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Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church and Schoololphglendale.com/uploads/docs/bulletin/20181216.pdf · 12/16/2018  · Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church and School Iglesia

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6:15am & 8:30am

Saturday 8:30am




or by appointment



Saturday - 5:00 pm.

Sunday - 6:30am; 8:30am;



viernes-6:00pm (OLPH)

sábado- 7:00pm (Capilla)



3:00 pm (OLPH)



Fray Francisco Garcés,

Council #3855

(623) 937-3794


7533 N. 57th Avenue

(623) 939-3732



December 16, 2018



Rev. Michael Straley

Parochial Vicar

Rev. Mario Cortés

Rev. Miguel Noyola


Deacon Martin Gallo

Deacon Christopher Georges

Deacon Al Gonzalez (Ret.)

Deacon Tony Lopez (Ret.)

Deacon Dennis Raczkowski

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Catholic Church and School

Iglesia y Escuela Católica

de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro


5614 West Orangewood Ave.

Glendale, AZ 85301

Phone: (623) 939-9785

Fax: (623) 934-8854

Office Hours:


9:00am - 4:00pm



Visit us at:




7521 North 57th Avenue

Glendale, Arizona 85301

(623) 931-7288

Fax 623-930-0256


Mrs. Catherine Lucero


6733 N. 55th Ave.

Glendale, Az. 85301



(623) 552-3122


(480) 432-2528

Mission Statement

We are a Roman Catholic community committed to teaching and living the

Gospel in a multi-cultural environment. We celebrate God’s gifts through

sacramental life, educational opportunities and community outreach.


Somos una comunidad Católica Romana comprometida a enseñar y vivir

el Evangelio en un ambiente multi-cultural. Celebramos los dones de Dios

mediante la vida sacramental, las oportunidades educativas y actividades


Page 2: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church and Schoololphglendale.com/uploads/docs/bulletin/20181216.pdf · 12/16/2018  · Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church and School Iglesia

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We have just celebrated the Feast of Our

Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of all the

Americas and patroness of our diocese.

This is such an important celebration for

many reasons. It might be important for

all of us to reflect on the message our

Blessed Mother brought to all of the


Advent season is a time to prepare our-

selves to welcome the Lord when He

comes again. Our Blessed Mother came

to prepare the Americas to embrace our

Lord through the Catholic Church in this

new land. If we truly honor Our Lady of

Guadalupe we must work with her and

call our brothers and sisters back to

Christ and away from hatred and divi-


May our celebration of Christmas be a

time to remember that our Lord came to

unite all His creation through mercy and

love, not through force. May each of us

look deeply into our hearts this Christ-

mas season to root out any hatred and to

grow in Christ’s mercy and love. What a

Christmas gift we can give to our God!

Blessed Christmas,

Father Mike

Que tal,

Acabamos de celebrar la Fiesta de Nuestra

Señora de Guadalupe, patrona de todas las

Américas y patrona de nuestra diócesis. Es-

ta es una celebración tan importante por

muchas razones. Puede ser importante para

todos nosotros reflexionar sobre el mensaje

que nuestra Santísima Madre trajo a todas

las Américas.

La temporada de Adviento es un tiempo pa-

ra prepararnos para recibir al Señor cuan-

do Él venga otra vez. Nuestra Santísima

Madre vino a preparar a las Américas para

abrazar a nuestro Señor a través de la Igle-

sia Católica en esta nueva tierra. Si real-

mente honramos a Nuestra Señora de

Guadalupe, debemos trabajar con ella y

llamar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas a

Cristo y alejarlos del odio y la división.

Que nuestra celebración de Navidad sea un

momento para recordar que nuestro Señor

vino a unir toda su creación a través de la

misericordia y el amor, no a través de la

fuerza. Que cada uno de nosotros miremos

profundamente en nuestros corazones esta

temporada de Navidad para erradicar cual-

quier odio y crecer en la misericordia y el

amor de Cristo. ¡Qué gran regalo de

Navidad podemos dar a nuestro Dios!

Una Bendita Navidad,

Padre Mike

Carta de  

Nuestro Párroco 

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December 16, 2018 Third Sunday of Advent


6:00 PM in the Church

December 17—Preschool through 3rd grade

December 18—4th through 8th grade

These two amazing nights will remind you of the

true meaning of Christmas!

We have a special Intention Box for prayers in the

school office where the children put intentions they

would like our community to pray for. The Inten-

tion Box will be placed in the Adoration Chapel

each Friday and picked up on Monday. Please pray

for all of our students’ special intentions each week-

end. Thank you.


Tenemos una Caja de Intenciónes en la oficina de

la escuela donde los niños ponen intenciones por

las que les gustaría que orara nuestra comuni-

dad. La Caja de Intenciónes se llevará a la Capilla

de Adoración cada viernes y regresará a la oficina

el lunes. Por favor, oren por todas las intenciones

especiales de nuestros estudiantes cada fin de se-

mana. Gracias

Our Christmas Break begins at 1:00pm on

Thursday, December 20th and school resumes on

January 7th.

