THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY NOVEMBER 15 1904 g f OT ALL RACIIfo ATHLETICS 13ax7LTNG I Mail Making Football ReputationH- AS MANY ENGAGEMENTS t C G e Work Re o rvi Muck Favorable Cent At North CanUM Tsiay JL Vkasftpsjasv former graduate nmslager of athletics at Georgetown who has baen city for several days tote last night for Chapel Hill X- CV where he will referee tike annual ITspftntty of North CarolinaCarolin- a4Ktaltoral and Mechanical College at that place tomorrow Dwrter Ute season about to elm the Georgetown man officiated In some of the most important games of the year and his work has as a rule been highly satisfactory to members of all the teams During the past two months not a Saturday has passed that he has not refereed some game and he has alfco officiated at a burse number of mid woek oonteata One of the Merest games of tile year that Mr Thompson was the aaaoal Army Yak tae fwd his work such action that he win m- all probability be naked to officiate again onset lessor The man- agement was after him for the same at York last Saturday but he had already Mea engaged for the Navy Virginia ao he had to paaa up the offer Av the game between the of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute at Richmond two weeks ago naldrable adverse criticism waa aimed at Mr Thompson because it was that after the game he admitted tint he made a wrong decision which gi the university an advantage but this Air Thompson denies On the former graduateman ager will referee the annual Virginia Carolina game at Richmond warn DEFEATS NORMESl STARS lgrkmilii Recovered Fumble ItffcsjiKYarft LiM Qely ToMcMewx- Tfcj Dddngton Athletic Club football eats detested the strong Athletic Stars Washington Saturday wmnAng by the score of 6 The Eekingtons showed a reversal of fonn and played all around their oppo itsjrts The feature was the good work f tbe line wIleD the ball was two yards goat The playing of the three asks was commendable although the whole team played welL The touchdown was made by Easterbrooks when the thletfes fumbled oa their own lyard He suddenly emerged from the hams of and placed the ball be- t ween the posts The lineup Bdrington Positions Athletic Stars Meek Center Taylor Brooks toUoi JU O Roberts Fcholes IO Belt 11ag ert B T Barrett I urn I T Brooks Schimerhorn itennefee R E Wlllson- AJbeot I K Walker Afovley QLB Irone Capt rooks RH B Pushaw MeManos QaptL H B 8chim rborn- KanessU F B Whitten Mr Moore Rhode Island Avenue Iturcb referee Mr Kemon Central llteh School Mussis Oill Ath Lrdc Stars and keepers Moses tons and Blgelowe Athletics lines inen Time of halves 26 minutes Touchdown Easterbrooks The Eekingtons will the Second on November IS and an ex tUg game is aa both teams physical condition and are evenly matched The Eekingtons sass few dates to 1U before they disband would like to hear from terns averaging 116 pounds the second Eastern and Western High School teams erred Address Manager Howard ossti 11 R Street northwest CENTRAL WILL PLAY BUSINESS TODAY Two RlVb School elevens Central and Business will close their season at assart ran League Park this afterr in the next to final game of the series Fv has been strengthened con- siderably during the last few days by the retarn of several of the cripples and expects to give Central H stiff game The game will be called at 330 sharp THOMPSON REFEREE FOR BIG MATCHES- G Grctown lI IlL tau baa ArMJ Yale GuM re gave G Untven1 V al- It ll 4 Saved t roan Miller time E Ken E Ken r 1 Yale loft gauss Corn ucolumbla New Mham Thanks- giving en amt < Northwest toe 1Qas East arm re are In open ¬ 11 1 PROlVIThENT OFFICIAL + M J THOMPSON Capable Georgetown Football Referee TO HAVE SHANIE Varsity Oarsman Unexpectedly Returns ad Will Raw Again Is in Condition The prospects for pert springs crew at Georgetown were brightened consider- ably this morninr when Bhaniey the stroke oar arrived at the university The Blue and Gray had given up prac- tically rat hopes of retaining Shanley when at the beginning of the year ho did not return and there were many rumors afloat that he intended to for rake the local institution for Wisconsin or some other middle Western university no when be put In an unexpected appear- ance last night the crew situation was relieved greatly Shanley entered Georgetown last fall and made substitute on the eleven In the winter when the crew was casting about for material Shanley was gotten lit line and signified his retention of trying for the varsity shell At Annapolis be rowed on tht second eight but after returning home Coach Dempsey moved to stroke which position he hclc alongside has had an eventful time during tbe past three months on an tour of Canada which accounts for his belated arrivU He Is weighing 10 pounds is in the pue able condition and anxious to begin crew work in order that the disasters at Annapolis and IK more than wiped out before another rowing season ends home is in Cando North Dakota BOWLING NOTES The Navy Yard quint won two out of three games from the Government Printing Office team In the Depart mental League The largest Individual score was made by Walsh of the losing aide who rolled Eli In the first set best by 21 in second game By iefeating the Florists Club thn straight gapes the Jolly Fat Mens Club Into second place in the District League The fellows have Just re organhied their dub and In Rodrtek and Lemmon have a trio of ex good men who bowled wall last night Columbia was expecting to annex three straight games against the Gen- eral Office in the Railway Relief Asso- ciation