ttm I. V j r.". " : , ' - 7 : ; . . t . .,: . , . . , " ' - . - ' - - H .. t .' i v v I I 2 4 f -- orjgoi 6rrir, oiiegON Saturday, jmmbi ss, isoo. 1 tf jtfBER 11. BUSINESS CARDS. IHE LEAIIXED NKCtllO, 1866.J EstablisHed. 1866. o The Weekly Enterprise. UwiV INDEPENDENT PAPER, FOB. THE l . : i.i ' . Business Tlan, the Farmer " " Jif tht FAMILY CIRCf.E. ; principal kinds of timber are fir, cedar, cottoryvribd, ash, oak, maple, alder and willow; given m the order in which they predominate. Pure water is abundant for stock and domestic 'purposes. There are also auout forty natural mill sites in this county, situated in the vicinity of the navigable waters Of the Colum-bia'a- nd Wallamet rivers. A tract of land known to be rich in iron ore, exists in the vicinity of St. Helens.- - A portion of these iron lands are ' owned by- - capitalists, who contemplate erecting fpielting clapboards, flooring, masts, spars, knees, and plank. Ad almost inex- haustible supply of hemlock, bark cotiid' be "obtained here for tanning leather. The- - climate an3 temperatnre- - in summery .from a. cool sea breeze, renders the air delightful and healthy. Jn winter, the thermometer seldom indicates a temperature below twenty degrees Frenheit.. Billions fevers and ague seldom, if ever known. r This county being thinly settled, there are, no greaj. inducements to professional men ( apd,. teachers, but thiechanic or. manufacturer, with a small capital, by perseverence and industry, can in a few years build up a fortune from his own toil. The conveniences for imraigrrnts to obtain supplies of provision, o We could welcome ten thousand set- tlers to our county, and yet there would be room for more ' Ninth The facilities Cor. knmU grants to obtain supplies of all kinds: We have, a large surplus grain crop, and seeds of all kiiids are cheap and abundant among us, and easily'ob-taine- d. Agricultural and mechanics' tools-ca- n be bad as cheap and of as good a pattern as in many of the old- er States. Tenth Opportunities for school- ing and meetings of religious worship: Pacific University and Tualitan Accf-em- y afford all the advantages in this immediate neighborhood that could be desired for the education of our children and youth; This school is of the highest order. There are three church edifices in our village Congregational, Baptist and Metho- dist. Twelfth Mills and manufacturing resources: We have several grist and saw-mill- s in our couuty, but there is room and a demand for more. Thirteenth Can government land be obtained in your couuty? All our mountain lands are vacant, but will soon be monopolized by the Oregon Central Railroad (West Side). There is numerous tracts of mountain land that would make desirable homes. With much respect, fcc.. than other coonties of the State gen- erally. We could do better by them had our citizens capital themselves to develop our resources. . Professional men and teachers we have .bnt little use for at present. Such places are now ably filled. We want blood and muscle, and money. Ninth Immigrants can obtain anything in this county they desire, at reasonable cost. Tenth Opportunity for schooling and meetings for religious worship ,'s S9 i Clackama conjity. Id this city lone thereare fire churches Methodist, Episcopal, Catholic, Congregational and Baptist. We have also in this city three private or select schools, and one excellent pub- lic school, capable of teaching the higher branches. Eleventh The facilities for mark- eting and means of transportation in this county are equal to any on the PaciGc coast. This is a community of consumers, chiefly operatives and laborers. The same may be said of Oswego, where miners, choppers, teamsters, coal burners, furnacemen. ete., from the bulk of population. We have three steamers running daily (Sundays expected) between Oregon City and Portland, to which will soon be railroad communication connecting ns with the present sea port of Oregon, only ten miles dis- tant. Twelfth We have two woolen factories in Clackamas county. The leading one located in Oregon City, is about 190 by 60 feet, four stories, built of stone and brick, and contains twelve sets of the latest improved machinery. The Oswego iron smelt- ing works, erected in 1 807, at a cost of about $100,000. There are sever- al lumbering mills in the county. The celebrated Imperial flouring mills are located at Oregon City, and the famcos Standard flour is made at Mil- waukie. The only iron made on the coast, is made at Oswego; it is equal to the best Scotch pig, and is sought for by California foundrymen. We have a large tannery at Milwau- kie, which turns out leather that sells in San Francisco along side the best Santa Cruz. We have a paper mill doing a flourishing business. We have gold and silver quartz mines in this county of value. We have coal and lime, and copper has recently been discovered in considerable quan- tities'. fThe Oswego Milling' "Com- pany export lumber,' and all other mills manufacture for domestic n?es. At this city salmon fishing is carried on lo considerable extent. Seven nets have been run this season." Thirteenth There is government land in this county available for set- tlement, and we are told that much of it would be of value for agricultu- ral purposes. Mechanical or lumber- ing pursuits cannot be gone amiss of. Tho men who own and control tho Oregon City , factory are Democrats.-N- o Republican is connected- - with tha management of the establishment. It is Democrats, then, who ate' engaged in the work which oar neigh Dors stig- matize as atrocious It is Democrats who are ' 'discriminating ogainft white labor.' It is Democrat who have done this thing which these par- tisan organs, in their excessive leal, denounce as an indefensible outrage. These heartless capitalists' are Democm is, every one. It is XXentst' erats who have been the first to In- troduce the "moon-eye- d heathen" into our factories " to crowd out the white laborer." And the Orrgonian which is accused of beine an " apolo- gist" for these capitalists in their aels of oppression towards the poor," has, if the charge be true, committed the sin of "apologizing" lor as good Democrats as there arc in Oregon, and of insisting that they have a rjight to manage their own business as tliey please J o It will be seen, therefore, that even Democrats do not hesitate to empfo mongrel labor ; that Democrats bate-n- objection to " p'acing side by sid the fair Caucasian and the tawny Celestial j" that Democrats even take the lead in this thing and set the ex- ample of "discriminating jigainst white labor." . How much parly cap- ital do the two Democratic organs ( this city and the Democratic Sheriff of Clackamas county expect to make" out of these facts ? They denounce the Republicans for the iniquity of Chinese labor in the Oregou City factory, when they should be levelling their shafts at members of their owi party who are the authors of the act they so savagely condemn ! It is a fact which is supported and confirmed by the observation of every intelligent person, that Demo crats are employers of Chinese labor as much as Republicans. Demo- crats are just as anxious as Republi- cans to get their work done nt littler cost. This is no party question ttt all, and none but mumping, canting fools seek to connect it with party politics. The fact that the ownera and managers of the Oregon City factory are Democrats is an illustra- tion which shows that this matter ha nothing to do with party. Who can cite an instance where a Democrat ever failed to employ a person of" in- ferior race" when be'saved riidney by employing bim ? If there ever was such an instance, so rare an exception shows the universal prevalence of tho opposite rule. There is not a Demo- cratic paper in this country which wonld hesitate to employ Chinese labor, if such labor could be inade available at a saving ot money. Tbo proprietor of the Herald would dis- charge his whole force, editors and all, to make room for Chinese em- ployes, if Wa-Ke- e could furnish him competent workmen at reduced rates. We would not say that it would not be an improvement for hini to try the experiment at once. - In connection with this matter there is much animadversion upon the Chi- nese Treaty. Now everybody knows that there were Clnnese here in large numbers before that treaty was formed. While the Federal and State governments were yet under Democratic control, the Chinese came to our Pacific States by tens of thou- sands. The General Government made no effort to keep them back. The administrations of Pierce and o Q V. FERRY, - BROKER, I'oRTr.AXT. Oregon. , Cor. Front and If'ashlngUm SU. Agent North British and Mercantile ':; InsijfiVce Company, aud Manht-ta- n Life lnsnrar.ee Company. Securities, Ktocks.TJonds and lical Estate bought and sold on Com-niissio- n. ''; W. C. JOHNSON'..- - i P. O. M'COWK. , ' - Notary Public. JCIUNTS0N & McCOWN, : " Oregon City, Oregon.' "! - ' & Will attend to all business entrusted to our care in any of the. Courts of the Statu, Collect money .Negotiate. loans, sell real estate etc. Particular attention given to couteated Land cases. j. n. mitciiki.l. j.x.'DOLrn. a. shith. . Itlitcliell, Dolph & Smith, Attorneys ami Counsellors at Laoy Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc- tors in Admiralty. ;:5T Office o-- er the old Post"odice, Front street, Portland, Oregon. A. C. til BUS. C. W. rARHlSH, Notary PuWe and Com. of Deeds. GIBES & FARRISH, Attorneys and Counselors at Laic, Portland, Oregon. OFFICE On Aider street, in Carter's brick block. JOHN H. B AC OCT, Justice of the Peace City Recorder. Office In the Court House and City Council Room,. Oregon City. fftT Will attend to the acknowledgment of deeds, and all other duties apr.f rtamiug to the business of a Justice of the Peace. Dr. J, H. HATCH, Late Mack 4- - Hatch DENTIST. The patronare of those desiring First Class is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. 