Notes Unlike Churchill, Attlee, Roosevelt and Truman, Stalin found it difficult to engage fully with his allies because of the Soviet political culture. He was used to having his orders obeyed without question, he now had to negotiate post-war policies that were not always strictly in line with communist ideology. The competing ideology ensured that once the war was over. It would prove difficult to maintain a working relationship committed to world peace. Tehran Conference 1943: Military aims were put before political aims. All three wanted the unconditional surrender of Germany. USSR wanted USA and Britain to open up another front in Europe (Operation Overlord) to ease the German fighting in Russia. Cause of the cold war – Soviet mistrust of the West, which eventually lead to the breakdown of the wartime alliance (Briggs) Stalin left the Tehran Conference with the belief that Allied forces delayed the proposed opening of a second front in Europe (Operation Overlord) to ensure that Soviets endured heavy military and civilian losses He was suspicious that the proposed landing had been delayed (although in reality, it was delayed because of the weather) Stalin felt that it was delayed to ensure that the USSR would have sustained such huge losses that it would be in no position to continue its western movement through Europe Success: Commitment to the creation of the UN and collective security. It represented Roosevelt’s commitment to internationalism. The big five – France, Britain, China, the

Origin of the Cold War (Master Notes)

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Origin of the Cold War (Master Notes)

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Unlike Churchill, Attlee, Roosevelt and Truman, Stalin found it difficult to engage fully with his allies because of the Soviet political culture. He was used to having his orders obeyed without question, he now had to negotiate post-war policies that were not always strictly in line with communist ideology.

The competing ideology ensured that once the war was over. It would prove difficult to maintain a working relationship committed to world peace.

Tehran Conference 1943: Military aims were put before political aims. All three wanted the unconditional surrender of Germany. USSR wanted USA and Britain to open up another front in Europe (Operation Overlord) to ease the German fighting in Russia.

Cause of the cold war Soviet mistrust of the West, which eventually lead to the breakdown of the wartime alliance (Briggs)

Stalin left the Tehran Conference with the belief that Allied forces delayed the proposed opening of a second front in Europe (Operation Overlord) to ensure that Soviets endured heavy military and civilian lossesHe was suspicious that the proposed landing had been delayed (although in reality, it was delayed because of the weather) Stalin felt that it was delayed to ensure that the USSR would have sustained such huge losses that it would be in no position to continue its western movement through Europe

Success: Commitment to the creation of the UN and collective security. It represented Roosevelts commitment to internationalism. The big five France, Britain, China, the Soviet Union and the US formed the Security Council and learned from the mistakes of the League of Nations. E.g. they would enforce its decisions military, if necessary Employment of economic or military sanctions required the unanimous approval of the Big Five.

The Yalta Conference the Polish issue (concerning its borders and the formation of a new Polish government)

Stalin wanted the Lublin government, which included many communists and individuals sympathetic to the Soviet Union to form the basis of new government in Poland. The Lublin government had been formed after the Germans destroyed the Warsaw government in 1944

Stalin The Polish question is a matter of life and death for the Soviet Union He meant that never again would a hostile force use Poland to invade the Soviet Union

Churchill wanted a Free Polish government based in London to be included in the post-war administration

This debate causes a rift in the relationship between Churchill and Roosevelt whose primary concern was to gain the support of the Soviets in ending the war with Japan. In the end, Churchill got his way. The final agreement in the Yalta Papers called for Free and unfettered elections in Poland to be organized

The Yalta Conference: February 1945 Defined unconditional surrender for Germany temporary control of Germany by the tree major allies and France as they saw fit Germany + Berlin to be cut and divided up between the three allies and France German military power was to be dismantled and Nazi war criminals brought to trial

Churchill and Roosevelt were well aware of the discrimination against the Germans in the Treaty of Versailles and the implications of this.

