Organizational Behaviuor Report

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Page 2: Organizational Behaviuor Report

Report on Organizational Troy

Submitted To

Miss Aiman Faridi

Submitted By

Imtiaz Ali 79

Class Bs(commerce) 7th evening

Islamia university of Bahawalpur

Table Of Contents


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Serial No

Description Page No.

1 Forwards 42 Acknowledgement 53 Dedication 64 Information & overview of movie 75 Cast & crew 86 Executive summery 107 Ch#1 Introduction to OB 148 Ch#2 Personality & Values 209 Ch#3 Perception & Individual 2410 Ch#4 Job Attitudes 2611 Ch#5 Motivation Concepts 3012 Ch#6 emotion & Moods 3313 Ch#7 Foundation & Group Behavior 3514 Ch#8 Power & Politics 3915 Conclusion 43


This Program is an important part to give students an opportunity to have experience of

practical field in organizational behavior. Unless and until the students experience the


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novelty of practical work, their knowledge of what they study in theoretical courses

remains incomplete. The most important point in an In this Program is that the student

should spend their time in a true manner and with the spirit to learn practical orientation

of theoretical study framework

This behavioral report on this movie to apply the behavioral study on organization . I

have tried to give details about the Tory Movie.


Up and above everything, I am thankful to Miss Aiman Faridi


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for providing me a chance to work in such a way to study organization behavior

practically .

I also offer my thanks for her valuable guidance and contribution in making my report

meaningful and useful.


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Fighters for liberty & peace

TroyInformation & overview

Directed by Wolfgang Petersen

Produced by

Wolfgang Petersen

Diana Rathbun

Colin Wilson


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Executive summary

In Sparta, Prince Hector (Eric Bana) and his young brother Paris (Orlando Bloom)

negotiate peace between Troy and Sparta. Paris has fallen in love with Helen (Diane

Kruger), Menelaus' (Brendan Gleeson) wife. He smuggles her back to Troy with him.

Infuriated, Menelaus vows revenge. Meanwhile, Agamemnon (Menelaus' brother), who

had for years harbored plans for conquering Troy (which would give him control of the

Aegean Sea), uses this as a justification to invade Troy. General Nestor (John Shrapnel)

asks him to take Achilles (Brad Pitt), to rally troops to the cause.

Odysseus (Sean Bean) visits Phtia to persuade Achilles to fight, and finds him training

with Patroclus (Garrett Hedlund), his cousin.

The Greeks land at Troy and take control of the beach, landing their ships. Achilles and

the Myrmidons kill many Trojans and desecrate the temple of Apollo. Briseis (Rose


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Byrne), a member of the Trojan royal family, is captured and taken as a prize to the

Greeks, despite Achilles' claim to her.

Achilles and his Myrmidons do not fight the next day because of Agamemnon's unfair

claim to Briseis. With Greeks surrounding Troy, Paris challenges Menelaus to a duel to

settle things. Menelaus agrees. Paris is easily defeated, and wounded, but not killed.

Hector intervenes and kills Menelaus. The Greeks charge the Trojan lines but are forced

to fall back.

Agamemnon gives Briseis to his men, but Achilles rescues her. He carries her back to his

tent and tends her wounds. Briseis then tries to kill Achilles, but realizes that she loves

Achilles and the two make love. The next day Achilles is readying his men to leave,

much to Patroclus' indignation.

The Trojans launch a surprise attack. As the Greeks seem to be on the verge of defeat,

Achilles appears with the Myrmidons and joins the battle, eventually fighting against

Hector. All are shocked when Achilles is beaten by Hector. However, Hector kneels and

pulls Achilles' helmet off revealing it was really Patroclus whom he has mortally

wounded. Both armies agree to end fighting for the day, and Odysseus informs Hector

who he had killed. Achilles, who had slept through the battle, is told by Eudorus of his

cousin's death. The Greeks had also mistaken Patroclus for Achilles, since he had put on

the same armour, and moved the same: Achilles furiously vows revenge. Later that night,

Achilles lights Patroclus's funeral pyre.


