POLITICAL DIVIDED. Arauca. Its capital is Arauca, is a llanerasubregion where the main economy is oil exploration, displacing livestock. In extension, is mostly dominated by valleys, bounded on the north by the Arauca River, west by Venezuela, to the east by the Sierra Nevada cocuy (another mountainous area of the Orinoco region), and south along the river and river Meta Casanare. Its name and of its capital, is derive of name of a bird called “Arauco”. Arauca department consists of seven municipalities, a township, 77 police posts, and equally by numerous villages and populated places. It has 337 886 habitants for a population density of 0.01 hab/Km 2 . Casanare. Its capital is Yopal, shopping and livestock in the region, its economy is based on oil exploitation, cattle ranching, and agriculture (rice and palm). As Arauca, dominate valleys, and is surrounded by large rivers in northern limits Casanare River, west and south limits the Meta River, east borders the Boyacá department.


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Page 1: Orinoquia



Its capital is Arauca, is a llanerasubregion where the main economy is oil exploration, displacing livestock. In extension, is mostly dominated by valleys, bounded on the north by the Arauca River, west by Venezuela, to the east by the Sierra Nevada cocuy (another mountainous area of the Orinoco region), and south along the river and

river Meta Casanare. Its name and of its capital, is derive of name of a bird called “Arauco”. Arauca department consists of seven municipalities, a township, 77 police posts, and equally by numerous villages and populated places. It has 337 886 habitants for a population density of 0.01 hab/Km2. Casanare.

Its capital is Yopal, shopping and livestock in the region, its economy is based on oil exploitation, cattle ranching, and agriculture (rice and palm). As Arauca, dominate valleys, and is surrounded by large rivers in northern limits Casanare River, west and south limits the Meta River, east borders the

Boyacá department.

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The department name´s comes from the word achagua “Casanari”, meaning river of sewage. Casanare is divided into nineteen municipalities, eleven districts, 106 police posts, and numerous villages and populated places. It has 247541 habitants for a population density of 10.39 hab/Km2. Meta.

The capital is Villavicencio, the capital llanera par excellence, its economy is based on agriculture in rice and palm elsewhere in cattle ranching main point being San Martin, and exploitation of oil and Puerto Lopez and Puerto Gaitan. It is the fourth largest department in Colombia.

Bordered on the north by the department of Cundinamarca and Casanare, to the west by the Department of Vichada, on the east by the department of Huila, Cundinamarca and Caquetá, and south by the department of Guaviare and Caquetá. The Name “Meta” is an aborigen name of white river. The department is divided into twenty-nine municipalities, 15 police posts, as well as numerous villages and populated places. It has 783168 habitants for a population density of 9.15 hab/Km2. Vichada.

Is the area of indigenous reserves in the region, its capital is Puerto Carreño, its area is covered by lots basin, and its territory is considered most indigenous heritage, its main economic sources are palm crops and livestock, however it has a social problem for the extraction of Coltan.

Bordered on the north Meta River, west river Orinoco, Guaviare River south, and east by the department of Meta.

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The department is divided into four municipalities, 25 police posts, as well as numerous villages and populated places. It has 55872 habitants for a population density of 0.53 hab/Km2. ACCESS ROADS. You can arrive by air to Arauca (capital), Tame, Yopal, Villavicencio, Puerto Gaitan, PuertoCarreño. For terrestrial environment are main roads Bogota-Villavicencio; Florencia-Villavicencio; Pamplonita (Nte. Santander) - Cubará (Boyacá) - Tame and Arauca; Sogamoso - Sámaca – Tame; Sogamoso - Aguazul – Yopal; but there are other possible ways, including routes exist between the main cities as Yopal - Arauca; Villavicencio - Yopal. Colombian road the only way to get to Puerto Carreño is Villavicencio - Puerto Lopez - Puerto Gaitán - Puente Arimena - Puerto Carreño. TYPICAL MUSIC AND DANCE In traditional Colombian music llanera music is the most wealth of forms present. The word Joropo, in the context of plain refers not only to music and dance but also the name of the meetings where they sing and dance, the party is joropollanera. In Joropo clearly perceived Spanish ancestry, especially canned singing, the choreography, the arabesques of the voice and the Andalusian and flamenco footwork. Were the Jesuit missionaries who brought the music of his homeland to this region. Besides created interpret music schools. The Joropo interpreted by six strokes rights, six “corridos” or “pajarillos”. When the tune is slower basis, then it is called “Pasaje”, and if the base is still singing story, usually called “Corridos”. In the song there is a great tension in the throat by using very high grades and very low notes. It is also very common in singing the counterpoint, a verbal challenge in which tests the ingenuity and improvisation skills to defeat on a specific topic. The dance music is still llaneracouples dance in which the dancers are always holding hands around and stomping. In the first part using the steps valsiaos, with slow and wide, then run steps as escobillao shuffling, or the traditional