Reparations: Soviet said that the total sum should be 20 billion with 50% for the Soviet Union. German troops destroyed 1700 cities and towns. 27 million died in the Soviet Union (some due to Stalins actions but most as a result of Nazi atrocities and battlefield casualties)

Churchill said that no figures should be used as they were not aware of Germanys financial situations and Churchill did not want to see the resurgence of German resentment as had happened after WW1 after reparations were set too high for the Germans to pay

Other historians see the cold war resulting from the huge losses (human and material) that Russia suffered in WW2. 27 million Soviet soldiers dead and a large part of western USSR had suffered economic devastation. From 1945, Stalin was determined to prevent any further invasions of the Soviet Union from Europe. He therefore aimed to create Soviet-style regimes in neighboring countries, which would be natural allies of the USSR. To support this claim, Stalin did little to support the communist side in the Greek Civil War. (Counter this point with the naught document by Churchill who gave Stalin control of Romania and Bulgaria in exchange for Stalins promise of not interfering in Greece) Nevertheless, Stalin did little to support the communist party in Italy and France. Stalin is seen as a practical politician rather than someone who wanted to spread communism throughout Europe and the world.

General attitude of USA (and USA citizens) were favorable to the Soviet Union as the Secretary of State Byrnes put it. Roosevelt recognized that Soviets had legitimate interest in Eastern Europe and the Soviets had to be accommodates if there was to be genuine cooperation between the two countries in the post-war era.He realized that by accommodating Stalins demand at Yalta might enable him to safeguard more vital US and British interests elsewhere in the globe at a lesser cost

When Roosevelt died, he left no instruction to Truman. Truman had no idea why Roosevelt was so accommodating towards the USSR. Even Byrnes (the secretary of state) was unable to fully grasp what Roosevelt was trying to achieve

Truman very inexperienced

Potsdam: July-August 1945 Central issues dismantling of German military and war industries, the political future of Poland and Soviet commitment in the war against Japan

Tension arose because: Soviet constant interference in the elections of Bulgaria and Romania Lend lease loan was denied to the USSR (virtually ended on May 1945)

Polish question resolved: The US would recognize the Polish governmentThe USSR would accept the terms of the reparation. Each of the occupying force would take reparation from each zone in the form of goods and services. In recognition of the huge damages that the USSR had suffered, they would receive extra reparations from the Ruhr and the three Western zones combined

The Council of Foreign Ministers:

Problems in the Far East:At Yalta, Roosevelt had promised Stalin territorial concession in Japan and China due to Russias support in the Pacific war. The vague wording of the secret Far Eastern agreements entered into by Roosevelt and Stalin presented formidable diplomatic problems for Truman.The Potsdam conference tried to keep Stalin out of the Far East. The Potsdam Declaration called on the Japanese to surrender unconditionally.However, Stalin was determined to declare war on Japan and moved troops into northern China and Manchuria just two days after the use by the USA of the first atomic bomb.

The Atomic Dimension:Gaddis: Argued that the use of the atomic bomb against Japanese forces in August 1945 was as much a deterrent to Soviet activities in Eastern Europe and the Far East as it was a weapon to force the unconditional surrender of Japan

At the Potsdam Conference, Truman casually mentioned to Stalin that we had a new weapon of mass destruction The Russian premier showed no interest although unbeknownst to Truman, the Soviets were also working on a smaller bomb.

General Zhukov The government of the USA intended to exploit the atomic weapon for the attainment of its imperialist aims from a position of strength in the Cold War.

The argument that the USA used the atomic bombs to blackmail the Soviets into agreement in Europe and the Far East has limitations - The USA only had two bombs and the Soviets were aware of this and one of the atomic scientists working for the USA was also a Soviet spy Nevertheless, the atomic bomb shifted the balance of power more favorably towards the US and contributed to the deteriorating relationship between the US and USSR.