15. Sitrnu xy-- adiuii.istervtl for the Faifiless Extraction of Teeth. Offick Corner of Washington and Fron streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington street. jj E STAL N QT1 C E . H03IE AGAIN. j Durinsr mv 'our of t wo vears (Z'ZZkgS. n the Eastern States I "have spared neither time n o r liionev to make mvse!f per fectly familiar with and master of my Those desiring the- best work that the nature of tiie case will admit of can find rue at my oliice, l'7 Front two doors above Mccormick's Look Store, Portland, Oregon. TIR. J. O. GLENN. C HA U N C H Y BALL, fs.t- -' - .' fo Crod'ni cf" Co., M AM'fAt-TlUEI- l OF v eJ f;, O t . a w ci a.i 2!.il and Front st., Portland, Oregon. Ci7 Wagons of every description M'ide to order. General Jobbing done with neatness and dispatdi. A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW Sunday School and Gift Books ! 17KO.M THE AMERICAN TRACT bOCIE-J- ty and Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jeiierson-st- . between 'id ami :3d. Port bind, Ortgou. G. II. ATKINSON, Secretary. 52.lv and Treas. Oregon Tract So c J AMKS L. DALY, (Late Dalv k Stevens.) G E N E It A L AGE N T, Office No. lot Front street, Portland, Will give fpecial attention to Collecting and adjustment of accounts, bills and notes; Negotiating Inland bills; effecting loans; buying, selling and leasing real estate; house renting, and to the general agency business in all its branches. A. II. HKI.L. K. A. fAKKEK. BELL &. PARKER. AXn DEALERS IN" Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes, And every article kept in a Drug Store. Main Street. Ore son City. A. J. MOXKOE. W. A. K. MEI.I.KX. MONROE c TflELLEI, Dealers in California, Vermont, and Italian Marbles, Obelisks, Monu- ments, Head and Foot stones, Salem Oregon. Mantles and Furniture Marble furnished to order. "'l.t J. F. MILI.KK. , J. W. SIIATTL'CK. J. F. MILLER t Co., MANl FACTt OK AND UKALEHS IX At the Oregon City Boot and Shoe Store, Main street. THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies'. Gents', Boys', and Children's Boots and Shoes, on hand or made to order. AxintKw wii.lis. . mjotniiTON. WILLIS & BR0UGHT0W. Having purchased the interest of S. Cram, in the well known tffS-- S. . VEK T S TA HLE V5A- - One door west of Excelsior Market. Oregon City, announce that they will at all times keep good horses si d "carriasres to lot, at reasonable rates. Horses bought and sold or kept by the day or week. Ore ;oei H. E. CHATFIELD, aua i;eiau Dealer in , ; uaraen and Field Seeds of all Kinds. i PKODtcE and COHSIISSIOX ! first sine!, Portland Ortaon j Near the Western Hotel JEMOYAL ! THE JEWKLKT (i I 'Xt-- t Establishment of J. B. Miller HAS BEEN REMOVED To No. 101 Front st., corner of Alder Carters New Building, Portland, In Chas. Woodard's Drug Store TS Where he will be ready to atteud to all manner of workmanship in bis line. Watches and Jewelry repaired in ths most nrarkmaclUte manner. J. B. MILLEIi There waa a negro preacher, I have heard, In Southern parts, before, rebellion stirred, IVbo did not spend his strength in empty .:??,un.d , v.-.- ,, . ' v i ITis was a miad deep reaching, and pro-fou- nl. .. v - ' i : "" - ; Others ;might iicat; the air,, : and make a noise, And help to amuse the silly girls and . ' 5 ' boys ; ; , Bui as for him he wa a maa of lhought, Deep in theology, although untaught-- t Ilef'eonld not read or wrife,- - but he was : wise, t .... .. . ,T And knew right smart how to extemporise, One Sunday morn, when hymns and prayens wfre said, The preacher rose, and rubbing up his head, " Bredren and sisteria, and companions dear. Our preachiment to-da- y, as you shall hear. Will be ob de creation ob de plan Oh which Cod fashioned Adam, de fust man. When God made Adam, inde ancient day, lie made his body out of earth and clay, lie shape hini out all right, den lie set him up again de fence to dry." 'Stop," said a voice, and straightway there uprose, An ancient negro in his master's clothes; i( Tell me," said he, " before you farder go, One little thing which I should like to know, It does not quite get thrcugfi dis nigger's liar, How came dat fence so nice and hantlv dar." Like one who in the mud is tightly stuck. Or one non-plussc- d, astonished, thunder truck. The preacher looked severely on the pews. And rubbed his hair to know what words to use, " Bredren," said he, " dis word I hab to 5;iy ; . De preacher can't be bothered in dis way, For if he is, it's jest as like as not, Our whole theology will be upsot." Cvngrcija'ionaMst and Recorder. OIU OWN OKEGOX. Agricultural and Geographical SCdtis tics, by A. J. Duur. No. 2. COLV1IUIA COUNTY. JF Tiie following information, rela- - tive to the resources of Columbia county, 1ms been fnrn'shed the Com- mercial by II. J. Stevenson, E-q.- , a practical surveyor and civil engineer, together with ati outline map of the most important localities in Marion, Polk, Vnmhill, Washington, Clacka- mas, Multnomah, Clatsop, Columbia, Wasco-an- d Umatilla counties, their connection with tho Pacific ocean by the waters of the Wallamet and Columbia rivers ; also, the feasibility of uniting by railroad the most prom- inent places in these counties with Putret Sound : With a water line on the Colum bia river, the entire length of its northern boundary, a sale river chan nei for navigation and harbors, capa- ble of accommodating ocean steamers and sailing vessels of the largest size, this county is not only of importance to the farmer for its fertile soil, and adaptation to stock raising and dairy-inp- ;, but to the lumberman, mtehanic and nianuf icturer, for its extensive forests of valuable timber, numerous mill-sit- es and water-power- s ; to the manufacturer of iron, for its rich beds of coal and iron ore ; and al-tho- iiow but thinly settled, is destined to become of importance at no distant period, in a commercial point of view. Improved farming land of the best quality, in favorable localities, can be obtained at from eight to ten dol- lars per acre, with unimproved at four. There is about two hundred and twenty thousand (220,000) acres of unimproved upland, principally covered with a heavy growth of ex- cellent timber, mostly yellow fir. Also, about eighty thousand (80,-00- 0) acres of bottom land along the Wallamet and Columbia rivers, a large portion of which is subject to periodical overflow, from the first of June to the middle of July. But during the rest of the year, it is cov- ered with a luxuriant growth of very nutritious grass, yielding from two to three tons of hay to the acre, or fur Dishing an almost inexhaustible sup ply of pasturage for stock raising and dairy purposes. The higher portions of this bottom land, known as hard-hac- k ridges, seldom overflows, being an alluvial deposit of vegetable monld; is of almost inexhaustible fertility, and when cultivated pro- duces all kinds of grain in perfection, and appears to be especially adapted to the" cultivation of routs and gar den vegetables. Dairy productions always com- mand a ready sale in this locality, at remunerative prices. The expe- rienced dairymau and stock grower, with ordinary economy and industry, can in a lew years place liiaiselt in independent circumstauces, with a comfortable home. Apples, pears, peaches, plums, cberms, qninces, grapes, and the dif- ferent varieties of small frui:s. do well when planted iu lavorable locali- ties; and ornamental shrubbery, with beautiful flower gardens, can be suc- cessfully cultivated, so as to suit the most fastidious taste- - Good government land can be ob- tained within a mile of navigable water, at one dollar and twenty-fiv- e cents per acre, currency; also, 'State and School land at two dollars. The PCBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY , '"; , AT TUB OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Main streets Oregon City,. Oregon. C. IRELAND, Proprietor THE WEALTH OP OREGON shaU at! all V times constitute the paramount interest to ...which cue columns wiil be devoted. Every measure for the jgood of the State, wboAef of private or public interest ifrspet;tie of party, will find in uftjj advocate and a de- - ntei to :t!i'rWt t Suf abilltyt" - We hal aim to attract the attention of the million of - POPULATION AND MONEY seeking profit- able places, to that channel whii'h is now making this the fioci of the globe, and ren- dering Oregon with other Pacific States, the Kraneiies of the world, with a centre of i trade second. to none. AOltlCL'LTUltK will continue to receive that ' attention which it merits, at the hands of every intelligent Journalist. " The Farmer fefdt-l- all. THR MARKETS will he watched carefully, and such information as we shall he able to compile will be published. MANUFACTURERS are earnestly roqne.sted to inform us with respect ti those various interests, to Uie end that we may be able to make the KNTr.nrm.SK us nf-a- r an encyclo- paedia of the business of Oregon a.s can be. TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION : Single Copy one year ?'5 00 :mx months 2 00 " ' Three months 1 00 CLUB RATES: Five Copies. 1 year, fl 2 50 each $12 50 - flW In which case tin extra copy will be jent to the person forming the Club, and a.s an inducement to such persons, with a view of extending our circulation, Una Dollar and Ttrmfij-Fiv- r Cents Will be allowed as Commission on eacii addi t'umal fiv. Su.bc ibcri. Thus any person who will i:iti.-res- t himself in the matter, may secure tiie paper free ind receive a libel al compensation tor his services. A3 Rfmitttntcfix to be made tit the risk of Subscriber, inul at the espouse of Agents. TERMS of A I VERTISIXG : .Transient advertisements, including all legal notices. i. of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50 For each subsequent insertion 1 ;() One Column, one rear $120 00 Half " '' 00 " " quarter 10 business Card, 1 square one year 12 BOOK AND JOB P HINTING. &i" The Knt-rpri- se office is Mipplied with beautiful, approved styles of type. ;tnd miul-- MACHINE PRESSES, uhb n will enable the Proprietor ti. do Job Piintin at all times Nral, Qicirk end Cheap ! Hi- - Work sol,c:tcd. I). C. IRSILAXP, l'rr-prittm- : J1US1XKSS CARDS. D . F. BARCLAY, JtfUo Qi.o . .i-- ia (Formerly Mirgeon to the Hon. H. 1L Co.) OFFICE At Residence, Main street Ore-jr"- ii City, Oieuoii. w. II. W ATKINS, M. D , SURr.EON". l'or.TI.AN'D. OlIKCON. OFFICE '..", Front street Residence cor-je- r t" M tin ami Seventh JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaHoque & Co., OREGON CITY. 3u"Keep constantly on hand bu sale, flour Midlines, Rran aufl Cliicken Feed. Parties jiurching feed must furnish the sacks. 