Other Humanitarian Funding to PHILIPPINES: Typhoon Haiyan - November 2013 List of funding and outstanding pledges not in the plan Report as of 19-August-2021 http://fts.unocha.org (Table ref: R4) Compiled by OCHA on the basis of information provided by donors and recipient organizations. Donor Channel Description Funding USD Outstanding Pledges USD Accenture Accenture Plan support for long-term reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts required to enable communities to rebuild through skills development and economic activity (through Accenture Foundations) 1,000,000 0 Accenture Various Recipients through Philippine Red Cross and other charities providing local relief 600,000 0 Accenture Plan deliver pro-bono consulting services during the reconstruction phase, when business and technology expertise offer the greatest impact in areas such as skills building and job training; providing employees in the Philippines with paid volunteering time to support relief operations. 0 0 Sub total 1,600,000 0 Arab Gulf Programme for United Nations Development Organizations

Other Humanitarian Funding to PHILIPPINES: Typhoon Haiyan ...ACT/LWR To provide support to the emergency response effort to meet the urgent needs of populations affected by Super Typhoon

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Page 1: Other Humanitarian Funding to PHILIPPINES: Typhoon Haiyan ...ACT/LWR To provide support to the emergency response effort to meet the urgent needs of populations affected by Super Typhoon

Other Humanitarian Funding to PHILIPPINES: Typhoon Haiyan - November 2013

List of funding and outstanding pledges not in the plan Report as of 19-August-2021 http://fts.unocha.org (Table ref: R4) Compiled by OCHA on the basis of information provided by donors and recipient organizations.

Donor Channel Description FundingUSD

Outstanding Pledges USD

AccentureAccenture Plan support for long-term reconstruction and rehabilitation

efforts required to enable communities to rebuild through skills development and economic activity (through Accenture Foundations)

1,000,000 0

Accenture Various Recipients through Philippine Red Cross and other charities providing local relief

600,000 0

Accenture Plan deliver pro-bono consulting services during the reconstruction phase, when business and technology expertise offer the greatest impact in areas such as skills building and job training; providing employees in the Philippines with paid volunteering time to support relief operations.

0 0

Sub total 1,600,000 0

Arab Gulf Programme for United Nations Development Organizations

Page 2: Other Humanitarian Funding to PHILIPPINES: Typhoon Haiyan ...ACT/LWR To provide support to the emergency response effort to meet the urgent needs of populations affected by Super Typhoon

Arab Gulf Programme for United Nations Development Organizations

Bilateral (affected government) Emergency assistance to affected population 100,000 0

Sub total 100,000 0

Asian Development BankAsian Development Bank Bilateral (affected government) Emergency grant for emergency relief operations (from

Asia Pacific Disaster Response Fund)3,000,000 0

Sub total 3,000,000 0

AustraliaAustralia Bilateral (affected government) Non-food items such as tarpaulins, sleeping mats,

mosquito nets, water containers and health and hygiene kits

949,668 0

Australia Australia RC Emergency assistance for the people affected by Typhoon Haiyan

949,668 0

Australia Bilateral (affected government) Urgent deployment of an Australian medical assistance team - 12 doctors, 14 nurses, three paramedics, a radiographer, a pharmacist and six logisticians.

949,668 0

Australia NGOs To help those affected by Typhoon Haiyan - (through Australian NGOs)

1,044,634 0

Australia Bilateral (affected government) Deployment of Australian specialists including a medical team, AFP disaster management specialists, DFAT humanitarian and consular experts

1,899,335 0

Australia ICRC to help those affected by Typhoon Haiyan 3,798,670 0

Australia Australia RC Assistance to help those affected by Typhoon Haiyan 1,899,335 0

Australia NGOs provision of shelter, and livelihoods support (Filipino NGOs)

2,722,323 0

Australia Bilateral (affected government) in kind - Australian Field Hospital - transport, medical stores

907,441 0

Australia NGOs To be allocated to Australian NGOs for immediate life-saving assistance (unallocated balance of AUD 3 mn)

1,820,194 0

Australia Bilateral (affected government) in kind - provision of 1,520 multi-purpose tents 949,668 0

Page 3: Other Humanitarian Funding to PHILIPPINES: Typhoon Haiyan ...ACT/LWR To provide support to the emergency response effort to meet the urgent needs of populations affected by Super Typhoon

Australia IPPF to support relief efforts to provide lifesaving sexual reproductive health (SRH) services and commodities. Over the next three months and working in support of the Family Planning Organization of the Philippines (FPOP), SPRINT’s deployment and implementation of the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for reproductive health is targeted to reach and serve more than 60 000 individuals living in communities located in eight of the hardest hit and badly affected provinces in the country.

200,000 0

Sub total 18,090,604 0

AustriaAustria Austria RC To support the affected population (2742-02/2014) 273,598 0

Austria Bilateral (affected government) Samaritan Austria Rapid Response Team - Assessment 0 0

Austria IFRC to cover the immediate needs of the people affected by Typhoon Haiyan(BMeiA.PH.7.08.43/0002-VII.3/20)

688,705 0

Austria SOS VE humanitarian assistance of the Province of Tyrol to people affected by Typhoon Haiyan(BMeiA.PH.7.08.43/0003-VII.3/13)

482,094 0

Austria NGOs to assist the people affected by the Typhoon (BMeiA-PH.7.08.43/0004-VII.3/13)

688,705 0

Austria CARITAS to support the affected population (2742-01/2014) 410,397 0

Sub total 2,543,499 0

BahrainBahrain Philippines RC in kind - 90 tons of relief items consisting of 4,000 food

parcels; 2,216 personal hygiene packs; 20,000 blankets; 500 tents; 100 power generators; 20,000 towels; 20,000 pillows; 1,000 bttles of water; 2,00 water containers; and 1,000 pieces of mats

0 0

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Bahrain Bilateral (affected government) to help Haiyan survivors - build 500 housing units for Tacloban and two vocational complexes for youth and sports (Philippines Red Cross and Bahrain Red Crescent will be implementing the project)

1,600,000 0

Sub total 1,600,000 0

BelgiumBelgium Bilateral (affected government) Relief team - Health - B-FAST - with 20 medical staff and

10 members of the logistical support team for establishing an advanced surgical position and install a station water purification

688,705 0

Sub total 688,705 0

Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationBill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Mercy Corps To meet immediate needs, accelerate economic recovery and build financial resilience in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan

500,000 0

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

ACT/LWR To provide support to the emergency response effort to meet the urgent needs of populations affected by Super Typhoon Haiyan (locally known as Yolanda) in the Philippines.

800,000 0

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Mercy Corps To meet immediate needs, accelerate economic recovery and build financial resilience in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan

500,000 0

Sub total 1,800,000 0

Brunei DarussalamBrunei Darussalam Various Recipients emegency relief supplies 0 0

Sub total 0 0

CanadaCanada CARE Canada Typhoon Haiyan Response - Philippines - provide

emergency shelter for up to 20,000 typhoon-affected people in Leyte province [D000484]

956,023 0

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Canada MSF Typhoon Haiyan Response - Philippines - provide emergency health care to up to 200,000 typhoon-affected people in Tacloban City, Northern Cebu, and eastern Samar, and potentially other affected areas following assessments [D000485]

956,023 0

Canada OXFAM Canada Typhoon Haiyan Response - Philippines - provide safe water and sanitation facilities to 42,500 typhoon-affected people in Samar province [part of D000486]

1,113,289 0

Canada IFRC Typhoon Haiyan Response - Philippines (D000475) 1,912,046 0

Canada HOPE Relief for Typhoon Haiyan Victims of Leyte Province, Philippines - shelter and livelihoods [D000719]

1,346,499 0

Canada HF Typhoon Haiyan Relief Operations in Philippines - shelter and education [D000720]

