Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation 2009 Newsletter

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Introducing the Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation.of Los Angeles, California. Our goals are to enhance fellowship, achievement, community involvement, youth activities and civic awareness between the Department’s Black personnel and its communities.

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www.OJBFOUNDATION.COM ...email: [email protected]




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Directors At Large

De Shon Andrews


Johnny Baltazar


Angie McGee


Peter Whittingham



Ronnie Cato

Design & Production:

Elaine Cato


Mark Tappan

Peter Whittingham

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Meet the Board of Directors

Ronnie Cato

President —213-485-7336

James Edwards

1st Vice President—213-922-8271

Mark Tappan

2nd Vice President— 213-479-1234

Sharon Green

3rd Vice President— 213-473-4822

Debra Avery

Secretary —213-485-2613

Sabrina Williams

Assistant Secretary— 213-485-7336

Jerome Calhoun

Treasurer— 323—371-9855

Brian Brown


Janette Logan


Table of Contents:

Page 3-5 President’s Message -”What Is OJB Doing?”

Page 6-19 A Celebration of Life “Deputy Chief Kenneth O. Garner”

Page 20-24 OJB Pays Tribute to LAPD’s Black History

Page 25-26 Minister of Truth “A Wake Up Call for Black America”

Page 27-28 OJB’s Tribute to Our 1st African American 44th President

Page 29 LAPD: Sworn Personnel by Rank & Ethnicity

Page 30 2009-2010 Board Members

Page 31 OJB Black History Challenge “Be Black History Smart”

Page 32 Know Your Vocabulary

Page 33 The History of The Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation

Page 34-38 Thank You Letters Received by OJB

Page 39 Why We Should All Be A Member of The Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation

Page 40-41 OJB Supports Jack Weiss for our Next City Attorney

Page 42-43 The Destiny of an Alliance that History Forged

Mr. Guy Patrice Lumumba and his Visit to Los Angeles

Page 44-45 OJB Celebrates Martin Luther King Day 02-19-09

Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation

1968 W. Adams Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90018




[email protected]

(310) 608-2599 Phone

(310) 608-2566 Fax



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What is OJB Doing?

T he Organization continues to meet with Department and City officials to discuss the disparity of treatment and to reduce the equality gaps that minorities are faced with every day in this Department. We meet with community organizations to collaborate our efforts to address community problems and needs. We participate in recruiting African Americans into the Department, and we support political candidates who are committed to build coalitions to include minorities in the decision making positions within the City and the Department.

We pay tuition twice a year for our members to receive training any where in the United States or even out of the country, if they desire. We pay attorney consultation fees or a portion of the legal cost / fees for our members when they initiate law suits against the Department for discrimination or unfair treatment in the work place. We support children in the community by giving scholarships each year along with scholarships for the children of our own members. We provide up to $500.00 a year for college tuition reimbursement for each

member to encourage our members to complete their formal education and enable them to compete in the promotion process

The below list of activities highlight some of the many activities/accomplishments that OJB has achieved this year. If you are not a member of OJB, it is our hope that the below list of activities / accomplishments will inspire you to join this progressive Organization.

June 15, 2008

James Edwards, 1st Vice President of OJB

attended the funeral services of our beloved brother Thomas Felix in Las Vegas, Nevada. OJB also sent flowers and our love to the Felix family. Brother Felix will be missed.

July 24, 2008

OJB attended the funeral services of our beloved brother Ed Burns. OJB supported our beloved brother by financing the programs provided for the guests at the service. Baby Burns will be missed.

August 14, 2008

OJB assisted in hosting a block party with the residents of Carson for “Jersey”, a wonderful young child with leukemia. The neighborhood was turned into a carnival atmosphere with food and music from block to block.

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August 15, 2008

OJB supported an event for the Explorers sponsored by Office of Operations. This event was the brain child of Assistant Chief Earl Paysinger. The event supported over 1500 youths encouraging them to consider law enforcement as a career.

August 17-24, 2008

Sharon Green, 3RD

Vice President of OJB and Janette Logan, OJB Historian attended the 36

th Annual NBPA National Education

and Training Conference in St. Louis, Missouri.

September 4, 2008

OJB supported FAME Church with their back to school event. OJB provided $1,000 worth of paper and supplies to the children returning to school.

September 10, 2008

OJB supported the Ebony Reunion Bar-Be-Que held at Kenneth Hahn Park. The Ebony Reunion Bar-Be-Que is held annually to reunite retired African American LAPD officers for a day of fun and reminiscing of past experiences.

October 21, 2008

OJB supported and helped sponsor „Movies

(Continued from page 3) in the Park” organized by OSB, this was the brain child of the late Deputy Chief Kenneth Garner. The event supported over 200 youths by allowing the children to watch movies in their local park. They enjoyed popcorn and candy as part of their treat.

October 26, 2008

OJB along with ABLE sponsored a leadership training seminar. Franklin Covey Leadership Group, who is considered the world‟s leading leadership training institution , was hired to provide the training. The members that attended the training received some of the best leadership training in the world.

