OSCHATZ INFO Winter 2008/2009 The news service for all employees and friends of the company Kids Day in Essen Discovering the world of Oschatz Oschatz Turkey New manufacturing plant Oschatz China Steel sculpture erected Kids Day in Essen Discovering the world of Oschatz Oschatz Turkey New manufacturing plant Oschatz China Steel sculpture erected Photo: Horst W. Bühne, Stadtbildstelle

OSCHATZ INFO - hansmes.comhansmes.com/static/uploads/publication/Oschatz-Info_2-08-E.qxp6_2.… · time envisaged a finance crisis or even a recession. And I must confess: neit-her

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Page 1: OSCHATZ INFO - hansmes.comhansmes.com/static/uploads/publication/Oschatz-Info_2-08-E.qxp6_2.… · time envisaged a finance crisis or even a recession. And I must confess: neit-her


Winter 2008/2009

The news service for allemployees and friendsof the company

Kids Day in EssenDiscovering the world of Oschatz

Oschatz TurkeyNew manufacturing plant

Oschatz ChinaSteel sculpture erected

Kids Day in EssenDiscovering the world of Oschatz

Oschatz TurkeyNew manufacturing plant

Oschatz ChinaSteel sculpture erected












Page 2: OSCHATZ INFO - hansmes.comhansmes.com/static/uploads/publication/Oschatz-Info_2-08-E.qxp6_2.… · time envisaged a finance crisis or even a recession. And I must confess: neit-her

Winter 2008/2009 3



Dear employees,

I can still remember very clearly howI was sitting at my desk this time lastyear, writing this greeting. The entirebusiness community – and of courseOschatz as well – was looking forwardto the Christmas period and the newyear with plenty of optimism andconfidence. Certainly no one at thattime envisaged a finance crisis or evena recession. And I must confess: neit-her did I. Which now makes me evenhappier that in the meantime we havepositioned Oschatz so well that we canface the coming period, which is sureto prove more difficult, without fear.We have a fantastic team that nownumbers over 1,150 people. And wisepeople too, I should say, because theyhave all chosen to work at a medium-sized, family-run business. Such enter-prises remain the backbone of theGerman economic community andhave already weathered various crisessuccessfully.

As the year draws to a close wecan look back on a successful 2008and, despite all the gloom being spre-ad by ”whould-be“ experts, I look tothe future in a positive mood. Andin view of our order books, we atOschatz have good reason for thisconfidence. I would like to give mysincerest thanks to all employees fortheir commitment and their fine workthis year and to wish them and theirfamilies a happy and worry-free Christ-mas, as well as a good start to what issure to be a successful 2009.

Best wishes,

Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen Schrag

News from the world of Oschatz

Reining Heisskühlung

Lightning-fast operationfor ThyssenKrupp Steel

ThyssenKrupp Steel in Bochum werefaced with a major problem whenthe steam drum on walking beamfurnace no. 1 failed to get its ope-rating licence renewed. Either thefurnace would have to be taken outof production completely for severalmonths, or someone would have torespond with quick and uncomplica-ted help. Luckily this “someone” wasright in the neighbourhood, namelyin Mülheim an der Ruhr. In an unpre-cedented, lightning-fast operationReining and its partners facilitatedthe full engineering (constructionand planning of the new steamdrum, the pipelines and retainingelements, fittings and measurementand control technology), the materi-als acquisition and the constructionof a new steam drum designed for anormal operating pressure of 23 barand a steam production of 35 t/h.Production took place round theclock, seven days a week. Moreover,the whole operation was possibleonly because the company was ableto derive materials from anothercommission underway at the sametime. By way of comparison, the

Oschatz at the CICForeign Trade Day in Essen

China as an opportunity

“Investing in China – an opportunityor a slippery slope?” At the Chamberof Industry and Commerce ForeignTrade Day, entitled “Boarding forBRIC”, Dirk Muilerman supplied aclear answer to this question. “Chinacan present a great opportunity”,

Successful in the faceof competition

New order fortwo single-pass boilers

Oschatz is on course for furthersuccess. Despite competition fromother suppliers, the sales departmenthas won an order from an energycompany for two single-pass boilers.The combined order value of thesetwo units lies in two digit millioneuro area. Each of the boilers has asteam production of 190 t/h andthey are fuelled with hydrogen andnatural gas that arises during pro-duction at a chemicals plant inNorthern Germany.

The two boilers form part of alarge total energy supply concept,which also includes a further boilerof this type together with variousgas-turbine waste heat boilers.

With the acquisition of this order,Oschatz has improved its chancesof significant participation in thefurther development of the energysupply. Because of its enormousdimensions (8 x 6 x 31 m, weight c.320 t.), the main pressure-containingcomponent is being produced inOschatz’s Nanjing production plant.

