternation. #he %new that her mission was to ma%e %nown there3uest of 7ur $ad of +atima to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate *eart of,ar.

-his re3uest is an interal part of the messae of +atima and was authenticated the reat ,iracle of the #un. #ister $ucia ma hae sensed that to tietoether her mission with that of 'le5andrina miht displease 7ur $ord andcause confusion.

+aced with the order of the ishop of /ur0a! she went into chapel efore the

lessed #acrament solemnl e5posed for adoration. #he as%ed Jesus to uideher in this dilemma. #he wanted to oe her confessors! at the same time shedid not want to displease 7ur $ord and 7ur $ad.

Jesus answered #ister $ucias ferent praer and told her8 "is olinesswill obtain that these days o! tribulation (orld ar ##) will be shortened

i! he obeys $y desires in %a&in' the act o! consecration o! the wholeworld to the #%%aculate eart o! $ary with a secial %ention o! Russia

Is it then that Jesus e3uates the two consecrations: ;ot at all. +irst of all! Jesusacceded to the wishes of the superiors of #ister $ucia 6 *e made a promise to

lessen and shorten the eils of onl <orld <ar II. -hrouh the &onsecrationof  Russia! 7ur $ad promised the con'ersion of Russia and world peace.

learly, the two consecrations the onsecration of Russia and theonsecration of the world are not the same! 5nd that is why theConsecration o! the world   Pope Pius XII on 7ctoer =1! 1942! did not effect

the conersion of Russia.


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's +ather 'lonso! official +atima 'rchiist pointed out! #ister $ucia wrote at theeinnin of 194= reardin that act of consecration effected the Pope on7ctoer =1! 19428

/od has alread shown me *is satisfaction with the act! althou%h incomplete

accordin% to +is wishes! performed the *ol +ather and seeral ishops.*e promises in return to put a stop to the war soon. The on'ersion ofRussia is not for now!6

<inston &hurchill noted in his monumental > olume pulished histor of <orld<ar II that the hines of fate chaned in faor of the allies ?ecemer! 1942.

'lthouh &hurchill did not note it! it was shortl after the consecration of theworld done on 7ctoer =1! 1942 Pope Pius XII.

ut #ister $ucia! writin in earl 194=! alread %new that 7ur $ord had acceptedthat consecration and was shortenin the das of the #econd <orld <ar.

#he also %new! at the same time! that it was not the fulfillment of 7ur $ad of+atimas re3uest and she %new li%ewise that the conersion of Russia was not toe effected that consecration.1

World Peace id 2ot 7ffect World onsecration of the

-hat is wh the Consecration o! the world  on ;oemer 21! 19@4! at Aatican&ouncil II efore all the ishops of the world Pope Paul AI did not effect theconersion of Russia. -hat is wh millions hae died and continue to die in wars

in different parts of the world.

-hat is wh the &onsecration of the world Pope John Paul II on ,a 1=! 19B2and ,arch 2>! 19B4! hae still not rouht aout the conersion of Russia. 'ndstill millions die in wars continuin to rae toda.

ut some protest! ou do a disserice to the *ol +ather and to the &hurch topoint out these thins. ;ot at all. 7n the contrar! it is a serice to the Popeand to the &hurch to spea% the truth clearl while there is still time andopportunit to act.

Russia in onsecratin%

.esus Tells -ister Lucia the )ishops Li'es are 7ndan%ered )ecause of the elay

If the consecration is not done soon! we will see reali0ed the terrile prophec

of Jesus to #ister $ucia 6 that a numer of ishops will e %illed ecause the&onsecration of Russia was delaed too lon.

-o put it in 7ur $ords own words! *e said8


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6a*e it *nown to y ministers that it has been %i'en to themthat they follow the eample of the :in% of rance in delayin% theeecution of y command and li*e him, they will follow him intomisfortune!6

-he Cin of +rance here referred to is $ouis XAI who was pulicl e5ecuted in1D9=. *e and his predecessors had not consecrated +rance in the solemn pulicwa that Jesus commanded them throuh #aint ,araret ,ar 'laco3ue! 1""ears earlier. It is indeed eident that we do not hae much time left at all.

<e are not doin a disserice to the Pope! we are trin to sae his life and the

lies of man ishops. <e are also oein 7ur $ord who tells us8

6a*e "t :nown To y inisters!6


1. Father Joaquin Alonso, page 62. A Heart for All,
