Osteo Low Limb

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  • 7/24/2019 Osteo Low Limb


    TOPIC : Lower limb bones


    - NAME : Wirono

    - DATE : 4-1-11

    I . Choose one precise answer.:

    01. The following bone belongs to be a member of the free lower limb:

    A. Ischium D. Ilium

    B. Pubis E. CuboidC. Acetabulum

    0. The following statement about pel!ic gir"le is true:A.Transmits the weight of the lowerbo"# to the upper limbs

    D.Is formed by a pair of hip

    bones called coxal bones

    B.$upports the !isceral organs ofab"omen

    E. $ome of the strongest ligaments

    of the bo"# support the shoul"ergir"le

    C. Attaches the lower limbs to the

    appen"icular s%eleton

    0&. The posteroinferior bone of co'ae( often calle" #our )seat bone* is:A.Ischium D. Acetabulum

    B. Pubis E.

    C. Illium

    0+. ,ne of lan"mar%s for the Ilium is:

    A. ,bturator foramen D.Auricular surface

    B. -inea aspera E. Intercon"#lar eminenceC. Intertrochanteric line

    0. At the an%le /oint( the tibia an" fibula articulate with the:

    A. Cuboi" D. CuneiformB. Calcaneus E. a!icular

    C. Talus

    II. Answer A if numbers 1( an" & statements are correct

    B if numbers 1 an" & statements are correctC if numbers an" + statements are correct

    D onl# if the statement number + is correct

    E if all statements are correct

    &1. The following statements about femur are true:1.It cannot be palpated because it iscovered by large muscles

    &. Which is where the helps tosecure the head of femur into the


    . Double bones of the thigh +. Itis onl# the weightbearingbone of the lower limb

  • 7/24/2019 Osteo Low Limb


    &. The following statements about tibia are correct

    1. It is classifie" as a $esamoi" bone &. 2reater an" lesser trochanter are

    the lan"mar%s of this bone.Fibular facet is landmarks of proximal

    part of this bone ust below the lateral

    condyle where the head of the fibulaarticulates

    +. !he bone on the medial side of the

    lower leg

    &&. The following statements about metatarsals are correct1. The# are bones of the an%le &. The# are bones of the toes

    .In"between the tarsals and the toes +. Where bone of the ball of thefoot are called

    &+. The functions of the foot are:

    1.#upport weight &.Act as lever when walking. Protect plantar !essels an" ner!es +. 3eightbearing bone of the lower