7M. RROUGIITON. Contractor and Builder, Main St.. OREGON CITV. B-g- r Will attend to all work in his liue. con- sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner woi k training, building, etc. Jobbing promptly .attended t . D AVID SMITH, Succettor to SMITH & MARSHALL, JilackSmilh and Wayon Maker) Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City Oregon. 'S- Blacksmi thing in all its branches; Wag- on making and repairing. All work warrant- ed to give satisfaction. JOhSIlLTND BROTHERS, PORTLAND AUCTION ST0EE, 97 First si., J'urtla.id, Next Door to Post Otjice. ti Importers and Jobbers of Staple and Fancy lry (Joods. Grdn bags, Burlaps, furn- ishing Goods, t n, We pay the highest cash price for Wool, Furs, and Hides. jttES & DALLAM, IMTOUTEUS AXii JOIJBEnsOF Wood and "Willow Ware. Brushes. 7 wines, Cor day e, etc., 0 AMI M.VM FACTl nKliS OK Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Washboards, -- c 215 A 217 Sacramento st.. San Francisco. 113 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Citv. W, F. HIGHFIELD, Established since lS4li.at the old stand, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon.! An Assortment of Watches, Jew- elry, I and Scth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to he as represented. Repairing cone on Fhort notice, i ind thankful for past favors. CLABK GSEENMAN, City Drayman, tofeslr OREGON CITY. tr. All orders for the delivery ft mercnan- - iise ir packages and freight of w hatever des - ertption. to any part of the city, illbeexe - cnted promptly and with care. HOME MANUFACTURE, . J. E. P ATT ON, Succeor to HIGG1NS rf- - COMPANY, No. 8 Front Street, Portland. Oregon, Is now manufacturing a superior article of Chemical. Olive. Pale and Brown Family Soap which he will sell at San Francisco prices. This soap is warranted. i - "Willamette Lo!i;c No. l.v-- I. O. ti. T Meets eveiT Saturday evening, at the rooms ii.K. Wiruer'of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 2 u'clock. Visiting inembjrs are invited ta attend, liy ordr of - W. C. T. TOB PHIXTIXS XEATI.T EXEtTT- - f) edatthe ENTEKITvISiTOiTICE. works thereon as soon as pr"8etieatda.J An extensive coal vein has also been discovered in the vicinity of St. Helens. Valuable salt springs exist in the southern part of this county, from one of which a superior article of salt is being manufactured. There are six saw and one grist mill in this county. The steam mill at St. Helens is one of the finest in the State, being capable of cutting 40,-00- 0 feet of lumber per day. There are excellent inducements in. this county for mechanics who have a small amount of capital to commence business with, and a limit- ed number of tradesmen of all kinds would find steady employment. Several good schools are establish- ed in this county, with one church (Methodist) at St. Helens. All kinds of produce sells at re- munerative prices, St. Helens being a good market, with a safe harbor, where consignments can be made to Portland, Victoria, San Francisco, or any other market on the coast. The climate is mild and temperate, without extreme cold in winter, or excessive heat in summer. Snow seldom falls to remain on the ground more than two or three days at a time. A few cases of ague occur periodi- cally in the southern part of the county, but the country is generally healthy, and fever and ague is not prevalent in any part of the State. The inducements held out to pro- fessional men are not very flattering in this locality, although good school teachers are well patronized; but the great secret of success in a new place like this, is mooey judiciously invested, backed by muscle, vigorous ly applied, to develop a country nat- urally rich in agricultural, mechanical and mineral resources. Grain and seeds, of the different varieties, can be obtained by the im- migrant in almost any of the settle- ments in this count-- , at a reasonn-bl- e rate. Agricultural implements, mechanics' tools, provisions, groce- ries, clothing, hardware, books, sta- tionery and, in fact, everything nec- essary to commence life with com- fortably, in a new country, can be as readily obtained in this locality, and -- t almost as cheap a price, as in the older States. No. 3. , TILLAMOOK COUNTY. , ? This county, lying immediately sou'h of Clatsop county, to which it is attached for judicial purposes, has a sea coast extending from Tillamook Head, on the north, to Cape Fair-weath- er, in the somh, a distance of about seventy miles. With a good harbor at the month of the Tillamook river, in the north- ern part of the county, well adapted to steamers and sailing vessels of light draught, with other inlets far- ther south on the coast of less im- portance, with pure water, small fertile velleys, and a mild, healthy climate, this county holds out in- ducements not to be overlooked Ly the iudustrious, persevering immigrant, seeking a home on the' PaciGc coast. The following informations is furnish- - jxi by Wm. II. Hall, Esq., who resid ed a number of years in this county. This county is accessible by water through its bays and inlets; also, by pack trail from Astoria, and another from Yamhill county, leading to Tilla-lamo- ok liny. The interval lands along the creeks and rivers are not surpassed for productiveness on this coast, be- ing a vegetable mould of alluvial de- posit. These lands when properly cultivated, produce the different va rieties of vegetables, grain and grass, iu abundance; while the prairies and uplands are well adapted to general farming, yielding fruit. and all kinds of crops generally cultivated by the farmer, excepting corn. Farming lands, partly improrel, can be obtained at from three to five dollars per acre, while other good land not so eligably situated can be had at government price. There is about fifty thousand acres of tide land, covered with very nutritious grass, especially adapted to dairying, good butter and cheese always com- manding paying prices in the dif- ferent markets on this coast. This branch of industry can be followed on these lands with marked success. Timber for fencing and building purposes U plenty and easily ob- tained, being composed of spruce, hemlock, fir, cedar, maple and alder, of which spruce predominates. Numerous springs and brooks sup- ply an abundance of pure, cold wa- ter for stock and domestic use ; while the larger creeks, running westward from the coast range mountains, fur- nish numerous mill sites and water-now- er for all mechanical purposes. The spruce timber in this part of the country grows to an enormous size, being in many instances from five to eieht feet in diameter, and from one to two hundred feet high before reaching a limb-fornishi- Dg an excellent material for staves, sliiDgles, household furniture, merchandise, ag- ricultural implements, mechanics' tools, etc., are not as good as in many other parts of the State, arti- cles of this kind being obtained from Portland by means of sailing vessels; but nature has placed within ihe reach of industry, the facilities for overcoming most of these inconveni- ences by furnishing the raw material from which to produce or manufac- ture almost all the necessaries of Iffe. The privileges for common schools and meetings for religious worship, are as good as could be reasonably expected in a new locality like this, schools being established in all the settlements whera the number of scholars demand one, and the Metho- dist and Christian denominations having a number of local and itine-ra- nt preachers in the different valleys in this vicinity. There are trails where stock of all kinds can be driven from this valley to Portland or Astoria. Other marketing is done by- - means of sail- ing vessels coming into the bays. There are two lumber mills and two flour mills in this county, but the numerous excellent water-power- s, with the abundance of timber, would make lumbering on an extensive scale a profitable business in this lo- cality. The mineral resources of this county have not been developed, but coal, iron and slate are known to exist iu different localities. The d liferent kinds of fish are abundant in all the inlets and bays, while swarms of speckled trout abound in mountain streams and fur-uis- h rich pastime for the sportsman. Elk, deer, bear, and the smaller varieties of gam?, are abundant in many parts of the county, and good oyster beds exist along the coast. .o 4. f WASHINGTON COUNTY. Washington county is situated in the northwest corner of the Wallamet Valley, and is oie of the best grain growing counties of the State, wat- ered by the Tual.it an river and its tributaries, with beautiful prairies of unsurpassed fertility,timber and wood- land more than sufficient to supply the borne demand, and within an easy day's drive of navigable water, makes it among the most desirable locations for a home in the State. In answer to inquiries made by the Committee, asking for information relative to the resources of Oregon, the following communication has been received from John T. Scott, Esq., which, for its clear and comprehen- sive statement of facts, the Commit-te- e has thought best to insert entire: Forest Grove, Washington County, ) September 25, 18o8. j" Hon. A. J. Dofur, Chairman of the Oregon Agricultural Society : Dear Sir.: In compliance with circular, I will briefly answer the sev- eral inquiries in their order. rust Ihe character of public buildings: We have located in our county the Pacific