November 5-9, 2008

OJB hosted the NBPA Western Region Fall Education & Training Conference at the Radisson, LAX 6225 W. Century Bl. Three days of outstanding training was provided by some of the greatest instructors in the country.

November 10, 2008

OJB supported and sponsored a Toast Masters open house at the media room, 3


floor, Communications Building to encourage Department employees to learn more about developing speaking skills.

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November 21, 2008

OJB supported the Explorer Program breakfast at USC. The explorers were invited to work with the command staff officers for a day. This was the brainchild of Assistant Chief Earl E. Paysinger.

December 7, 2008

OJB attended and supported the Randal D. Simmons Outreach Foundation annual Legacy of Love Program held at the Trump National Golf Club in Rancho Palos Verdes. This was a worthwhile event.

December 6, 2008

OJB supported the Angel Tree Prison Ministry by purchasing Christmas gifts for children who has parents incarcerated in the prison institution

December 18, 2008

OJB sponsored the Audubon Junior High School Boot Camp by purchasing uniforms for the students. OJB adopted Audubon Middle School, which is located in Southwest Area. OJB is committed to help improve the lives of the Audubon students.

January 20, 2009

OJB supported the MLK Leadership breakfast at USC held by Chief Bratton.

The community and community leaders were all invited to kick off the MLK parade.

(Continued from page 4)


January 20, 2009

OJB participated by marching in the Martin Luther King Parade. The community came alive with pride watching African American officers marching down the street and looking good in their class “A” uniforms. The community applauded and cheered with love, it was a sight to see.

February 19, 20, 21, 2009

The Board of OJB attended a leadership retreat in Las Vegas to focus on future goals and objectives to improve the organization.

March 18, 2009

OJB made a donation to Helping Hands. Helping Hands was founded by female police personnel and a school educator. They knew that there had to be more to life than just arresting people and passing students to the next grade regardless if they were adequately prepared. They give numerous donations and work on alcohol and drug recovery.

April 9, 2009

OJB met with other employee groups on the steps of City Hall to give our support to Councilman Jack Weiss for City Attorney of Los Angeles. OJB believes that Mr. Weiss has the right combination of experience as a former prosecutor and City Councilman to be the next city attorney of Los Angeles. ~~~

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A son, brother, father, friend, frat-brother,

partner, boss, mentor, humanitarian and leader, these are the words used to describe my “Department Dad” Deputy Chief Kenneth Garner. Chief Garner selected me as his Adjutant at Operations-West Bureau in July 2007, soon after being promoted to the position of Deputy Chief. I remember like it was yesterday when Chief Garner called and offered me the position of Adjutant. I was so excited I squealed on the phone. He started laughing and said, “Well be prepared to work.” And work we did. He was very focused, firm and demanding. He wanted what he wanted when he wanted it, but you were always willing to make it happen because you saw how passionate and dedicated he truly was about the mission and how he himself led from the front.

An avid Laker fan, Chief Garner utilized the “triangle” in police work: crime reduction, the officers and the community. He would say you need all three working for you and you working for them in order to be truly successful. I was so blessed to have the opportunity to see such a great man put his wisdom, expertise and compassion to work everyday and enjoy it. He would come to work with the intent to make a difference and have fun doing it.

When he was notified that he might be

assigned to Operations-South Bureau he asked me if I would be willing to go with him. I said, “Sure.” He said, “I knew you had my back.” I cannot express what an honor and privilege it was. We both had been raised in South Bureau and had family ties and community connections, it went without saying that we were going home. Chief Garner would go to various community meetings whether with gang interventionists or the media and always was able to connect with his audience somehow.

He was a dynamic speaker and never appeared to be nervous. I would ask, how do you know what to say when you don’t even know what will be asked? He would say, “Always prepare yourself. Know your audience. Know your crime information, and know yourself. Listen carefully to what’s being said because a lot of times the speaker does not listen. They just want to be heard. Make sure your audience knows that you are paying attention and address their concerns as soon as possible if you don’t have the answer right then.” He said, if you get the opportunity, join a Toastmasters club (which I did) to help you with public speaking.

He was very concerned and sincere about the various issues facing the Department as well as the community, but even more so with issues and personnel within his Bureau. He had an open door policy and was always willing to help anyone when asked. He always asked for the names and

(Continued on page 8)

Deputy Chief Kenneth O. Garner

My LAPD Mentor

By Lieutenant II, Chris Waters

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contact numbers of employees that were injured or sick within his Bureau and would personally give them a call or visit.

Everyday was a new lesson with Chief Garner. He always reached back to help others and provided opportunities for those who were willing to seriously work. He was not afraid to think outside the box. He had such vision. I remember when he was discussing the Parolee Re-Entry Program with Commander Jackson, myself and others. By the time he finished we were all excited. Chief Garner then set it in motion by saying, “Let’s funk this thing.” We were all on fire and have been ever since.

Although, Kenneth Garner was a Deputy Chief he was very humble. There was nothing too big or small that he would not do if he saw it needed to be done. One day we were coming back to OSB and the 77th front desk was quite busy. Chief went back behind the desk and began helping out the desk officers. It’s so funny because he never forgot who he was and would always advise that was very important in everyday living.