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“Zapatiao” of man. This turns around and flirts increasingly tight to win the woman. Another derivative joropo rhythm is “Galeron”. This region was called “galerón” to historical or fantasy romances sung by rangers with themes of love, war and country scenes. It is believed that the harmony, melody, and beat, the “galerón” is derived from Gregorian chants of the Jesuit missionaries who came to the plains in the seventeenth century, and the Andalusians romances. It is also believed that the “galerón” derives from the edge of the boat crews that told what happened in offshore cruises. The melody of “galerón” is vague and monotonous to perform the song that is most important. The songs are improvised, cheerful, full of gallantry and curiously its protagonists are feats of great value, or description of the land of the plain, and not love. In the “galerón” the cuatro brings harmony, melody Requinto, and maracas are percussion instruments. “Galerón” dance represents the game of love between man and woman. Man tries to conquer and attract mates with the rapidity of their movements, the woman flirts turn him adorning the skirt. Here, both men and women stomp. Llaneros sets are the soul of joropos. They use the harp and mandolin as major instruments like voice, and maracas and cuatro as accompanying instruments. Over time, instruments like the guitar Tiple and have also been incorporated into these ensembles. Llaneros sets are present with their “corridos”, blows, birds and sheds in the festivities, in social and family parties, at any meeting of celebration, and in competitions and music festivals plains, as the International tournament of Villavicencio Joropo . The festivities are held in villages at different times. Besides music and dance, there are also racing horses, donkeys, cockfight, madams, etc.

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MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Typical instruments used in the performance of music llanera are the harp, cuatro and maracas, like the mandolin and mandolin that was gradually displaced by the harp as well as others like cirramplafurruco and which already not used. The Principal Harp music llanera instrument.

The harp used by the Jesuits in their missions during the eighteenth century, disappeared from the Plains after the wars of independence and the plateau was reintroduced after the surrender of the guerrillas in 1953. The harp in history was used throughout American Hispanic, mostly during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as a solo instrument and harmonious, both in music and in the secular religious. In the nineteenth century was consolidated as the main instrument of various genres of traditional Latin American regional music.

This musical instrument typical of eastern Colombia and Venezuela, has 32 or 33 nylon strings in different gauges and organized in the musical scale depending on the thickness. Regularly is built of cedar, although there are manufacturers who use the pine and other woods durable and resistant. It uses clearcoat paint for your lose not sound as if it would happen with any color paint. The harp llanera is closely related to the artistic and musical expressions of eastern Colombia, gaining from its beginnings a value of "property" regional instrument.

“El cuatro”.

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This little instrument whose name is derived from the ropes that owns, is a modification of “el quinto” and takes its origin in the late XVI. A beginning was made with chunks of rustic wood and vegetable fiber ropes very hard, which shelled molluscs slimming making ahead with viscera (guts) of animals, being dried in the sun to warm and object that emit sounds that somehow equalized with Spanish instruments. This instrument was created with the purpose of accompanying bodyguards, whistles, drums and maracas, the instrument any less or accompanying ensemble Ranger, has been honored as "guitarro".Previously Tiple, he was at the same level the accompanying instrument until the final four was displaced. “El cuatro” is played by strumming, taking into execution muñequeo great importance, the old wooden peg has been replaced by automatic headstock. The Capachos Maracas or Chuchas

Totumitos fact that fit well in the hand, in some regions a maraca was bigger and the sound was more severe and was told: male, the other was told or cascabelina rattlesnake. He deposited seeds capacho and then being told to maracas mats, or capachas. They are also called Chuchas. The maracas could be

scraped, very little holes drilled and painted. The Maraca Instrument is Colombian aboriginal contribution to folklore owls. All indigenous peoples of maracas made an instrument of their choice and executed in each ceremony. Small medium, large, decorated with paintings, carved with holes, short or long handle, topped with colorful feathers, well decorated to the taste of every people. It is known that the Incas used, the Guajiro, the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Quechua. However it is claimed that the name they gave the Indians south of Brazil Jupies living along the banks of the Rio Maraca which flows into the Amazon River.

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The Bandola Harmonic instrument, also brought by settlers from Spain and slightly modified. It consists of a sounding board, smaller than a guitar and has 4 strings. It has very few frets and is played with pen in Venezuela is not considered as a basic instrument of music llanera, however here in Colombia, replaces the harp mandolin in some groups.

The Cirrampla

Instrument cost of a wooden stick which has tied a rope along, and as a sounding used mouth, vibrating the string with the fingers. Today can be considered "extinct" folklore, because nobody teaches its execution and was used only here in Colombia.