Oschatz China

One million shop-floorhours planned for 2009

A highly eventful 2008 is now draw-ing to a close for Oschatz China.Following extensive building workthe halls in Nanjing now allow a pro-duction capacity of up to one millionshop-floor hours per year. In 2008,despite the building work then un-derway, the team led by the Mana-ging Director Dirk Muilerman alreadycame close to this figure: the 540-strong production workforce – a to-tal of just 640 employees are cur-rently working at the Nanjing plant –clocked up 810,000 shop-floor hours.

Oschatz Bohemia

Lavish praise fromthe customer

In recent months the Oschatz sub-sidiary has taken on 10 new em-ployees, bringing the total work-force at Oschatz Bohemia to 80.In the near future, members of thisteam will go to form a new Czechassembly department known as“Oschatz Assembly Budweis”. Thisteam will comprise the employeeswho already proved their mettle –with great success – during anoutage at Norddeutsche Affinerie.So successfully, that the assemblymanager Peter Haja even receiveda letter of thanks from the customerin which the latter praised Haja’s“own personal effort, but also thatof the entire Oschatz team” whichenabled the stoppage time “to bedramatically reduced.” To quotefurther from the letter: “Manythanks for this great work. In thisrespect we even look forward tothe next outage, which of coursein other respects we hope will be along time coming.” In view of suchlavish praise, the team must reallyhave done outstanding work.

said the Managing Director of theChinese Oschatz subsidiary OschatzEnergy & Environment Co., Ltd.,who was invited to address one ofthe workshops and here was ableto draw on his own experiences.Indeed, investing in the Nanjing-based company has proved the rightapproach for Oschatz: just threeyears after starting production,Oschatz now employs 640 peoplein China, has well-filled order bookswell into 2009 and was able todouble the production area this sum-mer. Production is now being con-ducted over an area of 15,000 m2

and in a total of seven productionhalls. This success can be ascribed tohigh quality standards, the establish-

Dr. Hans-Jürgen Schrag has been appointed the new chairman of the Foreign Trade Committee of the Chamber of Indus-try and Commerce (CIC). At a constitutive committee meeting on 13 October the Oschatz Managing Director and CICVice-President was proposed as successor to the honorary president Dr. Hans Singer and officially elected during theCIC general meeting on 18 November.

He was congratulated by the deputy CEO of the CIC Essen, Ms Veronika Lühl, and by Dr. Hans Singer, who was chairmanof the committee for the last 30 years. “I would like to thank you all for the trust shown in me and I look forward tothis new task”, said Dr. Hans-Jürgen Schrag, who was also the host for this committee meeting – because this time themembers and guests of the committee convened at Oschatz Essen.

The first of three natural-circulation boilers manufac-tured at Oschatz Energy & Environment in Nanjingfor the world’s biggest sulphuric acid plant in SaudiArabia has now been delivered. The boiler, whichweighs more than 300 t, is part of three completewaste heat systems that Oschatz is producing forthe plant in Máaden. The dimensions of the threeaccompanying boilers puts them among the world’sbiggest aggregates manufactured in one piece.

The steam drum was replaced in just five weeks.

The deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber ofIndustry and Commerce in Essen, Veronika Lühl, DirkMuilerman (Oschatz Energy & Environment) and KatrinLinden (Oschatz Essen) in conversation at the Oschatzstand. Photo: Matthias Duschner

ment of a German management,punctual deliveries and above all astable workforce, said Muilerman inthe workshop discussions. Moreover,he is convinced that even the risingwage costs will not quickly transformChina into a slippery slope. As heexplains, “The wage costs are stillrelatively favourable, and a 20-per-cent increase in these would notseriously influence the profitabilityof the enterprise.”

Apart from Oschatz’s presence atone of the 12 workshops at the CICForeign Trade Day, the Essen-basedfamily enterprise also supported theevent, held in Congress Center Westof Messe Essen, as one of the morethan 40 exhibitors and as a sponsor.

normal processing time for a steamdrum like this, together with all re-quired accessory elements, wouldbe at least 6 to 8 months – but thiswould have been disastrous forThyssenKrupp Steel. As it was, theinstallation of the new steam drumincluding new pipelines and inte-gration in the existing water-steamcycle took place within just anotherfive days. This meant that Reiningwas able to return the plant toThyssenKrupp Steel almost threedays earlier than planned. A fineperformance in a record time, butwhich was only possible thanks tothe uncomplicated and outstandingcooperation between the end custo-mer, the subcontractors and Reining.

