A Pilgrimage to Fr. Joseph Mary, CFR Spiritual Director San Juan Diego Friary, Albuquerque NM Sponsored by Incarnation Catholic Church, Rio Rancho NM Our Lady of Guadalupe For More Information Contact: Select International Tours 800-842-4842 Email: [email protected] www.SelectInternationalTours.com or [email protected] 505-234-4641 Departing from Albuquerque, NM 7 Days March 19 – 25, 2017 $1795 plus $70 tips

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Select International Toursselectinternationaltours.com/wp-content/uploads/... · cover pre-existing conditions. Insurance premiums are non-refundable in case

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Page 1: Our Lady of Guadalupe - Select International Toursselectinternationaltours.com/wp-content/uploads/... · cover pre-existing conditions. Insurance premiums are non-refundable in case

A Pilgrimage to

Fr. Joseph Mary, CFR Spiritual Director

San Juan Diego Friary, Albuquerque NM

Sponsored by

Incarnation Catholic Church, Rio Rancho NM

Our Lady of


For More Information Contact: Select International Tours

800-842-4842 Email: [email protected]

www.SelectInternationalTours.com or

[email protected] 505-234-4641

Departing from Albuquerque, NM

7 Days March 19 – 25, 2017 $1795 plus $70 tips

Page 2: Our Lady of Guadalupe - Select International Toursselectinternationaltours.com/wp-content/uploads/... · cover pre-existing conditions. Insurance premiums are non-refundable in case

Our Lady of Guadalupe! Patron ess of th e Amer icas – yes , not ju st Patron ess o f Mexico, but a l l th e Americas! Jo in u s as we trave l to Mex ico C ity , where in 1531, th e app ar it ion o f Our Lady to St . Ju an Diego took p lace. Sh e asked that a Sh r in e b e b ui l t , where sh e would pour ou t h er grace up on those who in voked h er a id . The b ish op asked for proof that th i s rea l ly was Ou r Lady. . . an d Juan Diego b rough t h im roses… ou t o f season, careful ly a rran ged by Our Lady . And th e miracu lou s portra it was le ft on the cactu s f ib er c loth t i lma as th e roses sp i l led out in fron t o f th e b ishop . Anoth er miracle – th e port ra it st i l l ex i st s – The c loth sh ould have d ecay ed into d ust in 30 y ears! Yet near ly 500 years la ter , the miracu lous image i s st i l l th e centerpiece of the shr ine. Mi l l ion s were con verted ! And we shou ld b e too!

Come, jo in our group – we selected ou r trave l d ates so that teach ers an d staf f can jo in u s . We’ l l have ou r own escort and tou r gu ide, a pr ivate motor coach, breakfast and d inner every day. We’ l l v is i t the most importan t s i tes in Mexico City and th e surround in g area , h i stor ic s i tes, cu ltura l s i tes , ho ly s i tes . We’ l l grow in fa ith as we make new fr iend s on our jou rney.

March 19, Day 1 - Depart to Mexico C ity fr om Albuquerqu e. Upon arr iva l we are tran sferred to the h otel in the h istor ica l a rea; an act ive area f i l led with shop s, markets and restaurants. Welcome Mass at wi l l b e ce lebrated in th e afternoon . Rest o f th e a ftern oon i s at le i su re. Overnight Mex ico C ity . (Dinn er at th e hote l)


GUADALUPE SHRINE Mornin g bu f fet breakfast a t hote l . Today we h ave th e ent ire mornin g at th e Shr ine of Our Lad y of Guadalupe , th e Patroness of the Amer icas where we ce lebrate Mass . We then v i s i t th e Plaza of Three Cu ltur es , the bapt i smal s i te o f Juan D iego. In the a fternoon vi s i t the Pyr amids of th e Sun and the Moon . Overnight Mex ico C ity . (Breakfast and d inn er at hote l )

March 21, DAY 3 - M EXICO CITY Morn ing buf fet

breakfast a t hote l . Our fu l l d ay tou r o f M exico City s tar ts with a vi s i t to Chap ultepec Park wh ere we see th e famou s Arch eo log ica l Mu seu m (ent ranc e not inc luded ). Th en on to th e Metropol itan Cathedra l , wh ere B lessed Ju an Diego's B i shop, Ju an Zu marraga, i s bu r ied an d