The furruco Indigenous instrument used to mark the low of the tunes. It comprises a hollow wooden cylinder at its two ends, one of them covered with a leather. It has at its center a rod. To play the instrument are joined palms wand between two and slides down, causing a vibration which sounds like a bass. INTERPRETERS. LUIS REY ARIEL Pioneer llanera phonography in Colombia, "el jilguero del llano" recorded in 1950 “Ay sisi” and other numbers, the first to arrive to acetate, with the trio "los llaneros" he formed with his brothers based guitars. In 1957 he first joined, harp recordings to music since before the region ran on guitar and mandolin llaneratiple, or orchestra.

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ArnulfoBriceño Without being Ranger, has the privilege of having created the song "ay mi llanura" is the only song that popular anthem elevated to departmental, Meta. Some of his hits were "HatoCanaguay", made for a telenovela, "Canta Llano" evoking the goldfinch, "Adios a mi Llano", among others. JUAN FARFAN It is perhaps the most renowned Creole singer for the authenticity of their air and contents. Composer, singer and contrapunteador, four plays maracas, has brought his songs to Mexico and Central America. Theirbiggest hits: “Resignación”, “Murió el guayabo”, “El Araucano”, “Viva el Cantor”, “la brincona”, “La Peladera”, “Amor Ideal”, “El pato Jabao”, “el hombre de mil caminos”. ARIES VIGOTH Popular singer and composer of the joropos as "Llanura aqui esta tu hijo" and "Predestinación", co-authoredwith Mark Rodriguez and passagesthe parrandero Gavan, "plan inolvidable", "pecadoral". Integer folk delegation to Expo-Seville (Spain) and has sung in Miami and New York, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Panama. ORLANDO CHOLO VALDERRAMA Singer, songwriter and cuatristasogamoseño. Accumulated trophies in dozens of festivals: Villavicencio, Arauca, "The Golden Florentino" Achaguas (Venezuela). Isfamousforitsthemes: “Quitarresuellos”, “Viento Viajero”, “Muchacha cuanto te quiero”, “Coleador” y “Pa'mi taita”. Ranger was the first folklorist to act in China and was presented in France, Italy, Mexico, Central America and Venezuela. More than a hundred songs recorded by himself and many other performers.

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DUMAR ALJURE Singer of great tradition that has brought the genre to Guatemala, France, Spain, Venezuela and the Presidential Palace. He is the author of "CatiraCasanareña", which has become an anthem for women of this region of the plain. Touch "pa'lparrando" mandolin, mandolin and four. Another well-known theme, recorded several times, even by New Culture, is "el Taparito", winner of a festival in Villavicencio. More passages and famous hits: "Pa'lante casanareños", "Virgencita de Manare", "port res mujeres yo vivo", "el rencor". Walter Silva Singer-songwriter Ranger, born in Casanare, nominated twice for Grammy Awards Latin music, singer of songs "dondeanduviera mi muchacha" and "ya no le camino mas." ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES

The ranching is the third activity economic on Orinoquia, it is important

because the region can carry its products as beef or cheese to Country's

Center, the ranching represent 7% from the PIB on Orinoquia. The first

economic activity is the mining industry and the second is the agriculture.

This region had 25, 4 hectare’s millions, where 58% is used for livestock, 35%

to natural woods and water, 2% to agriculture and 5% to commercial woods.

Before the Alvaro Uribe was president of Colombia, the investors were not

interesting in the Orinoquia, but today they are owners of many lands. They

had been developed some plans about agribusiness where they can are

competitive in the international market like cereals. These plans are destined

to farming of palm tree, corn, rice, sugar, meat of chicken and pig.

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The earth's riches and humus of this region are important for Development

Plan's President Santos. According to the National Government, the

Orinoquia is important because it's the last region with agricultural frontier

for be an alternative about alimentary safety.

Alvaro Uribe looked for safety for Colombians and the investments

multinationals because the investors were frightened for the FARC.

According to Newspaper ‘El tiempo’ the resources naturals can be

opportunities for commercial relations with the country Venezuela. The

article mentions many of these resources in the region, for example:

Silver: Deposits on Vaupes, Guainía, Meta and Vichada.

Gold: Deposits on Guainía with an area of 800 km.

Diamantes: Deposits on Guainía.

In the Orinoquia there’s coal, salt, gypsum, copper, aluminum, limy, sand,

petroleum and other metals.


The Orinoquia has the bigger richness of sweet water's fishes, is a region with

important species of birds and tropical gramineas. In this region also have

different amphibious, reptiles and mammals. This complex biodiversity is for

the history of the region. Approximately the region’s water represent the 32,

4% from the total in Colombia.

