Shinerama Pg. 4 Elections/Jobs Pg. 5 Orig ami September 2014 Issue Photo credit: Emma Robertson msvusu

Origami | September 2014 Issue

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MSVUSU Monthly Newsletter

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OrigamiSeptember 2014 Issue

Photo credit: Emma Robertsonmsvusu

Page 2: Origami  |  September 2014 Issue



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Page 3: Origami  |  September 2014 Issue

Welcome Mystics

www.mountstudents.ca | f /msvusu | t @msvusu The Crow | September 2014 | 2

Meet the Executive | 3

Shinerama | 4

Elections/Jobs | 5

Opting Out | 7

Used Textbook Fair | 8

Upcoming Events | 9

On behalf of the Mount Saint Vincent University Students’ Union I would like

to welcome you to our vibrant campus and congratulate you on surviving your first official day of classes of the Fall 2014 semester. The other executives and I would like to extend an especially warm welcome to those students who are just

becoming a part of the Mount community.

There are many new faces around campus this year and even more ways to feel at home

at MSVU. We offer a wide variety of services on campus to help facilitate your transition to MSVU including used textbooks, a strong health and dental plan, affordable child care services, food and beverage, printing and information as well as volunteer and paid positions. As the Vice President of Student Life I encourage you to stay in touch with our social media and calendars to follow our Orientation Week Schedule as well as our general schedule, complete with many upcoming events, activities, volunteer opportunities and educational sessions. Looking to be a part of something big? Nominations for the Students’ Representative Council and the position of VP Communications are beginning today with packages available at the Hub in Rosaria.

Have a great first week MSVU students!


Tyler BechardVice-President Student Life - MSVU Students’ Union902-457-6105 | [email protected]

Photo credit: Leah LeBlanc

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Meet the ExecutiveThis is the current Executive Team for the 2014/2015 year. The Executive run the day to day operations of the Union and encourage all students to come to them with any issues or suggestions.

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Paul Whyte - President

Main duties: Fostering equitable governance, accountable leadership, and an inclusive campus through leading the Executive Team and adhere to the diverse needs of students.

902-457-6434 | [email protected]

Tyler Bechard - Vice-President Student Life

Main duties: Planning Orientation Week as well as events through the Students’ Union and Vinnie’s Pub. Here to make sure you’re having fun while on campus and meeting other students.

902-457-6105 | [email protected]

Justin Corcoran - Vice-President Advocacy

Main duties: Overseeing the Wellness Centre and Pantry as well as lobbying for student issues such as post-secondary education funding, fair treatment, and mental health.

902-457-6558 | [email protected]

Photo credit: Jamie Landrey

Page 5: Origami  |  September 2014 Issue


Shinerama has been a staple in the Mount’s Orientation Week, encouraging new and returning students to

spend the day raising money and awareness for cystic fibrosis. While many students will be participating in Shinerama this year on September 6th, many are unaware of what it is that they are fighting for.

Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease affecting Canadian children and adults. There is currently no cure.

Cystic fibrosis causes various effects on the body, but mainly affects the digestive system and lungs. The degree of cystic fibrosis involvement differs from person to person. However, the persistence and ongoing infection in the lungs, with destruction of lungs and loss of lung function, eventually causes death in the majority of people who have cystic fibrosis.

The average life span of someone with cystic fibrosis in 1964, when Shinerama first began, was just 6 years old. Now, the average is 49.7. Every day we are seeing successes in cystic fibrosis treatments and research, and we have a role to play in that.

Our role in advocacy has helped implement newborn screening programs for seven of the Canadian provinces, including Nova Scotia, ensuring that treatment begins at birth.

This year marks the 16th anniversary of the Mount’s involvement in Shinerama, and the 50th year for the campaign

across Canada. Our goal this year is $20,000 but we need your help to get there. Meet us in

the Rosaria Cafeteria at 9 a.m. on Saturday, September 6th for a FREE breakfast before we hit the streets to flip burgers, wash cars,

or ask the community for donations. This year, as an added incentive, the Mount has

agreed to award the top fundraiser with a paid half unit of credit (over $600 value).

We fight because many with cystic fibrosis will need lung, liver, and/or lung transplants.

We fight because there is nothing more noble than saving or extending the life of a child or adult.

We fight because we want CF to stand for “Cure Found”.