Zocalo Squar e (Main Square f rom th e t ime of th e Aztecs) .Mass i s ce lebrated at th e Cath ed ral . Vi s i t th e Nat ion al Palace, now the seat o f th e Mexican Govern men t. Th e Church of Santo Dom in go th at we see conta in s two shr in es- Our Lad y of Rosar y and Our Lad y of Covadon ga and we h ave t ime to exp lore both. Our tour con t inu es to Xochim i lco to make a boat promenad e th rou gh i t s chann els in on e of i t s typica l “Traj in eras” (Mexican Boat Tr ip) . D inn er at AzuleJos Restaurant tonight . Overn igh t Mexico City . (Breakfast and sp ecia l d inn er )

March 22, DAY 4 - CUERNAVACA - TAXCO Morn in g bu ffet breakfast at h otel . We start with a

vi s i t to Cu ernavaca, the “C ity o f E terna l Spr ing”


About Select International Se l ec t In te rna t iona l Tour s r ece i ved the pre s t ig ious 20 16 IMPACT AWARD f rom the Fa i th T rave l A ssoc i a t ion a s the most innova t i ve and impac t fu l US t rave l company in the f a i th based t rave l n i che . S ince 1987 we have o rgani z ed g roup t r ave l fo r th ousands of groups to the Holy Land, Europe , Canada, USA and Mex ico. Our ne tw ork of contac t s , guide s , de s t ina t ion knowledge and in dep th t rave l e xpe r ience ensure s you h ighe s t qua l i ty t r ave l a t r easonab le pr ice s . For more than 28 ye ar s we have e arned a r eput at ion f o r inte gr i ty , r e l i ab i l i ty and va l ue . We de l ive r wha t we promi se !

En jo y and r e lax when you t r ave l wi th Se l e c t In t e rna t i on a l Tour s .

Come Join Us!

Fr. Joseph Mary, CFR Spiritual Director

Page 3: Our Lady of Guadalupe - Select International Toursselectinternationaltours.com/wp-content/uploads/... · cover pre-existing conditions. Insurance premiums are non-refundable in case

to see th e Borda Gardens and Pa lace of Cortes , housin g mura ls by Diego Rivera, th e famou s Mexican art i st . Ou r n ext stop i s Taxco. Word s cannot d escr ib e th i s magni f i cent p lace, on ly a fee l in g and on e mu st go there to exp erien ce th e sen sat ion s b rou ght about by a v i s i t to th i s “C ity in th e Cloud s.” We have t ime to barga in for s i l ver treasures an d see th e mines f rom which th e s i l ver come. A late a ftern oon vi s i t to th e Church of San Pr isca wh ere we ce lebrate Mass. T ime wi l l b e scheduled for shopp in g and explor ing th e market and many art isan shop s that l in e th e narrow cobb leston e streets . Overn igh t Mexico Ci ty . (Breakfast and Dinn er a t hotel )

March 23, DAY 5 - CHOLULA- PUEBLA Mornin g

buf fet b reakfast . We board th e motorcoach for a dr ive to Pu eb la - C i ty o f the An gels an d Church es. Th e r id e today takes u s throu gh th e famou s Cortes Pass. On th e way we see Cholu la , a town very r i ch in Mexican h istory. Ch olu la i s wh ere the world famou s “Cin co d e Mayo” (May 5 t h ) bat t le occurred . Cholu la a l so c la ims to have a Chap el for every d ay o f th e y ear! Here we see what’ s repu ted to be th e largest pyramid in th e world . On top of th e py ramid l ies th e Church of Our Lad y of Good Remed y . Later , we vi s i t th e Church of Tonan tz int la where the most b eaut i fu l example o f Indo-Chr i st ian decorat ion can be

admired. Cont inu e to Pueb la , th e fou rth largest c i ty in Mexico and a great example o f Span ish colonia l arch itecture. The Pueb la reg ion is famou s for i t s beau t i fu l Ch urches and i t s hand p ainted “Ta lavera” t i les. We vi s i t the unforget table Chapel of the Rosary. Celebrate Mass at Santa Clara . We then v i s i t th e Cath ed ral , Santo Dom in go Church ,

the Santa Mon ica rel ig ious museum , and Church of St . Fr anc is to see th e incorru pt bod y of Blessed Sebast ian. In the af ternoon, we have t ime to sh op in th e op en-air market and bargain for sou ven irs an d s i l ver . Overnight Pu ebla. (Breakfast and Din ner at hote l)

March 24, DAY 6 - OCOTLAN- SAN MIGUEL Bu ffet breakfast at hote l . Af ter breakfast we vi s i t

