OSS 3D 2.0 for OS X manual Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Update history 1.2 License Agreement and Terms of Use 1.3 Technology & Licensing 1.4 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 2 Configuration 2.1 General tab 2.2 3D tab 2.3 Space tab 2.4 FX tab 2.5 Fidelity tab 2.6 Ambiance tab 2.7 Subwoofer tab 2.8 Speaker tab 2.9 Limiter tab 2.10 Equalizer tab 2.11 About tab 3 User feedback 4 Operating with presets 5 Additional information and technical support 1 Introduction OSS 3D is a solid stereo to 3D expanding technology, able to extend the virtual sound space and listening environment of 2-speaker systems (standard stereo speakers and headphones). OSS 3D can be used to improve sound quality, restore parts lost after MP3 compression, create virtual surround mixes, fill the space with surround, and this will work extremely fine with two speakers. OSS 3D extends sound beyond speakers, improves space perception and turns two-speaker system into surround environment. With particular settings, technology can generally improve the sound quality and dynamic range of any type of speakers and headphones. The latest version includes so-called Adaptive Limiter technology, it is used to equalize the levels of sound and maximize the volume. It is similar to the Waves L1 multiband limiter (and thus W1 - for compatibility reasons) uses three times longer actual release time than standard RT60 metric. This means that if you set 50ms release in the limiter, it will actually yield with 150ms standard RT60 release time.

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OSS 3D 2.0 for OS X manual

Contents1 Introduction1.1 Update history1.2 License Agreement and Terms of Use1.3 Technology & Licensing1.4 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)2 Configuration2.1 General tab2.2 3D tab2.3 Space tab2.4 FX tab2.5 Fidelity tab2.6 Ambiance tab2.7 Subwoofer tab2.8 Speaker tab2.9 Limiter tab2.10 Equalizer tab2.11 About tab3 User feedback4 Operating with presets5 Additional information and technical support

1 IntroductionOSS 3D is a solid stereo to 3D expanding technology, able to extend the virtual sound spaceand listening environment of 2-speaker systems (standard stereo speakers and headphones).OSS 3D can be used to improve sound quality, restore parts lost after MP3 compression, createvirtual surround mixes, fill the space with surround, and this will work extremely fine with twospeakers.

OSS 3D extends sound beyond speakers, improves space perception and turns two-speakersystem into surround environment. With particular settings, technology can generally improvethe sound quality and dynamic range of any type of speakers and headphones.

The latest version includes so-called Adaptive Limiter technology, it is used to equalize thelevels of sound and maximize the volume. It is similar to the Waves L1 multiband limiter (andthus W1 - for compatibility reasons) uses three times longer actual release time than standardRT60 metric. This means that if you set 50ms release in the limiter, it will actually yield with150ms standard RT60 release time.

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OSS 3D 2.x is no longer limited to use inside of iTunes. You now can enhance audio experiencein a variety of third applications including: VLC, Apple DVD Player, iTunes, Web Browsers,video games, and more! We found this technology very useful for watching music videos onYouTube in the convinience of your favorite browser. Since most video codecs on the webcompress audio too much, the effect of OSS 3D on experience on viewing videos is mindshattering!

1.1 Update history

New features (2.1):

• Improved compatibility with Intel based Macs• Reduced memory footprint• Improved overall stability• Fixed User Interface bugs• Updated Users Manual• Addressed memory leaks problem

New features (2.0.1):

• Improved compatibility with applications• Added support for scroll wheel button• Added a way to assign a global hotkey for finding OSS 3D.appwindow

New features (2.0.0):

• Entire range of OS X applications supported(all versions of iTunes, VLC, DVD Player, Skype, iChat and more)• Universal Binary (ppc and intel)• Independent OSS 3D control application

1.2 License Agreement and Terms of Use

Terms of agreement:

i. This software is distributed as a shareware with evaluation period of14 days, then you are required to register it or remove it with anUninstaller provided.

ii. The software is provided AS-IS.

iii. The developer does not carry any liability for damages caused by thissoftware that may result from use of it.

By installing this software you agree to the terms above mentioned.