224,417 0

Canada ACT/CRWRC/World Renew Support for Vulnerable Families in the Philippines - shelter, livelihoods and health [D000721]

1,256,732 0

Canada ICRC Typhoon Haiyan: Humanitarian response by the Philippines Red Cross/ICRC 2013-2014 - water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter and livelihoods [D000654]

1,342,883 0

Canada IFRC Emergency appeal - Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan - Revised emergency appeal # MDRPH014 - water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter and livelihoods [D000491]

5,371,531 0

Canada CECI Early and Livelihoods Recovery Support to the Disaster Victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan in Leyte and Western Samar, Philippines 2013 [D000716]

673,250 0

Canada CCF Emergency response for increasing access to education of 7,200 children, addressing child protection and restoring food security of 10,000 individuals through livelihood support to families affected by Super Typhoon in the Philippines [D000652]

850,492 0

Canada Development and Peace Typhoon Haiyan Recovery Program - shelter and hygiene promotion [D000653]

1,790,510 0

Canada Global Medic Improving the WASH Security (Drinking Water, Hygiene Kits and Well Rehabilitation) of Families Affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines [D000717]

403,950 0

Sub total 18,197,645 0

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ChinaChina Bilateral (affected government) Deployment of the "Peace Ark", medical vessel with 93

medical workers and 12 disaster relief experts, followed by the deployment of a 50-man medical team

0 0

China Bilateral (affected government) Emergency asisstance to affected population by the China Red Cross Society and the Chinese Government

200,000 0

China Bilateral (affected government) In-kind relief efforts in the form of blankets, tents and other materials handed over to the Philippine Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)

1,600,000 0

Sub total 1,800,000 0

CroatiaCroatia Croatia RC Support to population affected by typhoon Haiyan 68,691 0

Sub total 68,691 0

Czech RepublicCzech Republic Philippines RC Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda - Saving lives, alleviating

suffering - First aid items (121713/2013-ORS)213,904 0

Czech Republic Caritas CCR Typhoon Haiyan - Recovery and DRR (107669/2014-ORS)

113,861 0

Sub total 327,765 0

DenmarkDenmark Bilateral (affected government) In-kind donations - equipment and emergency

coordinators (through Danish Emergency Management Agency)

332,349 0

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Denmark Caritas Denmark Materials for shelter and water purification pills to cover 18,000 families in the most affected areas in the Philippines (46.H.7-8-122)

92,319 0

Denmark SC Immediate emergency relief to the populations affected by Typhoon Haiyan, Philippines (46.H.7-4-147)

203,102 0

Denmark IFRC Shelter, food, clean water and medical supplies for 100.000 families

1,107,829 0

Denmark Bilateral (affected government) DEMA's operations in the Philippines (through Danish Emergency Management Agency) (46.H.7-19-122-1)

424,668 0

Denmark MSF Administrative costs (46.H.7-7-137) 21,625 0

Denmark Denmark RC to deploy a base camp with capacity for up to 100 people. (46.H.7-1-199)

583,068 0

Denmark Denmark RC in joint deployment with Amcross, sent IT&telecom ERU to assist with the re-establishment of the communications lines in the disaster affected area. (46.H.7-1-199)

155,485 0

Sub total 2,920,445 0

Deutsche TelekomDeutsche Telekom ADH Support relief efforts for typhoon Haiyan affected people 68,871 0

Sub total 68,871 0

Disasters Emergency Committee (UK)Disasters Emergency Committee (UK)

Various Recipients The DEC Philippines Typhoon Appeal - to help survivors of the Philippines typhoon (unallocated balance of GBP 90 mn)

0 98,158,643

Disasters Emergency Committee (UK)

IFRC IFRC Emergency Appeal MDRPH014 1,792,000 0

Disasters Emergency Committee (UK)

WV Philippines 36 month emergency and recovery program across many sectors

5,124,534 0

Disasters Emergency Committee (UK)

HelpAge International Multi donor contribution to implement emergency relief and recovery activities. Partnership between HelpAge International and its local partner COSE (Coalition of Services of the Elderly Inc.)

7,750,275 0

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Disasters Emergency Committee (UK)

ACT/CA UK Contribution from the DEC Haiyan appeal 6,255,477 0

Sub total 20,922,286 98,158,643

EstoniaEstonia Bilateral (affected government) In-kind - One light base camp and two camp technicians 215,153 0

Estonia ICRC To cover the immediate needs of the people affected by Typhoon Haiyan

68,871 0

Estonia Estonia RC The participation of ERC volunteer on the disaster area in the Philippines as a member of the Rapid Development Unit

8,825 0

Sub total 292,849 0

European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection DepartmentEuropean Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department

Plan Support for immediate food security and restoration of livelihoods for communities affected by Typhoon Haiyan (part of ECHO/PHL/BUD/2013/91011)

4,787,962 0

European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department

Spain RC Shelter assistance to populations affected by Typhoon Yolanda in Samar (ECHO/PHL/BUD/2013/91019)

3,419,973 0

European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department

UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red Cross

Additional - to provide emergency humanitarian aid to population affected by typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in the Philippines (part of ECHO/PHL/BUD/2013/091000 - funding decision of Euro 7 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations)

0 0

European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department

IFRC Humanitarian assistance to families affected by typhoon Haiyan - Shelter - (ECHO/PHL/BUD/2013/01002)

1,873,278 0

European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department

TSF Support en télécommunications satellitaires et centres de ressources informatiques pour des opérations d’urgence humanitaire aux Philippines. (ECHO/PHL/BUD/2013/01004)

55,096 0

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European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department

UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red Cross

Commission implementing decision on the financing of primary emergency humanitarian actions in the Philippines from the general budget of the European Union / To provide emergency humanitarian aid to populations affected by Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in the Philippines (ECHO/PHL/BUD/2013/01000 - total funding decision of Euro 3 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations)

0 0

European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department

UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red Cross

Humanitarian Implementation Plan (HIP) Philippines (ECHO/PHL/BUD/2013/91000 - fully allocated of total funding decision of Euro 36.5 mn; increased by Euro 2.5 mn on 18 Oct 2013 for victims of Bohol earthquake; increased by Euro 7 mn on 18 November 2013; increased by Euro 20 mn in December)

0 0

European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department

ICRC Natural disasters / ICRC Economic Security and WASH activities in response to typhoon Haiyan. (ECHO/PHL/BUD/2013/91017)

2,628,285 0

Sub total 12,764,594 0

FinlandFinland IFRC Aid to victims of typhoons and floods in the Philippines 1,356,852 0

Finland ACT/FCA Aid to Philippine typhoon victims 543,478 0

Finland IFRC Aid to Philippine typhoon victims 855,247 0

Finland ICRC Aid to Philippine typhoon victims - Health and Medical 883,883 0

Sub total 3,639,460 0

Ford FoundationFord Foundation Philippines RC to assist the people affected by the Typhoon 300,000 0

Sub total 300,000 0

FranceFrance Bilateral (affected government) Relief team - USAR - Secouristes Sans Frontières 0 0

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France HI Soutenir des programmes de "cash for work" sur l'île Samar

227,462 0

France TGH Soutenir des activités de génération de revenus à destination des pêcheurs et des agriculteurs

205,198 0

France CARE Aider les Philippins dans le domaine de la gestion de l'eau (WASH) et de la santé. Distribution de nourriture et de biens non alimentaires (NFIs).

