Org.cuorg culturelture - KIIT

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  • 7/30/2019 Org.cuorg culturelture - KIIT


    Organizational Culture&


    Dr. Sumita [email protected]

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  • 7/30/2019 Org.cuorg culturelture - KIIT


    Organization Culture is the set of shared values & normsthat controls organization members interaction with eachother and with people outside the organization

    Organizational Culture

    o Values are general criteria, standards or guiding principles thatpeople use to determine which types of behavior, events,situations & outcomes are desirable or undesirable

    1. Terminal Values 2. Instrumental ValuesDesired End States

    /outcomes (highquality, excellence

    Desired modes ofbehavior (beinghelpful, working

    hard, conservative)

    Values exist in norms. Norms are standards or styles of behavior thatare considered acceptable for a group of people (Courteous topeople etc.)

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    Organizational Culture

    Org. Culture Iceberg

    Observable symbols, ceremonies,Stories, behaviors, dress, physicalSettings etc.

    Underlying values, beliefs, attitude& feelings

    Org. Culture serves mainly-to integrate (internally) members so thatthey relate to one another

    -to help the org. adapt (externally) tothe environment by guiding behaviortowards goals

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    Organizational Culture


    Org.Socialization Stories



  • 7/30/2019 Org.cuorg culturelture - KIIT


    Organizational Culture



    Org. socialization is the process by which memberslearn & internalize the values & norms of an orgs

    cultureo Van Mannen & Schein identified 12 tactics of

    socialization through a process of role orientationo Role orientation is the characteristic way in which new

    comers respond to a situationo Institutionalized vs. Individualized Role Orientation

    1. Inst. Meaning ExampleRole Orientation (Tactics) (Arthur Anderson)

    Collective Common learning experience toproduce a standard response

    Indoctrination of newcomers as a group

    Formal Segregation of newcomers during


    Training of new comers

    at a training centerSequential Explicit Information about the sequence

    in which they perform activitiesSequenced Timetable

    Fixed Time table of training process Six week course & 8hr. a day classes

    Serial Org. Models as role models

    Divestiture Newcomers receive vesocial support

    Indoctrination by org.members

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    Organizational Culture

    2. Individualized Meaning ExampleRole Orientation (Tactics) (VDS India)

    Individual Newcomers learn new uniqueresponses

    No formal training

    InformalNewcomers are socialized on the

    jobTraining of new comers

    on the job

    Random Training is based on the needs &interests of the individual

    On selection of job portfoliosind. are trained

    Variable Newcomers learn as when required Informal buddy

    sessionsDisjunctive Individuals figure out their own

    behaviorNo org. role models

    Investiture Newcomers receivepositive social


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    Institutionalized Role Orientation

    StrengthsFormation of a strong org. culture


    -Organization Isomorphism-Adaptation to environment changes becomes an issue

    Individualized Role Orientation

    Strengths-Balance of innovation vis--vis creativity

    -Quick response to environment issues

    Weaknesses-chaotic training & socialization

    Organizational Culture



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    Organizational Culture

    RitesOrg rites & ceremonies are elaborate, planned

    activities that make up a special event & areconducted for the benefit of an audience. They areused as examples to indicate what a company values

    o Four types of rites appear in organizations

    Type of Rite Example Consequences

    Passage Induction, BasicTraining

    Transition of peopleinto roles that arenew to them

    Enhancement Annual Awards Night,Convocation

    Increase socialidentities & statuses

    Renewal Appraisals, Inspections Improve org.functioning

    Integration Holiday Parties, Picnicsetc.

    Revive common feelingsto bind people tothe org.

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    Org. stories are narratives based on trueevents that are frequently shared amongorg. employees and told to new employees toinform them about the org.

    -Stories are about company heroes (Narayan Murthyat Infosys)

    -Stories are considered legends when the events arehistoric & may have been decorated with fictionaldetails (Infosyss rise to power)

    -Stories which are consistent with the values of the

    org. but are not supported by facts are myths (Theadvertisement campaigns of soft-drink majors suchas coke & Pepsi)

    Organizational Culture


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    Org. symbols are certain things that representthe core values indirectly.

    -Stories, rites, ceremonies are all symbols.