Chief Garner’s main message was that we had an expectation and obligation to be the best we could be at all times and groom and help others. We have a duty to give back and share our knowledge and ourselves.

He was a true family man devoted to his Mom, Dad and daughter, Lauren. He would say he was going to get away with his family for a few days. He would have to be reminded to vacate while on vacation and not to worry about the Bureau. He was getting better at this.

(Continued from page 7) A true leader, giant, gentleman and friend, we have truly suffered a huge loss to our Department, community and organization. One who was not afraid to stand in the midst of adversity, he believed that one should stand up for what is right even if it is not popular to do so. He was always willing to share and care. OJB was a part of his heart and whenever asked to speak or participate at a function, he was there no matter how many were in attendance. He provided insight and care to all of us, working feverishly behind the scenes to help others achieve. So many of us came to him with some skills and positive attributes, but once we were under his wing, Chief Garner encouraged and supported us, built our confidence, made us stronger, wiser and better.

Thank you and may God bless and keep you, our beloved Deputy Chief Garner, until we meet again.

Deputy Chief Garner was always reading and forwarding articles, emails or books of encouragement to make life better for us and others. Attached is an email I received from him that I think would benefit us all.



GREAT RECIPE 1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every

day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.

2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Talk to God about what is going on in your life. Buy a lock if you have to.

(Continued on page 9)

Deputy Chief Kenneth O. Garner

My LAPD Mentor

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3. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement: 'My purpose is to__________ today. I am thankful for______________.

4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.

5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli , almonds & walnuts.

6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.

7. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

8. Eat breakfast like a king/queen, lunch like a prince/princess and dinner like a pauper.

9. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 10. Life is too short to waste time hating

anyone. 11. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one

else does. 12. You are not so important that you have to

win every argument. Agree to disagree. 13. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil

the present. 14. Don't compare your life to others. You have

no idea what their journey is all about. 15. No one is in charge of your happiness except

you. 16. Frame every so-called disaster with these

words: 'In five years, will this matter?' 17. Forgive everyone for everything. 18. What other people think of you is none of

your business.

(Continued from page 8) 19. GOD heals everything - but you have to

ask and believe. 20. However good or bad a situation is, it

will change. 21. Your job won't take care of you when

you are in need. Your friends will. Stay in touch!!!

22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

23. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: I am thankful for __________. Today I accomplished _________.

24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.

25. When you are feeling down, start listing your many blessings. You'll be smiling before you know it.~~~

Deputy Chief Kenneth O. Garner

My LAPD Mentor


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LAPD’s Black history was first truly captured by our beloved brother Homer F. Broome Jr. who

passed away 2007. The Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation has contracted with the honorable Firpo W.

Carr, Ph.D. as a Black history researcher to continue in the footsteps of our dearly departed

brother Broome to record the Black History of LAPD today, 2009 and the future. In this issue, he

has interviewed the first African American Chief of Police Willie Williams, Second, African

American Chief Bernard C. Parks and one of five African American Female Captains, Tia

Morris .~~~

Dr. Firpo Carr, Ph.D. is an Educator, biblical scholar and the

author of several books. Dr Carr is well traveled, and has

carefully studied ancient languages around the world. He is

the perfect man for the job!

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OJB Pays Tribute to LAPD’s Black History

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W illie L. Williams is best known in his roles of Chief of Police of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and Commissioner of the Philadelphia Police Department. At the LAPD he was the top executive of an organization with 12,800 employees and an annual operating budget of $1.4 billion. During his five-year tenure the LAPD developed its first strategic

business plan, instituted community policing and created a diverse work force which led to a restoration of public confidence in the Department. During that time, Mr. Williams also served as Chairman of the Los Angeles Emergency Operations Board, which oversaw the continued development and implementation of the City’s emergency operations and disaster recovery program. In Philadelphia, his innovative community policing efforts allowed Williams to rise through the ranks from patrolman to Deputy Police Commissioner and eventually Police Commissioner during his 24-year career with the Department.

Immediately after leaving high profile positions as the Chief of Police of the Los Angeles Police Department and Police Commissioner of the Philadelphia Police Department, Mr. Williams operated a strategic business planning and law enforcement management consulting firm, Willie L. Williams & Associates, that assisted both private and public organizations in the public safety and private security arenas.

Williams served as the ranking Transportation Security Administration (TSA) authority at Hartsfield – Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Atlanta Georgia, between March 2002 and July 2008. Since then he has served as the TSA National Law Enforcement Coordinator. Willie L. Williams provided operational leadership for all Federal security responsibilities at the world’s busiest airport. Beginning in March 2002, he spearheaded the transition of security functions from private entities and the Federal Aviation Administration to the TSA while implementing congressionally mandated changes to the aviation security system. Mr. Williams was one of the first Federal Security Directors named by Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta and brings over 30 years of law enforcement experience to the position.

Prior to joining TSA in 2002, Mr. Williams served as Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Dallas-based Argus Services Corporation, a medical management and consulting company.