but supped up in the last game by Just four pins Whitney was In the final game which resulted In a victory for his team The Nailing Order Division dropped three straight PIMa to City Delivery tn the Postomee League Leimback was the only bowler to reach the 906 mark GEORGETOWN GHEW f T i of the Navy Yard second bI Fine ex- tended large was s bat- man ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Columbia took three from the District team in the Real Estate League Each game was close Dryden of District rolled the largest score 21 in the last game YOUNG PRINCETONS VS OREGONS- On the morning of Thanksgiving Day the Young Princeton and the Oregon lightweight teams will meet on the formers field The lineup will be Princeton Positions Oregon Allen Center Fuller Taylor L G Hunter R Allen R 6 Airman De Wolfe I T Thompson R T L JS- Gr Lang Q B Winters L II Dean R H B Farrell Hermann Bryan Bell Kahlert Fugit Mansfield CaptF B Bdelln Princetons would like to arrange games with teams in the District averag- ing 100 pounds Send challenges to Rich ard Mansfield 1210 Eleventh Street southeast g ton lAmar n E I The Ca pt I ¬ ¬ J In S S S Nature has provided a tonic suited to every requirement the system when in a debilitated rundown condition It contains no strong minerals or drugs but is a pleasant vegetable preparation You can find no better remedy for toning up the nerves and bringing restful sleep SS S improves the appetite and digestion Mid good effects are I have used SS 8 and found it to be an almost from the first lest blood purifier and tome My system b oame- dm It sVCtS promptly in much run down and debilitated I lost twenty or more pounds in soap of cHroniC a Seeing S 8S ad sia indunstiOtl and all vortised I its use and am with h the results after using it for some little while trottDieg ana from ISO to 105 is pretty rood away with the uncom of rit on of 3 a l ortne8S at Warren Ohio of breath drowsiness and dizziness that so often come after S S S it not only the best tonic but possesses alterative or purifying properties read if there is any taint or poison in the blood it searches it out told removes it Many times a low state of health is due to a bad condi- tion of the blood and can only be remedied by such a remedy as S S S If you suffer from weakness insomnia nervousness loss of e bid digestion or any of the miserable symptoms of d hiood aothittf will so soon your blood in good condition iafffWMKt ad toot up the system and restore the health as S S S THK SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA G itS seen Very weight no ttM in It does III pounds H MARTIN fort Second a dis t t I w- t 1BEST TONIC I re- freshing 1 coos d S Y Pep ww began i > ° ¬ Washington Students Will Support Team THOUSAND MEN IN LINE Departmental Mass Meetings During Present Week Will Engage a Coaches The Interest of all local devotees of football will ba centered at Georgetown Field next Saturday when George and Georgetown clash in their annual battle For years these two teams have been meeting each fall and while the result has usually been onesided in favor of the men from across Rock Creek the crowd haa always been large and great enthusiasm has been manifested In the od Columbian ecven went tc Georgetown Field with all of its follow- ers expecting to see the Blue and Gray run up an overwhelming score but hardly had the game begun when it was evident that the Orange and Blue had profited by weeks of steady train lug and that it would require the but efforts of its opponents to win At the end of the first half a hard strug gle each side had scored six points Twenty minutes of the second half ex- pired before Georgetown got another touchdown and won by to 3 Washington Confident This year the downtown Institutions student body believe that it has lust as great a surprise in store for the WestEnders and practically every stu- dent at George Washington will go to Georgetown Field on Saturday to cheer For the first time in history the Orange and Blue has a professional coach and the record made in all the games thus far has been better than ever before But once has Washingtons goal line been crossed and that was when West- ern Maryland in the second half of the second game of the season up six points due entirely to the locals over- confidence All this week graduate coaches will assist Head Coach Rorke In developing the university team and by Saturday whole squad is expected to be in condition Tait who came out made a most favorable impres sion in the Maryland Medical same and will probably be in the first lineup against Blue and Gray series of mass meetings wilt in the different departments of George Washington during the present week a band will be engaged and it is expected that fully one taonsaod will be in the procession from Hall to Georgetown Field Coach Rorke is his mm hard and has adopted the scheme of living in late practice a ball painted whit In order that the men may stay on the Meld to the moment TEAM A WINS AT CARROLL Team A won three straight from Team B in the Carroll Institute League last sight The scores Team A let 9d Wood UK HI 114 B Cramer 114 141 ttO- 3huen HT Crowtar fW L M Total Team B Newbae Collins Brady D Carty Total lat ft 1X4 14 M7 The annual meet of the Colum- bia University Track Association will be Square Garden on the evening of March If with the usual program of Intercollegiate interschows tie and interciub races EXCITING TIMES NEXT SATURDAY BandGraduate I JEll I the prime I I last td ill W i 1S2 iii d Lt lgi tat gig Indoor Wash- ington lately the be- held JUTE