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4 Winter 2008/2009

New plant: 60,000 m2 for Oschatz

Investment in Turkey

At the start of November representatives of the press and the busi-ness community visited the new site together with Dr. Hans-JürgenSchrag (Managing Director of Oschatz), Mehmet Berberoglu(General Manager of Oschatz Enerji A.S.) and Dr. Ertan Öcalan.

Mehmet Berberoglu, General Manager ofOschatz Enerji A.S., is looking forward tothe modern and spacious production plant.

It was the first Oschatz productionplant abroad: Oschatz Enerji A.S.,founded in 1996. For the last 13years the company, operating inGebze, Istanbul, has been supplyingcustomers all over the world withwaste-heat boilers for the iron andsteel industry, for the non-ferrousand chemicals industry and for po-wer-plant engineering. Now theproduction plant is being expanded– at a new location 50 kilometresfrom the current production halls, inthe province of Kocaeli.

The new site at Kocaeli SerbestBölgesi, close to Izmit, is 60,000 m2

in size and was acquired by theOschatz Group in September 2008.A first development phase, to becompleted by September 2009, willsee the construction of four produc-tion halls with a production areaof 10,000 m2 and at the same timecreate 450 new jobs. This investmentwill allow the product range andproduction capacity to be expandedand the business and export volumesto be increased. “This project repre-sents a key investment for strengthe-ning our global market leadershipand will allow us to keep pace withour steadily growing product volu-mes and to reach our export mar-kets,” explains Mehmet Berberoglu,the General Manager of OschatzEnerji A.S.

It was the optimal conditions andbusiness environment that promptedthe choice for the new location inKocaeli’s free-trade zone: Kocaeli isTurkey’s second-biggest industrial cityand boasts excellent transport links.Located 100 kilometres from Istanbuland 10 kilometres from Izmit, thenew location is also just 60 kilome-tres from Sabiha Gökcen Internatio-nal Airport, 7 kilometres from Kurt-köy railway station – the future mainstation of the Marmara region – and,especially important, right on the seacoast. “This position allows Oschatz

products to be loaded straight ontoseagoing vessels”, says Dr. Hans-Jür-gen Schrag, Managing Director ofthe Oschatz Group. “This brings asaving in transport costs of between300,000 and 1million euros per year.”The initial plans for the new produc-tion plants have already been drawnup. The office buildings and the pro-duction halls will be modern, spacio-us and practical. Two large halls and

two smaller ones with heights of25 and 16 metres respectively willprovide enough space for theOschatz products from September2009 onwards. But there is still a lotto do before the plans are complete,the buildings are finished and therelocation has been managed. None-theless, the starting shot for thismajor project of the Oschatz Grouphas now been given.

Mr Norbert Srowig (advisory board Oschatz GmbH), Mr Hasan Pak, Vice-President of the company Kospas, Mr YilmazKanbak, CEO of Kospas and President of the Kocaeli Chamber of Industry, und Dr. Hans-Jürgen Schrag at the signingof the contract in September.

The new Oschatz production plant lies directly on the sea coast. This is ideal for transhipment of the product onto seagoing vessels.

How the new plant will look after completion in September 2009.

Located on a plot of almost 60,000 m2, the first developmentphase comprises four production halls with a production areaof 10,000 m2.

In the second half of the year too,Oschatz staff successfully presen-ted the company at trade fairs.The Ukrainian subsidiary TOVOschatz-Küttner was representedfor the second time at “MetallurgyUkraine” in Donezk – the homebase of the company. From 16 to19 September the full range of thecompany’s products and serviceswere presented at the exhibitionstand and important negotiationswere conducted.

Just one month later the focuswas on bioenergy: from 16 to 18October Oschatz was among the424 exhibitors from 20 countriesat the 3rd international “Expobio-energia” bioenergy trade fair inValladolid, Spain. Here too, thiswas the second time that the com-pany presented itself, on a 30 m2

stand, to international specialistvisitors at this trade fair – and justas successfully as the previous year.

Oschatz as exhibitor

Success in Ukraineand Spain

For the second time Oschatz presented itself and itsproducts at ”Metallurgy Ukraine“ in Donezk and at”Bioenergia“ in Valladolid.

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Winter 2008/2009 7


6 Winter 2008/2009

Discovering the world of OschatzPlant constructor gets involved in the Essen “Kids Day”

Looking back in time

“Oschatz back then”

Want to find out what happensbehind the office doors, and todiscover how a repair and assem-bly shop works? At the firstEssen “Kids Day” on Friday, 14November, school children alsohad the chance to explore theworld of work at Oschatz GmbH.19 girls and boys from the Mün-sterschule primary school experi-enced a very special lesson at theEssen-based plant constructor.