He graduated from the FBI’s National Executive Institute and attended Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government Management Development Course and Eckerd College’s Center for Creative Leadership.

Williams is the author of Taking Back Our Streets – Fighting Crime in America (1996), as well as numerous law enforcement publications and has received many national honors, including the William French Smith Award for Community Service from the U.S. Attorney General, the Whitney M. Young Award from the National Urban League and Lloyd Sealy Award for Excellence in Law Enforcement by the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives. ~~~

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B ernard C. Parks was only the second African

American Chief of Police of the Los Angeles Police Department.

His tenure followed that of the first African American Chief of Police in the history

of the LAPD, Willie L. Williams. Parks spent 38 years as a police officer with the

Department. Beginning his career at a time when patrol cars were just recently

integrated he rose through the ranks of one of the nation’s largest municipal law

enforcement agencies to become Chief of Police in 1997.

Park’s became a sworn officer in 1965. After being sworn in as an officer

Parks would be subsequently promoted in three four-year increments. After

becoming a police officer in 1965 he made sergeant in 1969. Four years later, in

1973, he made lieutenant. In yet another four years—1977—he made captain.

Then in 1980 he was promoted to commander. Taking him twice as long as

normal, it would be a full eight years before he made deputy chief in 1988. It was

at that time that he reverted to his four-year pattern of promotion. So, in 1992 he

promoted to assistant chief. Then in three years, in 1977, he attained the rank of

Chief of Police, and served the people of the City of Los Angeles in that capacity for

five years.

As Chief, Parks implemented some of the most rigorous police reforms ever

proposed in the Department’s history, including the institution of an Officer

Accountability Policy. He also made it easier for the community to file complaints

against problem officers by streamlining the Citizen Complaint System. Under

Parks, the City of Los Angeles saw homicides fall by 45%, rape assaults drop by

nearly 20%, and robberies decline by over 45%. (Continued on page 23)


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After leaving law enforcement Parks ran for city council and won in 2003.

In his more that 40 years as a public servant, Parks has remained closely tied

to his community. Aside from patrolling L.A.’s street as a young officer, Parks

dedicated many volunteer years to youth activities in the district. He coached

Baldwin Hills Youth Football for 10 years and mentored the likes of National

Football League Hall-of-Famer Warren Moon and many other kids who grew to

become successful community and business leaders. During his Hall-of-Fame

induction speech, Moon described Parks as ―a guy who instilled values in me at

a very young age, showed me discipline and taught me hard work and

dedication‖. Parks and his wife, Bobbie, are involved in numerous community

groups, such as: the Challengers Boys & Girls Club, the Los Angeles Urban

League and the Brotherhood Crusade. He is also a life-time member of the

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

Recognized as a longtime voice for minority communities, in 2006 Parks’

footprints were added to the International Civil Rights Walk of Fame in Atlanta,


Bernard C. Parks received his Bachelor of Science degree from Pepperdine

University and his Master’s in Public Administration from the University of

Southern California (USC). He and Bobbie have been married for 40 years and

are the proud parents of four children: Felicia, Michelle, Trudy and Bernard, Jr.

The 8th Council District includes the communities of Baldwin Hills, Crenshaw,

Leimert Park, West Adams, Jefferson Park, Chesterfield

Square and other areas of South Los Angeles. ~~~

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C aptain Morris is one of five African American captains on the Los Angeles Police Department. She was born in

Coffeyville, Kansas, in 1958 and moved to California in November of 1970 at the age of 12. Tia grew up in the Ladera Heights section of Los Angeles reared by a single mother

(Father deceased). Tia attended Orville Wright Junior High, Westchester High, and Cal State University Los Angeles. Tia joined the Los Angeles Police Department in January

of 1981, was promoted to Detective in August of 1990, Sergeant in August of 1993, Lieutenant in July 2003, and Captain in October 2008. As an officer, Tia’s assignments have included North Hollywood Area Patrol, Jail Division, West Los

Angeles Patrol, Central Traffic Division, Traffic Coordination Section and Juvenile Division. As a Detective Tia worked Juvenile Division, Internal Affairs Division and Central Traffic Division Detectives. As a Sergeant, Tia worked Newton Patrol Division

and Foothill Patrol Division. As a Lieutenant, Tia’s assignments were in Central Patrol Division, Mission Area Detectives, Internal Affairs Division and Robbery Homicide

Division. Upon her promotion to Captain, she was assigned to Southwest Area Patrol. As the Patrol Captain at Southwest, Captain Morris will oversee a command of sworn and civilian personnel who are responsible for Patrol functions in an area of South Los

Angeles which includes historic venues such as the Los Angeles Coliseum, the Sports Arena, Shrine Auditorium, the University of Southern California, and Baldwin Hills

Shopping Areas. Captain Morris is a resident of Quartz Hill, California, where she lives with her

husband of 26 years, Detective III PJ Morris, Northeast Area Homicide Coordinator, and adult daughter Los Angeles Police Officer and San Jose State University Alum Brittany Morris of West Los Angeles Division. Tia also has another

adult daughter Natalia Sheree Morris, an aspiring filmmaker and senior at California State University Northridge. Tia attends the First African Methodist Episcopal Church

located in the Southwest Area of Los Angeles where she has been a faithful member since 1985. Tia’s support for her community was evidenced by her participation as assistant coach and team mom in youth co-ed and girls’ basketball leagues in the San