A cause of mining development many species have missing because some

rivers have been acidify with heavy metals from the extraction of natural


The hydrography is important because is the sustenance of many ecosystems

and people that need of this resource for live. With the contamination of

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waters the fishes died and the people can’t food, also, there is problems of


The petroleum has been for many time source of contamination for

environment, the companies don’t think about the hurts to animals,

vegetation and native communities, who have been forced to going to other


The ecosystems are very important because they are necessaries for the

preservation from the environmental. The woods are important because they

can catch carbon dioxide and less the greenhouse effect. Also, the

monocultures are damage because they spoil the grounds. These grounds are

important because they are a production ways.


With regard to climate, temperatures range between 18 ° and 36 ° C, in this

region there is precipitation of rain in several departments and therefore the

Orinoco is characterized by a semi damp climate.



The traditional Orinoquia fauna is represented in literature and some animals

are mentioned in stories, legends and fears of the people. The more known

in the Eastern Plains include savanna dear (Odocoileusvirginianus), the

capybara (Hydróchaerishydrochaeris) and red corocora(Eudocimusruber).

Orinoquia Fauna also includes one of the animals with the most powerful

vocals of the animal kingdom such as the howler monkey (Alouattaseniculus),

he can be heard several kilometers away or the different species of macaws

(Am spp.).

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It also includes several animals that are considered dangerous to humans, as

the tiger (Pantheraonca), the guided black or anaconda (Eunectesmurinus),

the crocodile of Orinoquia (Crocodylusintermedius) and “cuatronarices”


For being the showiest the birds are perhaps the largest group of vertebrates

that arouses sympathy in the general public. This is the natural region

containing a higher percentage of the national bird, however, their condition

isn’t satisfactory for the environment changes and the disorderly and

insensible agricultural development and livestock have greatly reduced

populations various species and questioned the regional survival of others.

The origin of the Eastern Plains is comparatively recent, perhaps less than a

million years; its soils are extremely poor and are formed from the

sedimentation of the Andes.


The famous “temblón” (Electrophorus electricus) who has many legends and

fear generated by the danger of electric shock, can also find the peacock

(Cichlaocellaris), fish regularly required as a source of protein. Probably the

most notorious fish in the Orinoquia are varieties of "Caribs" or "piranhas"

(Serrasalmus spp.)

Many ornamental fish are found in this basin and this has led to a large

international trade. We can mention the tetras (Cheirodonaxelrodi,

Axelrodiariesei and others), the ax (Thoracocharxstellatus,

Amblydorashancocki), the "four-eyes" (Anablepsanableps, Ancistrus spp.)

Reptiles and amphibians:

The species that we can find in the plains the presence of water for many

months of the year are as follows: three anurans (Bufomarinus,

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Hylamicrocepha the H. rubra), a crocodile, stifle, (Calmancrocodylus), a turtle

(Kinosternonscorpioides), a lizard, iguana (Iguana iguana) and three snakes

(Eunectesmurinus, Helicopsangulatus and Leptodeiraannulata).

The amphibious that can be considerate endemic species of Orinoquia are

four frogs (Hylaminuscula, H. wandae, Physalaemus enesefae y Pipraparva),

the toad (Bufomarinus) is the most common amphibian seen in the vicinity of

occupied areas, When it rains, there’s more than during the dry season, and

is commonly found near artificial light sources where they hunt insects.

Although the “babilla” is not dangerous to humans, is hunted and eaten by

them. The boa (Boa constrictor) can reach up to 4 m long and are regarded as

a potential danger to pets; however, they are not dangerous to humans,

another feared snake is the rattlesnake (Crotalusdurissus), which is in very

dry forests and savannas. Its bite can be dangerous, the most common is

“cuatronarices” (Bothrops cf. Atrox), perhaps because it is attracted to the

houses by the presence of small rodents which are their main food.

Babilla (fuente: http://jandercar.blogspot.com/2008/11/babilla.html )

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“Nature isstrangeand fascinating”. SaidZezeAmaya, a passionatestudentof

GeologyUNin Bogota, hewas born inthe Orinoquia.

"The rocks in Orinoquia are special because theywere createdalmostthe first

timesthatthe Earth formed, as the magmascrystallizedand

solidifiedquickly.Sohave many processes, most of the historyof the

worldover!These rocksare those containingvarious mineralsstrategicfor the

country, "said Amaya.

However, the growth ofgold mining inthe regionofthe Orinoquiainthe last

fifteenyears has createda problemofpublic health for toseveral factors such

asthe use of mercuryinthegoldamalgamation process, ecosystem

pollutionand exposureof the populationofthe region. The results indicate

aprecariouswork environmentandlack ofknowledge ofecological risk.