It was “Kids Day” in Essen and onthis morning the children from Class3 of the Münsterschule primaryschool exchanged their classroomfor the office building and the pro-duction halls at Westendhof. Forthree hours Oschatz staff accompa-nied them on a journey of discoverythrough the world of Oschatz – ina way tailored to children. A smallexperiment with a gas cooker and asteam engine, for instance, showedhow the Oschatz systems function.The schoolchildren then saw howthese systems are created step-by-step. The children followed the trailof the production process fromconstruction design in the TechnicalOrder Processing department, wherethe children saw how steel pipestake shape on the computer screen,through the printing of the drawingsin the Repro department, and on tothe work in Production. The highpoint for the children was the visit to

Oschatz has a birthday coming up:in 2009 the company will be 160years old. And that’s reason enoughfor taking a look back in time –if possible all together. Do youhave any old photographs fromOschatz’s past? Do you rememberspecial events and experiences fromthe past decades? If so, then pleasesend us your photos and anecdotesand tell us about “Oschatz backthen”. We’re getting the ball rollingright now with two photos providedby Heinz Honisch. The group photowas taken on 17 July 1954 andshows the first Oschatz team in theworks on Inselstraße in Altenessen.The second photo is from the sameyear: it shows the first works mana-gers Mr Demel and Heinz Honischpassing the congratulations of theentire workforce to Dr. Hans Schragon his 50th birthday.

New sculpture for Oschatz Energy & Environment

Transforming steel into artThe eyes of invited guests and theOschatz employees are fixed on thehigh, still-veiled sculpture in frontof the production halls of OschatzEnergy & Environment in Nanjing.The public is greeted, speeches areheld and then the red cloth falls,accompanied by enthusiastic applau-se. The Oschatz subsidiary’s fine newwork of art stretches towards the sky– the steel sculpture “Skills ScrollsTime”, designed by the Dutch artistHans Mes and produced togetherwith the employees of the company.The official unveiling of the sculptureon 11 November by the ManagingDirector of the Oschatz Group,Dr. Hans-Jürgen Schrag, and theManaging Director of Oschatz Ener-gy & Environment, Dirk Muilerman,marks the end of a remarkable jointproject. For some four months –beginning with the first design bythe sculptor and ending with thefinished sculpture – work in the pro-duction halls of Oschatz China focu-sed not “only” on cooling towersand co. Under the motto “Excellencethrough Tradition”, the work of arttoo was made here on site, requiring

The Oschatz workforce in 1954: Schneller, O. Wieczo-rek, Lipinski, Buchholz, Mrotzeck, Franke and Jäger(back row); Skrypeck, Stockamp, Heitzmann, Dittrich,Schürmann, Ebbers and Hobert (middle row); Bracht,Honisch, H. Wieczorek, Demel, Lieser and Böke.

Congratulating Dr. Schrag. At that time the officeswere still on Rüttenscheider Straße

“This is how a steam engine works.” The ChiefTechnology Officer Herbert Hüning lets the childrenshare the fascination.

It’s fun for the children when the sparks fly.

Fascinating: The construction on an big screen.

“What big sheets of paper”, marvelled the young guests.

Unveiled: in the space of some four months anine-metre-high sculpture was created at OschatzChina. The work now stands directly in front ofthe production halls.

a total of 4,000 man-hours investedby the workforce under the super-vision of Hans Beer and in closecollaboration with Hans Mes.

The result is an impressive steelsculpture nine metres in heightwhich acts as a monument to thelong tradition of the company (nowalmost 160 years old) and its deve-lopment into a highly specializedand successful plant constructor, andat the same time links the history ofthe company with that of China.Starting from a historic photographfrom the early days of Oschatz, nowburnt into steel, a Chinese scroll –very similar to the S-shaped pipe inthe Oschatz logo – winds up intothe sky. “This sculpture impressivelyconnects not only the historic andmodern aspects of Oschatz as acompany, but also the European andChinese cultures. This latter aspectis also particularly important for usas a Chinese subsidiary of a Germancompany”, explains Dirk Muilerman,who initiated this project. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Schrag was also enthusiasticabout the project. “The dedicationof the employees was particularly

? Mr Mes, does the sculpture have a particulartheme? And what materials did you use torealize it?

! For this sculpture Oschatz specified the theme“Excellence through Tradition”. When I workin China, the client can give me a theme andprovides me with materials, workplace andtools. I made the Oschatz sculpture from steel.

? What makes this sculpture special for you?

! This sculpture combines Chinese and Europe-an elements to create a clearly recognizable,quasi tailor-made meaning. The work of artshows that the significance of Oschatz knows noboundaries in relation to the Oschatz markets.The history and identity of the company, whose

the production hall: kitted out withprotective goggles and ear protectorsthey watched as a machine shapeda steel pipe in the space of seconds,which was then processed further byflame cutting and welding.