San Migu el de l M i lagro ( s i te of th e app ari t ion o f

St . Michael to D iego Lazaro). Our n ext stop i s Tlaxca la C ity for a v is i t to th e Mon aster y of San Franc isco -on e of th e f i r st Cathol i c bui ld ings in Mexico . Th e c ity i s known as th e Lourd es o f Mexico b ecau se o f i t s miraculou s statue and spr in g water . Th en d epart for Ocotlan , wh ere we see th e Shr ine of Our Lady of Ocot lan . We ce lebrate Mass in Ocot lan at 11:00AM. This i s wh ere an image of Our Lady app eared in a burnin g t ree. We h ave t ime to f i l l our b ott les wi th water f rom the hea l in g wel l . Overnight Mexico C ity . (Breakfast and a sp ecia l farewel l d inn er a t a local restau rant with mu sic)

March 25, DAY 7 - M EXICO CITY- Bu ffet

breakfast a t hote l . This mornin g we ce lebrate Mass a t the Bas i l ica of Our Lad y of Guad alup e fo l lowed by tran sfer to the a irport and y our return f l ight home. (B )

Your Tour Includes • Round trip airfare from ABQ/ Mexico City / ABQ • Airline surcharges • Tips for Drivers and Guides • Accommodations in first class hotels • Open hot buffet breakfast daily • Daily dinners as noted • Private Air-conditioned bus • English speaking guide • All admission charges as per the itinerary • Baggage handling for one suitcase per person only

included at the hotels • Parking fees for busses • Local hotel taxes • Select International Tours Travel Portfolio • Private Daily Mass

RA TES D O NOT INC LUDE • Personal expenses • Trip cancellation and medical insurance are optional and

highly recommended • Any items not specifically mention in the listed inclusions • Beverages at meals unless otherwise noted • Church donations • Any Airline Baggage Charges • Baggage handling in excess of one bag per person. • For extra luggage, please tip $1.00 per person per bag.

NOTE: Wh ile no changes are an t i c ipa ted, the re

might be oc cas ions when cer ta in a l te rat ions b eco me necessary to th is i t ine rary due to changes in a i r l in e

schedules or for o the r re asons . A l l Mas ses a re subjec t to f ina l chu rch s c hedules .

Page 4: Our Lady of Guadalupe - Select International Toursselectinternationaltours.com/wp-content/uploads/... · cover pre-existing conditions. Insurance premiums are non-refundable in case

GENERAL TERM S & CONDITIONS: Our Lad y of Guadalupe with FR. JOSEPH M ARY DEANE, CFR 2017 D e p o s i t s a n d f in a l p a y m e n t : A d e p o s i t o f $ 5 0 0 . 0 0 p e r p e r s o n b y

c h e c k s h o u l d a c c o m p a n y th e r e g i s t r a t i o n fo r m a l o n g w i th y o u r o p t i o n a l i n s u r a n c e p a y m e n t a n d a c o p y o f y o u r p a s s p o r t p i c t u r e p a g e b y D e c e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 1 6 . F in a l p a y m e n t i s d u e b y J a n u a r y 1 9 , 2 0 1 7 . P l e a s e m a i l y o u r p a y m e n t to : S e le c t I n t e r n a t io n a l T o u r s , 8 5 P a r k A v e . , F le m in g t o n , N J 0 8 8 2 2 A T T : K r i s t in e S m a r t 8 0 0 - 8 4 2 - 4 8 4 2 , k r i s t in e @ s e le c t - in t l . c o m .

Y o u r p a s s p o r t m u s t b e v a l id a t le a s t s ix m o n t h s a f t e r t h e d a t e o f t h e t r ip r e t u r n . R e s e r v a t io n s w i l l n o t b e p r o c e s s e d u n t i l w e h a v e p a s s p o r t c o p ie s . P r i c e s q u o te d a r e b a s e d o n c a s h p a y m e n t s . C a s h p r i c e s $ 1 7 9 5 f o r t h e c o m p l e t e p a c ka g e , $ 1 5 9 5 l a n d o n l y ( a i r n o t i n c l u d e d ) , $ 2 9 5 . 0 0 s i n g l e s u p p l e m e n t ( i n r o o m b y y o u r s e l f ) C r e d i t c a r d p r i c e s a n d p a y m e n ts w i l l b e q u o te d o n r e q u e s t .

