Office Locaon 200-4747 Pleasant Place Windsor, ON N8Y 5B4 Closed Monday Open: Tuesday - Friday 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00 Church Locaon 834 Raymo Rd. Windsor, ON N8Y 4A6 Phone: 519-945-4133 Fax: 519-997-3128 Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Parish E-mail: [email protected] Website www.olog.dol.ca The Bapsm of the Lord January 13, 2019 Adoraon of the Blessed Sacrament: Thursdays following 9:00 a.m. mass unl 4:00 p.m. Bapsm: First Sunday of the month during mass Marriage: One year in advance by appointment Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Spanish Mass 12:30 p.m. Pastoral Team Parish Administrator-Fr. Greg Bonin Parochial Vicar– Fr. David Johnston Deacon- Gary Coyle Deacon- Reg Quesnel Pastoral Minister -Trisha Hickey Office Administrator - Donna Marcoe Weekday Masses: Tuesday—7:00 p.m. Wednesday— 9:30 a.m. Thursday and Friday—9:00 a.m. Confessions: Saturday, 11 am-noon Sunday School at the 11:00 a.m. Mass Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Mission Statement Rooted in the gospel, we are a Christ centered community guided by the Holy Spirit, embracing a future full of hope, empathy and compassion, reaching out to all, especially the marginalized, seniors and the youth. From the Pastor’s Pen Dear Parishioners of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Baptism of Our Lord. This brings to an end the season of Christmas. The Church re- calls Our Lord's second manifestation or epiphany which occurred on the occasion of His baptism in the Jordan. Jesus descended into the River to sanctify its waters and to give them the power to beget sons of God. The event takes on the importance of a second creation in which the entire Trinity intervenes. In submitting Himself humbly to the baptism of St. John the Baptist, however, Christ provided the example for the rest of us. How much should we be thankful for this sacrament, which frees us from the darkness of sin and incorporates us into the Church, the life of Christ on earth! His Baptism, therefore, was necessary for us. Today let us thank God for our own Baptism and remember to pray for those who brought us to the baptismal font and those who said yes to be our godparents. As I thank God today for my own baptism, I thank God for the spe- cial blessing in my life and that I still have my dear mother here on earth who today celebrates her 80 th birthday! This coming Tuesday and Wednesday, both Father David and I will be away for meetings. Both Father Kornacker and Father Janisse will be present to celebrate the weekday masses. Help needed. We are in need of parishioners to bring Holy Communion to the homebound on Saturdays and Sundays following the Saturday and Sunday Masses at Our Lady of Guadalupe. I ask that anyone who is already installed as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to contact our parish secretary, Donna Marcotte at 519-945-4133, if you are interested. God Bless, Father Greg

Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Parish · Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Mission Statement Rooted in the gospel, we are a Christ centered community guided by the Holy Spirit, embracing

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Office Location

200-4747 Pleasant Place Windsor, ON N8Y 5B4 Closed Monday Open: Tuesday - Friday 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00

Church Location

834 Raymo Rd. Windsor, ON N8Y 4A6 Phone: 519-945-4133 Fax: 519-997-3128

Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Parish

E-mail: [email protected] Website www.olog.dol.ca

The Baptism of the Lord January 13, 2019

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Thursdays following 9:00 a.m. mass until 4:00 p.m.

Baptism: First Sunday of the month during mass

Marriage: One year in advance by appointment

Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5:00 p.m.

Sunday: 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Spanish Mass 12:30 p.m.

Pastoral Team

Parish Administrator-Fr. Greg Bonin Parochial Vicar– Fr. David Johnston Deacon- Gary Coyle Deacon- Reg Quesnel Pastoral Minister -Trisha Hickey

Office Administrator - Donna Marcotte

Weekday Masses:

Tuesday—7:00 p.m. Wednesday— 9:30 a.m.

Thursday and Friday—9:00 a.m.

Confessions: Saturday, 11 am-noon

Sunday School at the 11:00 a.m. Mass

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Mission Statement

Rooted in the gospel, we are a Christ centered community guided by the Holy Spirit, embracing a future full

of hope, empathy and compassion, reaching out to all, especially the marginalized, seniors and the youth.