Fernando Valley for many years, and as a member of the San Jose State University Booster’s Association. In September 2005, Tia produced a student film written and directed by her daughter Natalia, which highlighted Domestic Violence involving teens

based on a true story. Tia is a certified State Advocate for Victims of Domestic Violence and has used her film to raise money for a selected women’s shelter in the

San Fernando Valley. The educational version of her film is featured as part of the curriculum in the Department’s 10 week Dart Program. Tia is a breast cancer survivor, who continues to support the March of Dimes and American Cancer Society

with charitable giving annually. ~~~

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dollars during Christmas, out of their 450 billion dollars in total yearly income (2.22%). Any of us can use them as our target market, for any business venture we care to dream up, no matter how outlandish, they will buy into it. Being primarily a consumer people, they function totally by greed. They continually want more, with little thought for saving or investing. They would rather buy some new sneaker than invest or start a business. Some even neglect their children to have the latest Tommy or FUBU, and they still think that having a Mercedes, and a big house gives them "Status" or that they

have achieved their Dream...

They are fools! The vast majority of

their people are still in

poverty because their greed holds them

back from collectively making better communities. With the help of BET, and the rest of their black media that often broadcast destructive images into their own homes, we will continue to see huge profits like those of Tommy and Nike. (Tommy Hilfiger has even jeered them, saying he doesn't want their money, and look at how the fools spend more with him than ever before!). They'll continue to show off to each other while we build solid communities with

(Continued on page 26)

Dee Lee a Harvard Financial Educator was reading this one morning on a New York radio station. For those of you who didn't hear it, this is very deep. This is a heavy piece written by a Caucasian about African Americans

Dee Lee, CFP

Harvard Financial Educators THEY ARE STILL OUR SLAVES we can continue to reap profits from the Blacks without the effort of physical slavery. Look at the current methods of containment that they use on themselves: IGNORANCE, GREED, and SELFISHNESS. Their IGNORANCE is the primary weapon of containment. A great man once said, "The best way to hide something from Black people is to put it in a book." We now live in the Information Age. They have gained the opportunity to read any book on any subject through the efforts of their fight for freedom, yet they refuse to read. There are numerous books readily available at Borders, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon.com, not to mention their own Black Bookstores that provide solid blueprints to reach economic equality (which should have been their fight all along), but few read consistently, if at all. GREED is another powerful weapon of containment. Blacks, since the abolition of slavery, have had large amounts of money at their disposal. Last year they spent 10 billion

“Their IGNORANCE is the primary weapon of


A Wake Up Call

for Black


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the profits from our businesses that we market to them. SELFISHNESS, ingrained in their minds through slavery, is one of the major ways we can continue to contain them. One of their own, Dubois said that there was an innate division in their culture. A "Talented Tenth" he called it. He was correct in his deduction that there are segments of their culture that has achieved some "form" of success. However, that segment missed the fullness of his work. They didn't read that the Talented Tenth" was then responsible to aid The Non-Talented Ninety Percent in achieving a better life. Instead, that segment has created another class, a Buppie class that looks down on their people or aids them in a condescending manner. They will never achieve what we have. Their selfishness does not allow them to be able to work together on any project or endeavor of substance. When they do get together, their selfishness lets their egos get in the way of their goal. Their so-called help organization seem to only want to promote their name without making any real change in their


They are content to sit in conferences

and conventions in our hotels, and talk

(Continued from page 25)

about what they will

do, while they award plaques

to the best speakers, not to the

best doers. Is there no end to

their selfishness? They

steadfastly refuse to see that TOGETHER EACH ACHIEVES MORE (TEAM) They do not understand that they are no better than each other because of what they own, as a matter of fact, most of those Buppies are but one or two pay checks away from poverty. All of which is under the control of our pens in our offices and our rooms. Yes, we will continue to contain them as long as they refuse to read, continue to buy anything they want, and keep thinking they are "helping" their communities by paying dues to organizations which do little other than hold lavish conventions in our hotels. By the way, don't worry about any of them reading this letter, remember, 'THEY DON'T READ!!!!

How do you feel after reading how so many of our counterparts feel about us. We as African Americans can change this perception by internalizing and

practicing the principles of the Nguzo Saba and Ma’at.

Nguzo Saba


2.-Self determination

3.-Collective work and responsibility

4.-Coopertive economics












The OJB Foundation has been trying to get many of you to practice these methods for years. Start today! ~~~


“Their selfishness does not allow them to be able to work together

on any project or endeavor of substance.”

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B arack

Hussein Obama

ran an amazing

campaign that

proved his ability

to accomplish what

some said would be

an impossible goal.


exhibited intense

focus and steadfast

determination and

are a true inspiration to all.

Barack Obama was elected

president on Nov. 4, 2008,

becoming the first African-

American to claim the

highest office in the land,

an improbable candidate

Page 27

dream. Obama's

Inauguration took place in

Washington, D.C. on Jan.