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The next day, Achilles approaches the gates of Troy alone and demands Hector to come

out and face him. The two fight an evenly matched duel at the start, but Achilles soon

takes the advantage. In the end Achilles kills Hector. He then ties the body to the back of

his chariot, dragging it back to the Greek camp, leaving all the Trojans shocked. That

night, King Priam (Peter O'Toole) visits the Greek army's camp to retrieve Hector's body.

After the King makes his plea Achilles acquiesces to his request and allows him to take

his son to be buried, promising him the 12 days for funerary rites. Achilles lets Priam

take Briseis back as well. He later gives Eudorus one last order: to take the Myrmidons

home. Maquette Trojan Horse, used in Troy film, a gift from Brad Pitt to the Turkish

town Canakkale.

During the twelve days while Troy mourns Hector's death, the Greeks plan to enter the

city using a hollowed-out wooden horse, devised by Odysseus, desperate to stem the

slaughter of his own men at the hands of the Trojans. The Greeks leave the horse at their

camp, then depart, hiding their ships in a nearby cove. Priam believes his priests that the

horse is an offering to Poseidon and a gift. Assuming victory, the Trojans take the horse

into the city and celebrate. A band of Greeks come out of the horse at night, opening the

gates to the city, allowing the main army to enter. The unprepared Trojans are

overwhelmed. As the city burns, Agamemmnon and Odysseus fight their way with their

army to the palace, killing Glaucus and Priam in the onslaught.

While Troy is sacked, Paris sees Aeneas together with Andromache and Helen and many

others escaping Troy through a secret passage and hands him the sword of Troy, saying,


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"As long as it remains in the hands of a Trojan, our people have a future. Protect them

Aeneas; find them a new home."

Achilles searches desperately for Briseis, who is being threatened by Agamemnon. She

kills him with a concealed knife, and is saved from his guards by Achilles. While

Achilles is helping Briseis to her feet, Paris shoots Achilles in his vulnerable heel, and

then several times in the torso. Briseis runs to Achilles, surprising Paris. Achilles urges

Briseis to join Paris as they escape the city. Achilles watches the others flee, then dies of

his wounds. The soldiers arrive to see the fallen Achilles with only a single arrow through

his heel, as he had removed all the others from his chest, fulfilling the myth that Achilles

was killed by a single arrow to the heel. Funeral rituals are performed for him in the ruins

of Troy the next day. The film ends with a speech from Odysseus; "If they ever tell my

story, let them say I walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the winter wheat, but these

names will never die. Let them say I lived in the time of Hector, tamer of horses. Let

them say I lived in the time of Achilles."

Chapter No 1


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Introduction to OB

“OB’s goal is to understand and predict human behavior in organization; the complexities

of human behavior are not easy to predict but nether all the random certain fundamental

consistencies underlie the behavior of all individual behavior .

Introduction to Organizational behavior I studied organizational behavior that influences

individual, groups and organizational structure have on behavior with in organizational

OB focuses on the three determinants of behavior in organizational individuals groups

and structure although scholars increasingly agree on what topic constitute the subject of

OB. The continue to debate the relative importance of each in this Movie focus on the

following core topics

1) Motivation

2) Leader behavior and Power

3) Interpersonal Communication

4) Group Structure and processes

5) Perceptions and attitudes

6) Personality, Emotion and Values

7) Conflict and negotiation

In short behavior is generally predictable, and systematic study of behavior is a means to

making reasonably accurate predictions. By systematic study, we mean the following:

Examining relationship.


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Attempting to attribute cause and effects.

Basing our conclusions on scientific evidence.

The entire story of the Trojan War is full of stories and is quite an involved tale. The tale is

gleaned from a variety of sources from Greek Literature, which include ‘The Iliad’ and ‘Odyssey"

by Homer, the Cyclic Epics, and ‘The Aeneid’ by Aeneas. And as tales from myths go, this one

also has its share of stories within the stories.

Here is a brief summary of the Trojan War.