University. The buildings consist of three large and commodions framed structures, suffi cient for to accommodate the present wants of the community. And I rn&y here remark, that this Institute is well patronized, and the corps of teachers is not excelled in the State. Second The average pr ice of farm- ing land, improved and unimproved: Improved, farms can be obtained from ten to twenty dollars per acre, ac cording to the amount of improve ments; unimproved, at from three to four dollars. Third The amount of tax on the dollar in this county is fourteen mills. Fourth The general nature of the soil, etc.: Our county contains some of the best farming lands in the State. The Tualitan Plains are well adapted to the growth of grain and grass, as well as to vegetables, and fruit of all kinds. Fifth The different kinds of tim- ber and adaptation to building, lum- ber, feuce, etc.: We have all the different varieties that are to be found throaghout our State, conveniently located for tarming and lumbering purposes. Our water power is abun- dant and ample. Sixth Quality and convenience of water for stock and domestic purposes: Wells are mostly used for families: water soft, pure and easily obtained; numerous creeks and springs abound. Seventh Climate, health, etc.; We are situated in the northwest of the Wallamet corner Valley ; our climate is mild and of an even tem- perature; the general health of the country is good. Eighth Inducements held out to mechanics, professional men and tradesmen: The various mechanical professions thrive well here, although there is not a sufficient supply for the demand; in lact, we want more pop- ulation to develope Our vast resources. JOUN T.SCOTT. 2so. 5. CLACKAMAS COUNTY This county is situated on the nav-agab- le waters of the Wallamet river, and probably holds out greater in- ducements to the capitalist who wishes to make successful investment in the various manufacturing enter- prises, or to the industrious mechanic with limited means, than any other locality of equal size on the Pacific coast, or even in the Uuited States. The following information relative to the present resources and natural advantages of this county, was fur- nished the Committee by ID. C. Ireland, Esq., editor of the Oregon City Enterprise, a gentleman who has taken great pains to obtain and cir- culate valuable information through the columns of his paper, relative to the mineral, mechanical and agricul- tural wealth of this State: First There are no public build- ings in Clackamas county worthy of note, if we except the Seminary at Oregon City. The County Jail is a miserable structure, but we have very little use for a jail in this re- gion. Second The average price of farming land, improved and unim- proved, is from three to five dollars per acre. Wild lands is abundant at from one dollar and twentyfive cents to two dollars per acre. Third The assessed value of prop- erty in Clackamas county, and the tax levied, is as follows, for the four years past. Year. Valuation. Mills Tax. 1SC4 ?1,25S,877 00 5 ISH't 1,600.394 00 7i 1,24,75 0 5 18G7 1,648,875 00 The last levy was for extraordina- ry expenses in purchasing bridges, etc., by which all of our bridges were made free from toll. The figures under the head of valuation, show a healthy increase in the development of the resources of the couuty after the damage by floods of the winter of 1S01-G- 2. Fourth The general nature of the soil for farming purposes is good. Grain, vegetables, and the various kinds of fruit, grow in abundance here, even on our poorest lands. Stock raising and dairying could be entered npon at small expense. There is no better country for timothy grass than this; its growth on our highest hills is luxuriant, and it serves to kill out fern. Fifth AVe have all the varieties of timber common to Oregon, in Clackamas county. Oak and ash, suitable for wagon timber and the woodwork of agricultural implements, is said to be more abuuiant and of better quality in this than in any other county, and has been worked out by parties in years past with profit to themselves, and the oppor- tunity still remains. The amount of material for building, fencing, etc., is inexhaustible in this county, and a general lumbering business is now being carried on by ten or a dozen companies, with available space for a hundred more. Sixth The quality of water for family use in Clackamas county ean not be excelled pure living springs and mountain streams course through every section. The amount of water available for power, is far in excess of any other single county iu the world, perhapf. The Falls of the Wallamet, in this city, provide man with more than one million horse power. The factories of Lowell and Lawrence, were they here, would consume but a portion of the water adapted by nature to mill- ing and mechanical purposes in this town. Oswego can be made to fur- nish one quarter of that amount, while Milwaukie has significant value in this respect, aud the Clackamas, Molalla, Butte creek, Mill creek, Tualatin, and many other stream which we might mention, furnish val- uable localities for mill sites and water-power- . Seventh The temperature of this locality is even. Excessive heat and excessive cold is very rare. The general health of the county is good. Billious affections are but little known among our people. Eighth We can effer better in- ducements to mechanics and trades- men, who can bring capital with them, o The Government Land Office is lo- cated at Oregon City, at which Mr. Owen Wade officiates as Register; and Mr. Henry Warren, Receiver Three neighbors have cows that brought twins ; in each case one of the twins is a bull and the other a heifer. Heifers coming thus, seldom, or more often than otherwise, do not breed. The name " free martin" has been given to them. They are often raised with a view of making beef of them at three or four years old, and most delicious beef they become. Sometimes they are broken to the yoke and matched with a twin brother, made a steer, The bulls, if used for breeders, are said to be frequent getters of free martins. We suppose there is little doubt that twin animals are more apt to bear twins than are others. A free martin has, if barren, a peculiarly ox like look. . . Twet.ty-fiv- e or fifty dollars worth of books pertaining to the farm will give the boys new ideas, set them to thiuking and observing, and thus en-ab- le thera to make their heads help their hands. Any good book will, in the end, be of far more value to a youth than to have an extra acre of land, on coming to manhood. The thinking, reasoning, observing man will certainly make more off from 49 acres, than he would off from 50 acres without the mental ability which reading will give him. Far better to sell the acre of land than do with- out the books. THE LABOR Q,UESTIOK. From the "Orcgonian" of January 18.1869. Both the Democratic papers in this city are agonizing in the most fearful manuer because some Chinese have been employed in the woolen factory at Oregon City. But with all their words on this subject these papers do not discuss anything ; they have no- thing to say about the relations of labor and capital ; they simply rant after the fashion of shallow dema- gogues, and try to turn the circum- stance at Oregon City to political ac- count. A storm of obloquy is show- ered cpon the " Radicals" for their alleged agency in " ousting poor but honest white laborers from our fac- tories ;" and the Republican party is charged with the odium of being the enemy of oar laboring clashes. Says one of these organs : " White men who voted with the Republican party must not complain if the men they assisted to place in power now carry out the programme contrary to their wishes and injurious to their inter- ests." Indeed 1 Let us see what manner of men they are who are put- ting into practice these odious "Rad- ical" principles. Wrbo are they who have engaged in th's effort " to de grada vrbite labor V j Buchanan, supported by Congresses overwhelmingly jJemocratic, took no measures to " protect" the whites of America against the "mongrel hordes of Asia." At that time the Chinese were as numerous in California as they are now. From that State fbey have gradually spread over the whole coast. If their presence here is a cnrser that curse, like the rebellion, was left as a legacy to the country by the demo- cratic party when it was driven from power. As Democrats are foremost in cr Chinese labor in Oregon, what remedy would the wi.e men of the Democratic party propose? Are Republicans to be censured for the propensity to employ cheap labor, which is continually manifested by Democrats among us ? Are we to be assailed because we do not pro- vide laws to prevent and pnnish such action as that taken by the Demo- crats of the manufacturing company at Oregon City? This would be in keeping with the Democratic habit of condemning the " Radicals" because they do not provide penal enactments to prevent Democrats from marrying "nigjrer?." The two cases are, in principle, exactly alike. In a former article we said : " It is the fashion to regard capital as the enemy of labor. Nothing is more erroneous. Without capital there would be no wages at all." The Herald quotes this and sneeringly remarks. That is good Republican doctrine of to-da- y." And pray is it not good common sense doctrine of every day ? Observe what it is the ; Herald takes issue with. That paper regards capital as the enemy of labor! It holds, then, 'that every man who has capital is the object of the envy and rapacity of those whom it de- nominates "the poor." This is, ideKticallv the principle of the Ja- cobins of'l7U3, which was afterwards put in a convenient formula by Proud-ho- n, when he asserted Jbat property was a crime. The principle advanced by the Herald would quickly abolish all property. Every man whose con.; dition in life compels him to labor with his hands is to be held up as an object of pifj ecd tauLt that th owuer of property is h enemy and 4