20, 2009.

A nation that in living

memory struggled

violently over racial

equality will have as its

next president a 47-

year-old, one-term

U.S. senator born of a

Kenyan father and

Kansan mother. He is

the first president

elected from Chicago

and the first to rise

from a career in

Illinois politics since

Abraham Lincoln

emerged from frontier

obscurity to lead the

nation through the

Civil War and the

abolition of slavery.


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RANK Black Hispanic Asian Caucasian American

Indian Filipino Total

CHIEF 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

ASSISTANT CHIEF 1 0 0 2 0 0 3

DEPUTY CHIEF 0 3 1 5 0 0 9

COMMANDER 4 2 0 11 0 0 17

CAPTAIN III 7 4 1 28 0 0 40

CAPTAIN II 3 2 1 8 0 0 14

CAPTAIN I 7 7 1 9 0 0 24

LIEUTENANT II 22 37 8 104 0 0 171

LIEUTENANT I 11 31 7 59 0 0 108

SERGEANT II 85 135 28 225 3 2 478

SERGEANT I 115 198 41 330 6 3 693

DETECTIVE III 62 118 13 179 0 2 374

DETECTIVE II 104 241 45 272 3 10 675

DETECTIVE I 73 279 55 275 5 10 687

POLICE OFFICER III 284 887 155 772 7 54 2,159

POLICE OFFICER II 339 1,620 239 1,194 17 84 3,496

POLICE OFFICER I 71 504 66 243 3 24 912

TOTAL 1,188 4,068 661 3,707 44 189 9,861

Los Angeles Police Department

Sworn Personnel by Rank & Ethnicity

January 2009

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Board Members


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Brian Brown Parliamentarian

Ronnie Cato President

Peter Whittingham, Director at Large

Johnny Baltazar Director at Large

Mark Tappan 2nd Vice President

Jerome Calhoun Treasurer

James Edwards 1st Vice President

Sharon Green 3rd Vice President

Sabrina Williams Assistant Secretary

Janette Logan Historian

DeShone Andrews Director at Large

Debra Avery Secretary

Angie McGee Director at Large



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Black History: Challenge Your Knowledge of African American

Heritage and “Be Black History Smart!”

President Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. 44th U.S. President, 1st African American

U.S. President

Barack and Michelle Obama on their wedding

day, October 18, 1992

8) Question: Who is the

older man in the above pic-


Answer: Barack Hussein

Obama Sr. The President’s



Answer: President Barack Hussein

Obama II

7) Question: Who won a Grammy

Award in 2006 for Best Spoken

Word Recording.

Answer: Barack Hussein Obama. It

was for the audio version of his

book Dreams From My Father.

8) Question: Who are the two people

in the picture:

Answer: Stanley Ann Dunham (1942-

1995), known as Ann, came from an

old American family. President

Obama’s mother.

1) Question: Born August 4, 1961

is the 44th and current President of

the United States. He is the

first African American to hold this


Answer: : Barack Hussein Obama


2) Question: What Law school and

university did Obama graduate and


Answer: President Obama was a

graduate of Columbia University

and Harvard Law School.

3) Question: Who was Harvard

Law School first African American

President for the review?

Answer: Barack Hussein Obama II

4) Question: When did Obama

launched a bid for president of the


Answer: In early 2007 and

competed in a close contest in

the 2008 Democratic Party


primaries against Hillary R. Clinton

5) Question: Who is the Caucasian

gentlemen sitting next to the African

American boy in the picture to the


Answer: Barack Hussein Obama’s

grand father, Stanley Dunham II.

6) Question: What famous

signature is listed in the next


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11 Most Often Mispelled Misspelled Words in English

I have provided a one-stop cure for all your spelling ills. Here are the 11 of 100 words most often misspelled ('misspell' is one of them). Each word has a mnemonic pill with it and, if you swallow it, it will help you to remember how to spell the word. Master the orthography of the words on this page and reduce the time you spend searching dictionaries by 50%.


Several words made the list because of the suffix pronounced -êbl but sometimes

spelled -ible, sometimes -able. Just remember to accept any table offered to you and you will spell this word OK.

a lot

Two words! Hopefully, you won't have to allot a lot of time to this problem.


A parent need not be apparent but "apparent" must pay the rent, so remember this

word always has the rent.


This word has an [e] between two [a]s. The last vowel is [a].

embarrass (ment)

This one won't embarrass you if you remember it is large enough for a double [r]

AND a double [s].


The apostrophe marks a contraction of "it is." Something that belongs to it is "its."


What is more embarrassing than to misspell the name of the problem? Just

remember that it is mis + spell and that will spell you the worry about spelling "spell."