Far East after Japans surrender:

Following Japans surrender, the US directed Japanese troops to surrender to the Russians in Manchuria and Korea north of the 38th parallel only. This angered the Soviets as this violated the terms of the Yalta agreement and demanded that the Soviets receive Kuriles and Hokkaido (the northern sector of Japan)

Truman compromised towards Stalin - gave the Soviets Kuriles but not Hokkaido

This clearly revealed the mistrust between Truman and Stalin.Even Stalin acknowledged that it was easier for them to cooperate when they were fighting against a common enemy but in peacetime it would be difficult.

The occupation of the Kuriles by Soviet troops caused bitter protests against Trumans actions in the Far East by conservatives in Congress who believed that Soviet occupation of the island threaten the security of the USA

Notes from Paul Johnson

The notion that the grand alliance was in any way altruistic had been an illusion from the start. It was largely the creation of Roosevelt Other politicians (who had dealt with Stalin) opposed Roosevelt's line Ambassador Laurence Steinhardt (in Moscow) 'My experience has been that they respond only to force' Roosevelt also bypassed Churchill whom he thought was an incorrigible old imperialist Roosevelt letter (1942) to Churchill 'I know you will not mind me being brutally frank when I tell you that I think that I can personally handle Stalin better than either your Foreign Office or my State Department' Extremely naive of Roosevelt. His actions resembled those of Chamberlain who believed he could 'handle' Hitler He did not believe that Stalin wanted territory To Churchill 'You have 400 years of acquisitive instinct and you just don't understand how a country might not want to acquire land' 'I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for democracy and peace' Roosevelt's blindness and naivety in dealing with Stalin lead to a rift between him and Churchill This can be seen in Tehran Conference (November 1943) As one of the British politician summed it up "Stalin has got the President (of the US) in his pocket' Roosevelt's attitude towards Stalin led Churchill to pursue a two pronged policy: Screw Roosevelt and bargain realistically with Stalin Churchill went to Moscow in October 1944 'naughty document' The naughty document was an attempt to exclude Russia from the Mediterranean at the price of giving her Romania and Bulgaria as satellites General Eisenhower (the Supreme Commander) refused to accept the salient point that the degree to which his troops penetrated into Central Europe would in fact determine the post-war map of Europe 'I would loath to hazard American lives for purely political purposes' As the Soviets advanced, they made their hostile intentions plain enough They seized the German experimental submarine station in Gdynia and refused allied naval experts access to its secrets even though the Battle of the Atlantic was still raging

Churchill wanted democracy for Europe whereas Roosevelt just did nothing and appeased Stalin (similar to Chamberlain). Greece Naughty document Churchill calculated that Greece was the only country that was possible to be saved from the clutches of communism When Greece was pushed into a civil war, Churchill worked late into the night to save Greece. Democracy was restored in Greece and Churchill effectively and almost single-handedly kept totalitarianism out of the Mediterranean by his vigorous policy However, Churchill did not have the power to save Europe for communism. It is beyond the power of this country. The responsibility lies with the United States

Yalta Roosevelt deliberately blocked Churchills attempt to co-ordinate Anglo-American policy Harriman Roosevelt did not wish to feed Soviet suspicions that British and Americans would be operating in concert Polish Issue Roosevelt settled for a Russian agreement to elections in which all democratic and anti-Nazi parties had a right to take part BUT he did not backed the British demand for international supervision He gave his typical Roosevelt-ian rhetoric making vague commitments about a liberate Europe in which all people were free to choose their own government Roosevelts aid Admiral Leahy complained that the Yalta agreement was so elastic that the Russians can stretch it all the way from Yalta to Washington without even technically breaking it Roosevelt also promised that all American troops would be out of Europe within 2 years

Potentially use in Conclusion or can use in point the grand alliance was doomed from the beginning