A ir l in e , s e a t in g a n d s p e c ia l r e q u e s t s : T h e s e a t s a r e a s s i g n e d b y th e a i r - l i n e s . W e d o n o t r e s e r v e s p e c i f i c s e a t s . Y o u m a y c h a n g e y o u r s e a t , p r o v i d e m i l e a g e p r o g r a m i n f o r m a t i o n a n d p a s s e n g e r c o n ta c t i n fo r m a t i o n d i r e c t l y w i t h th e a i r l i n e s o n c e th e t i c ke t n u m b e r s a r e r e c e i v e d . ( A p pr o x i m a te l y th r e e w e e ks pr i o r to de p ar tu r e ) . A l l s p e c i a l n e e d s a n d r e q u e s ts d u e to m e d i c a l o r d i e t a r y r e s t r i c t i o n s m u s t b e r e q u e s te d i n w r i t i n g a t l e a s t 6 0 d a y s p r i o r t o d e p a r t u r e . Bu s i n e s s c l a s s a n d p r e m i u m c o a c h s e a t s a r e a v a i l a b l e u p o n r e q u e s t a s a r e a d d - o n s f r o m y o u r h o m e to w n a i r p o r t .

S in g le s u p p le m e n t : A l i m i te d n u m b e r o f s i n g l e r o o m s a r e a v a i l a b l e a t a n a d d i t i o n a l c o s t o f $ 2 9 5 . 0 0 p e r p e r s o n c a s h p a y m e n t . P r i c e s a r e b a s e d o n tw o p e o p l e p e r r o o m . W e d o n o t G T D r o o m m a t e s b u t w i l l d o o u r b e s t t o c o n n e c t y o u w i t h a p o s s i b l e s h a r e .

L a n d O n ly O p t io n : $ 1 5 9 5 p e r p e r s o n c a s h p r i c e . L a n d o n l y s e r v i c e s s ta r t a n d e n d a t t h e h o te l s , u n l e s s y o u a r e a b l e to m e e t t h e g r o u p a t th e a i r p o r t , a n d d o n o t i n c l u d e a i r fa r e .

B a g g a g e : E a c h p a r t i c i p a n t i s p e r m i t te d t o c h e c k ( 1 ) s u i t c a s e w e i g h i n g n o m o r e t h a n 5 0 l b s . , a n d o n e s m a l l c a r r y - o n b a g o n th e p l a n e . A i r l i n e b a g g a g e fe e s a r e n o t i n c l u d e d . P l e a s e c h e c k th e s p e c i f i c b a g g a g e f e e s o n th e a i r l i n e w e b s i te .

T o u r C a n c e l la t io n P o l i c y : $ 3 5 0 . 0 0 n o n - r e f u n d a b le . 9 0 - 6 0 d a y s b e f o r e d e p a r t u r e a t o t a l o f $ 5 0 0 . 0 0 i s n o n - r e f u n d a b le . W it h in 6 0 d a y s o f d e p a r t u r e a l l p a y m e n t s a r e n o n -r e f u n d a b le r e g a r d le s s o f r e a s o n f o r c a n c e l la t io n s . A l l c a n c e l l a t i o n s m u s t b e i n w r i t i n g . U n u s e d p o r t i o n s o f th e t r i p a r e n o t r e fu n d a b l e . W e s t r o n g l y u r g e y o u t o p u r c h a s e T r ip Ca n c e l la t io n / T r a v e l I n s u r a n c e a t a n a d d i t i o n a l $ 1 1 6 . 0 0 p e r p e r s o n fo r D e lu x e B a s ic Co v e r a g e p o l i c y , w h i c h p r o v i d e s p r o t e c t i o n i f y o u n e e d t o c a n c e l d u e to i l l n e s s o r j o b l o s s o n l y o r C a n c e l f o r A n y R e a s o n p o l i c y , w h i c h w e r e c o m m e n d a t $ 1 7 4 . 0 0 p e r p e r s o n , b a s e d o n t r i p c o s t o f $ 1 8 6 5 . A d d i t i o n a l d e t a i l s a n d p o l i c y i n fo r m a t i o n m a y b e f o u n d o n o u r w e b s i t e a t : w w w . s e l e c t i n t e r n a t i o n a l to u r s . c o m , h o m e p a g e u n d e r th e u s e fu l i n f o r m a t i o n t a b / i n s u r a n c e . T h e in s u r a n c e p r e m iu m m u s t b e r e c e i v e d w i t h t h e d e p o s i t t o c o v e r p r e - e x i s t i n g c o n d i t i o n s . I n s u r a n c e p r e m i u m s a r e n o n -r e fu n d a b l e i n c a s e o f c a n c e l l a t i o n s .