But the “Kids Day” – organizedby the city of Essen and its Children’sFoundation – was not only some-thing special for the children. Oschatzitself attaches great importance tothe event, and also has a particularconcern: “We too are increasinglybeing affected by the shortage ofengineers. That’s why we think it’svery important to get children inte-rested in technology and engineeringat an early age”, explains the ChiefTechnology Officer Herbert Hüning.And he adds, “Moreover, we reallyenjoyed taking the children behindthe scenes and giving them animpression of our work.”

impressive.” Dr. Schrag was so takenwith the work of the artist that heimmediately commissioned a secondwork from him – for the Turkish sub-sidiary Oschatz Enerji A.S.

roots lie in craftsmanship and which over theyears has grown to be a market leader, becomeclear in this work.

? You have frequently worked in China. What,for you, is special about China, the country andits people?

! I already became interested in China when Iwas just 19: in its philosophy, its multifacetedculture, the breathtaking landscapes and itsspecial social structure. I was deeply impressedby the gentle, polite attitude of these people.I regard this unconditional friendliness as a gift.It has inspired me to create this work of art,using my approach and my creative signature, sothat it mirrors the bridge between our cultures.

Happy after the successful conclusionto the project: the artist Hans Mes (left)and the Managing Director of OschatzChina, Dirk Muilerman.

3 questions to the artist

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8 Winter 2008/2009 9


No matter whether in Australia orArabia, in China or Germany – theplants of the Essen-based OschatzGroup are in operation worldwide.And more are being added: Oschatzproducts are being installed inRussia and Ukraine as well, becauseOschatz has received new ordersfrom the East with a volume ofsome 35 million euros. In the comingmonths the plant constructor willbe manufacturing and delivering atotal of 6 converter cooling towersfor the steelworks of Novolipetsk

Oschatz: success in the East

New orders in Ukraine and RussiaSteel (NLMK) in Lipetsk, Russia. Twomore will go into operation inUkraine, where Oschatz is producingtwo converter cooling towers foruse in the Zaporizhstal steelworksin Zaporozhye.

The engineering of these twocomponents, themselves each weig-hing many tonnes and containingup to 250 tonnes of molten crudeiron, is being undertaken at themain works in Essen together withthe subsidiary Oschatz Bohemia fromBudweis. Production is being hand-

“Which political framework con-ditions in the future will make alocation successful?” “What arethe materials concepts for tomor-row’s energy production?” And“What factors will the steel indus-try as a future sector need toadjust to?”

These and other questions werethe focus of attention at the STEEL2008 international annual confe-rence on 13 and 14 November.Guided by the motto “Performancefor tomorrow”, some 4,000 repre-sentatives of the iron and steelsector came together in the CCDCongress Center Düsseldorf toacquire new information, to swapideas and to engage in discussion.Staff of Oschatz and Reiningwere there not only as participantsbut also as exhibitors, representingthe two companies at their ownexhibition stand. After all, the in-ternational annual conference, withits chance to “talk steel” and tomeet other steel specialists, is nowa tradition for both companies.Nonetheless Oschatz and REININGalso broke new ground at theevent: for the first time the tradi-tional poster stand was replacedby an individual exhibition stand.

Performance for tomorrow

Oschatz atSTEEL 2008

The Oschatz Group has achievedimportant interim goals in the con-struction of the Substitute FuelPower Station (SFPS) of Mecklenbur-ger Kartoffelveredelung (MKV) inHagenow. Following a successfultopping-out ceremony in late sum-mer, Oschatz – responsible as gene-ral contractor for the turnkey pro-duction of the power station – hasnow also successfully conducted thepressure test. Together with TÜVNord the company undertook thisimportant leak and form retentiontest and subjected the Oschatz boilerplant to a pressure trial of – depen-ding on the pressure circulation –8 to 142.4 bar. This was a tough test

Oschatz is the general contractor for construction of the power station in Hagenow

Important interim goals achievedthat the Oschatz plant passed withflying colours.

This success and thus anotherimportant step towards the turnkeycompletion of the plant was officiallymarked by the pressure trial celebra-tion on 8 October. A little later, inmid-November, the completion ofthe assembly work and the initiationof the cold start-up was also achie-ved on schedule.

Since the award of contract inApril 2006 and the successful com-pletion of the approval procedureabout a year ago, the company hasbeen working flat out to get theplant in operation by early 2009.Then the modern plant will producearound 35 tonnes of steam, andthus process heat, per hour and alsogenerate around 7 MW of electricity.All this will be in line with the 17thFederal Control of Pollution Act, oneof the toughest sets of regulationsworldwide. “In this way – and espe-cially in view of the steadily risingenergy prices – the combined heatand power station will produce aneconomical, environmentally friendlyand sustainably cheap energy supply”,comments the Managing Director ofOschatz, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Schrag.