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The Orinoquia is seen by the hydrocarbon sector, public and private, as a promising area for the discovery and exploitation of heavy oil. La AgenciaNacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH), as administrator of the hydrocarbon resources of the Nation, has made eight blocks in the region. Oil activitieshavebeenenclave economies, with negative impactson local populations, anddirect impact onthelivelihoods ofthe villages. Alsoattractmigrants andmaycause the displacement oftraditionalcommunities. Neverthelessthese activitiescanfacilitate processes ofequitable and sustainable development.

A first stepis to harmonizethe expansion of mining industry with thenational

conservationpolicies, like the ANH has made it. For example, royalties could

be investedin the consolidationof aregional conservationprojectthat

generatesa realintergenerationalcompensation.

History of oil

From the 40’s many multinational companies searched oil in Orinoquia. In

the 70’s expertsshowedthe oil wealth in Orinoquia.

ARAUCA: This Departmentfor severalyears hasbeenabandoned

andmarginalized; its economy was based mainly on farming; its

coverageinhealth and educationserviceswas extremely low. The

exploitationof Caño Limonmeantfor public authoritiesin Araucaand forthe

Nationa significant increasein revenue.

CASANARE:Thehydrocarbonsfrom these fieldscontain oil, gas and water

andarestoredin threedifferentformations: Mirador, BarcoandGuadalupe.

Crudes ofCusiana andCupiaguaare of excellentquality,low-saltand sulfur, and

the absence ofmetals, such as vanadiumand nickel, make them attractivefor

the world market.

META: TheMetais differentwiththe other departmentsof the

Orinoquiabecause its economyisdiversified. The closenessofitscapital

(Villavicencio) withBogota, converted to Villavicencio in the centermore

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attractiveforcommercial exchange andservices. TodayVillavicencioand the

nearby municipalitiesare growingrapidly, bymigratory phenomena

ofinhabitants searchingbetter alternativesof life.


“The quality of man is the measure of the quality of poetry” (Antonio G. De Lama) Carranza’s Life

Eduardo Carranza was a poet (Apiay, Meta, July 23 1993-Bogotá, February 13

1985) who broke with French style of poetry that was written in Colombia in

the twentieth century. He wrote in Hispanic classical and he associated the

poetry with his remote plain province.

Eduardostudiedin Bogotaand hewas professor ofcolleges anduniversities,

publishedhis first bookin 1936called"Cancionesparainiciaruna fiesta"from

1958 to1951 hewas directorofthe National Library ofColombia.

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He was member of the Academy of Language since 1963 and directed the Library Special District of Bogota. In 1984 the national government, headed by the president BelisarioBetancur named him roving ambassador of Spanish-speaking countries, and Carranza closed with Leopold Sedar Senghor and Jorge Luis Borges the VII World Congress of Poetry in Morocco. Carranzawrote some essaysandthe identityof his styleisthe recurring themes.

He wrote some essays and the identity of his style is the recurring themes, in

his poems are constantly words like blue, palm or flag. The poetic exercise of

Carranza explored various options; in his maturity the poetry was no longer

transparent and luminous but eloquent in its sadness. This was thetone

thatallowed him to write, atage 60, his best poems,

groupedin“HablarSoñando”and“Epístola mortal”, in these poems reflected

the profundity of topics as the absence, the loss and the desolation.

“His youth poetry shows the heart of a teenager, also when he arrive at adulthood and finally old age. It's a whole life, with all its passions, hopes, disillusions and mistakes where is written in verse. Carranza has written everything and nothing has been omitted...” [Tome 4, Literatura, pp. 216-218].

For Carranza poetry expresses the collective hopes and dreams of a people, according to he is necessary to leave the tired rhetoric to search again contact with the earth, humans and history (CARRANZA, Eduardo: «Valores y ausencia de la poesíacolombiana actual). The starting point of the poetry of Carranza was the same as Pablo Neruda: he doesn’t like the world where he lives and wants to transform it with poetry. Carranza’s political thought SimonBolivarwas for Carranzahis father, friend andsole boss. Bolivar

influenced the political thought of the poet because he thought that

Colombia should be a Bolivarian republic where executive power is greater

than the legislature. Carranza didn’t seek dictatorship but a policy to defend

the man and his freedom. However some critics say that Carranza was a

person very conservative and he defended an authoritarian regime.

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Tourism is one of the items of the regional

economy, which in recent years has been on the

agenda of public policy department.

Near Villavicencio, on the road to the town of

Puerto Lopez is MerecureAgroecological Park,

considered the largest of its kind in South America.

The municipalities of San Martin, Restrepo, Puerto Lopez, Puerto Gaitan and

Acacias, are also interesting places to visit in Meta.