Nuestras vacaciones de Navidad comienzan a las

1:00 pm el jueves 20 de diciembre y se reanudan

las clases el 7 de enero.

In Christianity, we hear often about the "Good

News." We might often associate it with Jesus'

compassion to the poor, his healings and miracles,

and the salvation he won for us. In today's Gospel,

we read of John the Baptist. "Exhorting them in

many other ways, he preached good news to the

people." Yet as we examine the rest of the read-

ing, we see examples of John's preaching. If you

have two cloaks, give one away. Don't cheat oth-

ers out of their money, extort, or lie. And, of

course, the warning that the Messiah is on the

move and "his winnowing fan is in his hand to

clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat

into his barn, but the chaff he will burn with un-

quenchable fire." Merry Christmas?

Not only do John's listeners enjoy his message,

but they seem to think he might be the awaited

Messiah! To understand today's Gospel, it's im-

portant to understand the Jewish people. For most

of their history, God's chosen people had been un-

der someone else's heel. They were slaves in

Egypt. Their kingdoms were ravaged first by the

Assyrians, then the Babylonians. Now they were

under the yoke of the Roman Empire. Familiar

with being strangers in a strange land, welcoming

the stranger, caring for the vulnerable, and enact-

ing justice was incredibly important to them as a

people. While John's words may seem odd or

strong to our modern ears, this call to justice was

welcome, even if it was directed at the hearer.

The truth is, no one is exempt from John's call to

repentance. We all have further to go in the Chris-

tian life. We can all grow in virtue and love our

neighbors more generously. The Church gives us

the Advent season to examine our own hearts. Did

any of John's warnings resonate with you? That

could be a great thing to bring to Jesus this week.

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Monday, December 17, 2018

7:00pm-Grupo de Oracion– La Capilla

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

6:00pm-Youth Group-Hall

7:00pm-Marian Group -OLPH

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

6:00pm-Youth Group-Hall


Thursday, December 20, 2018

9:30am-Bible Study– Notre Dame Center

6:30am-Bible Study– Notre Dame Center

Friday, December 21, 2018

7:00pm-Encuentro Matrimonial–Notre Dame

7:00pm-Estudio Biblico– Salon Parroquial

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Gift Shop Open

Next Sunday, December 23rd, is Prayer for Life

Sunday. Come and pray the rosary with us at the

Glendale Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic from

8:00 to 900 am. Help save the lives of these unborn


Acompáñenos el próximo domingo, 23 de diciembre,

de 8:00 a 9:00am para rezar el Rosario frente a

la Clínica de Abortos de Glendale. Ayude a salvar la

vida de be bés aun no nacidos.

La salvación que Dios anuncia en este tercer

domingo de Adviento trae consigo una profun-

da alegría. Las lecturas de hoy son clave para

profundizar en lo que es la alegría de Dios. Es

el domingo de alegría. En latín, "“Gaudete,"

cuyo significado es " alégrense". El profeta Sofo-

nías lo dice así: ¡Grita de gozo, oh hija de

Sión,... Regocíjate y que tu corazón esté de fies-

ta! (Sofonías 3:14). San Pablo lo describe con

inmenso gozo de la siguiente manera: " Estén

siempre alegres en el Señor; se los repito, estén

alegres y tengan buen trato con to-

dos" (Filipenses 4:4). La repetición que hace

Pablo hace énfasis en esa alegría que da la paz

de Dios, a pesar de los acontecimientos contra-

rios a lo que vivimos.

¿A dónde debo llevar la alegría que Dios me

da? ¿Cómo podemos recuperar la alegría en

este Adviento tan comercializado? El Evangelio

nos da la respuesta; el Bautista exhorta a la

conversión, y sin esa conversión, no puede exis-

tir la alegría que es el fruto de las buenas

obras. Todos debemos de compartir con los

más necesitados: ropa, comida y nuestros bie-

nes, pero, sobre todo, dar la bienvenida al ex-

tranjero y al refugiado. ¡Ahora es el tiempo!

Ayúdanos Señor a abrir nuestros corazones a

las necesidades de otros. Cambia nuestros co-

razones de piedra por unos más humanos. Que

con tu gracia sepamos hacer lo que está bien.

Martin Luther King decía: "Siempre es el mo-

mento apropiado para hacer lo que es correcto".

¡Ven Señor, ayúdanos a dar alegría y esperan-

za e n todo momento!

We will not be having a

penance service during Ad-

vent, but we will be having

confessions on Wednesday,

December 19th at 6:00pm

at OLPH.