339,674 0

France Bilateral (affected government) Corps medical de secours, health logistics team (SAR) 0 0

France Bilateral (affected government) Apporter une aide humanitaire d'urgence aux populations sinistrées - Abris, bien alimentaires, matériel médical, WASH

688,705 0

France Bilateral (affected government) Distribuer dans le Nord Cebu de divers équipements (tentes, kits de cuisine, jéricans)

117,080 0

France Bilateral (affected government) in kind - Aider directement les populations sinistrées et vivant au Nord Cébu - Tentes, Kits cuisines, jerricane, stations de potabilisation de l'eau

82,645 0

France Bilateral (affected government) Relief team - Pompiers de l'urgence international (2 doctors, 3 nurses, 8USAR)

0 0

Sub total 1,660,764 0

General Mills FoundationGeneral Mills Foundation Philippines RC support to communities affected by Typhoon Haiyan 0 75,000

General Mills Foundation CARE to support immediate relief efforts. 0 75,000

Sub total 0 150,000

GermanyGermany Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe Relief for those affected by Typhoon Haiyan (VN05

321.50 PHL 07/13)371,901 0

Germany Bilateral (affected government) in -kind 23 tons of humanitarian aid consisting of water, food, hygiene and medical kits ( through World Vision and the International Search and Rescue Team [ISAR Germany])

0 0

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Germany Bilateral (affected government) Team from the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW), setup a water purification system and started the distribution of drinking water fit for more than 30,000 people daily for the victims of Typhoon Yolanda in Santa Fe in Bantayan Island, Cebu; regularly monitors the water produced after the purification process; analyze samples from water sources in the region to check for potability. The team will deploy along with the German Red Cross a total of 70 tons of relief material to the regions destroyed by the typhoon.

0 0

Germany UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red Cross

emergency aid to the Philippines in support for the victims of Typhoon Yolanda.(funding decision of Euro 6.5 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations)

0 42,605

Germany AN Transitional assistance in the field WASH for the population in the Philippines, which is affectedby Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) (VN05 321.50 PHL 04/14)

193,638 0

Germany JUH Emergency aid after Typhoon Haiyan on the islands of Leyte and Panay (VN05 321.50 PHL 10/13)

433,884 0

Germany Germany RC Emergency humanitarian aid for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Visayas region - Transport and Household products & equipment (5 321.50 PHL 12/13)

688,705 0

Germany Caritas Germany (DCV) Emergency assistance for particularly affected by Typhoon Haiyan families in the Philippines (VN05 321.50 PHL 17/13)

1,115,702 0

Germany Malteser International Emergency aid for victims of Typhoon Haiyan on Samar and Bantayan and emergency aid to earthquake victims in Bohol (VN05 321.50 PHL 16/13)

275,482 0

Germany Bilateral (affected government) Johanniter International Assistance- Medical Emergency Response Team

0 0

Germany DWHH Survival aid for the victims of the Typhoon Haiyan in the Phlippinen - Health and Medical (part of VN05 321.50 PHL 11/13)

33,628 0

Germany DWHH Survival aid for the victims of the Typhoon Haiyan in the Phlippinen - Water/Sanitation (part of VN05 321.50 PHL 11/13)

67,255 0

Germany ASF Humanitäre Nothilfe im Bereich Logistik für die von Taifun Haiyan betroffenen Menschen in denPhlippinen (VN05 321.50 PHL 19/13)

87,285 0

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Germany ICRC ICRC Emergency Activities in the Philippines related to Typhoon Haiyan - stics / Technical assistance (VN05 321.50 PHI 18/13)

1,239,669 0

Germany Germany RC Contribution to humanitarian aid for the affected by Typhoon Haiyan population of the Visayas region (VN05 321.50 PHL 15/13)

849,312 0

Germany Bilateral (affected government) Relief team - Health (medical team composed of 24 doctors and nurses to the hardest-hit regions of the Visayas with 2 tons of medical supplies provided by Action Medeor) (through I.S.A.R. Germany)

0 0

Germany ASB Basic medical care affected by the typhoon Haiyan population in Palo, Leyte Province (VN05 321.50 PHL 09/13)

158,405 0

Sub total 5,514,866 42,605

Holy SeeHoly See Various Recipients to assist the population of the Philippines, devastated by

the passage of the typhoon Haiyan through local Church in the regions most affected by the disaster, will be used to support aid work for the assistance of displaced persons from the flooded areas,

150,000 0

Sub total 150,000 0

HungaryHungary Bilateral (affected government) in kind - One emergency medical bag 4,527 0

Hungary Bilateral (affected government) Relief team - Health - HBAid Rescue24 0 0

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Hungary Bilateral (affected government) Typhoon Haiyan is expected to make landfall in Guiuan, Eastern Samar or Abulog municipality, Leyte province in the Philippines in the morning of 8 Nov 2013 and is locally known as Yolanda. A UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) team in coordination with the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management has arrived in Manila to provide additional capacity to the Humanitarian Country Team to support the Government. All government line agencies are on full alert to respond to the potential effects of the typhoon.

121,889 0

Sub total 126,416 0

IFRC Disaster Relief Emergency FundIFRC Disaster Relief Emergency Fund

IFRC Support the National Society in undertaking delivering immediate assistance to affected people and undertaking needs assessments.

530,686 0

Sub total 530,686 0

IndiaIndia Bilateral (affected government) relief package comprising of medicines, hygiene

chemicals, tentage, blankets, tarpaulins and meals ready to eat

0 0

Sub total 0 0

IndonesiaIndonesia Bilateral (affected government) Emergency aid 1,000,000 0

Indonesia Various Recipients in-kind - generator sets, medical supplies, food and blankets

1,000,000 0

Sub total 2,000,000 0

IrelandIreland MSF Health and Medical (MSF 13 03) 413,223 0

Ireland ACT/CA Emergency food & NFI''s (CAID 13 04) 688,705 0

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Ireland Trocaire Intergrated relief package of NFI''s (TRO 13 07) 344,353 0

Ireland NGOs towards the relief effort for Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, as well as essential shelter items for distribution to those affected by the disaster. (funding decision of Euro 1 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations )

0 0

Ireland OXFAM Food & Protection (OXF 13 03) 137,741 0

Ireland ACT/CA To save lives and alleviate suffering (CAID 14 05) 679,348 0

Ireland ACT/CA UK Contribution from Irish Aid towards CA's Typhoon Haiyan response

688,705 0

Sub total 2,952,075 0

IsraelIsrael Various Recipients multi-department medical facility, equipped with

approximately 100 tons of humanitarian and medical supplies

0 0

Sub total 0 0

ItalyItaly Bilateral (affected government) Typhoon Haiyan is expected to make landfall in Guiuan,

Eastern Samar or Abulog municipality, Leyte province in the Philippines in the morning of 8 Nov 2013 and is locally known as Yolanda. A UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) team in coordination with the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management has arrived in Manila to provide additional capacity to the Humanitarian Country Team to support the Government. All government line agencies are on full alert to respond to the potential effects of the typhoon. (AID 010386)

2,717,391 0

Italy Private (individuals & organisations)

Italian Development Cooperation has financed the transport of medical kits and relief items to Philippines in favour of the Italian NGO "Salute e Sviluppo" and the Tuscany Region to support population affected by Typhoon Haiyan

14,227 0

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Italy Various Recipients in kind - humanitarian flights to assist affected people, dispatch of blankets, tarpaulins, tents and medical kits.

482,094 0

Italy IFRC IFRC Emergency Appeal Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan - 12 November 2013" to assist affected population.

482,094 0

Italy Bilateral (affected government) Relief team - health - AMP ITA 0 0

Italy Bilateral (affected government) in kind - Dispatch to Tacloban of 1 Advanced Medical Post with a medical team provided by the Italian Civil Protection Department.

1,377,410 0

Sub total 5,073,216 0

JapanJapan Bilateral (affected government) Dispatch of the second Japan Disaster Relief (JDR)

medical team to take over the duties from the first JDR Medical team and will be engaged in medical relief activities in Tacloban City, Leyte Island.