1.3 Technology and Licensing

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OSS 3D is a demonstration for technology we would like to make available fordevelopers wishing to unroll other kidns of audio plugins for OS X.

Click here to go to OSS 3D support page

1.4 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How do I uninstall/remove the plug-in?A: You can use the Uninstaller provided in /Applications/OSS 3D/OSS 3D Uninstaller,logout, and you should be set.

Q: Does OSS 3D work AirTunes?A: Not directly. We recommend that you use AirFoil product fromwww.rogueamoeba.com. It allows you to send output of any application (includingOSS 3D) to AirTunes, and thus makes it possible to forward audio from OSS 3Denhanced applications to AirTunes.

Q: OSS 3D stopped working, what do I do?.A: Reinstall OSS 3D from original installer from our website.

Q: I purchased OSS 3D, can I use it on other computers with the same serial number?A: You can install the OSS 3D on many computers, but the license allows you to usethe copy only on one computer at a time. Site license can be acquired, please contactus directly regarding the site license.

Q: Will (re)installation of OSS 3D erase my settings?A: The installer prompts to override OSS 3D Settings folder, choose "Don't Replace"during installation to preserve your old Settings. You can also backup your settingsfiles manually, they are located in /Library/Preferences/OSS 3D Settings/

Q: How much does the OSS 3D system cost?A: The OSS 3D costs US $30.00. This grants you single license that allows multi-computer installation but one-at-a-time use. OSS 3D works with a wide range of OS Xapplications, including: VLC, Apple DVD Player, iTunes, Web browsers, and more!

2 ConfigurationConfiguration dialog is the key part of OSS 3D. You can configure any aspect of soundenhancing by using Configuration dialog controls.

After installation, the OSS 3D icon will appear on your dock. This is a system-widecontrol panel which you will use to make adjustments to all of the sound in OS X. You are notrequired to have OSS 3D control panel open to enjoy enhancement. The OSS 3D AudioServerhandles all the audio processing in background transparently. You can monitor the CPU usageof OSS 3D audio server by entering in terminal:

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My Computer:~ uesr$ ps -auxwww |grep OSS

2.1 General tab

This is how general configuration tab looks:

Fig 1. General tab

Here's the description of those controls, which appear on the dialog, not dependingon any particular tab selection.

Enable effects - this checkboxes globally enable or disable OSS 3D functionality.

Close window button - hides the OSS 3D Configuration window. In order to popwindow back, refer to 3.1 Bringing up configuration dialog section.

Minimize window button - toggles full and mini views of the Configuration window.In the minimized mode you can only change settings from the Settings selector tab.

Controls on General tab:

Volume - this is general purpose sound volume level slider. By using it you can gaineffect of additional sound amplification or attentuation, however turning it too highwill likely cause sound to distort (clipping). Also this slider is useful to lower soundvolume in case distortion is occuring due to different reasons (e.g., too many optionsare turned on simultaneously).

Super Bass - this slider adjusts amount of additional SUB- and MID-bass frequenciessent to the speakersystem. This effect is useful for some speakers, which lack thepower in this kind of frequencies.

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DeWoofer - removes "WOOF"-like sounding of mid frequency range of the music.DeWoofer correction can generally improve quality of old recordings. DeWoofer canalso greatly improve sounding of standard desktop speakers, laptop speakers or evenlow-fi headphones. For all normal speakersystems - recommended value is about 25-30%, while with laptop speakers it may perform better while turned to higher point.DeWoofer brings new level of quality, when used with SuperBass effect. Theapproximate DeWoofer value of 60% is suitable for laptop speakers and lightmultimedia headphones (e.g., made by Genius, QuickShot, Typhoon, etc.).

Fidelity effect is designed to enhance sound image by introducing additionalharmonics in high frequency range. This technology makes the music sound brighterand reduces low MP3 quality compression artifacts. Fidelity effect also improvesaggresive 3D stereo expansion accuracy. In professional audio world similar hardwaredevices are often called ENHANCERS and EXCITERS.

FX Chain - this function allows you change the chaining order of the effects appliedto the audio. Experiment with this setting to find best possible chain layout.