P r ic in g : P r i c e s a r e b a s e d o n a m i n i m u m o f 2 0 p a s s e n g e r s t r a v e l i n g & p a y m e n t b y c a s h o r c h e c k . P l e a s e c a l l f o r a c r e d i t c a r d p r i c e . D e p o s i t s m u s t b e p a i d b y c h e c k . F u e l s u r c h a r g e a n d ta x e s a r e s u b j e c t to c h a n g e a t t i m e o f f i n a l i n v o i c i n g .

R e s p o n s ib i l i t y : G r o u p L e a d e r s a n d S e l e c t I n t e r n a t i o n a l T o u r s , a n d o r a n y t r a v e l a g e n c y a n d s u p p l i e r i n c o n n e c t i o n w i th t h i s t r a v e l p r o g r a m a r e n o t r e s p o n s i b l e f o r a n y i l l n e s s , i n j u r y o r l o s s t o p e r s o n o r p r o p e r ty , a n y d e l a y , i n c o n v e n i e n c e o r e x t r a c o s t s i n c u r r e d d u e t o th e d e - l a y o r c a n c e l l a t i o n s c a u s e d b y w e a t h e r o r e v e n t s b e y o n d a n y o n e ’ s c o n tr o l . D e ta i l s o f t h e p r o g r a m , h o te l s , a i r p o r t s a n d a i r l i n e s a r e s u b j e c t to c h a n g e b a s e d o n e v e n ts b e y o n d th e to u r c o m p a n y ’ s c o n t r o l . A l l o t h e r te r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s a r e a s p e r o u r w e b s i te , w w w . s e le c t in t e r n a t io n a l t o u r s . c o m . T r a v e l d o c u m e n ts w i l l b e m a i l e d o u t a p p r o x i m a te l y 3 w e e ks b e f o r e d e p a r tu r e d a te .

S h ip p in g & H a n d l in g : $ 1 5 . 0 0 p e r p e r s o n - n o t i n c l u d e d i n p a c ka g e p r i c e w i l l b e a d d e d t o e a c h i n v o i c e . Y o u r i n v o i c e w i l l c o n f i r m th e t r i p r e g i s t r a t i o n .

Registrat ion & Consent Our L ad y of G u ad a l up e w i t h F r . J os e ph M ar y , C F R M ar c h 19- 25 , 2 017 P leas e com pl et e t h i s f or m and m ai l i t t o S e lec t I nt er n at i ona l T our s ,

a l on g w i t h y our d ep os i t , in s ur an ce pr em i um , a n d a co py of yo ur pas s por t p ic t ur e pa ge . L ast N ame _______________________________________ F i rs t Na me ___________________ Mi dd l e _________________________

St re e t Ad dr e ss _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C i t y_______________________________________________ St at e__________________________ Z i p______________________________

Ho me P ho ne ______________________________________ Ce l l P ho ne __________________________________________________________

Emai l Ad d re s s_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Updates about your trip will be sent by email only. Please be sure that your settings allow for electronic communication originating from select-intl.com

Co mp l et e Pac ka ge $1 79 5 p l us $7 0 t i ps L an d O nl y $ 159 5 p l u s $ 7 0 t ip s

I n e ed he lp wi th F l ig ht s f rom: _____________________________________

Me dic a l /D ie tar y Ne e ds : ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Room: Single (1 bed) Double (1 bed, 2 people)

Twin (2 beds, 2 people) Triple(3 beds)

Nam e of Roo mma te( s) : ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Emer g enc y Co nt act : ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

I am purchasing trip cancellation / travel insurance I dec l i n e to p urc ha s e i n s ura nc e

De l ux e In s ura nc e ($116) Ca nce l for A ny R ea so n I ns u ra nce ($174)

By s ig n ing be l ow I con sent t o any nec es sary i t inerary changes and agre e wi th a l l Se le ct In t ernat i ona l T ours & Cru ise s ’ (S IT C) T ER MS A ND CO N DIT ION S as ou t l ined on th i s p age and on the co mpany w ebs i te : www .se lec t in terna t i ona l tour s . c om. I a ls o understand that S IT C h igh ly re co m mends pur c hase of t rave l insuran ce f or my pr ote ct i on and tha t any fees ass oc iated wi th th is t r ip c annot be wa i ved f or any r eason . By de c l in ing t o pur chase t rav e l insuran ce I as sume a l l f inanc ia l l os ses as so c iated with th i s t r ip wh ich o ther wise w ou ld be c ov ered by the t ra ve l insurance . Si g nat u re : Dat e: _____________________________

Not responsible for changes in group air.