Funny Story (passed along by Bill Rudersdorf): The assistant Vice-President of

Personnel notices that his superior, the VP himself, upon arriving at his desk in the morning opens a small, locked box, smiles, and locks it back again. Some years later when he advanced to that position (inheriting the key), he came to work early one morning to be assured of privacy. Expectantly, he opened the box. In it was a single piece of paper which said: "Two Ns, one L." ~~~



They're all pronounced the same but spelled differently. Possessive is "their" and the contraction of "they are" is "they're." Everywhere else, it is "there

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By Elaine


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The History of The Oscar

Joel Bryant Foundation

It was May 13, 1968, when Officer Oscar Joel Bryant, working a one-person unit, responded to a radio call of a robbery in progress. Being the first officer to respond to the scene he requested back up and then single-handedly confronted three suspects. Without warning, one of the suspects drew a concealed weapon and fired upon Officer Bryant, fatally wounding him. Although Officer Bryant was mortally wounded he continued to exchange gunfire, preventing the escape of the three suspects and made their capture possible by the responding officers.

Bryant’s heroic effort was forever ingrained in the Los Angeles Police Department’s history and the Department has memorialized Officer Bryant as the first black officer killed in the line of duty. (Note: Until 1998, it was believed that Officer Bryant was the first Black officer killed in the line of duty. This was corrected after discovering that a Black LAPD

officer named Charles P. Williams, had been killed in the line of duty on January 13, 1923. Williams laid in the grave yard for 75 years without a headstone.)

It was in the spirit of honoring Officer Bryant’s ultimate sacrifice, that encouraged a group of Black officers, in September of 1968 to take a stand against the racism and discrimination they faced in the Los Angeles Police Department. The Black officers took this stance by calling a meeting of all Black officers to discuss and find resolutions for the racism and discrimination that they faced within the Department. From that historic meeting an association was born, which later became the OJB Foundation.

Why Is It Important To Belong To The Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation?

History reveals that hiring, promotions, career opportunities and discipline continue to show a pattern of disparity of treatment towards minority employees. The Foundation’s goals are to ensure that all members are treated fairly and protected against any form of discrimination in the work place; to assist the members in promotions, career advancement, career survival, financial security after retirement, provide scholarships to their children, and offer all members a pre-paid legal service. The Foundation’s goals do not stop within the Department. OJB continues to establish fellowships with the residential and business community, other law enforcement associations, support local city youth activities and improve relationships between the Department’s African American personnel and the African American community. In order to continue a progressive opposition against discrimination and to foster a better relationship with the community, all members of the Department are invited to join the crusade for fairness and correctness by becoming a member of the Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation. The OJB Foundation has approximately 600 members and

continues to grow. ~ ~ ~


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Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation * 1968 West Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018 * (213) 608-2599

Fax: (213) 608-2566 Website: www.ojbfoundation.com

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To: Potential OJB Member

From: The Board of Directors, OJB

Subject: Why We Should All Be a Member of the Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation

T he Board of Directors of the Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation would like to invite you to join the Foundation and share in our vision to promote fairness and equality for all Department employees. It is our belief that OJB promotes and advocates the best interest for African American employees on this Department. We cannot achieve our full potential, in the battle to promote fairness and equality for our members, without the full support of our membership. Every minority group of employees on this Department has an organization representing their interest. We as African American employees will continue to be left out of the main stream unless we fully recognize the value of unity.

While the subject of racial insensitivity continues to be the primary barrier affecting the progress of African American employees on this Department, it is not the only issue confronting us at this time. We must work together to expose the obvious double standards in the areas of discipline, recruitment, pay grade advancements, promotions, selections to coveted positions and selections to specialized units. These are just a few of the areas in which African American employees have experienced obvious double standards on this Department. We must not forget about the other areas less likely to be detected because of the way they are crafted behind the scene.

In our effort to revitalize the Foundation, we have embarked on an ambitious program to provide training and support to our members in the areas of career advancement, oral interview techniques, career survival, financial planning and legal support. We are committed to do everything in our collective power to protect the rights of our members from discrimination, racism, and other acts that violate our rights as employees. To be successful in this endeavor, we need you to be a part of the team.

We will soon be announcing a time and date for our next general meeting where we will further discuss the many issues affecting African American employees on this Department. We will also use the meeting to discuss our short and long term goals for the Foundation.

We sincerely hope that you will join us by signing the membership application on the back of this newsletter. This is the first step in forming a united effort to effectively utilize our collective resources to make this Department a better place to work. In the mean time, thank you in advance for your support of OJB, and if you need any additional information, you may contact any of the Board members. ~ ~ ~


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J ack Weiss was elected to the 5th District of the City

Council in June 2001 and reelected on March 8,

2005. The district includes parts of the San

Fernando Valley and West Los Angeles.

Much of Jack Weiss’ legislative program is dedicated to

improving the City’s ability to fight crime, prevent disasters

and respond to emergencies, particularly through improved

local homeland security. In 2002 he wrote ―Preparing Los

Angeles for Terrorism – A Ten-Point Plan‖ which is among

the most thorough assessments of local threat

preparedness in the nation. In 2002, the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC)

selected him as the ―New Democrat of the Week‖ to recognize his leadership on

local security, and he was named one the ―100 New Democrats to Watch‖ in 2003.