Oschatz has successfully completedthe biggest assembly commissionin the company’s history, worth noless than 13 million euros. At CorusIJmuiden in the Netherlands an old,rectangular cooling tower of theconverter K 21 was replaced by around Oschatz boiler in an operationtaking 45,000 assembly hours. The160-tonne cooling tower was pro-duced by Oschatz Enerji A.S. inTurkey – and on the day of assemblyit fitted to the millimetre. A crawlercrane with a crane capacity of 1,750tonnes and an extension of 108 me-tres lifted the five main elements ofthe boiler into position, where anot-her three on-site weld joints werethen made.

Despite difficult conditions suchas winds of more than 9 m/s duringthe crane-and-hoist assembly, itproved possible to carry out theassembly and commissioning in 72days and to produce the first batchon 29 October.

Successful assembly

Oschatz replaces Corus cooling tower

Satisfied with the progress of construction: OschatzManaging Director Dr. Hans-Jürgen Schrag, Dr. TillBackhaus (Minister for Agriculture, Environment andConsumer Protection in Mecklenburg-Western Pomera-nia), Gisela Schwarz (Mayor of Hagenow) and ReinhardLemke, General Manager of MKV, Europe’s leadingproducer of potato products, (from left to right) at thetopping-out ceremony.

A crawler crane is used to install the diverting elementof the cooling tower for Converter K 21.

led by the Oschatz plant in Turkey.The converter cooling towers arescheduled for delivery to the custo-mer in 16 to 18 months and, oncethey go into operation, will produceup to 40 tonnes of steam per hour.Two other converter cooling towersfrom the Oschatz Group are alreadyin use in Ukraine: the first success-fully began operation in the AMKsteelworks in Alchevsk at the startof the year, with the second comingon line at the same company inAugust.

The Oschatz and Reining trade-fair team GünterSpangardt (left) and Hans-Peter Lampe at the newindividual exhibition stand.

The Oschatz Group has successfullycompleted another major order in therole of general contractor and hasdelivered the Thermal Recycling PlantSchwarza (TRPS) to the MunicipalWaste Management AssociationSaale/Orla (ZASO). This 36-million-euro project was officially completedwhen the plant went into operationat the end of October.

The result is a modern plant tohigh technical standards. The coreof the plant is formed by the 250tonne, four-section Oschatz boilerwhich can produce a steam mass of32 tonnes per hour. Other specialfeatures included the sophisticatedflue gas purification with four cham-bers and a filter surface of 2,300 m2,and the 120-metre, free-standingsmokestack – one of the highest inGermany.

The Thermal Recycling PlantSchwarza is also intended to benefitthe companies at the location, and of

Successful order completion in Rudolstadt

Oschatz delivers Thermal Recycling Plant

In the furnace of the boiler, some10 to 12 tonnes of substitute fuelsper hour are combusted and thusthermally utilized at temperatures offar over 1,000 °C. The plant instal-led by Oschatz in Andernach hasalready been in this test phase for

Happy to be officially opening the TRPS (from left toright): Jörg Reichl (Mayor of Rudolstadt), Frank Roßner(District Administrator of Saale/Orla and Chairman ofZASO), Economy Minister Jürgen Reinholz, MarionPhilipp (District Administrator of Saalfeld-Rudolstadt),Mario Suckert (Departmental Head of the Federal StateAdministration Office), Andreas Krey (CEO of the Fede-ral State Development Company), Dr. Paul Cichonski(CEO of ZASO and Plant Manager of the TRPS) andHerbert Hüning (Chief Technology Officer, Oschatz).Photo: Oschatz.

several weeks as part of the “warmstart-up”. The following phase –switching of the steam generationsystem to supply the steam turbineand subsequent test operation – isdue to commence later in Decem-ber 2008 or January 2009.

Herbert Hüning, Chief Technology Officer at Oschatz,was one of the speakers at the ceremony marking theofficial delivery.

The Thermal Recycling Plant Schwarza during itsconstruction.

course the environment: 60,000tonnes of industrial waste will beburned in the plant every year. Theresulting process energy can thenbe put to further use – also by thesurrounding companies. This createsa closed circuit that reduces the useof fossil fuels through energy-produ-cing waste utilization and thus alsohelps to bring down levels of CO2.