Shinerama will take place on September 6th this year and is open to new and returning students. The University has also agreed to award the top fundraiser with a paid half unit of credit (over $600 value).

Add to your Calendar

Saturday, September 6th9:00 a.m.Rosaria Cafeteria

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Are you interested in getting involved in the Students’ Union but don’t know how? Now’s your chance to learn

more about some of the positions being offered in this election, and find answers to some of the questions you may be having.

Vice-President CommunicationsThe Executive team of the Students’ Union is made up of five student positions that run the day to day operations. During the Spring 2014 Election, the only position on the Executive that was not filled was that of the Vice-President Communications.

The Vice-President Communications has a very important role. They must oversee all MSVUSU societies and provide direction in the areas of advertising, budget planning, and policies. They must also oversee communications between the Union and the University through social media, advertisements, and the Union’s audio podcast, Crow Radio.

This position is 25 hours a week and is a paid position. To apply, please pick up a nomination form at the Hub in Rosaria and return it before 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 17th. Only students in their third year of study or higher may run for this position.

Chief Financial OfficerThe Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a hired Executive position for the Students’ Union. They are responsible for ensuring that the Union works within their operating budget, providing advice and guidance to the rest of the team. They must have experience with Simply Accounting, accounts payable/receivable, and HST returns & taxation.

Nominations are open for the executive position of Vice-President Communications, as well as positions on the Students’ Representative Council. Here you can find out what the duties and responsibilities of each are.

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This position is 25 hours a week and is a paid position. To apply, email your cover letter and resume to [email protected] before September 19th.

Students’ Representative Council (SRC)There are 8 positions still available on the SRC. These positions are honourarium paid, and cheques are distributed at the end of each semester.

The SRC is the highest governing body of the Students’ Union, and acts as a Board of Directors. They ensure that the Union is working in the best interests of students and operates in an efficient and ethical matter. SRC meetings are once every two weeks, at a time that works with everyone’s school and work schedules.

Positions available include:Arts RepresentativeProfessional Studies RepresentativeEducation Students’ RepresentativeGraduate Students’ RepresentativeInternational Students’ RepresentativeTransfer Students’ RepresentativeFirst Year Students’ RepresentativeCouncilor at Large (open to any student)

To apply, please pick up a nomination form at the Hub in Rosaria and return it before 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 17th.

Speaker and Recording SecretaryThe Speaker and Recording Secretary positions on the Students’ Representative Council are paid hired positions.

The duties of the Speaker are to organize and chair bi-weekly SRC meetings, as well as run the Spring Election. Experience with Robert’s Rules of Order is an asset to this position, but not required.

The duties of the Recording Secretary are to take minutes of SRC meetings and distribute

them to SRC members. Listening and typing skills are assets to this position.

To apply for the Speaker or Recording Secretary positions, email your cover letter and resumes to Paul

Whyte at [email protected] .

Crow Neck SweatersOnly $20


Photo credit: Stephanie Symynuk

Page 8: Origami  |  September 2014 Issue

Health Plan: Opting OutDo you have coverage already?If you have health and dental coverage either through work or through a parent/guardian, you are eligible to opt-out of the Mount’s Health and Dental Plan. You must provide proof of coverage in order to complete the process.

Step OneVisit www.studentbenefits.ca and click on the logo for the Mount Saint Vincent University Students’ Union (the origami crow logo).

Step TwoClick on the icon that says “Opt-Out”.

Step ThreeFill out all information and select the plans that you wish to opt-out from.

Step FourYou have two choices here. You can either select upload a scanned image of your proof of coverage or bring your proof in to Patti Hutchison in Rosaria 118B. Once your proof has been approved, you will be opted-out.

The deadline to opt-out of the MSVUSU Health & Dental Plan is September 30th. Find out if you’re eligible to opt-out and how you can opt-out within minutes.

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Used Textbook FairImportant DatesBook Drop Off September 2nd - September 17thBook Purchasing September 3rd - September 19thBook/Money Pickup September 22nd - September 26th

The Students’ Union collects just $5 for every book sold.