orjgoi 6rrir, oiiegON jmmbi ss, isoo. tfjtfBER · PDF file--orjgoi 6rrir, oiiegON Saturday, jmmbi ss, isoo. 1 tfjtfBER 11. ... professional men (apd,. teachers, but ... Democrats do

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Page 1: orjgoi 6rrir, oiiegON jmmbi ss, isoo. tfjtfBER · PDF file--orjgoi 6rrir, oiiegON Saturday, jmmbi ss, isoo. 1 tfjtfBER 11. ... professional men (apd,. teachers, but ... Democrats do




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.. t .' i v v I I 2 4 f--orjgoi 6rrir, oiiegON Saturday, jmmbi ss, isoo. 1 tfjtfBER 11.

BUSINESS CARDS. IHE LEAIIXED NKCtllO,1866.J EstablisHed. 1866.o

The Weekly Enterprise.UwiV INDEPENDENT PAPER,

FOB. THE l . : i.i '.

Business Tlan, the Farmer"" Jif tht FAMILY CIRCf.E. ;

principal kinds of timber are fir,cedar, cottoryvribd, ash, oak, maple,alder and willow; given m the orderin which they predominate.

Pure water is abundant for stockand domestic 'purposes. There arealso auout forty natural mill sites inthis county, situated in the vicinityof the navigable waters Of the Colum-bia'a- nd

Wallamet rivers.A tract of land known to be rich

in iron ore, exists in the vicinity ofSt. Helens.- - A portion of these ironlands are ' owned by- - capitalists,who contemplate erecting fpielting

clapboards, flooring, masts, spars,knees, and plank. Ad almost inex-

haustible supply of hemlock, barkcotiid' be "obtained here for tanningleather.

The- - climate an3 temperatnre- - insummery .from a. cool sea breeze,renders the air delightful and healthy.Jn winter, the thermometer seldomindicates a temperature below twentydegrees Frenheit.. Billions feversand ague seldom, if ever known.r This county being thinly settled,there are, no greaj. inducements toprofessional men

(apd,. teachers, but

thiechanic or. manufacturer, with asmall capital, by perseverence andindustry, can in a few years build upa fortune from his own toil.

The conveniences for imraigrrntsto obtain supplies of provision,


We could welcome ten thousand set-

tlers to our county, and yet therewould be room for more' Ninth The facilities Cor. knmUgrants to obtain supplies of all kinds:We have, a large surplus grain crop,and seeds of all kiiids are cheap andabundant among us, and easily'ob-taine- d.

Agricultural and mechanics'tools-ca- n be bad as cheap and of asgood a pattern as in many of the old-

er States.Tenth Opportunities for school-

ing and meetings of religious worship:Pacific University and Tualitan Accf-em-y

afford all the advantages in thisimmediate neighborhood that couldbe desired for the education of ourchildren and youth; This school isof the highest order. There arethree church edifices in our villageCongregational, Baptist and Metho-dist.

Twelfth Mills and manufacturingresources: We have several gristand saw-mill- s in our couuty, but thereis room and a demand for more.

Thirteenth Can government landbe obtained in your couuty? All ourmountain lands are vacant, but willsoon be monopolized by the OregonCentral Railroad (West Side). Thereis numerous tracts of mountain landthat would make desirable homes.

With much respect, fcc..

than other coonties of the State gen-erally. We could do better by themhad our citizens capital themselves todevelop our resources. . Professionalmen and teachers we have .bnt littleuse for at present. Such places arenow ably filled. We want bloodand muscle, and money.

Ninth Immigrants can obtainanything in this county they desire,at reasonable cost.

Tenth Opportunity for schoolingand meetings for religious worship,'s S9 i Clackama conjity. Idthis city lone thereare fire churches

Methodist, Episcopal, Catholic,Congregational and Baptist. Wehave also in this city three private orselect schools, and one excellent pub-lic school, capable of teaching thehigher branches.

Eleventh The facilities for mark-eting and means of transportation inthis county are equal to any on thePaciGc coast. This is a communityof consumers, chiefly operatives andlaborers. The same may be said ofOswego, where miners, choppers,teamsters, coal burners, furnacemen.ete., from the bulk of population.We have three steamers runningdaily (Sundays expected) betweenOregon City and Portland, to whichwill soon be railroad communicationconnecting ns with the present seaport of Oregon, only ten miles dis-

tant.Twelfth We have two woolen

factories in Clackamas county. Theleading one located in Oregon City,is about 190 by 60 feet, four stories,built of stone and brick, and containstwelve sets of the latest improvedmachinery. The Oswego iron smelt-ing works, erected in 1 807, at a costof about $100,000. There are sever-al lumbering mills in the county.The celebrated Imperial flouring millsare located at Oregon City, and thefamcos Standard flour is made at Mil-

waukie. The only iron made onthe coast, is made at Oswego; it isequal to the best Scotch pig, and issought for by California foundrymen.We have a large tannery at Milwau-kie, which turns out leather that sellsin San Francisco along side the bestSanta Cruz. We have a paper milldoing a flourishing business. Wehave gold and silver quartz mines inthis county of value. We have coaland lime, and copper has recentlybeen discovered in considerable quan-tities'. fThe Oswego Milling' "Com-

pany export lumber,' and all othermills manufacture for domestic n?es.At this city salmon fishing is carriedon lo considerable extent. Sevennets have been run this season."

Thirteenth There is governmentland in this county available for set-

tlement, and we are told that muchof it would be of value for agricultu-ral purposes. Mechanical or lumber-ing pursuits cannot be gone amiss of.

Tho men who own and control thoOregon City , factory are Democrats.-N- o

Republican is connected- - with thamanagement of the establishment. Itis Democrats, then, who ate' engagedin the work which oar neigh Dors stig-matize as atrocious It is Democratswho are ' 'discriminating ogainftwhite labor.' It is Democrat whohave done this thing which these par-tisan organs, in their excessive leal,denounce as an indefensible outrage.These heartless capitalists' areDemocm is, every one. It is XXentst'erats who have been the first to In-

troduce the "moon-eye- d heathen"into our factories " to crowd out thewhite laborer." And the Orrgonianwhich is accused of beine an " apolo-gist" for these capitalists in their aelsof oppression towards the poor," has,if the charge be true, committed thesin of "apologizing" lor as goodDemocrats as there arc in Oregon,and of insisting that they have a rjightto manage their own business as tlieyplease J

oIt will be seen, therefore, that evenDemocrats do not hesitate to empfomongrel labor ; that Democrats bate-n-

objection to " p'acing side by sidthe fair Caucasian and the tawnyCelestial j" that Democrats even takethe lead in this thing and set the ex-ample of "discriminating jigainstwhite labor." . How much parly cap-ital do the two Democratic organs (this city and the Democratic Sheriffof Clackamas county expect to make"out of these facts ? They denouncethe Republicans for the iniquity ofChinese labor in the Oregou Cityfactory, when they should be levellingtheir shafts at members of their owiparty who are the authors of the actthey so savagely condemn !

It is a fact which is supported andconfirmed by the observation ofevery intelligent person, that Democrats are employers of Chinese laboras much as Republicans. Demo-crats are just as anxious as Republi-cans to get their work done nt littlercost. This is no party question tttall, and none but mumping, cantingfools seek to connect it with partypolitics. The fact that the owneraand managers of the Oregon Cityfactory are Democrats is an illustra-tion which shows that this matter hanothing to do with party. Who cancite an instance where a Democratever failed to employ a person of" in-ferior race" when be'saved riidney byemploying bim ? If there ever wassuch an instance, so rare an exceptionshows the universal prevalence of thoopposite rule. There is not a Demo-cratic paper in this country whichwonld hesitate to employ Chineselabor, if such labor could be inadeavailable at a saving ot money. Tboproprietor of the Herald would dis-charge his whole force, editors andall, to make room for Chinese em-

ployes, if Wa-Ke- e could furnish himcompetent workmen at reduced rates.We would not say that it would notbe an improvement for hini to trythe experiment at once. -

In connection with this matter thereis much animadversion upon the Chi-nese Treaty. Now everybody knowsthat there were Clnnese here in largenumbers before that treaty wasformed. While the Federal andState governments were yet underDemocratic control, the Chinese cameto our Pacific States by tens of thou-sands. The General Governmentmade no effort to keep them back.The administrations of Pierce and


Q V. FERRY,- BROKER, I'oRTr.AXT. Oregon., Cor. Front and If'ashlngUm SU.

Agent North British and Mercantile':; InsijfiVce Company, aud Manht-ta- n

Life lnsnrar.ee Company.Securities, Ktocks.TJonds

and lical Estate bought and sold on Com-niissio- n.'';W. C. JOHNSON'..- - i P. O. M'COWK. ,

' - Notary Public.JCIUNTS0N & McCOWN, :

" Oregon City, Oregon.' "! - '

& Will attend to all business entrusted toour care in any of the. Courts of the Statu,Collect money .Negotiate. loans, sell real estateetc. Particular attention given to couteatedLand cases.

j. n. mitciiki.l. j.x.'DOLrn. a. shith.. Itlitcliell, Dolph & Smith,

Attorneys ami Counsellors at LaoySolicitors in Chancery, and Proc-

tors in Admiralty.;:5T Office o-- er the old Post"odice, Front

street, Portland, Oregon.

A. C. til BUS. C. W. rARHlSH,Notary PuWe and Com. of Deeds.

GIBES & FARRISH,Attorneys and Counselors at Laic,

Portland, Oregon.OFFICE On Aider street, in Carter's

brick block.


Justice of the Peace City Recorder.

Office In the Court House and CityCouncil Room,. Oregon City.

fftT Will attend to the acknowledgment ofdeeds, and all other duties apr.f rtamiug to thebusiness of a Justice of the Peace.