The rest of controls are checkboxes. Each checkbox is called after corresponding effector tab name, and is used to either enable or disable settings for effects on particulartab.

Note, that if the checkbox is not checked, controls on appropriate tab will produce noeffect. In order to let some particular tab affect the sound, the correspondingcheckbox should be checked.

Click on the effect name below to learn more about particular technology:

3D SurroundextSpaceextFXVirtual SubwooferLimiter Compressor

2.2 3D tab

OSS 3D Surround Technology - is an effect of expanding audio environment out ofactual speaker positions. Normally you hear the sound in between of the speakers, asshown with the blue figure on the effect icon. Obviously, if the sound comes from theleft speaker, it is heard NOT from the left, but from the speaker's position.

When you are sitting in the middle in front of two speakers, it is possible to correctthe situtation by processing the sound. 3D Surround does such processing, called"expansion". It applies several effect envelopes on primary input signal and outputssurround space.

Note, that speakers should be plugged in proper phase. If they are not, the sound willappear to be closer to the center between speakers, instead of space expansion. If you

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experience such troubles, fortunately, OSS 3D allows this to be fixed in-software. Thekey option is called "Phase invert" and is located on SpC tab.

Fig 2. 3D Surround tab

There is option dropdown box and two control sliders on 3D Surround tab.

Effect mode dropdown box controls the surround effect intensity. It can have fourdifferent states:- Disabled (the effect is disabled - checkbox on general tab will have no effect)- Normal (standard level of effect; recommended 3D Depth is 100%)- Extra (x2) (double processing; recommended 3D Depth is 30-40%)- Overload (x3) (deep ambience processing; recommended 3D Depth is 10-25%)

3D Depth shows the amount of effect to be applied.

Bass adjust compensates feedback of bass frequencies. This option creates extendedsurround for low frequencies. If you like to have a very light sounding space effect,Bass adjust level should be lowered.

You can find Fidelity option (on the General tab) to be useful together with 3DSurround, as it brings extra fidelity to the surround and brightens oftenly dim sound.

2.3 Space tab

extSpace processing creates a virtual re-sounding frame behind the listener positionand bounces the sound around. The sound gets bounced multiple times and returns tolistener from the back. While the effect utilizes only two speakers, the resounding

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frame is emulated in 3D space. The width of the resounding frame gives you thespatialization effect. To get the maximum impression, use it together with 3DSurround Technology.

Fig 3. extSpace tab

Effect has three options. Disabled - means no effect at all. After setting mode toDisabled, the extSpace checkbox on General tab will have no effect. Active andWide mofrd control the shape of re-sounding frame. Effect's Wide option makes theframe wider and places it closer to the listener. In Active state this effect emulatessound coming from the back.

2.4 FX tab

extFX - is an aggresive type of surround sound remixing. This effect includes twocontrols - "Center" and "Space". The first one controls center bass frequencies - youcan control the volume of sound's "center". "Space" option moves the sound asidelistener. As the effect itself is enough strong, it is not recommended to use 100%values of Space option. Good results are often gained at 25-30% value. This effect isalso effective for narrow placed speakers, however placing speakers closely to eachother will still require the listener's to face straight between the speakers.

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Fig 4. extFX tab

The tab includes Space and Center controls, which correspond to "Space" and"Center" values, described in the paragraph above.

2.5 Fidelity tab

Fidelity - is eseentially an Aural Exciter feature. It restores the subtle nuances thatare often damaged in the recording process.

Fig 5. Fidelity tab

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2.6 Ambiance tab

Ambiance - allows you to add reverb effect to the output.

Fig 5. Ambiance tab

Dry specifies amount of original sound added, while Wet amount of reverbed sound.The mixture couldbe controlled using a ratio of the two.

2.7 Subwoofer tab

Virtual Subwoofer - is a technology of expanding bass frequencies like realsubwoofer does. Only two speakers are needed to emulate surround subwoofer.

Unlike real subwoofer, Virtual Subwoofer doesn't concentrate all bass frequencies atone point. It spreads bass frequencies around. It's recommended to use this effecttogether with 3D Surround.