A former federal prosecutor, Jack Weiss works to ensure that police policies and

practices reflect modern standards. As Chair of the Council’s Public Safety Committee, he is leading the effort to grow the Los Angeles Police Department

(LAPD) to 10,000 officers and he strives to achieve meaningful police reform. He has led the way to improve the use of DNA testing by LAPD to identify and prosecute rapists. In 2005 he received the Humanitarian Award from the Los

Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women, and the Los Angeles County

Sexual Assault Coordinating Council honored him for his work in 2003.

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The Destiny of an Alliance that History Forged

Mr. Guy Patrice Lumumba

and his Visit to Los

Angeles by Nehanda Sankofa-Ra

Some of you may remember when I was

installed as a Queen Mother in Ghana and the beautiful

pictures that symbolized that moment. Since then I started a non-profit called

―Mothers for Africa‖ to help my village. I became a radio

talk show host on an internet radio station to help raise funds for my village.

One of my most memorable interviews was with Guy Patrice Lumumba, the son of a prominent slain Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Patrice Emery Lumumba. I met Mr. Lumumba during my radio talk

show in which I interviewed him about his run for Presidency of the DRC in 2006. Unfortunately, he did not obtain the presidency due to fraudulent politics

and voter suppression.

Mr. Lumumba came to Los Angeles to meet with a local talented artist named Nigel Bins who is constructing a 61 ft amazing bronze statue in the

image of his slain father Patrice Lumumba. Guy Lumumba is a humanitarian like his father and he would like to change the political climate in the DRC. His visit to the United States has cemented

our relationship so I call this the destiny of an alliance that history forged. We are now working together on humanitarian aid for the Congo and arranging connections with business people who seek to start viable businesses to help

with the development of the Congo, which represents the mission statement of

Mothers for Africa.

This alliance has been forged because currently in the DRC there are over

two million orphaned children, over seven hundred thousand women and children rape survivors and almost six million murdered since 1998 and

according to the latest estimates, fifteen hundred die each day making this one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. The rapes are horrendous including unthinkable means of inserting knives inside of women causing most

of them to seek out reconstructive surgery. The rapes are done in front of the entire village leaving them humiliated and often ostracized from their

(Continued on page 43)

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communities because of shame and the fear of AIDS. Some women walk over twenty miles or up to three months just to get to a clinic and when they arrive the

clinics often do not have pain pills or even a band aid and the women have to wait

days or months to receive treatment.

Foreign companies are profiting from the unregulated mining and selling of vast mineral deposits such as diamonds, gold, copper, cobalt and coltan. The

DRC holds 80 percent of the world’s reserves of coltan, a heat-resistant mineral ore widely used in cellular phones, laptop computers, video games, jet engines,

rockets, cutting tools, camera lenses, x-ray film, ink jet printers, hearing aids and many other electronic devises. The ore derives its name from a contraction of columbium-tantalite, the scientific nomenclature; because of this the DRC is the

richest country in the world with the poorest people.

Foreign multi-national corporations have benefited tremendously from the exploitation of coltan in the DRC. The coltan is reportedly mined by rebels and

neighboring countries (Rwanda, Uganda & Burundi) and sold to foreign


This exploitation of the DRC has fueled human trafficking, rape, death and

forced labor of innocent people in their own country, making this one of the

greatest genocides in modern history.

Please join us with this collective effort. My organization is sponsoring a

used clothing and cell phone drive. The cell phones are recycled for the coltan. We plan to fill a container and have it shipped to the DRC. We also seek funds to help with the shipping of this cargo, we really stress the funds because people have

mostly been donating clothes and we really need to be able to ship the clothes. Contributions of one dollar, five dollars are more will go a long way. With any

leftover we plan to either build a medical clinic or donate money to an existing clinic. A company has pledge to provide building supplies to construct our clinic. I have worked for the City of Los Angeles for twenty years and I have always

enjoyed the benefits of serving the citizens of Los Angeles. I know in these financial crises we face are future looks uncertain, but we shall prevail. If you cannot provide a donation please visit our website to find out how you can help. Everyone

knows about blood diamonds, but everyone cannot afford them, however everyone has excess to conflict coltan. I think we owe it to the Congolese people since it is

our unsuspecting use of everyday products that fuel this conflict. Thank you ―City of Angels‖. Clothing drop off locations: Sears’ Shoe Repair, 201 N. Los Angeles Street,

space 19, Los Angeles CA, 90012 located in the City Hall Mall. Leimert Village Farmers Market, 43rd and Degnan Blvd, Los Angeles CA, 90018 every Saturday

from 10 AM to 3 PM. Nia Educational Charter School, 119 West Palm Street, Altadena California 91001, 626-798-7900. Please call first before you drop off clothes to Lemeirt Park. Mother for Africa is a 501 (c). All donations are tax

deductible. ~~~

(Continued from page 42)

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Check one only: O New Member O Change address O Retiree O Other Non LAPD













I hereby apply for membership in the Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation. I agree to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Foundation and

to promote the objectives of the Foundation, as long as my membership remains in effect.

Signature of Applicant_____________________________________ Date______________________

Please mail to the address listed below. An OJB Director will contact you with additional membership information.

Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation

1968 W. Adams Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90018


