Dr. J, H. HATCH,Late Mack 4- - Hatch

DENTIST.The patronare of those desiring First Class

is respectfully solicited.Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed.N. 15. Sitrnu xy-- adiuii.istervtl for the

Faifiless Extraction of Teeth.Offick Corner of Washington and Fron

streets, Portland. Entrance on Washingtonstreet.

jj E S TA L N QT1 C E .

H03IE AGAIN.j Durinsr mv 'our of t wo vears

(Z'ZZkgS. n the Eastern States I "havespared neither time n o rliionev to make mvse!f per

fectly familiar with and master of myThose desiring the- best work that

the nature of tiie case will admit of can findrue at my oliice, l'7 Front two doorsabove Mccormick's Look Store, Portland,Oregon.


C H A U N C H Y BALL,fs.t- -' - .' fo Crod'ni cf" Co.,

M AM'fAt-TlUEI- l OF

v eJ f;, O t . a w ci a.i2!.il and Front st., Portland, Oregon.

Ci7 Wagons of every descriptionM'ide to order. General Jobbing donewith neatness and dispatdi.

A LARGE INVOICE OF NEWSunday School and Gift Books !


ty andVarious other Publishing Houses!

For sale by the subscriber, on Jeiierson-st- .

between 'id ami :3d. Port bind, Ortgou.G. II. ATKINSON, Secretary.

52.lv and Treas. Oregon Tract So c

J AMKS L. DALY,(Late Dalv k Stevens.)

G E N E It A L AGE N T,Office No. lot Front street, Portland,Will give fpecial attention to Collecting

and adjustment of accounts, bills and notes;Negotiating Inland bills; effecting loans;buying, selling and leasing real estate; houserenting, and to the general agency businessin all its branches.A. II. HKI.L. K. A. fAKKEK.



Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints,Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes,

And every article kept in a Drug Store. MainStreet. Ore son City.


MONROE c TflELLEI,Dealers in California, Vermont, and

Italian Marbles, Obelisks, Monu-

ments, Head and Foot stones,Salem Oregon.

Mantles and Furniture Marble furnishedto order. "'l.t



At the Oregon City Boot and ShoeStore, Main street.

THE BEST SELECTIONOf Ladies'. Gents', Boys', and Children's

Boots and Shoes, on hand or made to order.

AxintKw wii.lis. . mjotniiTON.


Having purchased the interestof S. Cram, in the well known tffS-- S.

. VEK T S TA HLE V5A--One door west of Excelsior Market. OregonCity, announce that they will at all timeskeep good horses si d "carriasres to lot, atreasonable rates. Horses bought and soldor kept by the day or week.

Ore ;oeiH. E. CHATFIELD,

aua i;eiau Dealer in,; uaraen and Field Seeds of all Kinds.i PKODtcE and COHSIISSIOX! first sine!, Portland Ortaonj Near the Western Hotel


THE JEWKLKT (i I 'Xt-- t

Establishment of J. B. MillerHAS BEEN REMOVED

To No. 101 Front st., corner of AlderCarters New Building, Portland,In Chas. Woodard's Drug Store

TS Where he will be ready to atteud toall manner of workmanship in bis line.

Watches and Jewelry repaired in ths mostnrarkmaclUte manner. J. B. MILLEIi

There waa a negro preacher, I have heard,In Southern parts, before, rebellion stirred,IVbo did not spend his strength in empty

.:??,un.d , v.-.- ,, . ' v iITis was a miad deep reaching, and pro-fou- nl.

.. v - ' i : "" -;

Others ;might iicat; the air,, : and make anoise,

And help to amuse the silly girls and. ' 5 'boys ; ;

, Bui as for him he wa a maa of lhought,Deep in theology, although untaught-- t

Ilef'eonld not read or wrife,- - but he was: wise, t .... ..

. ,T

And knew right smart how to extemporise,One Sunday morn, when hymns and

prayens wfre said,The preacher rose, and rubbing up his

head," Bredren and sisteria, and companions

dear.Our preachiment to-da- y, as you shall

hear.Will be ob de creation ob de planOh which Cod fashioned Adam, de fust

man.When God made Adam, inde ancient day,lie made his body out of earth and clay,lie shape hini out all right, den

lie set him up again de fence to dry."

'Stop," said a voice, and straightwaythere uprose,

An ancient negro in his master's clothes;i( Tell me," said he, " before you farder go,One little thing which I should like to

know,It does not quite get thrcugfi dis nigger's

liar,How came dat fence so nice and hantlv


Like one who in the mud is tightly stuck.Or one non-plussc- d, astonished, thunder

truck.The preacher looked severely on the pews.And rubbed his hair to know what words

to use," Bredren," said he, " dis word I hab to

5;iy ; .

De preacher can't be bothered in dis way,For if he is, it's jest as like as not,Our whole theology will be upsot."

Cvngrcija'ionaMst and Recorder.


Agricultural and Geographical SCdtistics, by A. J. Duur.


Tiie following information, rela- -

tive to the resources of Columbiacounty, 1ms been fnrn'shed the Com-

mercial by II. J. Stevenson, E-q.- , apractical surveyor and civil engineer,together with ati outline map of themost important localities in Marion,Polk, Vnmhill, Washington, Clacka-

mas, Multnomah, Clatsop, Columbia,Wasco-an- d Umatilla counties, theirconnection with tho Pacific ocean bythe waters of the Wallamet andColumbia rivers ; also, the feasibilityof uniting by railroad the most prom-

inent places in these counties withPutret Sound :

With a water line on the Columbia river, the entire length of itsnorthern boundary, a sale river channei for navigation and harbors, capa-ble of accommodating ocean steamersand sailing vessels of the largest size,this county is not only of importanceto the farmer for its fertile soil, andadaptation to stock raising and dairy-inp- ;,

but to the lumberman, mtehanicand nianuf icturer, for its extensiveforests of valuable timber, numerousmill-sit- es and water-power- s ; to themanufacturer of iron, for its richbeds of coal and iron ore ; and al-tho-

iiow but thinly settled, isdestined to become of importance atno distant period, in a commercialpoint of view.

Improved farming land of the bestquality, in favorable localities, canbe obtained at from eight to ten dol-

lars per acre, with unimproved atfour. There is about two hundredand twenty thousand (220,000) acresof unimproved upland, principallycovered with a heavy growth of ex-

cellent timber, mostly yellow fir.Also, about eighty thousand (80,-00- 0)

acres of bottom land along theWallamet and Columbia rivers, alarge portion of which is subject toperiodical overflow, from the first ofJune to the middle of July. Butduring the rest of the year, it is cov-

ered with a luxuriant growth of verynutritious grass, yielding from two tothree tons of hay to the acre, or furDishing an almost inexhaustible supply of pasturage for stock raising anddairy purposes. The higher portionsof this bottom land, known as hard-hac- k

ridges, seldom overflows, beingan alluvial deposit of vegetablemonld; is of almost inexhaustiblefertility, and when cultivated pro-

duces all kinds of grain in perfection,and appears to be especially adaptedto the" cultivation of routs and garden vegetables.

Dairy productions always com-

mand a ready sale in this locality,at remunerative prices. The expe-rienced dairymau and stock grower,with ordinary economy and industry,can in a lew years place liiaiselt inindependent circumstauces, with acomfortable home.

Apples, pears, peaches, plums,cberms, qninces, grapes, and the dif-ferent varieties of small frui:s. dowell when planted iu lavorable locali-ties; and ornamental shrubbery, withbeautiful flower gardens, can be suc-cessfully cultivated, so as to suit themost fastidious taste- -

Good government land can be ob-tained within a mile of navigablewater, at one dollar and twenty-fiv- e

cents per acre, currency; also, 'Stateand School land at two dollars. The


OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Main streetsOregon City,. Oregon.

C. IRELAND, Proprietor

THE WEALTH OP OREGON shaU at! allV times constitute the paramount interest to...which cue columns wiil be devoted. Every

measure for the jgood of the State, wboAefof private or public interest ifrspet;tie of

party, will find in uftjj advocate and a de- -

ntei to :t!i'rWt t Suf abilltyt" - Wehal aim to attract the attention of the

million of -

POPULATION AND MONEY seeking profit-

able places, to that channel whii'h is nowmaking this the fioci of the globe, and ren-

dering Oregon with other Pacific States, theKraneiies of the world, with a centre of

i trade second. to none.AOltlCL'LTUltK will continue to receive that' attention which it merits, at the hands of

every intelligent Journalist. " The Farmerfefdt-l- all.

THR MARKETS will he watched carefully,and such information as we shall he able tocompile will be published.

MANUFACTURERS are earnestly roqne.stedto inform us with respect ti those variousinterests, to Uie end that we may be able tomake the KNTr.nrm.SK us nf-a- r an encyclo-paedia of the business of Oregon a.s can be.

TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION :Single Copy one year ?'5 00

:mx months 2 00" ' Three months 1 00

CLUB RATES:Five Copies. 1 year, fl 2 50 each $12 50

- flW In which case tin extra copy will bejent to the person forming the Club, and a.s

an inducement to such persons, with a viewof extending our circulation,

Una Dollar and Ttrmfij-Fiv- r CentsWill be allowed as Commission on eacii addit'umal fiv. Su.bc ibcri. Thus any personwho will i:iti.-res-t himself in the matter, maysecure tiie paper free ind receive a libel alcompensation tor his services.