    -Physical symbols are powerful as they focus attention ona specific item

    Symbols of status & power at ENRON (bidding forpremium parking spaces)

    Organizational Culture


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    Organizational Culture


    Companies use a specific saying, slogan,metaphor or other form of language to conveya very special meaning to employees

    Having a baby Changes everything This slogan emphasizes J&Jsvalues of caring & support toparents

    You can make wild ducks tame, butyou can never make tame duckswild again (T.J.Watson, IBM)- useof the metaphor wild ducks tosymbolize values of freedom &opportunity at IBM
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    Organizational Culture

    Org. Culture

    1. People withinthe org.

    2. PropertyRights


    3. Org.Structure

    4.Org. Ethics

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    -People & Org. match

    -Over time people become more & more similar in theirvalues & the culture of the company becomes more &more distinct

    -Role of Founder Members in initiating org. culture

    AOL & Steve Chase (entrepreneurial culture throughcreativity & hard work)

    1. People withinthe org.

    Organizational Culture

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    Property rights are the rights that an organizationgives to its members to receive & use organizationresources

    -Stakeholders & Top Management have the maximumproperty rights in an org. (Stock options, large salaries,

    Decision Making)-Employees too have property rights (Severance payments,lifetime employment, pension & benefits, employeestock option plans, participation in decision making

    -Top management influences org. culture throughinstrumental values by laying down the policies ofproperty rights

    -Microsoft & Apple (Concept of an Apple Fellow, Rewardingof employees through ownership of stock) to ensurethe terminal values of creativity, hard work &excellence

    Organizational Culture

    2. PropertyRights


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    Organizational Culture

    3. Org.Structure

    -Mechanistic vs. organic structures encourage theformation of certain cultures

    -Centralization vs. Decentralization of authority &decision making

    -Four types of cultures



    Adaptability CultureValues: Entrepreneurship,

    Innovation (VDS India)


    Mission CultureValues: Competitiveness,

    Performance, cust.Orientation (PepsiCo)EXTERNAL


    Clan CultureValues: Productivity,

    Cust. Needs, employeecare(web based companies)

    Bureaucratic CultureValues: Consistency,collaboration, obedience


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    Organizational Culture

    4.Org. Ethics

    The moral values, beliefs, & rules that establish theappropriate way for org. stakeholders to deal withone another & with the org. environment

    -Managerial ethics are principles that guide the decisions& behaviors of managers with regard to whether theyare right or wrong in the moral sense (Socialresponsibility)


    Social Responsibility Approaches




    -Suspected useof pesticidesby colamajors


    -Stay withintheboundariesof law

    -Commitment toethicalbehavior


    -Acknowledgethe need forsoc.responsibility



    -Managers goout of theirways to besociallyresponsible

    -J&J (TylenolCrisis)

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    Organizational Culture

    Value BasedLeadership

    -Value Based Leadershipis a relationshipbetween leaders & followers that is based onshared, strongly internalized values that areadvocated & acted upon by the leader

    -The notion of walk the talk-J& J (Tylenol Story)

    FormalStructures &Systems

    1. Formal Structure of the Organization2. Disclosure mechanisms

    3. Code of Ethics4. Training programmes

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    Organizational Culture

    FormalStructures &Systems

    1. Formal Structure of the Organization

    -Manages can assign responsibility for ethical valuesto a specific position.-Allocates org. time & energy to a problem or ethical

    dilemma but also stresses upon the importanceof ethics

    -Ethics Committee, Chief Ethics Officer, Ethics


    2. Disclosure Mechanisms-Allowing individuals to speak up if

    they suspect illegal orunethical activities

    -The example of whistle blowing-Whistle Blowing is employee

    disclosure of illegal, immoral &unethical activities to the org.

    -Risk associated with whistleblowing

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    Organizational Culture

    FormalStructures &Systems

    3. Code of Ethics

    -Is a formal statement of the companys valuesconcerning ethics & social responsibility; itclarifies to the employees the companyexpectations for employee conduct

    -Legitimizes ethical values-Signing of the written code of conduct at Tata

    Refractories Ltd.

    4. Training Programmes-Written code of ethics can be supplement by

    regular raining programmes-Ethics programmes also include frameworks for

    ethical decision making-TRL & Texas Instruments

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    Organizational Culture