The Cold War is considered to have started from March 1945 (the aftermath of the Yalta Conference) BUT could be argued that Soviet Russia had waged Cold War since October 1917 (The Bolshevik Revolution) (Paul Johnson) It was inherent in the historical determinism of Leninism The alliance was merely an interruption It was inevitable that Stalin would resume his hostile predation sooner or later This can be seen when Molotov announced on the 23rd of March 1945 that the elections (in Poland) would be held Soviet-Style Roosevelt finally realizes that we cant do business with Stalin but he still did nothing to encourage Eisenhower to push on rapidly towards Berlin, Vienna and Prague as the British wanted General Montgomery The Americans could not understand that it was of little avail to win the war strategically if we lost it politically Morris &Murphy The Bolshevik Revolution created a new regime which program was the conversion of the whole world to communism The international dimension of Soviet Communism meant that it was seen as a threat to non-communist states such as Britain and the USA Therefore, hostility between East and West had occurred long before 1945. The Grand Alliance was a marriage of convenience between states which had been mutually hostile to each other before 1941 This interpretation of events places great emphasis on the ideological differences between the Soviet communist system and the western capitalist system (Morris & Murphy) The USSR saw itself as the defender of the worlds exploited classes against Big Business in western capitalist countries like the USA The USA in turn saw itself as the defender of the Free World against the international ambitions of a communist dictatorship

Harry Truman as described by Paul Johnson Not a member of the wealthy, guilt-ridden East Coast establishment One of Roosevelts fashionable progressive fancies Ignorant but he learnt fast His instincts were democratic and straightforward Harry Truman as described by Bragg No experience with foreign policy A product of the Missouri political system He had no meetings with Roosevelt prior to Roosevelts death and was thus unaware of Roosevelts plans

Molotov-Truman talk Truman I gave it to him straight. I let him have it. Molotov I have never been talked to like that in my whole life Truman Carry out your agreements and you wont get talked to like that Daniel Yergin a stern lecture by the President of the US was hardly cause of the cold War, the exchange did symbolize the beginning of post-war divergence that led to confrontation Nevertheless, Truman could not transform American military policy in the last days of the war. It was estimated that it would cost 100 000 US casualties to take Berlin, capturing Prague was not possible + General Eisenhower was opposed to anything which ended military co-operation with the Red Army; all wanted Soviet assistance against Japan SO, Eastern Europe and most of the Balkans were lost to totalitarianism (largely due to US) BUT, Bragg argues that the Molotov Truman talk did not worsen the relationship between the US and USSR Trumans interpreter at the Molotov-Truman recorded that there was no animosity between the two premiers Truman greeted Molotov in a warm and friendly way and stated that he stood squarely behind all commitments and agreements taken by our late great President Roosevelt Truman did take a firm stance on Poland but there was no evidence that the meeting had even been stormy or even undiplomatic

Stalins greed led to the Cold War (Traditionalist view) He arrested 16 leading non-Communist Polish politicians, accused them of terrorism This pattern was repeated elsewhere in Eastern Europe Belgrade (Serbia) anyone seen with a British or American were arrested Bloodbath of 20 000 in Bulgaria The imposition of a communist dictatorship in Hungary Stalins action led to a change in American foreign policy Truman made up his mind I am tired of babying the Soviets Sent out the long telegram which was designed to arouse American citizens to the dangers of the Communist conspiracy A fortnight later, Churchill made the Cold War a public fact when he delivered his iron curtain speech under Trumans sponsorship at the university of Fulton Since the Russians respected military strength, American and Britain must continue their joint defense an overwhelming assurance of security

***Fact: The iron curtain speech was made before the Soviets had fully completed the transformation of Eastern Europe***

The Long Telegram suggested that the only way to prevent Soviet growth was openly to prevent further Soviet aggression. (Traditionalist view)

Causes for the Cold War Roosevelts policy Stalins expansionist aims (and greed) Conflicting ideology between the USSR and US Thesis: The inherently flawed idea of internationalism and international good will + the

Yalta Conference February 1945 April Roosevelt dies and is replaced my Truman

March 1945 Iron Curtain speech

Revisionist view the USA was at fault as well (Historian: William Williams) These historians interpretation of events were givens support by President Trumans recollection of the years after 1945 in his memoirs

Americas chief aim in the years after WWII was ensure an "open door" for American trade in Europe and as many places in the world as possible. This led the U.S. government towards policies, both diplomatic and military, that would keep nations capitalist like the USA.The USA refused to compromise on this vision.