games 80 lit w 1 1 fm Tai 1a 7tt it 1M 140 gg 1M ii Sio ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > = Annual Field Trials At Easton This Week Maryland and District Association Will Hold Outing on Thursday Friday and Saturday Several Prominent Washington Entries The second annual fleW trials of the Maryland and District of Columbia Fields Trials Association will be held at Easton Talbot Bounty on Thursday Friday anti Saturday of this wick It was originally Intended to hold the trials at Rockville but because of the scarcity of birds in Montgomery county- it was decided to go to Easton where from ten to fifteen coveys of partridges can be found on the 000 acres which have bees assigned for the use of the association for the three days of sport Besides the advantage in the number of birds available the ground in the vi- cinity is level and free from briars and swamps Entries are comlm from the Dis trict of Columbia and ftlif mrts of Mary Md land and by the close It 1 i time ontrles Is ¬ ¬ expected that forty doss will be listed This number will be much larger than last year when the trials were held at Chesapeake Beach the Wash who will have dogs pnrtlei- patlnjc In the trials are G L Nteolaon P T Hall E E Rapley T C Dodge and others In addition to the two regular stakes the Members and the Mem- bers All will be several spe- cial matches In the three days will be of especial interest to sports- men The Baltimore end of the affair is in charge of President Penniman while Vice President T Conrad is working up the Washington end Trains leaving this city on the of the trials at 2 and will with the boat the pier 4V Light Street Baltimore ar- rangements have been made for the ac- commodation of the members of the as- sociation and their guests at the Baaton Hotel Amon Agethere Dod e con- nect leaving ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Personal Comment on Men and Things in the Field of Sports u I 1 I I M J Thompson former graduate manager of athletics at Georgetown lots made quite a hit as referee in the South He has been officiating In all the big games Drivers from aW over the country and Europe have signified their intentions of taking part in the third annual in ternational automobile tournament on the famous OrmondDaytona Beach Frank Butterworth the former Yale fullback says that football which once was a field for Individual skill is now a coachmade chess board on which the heaviest obtainable players are put through evolutions that call for no cleverness or intelligence- In his first game of football Rube Waddell lasted less than a minute On election day at Buffalo in a game be tween two local teams of that city Rube caught the kickoff and ran it back fifteen yards but as soon as he was tackled he quit the tame W P Oarcekm of the senior class of the Law School has been appointed head graduate coach of the Harvard track team James E Sullivan secretary of the A A U i to given a medal by the International Olympic as a reward for iota flea service la man- aging the third Olympiad t St Louis during the past summer The average weight of ime from tackle to Is B7 Its fast toe The annual crosscountry run of the Association will be held at Island on November SI- MrCormick the Pittsburg is ulaying a star game at fullback for- th SteeUon Y M A football team After having uade a finale of pitying against Penn Filley of Harvard te devoting all his spare time to getting out candidates for the crew b hopes to lead to victory over Yale at New london In June Eddie Hanlon declares that if he cn get on another go with MoGovern he can cop the long ew l of two iU and regain lost laurels Blonde Cox of the last falls Con tral High School eleven is still holding be CoM UN ta Je Int JCJntatf TIa vera outfielder end course JaMon Michigan 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ down fullback at Cornell and doing good work in advancing the ball His greatest weakness Is in hacking up the line This is due in a measure to lack of weight he being many pound lighter than the average fullback Eddie at one time champion featherweight of the world is in San assisting in the training of Battling who la to meet Young CorbKt on November M Conch Rorke has made en cxamr of two members of the George Washington who broke training and now the team is conforming strictly with the rutH by the trainer Benny Yanger and Billy Flnneane have been matched for November 21 The schedule of the American Hockey League calls for sixty games beginning December PHtsburg- Tls said that Starr the freshman quarterback at Harvard is well named Jimmy Ryan the former Washington outfielder has purchased the franchise of the EvanvlHe club of toe Central League and h s expects to a wtohine cam In the town next Chicago University may next year be without the services of Stags her nd football coach He has been ill fur some time and la most anxious to give athletics fcr something not Schorr who some time ago announced his intention of retiring from the turf has decided to buy more yearlings for of replenish The National Baseball Commission Is making preparations to shortly publish a the decisions the board since its organisation London sportsmen are to match Palmer and Ben Jordan at 124 pounds The Boston lovers of boxing have found a loophole in the law and now can make matches without police Interference The Madison Square sixday bicycle race will start at midnight December- i About a dozen foreign riders are to enter the grind Marin Hart is out with a challenge for Jack Monroe The national tournament of the Ameri- can