0 0

Japan Bilateral (affected government) relief goods - 93,496 pieces Disposable diapers, Baby bottle: 1,000 bottles, antiseptic tablet: 960 tablets, antiseptic cases: 400 cases (from Hyogo Prefecture, Japan)

40,121 0

Japan Bilateral (affected government) Japan Disaster Relief Medical Team 0 0

Japan IFRC Emergency Grant Aid for providing emergency shelters etc in the areas affected by the typhoon in Philippines

4,000,000 0

Japan ICRC Emergency Grant Aid for providing protection etc in the areas affected by the typhoon in Philippines

2,000,000 0

Japan The Institute of Cultural Affairs, Japan

Support programme for agriculture in order to obtain foods for affected people by the Typhoon Haiyan

187,457 0

Japan TBHN Providing information & telecommunication services to affected people by Yolanda typhoon in Philippines, Leyte

136,353 0

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Japan PWJ Distribution of shelter reparing kits for affected people by the typhoon Haiyan in Philippins

352,311 0

Japan NICCOD Support programme for reconstruction of resilient houses by people affected by the Typhoon Haiyan

200,330 0

Japan JAFS Support programme for resuming fishery in the area affected by the Typhoon Haiyan

96,495 0

Japan UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red Cross

immediate humanitarian aid to the Philippines (funding decision of $30 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations)

0 0

Japan KnK Protection and Education support programme for children in the affected areas bya Yolanda typhoon in Philippines, Leyte & Samar

396,033 0

Japan AAR Japan Support Program for affected disabled people in Cebu & Leyte etc by Yolanda typhoon in Philippines

331,217 0

Japan ADB Emergency grant for emergency relief operations - The grant will support early recovery in 74 poor rural municipalities affected by the typhoon - key priority is restoring crucial infrastructure, such as water supply, solid waste collection, fuel supply, and power supply. The grant package will be disbursed in small grants and used to repair schools, build community skills in masonry, establish mobile clinics to reach hard-to-serve villages, and set up a system to monitor vulnerability to future disasters; promote cash-for-work and also target restoring livelihoods for farmers and the fishing community, with emphasis on income generating activities such as the provision of seeds, fertilizers, fishing nets, and fishing boats. (from Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction Grant of Asian Development Bank)

20,000,000 0

Japan Bilateral (affected government) Delivering Foods, reliefs and tents in the areas affected by the typhoon in Philippines

90,727 0

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Japan Bilateral (affected government) Provide emergency relief goods (plastic sheets, sleeping pads, and other necessary commodities to alleviate the difficulties of the people affected by the calamity.

607,000 0

Sub total 28,438,044 0

JP Morgan ChaseJP Morgan Chase NGOs to relief efforts being led by World Vision and Habitat for

Humanity - help provide food, supplies and home-repair kits for 80,000 families in the provinces of Samar, Leyte and Cebu.

0 1,000,000

Sub total 0 1,000,000

KazakhstanKazakhstan Bilateral (affected government) provide humanitarian assistance to the Government of

the Republic of Philippines for the victims of typhoon Haiayn/Yolanda

100,000 0

Sub total 100,000 0

Korea, Republic ofKorea, Republic of Bilateral (affected government) Health Korea Disaster Relief Team 0 0

Korea, Republic of IFRC Emergency assistance for affected populations of typhoon Haiyan

100,000 0

Korea, Republic of ICRC Emergency assistance for affected populations of typhoon Haiyan

100,000 0

Sub total 200,000 0

KuwaitKuwait UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red

CrossUrgent relief aid for people affected by Typhoon Haiyan (unallocated balance of total pledge of $10 mn)

0 9,850,000

Sub total 0 9,850,000

Page 18: Other Humanitarian Funding to PHILIPPINES: Typhoon Haiyan ...ACT/LWR To provide support to the emergency response effort to meet the urgent needs of populations affected by Super Typhoon

LuxembourgLuxembourg ASTM Emergency Humanitarian assistance for vulnerable

populations affected by the typhoon34,815 0

Luxembourg MSF - Luxembourg Emergency Humanitarian assistance for vulnerable populations affected by the typhoon

130,796 0

Luxembourg CARITAS Early recovery program in the western Visayas (AH/CAR/2014/0006)

470,263 0

Luxembourg HI Luxembourg Strengthen local capacities in disaster risk reduction (AH/HIL/2014/0005)

131,752 0

Luxembourg ASTM Rehabilitation and resilience project (sustainable livelihoods, DRR) for local communities affected by Typhoon Haiyan (AH/ASTM/2014/0001 1/3)

67,332 0

Luxembourg CARITAS Support to people affected by typhoon Hayian (AH/CAR/2014/0003)

146,006 0

Luxembourg GFDRR Financial contribution to a Post-Disaster Needs Assessment(PDNA) in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan - Disaster preparedness (AH/BM/2013/0001)

407,609 0

Luxembourg Private (individuals & organisations)

Reconstruction of 14 familiy houses and administrative support to 114 families for the reconstitution of their property documents (AH/ALAL/2014/0001) (through Amitiés Luxembourg Amérique Latine)

63,811 0

Luxembourg Bilateral (affected government) Relief team - Health - Telecoms and ICT (IHP/Emergency.lu)

0 0

Luxembourg CARE Luxembourg Livelihoods Recovery Programme (AH/CIL/2014/0001 1/3)

309,354 0

Luxembourg Bilateral (affected government) Provide communication services; second Emergency.lu Rapid deployment kit in Ormoc

0 0

Luxembourg HI Provide immediate relief by distributing core life saving items in the Philippines affected areas of the typhoon - NFIs

179,063 0

Luxembourg Luxembourg RC Emergency Humanitarian assistance for vulnerable populations affected by the typhoon

275,482 0

Luxembourg CARITAS Emergency Humanitarian assistance for vulnerable populations affected by the typhoon

275,482 0

Sub total 2,491,765 0

MalaysiaMalaysia UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red

Crossimmediate humanitarian aid to the Philippines - food and tarpaulins

1,000,000 0

Page 19: Other Humanitarian Funding to PHILIPPINES: Typhoon Haiyan ...ACT/LWR To provide support to the emergency response effort to meet the urgent needs of populations affected by Super Typhoon

Malaysia Bilateral (affected government) medics/ rapid response team (RRT)/ search & rescue/personnel and supplies - personnel and equipment for a field hospital

0 0

Sub total 1,000,000 0

MexicoMexico IFRC Emergency assistance to typhoon-affected

population1,000,000 0

Sub total 1,000,000 0

MonacoMonaco AMADE pour répondre aux besoins essentiels des habitants des

l'iles de Leyte et de Samar, à travers la construction d'abris pour 30 familles

67,935 0

Monaco IFRC bénéfice de l'appel lancé par FICR 67,935 0

Sub total 135,870 0

National Basketball AssociationNational Basketball Association

WV Philippines Haiyan Relief 250,000 0

Sub total 250,000 0

NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands RC Alleviating the humanitarian suffering and fulfilling the

direct needs of the victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines

68,871 0

Netherlands IFRC IFRC Emergency Appeal Philippines - Alleviating the humanitarian suffering and fulfilling the direct needs of the victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.

5,509,642 0

Netherlands Bilateral (affected government) Alleviating the humanitarian suffering and fulfilling the direct needs of the victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. - 2nd Military flight (KDC-10) with relief goods from MSF and Dutch Cooperating NGOs (the governmental contribution only concerns flight and personnel)

984,848 0

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Netherlands Bilateral (affected government) 1 NL Logistic expert for EU/OCHA (airport Cebu 17-11 until 29/11); 6 NL expert for UNDAC team

0 0

Netherlands Bilateral (affected government) Alleviating the humanitarian suffering and fulfilling the direct needs of the victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. - 1st Militairy flight (KDC-10) with relief goods from Dutch Cooperating NGOs (the governmental contribution only concerns flight and personnel)

984,848 0

Sub total 7,548,209 0

New ZealandNew Zealand WFP In-kind donation of 4 x Generators 5.5 10,000 0

New Zealand UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red Cross

additional funding to help those affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines - includes direct funding for much needed emergency supplies, such as food, water containers, tarpaulins, generators, kitchen sets and chainsaws (NZD 3 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations)

0 0

New Zealand IFRC IFRC Emergency appeal for affected population 128,097 0

New Zealand UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red Cross

Emergency assistance to typhoon-affected population (funding decision of NZD 2.15 mn - fully allocated)

0 0

New Zealand UNDP In-kind donation of 12 chainsaw packs 16,188 0

New Zealand Bilateral (affected government) delivered about 30 tonnes of rice, tinned food, water, emergency shelter, field hospital equipment and toilets to the battered cities of Tacloban and Ormoc and the town of Guiuan. It also evacuated a large number of survivors to Cebu.