USA at fault Paul Johnson (USA just wanted to appease Stalin)

Appleman in Tragedy of American Diplomacy claimed that the USA was responsible for the war because During the presidency of Roosevelt, relations between the USA and USSR were kept on a reasonably friendly level This changed when Roosevelt died and was succeeded by Truman. Truman had an abrasive and direct style when dealing with representatives of the Soviet government such as Molotov As a result, Truman must take personal responsibility for the breakdown in US-Soviet relations There were important economic advantages for the USA in starting a cold war. US feared a depression once WW2 was over. To prevent this, the US government hoped to keep high levels of military and government expenditure. Gar Alperovitz in Atomic Diplomacy believed that the USA contributed to the start of the Cold War because of Trumans use of atomic diplomacy

John Lewis Gaddis plays down Americas role in starting the cold war

Britain and France crippled by the war and USA was forced to take a more active part in the war. Although Britain tried to play an active role in European affairs after 1945, by 1947 it was clear that Britain was too weak. The British decision to stop aiding Greece and Turkey in that year demonstrates this point

Marshall Plan should not be seen just as move by America to keep high levels of military spending but rather as a real attempt by the USA to help post-war reconstruction

Derrick Murphy Germany and Japan had been defeated and had suffered considerable economic damage. France and Italy also suffered economically. The British Empire was in rapid decline as a world power

From Palmer Use this point to back up the fact that there was no chance of the Grand Alliance being retained after the war. The cold war was inevitable USSR and USA no longer had a common enemy +

After the war, only USA and USSR were the only two remaining superpowers with the other countries crippled by the war. Although the Soviet Union lost nearly 20 million of its population, it was still a formidable military power with 4 million soldiers and in control of populations and territories in central and Eastern Europe (well beyond its pre-1939 boundaries)

The characteristic of a two state system is that each power knows in advanced how dangerous the enemy can be. In such a situation, a diplomatic equilibrium is more difficult to sustain. Each measure taken by one country for security is seen by the other as a sign of aggression. USA and USSR fell into this uneasy relationship after the war. It was compounded by a deep-seated ideological tension between capitalist democracy and Marxist-Leninist communism that dated back to the Bolshevik revolution of 1917.

The conflicting ideology meant that the two superpowers were in a constant state of competition.

While it is not possible for anyone to know what Stalin (who dictated all decisions) really believed or intended at the end of the second world war, R.R Palmer believed that they were disturbed by the goals of American capitalism which sought markets in Eastern Europe and the Americans possession/use of the atomic bomb. The Russians undoubtedly saw an opportunity to consolidate their hold over territories gained during the war (or regained since some of these had been lost at the end of the First World War)

President Truman became convinced that the Soviets were bent not only on consolidating their grip on Eastern Europe but were also embarking on a worldwide Communist offensive. It was therefore the responsibility of the United States, as the only power in the West able to act effectively, to contain this offensive.

Conflicting ideology: For the Soviet Union, occupation meant full control over the political, economic and social institution of a country and shape it in their image whereas the Western powers hoped for pluralist and democratic societies which would have been opened to western trade and influence.


To the USA, the Soviet control of Eastern Europe seemed like the first step in a plan for unlimited expansion in Europe (not like the Nazi and Fascist aggression of the 1930s) whereas Stalin may have been acting more as a Russia nationalist bent on protecting Russian national security than a champion of worldwide Communist revolution

*** BUT ***

His stubbornness and paranoia about capitalist encirclement and lack of concern for world public opinion made it difficult for the west to deal with him in the Cold War or to distinguish between what might have been legitimate Soviet security needs and expansionist missionary zeal

Evidence of this: At the Yalta conference, it was agreed that the Soviets could occupy the Northern part of Japan (Kuriles see above). However, once they occupied the northern part of Japan, they took steps to consolidate their occupation zone into a communist government.