will be held at Milwaukee beginning on February 18 TOM ROLAND 7 Itt varsity squad ma lat spring > hard the string contalnt II tma they I his base- ball slg Pod be- lieve ex- pected + ¬ ¬ ¬ 1221 Penna Ave S GOLDHBIM SONS 4037th St 405 come right down to the point thats most interesting to the smart dressers of Washington were going- to offer a leader that will far surpass any previous one weve ever made to yOUr kind you have heretofore paid as high as 25 or even 30 up in the very best possible manner In any length you may the very choice selections of cloth including Oxfords Kerseys Meltons Black Friezes Roughsurface Fab- rics Fancy Heavy Cheviots and other Allwool Mate- rials cut in any style you may Paddock Kewmarket long full back with belt if you prefer box coat Chesterfield or in fact any pattern that length Very finest lining used Made fault- lessly a garment youll be proud to wear Our leader to your measure Avenue Store 1221 Penna Aye Leading Tailors 403 Seventh Street 405 Avenue Store 1221 Penna Ave v v v v eX Special Thanksgiving At an Unusual PriceT- o measurethe o VERCOA TS formade desirefrom I desirethe effectthe suits you best Theres no limit to style or I so SONS I I II II VVvvrvvrvv i Offering in Overcoats x c ti UOLDITII3IM- t 14ashin ton v rtir v < ¬ ¬ ¬ < < Boxing to Be Revived Near Washington WILL GO TWELVE ROUNDS Both Boys Thoroughly Prepared and Betting Is About Preliminary Arranged Boxing will be resumed this evening around Washington with a twelve round bout between Kid Henning and Tommy Lowe the Rock Spring Club on the Conduit Road The reestablishment of the game has long been desired and several schemes to that end have been tried and failed The bout tonight will be handled as those in Baltimore are handled by Al Herford and the promoters in that city Decisions by the court of have declared that a club lass a perfect right to have boxing aa a part of the entertainment at a regular meet ing and the ruling has been accepted by the authorities Henning Experienced Good sport should be furnished by the two boys who will go on tonight and if the bout is a success others in which some of the most prominent little men will figure will be held Kid Henning claims the bantam championship of the South and has defeated many good men in making good his claims He has also bad a number of bouts in Chicago and Milwaukee and has not been defeated by men of his weight although light- weights have trimmed him once or twice has trained long hard for the contest and should enter the ring fit Lowe would only make the match on the weight limit of 128 pounds and at first he had some trouble in reaching that figure This morning he said he was well under the weight and at the same time had lost none of his strength He lOu thoroughly prepared and while somewhat thin is not too finely drawn He is admittedly one of the huskifest boys for his pounds In the District and as he will have an advantage to welgnt- as against Heaniags superior experi- ence tb betting Is about even Lowe Is in a number of contest near this city and the even betting is apparently jus- tified Egan to Appear The semlwindup will be of almost as much Interest as the star bout It will be between Kid Egan and Robert Luber both Washington boys Egan has been fighting in Baltimore and Philadelphia and had won eight straight victories un- til be met Benny Riley in the semiwind- up to the Kid SullivanTommy Daly bout in Baltimore He did great work against Riley and there was every to believe that be would win when Referee Fred Ewcigert suddenly stopped the sffalr and gave the decision to No satisfactory reason for this action was advanced and in the minds of the critics present Egan should have pulled down the winners end of the purse He will have a chance to show his prowess tonight and is sure to put op a good argument BOUT TONIGHT EvenInteresti- ng Maryland means a novice taken part I I H EN WIN GL QVE before ap- peals and per- fectly by no having rea- son ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Goin Smokeless Loaded 8h 225 jier 109 M ai Co 1339 Gevt Horse Blankets LA AVE X W FALL STYLES All the Latest Imported Scetdt Tweeds SI4 18 NO PIT NO PAY Glasgow Woolen Mills CoM 613 Pa Ave fYlt FULL DRESS and TUXEDO SUITS FOR HIRE TEHNILLE 709 7th St N W The Regent 943 Pa Ave N W Ladies Shoes S250 Kinds DAVE WOLF 432 Seventh Street H W See Next Sundays Times t Good Guns Cheap Gun Gun Gun Pow r A Tap t F Street 22 leilti a oSUjOedol I- tZ f OP tCborls O tas- eZs k J dclo 0 6Z5 1IItM 6 i4 JeM a5iJ I I I 250 r f fl09 liIi it w 12 Gun it < li Ilsasing rs I 840041 READY con s- 42rd dicer Ltr- o Dozrxco k L eve Q SHOES 9 > > = = = < = + m ana Excellence fTHANKSGIVINGl A Combination That marks an enjoyable meat is never complete unless lieu iabie beverage Heunchs po sesses qualities that the fastidi- ous taste crit ical people demand and which you wifl enjoy Phone West 34 for a case of Maerzco Sen ate or Lager 17 to Dec TUB 4 Admission to Grandstand 15o Paddock Sac extra Soc Boxes holding four 250 extra Season and wkkCk Batos on sills at DrooPs 5 Pa Ave TArthur Smiths 1327 I3 St S WiJtoB Hotel H St side Season Club House Badges for sale by S T Wtoh b wham Hotel H side s N B Objiclionable characters positively excluded r t7 F1l Purity richs Beer enters into it ASL appreciatesthat II Clir Heurich Brewing COJ 1 RACESAUT- UMN MEETING Washington Jockey Club Nov 3 OPENING DAY THURSDAY THE COLUMBIA HANDICAPA- ND Bladensburg Steeplechase Arid Other Races FiRST RACE 2P M Lau 1 St 0 1 I MlfUS t l a- 3ossmaoare uer s f x if L i 3 q i > ¬ ¬ > =