From the Pastor’s Pen Dear Parishioners of Our Lady of Guadalupe,

Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Baptism of Our

Lord. This brings to an end the season of Christmas. The Church re-

calls Our Lord's second manifestation or epiphany which occurred on

the occasion of His baptism in the Jordan. Jesus descended into the

River to sanctify its waters and to give them the power to beget

sons of God. The event takes on the importance of a second creation

in which the entire Trinity intervenes.

In submitting Himself humbly to the baptism of St. John the Baptist,

however, Christ provided the example for the rest of us. How much

should we be thankful for this sacrament, which frees us from the

darkness of sin and incorporates us into the Church, the life of Christ

on earth! His Baptism, therefore, was necessary for us.

Today let us thank God for our own Baptism and remember to pray

for those who brought us to the baptismal font and those who said

yes to be our godparents.

As I thank God today for my own baptism, I thank God for the spe-

cial blessing in my life and that I still have my dear mother here on

earth who today celebrates her 80th birthday!

This coming Tuesday and Wednesday, both Father David and I will

be away for meetings. Both Father Kornacker and Father Janisse will

be present to celebrate the weekday masses.

Help needed.

We are in need of parishioners to bring Holy Communion to the

homebound on Saturdays and Sundays following the Saturday and

Sunday Masses at Our Lady of Guadalupe. I ask that anyone who is

already installed as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to

contact our parish secretary, Donna Marcotte at 519-945-4133, if

you are interested.

God Bless,

Father Greg


There will be no meeting in February NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, March 12th at 9:30 a.m.

The Legacy of St. Patrick - Pilgrimage to Ireland September 23 to October 3, 2019

As you enjoy a 10 day tour to the Emerald Isle, you will ex-perience the history, culture and faith of Ireland that came through the missionary efforts of St. Patrick in the 5th century. This pilgrimage includes visits to many histori-cal churches as well as a visit to Knock, where in 1879, Mary appeared to 15 townspeople. In addition to your Irish Guide, as part of this pilgrimage, Fr. David Johnston and Fr. John Pirt will be offering daily Mass.

Cost is $2639 per person (Based on twin) - airfare extra. For further information, contact Cheryl Johnston, 855 St. Clair St., Chatham, ON N7L 0E9 Phone: 519-354-6040 or 1 877 735 5633 ext 6225 Email: [email protected]


January 6, 2019

Sunday Env. $ 4602.00 Loose $ 363.85 SSVP $ 5.00 Bldg. Fund $ 1473.00 New Year’s Day $ 218.00 Christmas $ 5.00 Assessment $ 30.00 Initial $ 436.00 Direct Deposit $ 115.00 TOTAL OFFERTORY: $7,247.85

Thank you for your continued generosity.

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Please pray that those in our community who are sick or in any kind of distress, that they may know the comfort and healing of God: Francis Atkinson, Morrie Gallagher, Lynn Fletcher, Karen Brooks, Murray Barton, Dennis Ferguson Catherine Diodati, Theresa MacDonald, Giovanna De Parolis, Martin Boutette, Max Gamero, Maria Gamero, Denise Gutierrez, Ron Riopelle, Sherry Davis, Robert Belanger, Diane Squire, Laurie Thomas, Emily Parent, Ronald Girard, Patricia Ryan, Sharron Archibald, Zachary Ghazali and Mike Bessette. When calling in requests for prayers, you must be a direct relative and have permission from that person.

USHERS There are no meetings in January and February.

Next Meeting: March 12, 2019 7:00 p.m.

OLOG Seniors Euchre Club Mondays at 1:00 p.m. at the OLOG Hall

Everyone is welcome!

Mass Intentions

Tuesday, January 15 at 7:00 p.m.

For Souls in Purgatory………

….…Especially Deceased Members of FOSS

Madonna Mallen………………...………...Jackie Voutt

James Nelson (10th Ann)………...……….Mary Nelson

Wednesday, January 16 at 9:30 a.m.

Dolores Zakoor………………………….husband, Philip

Antoni Karaczyn (1st Ann)……....................The Family

Maria Marasco……………….……Henriette Armstrong

Thursday, January 17 at 9:00 a.m.