Other beautiful places of this region are:

National Natural ParkTheTuparro

The park was created in 1970, covers

an area of 548,000 hectares and is

bathed by the rivers Tomo to the north,

and rivers Tuparro,

CañoMaipuresTuparrito and south. The

park is a sanctuary for birds, orchids, monkeys, snakes and dolphins

(freshwater pink dolphins).

There also exists an ancient cemetery that belonged to the indigenous nation

of Maipures, now disappeared.

The park's name is due to the Tuparro hills, small mountains of height less

than 900 meters, which belonged to the former Guayana Massif and are

composed of quartz.

As a tourist destination, The Tuparro Park is a special place. Its natural







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attractions of incomparable beauty can offer visitors various recreation


Besides admiring the rapids and the exotic surroundings, visitors can go

hiking, kayaking, fishing and sports, climbing andphotography. There is, also,

a large scale production that includes the work of

indigenous communities and indigenous cemeteries

decorated with pictograms.

The mountainous Serrania of the Macarena

Locatedin the departmentof Meta, La Macarenais

amountainoushighlandsof1'019.036hectares, independent

ofthe three rangesis consideredas one of thewildlife

sanctuariesin the worldlargestand possessesunique

speciesin the world, making itbiological heritageof


Some ofthe highlightsare “CañoCrystals”, which is characterized bythe

presence of algaeofdifferentcolors, making this site avisual wonder,

“CañoCanoas”, “CañoIndio”, EagleFalls, “Salto del Gato”,Waterfallquartz

andStoneCity. We also foundthesprings ofthe villageMonserrate, puddles


The Ministryof Environment, HousingandTerritorialDevelopment(MAVDT),

defined asthe Parkaimsto conserve the areasrecentlytappedfor scientific

research, recreation and environmental education, and conservation of

biodiversityofAndean and Amazonianecosystems.

Metropolitan Cathedral of Our Lady of Carmen

This beautifulchurch wasone of firstbuildings

ofGramalote, the villagefoundedby Spanish

settlerswho would was called later as Villavicencio.

Is very notorious theGothicarchesandrichly







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Bio-park the Ocarros

Thiswildlifereserveis dedicated

toendemic species

oftheOrinocoRiver basin. It has an

areaof 3.7hectaresandhas



monkeysand jaguars. Inthe information panels, you can findexplanations

ofthe natural habitatand behaviorof eachanimal.There are manyanimals

thathavetheirname, youcan petsomeof themand evenget themtofeed them.

Fairs and Celebrations

World Meeting of Coleo

Between the rhythm of the harp, the

Joropo and delicious culinary samples,

is celebrated the World Coleo meeting,

the most important event of the dairy

unit across America. From 20 to 22

March, around 200 “coleadores” and

400 spectators to participate in this

cultural event deeply rooted in the

plains region. The Coleo is a sport

consisting to bring down a cattle on

horseback and holding it by the tail.







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Festival of “CorridoLlanero”

Between 3 to 6 April, the township Puerto Carreño, celebrates the Festival of

“CorridoLlanero”, where the plains folklore has had deep roots. In this

festival, they make the colossal Tournament of “CorridosLlaneros”, which

together with their compositions are part of the Cultural Heritage of the

region. The main purpose of this event is to keep alive the “ran” and

strengthen the good relations of integration in the region.

The National Song Festival and International Tournament of Joropo:

As part of Tournament, are conducted

activities such as bull tailing events, food

festival, crafts shows publicart

exhibition(pictures) in the Photo Museum of

Meta exhibition of paintingsand sculpture at

theYellowFlowerHall andTheMaelstrom Gallery.

Each year, these activities bring the most

prominent artists of Colombia and Venezuela at

Villavicencio as guest artists or participants to competitions in form of

performers, composers and dancers of traditional llanera music.

Festivities of Arauca:

The Patron Saint Festival of Santa Barbara de

Arauca, involving indigenous expressions the

Colombian-Venezuelan region under a

fraternal glance that knows no boundaries.

The festival is part of the musical heritage

and exalts that Colombia and Venezuela

shared cultural values as an expression of

identity, territoriality and idiosyncrasies of the border towns presenting as



URL: http://f9.mb-


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the linchpin of the celebration, the Joropo, the passage, the couplet and


For over thirty-nine years performed in Arauca the Joropo International

Tournament and "Contrapunteo", where interpreters are of joropo

Venezuelan state of Apure, Barinas, Portuguesa, Guárico and Cojedes and the

Colombian departments of Casanare, Arauca , Meta and Vichada, among


The Festival of “La Negrera”

The festivities of the plains towns have revolved around a patron of divine

origin: Santa Barbara, in Arauca, the Virgin of the Assumption, in Tame, the

Virgin of Candelaria, in Orocué. The program includes religious acts that give

way to cockfights, horse races, coleus and big celebrations.