1,645,830 0

New Zealand UNICEF In-kind donation 500 x 20L collapsible water bottles 1000x10L collapsible water bottle

10,670 0

New Zealand CRS In-kind donation of 400 x tarpaulin 3.5 x 3m 380 x tarpaulin 3.5 x 6m

26,090 0

New Zealand Bilateral (affected government) NZ Govt provision of two Medical Assistance Team staff to assist the Australian Medical Assistance Team

24,410 0

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New Zealand Bilateral (affected government) Delivery of NZ Govt water containers, chainsaw packs, tarpaulins and generators via NZ Govt C-130 Hercules and B757

165,017 0

New Zealand ICRC NZ Govt contribution to ICRC in response to Typhoon Haiyan

1,237,624 0

New Zealand NGOs NZ Govt contribution to eight New Zealand NGOs to delivery response activities through local Partners.

1,220,504 0

Sub total 4,484,430 0

New Zealand Red CrossNew Zealand Red Cross Philippines RC to help those affected by Typhoon Haiyan 82,508 0

Sub total 82,508 0

NorwayNorway ICRC PHI-13/0011/additional - Rapid Deployment Hospital

(RDEH)1,643,115 0

Norway IFRC PHI-13/0011/additional - Support to the Federation appeals

451,857 0

Norway ICRC PHI-13/0011/additional - Support to the ICRC Emergency appeals, specifically BP5 Nutritional Biscuits

246,467 0

Norway ICRC PHI-13/0011/additional - Support to the ICRC Emergency appeals, specifically BP5 Nutritional Biscuits

246,467 0

Norway Norway RC PHI-13/0011/additional - Early recovery/Recovery operations

1,643,115 0

Norway NRC QZA-12/0209/Deployment of NORCAP experts who will support international organisations in response to the typhoon Haiyan, Philippines.

985,869 0

Norway CARITAS PHI-13/0006/Typhoon Haiyan Reponse- to contribute to early recovery for families affected (additonal)

2,464,673 0

Norway Norway RC PHI-13/0011/additional - Interagency Emergency Health Kit (IEHK)

123,234 0

Norway CARITAS PHI-13/0006/Typhoon Haiyan Reponse- emergency assistance for affected populations of typhoon Haiyan

1,192,098 0

Norway United Arab Emirates RC Provision of water purification and distribution equipment in Guiuan (Philippines)

9,511 0

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Norway Norway RC PHI-13/0011/emergency assistance for affected populations of typhoon Haiyan

1,702,997 0

Sub total 10,709,403 0

OmanOman Various Recipients Emergency assistance to affected population - medicine,

food and relief items via the Omani Embassy in Manlia in coordination with the Relief Committee and the Philippines Red Cross.

0 0

Sub total 0 0

OPEC Fund for International DevelopmentOPEC Fund for International Development

IFRC IFRC Emergency appeal for affected population 406,176 0

Sub total 406,176 0

PepsiCo FoundationPepsiCo Foundation American RC to support disaster relief and recovery efforts 0 250,000

PepsiCo Foundation Give2Asia to support disaster relief and recovery efforts - to identify local Filipino partners and agencies through its field team in Manila. These local agencies can meet the most urgent needs for relief in the short and long term

0 250,000

PepsiCo Foundation HFHI to help in the production and distribution of thousands of clean-up kits and shelter repair kits. The shelter repair kits will contain tools and materials that can be used by families to repair their homes, allowing them to leave emergency shelters as soon as possible

0 250,000

Sub total 0 750,000

PortugalPortugal AMI Emergency response and support to the victims of

Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines33,967 0

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Sub total 33,967 0

Private (individuals & organisations)Private (individuals & organisations)

UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red Cross

Public fundraising through campaign “Giro 555” (Participating NGOs : Oxfam Novib, Terre des Hommes, ICCO Kerk in Actie, Save the Children, NL Red Cross, Care NL, UNICEF, Cordaid People in Need and World Vision)

0 34,435,262

Private (individuals & organisations)

Various Recipients Private contributions from DynCorp International, Epson Corporate Giving Programme, Hartford Financial Service Corporate Giving Program, Pentair Corporate Giving Program, Sterigenics International, Travel Underwriters, Tupperware Brands Corporation Contributions Program (reported through the Foundation Center and BCLC)

0 1,366,914

Private (individuals & organisations)

Various Recipients Private individuals and corporations in Qatar, including: Qatar Petroleum, 2 mln; QNB, 1 mln; RasGas, 1mln; Qatar Islamic Bank 500,000; Al Tayseer, 250,000; Lexus Engineering & Contracting Company, 150,000; Abd-al-Razaq Al Rayis; 100,000; Al Huda for Pilgrimage; 50,000; Qatar Volleyball Association, 50,000; Fatma al-Rumaihi – Retaj-, 50,000; Zain Electronics, 10,000; and Al-Wakra Prepatory School for Girls; 10,000; and other generous donors. (amounts in QAR)

0 8,516,484

Private (individuals & organisations)

Philippines RC Cash contribution by credit card to Philippine Red Cross in honor of my Filipino friends. (from Rick Smith )

371 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

ACT Alliance WASH Kits (through ACT Alliance / Norwegian Church Aid, Norway - Private)

583,333 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

ACT Alliance WASH Kits - Freight (through ACT Alliance / Norwegian Church Aid, Norway - Private)

250,000 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

ACT Alliance WASH Kits - Personnel (through ACT Alliance / Norwegian Church Aid, Norway - Private)

93,333 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

Bilateral (affected government) to help those affected by Typhoon Haiyan (from Eusebio Antonio; through DSWD)

50 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

Various Recipients Deployment of a South African Relief Team of 50 persons (doctors, paramedics, fire, rescue and related personnel) bringing 3 tons of medical equipment and medicines and 10 tons of light rescue equipment through Econet

100,000 0

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Private (individuals & organisations)

Singaport RC Singapore Red Cross’ (SRC) Typhoon Haiyan fund-raising drive - will be used in relief efforts, rehabilitation and reconstruction

0 4,773,270

Private (individuals & organisations)

Mercy Corps Mercy Relief Typhoon Haiyan fund-raising drive - for relief efforts,

0 795,545

Private (individuals & organisations)

WV Philippines Improving access to safe and child-friendly learning environments for children and providing support for shelter rehabilitation for vulnerable households. (through Korean Donor Association)

508,138 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

Malteser International for the initial emergency relief measures in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines - for 1,000 families on Samar, three tons of medicines to be distributed

134,000 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

PJF 9 houses out of 22 houses which makes a village in the town of Pinasuan, Hernani, Eastern Samar (through The United Nations Staff Relief Committee to Aid the Victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines)

30,000 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

CARITAS to buy tools to repair the houses, small boats for the fishermen, food, clothing and medicine (through The United Nations Staff Relief Committee to Aid the Victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines)

14,178 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

Americares Cash and in kind - emergency assistance for affected population

19,600,000 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

Bilateral (affected government) Donations of Thai individuals through Channel 3 Television news

0 73,000

Private (individuals & organisations)

IFRC in kind - personnel- IFRC Emergency appeal for affected population (through various IFRC National Societies)

24,002 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

IFRC IFRC Emergency appeal for affected population - other income (through various IFRC National Societies)

9,331 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

WV Philippines Relief and recovery programming (through Aktion Deutschland Hilft)

5,351,939 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

Plan Sweden Grant amount of SEK 700,000 to provide NFI kits to 3,000 households from Leyte. (through Radiojalpen)

109,787 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

Hong Kong Red Cross for Typhoon Haiyan Relief Operation

0 1,002,348

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Private (individuals & organisations)

American RC to support the global Red Cross response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines - to purchase and distribute relief items such as food, blankets, hygiene kits, and mosquito nets and to provide cash grants for use when markets begin functioning normally.