No tendremos un Servicio Penitencial

durante Adviento pero habrá confesiones

el miércoles, 19 de diciembre a las

6:00pm en OLPH.

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Monday December 17, 2018

6:15am †Delores P. Sanchez

8:30am †Bob Horst

Tuesday December 18, 2018

6:15am †Lupe Andrade

8:30am †Harold & Martha Hampson

Wednesday December 19, 2018

6:15am Edilberto Pila-Enlightenment

8:30am Jimena Sólis– 15th Birthday

Thursday December 20, 2018

6:15am †Fern Teto

8:30am †Saundra Piazza

Friday December 21, 2018

6:15am †Jeremy Saucedo

8:30am Rosalyn Fierro

6:00pm †Margarita Herrera Calderon

Saturday December 22 2018

8:30am †Saundra Piazza

5:00pm †Miner & Lena King & Warner Family

7:00pm †Fabiola Abarca Sigala

Sunday December 23, 2018

6:30am Family & Friends of Tino & Marilyn

8:30am †Anne Whiting

10:00am Rosa Anguiano

10:30am OLPH

12:30pm Jose De LaCruz & Maria Rivas-Aniversario

3:00pm Ali Selim & James Porras

Remember in prayer

all who are sick in

our community who

have asked for our


Georgia Rodriguez

Jimenez Family

Angela Vidales

Teresa Vidales

Mona Morris

Margaret Salinas

Socorro Leach

Megan Vineyard

Drick Vineyard

C. Coughlin Family

Marvin Messer

Tino DelaRosa

Richie Hernandez

Carmen Salas

Teresa Rodriguez

Beany Maldonado

Alfredo Valles

Luis Martinez

Gabriel Castillo

Gloria Haro

Leonel Haro

Esther Haro

Freddy Porras

Jaime Porras

Ali Selim

Lupe Lucero

Eddie Carr

Jonathan A.Othon

Jason Boyce

Lisa Alaniz

Linda Ramirez

Bertha DeHoyos

Arcelia Hernandez

Frances S. Dominguez

Juan Gonzalez

Alberto Gonzalez

Martha Godinez

Othelia Lee

Herminio Perez

Olga I. Leal

Darlene Quiban

Margarita Garcia

Benita Cerna

Addy Castillo

Candida Garcia

Mitichele Gragg

Hortencia Meza

Edelberto Padilla

Herminio P. Valdez

Jackie Davis

Saidi Family

Sal Martinez III

Jacoby Tiger Medina

Albert Lopez

Cruz L. Hernandez

Isabel Duran

Nancy J. Cobb

Martin Alvarado

Arcelia Carreon

Maria Peralta

Frank Peralta

Teri Peralta

Patricia Peralta

Erminia Bejarano

Tina Bejarano

Rick Sobarzo

Gabriel Peralta

Benjamin Garrett Avalos

Devin Sequeira

Elijah Peralta

Henry Vincent Clemente

Marisela Jimenez

Christopher Salazar

Andrew Robedo

George Alvarez

Rill Ross

Richard Cortez, Sr.

Raymond Cortez

Adrian Maguregui

Matthew Fornek

Alexis Solis

Carlos Meza, Jr.

Sidney Bernstein

Jason Cashmon

Herb Uffelman

Howard Learned

Austin Miller

Silvia Herrera

Kapri Besser

Talai Besser

Hank Eylicio

Anthony Paul Hernandez

Julio I. Galaviz

Caleb Salazar

Cpl. Matthew Ong

Julio Cesar Lozano

Richard Cortez, Jr.

Sean Jones

Desiree Jones

Jose I. Gonzales

Jaime Larios

Richard Holguin

Anthony Hampton

Paul Berdoza

Daniel Vega

Isaac Hernandez

Katherine S. Conner

Alexis Plath

Samantha Leyba

Joshua Rojo

Lance Johnson

Dominic M. Lopez

Bailey Core

Ignacio Gonzales Jr

Brandon Barbe

Antonia M. De La Cruz

Gustavo Lomelí

Jake Wiseman

Daniel Serna

Angel Guevara

Jason S. Ramos

Matthew Jimenez

Lisa Collars

Doug Fekovics

Robert H. Chavarria

Devinn Segueira

Alice Connel

Tirzo Madrid

Miguel Ruelas

Howard McVay, Devin Greer, Benito Gallegos,

Elisa Najera, Linda Varela, Danny W. McVay

Readings for the week of December 16, 2018

Sunday: Zep 3:14-18a/Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 [6]/

Phil 4:4-7/Lk 3:10-18

Monday: Gn 49:2, 8-10/Ps 72:1-2, 3-4ab, 7-8,

17 [cf. 7]/Mt 1:1-17

Tuesday: Jer 23:5-8/Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19

[cf. 7]/Mt 1:18-25

Wednesday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a/Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab,

16-17 [cf. 8]/Lk 1:5-25

Thursday: Is 7:10-14/Ps 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6 [cf.