The calendar includes Arauca celebrations in the first week of December, in

Tame on August 15th, in Mani, Casanare on January 6th, in San Martin, Meta

on November 11th and in Puerto Lopez, Meta on December 28th. Currently,

processions have been replaced mostly by the parade of floats.



It is one of the most popular beliefs of the plain and arguably there isn’t a

“llanero” who hasn’t heard about it. Some residents and travelers who have

encountered the fireball so many times that they aren’t afraid. The fireball is

a light traveling along the savanna, like a wheel. When viewed closely, can

easily distinguishable eyes, mouth and other parts of the body like a human


They said that when fireball appears, its necessary shout it vulgarities to be

away, or it comes up and burns. Different versions are woven about the

origin of the fireball. Some says that this is a bishop who for having sinned,

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walks in shame, others that it was two mothers who fought and threw

curses, or the spirit of a woman who was bad daughter or is simply

wandering spirits who wander in the plain.

The sinfin

Is a spirit that whistles that haunts the lonely people in the plains, especially

in dark nights.

The goblins

Are certain mischievous spirits who are responsible for tormenting people of

all ages, especially girls who have boyfriends. In some cases no mischief

happens to change things or hiding place, to wallow what is well placed and

bring news. In other cases they are perverse: when it is engaged to a person

or an entire family, going every night to throw stones or lumps in an

exaggerated form, which looks like a torrential downpour of ballast.

Young girls who have boyfriends and when he is visiting, the orders or annoy

with malignant secrets in his ear, this make the poor girl be outraged and end

the compromise.

Countless cases known families and young people who have had to migrate

to distant sites to escape annoying persecution. No city or town, where have

never met these disastrous events caused by elves.

El silbon

It's a tramp Spirit due killing his parents. After murdering his father, the man

was punished with a "mandador" of neck (typical of the plains), while trying

to escape was bitten by a dog, to conclude the punishment, his grandfather

on his wounds, applied a lot of hot pepper. The Silbón is presented to as

somber drunks. Other plainsmen give way to tall, skinny.

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The tradition says that the silbón upon arrival to a house in the night time,

download the sac and count one by one bone, if no

one can hear, a family member dies at dawn.

Another version says it was a son who killed his

father to eat you their "innards".

The boy was raised pampered, without respect for

anyone. One day he told his father he wanted to

eat deer viscera. His father went hunting but

brought nothing, he could not hunt deer; so he

killed his father and took the viscera and brought

his mother to the cook. As those viscera doesn't

makes soft, the mother suspected that they were

the "innards" of her husband. Asking him, he confessed the truth. She

immediately cursed him for all his life

Anima Sola

It is a belief that is still deeply rooted in the peasantry. His

devotion dates back to the early settlers. She is depicted as a

woman suffering tormented in purgatory and walks paths

with his hands tied with chains.




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The Orinoquia meals

At the beginning of the day in the Llanos and the Orinoquia, which still exist,

the customs of the rural way of life is the most important time of the feeding.

It is customary, strong coffee at four in the morning to start chores and

breakfast meats, around eight or nine.

Majule: It is a drink made with plantains cooked and diluted in water, which

can become chichabrava if left to ferment for several days. Among the

indigenous community Chiricoa of Arauca, the abuse of the drink, has led to

the extinction of the population. They say that when they take so much

majule they become evil and they kill each other and that's drinking

wildness, brought in the wrath of the thunder god, that downing large trees,

so that they do not feel proud, and was a great flood, which drowned the

Chiricoas who get drunk with majule.

Picillo: The picillo is a common preparation, this is made mainly with dried

beef, cut into thin strips. This cook until softened, and add onion and long,

garlic and paprika and served with boiled cassava. The picillo also be made

with fish and meat of mountain. Thus says the popular song: Tonight I will

sup with picillo venison.

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Man's life on the plains and in the Orinoquia, unfoldsamid long passages,

intense heat and constant work. Lunches are a break in the path followed by

a refreshing nap in a hammock strung between two palms morichal, then,

continue with the day's work in order to reach the destination chosen, in the

late afternoon.


One of the most unique cooking techniques in the world, where the idea is to

use the indirect heat of the fire to obtain a slow cooking process, in which the

food is cooked in its own juices, which would a stew perfect, the difference is

that this is cooked in the ground, opening a hole in the ground about 20 cms

in approximately and there is put the tatuco (fish or meat, cassava, plantain,

seasoned vegetables and other ingredients you want, then wrapped in

banana leaves, tied with aloe fiber) ready to prepare, cover the hole with the

same soil that was removed, and on this, people light a fire consumed about

two hours. then unearths the tatuco, cleaned well and remove the leaves,

place the contents in fresh banana leaves and serve. The end result is always

a dish that you will love the flavors you exhale to uncover the leaves in which

fat and fish juices and vegetables are a delicious sauce.