A3 Rfmitttntcfix to be made tit the risk ofSubscriber, inul at the espouse of Agents.

TERMS of A I VERTISIXG :.Transient advertisements, including all

legal notices. i. of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50For each subsequent insertion 1 ;()

One Column, one rear $120 00Half " '' 00

" "quarter 10

business Card, 1 square one year 12

BOOK AND JOB P HINTING.&i" The Knt-rpri- se office is Mipplied with

beautiful, approved styles of type. ;tnd miul--

MACHINE PRESSES, uhb n will enablethe Proprietor ti. do Job Piintin at all times

Nral, Qicirk end Cheap !

Hi- - Work sol,c:tcd.I). C. IRSILAXP, l'rr-prittm- :



JtfUo Qi.o . .i-- ia

(Formerly Mirgeon to the Hon. H. 1L Co.)

OFFICE At Residence, Main street Ore-jr"- ii

City, Oieuoii.

w. II. W ATKINS, M. D ,


OFFICE '..", Front street Residence cor-je- r

t" M tin ami Seventh


Savier, LaHoque & Co.,OREGON CITY.

3u"Keep constantly on hand bu sale, flourMidlines, Rran aufl Cliicken Feed. Partiesjiurching feed must furnish the sacks.

7M. RROUGIITON.Contractor and Builder,

Main St.. OREGON CITV.B-g-r Will attend to all work in his liue. con-

sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner woi ktraining, building, etc. Jobbing promptly

.attended t .


JilackSmilh and Wayon Maker)Corner of Main and Third streets.

Oregon City Oregon.

'S- Blacksmi thing in all its branches; Wag-on making and repairing. All work warrant-ed to give satisfaction.


97 First si., J'urtla.id,Next Door to Post Otjice.

ti Importers and Jobbers of Staple andFancy lry (Joods. Grdn bags, Burlaps, furn-ishing Goods, t n, We pay the highest cashprice for Wool, Furs, and Hides.


Wood and "Willow Ware.Brushes. 7 wines, Cor day e, etc.,


Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Washboards, --c215 A 217 Sacramento st.. San Francisco.

113 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Citv.

W, F. HIGHFIELD,Established since lS4li.at the old stand,

Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon.!An Assortment of Watches, Jew-


and Scth Thomas' weightClocks, all of which are warrantedto he as represented.

Repairing cone on Fhort notice,i ind thankful for past favors.


City Drayman,tofeslr OREGON CITY.tr. All orders for the delivery ft mercnan- -

iise ir packages and freight of w hatever des -

ertption. to any part of the city, illbeexe -

cnted promptly and with care.


Succeor to HIGG1NS rf-- COMPANY,No. 8 Front Street, Portland. Oregon,

Is now manufacturing a superior article ofChemical. Olive. Pale and Brown Family Soapwhich he will sell at San Francisco prices.

This soap is warranted.i -

"Willamette Lo!i;c No. l.v-- I. O. ti. TMeets eveiT Saturday evening, at the roomsii.K. Wiruer'of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 2

u'clock. Visiting inembjrs are invited taattend, liy ordr of - W. C. T.


works thereon as soon as pr"8etieatda.JAn extensive coal vein has also beendiscovered in the vicinity of St.Helens.

Valuable salt springs exist in thesouthern part of this county, fromone of which a superior article ofsalt is being manufactured. Thereare six saw and one grist mill in thiscounty. The steam mill at St.Helens is one of the finest in theState, being capable of cutting 40,-00- 0

feet of lumber per day.There are excellent inducements

in. this county for mechanics whohave a small amount of capital tocommence business with, and a limit-ed number of tradesmen of all kindswould find steady employment.

Several good schools are establish-ed in this county, with one church(Methodist) at St. Helens.

All kinds of produce sells at re-

munerative prices, St. Helens beinga good market, with a safe harbor,where consignments can be made toPortland, Victoria, San Francisco,or any other market on the coast.

The climate is mild and temperate,without extreme cold in winter, orexcessive heat in summer. Snowseldom falls to remain on the groundmore than two or three days at atime.

A few cases of ague occur periodi-cally in the southern part of thecounty, but the country is generallyhealthy, and fever and ague is notprevalent in any part of the State.

The inducements held out to pro-fessional men are not very flatteringin this locality, although good schoolteachers are well patronized; butthe great secret of success in a newplace like this, is mooey judiciouslyinvested, backed by muscle, vigorously applied, to develop a country nat-urally rich in agricultural, mechanicaland mineral resources.

Grain and seeds, of the differentvarieties, can be obtained by the im-

migrant in almost any of the settle-ments in this count-- , at a reasonn-bl- e

rate. Agricultural implements,mechanics' tools, provisions, groce-ries, clothing, hardware, books, sta-tionery and, in fact, everything nec-

essary to commence life with com-

fortably, in a new country, can be asreadily obtained in this locality, and-- t almost as cheap a price, as in theolder States.

No. 3. ,


This county, lying immediatelysou'h of Clatsop county, to which itis attached for judicial purposes, hasa sea coast extending from TillamookHead, on the north, to Cape Fair-weath- er,

in the somh, a distance ofabout seventy miles.

With a good harbor at the monthof the Tillamook river, in the north-ern part of the county, well adaptedto steamers and sailing vessels oflight draught, with other inlets far-

ther south on the coast of less im-

portance, with pure water, smallfertile velleys, and a mild, healthyclimate, this county holds out in-

ducements not to be overlooked Lythe iudustrious, persevering immigrant,seeking a home on the' PaciGc coast.The following informations is furnish- -

jxi by Wm. II. Hall, Esq., who resided a number of years in this county.

This county is accessible by waterthrough its bays and inlets; also, bypack trail from Astoria, and anotherfrom Yamhill county, leading to Tilla-lamo- ok

liny.The interval lands along the

creeks and rivers are not surpassedfor productiveness on this coast, be-

ing a vegetable mould of alluvial de-

posit. These lands when properlycultivated, produce the different varieties of vegetables, grain and grass,iu abundance; while the prairies anduplands are well adapted to generalfarming, yielding fruit. and all kindsof crops generally cultivated by thefarmer, excepting corn.

Farming lands, partly improrel,can be obtained at from three to fivedollars per acre, while other goodland not so eligably situated can behad at government price. There isabout fifty thousand acres of tideland, covered with very nutritiousgrass, especially adapted to dairying,good butter and cheese always com-

manding paying prices in the dif-

ferent markets on this coast. Thisbranch of industry can be followedon these lands with marked success.

Timber for fencing and buildingpurposes U plenty and easily ob-

tained, being composed of spruce,hemlock, fir, cedar, maple and alder,of which spruce predominates.

Numerous springs and brooks sup-

ply an abundance of pure, cold wa-

ter for stock and domestic use ; whilethe larger creeks, running westwardfrom the coast range mountains, fur-

nish numerous mill sites and water-now- er

for all mechanical purposes.The spruce timber in this part of

the country grows to an enormoussize, being in many instances fromfive to eieht feet in diameter, andfrom one to two hundred feet highbefore reaching a limb-fornishi- Dg anexcellent material for staves, sliiDgles,

household furniture, merchandise, ag-

ricultural implements, mechanics'tools, etc., are not as good as inmany other parts of the State, arti-cles of this kind being obtained fromPortland by means of sailing vessels;but nature has placed within ihereach of industry, the facilities forovercoming most of these inconveni-ences by furnishing the raw materialfrom which to produce or manufac-ture almost all the necessaries of Iffe.

The privileges for common schoolsand meetings for religious worship,are as good as could be reasonablyexpected in a new locality like this,schools being established in all thesettlements whera the number ofscholars demand one, and the Metho-dist and Christian denominationshaving a number of local and itine-ra- nt

preachers in the different valleysin this vicinity.

There are trails where stock of allkinds can be driven from this valleyto Portland or Astoria. Othermarketing is done by-- means of sail-

ing vessels coming into the bays.There are two lumber mills and

two flour mills in this county, butthe numerous excellent water-power- s,

with the abundance of timber, wouldmake lumbering on an extensivescale a profitable business in this lo-

cality.The mineral resources of this

county have not been developed, butcoal, iron and slate are known toexist iu different localities.

The d liferent kinds of fish areabundant in all the inlets and bays,while swarms of speckled troutabound in mountain streams and fur-uis- h

rich pastime for the sportsman.Elk, deer, bear, and the smaller

varieties of gam?, are abundant inmany parts of the county, and goodoyster beds exist along the coast.


Washington county is situated inthe northwest corner of the WallametValley, and is oie of the best graingrowing counties of the State, wat-ered by the Tual.it an river and itstributaries, with beautiful prairies ofunsurpassed fertility,timber and wood-

land more than sufficient to supplythe borne demand, and within an easyday's drive of navigable water, makesit among the most desirable locationsfor a home in the State.