Industrial Combined Heat and Power Station Andernach powers up

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10 Winter 2008/2009 Winter 2008/2009 11


BirthsAdditions to the“Oschatz family”The Steinhoff family is happyto announce the birth of Saraon 30 July 2008 at 9.56 pm.Length 51 cm and weight3,730 grams.

Congratulations and all thebest for the future!


We mourn our deceased employees and will always honourtheir memory.

Born Deceased

Ursel Plettenberg 29 August 1938 6 October 2008

Josef Sitnikov 4 February 1931 7 November 2008

“Round” birthdays in the first half of 2009

Special birthdays

60 years Birthday

Dr. Hans-Jürgen Schrag 12 March 1949

Günther Bonsiepe 12 March 1949

Branko Kasaj 10 May 1949

50 years

Dr. Klaus Meya 2 June 1959

Frank Peck 4 June 1959

Sabine Schulte-Mattler 18 June 1959

40 years

Ulf Vogt 17 January 1969

Frank Küntzel 3 March 1969

Joachim Steinhoff 29 March 1969

30 years

Aziz Inalkac 10 June 1979

Sara Steinhoff

After four years and threeattempts, Julie NderemaKahler and her husbandReinhard H. Kahler finallysucceeded in “tying theknot” on 18 July 2008.But here too time wasrather short, becauseReinhard H. Kahler hadjust one week for thejourney back from theconstruction site in Taran-to, his wedding and thejourney to the next construction site in Handan (China) – a weekwhich also involved all the preparations. Congratulations not only onthe wedding, but also on this logistical tour de force!

On a personal note

“We’re a small and seasoned team”,says Peter Thomas of the Assemblydepartment, which he has beenleading for around two years. Andthis “small team” has a large fieldof work. The list of tasks carriedout by the Assembly department islong and includes project planningwork, the production of smallerboiler components and extends tothe management of small and largeconstruction sites in Germany andabroad. Assembly costing and issuingoffers, developing assembly conceptsand specifications, personnel plan-ning, supervising and supportingthe current construction sites andcost monitoring – all these tasks arehandled by the back-office section.This comprises eight employees ofthe currently 35-strong department.They establish the basis for the

assembly work then carried out onsite by the site managers, foremen,chief fitters, welders and fitters, ormanufactured in Oschatz’s own smallworkshop in Essen.At any one time 26 Oschatz em-ployees are working on the construc-tion sites all over world. Especially onthe major construction sites, thesestaff members are supported byqualified subcontractors. “At themoment we have 11 separate orderscurrently being carried out”, revealsPeter Thomas. “In peak periods thisnumber can even rise to 20.” Thisrequires good planning, coordinati-on, mutual trust, dedication andflexibility.

“It’s here that we can rely onthe many years of experience of ourstaff and their outstanding devotionto their work”, says Peter Thomas.

And this really is the case with thestaff of the Assembly department,some of whom have been workingfor Oschatz for decades: “Togetherwe can draw on a total of 322 yearsof Oschatz experience.”

What happens in the … Assembly dept.?322 years of Oschatz experience in the assembly field

The staff of the Assembly dept. are in action onconstruction sites all over the world.

Bringing Christmas spirit from Salzburg to the ZollvereinWorld Cultural Heritage site in Essen: the artists of the“Salzburg Tobi Reiser Advent Singing”.

While the annual “Everyman” playis the great cultural event in Salzburgeach summer, in winter it’s the “Salz-burg Tobi Reiser Advent Singing” thatsets the tone. Every year this eventdraws over 40,000 enthusiastic visi-tors to the Domplatz square in Salz-burg. It was in 1946 that Tobi Reiserbegan this Christmas event that wasintended to provide people with so-lace and new optimism after the war,and which quickly became establis-hed throughout the country. Nowthanks to Oschatz the traditionalAdvent singing can be experiencednot only in Austria but this year inthe Ruhr region as well. Togetherwith Dr. Stephan Holthoff-Pförtner,the company is the main sponsor ofthe concert that will be taking placeat the Zollverein World CulturalHeritage Site for the first time. Withan ensemble of folk and professional

Christmas concert at the World Cultural Heritage site

Oschatz sponsors Advent Singing

artists and amateur musicians, the“Salzburg Advent Singing” will bringa sublime Christmas atmosphere toan industrial hall of the event locati-on, creating a special musical experi-ence with the sounds of zithers,dulcimers, guitars and harmonicas.

New at OschatzWelcome to the teamSince July 2008 10 new employees have joined Oschatz in Essen. We wish everyone plentyof enjoyment and success in their new jobs.