7,000,000 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

IFRC IFRC Emergency appeal for affected population (through various IFRC National Societies)

5,501,356 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

IFRC in kind goods and transport - IFRC Emergency appeal for affected population (through various IFRC National Societies)

6,605,654 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

Various Recipients Private contributions from Collette Foundation, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Island Insurance Foundation, Kaiser Permanente Corporate Giving Program (reported through the Foundation Center and BCLC)

450,000 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

Various Recipients Private contributions from 3M Company Contributions Program, Abbott Fund, Abbott Laboratories Corporate Giving Program, American Express Company Corporate Giving Program, American Express Company Contributions Programme, CheapOair, Fuji Xerox Co., Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, Momentum Aviation Group, Northwestern Mutual Foundation, Prudential Foundation, PVH Corp. Contributions Program, The Residor Hotel Group, Uniqlo Co., Allied Waste Services (reported through the Foundation Center and BCLC)

0 2,459,633

Private (individuals & organisations)

Various Recipients Private contributions from Merck and Co. Corporate Giving Program, Monsanto Company Contributions Program, Philip Morris Fortune Tobacco Corp., The Pfizer Foundation, Xylem Watermark (reported through the Foundation Center and BCLC)

0 3,750,000

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Private (individuals & organisations)

NGOs private donations for the victims of typhoon Yolanda from German public through the humanitarian aid organization alliances Aktionsbündnis Katastrophenhilfe (Action Alliance for Humanitarian Emergency Response -Euro 31.8 mn) and Aktion Deutschland Hilft (Germany’s Relief Coalition - Euro 17.8 mn). The organizations under these umbrella groups are performing relief operations in several areas in the Visayas affected by the typhoon (unallocated balance of Euro 144 mn)

0 194,293,478

Private (individuals & organisations)

Komitee Cap Anamur Emergency and early recovery response at Doong Islands/Philippines. Reconstructing the health center, conducting primary health care. Emergency evacuations to Bantayan hospital. Reconstruction / repair of two schools, the kindergarden and damaged private houses for the entire island population effected at Doong and Luyongbaybay.

0 300,000

Private (individuals & organisations)

Various Recipients Private contributions raised through an appeal of the Thai Government through Channel 11 Televison

0 2,700,000

Private (individuals & organisations)

Various Recipients Funds and donations in kind raised by Red Cross, World Vision, Tzu-Chi Foundation, Fo Guang Foundation, Lions Clubs and other NGOs in Taiwan

9,985,300 0

Private (individuals & organisations)

IFRC IFRC Emergency appeal for affected population (through American Red Cross)

8,045,505 0

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Private (individuals & organisations)

Various Recipients The Allstate Foundation, Astoria Federal Savings and Loan Association Corporate Giving Program, BASF SE Corporate Giving Program, Bayer AG Corporate Giving Program, Capital One Financial Corporation Contributions Program, Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT), Deluxe Corporation Foundation, Deutsche Bank AG, First Hawaiian Bank, H.B. Fuller Company Foundation, GE Foundation, Glencore Xstrata, H.E. Butt Grocery Company Contributions Program, Lafarge SA, Land O'Lakes Foundation, LG Electronics, McDonald's Corporation Contributions Program, Metrobank Foundation, Inc., Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Contributions Program, Pepco Holdings, Inc. Contributions Program, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Santander Bank, N.A., Syngenta AG, The Toronto-Dominion Bank Corporate Giving Program, SunTrust Foundation (reported by the Foundation Center and BCLC)

0 8,860,336

Sub total 64,396,277 263,326,270

QatarQatar Qatar RC Fund raising campaign for the affected population - 40

tonnes of goods0 274,650

Qatar Bilateral (affected government) Emergency aid - 80 tons of medications, food, tents, blankets and clothes

0 0

Qatar Qatar RC in kind - deployment of needs assessment team; medical kit of 25 bed and medical team; water purification plant with the capacity of 1000 L/minute.

0 0

Qatar Qatar RC Fund raising campaign for the affected population 0 8,514,144

Sub total 0 8,788,794

Red Cross Society of ChinaRed Cross Society of China Bilateral (affected government) Deployment of two medical relief teams to the Philippines 0 0

Sub total 0 0

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Roddick FoundationRoddick Foundation ACT/CA UK Contribution from the Roddick foundation towards CA's

emergency work in Leyte.160,772 0

Sub total 160,772 0

Russian FederationRussian Federation Bilateral (affected government) in kind - Food - 56 MT (canned meat 24 MT; canned fish

18 MT; sugar 14 MT)1,170,000 0

Russian Federation Bilateral (affected government) EMERCOM Field Hospital - air mobile hospital and rescue workers

0 0

Sub total 1,170,000 0

Samsung GroupSamsung Group WV Philippines WASH in schools project 98,087 0

Samsung Group NGOs; Red Cross/Red Crescent Emergency assistance to affected population (Red Cross and World Vision)

0 1,000,000

Sub total 98,087 1,000,000

Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of)Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) Bilateral (affected government) Relief aid 10,000,000 0

Sub total 10,000,000 0

SingaporeSingapore Bilateral (affected government) Deployed one C-130 aircraft for four days (14 to 17

November) to support ferrying operations between Tacloban and Manila.

0 0

Singapore Bilateral (affected government) medical supplies, including intravenous sets and medicine

23,866 0

Singapore Bilateral (affected government) Two-man Singapore Civil Defence Force team currently deployed in Tacloban to assist UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in relief operations.

0 0

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Singapore Bilateral (affected government) 17 Tonnes of water 9,547 0

Singapore Singaport RC to help those affected by Typhoon Haiyan - 161,681 0

Singapore Bilateral (affected government) relief supplies, including tents, blankets and medical supplies, via two C-130 aircraft

97,009 0

Sub total 292,103 0

South AfricaSouth Africa Bilateral (affected government) Deployment of a 60-member South African Relief Team

(doctors, paramedics, fire, rescue and related personnel) bringing 3 tons of medical equipment and medicines and 10 tons of light rescue equipment.

400,000 0

Sub total 400,000 0

SpainSpain Bilateral (affected government) 7 people (5 logisticians and WASH and 2 health

professional) with WASH equipment through Bomberos Unidos Sin Fronteros

0 0

Spain Bilateral (affected government) Relief team - health - Grupo Especial Rescate DYA (shared mission with AECID) - foreign medical team type 2 (with surgery capacities) composed by 32 health professional.

0 0

Spain Spain RC To contribute access to water for the population affected by the typhoon.

688,705 0

Spain MDM Recover health system capacity and Tacloban hospital to provide immediate post-emergency response Filipino population affected by Typhoon Haijan

264,946 0

Spain Bilateral (affected government) Direct contribution through AECID of 50.000€ allocated for materials and equipment purchases.