OT ALL Goin Good GunsCheap Annual Field Trials …...CV where he will referee tike annual ITspftntty of North CarolinaCarolin-a4Ktaltoral and Mechanical College at that place tomorrow

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Page 1: OT ALL Goin Good GunsCheap Annual Field Trials …...CV where he will referee tike annual ITspftntty of North CarolinaCarolin-a4Ktaltoral and Mechanical College at that place tomorrow



Mail MakingFootball ReputationH-


t C G e Work Re

o rvi Muck Favorable CentAt North CanUM Tsiay

JL Vkasftpsjasv former graduatenmslager of athletics at Georgetown whohas baen city for several days

tote last night for Chapel Hill X-

CV where he will referee tike annualITspftntty of North CarolinaCarolin-a4Ktaltoral and Mechanical College

at that place tomorrowDwrter Ute season about to elm the

Georgetown man officiated In someof the most important games of theyear and his work has as a rule beenhighly satisfactory to members of allthe teams During the past two monthsnot a Saturday has passed that he hasnot refereed some game and he hasalfco officiated at a burse number of midwoek oonteata

One of the Merest games of tile yearthat Mr Thompson was theaaaoal Army Yak tae fwd his work

such action that he win m-

all probability be naked to officiate againonset lessor The man-agement was after him for the same at

York last Saturday but he hadalready Mea engaged for the NavyVirginia ao he had to paaa up the

offerAv the game between the of

the Virginia PolytechnicInstitute at Richmond two weeks agonaldrable adverse criticism waa aimedat Mr Thompson because it was

that after the game he admittedtint he made a wrong decision whichgi the university an advantage butthis Air Thompson denies On

the former graduatemanager will referee the annual VirginiaCarolina game at Richmond



lgrkmilii Recovered FumbleItffcsjiKYarft LiM

Qely ToMcMewx-

Tfcj Dddngton Athletic Club footballeats detested the strong Athletic Stars

Washington SaturdaywmnAng by the score of 6The Eekingtons showed a reversal of

fonn and played all around their oppoitsjrts The feature was the good workf tbe line wIleD the ball was two yards

goat The playing of the threeasks was commendable although the

whole team played welL The touchdownwas made by Easterbrooks when thethletfes fumbled oa their own lyard

He suddenly emerged from thehams of and placed the ball be-t ween the posts The lineup

Bdrington Positions Athletic StarsMeek Center Taylor BrookstoUoi JU O RobertsFcholes IO Belt11ag ert B T BarrettI urn I T Brooks

Schimerhornitennefee R E Wlllson-AJbeot I K WalkerAfovley QLB Irone Capt

rooks R H B PushawMeManos QaptL H B 8chim rborn-KanessU F B Whitten

Mr Moore Rhode Island AvenueIturcb referee Mr Kemon Centralllteh School Mussis Oill AthLrdc Stars andkeepers Mosestons and Blgelowe Athletics linesinen Time of halves 26 minutesTouchdown Easterbrooks

The Eekingtons will the Secondon November IS and an extUg game is aa both teams

physical condition andare evenly matched The Eekingtonssass few dates to 1U before theydisband would like to hear fromterns averaging 116 pounds the secondEastern and Western High School teams

erred Address Manager Howardossti 11 R Street northwest



Two RlVb School elevens Central andBusiness will close their season atassart ran League Park this afterrin the next to final game of the series