Leonard & Juliette Rondot…...…..daughter, Anne Marie

Half & Monica Reaume….…Tom & Mary Lou O’Brien

Bobby Lennon…..……………..…………....The Family

Friday, January 18 at 9:00 a.m.

Special Intention...…………………...…...A Parishioner

Oliva Grillo……..………………………..…Jack Moceri

Thanksgiving to St. Theresa………...…..Duggan Family


Thursdays following 9:00 a.m. Mass

until 4:00 p.m.

Encounter Youth Bible Study @ MPB

We invite youth in grades 6 & up to the Encounter Bible Study held on Monday evenings from 6:30-8pm. There are 8 sessions. The first night is Monday, Jan. 21st. This bible study will open up the bible through engaging videos, thought provoking questions and lively small group discussions. The cost for the work-book is $25. You will get your workbook on the first night. Space is limited ; therefore reserve your spot by emailing Christine Coyle at [email protected]. Registration deadline is Thursday, Jan 17th by 4pm.

BAPTISM IS A LIFE-CHANGING EXPERIENCE … Once, when Mother Tere-sa was selecting children for an orphanage she was establishing in Ethiopia, a journalist challenged her about the children who were not to be taken. “What are you going to do about them?” he

asked. Without hesitation, Mother Teresa fixed him in the eye and said, “What are you going to do?” The journalist returned home, gave up his job and started to raise funds to build another orphanage. His meeting with Mother Teresa had been a life-changing experience. The baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan was a life-changing experience for him. From Luke’s Gospel, we gath-er that Jesus was about thirty, the presumed son of Joseph. For the years that followed his experience of being lost in the Temple at the age of 12, we hear nothing more of Jesus – except that he increased in wisdom, in stature and in fa-vor with God and with people. For 18 years, Jesus had been pondering what “being busy with his Father’s affairs” was to mean for him. Now, while he was at prayer after being baptized, the Holy Spirit came on him in the form of a dove and a voice from heaven de-clared, “You are my Son, the Beloved; my favor rests on you.” From this moment, Jesus, filled with the Spirit, set out to fulfil his mission as the anointed servant of the Lord, the Messiah, the Christ. Thousands had come for baptism by John in the Jordan. They were expecting something to happen and wondered if John himself might be the Christ. John, however, pointed them away from himself. John baptized only in water. He was to be followed by someone more powerful than himself who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. If people had experi-enced something powerful in John, how much more could they expect from the Christ? We move the clock forward two thousand years to find a happy couple bringing their newborn infant to the church to be baptized. Family and friends have come to share in the happiness of the day. The priest pours water over the child’s head, saying, “I baptize you in the name of the Fa-ther, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” He anoints the child with oil on the forehead and says some prayers. Is this the life-changing experience foreshadowed by the baptism of Jesus? Is this really baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire? For most of those witnessing the baptism described here, it

will be a fairly bewildering ritual. But for those of us with faith, something extraordinary is taking place. The symbol-ic actions of the rite of baptism are, in fact, the sacramen-tal signs that bring about what is described in our second reading, “he saved us, by means of the cleansing water of rebirth and by renewing us with the Holy Spirit which he has so generously poured over us through Jesus Christ our savior.” It is in this way that we are born again of water and the Holy Spirit and enabled to enter the kingdom of heaven. Whether we appreciate the fact or not, this really is the most life-changing experience that can possibly happen to us. It took Jesus thirty years to grow in wisdom, in stature and in favor with God and with people before the events of his baptism changed his life. He recognized that he was being anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit; he was truly the Christ. The voice from heaven affirmed that he was truly the beloved Son of God. He knew that he had been sent to bring Good News to those who were poor. Maybe now we should spend time pondering what bap-tism really means for us. We have been exposed to the cleansing water of rebirth and renewed with the Holy Spir-it. We have been forged in the furnace of the fire of God’s love to join Jesus in his mission to bring God’s saving love to our world. We have seen what happened to Jesus. We have seen what happened to Mother Teresa and the journalist who challenged her. We now know Mother Teresa as Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. So now, what are you going to do?