68,871 0

Spain MSF-Spain To reduce morbidity and mortality of the population affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the areas of Burauen and Dulag

734,226 0

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Spain Spain RC Improve the situation of people affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. To help victims regain their lives by providing assistance for the rehabilitation of their homes - Shelter and Water/Sanitation

206,612 0

Spain Bilateral (affected government) Bilateral contribution of materials and equipment carried by 3 planes-carriers chartered from Spain by AECID, one of them in collaboration with Red Cross Movement (IFRC and Spanish Red Cross) [Tarpaulins, jerrycans, mosquito net, medicines, bladder tank, wash and medical equipment and generators.].

853,994 0

Sub total 2,817,354 0

Sri LankaSri Lanka Bilateral (affected government) dispatch a medical relief team to provide emergency

medical assistance to the people affected by the typhoon with medicines and medical devices

0 0

Sub total 0 0

SwedenSweden MSB Secondment of Logistic Officer to WFP 19,192 0

Sweden MSB Support OCHA with 2 IHP Base Camps and 2 OSOCC modules together with personnell.

1,270,389 0

Sweden ICRC Humanitarian aid to people affected of the Typhoon Haiyan.

2,352,572 0

Sweden ACT Alliance Early Recovery support to worst affected families 455,235 0

Sweden MSB Strenghtening UNDP and the cluster for early recovery 57,781 0

Sweden Sweden RC Support to victims affected by Typhoon Haiyan- Shelter. NFIs. Food Security. Water & Sanitation. Health.

784,191 0

Sweden MSB Secondments to WFP of one Logistics Officer 60,383 0

Sweden MSB Secondment to UNICEF with 2 Information Management Officers and 1 Emergency Specialist.

299,718 0

Sweden Plan Sweden Emergency response to Typhoon Haiyan - to provide food and child protection support to 10,950 individuals from Eastern Samar.

627,353 0

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Sweden MSB Secondment to UNICEF of one WASH expert and two Information Management Officers.

203,627 0

Sweden MSB Secondment to UNDP of four Disaster Waste Management Experts.

512,879 0

Sweden MSB Secondment of Information Management Officer to UNDP

57,191 0

Sweden MSB Secondment of ICT officers to WFP 274,467 0

Sweden MSB Secondment of two Information Management Officers to UNDP

115,433 0

Sweden MSB Secondment of three DRR-specialists 713,440 0

Sweden MSF Emergency response for victims affected byh the typhoon Haiyan - Health

1,568,381 0

Sweden MSB Secondment of Shelter Recovery Advisor to UN HABITAT.

133,364 0

Sweden MSB Secondment of Environmental Field Advisor to OCHA/UNEP Environment Unit.

115,836 0

Sweden MSB Support to OCHA for coordination of the humanitarian response

197,616 0

Sweden MSB Amendment to Secondement of four Disaster Waste Management Experts to UNDP

364,121 0

Sweden MSB Surge to OCHA for evaluating risks related to environment and threats against life, health and livelihoods

115,836 0

Sweden Plan Support to population affected by typhoon Haiyan - Shelter and NFI

784,191 0

Sweden MSB Empower WFPs capacity in logistics 56,394 0

Sweden MSF Samar and Leyte, Medical Emergency Intervention Typhoon Haiyan

784,191 0

Sub total 11,923,781 0

SwitzerlandSwitzerland Bilateral (affected government) relief goods - rice, Shelter Kit PLUS, Foodkit, Plastic

Tarpaulins, Tents, Kitchen Sets, Wooden Beams1,029,620 0

Switzerland IFRC Contribution to the IFRC Emergency Appeal for the Philippines Typhoon Haiyan (7F-08986.01)

781,250 0

Switzerland Bilateral (affected government) Relief team - Swiss Humanitarian Aid / Rapid Response Team

0 0

Switzerland Various Recipients Early Recovery after Typhoin Haiyan (7F-08967.04) 598,194 0

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Switzerland Various Recipients Emergency aid to affected population - 5 multi-purpose tents,1 interagency emergency health kit, 4 water distribution kits, 2 underflow water pump kits, 1 drinking water reservoir, 1 water desinfection kit, 7200 10l-jerrycans, 2000 tarpaulins 4x6m

0 0

Sub total 2,409,064 0

ThailandThailand Bilateral (affected government) In-kind donations of His Royal Highness the Crown

Prince of Thailand and Her Royal Highness Princess Srirasm of 7,000 disaster relief packages

0 0

Thailand Bilateral (affected government) Airlift operation by 2 Royal Thai Air Force C-130 aircraft to bring disaster relief to the Philippines which included disaster relief packages from the Royal Family and basic medicines from the Ministry of Public Health

0 0

Thailand Bilateral (affected government) A government appeal through Channel 11 Television on 11 November 2013, has collected initially US$ 2.7 million in financial donations from public sector, private sector and the general public

0 2,700,000

Thailand Bilateral (affected government) in kind - 5,000 tons of rice through ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve (APTERR)

2,300,000 0

Thailand Bilateral (affected government) In-kind donations of Her Royal Highness Princess Soamsawali of 5,000 relief packages, 100 mobile tent units, and a mobile water filtering unit

0 0

Thailand Philippines RC Emergency assistance for the affected population 100,000 0

Thailand Bilateral (affected government) Financial donations of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn to the Embassy of the Philippines in Bangkok

30,000 0

Thailand Bilateral (affected government) Emergency assistance for the affected population 200,000 0

Sub total 2,630,000 2,700,000

Toyota Motor CorporationToyota Motor Corporation Various Recipients To support relief efforts 0 232,019

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Sub total 0 232,019

TurkeyTurkey Turkey RC In-kind - 550 family kitchen set distributed inTacloban 36,805 0

Turkey Turkey RC In-kind - 5,125 Blankets distributed inTacloban 16,559 0

Turkey Turkey RC In-kind - 10,000 Food Packages (Content of each food package is 5 kg rice, 5 packet Noodle and 5 packet geranium) distributed in Mayorga, La Paz ve Julita in Tacloban.

73,395 0

Turkey Turkey RC In-kind - 4,000 rice packages (Each package consists of 10 kg rice) distributed in Mayorga, La Paz ve Julita in Tacloban.

39,908 0

Turkey Turkey RC In-kind donations of 424 family tents distributed in Dulag Village, Tacloban in coordination with Philippine Red Cross

267,386 0

Turkey Turkey RC In-kind - 4,600 jerry cans - distributed in Barangay Poblacion, Silad, Cagnocot, Sta.Cruz, Tabunok, Calbugos, Malazarte, Santa Rosa, Matag coordination with Philippine Red Cross

13,290 0

Turkey Turkey RC In-kind - distributed 2,300 jerry cans in Kananga, Matagob, Villaba, Calubian ve Capoocan coordination with Philippine Red Cross

6,600 0

Turkey Turkey RC In-kind - 5,600 jerry cans - distributed in Barangay Poblacion, Silad, Cagnocot, Sta.Cruz, Tabunok, Calbugos, Malazarte, Santa Rosa, Matag coordination with Philippine Red Cross

16,192 0

Sub total 470,135 0

United Arab EmiratesUnited Arab Emirates Various Recipients in kind - distribute 117 tons of aid - canned foods, sugar,

and grains, as well as hygiene products (through Mohammad bin Rashid Foundation)

0 0

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United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates RC Provision of variou relief items to people affected by typhon, purchased from the local markets by the UAE-RCA delegates (PHIL-2013-002)

272,257 0

United Arab Emirates Various Recipients Provision of relief items to people affected by typhon [through Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation] (PHIL-2013-003)

339,641 0

United Arab Emirates Various Recipients Administration costs of relief operations [through Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation] (PHIL-2013-004)

10,972 0

United Arab Emirates Bilateral (affected government) Humanitarian Assistance to the affected population 10,000,000 0


10,000,000 0

Sub total 20,622,870 0

United Kingdom United Kingdom ICRC Humanitarian Assistance to the typhoon affected

population (204315-101)1,935,484 0

United Kingdom NGOs Provide emergency assistance to those affected by typhoon disaster - Cross sector support (204351-101)