In answer to inquiries made by theCommittee, asking for informationrelative to the resources of Oregon,the following communication has beenreceived from John T. Scott, Esq.,which, for its clear and comprehen-sive statement of facts, the Commit-te- e

has thought best to insert entire:

Forest Grove, Washington County, )

September 25, 18o8. j"

Hon. A. J. Dofur, Chairman of the OregonAgricultural Society :Dear Sir.: In compliance with

circular, I will briefly answer the sev-

eral inquiries in their order.rust Ihe character of public

buildings: We have located in ourcounty the Pacific University. Thebuildings consist of three large andcommodions framed structures, sufficient for to accommodate the presentwants of the community. And Irn&y here remark, that this Instituteis well patronized, and the corps ofteachers is not excelled in the State.

Second The average pr ice of farm-

ing land, improved and unimproved:Improved, farms can be obtained fromten to twenty dollars per acre, according to the amount of improvements; unimproved, at from three tofour dollars.

Third The amount of tax on thedollar in this county is fourteen mills.

Fourth The general nature of thesoil, etc.: Our county contains someof the best farming lands in the State.The Tualitan Plains are well adaptedto the growth of grain and grass, aswell as to vegetables, and fruit of allkinds.

Fifth The different kinds of tim-

ber and adaptation to building, lum-

ber, feuce, etc.: We have all thedifferent varieties that are to be foundthroaghout our State, convenientlylocated for tarming and lumberingpurposes. Our water power is abun-dant and ample.

Sixth Quality and convenience ofwater for stock and domestic purposes:Wells are mostly used for families:water soft, pure and easily obtained;numerous creeks and springs abound.

Seventh Climate, health, etc.;We are situated in the northwest

of the Wallametcorner Valley ; ourclimate is mild and of an even tem-perature; the general health of thecountry is good.

Eighth Inducements held out tomechanics, professional men andtradesmen: The various mechanicalprofessions thrive well here, althoughthere is not a sufficient supply for thedemand; in lact, we want more pop-ulation to develope Our vast resources.



This county is situated on the nav-agab- le

waters of the Wallamet river,and probably holds out greater in-

ducements to the capitalist whowishes to make successful investmentin the various manufacturing enter-prises, or to the industrious mechanicwith limited means, than any otherlocality of equal size on the Pacificcoast, or even in the Uuited States.

The following information relativeto the present resources and naturaladvantages of this county, was fur-

nished the Committee by ID. C.Ireland, Esq., editor of the OregonCity Enterprise, a gentleman who hastaken great pains to obtain and cir-

culate valuable information throughthe columns of his paper, relative tothe mineral, mechanical and agricul-tural wealth of this State:

First There are no public build-ings in Clackamas county worthy ofnote, if we except the Seminary atOregon City. The County Jail is amiserable structure, but we havevery little use for a jail in this re-

gion.Second The average price of

farming land, improved and unim-proved, is from three to five dollarsper acre. Wild lands is abundant atfrom one dollar and twentyfive centsto two dollars per acre.

Third The assessed value of prop-erty in Clackamas county, and thetax levied, is as follows, for the fouryears past.

Year. Valuation. Mills Tax.1SC4 ?1,25S,877 00 5ISH't 1,600.394 00 7i

1,24,75 0 518G7 1,648,875 00

The last levy was for extraordina-ry expenses in purchasing bridges,etc., by which all of our bridges weremade free from toll. The figuresunder the head of valuation, show ahealthy increase in the developmentof the resources of the couuty afterthe damage by floods of the winter of1S01-G- 2.

Fourth The general nature ofthe soil for farming purposes is good.Grain, vegetables, and the variouskinds of fruit, grow in abundancehere, even on our poorest lands.Stock raising and dairying could beentered npon at small expense. Thereis no better country for timothygrass than this; its growth on ourhighest hills is luxuriant, and it servesto kill out fern.

Fifth AVe have all the varietiesof timber common to Oregon, inClackamas county. Oak and ash,suitable for wagon timber and thewoodwork of agricultural implements,is said to be more abuuiant and ofbetter quality in this than in anyother county, and has been workedout by parties in years past withprofit to themselves, and the oppor-tunity still remains. The amount ofmaterial for building, fencing, etc.,is inexhaustible in this county, and ageneral lumbering business is nowbeing carried on by ten or a dozencompanies, with available space for ahundred more.

Sixth The quality of water forfamily use in Clackamas county eannot be excelled pure living springsand mountain streams course throughevery section. The amount of wateravailable for power, is far in excessof any other single county iu theworld, perhapf.

The Falls of the Wallamet, in thiscity, provide man with more than onemillion horse power. The factoriesof Lowell and Lawrence, were theyhere, would consume but a portion ofthe water adapted by nature to mill-ing and mechanical purposes in thistown. Oswego can be made to fur-nish one quarter of that amount,while Milwaukie has significant valuein this respect, aud the Clackamas,Molalla, Butte creek, Mill creek,Tualatin, and many other streamwhich we might mention, furnish val-

uable localities for mill sites andwater-power- .

Seventh The temperature of thislocality is even. Excessive heat andexcessive cold is very rare. Thegeneral health of the county isgood. Billious affections are butlittle known among our people.

Eighth We can effer better in-

ducements to mechanics and trades-men, who can bring capital with them,


The Government Land Office is lo-

cated at Oregon City, at which Mr.Owen Wade officiates as Register;and Mr. Henry Warren, Receiver

Three neighbors have cows thatbrought twins ; in each case one ofthe twins is a bull and the other aheifer. Heifers coming thus, seldom,or more often than otherwise, do notbreed. The name " free martin" hasbeen given to them. They are oftenraised with a view of making beef ofthem at three or four years old, andmost delicious beef they become.Sometimes they are broken to theyoke and matched with a twinbrother, made a steer, The bulls,if used for breeders, are said to befrequent getters of free martins. Wesuppose there is little doubt that twinanimals are more apt to bear twinsthan are others. A free martin has,if barren, a peculiarly ox like look.

. .

Twet.ty-fiv- e or fifty dollars worthof books pertaining to the farm willgive the boys new ideas, set them tothiuking and observing, and thus en-ab- le

thera to make their heads helptheir hands. Any good book will, inthe end, be of far more value to ayouth than to have an extra acre ofland, on coming to manhood. Thethinking, reasoning, observing manwill certainly make more off from 49acres, than he would off from 50 acreswithout the mental ability whichreading will give him. Far better tosell the acre of land than do with-out the books.


From the "Orcgonian" ofJanuary 18.1869.Both the Democratic papers in this

city are agonizing in the most fearfulmanuer because some Chinese havebeen employed in the woolen factoryat Oregon City. But with all theirwords on this subject these papers donot discuss anything ; they have no-

thing to say about the relations oflabor and capital ; they simply rantafter the fashion of shallow dema-gogues, and try to turn the circum-

stance at Oregon City to political ac-

count. A storm of obloquy is show-ered cpon the " Radicals" for theiralleged agency in " ousting poor buthonest white laborers from our fac-

tories ;" and the Republican party ischarged with the odium of being theenemy of oar laboring clashes. Saysone of these organs : " White menwho voted with the Republican partymust not complain if the men theyassisted to place in power now carryout the programme contrary to theirwishes and injurious to their inter-ests." Indeed 1 Let us see whatmanner of men they are who are put-ting into practice these odious "Rad-ical" principles. Wrbo are they whohave engaged in th's effort " to degrada vrbite labor V

j Buchanan, supported by Congressesoverwhelmingly jJemocratic, took nomeasures to " protect" the whites ofAmerica against the "mongrel hordesof Asia." At that time the Chinesewere as numerous in California as theyare now. From that State fbey havegradually spread over the whole coast.If their presence here is a cnrser thatcurse, like the rebellion, was left asa legacy to the country by the demo-cratic party when it was driven frompower.

As Democrats are foremost in cr

Chinese labor in Oregon,what remedy would the wi.e men ofthe Democratic party propose? AreRepublicans to be censured for thepropensity to employ cheap labor,which is continually manifested byDemocrats among us ? Are we tobe assailed because we do not pro-vide laws to prevent and pnnish suchaction as that taken by the Demo-

crats of the manufacturing companyat Oregon City? This would be inkeeping with the Democratic habit ofcondemning the " Radicals" becausethey do not provide penal enactmentsto prevent Democrats from marrying"nigjrer?." The two cases are, inprinciple, exactly alike.

In a former article we said : " Itis the fashion to regard capital as theenemy of labor. Nothing is moreerroneous. Without capital therewould be no wages at all." TheHerald quotes this and sneeringlyremarks. That is good Republicandoctrine of to-da- y." And pray is itnot good common sense doctrine ofevery day ? Observe what it is the ;

Herald takes issue with. That paperregards capital as the enemy of labor!

It holds, then, 'that every man whohas capital is the object of the envyand rapacity of those whom it de-

nominates "the poor." This is,ideKticallv the principle of the Ja-

cobins of'l7U3, which was afterwardsput in a convenient formula by Proud-ho- n,

when he asserted Jbat propertywas a crime. The principle advancedby the Herald would quickly abolishall property. Every man whose con.;dition in life compels him to laborwith his hands is to be held up as anobject of pifj ecd tauLt that thowuer of property is h enemy and