READINGS FOR THE WEEK—January 20, 2019

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Isaiah 62:1-5 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

Gospel: Luke John 2:1-12


14th—Sister Mary Boere, Pastoral Minister

15th—Rev. Jude Ogbenna

16th—Deacon Thomas MacLeod

17th—Rev. Martin Nyland

18th—Deacon Reginald Quesnel

19th—Deacon Mark Castanier

20th—Most Rev. John Michael Sherlock

Our parish family pray for the repose of

the soul of Omer Alofs.

May he rest in peace.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Usher’s Club with help from members of the Parish Pastoral Council,

CWL, SVDP and K. of C. will have their next bingo session on Sunday, Jan. 13th at 11:45 p.m. to 1:45 a.m.

Breakaway Gaming Centre, 655 Crawford Ave.

2019 Sunday Envelopes

Envelopes are available for pick up at the Church. It is VERY IMPORTANT to note that many envelope

numbers have changed as this is part of the process of keeping our parish records updated.

Starting January 1, 2019 we ask that you use only the new envelopes with your new envelope

number in order to ensure that all of your donations are properly credited to you. If no envelopes have

been assigned to you, kindly call the office to obtain envelopes.

Thank you.

Youth Ministry Certification

Finally, after 5 years without there being a good option to obtain a Certificate in Youth Ministry, there is some great news to share! The Diocese of London has part-nered with the Catechetical Institute at the Franciscan University of Steubenville to provide for the training of those interested in Youth Ministry. This program will be the expected standard for those who desire to work as a Coordinator of Youth Ministry in the Diocese of London. Additionally, anyone can participate in the workshops to enrich their existing ministries. More information is available at www.dol.ca/ymcertification.

K of C 4924 will be hosting a Pig Roast/ Chicken dinner on Saturday, February 16th. You have a choice of Roast Pig or Roasted Chicken cost $25.00 per person.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with dinner served at 7:00 p.m.

Please contact Trevor Thomas at 519-995-0857. Dead line February 9th. There will be no orders taken after February 9th.

Jean Vanier Documentary Two film viewings are being presented by Assumption Uni-

versity’s Christian Culture Series. Recipient of the Christian

Culture Gold Medal (1973), “Summer in the Forest” is a

documentary film that explores the life and work of Catholic

author and philosopher Jean Vanier. It traces Vanier’s ac-

tivism and faith from wartime to present day and reveals to

us the universal need for love, community and companion-

ship. Taking place on: Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019, at 2 pm at

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Windsor; and on Tuesday,

Jan. 22, 2019, at 6:30 pm at Most Precious Blood hall,

Windsor. Everyone is welcome and admission and parking

are free. Discussion and refreshments to follow.

For information email Cécile at

[email protected] or phone 519-973-7033 ext. 0.

19th Annual Hearts Together for Haiti Charity Gala Saturday, February 9, 2019

Fogolar Furlan Club, Doors open at 5:30, Dinner at 6:30 p.m. 1800 E. C. Row (North Service Road)

Tickets: $75 (Adults), $50 (Students), $25 (4-12 yrs) Proceeds used to operate HTFH School, Medical Clinic and

Kay Nou Orphanage in Deppe, Haiti. Call 519-972-3374

Retrouvaille Program

You Can Help Your Marriage – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry at each other? Do you argue… or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. This program has helped tens of thousands of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential infor-mation about the program, or to register for the Febru-ary program beginning with a weekend on Feb. 1 – 3, please phone 519-243-0687, email [email protected] or visit www.HelpOurMarriage.com.

The need for blood is constant,

which is why donations at this

time of year are so vitally im-

portant for patients. Canadian

Blood Services is encouraging

eligible donors to give blood. Blood donations are

needed for chemotherapy treatments, trauma victims,

cardiac surgeries, and organ transplants – procedures

that all routinely take place every day.

Canadian Blood Services Windsor donor centre is locat-

ed at 3909 Grand Marais Road East in Windsor and

community mobile blood donor centres do take place in

all our communities in Essex county.

For more information regarding donor eligibility or to

book an appointment on a date and time that is

convenient for you simply visit:

blood.ca or CALL 1 888 2 DONATE

or 1 888 236 6283 for more information