12,903,226 0

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United Kingdom UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red Cross

Aid flights from the UK to Cebu in the eastern Philippines to deliver forklift trucks, cutting equipment, 4x4s and other kit to help clear and re-open runways and roads; delivery of life-saving supplies through Rapid Response Facility partner agencies such as temporary shelters, blankets and water purification tablets to 300,000 people; and household goods to allow the safe treatment and storage of water and to help prevent the spread of disease - includes buckets, water purification tablets, soap and sanitary items; deployment of a team of 12 NHS staff trained to operate under emergency conditions; sion of temporary shelters, bedding, blankets and solar lanterns (funding decision of GBP 29.5 mn - fully allocated)

0 0

United Kingdom CARE CARE led consortium (with Action Against Hunger, Merlin and Save the Children) - Shelter and NFIs/ Food security/WASH/ Health (primary health services )

757,876 0

United Kingdom MERLIN CARE led consortium (with Action Against Hunger, Merlin and Save the Children) - Shelter and NFIs/ Food security/WASH/ Health (primary health services )

757,876 0

United Kingdom HI Provide immediate relief by distributing core life saving items in the Philippines affected areas of the typhoon and promote inclusion of the most vulnerable in the emergency response - NIFs

528,037 0

United Kingdom Bilateral (affected government) in kind - Two Royal Naval ships provided aerial assessments, with helicopters used for aid distributions, emergency repair teams, and medical treatments. RAF C17 aircraft (3 flights) distributing equipment and supplies. RAF C130 airlift capacity provided to UN for ten days for delivering supplies. (204351-101)

16,077,170 0

United Kingdom WV Philippines As part of Consortium with Christian Aid & Habitat for Humanity for emergency shelter kits

901,000 0

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United Kingdom CAFOD part of Grant amount of GBP2,000,000 to provide 105,000 persons with access to clean water, sanitation facilities and hygiene promotion materials and messaging. Project to be implemented by a consortium led by Plan International, Oxfam and CAFOD - Emergency WASH assistance - (including NFIs)

1,084,691 0

United Kingdom Various Recipients Improve effectiveness of the overall humanitarian response - 15 technical experts seconded into the UN system

1,607,717 0

United Kingdom IEU Provide emergency assistance to those affected by typhoon disaster

289,256 0

United Kingdom IFRC Humanitarian Assistance to the typhoon affected population

9,516,129 0

United Kingdom DEC (UK) to help survivors of the Philippines typhoon - UK Government match appeal funding raised by UK Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)

8,064,516 0

United Kingdom Bilateral (affected government) in kind - To provide operational support to the humanitarian response - particualrly through the delivery of vital supplies and equipment - As of 21/11/13 eight UK military and commercial flights have delivered: Shelter kits - 17,488, Tarpaulins- 38,569, Hygiene kits - 16,230, Jerry cans - 5,925, medical support module, 9 4x4 vehicles and 3 rough terrain forklifts, 73 tonnes of aircraft handling equipment, plus goods for partners (Wat-san equipment, kitchen sets, tents); as of 14Jan2014 - 14 commercial flights facilitated movement of 1,000MT (14,800 items). Plus airlift and donation of various vehicles and other equipment.

10,247,934 0

United Kingdom NGOs To deploy UK surgical,medical and support personnel to provide lifesaving assistance and medical support to those in need (204351-101)

483,871 0

Sub total 65,154,783 0

United States of AmericaUnited States of America Various Recipients Commodity Airlifts (USAID/OFDA) 1,321,675 0

United States of America WV Philippines Anti-trafficking in persons project 511,000 0

United States of America ACF - USA Economic Recovery and Market Systems (ERMS) (USAID/OFDA)

1,865,493 0

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United States of America Various Recipients Logistics and Relief Commodities, WASH [through USAID/Philippines] (USAID/OFDA)

100,000 0

United States of America Various Recipients USAID/OFDA airlift #1; Logistics and Relief Commodities (USAID/OFDA)

574,770 0

United States of America Various Recipients Logistics and Relief Commodities, WASH, Shelter and Settlements (USAID/OFDA)

1,926,179 0

United States of America Various Recipients Commodity Airlifts (USAID/OFDA) 737,804 0

United States of America Plan Shelter and NFIs (USAID/OFDA) 3,938,279 0

United States of America Various Recipients Logistics (DoD) 31,700,375 0

United States of America Various Recipients Admin support (USAID/OFDA) 277,042 0

United States of America Plan USA Grant amount of $3,250,955 to provide emergency shelter, hygiene kits and water treatment kits to 73,625 persons; and ensure protection of 10,000 children and their families from violence. Target areas are Eastern Samar, Samar and Leyte.

3,250,955 0

United States of America Various Recipients Health, Logistics and Relief Commodities, WASH (USAID/PHILIPPINES)

971,000 0

United States of America Various Recipients USAID/OFDA airlift #2; Logistics and Relief Commodities (USAID/OFDA)

673,220 0

Sub total 47,847,792 0

UPS FoundationUPS Foundation Medshare for medical supplies to equip medical mission teams 0 20,000

UPS Foundation Various Recipients additional financial support over the coming months to help speed long-term recovery efforts in the Philippines.

0 500,000

UPS Foundation CARE to address short-term sheltering and food insecurity 0 100,000

UPS Foundation Salvation Army for urgent needs 0 30,000

Sub total 0 650,000

Various Donors (details not yet provided)Various Donors (details not yet provided)

Bilateral (affected government) Relief team - Telecoms and ICT - IHP 2 x Light Base Camp 2 x OSOCC (IHP (ESTONIA, FINLAND, NORWAY, DENMARK, SWEDEN, LUXEMBOURG)

0 0

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Sub total 0 0

Viet NamViet Nam Various Recipients Emergency assistance to typhoon-affected population 0 100,000

Sub total 0 100,000

Grand Total: USD 396,006,827 386,748,331

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CAP: The consolidated appeals process (CAP) is the precursor to the current humanitarian programming cycle (HPC). Carry-over: Previous year's carry-over stocks (i.e. stocks physically in-country at 31 December) and carry-over contributions (i.e. funds committed by the donor at 31 December), not spent or used in the previous year, and now to be applied to projects in the current year. Commitment: Creation of a contractual obligation regarding funding between the donor and appealing agency. Almost always takes the form of a signed contract. This is the crucial stage of humanitarian funding: agencies cannot spend money and implement before a funding commitment is made; once it is made, they can begin spending against it, using cash reserves. Consolidated appeals: A precursor to the current humanitarian response plans (HRPs). Contribution: The payment or transfer of funds or in-kind goods from the donor towards the appealing agency, resulting from a commitment. Flash appeal: An inter-agency humanitarian response strategy to a major disaster that requires a coordinated response beyond the capacity of the government or any single agency. The appeal addresses acute needs for a common planning horizon, normally up to six months. Funding: Contributions, commitments and carry-over. Humanitarian response plans (HRPs): Inter-agency response plans for humanitarian crises requiring the support of more than one agency and prepared by humanitarian country teams (HCTs) based on a humanitarian needs overview (HNO). Outstanding pledges: Pledges are a non-binding announcement of an intended contribution or allocation by the donor. The recipient organization and response plan or project are not necessarily specified. As soon as a commitment is reported to FTS against a pledge, the amount in the pledge column is reduced accordingly. FTS tables therefore show the 'outstanding' (not 'total') pledge amount. Pledges might or might not include verbal pledges of financial support made at pledging conferences. Overlap: On occasion there can be a slight overlap between the needs and requirements stated in a country's HRP and its chapter in an RRP. Where this is the case, we create a separate heading in our tables and adjust the global total accordingly to avoid double-counting. Regional response plans (RRPs): An inter-agency response plan, coordinated by UNHCR.