Iran: The Americans, British, and Russians had jointly occupied Iran during the war to forestall a Nazi takeover, but the Soviets refused to evacuate their troops at the stipulated time and pressed for oil concessions

The failure of the international supervision of nuclear weapons demonstrates why the Grand Alliance was inherently flawed. It was based on mutual distrust and opposing ideology between all three parties.

The US proposed in 1946 that an international authority should control atomic energy. This would require the body to have the right to send inspectors into any country to check violations and enforce sanctions. The Soviets objected, as the idea of foreigners freely examining their society was repugnant to them. They questioned the good faith of the Americans who would not destroy their own atomic bombs

The British, in turn, fearful of an American relapse into isolationism, undertook to become a nuclear power on their own.

The plan for international control foundered on mutual suspicion and mistrust

Was the alliance destined to fail? Yes. The alliance was destined to fail; both the US and the Soviet Union sought to exert their ideological beliefs from the very start (through economic and strategic policies in Europe. This created major divisions within the wartime alliance after 1945.

Even during the war, a rift was already growing between the wartime allies. Roosevelt and Churchill had their differences over colonialism and free trade. Roosevelt (USA) also wanted to work with Stalin but Churchill did not trust him. Stalin was viewed as a totalitarian leader who imposed fear and terror on the population of the Soviet Union. Which event revealed that the alliance was going to fail? `The Yalta Conference brought up many problems that highlighted the tension between the superpower and it also demonstrated that there was no way that USA and USSR could work together because of their ideological differences.

The Polish Issue raised in the Yalta Conference caused a rift in USA-USSR relations. USSR wanted the Lublin government to remain in power in Poland citing the huge losses sustained by them in the war and the fact that Poland bordered on Russia and could be used as a launching pad for an attack. Roosevelt called for unfettered elections and got his way.

The allies also disagreed over reparations. Russia wanted 20 billion in reparations whereas Churchill and Roosevelt were well aware that discrimination against Germans in the Treaty of Versailles lead to the WW2. They did not want to set reparations too high as this would lead to German resenting the allies and potentially another war.

Roosevelt also promised Stalin territorial concession in Japan and China to Stalin if Russia joined the war in the Pacific. The agreement was made in secret and the wording was very made which made it difficult for Truman to negotiate with the USSR. Truman had to handle an agreement (that was secret) not made by him it was a huge mess. Even Stalin admitted that it was easier to cooperate when they were fighting Germany than during peacetime.

Roosevelt recognized that Soviets had legitimate interest in Eastern Europe and the Soviets had to be accommodates if there was to be genuine cooperation between the two countries in the post-war era. He realized that by accommodating Stalins demand at Yalta might enable him to safeguard more vital US and British interests elsewhere in the globe at a lesser cost When Roosevelt died, he left no instruction to Truman. Truman had no idea why Roosevelt was so accommodating towards the USSR. Even Byrnes (the secretary of state) was unable to fully grasp what Roosevelt was trying to achieve

Who/what is to blame for the Cold War The ideological differences between USA and USSR were the main reason for the Cold War.

Unlike Churchill, Attlee, Roosevelt and Truman, Stalin found it difficult to engage fully with his allies because of the Soviet political culture. He was used to having his orders obeyed without question, he now had to negotiate post-war policies that were not always strictly in line with communist ideology. Stalin conducted his foreign policy based on territory. He was only willing to discuss spheres of interest or economic assistance for communist countries. He could not get his head around basing foreign policy on collective goodwill or the importance of morality in foreign policy.

He did not understand why the USA was so concerned about Eastern Europe when it had no strategic concern there.

The competing ideology ensured that once the war was over. It would prove difficult to maintain a working relationship committed to world peace. Negotiations between the USA and USSR were doomed to fail because of their differences.