1 OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority 01-01Supplier Registration Process Author: Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Creation Date: 11-Jan-2017 Last Updated: 19-Jan-2017 Document Ref: ADIA/User Guide/2.1.1 Version: V1

OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should

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Page 1: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should



Abu Dhabi Investment Authority 01-01Supplier Registration Process

Author: Abu Dhabi Investment Authority

Creation Date: 11-Jan-2017

Last Updated: 19-Jan-2017

Document Ref: ADIA/User Guide/2.1.1

Version: V1

Page 2: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should



Index ......................................................................................................................................... 2

01-01 Supplier Registration Process .................................................................................... 3

Page 3: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


01-01 Supplier Registration Process Requirement – To allow ADIA Buyer to register a new supplier.

Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should be available with ADIA buyer.

External User (Supplier) URL


System & Browser Requirement

Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11, Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Page 4: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL Not Applicable.

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier receives the email of Registration in his email box

Step Details Supplier accesses his email box of the email which was used for registration. In the same email box, supplier will receive the email from “ARMS Alert <[email protected]>”.

The email Subject will be Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Supplier Collaboration Network: Confirmation of Registration.

The email will contain the URL to access the ADIA Application under the name Oracle Application System (https://supplier.adia.ae/), ARMS Application user name – ([email protected]) in below example screenshot and ARMS Application first time password (Ej4%03F) in below example screenshot.

Responsibility Not Applicable

Navigation Not Applicable

Action Check email

Page 5: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier accesses ARMS iSupplier Portal

Step Details Using the user name and password, supplier will login to ARMS Portal. At first time login, supplier will be prompted to change the password. Please note that the user name and password is ARMS Supplier Portal User name and password using which the supplier can access ARMS Supplier portal. However before supplier can access ARMS Supplier portal he needs to connect to ADIA network using VPN.

** Supplier will also receive another email from ADIA IT security team with his VPN details. In order to Login to ARMS iSupplier Portal, supplier should first connect to VPN before he can use the ARMS application

Responsibility Not applicable

Navigation Supplier clicks on the link Oracle Application System (https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp).

Supplier VPN Page will open which will ask supplier to enter his VPN Credentials. Upon successful entering VPN Pin, supplier will be redirected automatically to ARMS Application URL - On the ARMS Supplier Portal URL, supplier should enter his ARMS Application user name and ARMS Application password


Page 6: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier Accesses ARMS Application for the first time

Step Details Supplier logs in the ARMS Application for the first time with the Application User name and application password. The first time application password should be changed after login

Responsibility Not applicable

Navigation ARMS Application URL

Action Supplier enters the user name and password and clicks on Login Button

Page 7: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier is directed to password change screen

Step Details Supplier is directed to password change screen

Responsibility Not applicable

Navigation Not applicable

Action Not applicable

Page 8: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier changes his first time password

Step Details Supplier changes his first time password. To change password, he should enter his current password and the new password and reenter new password in the specified fields.

Responsibility Not applicable

Navigation Not applicable

Action Click on Submit button to change the password

Page 9: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier is directed to home page after password is changed

Step Details Supplier is directed to home page after password is changed. The homepage has announcement section where important ADIA specific announcement are published from time to time.

There is also icon Add to Favorites using which supplier user can add new functions to his homepage favorites.

Responsibility Not applicable

Navigation Homepage

Action Not Applicable

Page 10: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier adds new functions to his homepage favorites

Step Details Supplier adds new functions to his homepage favorites

Responsibility Not Applicable

Navigation Homepage > Add to Favorites

Action Click on icon Add to Favorites

Page 11: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier selects suitable responsibility to search for functions which he wants to add to his favorites

Step Details Supplier selects suitable responsibility to search for functions which he wants to add to his favorites

Responsibility Not applicable

Navigation Homepage > Manage Favorites

Action Click on the list of values of Responsibility field

Page 12: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier reviews the responsibilities assigned to him

Step Details Supplier will have following two responsibilities assigned to him

1. iSupplier Portal Full Access (ARMS)

2. Sourcing Supplier (ARMS)

Responsibility Not Applicable

Navigation Homepage > Manage Favorites

Action Click on the LOV Responsibility to select a suitable responsibility

Page 13: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier selects the responsibility iSupplier Portal Full Access (ARMS). Security group is Standard

Step Details Supplier selects the responsibility iSupplier Portal Full Access (ARMS). Supplier clicks on Go Button to see all the functions which are available in this responsibility.

There is only one function ‘Home Page’ available in this responsibility which is visible once supplier clicks on Go Button

Responsibility Supplier Management User (ARMS)

Navigation Home page > Manage Favorites

Action After selecting responsibility, click on Go Button

Page 14: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier adds the function to his favorites

Step Details Supplier adds the selected function Home Page to his favorites

Responsibility Not Applicable

Navigation Home Page > Manage Favorites

Action Select the Function Home Page and click on button Add to Favorites

Page 15: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step The selected function gets added to Favorites section

Step Details As visible in the screenshot, the selected function Home Page has got added to the Favorite Section on the page

Responsibility Not applicable

Navigation Not Applicable

Action Not Applicable

Page 16: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier selects the responsibility Sourcing Supplier (ARMS). Security group is Standard

Step Details Supplier selects the responsibility Sourcing Supplier (ARMS). Supplier clicks on Go Button to see all the functions which are available in this responsibility.

Responsibility Supplier Management User (ARMS)

Navigation Home page > Manage Favorites

Action After selecting responsibility, click on Go Button

Page 17: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Sourcing Supplier (ARMS) responsibility functions are visible to supplier

Step Details Supplier can see two functions which are available in Sourcing Supplier (ARMS) responsibility

Sourcing Home Page – Using sourcing home page, supplier can see the negotiations to which he is invited and can respond to these negotiations

Worklist – Using Worklist function, supplier can see the notifications he receives like invitation to sourcing negotiations etc.

Responsibility Not Applicable

Navigation Home Page > Manage Favorites

Action Not Applicable

Page 18: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier Adds Sourcing functions to his favorites

Step Details Supplier selects Sourcing functions – Sourcing Home page and Worklist and adds these to his Home page favorites.

Responsibility Not Applicable

Navigation Homepage > Manage Favorites

Action Select the functions and click on Add to Favorite Button

Page 19: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier applies the changes to his Favorites

Step Details The new sourcing favorites which are added are now visible in the favorites section. Supplier applies the changes to his favorites to add the new favorites to the home page.

Responsibility Not applicable

Navigation Home page > Manage Favorites

Action Click on button Apply to apply the addition of new favorites to the Home page

Page 20: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier navigates to the Home page

Step Details Supplier navigates to the home page after adding his favorite roles. Supplier can see three new icons added to the home page. These new icons are related to the functions which supplier added to his favorites.

Responsibility Not applicable

Navigation Home Page

Action Not applicable

Page 21: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier logs out of ARMS Application

Step Details Supplier logs out of ARMS Application

Responsibility Not Applicable

Navigation Home Page

Action Click on Logout icon as indicated in the screenshot

Page 22: OUM USER GUIDE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - adia.ae · Prerequisite – Data of Supplier like Supplier name, email address, contact name, supplier address & DUNS Number should


Role Supplier

URL https://supplier.adia.ae/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

System & Browser Requirement Windows 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 users will require Internet Explorer 11

Windows Vista users will require Internet Explorer 9

Step Supplier logs out of ARMS Application

Step Details Supplier is redirected to the Login page

Responsibility Not Applicable

Navigation Not Applicable

Action Not Applicable