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Trip Cancellation** Trip Cost*

Cancel for Work Reasons Coverage for cancellation due to work-related reasons in addition to job loss

Trip Interruption** 150% of Trip Cost*

Travel Delay – 6 hours $750 ($150/day)

Missed Connection – 3 hours $500

Baggage/Personal Effects $1,500

Baggage Delay – 24 hours $400

Accident & Sickness Medical Expense $50,000

Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation $250,000

Non-Insurance Worldwide Emergency

Assistance Services Included

Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR)*** Optional * Up to the lesser of the Trip Cost paid or the limit of Coverage for which benefits are requested and the

appropriate plan cost has been paid. Maximum limit of $20,000

** For $0 Trip Cost, there is no Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption is limited to $500 return air only

*** CFAR coverage is 75% of the nonrefundable trip cost. CFAR is optional and available for individuals or

your entire group. Trip cancellation must be 48 hours or more prior to scheduled departure. CFAR must

be purchased at the time of plan purchase and within 14 days of your initial trip deposit. This benefit is

not available to residents of New York State.


Cost of Trip Rates With

CFAR* Cost of Trip Rates

With CFAR*

$0 $21 N/A $7,001-$7,500 $519 $778.50

$1-$300 $33 $49.50 $7,501-$8,000 $537 $805.50

$301-$500 $39 $58.50 $8,001-$8,500 $561 $841.50

$501-$1,000 $58 $87.00 $8,501-$9,000 $595 $892.50

$1,001-$1,500 $93 $139.50 $9,001-$9,500 $623 $934.50

$1,501-$2,000 $115 $172.50 $9,501-$10,000 $665 $997.50

$2,001-$2,500 $145 $217.50 $10,001 - $11,000 $734 $1101.00

$2,501-$3,000 $172 $258.00 $11,001 - $12,000 $802 $1203.00

$3,001-$3,500 $194 $291.00 $12,001 - $13,000 $870 $1305.00

$3,501-$4,000 $242 $363.00 $13,001 - $14000 $938 $1407.00

$4,001-$4,500 $276 $414.00 $14,001 - $15,000 $1,006 $1509.00

$4,501-$5,000 $319 $478.50 $15,001 - $16,000 $1,074 $1611.00

$5,001-$5,500 $353 $529.50 $16,001 - $17,000 $1,142 $1713.00

$5,501-$6,000 $388 $582.00 $17,001 - $18,000 $1,210 $1815.00

$6,001-$6,500 $422 $633.00 $18,001 - $19,000 $1,278 $1917.00

$6,501-$7,000 $485 $727.50 $19,001 - $20,000 $1,346 $2019.00 The above rates are for trips up to 30 days – for each day over 30 add $5.00 per person per day.

All of the above rates are for the plan which includes insurance and non-insurance services.

*Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) benefit not available to residents of New York State.

PAYMENT INFO: To purchase the Travel Insured Group

Deluxe Protection Plan with or without Cancel for Any Reason please mail this form with a check to:

Select International Tours 85 Park Avenue

Flemington, NJ 08822 (908) 237-9262

APPLICATION: Applicant Name(s): _______________

________________________________ Trip Name: ______________________ Trip Dates/Tour #: ________________ Phone: _________________________ Zip: ____________________________ Email: __________________________ Trip Cost: ________________________ Optional CFAR* (please circle): YES NO Premium Amount: ________________ ________________________________ Applicant Signature

Travel Insured International®

P: 800-243-3174

www.travelinsured.com T-19004b

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Insurance benefits are not payable for any loss due to, arising or resulting from: 1. suicide, attempted suicide or any intentionally self- inflicted injury of You , a Traveling Companion, Family Member or Business Partner booked to travel with You, while sane or insane; 2. an act of declared or undeclared war; 3. participating in maneuvers or training exercises of an armed service, except while participating in weekend or summer training for the reserve forces of the United States, including the National Guard; 4. riding or driving in races, or speed or endurance competitions or events; 5. mountaineering (engaging in the sport of scaling mountains generally requiring the use of picks, ropes, or other special equipment); 6. participating as a member of a team in an organized sporting competition; 7. participating in bodily contact sports, skydiving or parachuting, hang gliding or bungee cord jumping; 8. piloting or learning to pilot or acting as a member of the crew of any aircraft; 9. being Intoxicated, or under the influence of any controlled substance unless as administered or prescribed by a Legally Qualified Physician; 10. the commission of or attempt to commit a felony or being engaged in an illegal occupation; 11. normal childbirth or pregnancy (except Complications of Pregnancy) or voluntarily induced abortion; 12. dental treatment (except as coverage is otherwise specifically provided); 13. amounts which exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount for each coverage as shown in the Schedule of Benefits; 14. due to a Pre-Existing Condition, as defined in the Policy. The Pre-Existing Condition Limitation does not apply to the Emergency Medical Evacuation or return of remains coverage; 15. medical treatment during or arising from a Trip undertaken for the purpose or intent of securing medical treatment; 16. a mental or nervous condition, unless hospitalized for that condition while the Policy is in effect for You; 17. due to loss or damage (including death or injury) and any associated cost or expense resulting directly from the discharge, explosion or use of any device, weapon or material employing or involving chemical, biological, radiological or similar agents, whether in time of peace or war, and regardless of who commits the act and regardless of any other sequence thereto.