On Division

Peter Bolzen 1 September 2008 Commissioning

Carl Wolfgang Finck 1 September 2008 Technical Order Processing

Karsten Imping 1 September 2008 Technical Order Processing

Dominic Zander 1 September 2008 Data Processing

Klaus Fischer 1 October 2008 Technical Order Processing

Jörg Kant 1 October 2008 Maintenance

Jens-Olaf Wittenberg 17 November 2008 Technical Order Processing

Alexandr Sciuchin 1 December 2008 Construction/Steel Construction

Ilker Kanoglu 1 December 2008 Technical Order Processing

Ricardo Oliveira 1 December 2008 Technical Order Processing

Married at last

The evening began with mulled wine under a starrysky and ended with music and dance in Farmer Kam-mesheidt’s festival barn – the Oschatz Christmas partywas a resounding success this year as well. Around160 extremely good-humoured employees cametogether to celebrate a successful 2008. This year too,two guests undertook a particularly long journey:Mehmed Berberoglu, the General Manager of OschatzTurkey, and his wife who together experienced anOschatz Christmas party for the second time. And ofcourse, as the evening grew late, Hartwig Kaschubonce again struck up the Oschatz song and the entirecompany joined in.

Oschatz Christmas celebration

Page 7: OSCHATZ INFO - hansmes.comhansmes.com/static/uploads/publication/Oschatz-Info_2-08-E.qxp6_2.… · time envisaged a finance crisis or even a recession. And I must confess: neit-her


12 Winter 2008/2009

Madrid is an important trade andfinance centre at both the nationaland international levels. Moreover,the city forms the geographical,political and cultural centre of thecountry. It is the seat of governmentand it contains the official residenceof the royal family. A walk aroundthe medieval city centre, built chieflyduring the time of the Habsburgs,forms one of the high points of any

visit to Madrid, while a visit to thesuperb “El Prado” art museum is an-other must.

Lively and fun-lovingMadrid is an extremely lively city.One can find bars, concert cafés anddiscotheques everywhere – and thenightlife sometimes continues roundthe clock. Madrid really earns its re-putation as the city with the longest

… is how the residents of the Spanish metropolis like to

talk about their city. Madrid is not only the national capital,

but also a cosmopolitan city with modern infrastructures.

With some six million inhabitants in the Greater Madrid

area, the region is among Europe’s biggest centres of popu-

lation. And even without its suburbs, Madrid’s 3.2 million

inhabitants make it, along with London, Paris and Berlin,

one of the biggest cities of the European Union.

Our representative in Spain

“From Madrid to heaven …”

Impressum n Herausgeber: Oschatz GmbH, Essen n Konzeption und Gestaltung: commedia, Essen n Druck: Druckerei Daube, Essen

Madrid is one of Europe’s liveliest cities. On the left the old Post Office, today a communications centre, and on the right the Palacio Real royal palace. In the middle the Gate of Europe.






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Selke Consulting, S.L. is the Oschatz agency inSpain, headed by the graduate engineer AngelSelke. Selke Consulting is a technology-oriented

Our representative in Madrid

Angel Selke heads the Oschatz agency in Madrid

Not only an exclusive address for the Oschatz agency inMadrid, but with interiors to match; here the cafeteria.

Selke Consulting, S.L. • Avenida del Doctor Arce, 14 • E-28002 Madrid, Spain • Tel. +34 91 761 02 81 • E-Mail: [email protected]

consultancy and engineering firm with a focus onferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and on energyproduction. The agency is located at one of Madrid’smost exclusive and renowned business addresses andenjoys outstanding access – there are several metroand bus stops right in front of the door. The mainrailway station is just ten minutes away by metro,while one can drive to the airport in just twenty mi-nutes. There are numerous restaurants, shoppingfacilities, banks and hotels in the immediate vicinityof the building. The Retiro park is also close by andoffers fresh air, relaxation and a chance to clear one’smind. By the way, on 4 May 2009 Selke Consultingis planning a big celebration – to mark ten years ofthe firm’s successful collaboration with Oschatz.

nights in Europe. So don’t be surpri-sed if you suddenly get caught in atraffic jam at four o’clock in themorning. And hardly anybody willbe on their way to work at this time… These clubbing times take somegetting used to for non-Madrilenos:in Madrid people go out at ten inthe evening at the earliest, andusually later, and often like to remainout and about until six or seven inthe morning.

Football players and torerosThe best way to begin the eveningor the night is in one of the convivialstreet cafés, for instance on thePlaza Mayor or on the Plaza de SantaAna. This is the ideal starting pointfrom which you can then move onto the nightlife in the Huertas districtwith its countless pubs and bars.If you prefer to end the eveningmore quietly with dinner, then take aseat in the “Gaztelupe” or “AsadorDonostiarra” restaurants. With alittle luck you might see the footballstars of Real Madrid here, as well astoreros, artists, actors and otherimportant national and internationalfigures.