Fv has been strengthened con-siderably during the last few days bythe retarn of several of the cripplesand expects to give Central H stiff gameThe game will be called at 330 sharp



G Grctown





ArMJ Yale GuM





al-It ll



t roan

Miller timeE Ken








Corn ucolumbla





< Northwesttoe



arm re

are In





Capable Georgetown Football Referee


Varsity Oarsman Unexpectedly Returns

ad Will Raw Again Is inCondition

The prospects for pert springs crew atGeorgetown were brightened consider-ably this morninr when Bhaniey thestroke oar arrived at the university

The Blue and Gray had given up prac-tically rat hopes of retaining Shanleywhen at the beginning of the year hodid not return and there were manyrumors afloat that he intended to forrake the local institution for Wisconsinor some other middle Western universityno when be put In an unexpected appear-ance last night the crew situation wasrelieved greatly

Shanley entered Georgetown last falland made substitute on the eleven Inthe winter when the crew was castingabout for material Shanley was gotten litline and signified his retention of tryingfor the varsity shell At Annapolis berowed on tht second eight but afterreturning home Coach Dempsey moved

to stroke which position he hclcalongside

has had an eventful timeduring tbe past three months on antour of Canada which accounts

for his belated arrivU He Isweighing 10 pounds is in the pueable condition and anxious to begincrew work in order that the disasters atAnnapolis and IKmore than wiped out before anotherrowing season ends home isin Cando North Dakota


The Navy Yard quint won two out ofthree games from the GovernmentPrinting Office team In the Departmental League The largest Individualscore was made by Walsh of the losingaide who rolled Eli In the first setbest by 21 in second game

By iefeating the Florists Club thnstraight gapes the Jolly Fat Mens ClubInto second place in the DistrictLeague The fellows have Just reorganhied their dub and In

Rodrtek and Lemmon have a trio of exgood men who bowled walllast night

Columbia was expecting to annexthree straight games against the Gen-eral Office in the Railway Relief Asso-ciation but supped up in the last gameby Just four pins Whitney was

In the final game which resultedIn a victory for his team

The Nailing Order Division droppedthree straight PIMa to City Deliverytn the Postomee League Leimback wasthe only bowler to reach the 906 mark



T i

of the Navy Yard second















Columbia took three from the Districtteam in the Real Estate League Eachgame was close Dryden of Districtrolled the largest score 21 in the lastgame

YOUNG PRINCETONS VS OREGONS-On the morning of Thanksgiving Day

the Young Princeton and the Oregonlightweight teams will meet on theformers field The lineup will be

Princeton Positions OregonAllen Center Fuller

Taylor L G HunterR Allen R 6 AirmanDe Wolfe I TThompson R T


GrLang Q BWinters L IIDean R H B




Mansfield CaptF B BdellnPrincetons would like to arrange

games with teams in the District averag-ing 100 pounds Send challenges to Richard Mansfield 1210 Eleventh Streetsoutheast



lAmar n EI





J In S S S Nature has provided a tonicsuited to every requirement the system when

in a debilitated rundown condition It contains no strongminerals or drugs but is a pleasant vegetable preparation Youcan find no better remedy for toning up the nerves and bringing

restful sleep SS S improves the appetite and digestionMid good effects are I have used S S 8 and found it to be analmost from the first lest blood purifier and tome My system b oame-dm It sVCtS promptly in much run down and debilitated I losttwenty or more pounds insoap of cHroniC a Seeing S 8S adsia indunstiOtl and all vortised I its use and am with

h the results after using it for some little whiletrottDieg ana from ISO to 105 is pretty roodaway with the uncom of rit on of 3 a

l ortne8S at Warren Ohio

of breath drowsiness and dizziness that so often come after S S Sit not only the best tonic but possesses alterative or purifying propertiesread if there is any taint or poison in the blood it searches it outtold removes it Many times a low state of health is due to a bad condi-tion of the blood and can only be remedied by such a remedy as S S S

If you suffer from weakness insomnia nervousness loss ofe bid digestion or any of the miserable symptoms of

d hiood aothittf will so soon your blood in good conditioniafffWMKt ad toot up the system and restore the health as S S S



Veryweight no

ttM in

It doesIII poundsH MARTIN

fort Second

a dis


tI w-





d SY Pep wwbegan





Washington Students WillSupport Team


Departmental Mass Meetings DuringPresent Week Will Engage a


The Interest of all local devotees offootball will ba centered at GeorgetownField next Saturday when George

and Georgetown clash in theirannual battle

For years these two teams have beenmeeting each fall and while the resulthas usually been onesided in favorof the men from across Rock Creekthe crowd haa always been large andgreat enthusiasm has been manifested