Grilled Chiguiro: The Chiguiro is the world's largest rodent, weighs 65 kg and

lives in the open spaces of Amazonia and Orinoquia, preferably in the flooded

soil where this leads semiaquatic life. It has been of wide consumption since

immemorial times, among indigenous people and his image appears on any

picture llanero folklore. This rodent is adapted to breeding in captivity, which

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is consumed at present, because it is forbidden to hunt these animals found

in wild state.

The chigüiro roasted, grilled or baked, cooked with fried yucca and plantain,

is a common food at partiesllaneras, or at parties Amazonian Indians. In "THE

INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL JOROPO" held in June in Villavicencio Meta, is

considered one of the special guests. Nights of dancing, singing, coleus

evenings, days of cockfights and steaming offal, of chigüiro and mamona are

part of the enchanted atmosphere of the festival. It is best not miss.

Chicha: Chicha is a precious liquid that is derived from grains such as corn,

tubers such as cassava, potato, celeriac and fruits of various origins, it

becomes a very nutritious drink, used to hydrate and restore lost energy.

Among the fruits that serve as ingredients to make chicha is moriche, is the

fruit of a palm that abounds on the plains, may be an alcoholic beverage,

depending on the degree of fermentation that has, with the addition of

water, brown sugar, is appetizing drink at parties llaneras, when ringing the

galleon and joropo, or on days when the sun gets too hot, to cool the temper

of the cowboys.

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Thehallaca, delicious tamale stuffed with turtle meat and vegetables.

Social Problems

The misuse of water resources is the main environmental problem facing the

region of the Orinoco and any impairment to water sources immediately

impacts on biodiversity and human beings.

The first part begins in the mismanagement of the upper and births of

streams and rivers with implications in the lowlands, and the second

concerns the lack of sewage treatment plants, non-use of technologies for

waste disposal and agricultural and industrial activities.

Agroindustrial activity despite being a generator of economic growth is

degrading natural resources and in many cases affecting population centers.

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The rice industry, for example, causes the most environmental damage

through misuse of irrigation canals and use of chemicals. The impact is in

terms of quantity and quality of water.

Of course we must not forget that the region also faces problems biodiversity

loss, because these ecosystems are often illegal trafficking of flora and fauna,

to the point that there are species in danger of extinction especially wildlife.

Disorderly exploitation of a region long forgotten and now rediscovered by

agricultural megaprojects, puts at risk its future.

The Colombian Orinoquía (about 22 million hectares), for years a forgotten

territory for development and away from all centers of power that had to do

with drug trafficking, has captivated, before long, the attention of investors

attracted by agribusiness the vast plains and the abundance of water in the


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final andunfortunatelythis regionhas a history, not very pleasant,

issocloselylinkedwiththecountry's armed conflict, since, middle of last

century. When some ofthese groups, their numbersincreasedand

strengthened, due to the establishmentof illegal crops, favoring

theireconomic situationsignificantly.Hectares ofcoca crops thatmust

bemaintained bylocal farmersby linkingthemwith illegality.

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Due to the circumstances of the environment, forms of work (stockbreeding,

horseback riding), their music, their legends, their housing, the llanero uses a

cool costume, light and simple.

With a little emphasis, intraditional clothingllanera, the costumeforwomen

isofjoropodancers, with along floweredskirt, a white blousewith

laceandcotizas, on her head, a simple hairstylesideways andas a final touch, a

beautiful flower. The men wearlong-sleevedwhite shirt, straw hat, black or

white pantsandcotizas too.






Colombia Viva. Casa Editorial EL TIEMPO. 2000. Bogotá D.C.

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ABADIA Morales, Guillermo. ABC del Folklore Colombiano. Panamericana Editorial. 1997. Bogotá D.C. http://arauca.net/p3.html http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regi%C3%B3n_Orinoqu%C3%ADa_(Colombia) http://regionorinoquia.galeon.com/ http://www.llanomio.com/walter-silva/ http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casanare http://www.casanare.gov.co/ http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arauca_(Colombia) http://www.arauca.gov.co/ http://www.todacolombia.com/departamentos/meta.html http://www.banrepcultural.org/blaavirtual/folclor/folclor/departa3.htm http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meta_(Colombia) http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vichada http://www.todacolombia.com/departamentos/vichada.html http://www.colombianisima.com/region_orinoquia.asp