The following limitation applies to Trip Cancellation: All cancellations must be reported directly to the Travel Supplier within 72 hours of the event causing the need to cancel, unless the event prevents it, and then as soon as is reasonably possible. If the cancellation is not reported within the specified 72 hour period, the Company will not pay for additional charges, which would not have, been incurred had You notified the Travel Supplier in the specified period. If the event prevents You from reporting the cancellation, the 72-hour notice requirement does not apply; however, You must, if requested, provide proof that said event prevented him or her from reporting the cancellation within the specified period.

Additional Limitations and Exclusions Specific to Baggage and Personal Effects: Benefits are not payable for any loss caused by or resulting from: breakage of brittle or fragile articles; wear and tear or gradual deterioration; confiscation or appropriation by order of any government or custom’s rule; theft or pilferage while left in any unlocked or unattended vehicle; property illegally acquired, kept, stored or transported; Your negligent acts or omissions; or property shipped as freight or shipped prior to the Scheduled Departure Date; or electrical current, including electric arcing that damages or destroys electrical devices or appliances.

Purchase up to final Trip Payment for Pre-Existing Condition Waiver! The Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion will be waived if the protection plan is purchased before final trip payment for the trip, for the

full non-refundable cost of the trip and the booking for the covered trip is the first and only booking for this travel period and you are

not disabled from travel at the time you pay the premium

This document contains highlights of the plan. The plan contains insurance benefits underwritten by the United States Fire Insurance Company.

C&F and Crum & Forster are registered trademarks of United States Fire Insurance Company. The Crum & Forster group of companies is rated A

(Excellent) by AM Best Company 2015. The plan also contains non-insurance Travel Assistance Services that are provided by an independent

organization, and not by United States Fire Insurance Company or Travel Insured International. Coverages may vary and not all coverage is

available in all jurisdictions.


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Insurance benefits will be paid up to the Maximum Benefit Amount purchased to cover You for the Published Penalties and usused non-refundable prepaid expenses for Travel Arrangements when You are prevented from taking or completing Your Covered Trip due to:

a) Your or a Family Member’s or a Traveling Companion’s or a Business Partner’s death, which occurs before departure on Your Trip; b) Your or a Family Member’s or a Traveling Companion’s or a Business Partner’s covered Sickness or Injury, which: a) occurs before departure on Your Trip, b)requires

Medical Treatment at the time of cancellation resulting in medically imposed restrictions, as certified by a Legally Qualified Physician, and c) and prevents Your participation in the Trip;

c) You or Your Traveling Companion being hijacked, quarantined, required to serve on a jury (notice of jury duty must be received after Your Effective Date), served with a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action in which You or Your Traveling Companion is not a party (except law enforcement officers);

d) Your or Your Traveling Companion’s primary place of residence or destination being rendered uninhabitable by fire, flood, burglary or other Natural Disaster. The Company will only pay benefits for Losses occurring within 30 calendar days after the Natural Disaster makes your destination accommodations uninhabitable. Your destination is uninhabitable if: the building structure itself is unstable and there is a risk of collapse in whole or in part; (ii) there is exterior or structural damage allowing elemental intrusion, such as rain, wind, hail, or flood; (iii) immediate safety hazards have yet to be cleared such as debris on roofs or downed electrical lines; or (iv) the rental property is without electricity or water. Benefits are not payable if a storm, snow storm, blizzard or hurricane is named on or before the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation coverage;

e) a documented theft of passports or visas f) You or Your Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident, substantiated by a police report, while en route to Your scheduled point of departure; g) Bankruptcy or Default of an airline, cruise line, tour operator or other travel provider (other than the Travel Supplier, tour operator or travel agency, from whom You