In the od Columbian ecven went tcGeorgetown Field with all of its follow-ers expecting to see the Blue and Grayrun up an overwhelming score buthardly had the game begun when itwas evident that the Orange and Bluehad profited by weeks of steady trainlug and that it would require the butefforts of its opponents to win At theend of the first half a hard struggle each side had scored six pointsTwenty minutes of the second half ex-pired before Georgetown got anothertouchdown and won by to 3

Washington Confident

This year the downtown Institutionsstudent body believe that it has lustas great a surprise in store for theWestEnders and practically every stu-dent at George Washington will go toGeorgetown Field on Saturday to cheerFor the first time in history the Orangeand Blue has a professional coach andthe record made in all the games thusfar has been better than ever beforeBut once has Washingtons goal linebeen crossed and that was when West-ern Maryland in the second half of thesecond game of the season up sixpoints due entirely to the locals over-confidence

All this week graduate coaches willassist Head Coach Rorke In developingthe university team and by Saturday

whole squad is expected to be incondition Tait who came outmade a most favorable impres

sion in the Maryland Medical sameand will probably be in the first lineupagainst Blue and Gray

series of mass meetings wiltin the different departments of

George Washington during the presentweek a band will be engaged and itis expected that fully one taonsaod

will be in the procession fromHall to Georgetown Field

Coach Rorke is his mmhard and has adopted the scheme ofliving in late practice a ball paintedwhit In order that the men may stayon the Meld to the moment


Team A won three straightfrom Team B in the Carroll InstituteLeague last sight

The scoresTeam A let 9d

Wood UK HI 114B Cramer 114 141 ttO-

3huen HTCrowtar fWL M

TotalTeam B

NewbaeCollinsBradyD Carty





The annual meet of the Colum-bia University Track Association willbe Square Garden onthe evening of March If with the usualprogram of Intercollegiate interschowstie and interciub races












iiid Lt










w 1 1

fm Tai


it 1M140 gg 1M

ii Sio










Annual Field TrialsAt Easton This Week

Maryland and District Association Will HoldOuting on Thursday Friday and Saturday

Several Prominent Washington Entries

The second annual fleW trials of theMaryland and District of ColumbiaFields Trials Association will be heldat Easton Talbot Bounty onThursday Friday anti Saturday of thiswick

It was originally Intended to hold thetrials at Rockville but because of thescarcity of birds in Montgomery county-it was decided to go to Easton wherefrom ten to fifteen coveys of partridgescan be found on the 000 acres whichhave bees assigned for the use of theassociation for the three days of sportBesides the advantage in the number ofbirds available the ground in the vi-

cinity is level and free from briars andswamps

Entries are comlm from the District of Columbia and ftlif mrts of Mary


land and by the close It

1 itime ontrles Is



expected that forty doss will be listedThis number will be much larger thanlast year when the trials were held atChesapeake Beach the Wash

who will have dogs pnrtlei-patlnjc In the trials are G L NteolaonP T Hall E E Rapley T C Dodgeand others

In addition to the two regular stakesthe Members and the Mem-

bers All will be several spe-cial matches In the three dayswill be of especial interest to sports-men The Baltimore end of the affairis in charge of President Pennimanwhile Vice President T Conradis working up the Washington endTrains leaving this city on theof the trials at 2 and will

with the boat the pier4V Light Street Baltimore ar-rangements have been made for the ac-commodation of the members of the as-sociation and their guests at the BaatonHotel



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Personal Comment on Men andThings in the Field of Sports





M J Thompson former graduatemanager of athletics at Georgetownlots made quite a hit as referee in theSouth He has been officiating In allthe big games

Drivers from aW over the country andEurope have signified their intentionsof taking part in the third annual international automobile tournament onthe famous OrmondDaytona Beach

Frank Butterworth the former Yalefullback says that football which oncewas a field for Individual skill is nowa coachmade chess board on whichthe heaviest obtainable players are putthrough evolutions that call for nocleverness or intelligence-

In his first game of football RubeWaddell lasted less than a minute Onelection day at Buffalo in a game between two local teams of that cityRube caught the kickoff and ran itback fifteen yards but as soon as hewas tackled he quit the tame

W P Oarcekm of the senior classof the Law School has been appointedhead graduate coach of the Harvardtrack team

James E Sullivan secretary of theA A U i to given a medal by theInternational Olympic as areward for iota flea service la man-aging the third Olympiad t St Louisduring the past summer

The average weight ofime from tackle to Is B7Its fast toe

The annual crosscountry run of theAssociation will be held

at Island on November SI-

MrCormick the Pittsburgis ulaying a star game at fullback for-th SteeUon Y M A football team

After having uade a finale of pityingagainst Penn Filley of Harvard te

devoting all his spare time to gettingout candidates for the crew bhopes to lead to victory over Yale atNew london In June

Eddie Hanlon declares that if he cnget on another go with MoGovern hecan cop the long ew l of two iU andregain lost laurels

