Our Basic Rights

Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

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Page 1: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

Our Basic Rights

Page 2: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that their new government would respect their rights.

Page 3: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

Supporters of the Constitution gained votes by promising to add a bill of rights. This promise helped win approval for the Constitution. A bill of rights is a document that lists the rights and liberties that the government cannot take away

Page 4: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

After sorting through many ideas, James Madison of Virginia proposed a set of amendments to Congress.

In September of 1789, Congress voted and approved the amendments know as the Bill of

Page 5: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

Rights. The bills were sent to each state for ratification. Two years later on December 15, 1791, Virginia approved the Bill of Rights making them part of the Constitution.

Page 6: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

The First Amendment prevents Congress from making laws that take away certain basic freedoms. Among these are freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press.

Page 7: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

Freedom of Religion was very important to many early Americans.

For example, the Pilgrims left England because…The First Amendment protects Americans’ freedom to choose their religious beliefs and practices.

Page 8: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

For example, NOT everyone prays to the same God. Some people don’t pray to any God. For these reasons, courts have said that public schools cannot require students to say prayers.

Page 9: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that


“ I have the right to say whatever I want!”

Support or refute this statement

Page 10: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

Freedom of speech is the freedom to express opinions and beliefs.

Page 11: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

We can criticize the government and express unpopular ideas.

Page 12: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that


We can’t say anything that would harm someone else or break the law


we can’t yell FIRE in a crowded theater. We don’t have this freedom because someone might get hurt in the rush to leave the theater.

Page 13: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

Americans wanted this freedom because many colonists had been arrested for criticizing British laws.

Page 14: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

In modern times, leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. have demanded laws to protect the rights of all people. Without the First Amendment, King could have been put in jail just for saying what he believed in public

Page 15: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that


Page 16: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

Freedom of the press means the freedom to report news and express opinions in newspapers and in other ways.

Page 17: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

The Right to Bear Arms

The Second Amendment describes the need of states to have a militia, or volunteer army. For this reason, it says that the government cannot take away people’s right to “keep and bear(carry) arms,” or weapons.

Page 18: Our Basic Rights. Americans had just fought the Revolutionary War to protect their rights against the British government. They wanted to be sure that

Americans in 1789 wanted to be able to defend themselves. The Revolutionary War had started when militiamen