purchased Your Travel Arrangements causing a complete cessation of travel services more than 14 days following Your Effective Date. Benefits will be paid due to Bankruptcy or Default of an airline only if no alternate transportation is available. If alternate transportation is available, benefits will be limited to the change fee charged to allow You to transfer to another airline in order to get to Your intended destination. This benefit only applies if the Certificate has been purchased within 14 days of the date Your initial deposit/payment for Your Trip is received; and You insure the full cost of Your Trip subject to penalties or restrictions;

h) unannounced Strike that causes complete cessation of services for at least 18 consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel; i) Inclement Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least 18 consecutive hours of the Common Carrier on which You are scheduled to travel; j) felonious assault of You or Your Traveling Companion within 10 days of the Scheduled Departure Date; k) You or Your Traveling Companion is in the military and called to emergency duty for a national disaster other than war; l) involuntary employer termination or layoff affecting You or a Traveling Companion. Employment must have been with the same employer for at least 1 continuous

year; m) a Terrorist Incident that occurs within 30 days of Your Scheduled Departure Date in a city listed on the itinerary of Your Trip. This same city must not have experienced

a Terrorist Incident within the 90 days prior to the Terrorist Incident that is causing Your cancellation of Your Trip. Benefits are not provided if the Travel Supplier offers a substitute itinerary;

n) Your family or friends living abroad with whom You were planning to stay are unable to provide accommodations due to life threatening illness, life threatening injury or death of one of them;

o) Your normal pregnancy or attending the childbirth of Your Family Member. The pregnancy must occur after the Plan Effective Date and be verified by medical records;

p) the primary or secondary school that You, Your Family Member or Traveling Companion attends continues classes beyond the predefined school year, due to unforeseeable events which: 1) occur after Your Effective Date for Trip Cancellation; and 2) cause the classes to extend beyond the Scheduled Departure Date of Your Trip. Extensions due to extra-curricular or athletic events are not covered;

q) Mandatory evacuation ordered by local government authorities at Your Trip Destination (or official public evacuation notices or recommendations without a mandatory evacuation order issued) due to adverse weather or Natural Disaster;

r) A transfer of You or Your Traveling Companion by the employer by whom You or Your Traveling Companion are employed on Your Effective Date which requires their principal residence to be relocated;

s) You, Your Traveling Companion or a Family Member traveling with You is required to work during the Trip. A written statement by an unrelated company official and/or the human resources department demonstrating revocation of previously approved time off will be required;

t) You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member traveling with You are directly involved in the merger of Your employer or the acquisition of Your employer by another company. You, Your Traveling Companion or Family Member cannot be a company owner or partner;

u) Your or Your Traveling Companion’s place of employment is rendered unsuitable for business due to fire, flood, burglary or other Natural Disaster and You and/or Your Traveling Companion are required to work as a result.

All cancellations must be reported directly to the Travel Supplier within 72 hours of the event causing the need to cancel, unless the event prevents it, and then as soon as is reasonably possible.

Travel Delay: The Insurer will reimburse You for covered expenses on a one time basis, up to the maximum shown in the Schedule of insurance and other coverages, if You are delayed en route to or from the Covered Trip for 6 or more hours due to a covered reason.

Baggage/Personal Effects: The Insurer will reimburse You up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of insurance and other coverages for loss, theft, or damage to Baggage and Personal Effects. The Insurer will pay the lesser of the following: Actual Cash Value at the time of the loss, less depreciation as determined by the Insurer, or the cost of repair or replacement.

Emergency Accident and Sickness Medical Expense: The Insurer will pay benefits up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of insurance and other coverages, if You incur Covered Medical Expenses for Emergency Medical Treatment as a result of an Accidental Injury which occurs on the Covered Trip or a Sickness which first manifests itself during the Covered Trip.

Emergency Medical Evacuation: The Insurer will pay, subject to the limitations set out herein, up to the maximum shown on the Schedule of insurance and other coverages, for Covered Emergency Evacuation Expenses reasonably incurred if the Insured suffers an Injury or Emergency Sickness that warrants the Insured’s Emergency Evacuation while on a Trip.

Cancel For Any Reason Protection: Optional Coverage applies only when requested on the application and the appropriate additional plan cost has been paid. CFAR must be purchased at the time of plan purchase and within 14 days of your initial trip deposit. If You purchase the Cancel For Any Reason protection and You cancel Your Trip for any reason not otherwise covered by this plan, the Insurer will reimburse You for up to 75% of the prepaid, forfeited, non-refundable payments or deposits You paid for Your Trip provided You cancel Your Trip more than 48 hours prior to your Scheduled Departure Date. This benefit is not available to residents of New York State.