Blonde Cox of the last falls Contral High School eleven is still holding


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down fullback at Cornell and doinggood work in advancing the ball Hisgreatest weakness Is in hacking up theline This is due in a measureto lack of weight he being manypound lighter than the averagefullback

Eddie at one time championfeatherweight of the world is in San

assisting in the training ofBattling who la to meet YoungCorbKt on November M

Conch Rorke has made en cxamr oftwo members of the George Washington

who broke training and now theteam is conforming strictly with

the rutH by the trainerBenny Yanger and Billy Flnneane have

been matched for November 21

The schedule of the American HockeyLeague calls for sixty games beginningDecember PHtsburg-

Tls said that Starr the freshmanquarterback at Harvard is well named

Jimmy Ryan the former Washingtonoutfielder has purchased the franchiseof the EvanvlHe club of toe CentralLeague and h s expects to a wtohinecam In the town next

Chicago University may next year bewithout the services of Stags her

nd football coach He has been illfur some time and la most anxious togive athletics fcr something not

Schorr who some time ago announcedhis intention of retiring from the turfhas decided to buy more yearlings for

of replenish

The National Baseball Commission Ismaking preparations to shortly publisha the decisions theboard since its organisation

London sportsmen are to matchPalmer and Ben Jordan at 124


The Boston lovers of boxing havefound a loophole in the law and now

can make matches withoutpolice Interference

The Madison Square sixday bicyclerace will start at midnight December-i About a dozen foreign riders are

to enter the grind

Marin Hart is out with a challengefor Jack Monroe

The national tournament of the Ameri-can will be held atMilwaukee beginning on February 18









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1221 Penna Ave S GOLDHBIM SONS 4037th St 405

come right down to the point thats most interestingto the smart dressers of Washington were going-

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Boxing to Be Revived NearWashington


Both Boys Thoroughly Prepared andBetting Is About

Preliminary Arranged

Boxing will be resumed this eveningaround Washington with a twelveround bout between Kid Henning andTommy Lowe the Rock SpringClub on the Conduit Road

The reestablishment of the game haslong been desired and several schemesto that end have been tried and failedThe bout tonight will be handled asthose in Baltimore are handled by AlHerford and the promoters in that cityDecisions by the court of

have declared that a club lass aperfect right to have boxing aa a partof the entertainment at a regular meeting and the ruling has been acceptedby the authoritiesHenning Experienced

Good sport should be furnished by thetwo boys who will go on tonight and ifthe bout is a success others in whichsome of the most prominent little menwill figure will be held Kid Henningclaims the bantam championship of theSouth and has defeated many good menin making good his claims He has alsobad a number of bouts in Chicago andMilwaukee and has not been defeatedby men of his weight although light-weights have trimmed him once or twice

has trained long hard for thecontest and should enter the ring

fitLowe would only make the match on

the weight limit of 128 pounds and atfirst he had some trouble in reachingthat figure This morning he said hewas well under the weight and at thesame time had lost none of his strengthHe lOu thoroughly prepared and whilesomewhat thin is not too finely drawnHe is admittedly one of the huskifestboys for his pounds In the District andas he will have an advantage to welgnt-as against Heaniags superior experi-ence tb betting Is about even Lowe Is

in a number of contest near this cityand the even betting is apparently jus-tifiedEgan to Appear

The semlwindup will be of almost asmuch Interest as the star bout It willbe between Kid Egan and Robert Luberboth Washington boys Egan has beenfighting in Baltimore and Philadelphiaand had won eight straight victories un-

til be met Benny Riley in the semiwind-up to the Kid SullivanTommy Dalybout in Baltimore He did great workagainst Riley and there was every

to believe that be would win whenReferee Fred Ewcigert suddenly stoppedthe sffalr and gave the decision toNo satisfactory reason for this actionwas advanced and in the minds of thecritics present Egan should have pulleddown the winners end of the purseHe will have a chance to show hisprowess tonight and is sure to put opa good argument




means a novice taken part I







by no having









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iabie beverage Heunchs posesses qualities that the fastidi-

ous taste critical people demand and whichyou wifl enjoy Phone West34 for a case of Maerzco Senate or Lager

17 to Dec



Admission to Grandstand 15o Paddock Sac extraSoc Boxes holding four 250 extra

Season and wkkCk Batos on sills at DrooPs 5

Pa Ave TArthur Smiths 1327 I3 St S WiJtoBHotel H St side

Season Club House Badges for sale by S T Wtoh b whamHotel H side s

N B Objiclionable characters positively excluded

r t 7 F1l


richs Beer enters into it ASL


II Clir Heurich Brewing COJ1


Washington Jockey ClubNov 3



Bladensburg SteeplechaseArid Other Races







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