On a diplomatic mission from Troy to Sparta, Helen and Paris fell in love with each other. At that

time, Menelaus (husband of Helen and King of Sparta), had left for Crete to attend his uncle’s

When Menelaus returned, he discovered this and was very angry. He asked his brother

Agamemnon to help him get Helen back from Troy. Agamemnon then sent several emissaries to

the Achaean kings and princes to help retrieve Helen. There Achaean kings and princes were the

past suitors of Helen, and upon Helen’s marriage to Menelaus had taken the oath to come to

Menelaus’ aid in case any harm befell Helen.

Several of these kings and princes tried tricks to avoid the ensuing war. Odysseus tried to portray

that he was mad. Achilles’ mother, Thetis, disguised him as a woman so that he could not go for

the war. But eventually, they were discovered, and they all gathered together.

All the suitors gathered at Aulis and made a sacrifice to Apollo. At the end of the sacrifice, a

snake slithered out from the altar and then went to a sparrow’s nest and ate the mother and her

eight babies and then was turned to stone. From this, they deduced that Troy would fall in the

10th year of war.

The Achaeans left for war in ships and accidentally landed in Mysia which was ruled by King


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Telephus, who was the son of Heracles. They ended up fighting a war. Afterwards, the ships

were caught up and scattered by a storm.

Finally, eight years after they had set sail, the ships finally gathered again at Aulis. At that time,

they sought the help from the Oracles again. Calchas, a prophet, said that the goddess Artemis

was angry with Agamemnon. Calchas said that the only way that he could please Artemis was by

sacrificing his most beautiful daughter to her. When Agamemnon refused, the others threatened

to make Palamedes the commander of these forces, rather than him. So, in the end, Agamemnon

sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to Artemis, and then set sail for Troy, again.

Calchas had also prophesized that the first Achaean to land on Troy would be the first one to die.

Therefore everyone hesitated to land on Troy when they reached the shores. Eventually,

Protesilaus of the Phylaceans landed first and Achilles was the second to set foot on the shores

of Troy. Protesilaus and Achilles killed several Trojans upon landing, but then Protesilaus was

killed by Hector, the son of Priam, the King of Troy and the brother of Paris.

The war went on for 9 more years. Not many details of these nine years are documented in the

texts of Greek Literature. They mostly focus on the last year of the war.

Achilles was amongst the most aggressive of the Achaeans and he raided, looted and conquered

several of the outer territories of Troy. The war lingered on and on, without stopping. Plots within

plots and politics ruled the scene. The soldiers were tired at the end of the nine years and wanted

to go back home and were on the verge of mutiny. It was only because of the army of Achilles,

were they forced to stay back.

However, towards the end of the almost mutiny, Agamemnon took Briseis, the concubine of

Achilles. Achilles therefore refused to participate in the war.


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The Achaeans were relatively successful even after Achilles withdrew from the war. There was a

fight between Menalaus and Paris, which ended with Aphrodite snatching the almost defeated

Paris from the battlefield. Diomedes, an Achaean hero, won repute amongst his people by killing

Pandaros, a Trojan hero, nearly wounding Aeneas and also for wounding the gods Aphrodite and

Ares. But then the Trojans were enraged enough to drive the Achaeans back to their camp. The

next day, the Trojans entered the Achaean camp and were about the burn down the Achaean


The Achaeans then began to request Achilles to return back into the fight. Finally, Patroclus, a

relative of Achilles, went into the war wearing Achilles’ clothes and armor. He was killed by Hector

who thought he was killing Achilles.

Enraged by the death of Patroclus, Achilles joined the war again. Due to this Agamemnon

returned Briseis back to Achilles, untouched. Back into the fray, Achilles managed to kill several

Trojans. A duel raged between Hector and Achilles, which ended with Achilles killing Hector and

dragging Hector’s body from his chariot. He refused to give the body back to the Trojans for the

funeral. Later, King Priam came to Achilles and requested to have his son’s body back.

Later on, as the war raged on, Achilles ended up killing several of Troy’s allies including

Penthesilea, the Amazon Queen, and Memnon, the King of Ethiopia. After that, Achilles entered

Troy. It was at that point that Paris shot a poisoned arrow, which was guided by Apollo, into the

heel of Achilles. This was the only part of his body which was vulnerable, and Achilles died on the


A battle began to rage, and Ajax held back the Trojan army while Odysseus dragged Achilles’

body back to their camp.