7c and 10b]/Lk 1:26-38

Friday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a/Ps 33:2-3,

11-12, 20-21 [1a; 3a]/Lk 1:39-45

Saturday: 1 Sm 1:24-28/1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7,

8abcd [cf. 1a]/Lk 1:46-56

Next Sunday: Mi 5:1-4a/Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19

[4]/Heb 10:5-10/Lk 1:39-45

©Liturgical Publications Inc.

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December 9, 2018


Young Men’s Conference

December 28th



St. Bernadette Catholic Church

16245 N. 60th St.

Scottsdale, Az.


“For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you

except Jesus Christ, and him crucified.”

1 Cor 2:2

Come to the Young Men’s Conference to encounter

Jesus who calls you in to Mission!

Who is invited? The Young Men’s Conference is for

all High School aged (Freshmen through Seniors).

The cost is $20 and $10 if you register with Parish

youth group.

A todas las parejas que necesitan unir sus

vidas en Santo Matrimonio, les informamos

que nuestra parroquia ofrece la oportunidad de

iniciar un proceso de preparación para celebrar

el Sacramento del Matrimonio en una

Boda Comunitaria.

Los interesados pueden pasar por la oficina

parroquial para mayor información.


“Lo que Dios ha unido

que no lo separe el hombre”

(Mt. 19,6)

Christmas Eve Rosary for Life

With Bishop Olmsted

December 24th at 11:00am

As we celebrate the eve of Christ’s birth, join

Bishop Olmsted in praying the rosary outside

the Planned Parenthood facility at 5771 W.

Eugie Ave. in Glendale, Az.

Please park along nearby streets and walk to

the site; do not park in local business or med-

ical parking lots. Bring water and shade.

Rosario por la Vida

24 de diciembre, 11:00am

Obispo Thomas J. Olmsted

Acompáñenos! Al celebrar la víspera del

nacimiento de Cristo, únete al Obispo

Olmsted para rezar el rosario afuera de las

instalaciones de Planned Parenthood en


Por favor estacionarse en las calles cercanas

y caminar hasta el sitio; no se estacione en

estacionamientos de negocios o médicos. No

olviden traer agua para tomar y protección

para el sol.

Page 7: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church and Schoololphglendale.com/uploads/docs/bulletin/20181216.pdf · 12/16/2018  · Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church and School Iglesia

A medida que se acerca la Navidad, tomemos un mo-

mento para reflexionar sobre la vida de alegría que

se nos ha prometido. No es solo para el cielo. Esta-

mos destinados a vivir esta alegría aquí y ahora!

“Alégrense siempre en el Señor. Lo diré de nuevo:

¡alégrense!” ¿Cómo es posible estar lleno de alegría

en todo momento y en todo lugar? Pablo establece

los pasos para vivir en alegría:

1. Sin preocupaciones ni ansiedades.


2. Ora por todo.

3. Pero, no solo le digas a Dios tus proble

mas, ¡sé también agradecido!

4. El quiere escuchar todo sobre todo lo que

deseamos “Haz que tus peticiones sean

conocidas por Dios".

¿Sin ansiedad en absoluto? ¿Ni siquiera por nuestro

pecado y las consecuencias? No, porque cualquier

cosa que nos preocupe, ya sea en nosotros mismos o

en nuestras circunstancias, puede convertirse en ora-

ción con la confianza segura de que Dios nos ama y

nos escucha. No estamos solos.

Él enviará su paz para que no tengamos que dudar si

está cerca o no. “Entonces la paz de Dios que sobre-

pasa todo entendimiento guardará sus corazones y

mentes en Cristo Jesús".







Horario de Oficina:

lunes a jueves 9am-4pm

viernes 9am-1pm

Llame a Imelda Basurto 623-552-3122

Correo electrónico:

As Christmas approaches, let’s take a moment

to reflect on the life of joy that is promised to

us. It’s not just for heaven. We are meant to

live this joy here and now!

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it

again: rejoice!” How is it possible at all times

and everywhere to be full of joy? Paul lays out

the steps for living in joy:

No worries and anxieties. None.

Pray about everything.

But, don’t just tell God your problems, be

thankful too!

He wants to hear all about everything we

desire “Make your requests known to


No anxiety at all? Not even over our sin and

the consequences? No, because whatever trou-

bles us, whether in ourselves or in our circum-

stances, can be turned into prayer with the sure

confidence that God loves and hears us. We

are not alone.

He will send his peace so that we do not have

to doubt whether or not he is near. “Then the

peace of God that surpasses all understanding

will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Je-









Office Hours:

9 am – 4 pm

Monday– Thursday

Friday 9 am – 1 pm

Call Imelda Basurto 623-552-3122

email: [email protected]

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