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Fig 7. Virtual Subwoofer tab

The effect has two options - Overdrive and Intensity. The first one affects thesensitivity of subwoofer. The second one controls the volume of added bassfrequencies.

2.8 Speaker tab

To enhance sounding of your speakers, OSS 3D technology supports SpeakerAdjustment, or so-called "SpC" technology.

With this technology, you can wider frequency range of your speakersystem (orheadphones) and correct output phase (when speakers are either assembled orplugged improperly).

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Fig 8. Speaker tab

Here are some options on the tab.

Phase invert - this is fully featured software fix for improperly plugged speakers. If,e.g., first speaker's wires are plugged correctly, and second speaker's ones areswapped, will likely to be wrong.

How to detect right "Phase invert" state for your speakers? Turn on any song withvocals, and place speakers closely facing each other and touching each other. Withone setting of "Phase invert" the vocals will be heard clearly, while with different onethey will be heard slightly quieter, or will disappear at all. Adjust "Phase invert" so,that song vocals are heard clearly.

2.9 Compressor / Limiter tab

Here we come with the latest the greatest Compressor Limiter tool. This is howCompressor Limiter tab looks:

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Fig 9. Compressor/Limiter tab

You've got two controls here, Ceiling and Threshold, they control aspects of levelsof compression. It is best not to bring ceiling down too much or you will hear volumejumping all over.

Good values for ceiling are in the range of 30% to 60%. You will find out thatThreshold and Ceiling are co-dependant and it is best to just play with theseparameters to find the best settings.

2.10 Equalizer tab

OSS 3D features the most advanced N-band equalizer with built-in peak limiters.

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Fig 10. Equalizer tab

Curve or Sliders radio buttons allows you to switch between Curve mode and Slidersmode. Sometimes, it may be neccessary to fine-adjust the EQ setting, and that can bedone inside of the Sliders mode.

Curve Mode - There are two modes of operation available in the Curve mode ofequalizer. You can either click and drag to draw the curve left-right, or click the mouseon the band (vertical line with number underneath) and move mouse pointer up anddown to fine tune the curve.

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2.11 About tab

Click on "Register" button to enter your serial number information. To unregisterremove your e-mail and serial number information and click enter.

Fig 11. About tab

3 User feedbackOver about a year of product's existance we have received numerous feedback. To our pleasantsurprise none of it was bad! We are very greatful to all who supported the product andalthough it reached it's potential, we will continue making small updates and expanding toother platforms. Meanwhile, enjoy the listening and have a great day.

3.1 Success stories

Notes from author:There are so many beautiful stories of experiences people had with OSS 3D. I amgreatful to everyone who helped with suggestions and bug reports.

Thank you all, my friends!

What users say about OSS 3D?

bombardier says:Absolutely brilliant plugin - makes older music especially nice sounding. Bravo to the

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developers. It will take a long time messing with the settings to come up withsomething perfect just for me, but in the meantime the presets are superb!

Sluggo says:It rocks! I would recommend it over VolumeLogic.

Rezmason says:I don't know what this plug-in is doing, but it's really enjoyable. Fully operational afterinstallation, out-of-the-way interface, and whatever this sound-bettering thing it's upto... there's no reason not to download it and give it a shot

ledoux says:This little application is wonderful. It really does change the dynamic range of themusic. My mp3s suddenly have more depth to them. There is an openess to thesound. It's as if before, I was listening with earmuffs. The difference is that big.Remarkable! Excellent job.

Please don't forget to visit our Forums page on www.subband.com and share yourexperiences!

4 Operating with presetsOSS 3D is able to load and store settings. Only registered users are allowed to store all currentslider positions, checkbox and list options of OSS 3D - select SAVE PRESET AS... menu itemand choose filename to store preset to. It will appear in the menu presorted by name.

With DEMO version of plugin you can't store presets, however you can load presets alreadystored by someone else. Manual settings will not be saved either in the unregistered version.

We ask you to consider supporting the developers! Programming is not an easy job, and westruggle to survive in today's world.

5 Additional information and technical supportClick here to go to OSS 3D support page

Copyright ©2005-2006 Subband Technologies & 4Front Technologies