Hours of OperationMonday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.Tuesday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.Wednesday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.Thursday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

The MSVUSU Used Textbook Fair is the best way to buy or sell used textbooks. Any MSVU student may submit their old textbooks for whatever price they choose. Just don’t forget to pick up your money and unsold books!

www.mountstudents.ca | f /msvusu | t @msvusu The Crow | September 2014 | 8

LocationThe used textbook fair is located in Rosaria 114, across from the Fountain Play Centre

A Campaign For Love Equality

Snap a photo

Take a photo expressing love or love equality and email it to

[email protected]

Become a Love Ambassador

If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer, email us at

[email protected]

Follow us

Check us out at www.loveislove.ca or through social mediaf /TeamLoveIsLove

t @TeamLoveIsLove

Page 10: Origami  |  September 2014 Issue

Upcoming EventsSeptember 6th - Shinerama9:00 a.m. in the Rosaria Cafeteria

Enjoy a FREE breakfast in Rosaria before hitting the streets of HRM to raise money for Shinerama and Cystic Fibrosis Canada.

September 9th - Trivia Tuesday8:00 p.m. in Vinnie’s Pub

It’s our first Trivia Night of the year. Compete as an individual or with friends as a team. Great themes, lots of prizes, and fun!

September 10th - Mount Mash-Up11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. outside of Seton

Get tons of free stuff, meet people and local businesses, listen to great music and play games!

September 11th - Open Mic9:00 p.m. in Vinnie’s Pub

Love to sing or play an instrument? Love to listen to live music? Pop on down to Vinnie’s to listen to some of our talented students!

September 12th - Mystery Club Night9:00 p.m. in Vinnie’s Pub

What theme do you want to see happen at Vinnie’s? Follow the link below to vote on what theme you would like to see happen.https://www.facebook.com/events/1484368168475457/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming

Everything that’s going on in September with the Students’ Union and Vinnie’s Pub

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September 18th - Mystics Rally4:00 p.m. in Rosaria Parking Lot

Come out and meet your athletes! Following this event is the Mystic Jam in Vinnie’s Pub at 9:00 p.m.

September 19th - Homecoming Semi-Formal9:00 p.m. in Vinnie’s Pub

Dress up and come on down to Vinnie’s with your friends to ring in the school year and dance the night away to the live band!

September 23rd - Trivia Tuesdays8:00 p.m. in Vinnie’s Pub

Compete as an individual or with friends as a team. Great themes, lots of prizes and tons of fun!

September 25th - Karaoke Night9:00 p.m. in Vinnie’s Pub

Time to belt your hearts out and grab a mic! It’s your time to shine in an awesome night of singing. All voices welcome!

f /msvusut @msvusu

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Mount Mystics Varsity Tryouts New to the Mount?

Complete the online recruiting form at msuv.ca/varsity

Tuesday, September 2nd

At Mainland Field 6:00pm-8:00pm Meet at Gym at 5:30pm

Wednesday, September 3rd At Bedford Hammonds Field 6:00pm-8:00pm Meet at Gym at 5:00pm

Thursday, September 4th

At Mainland Field 8:00pm-10:00pm Meet at Gym at 7:30pm

Tuesday, September 2nd

At Mainland Field 6:00pm-8:00pm Meet at Gym at 5:30pm

Wednesday, September 3rd At Bedford Hammonds Field 6:00pm-8:00pm Meet at Gym at 5:00pm

Thursday, September 4th

At Mainland Field 8:00pm-10:00pm Meet at Gym at 7:30pm

Wednesday, September 10th 6:00pm-8:00pm A. Garnet Brown Gymnasium

Friday, September 12th

6:00pm-8:00pm A. Garnet Brown Gymnasium

Saturday, September 13th 1:00pm-3:00pm A. Garnet Brown Gymnasium

Wednesday, September 10th

8:00pm-10:00pm A. Garnet Brown Gymnasium

Friday, September 12th 4:00pm-6:00pm A. Garnet Brown Gymnasium

Saturday, September 13th 11:00am-1:00pm A. Garnet Brown Gymnasium

Wednesday, September 10th 4:00pm-6:00pm A. Garnet Brown Gymnasium

Thursday, September 11th 5:00pm-7:00pm A. Garnet Brown Gymnasium

Sunday, September 14th 3:30pm-5:30pm A. Garnet Brown Gymnasium

Women’s Soccer Women’s Basketball Women’s Volleyball

Men’s Soccer Men’s Basketball New to the Mount?

Complete the online recruiting form at msvu.ca/athletics

Unable to attend?

If you are unable to attend one of the tryouts, contact June Lumsden, Director of Athletics at:

[email protected]

(902) 457-6370

Rosaria Student Centre Room 127