The war was now in its tenth year. A prophecy was made that the fall of Troy would not take


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place without the bow and arrow of Heracles which was now with Philoctetes. Odysseus and

Diomedes found Philoctetes in Lemnos and got him Troy. He then shot Paris and killed him.

Finally to totally destroy Troy, a plan was conceived by Odysseus. A giant, hollow, wooden horse

was built by Epeius under the guidance of Athena. The horse was an animal sacred to the

Trojans. On that horse were inscribed the words: ‘The Greeks dedicate this offering as thanks to

Athena for their return back home’. The horse was filled with troops which were led by Odysseus.

The rest of the army burned their camp and set sail for Tenedos.

The Trojans rejoiced, thinking that the armies had finally left. They dragged the horse back into

the city and began to debate what to do with it. Some of them wanted to burn it down, while

others wanted to keep the horse and dedicate it to Athena.

Cassandra, who had been given the gift of prophecy by Apollo was also cursed by him that no

one would believe her. She warned the Trojans not to keep the horse. But, of course, no one

believed her.

Meanwhile, the Trojans celebrated their victory.

At midnight, when the full moon rose, the troops came out of the horse and began to attack the

Trojans. Most of them were drunk or sleeping. The Achaeans massacred them. Disorganized,

leaderless and disoriented, the Trojans began to fight back. But to no avail. Eventually no men

were left behind in Troy and the Greeks took all the women who remained, for themselves.

King Priam was killed by Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles. Menelaus killed Deiphobus, a son of

Priam and now the new husband of Helen. He was also on the verge of killing Helen, but was

overpowered by her beauty and did not kill her.


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Cassandra was raped by Ajax on the altar of Athena.

The Greeks then proceeded to burn down the city of Troy. Cassandra was given to Agamemnon

and Neoptolemus got Andromache, the wife of Hector. Odysseus got Hecuba, the wife of Priam.

The Achaeans killed Hector’s infant son Astyanax by throwing him from the walls of Troy. They

sacrificed Priam’s daughter Polyxena to the grave of Achilles.

Chapter No 2


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Personality & Values

Value specific mode of counter or end-state of existence is personally or socially

preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence.

Personality the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interact with others

is measured by various methods .A number of early efforts tried to identify the primary

traits the govern behavior .however the most part the resulted in long listed of triads that

were difficult to generalize from and provide little practical guidance of organization

maker .

Two exception are the

Myers-Briggs type indicator

Big five model

Studying all above methods followin Achilles, given the title Achilleis by

modern scholars. The tragedies relate the deeds of Achilles during the Trojan

War, including his defeat of Hector and eventual death when an arrow shot by

Paris and guided by Apollo punctures his heel. Extant fragments of the

Achilleis and other Aeschylean fragments have been assembled to produce a

workable modern play .Achilles' armor was the object of a feud between

Odysseus and Telamonian Ajax (Ajax the greater). They competed for it by

giving speeches on why they were the bravest after Achilles to their Trojan


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prisoners, who after considering both men came to a consensus in favor of

Odysseus. Furious, Ajax cursed Odysseus, which earned the ire of Athena.

Athena temporarily made Ajax so mad with grief and anguish that he began

killing sheep, thinking them his comrades. After a while, when Athena lifted

his madness and Ajax realized that he had actually been killing sheep, he was

so embarrassed that he g personalities comes in notice.


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Odysseus eventually gave the armor to Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles. In

Greek mythology, Briseis, a daughter of Briseus was a princess of Lyrnessus.

When Achilles led the assault on that city during the Trojan War, her family

died at his hands;[2] she was subsequently given to Achilles as a war prize.

According to Book 1 of the Iliad, when Agamemnon was compelled by

Apollo to give up his own woman, Chryseis, he demanded Briseis as

compensation. This prompted a quarrel with Achilles that culminated with

Briseis' delivery to Agamemnon and Achilles' protracted withdrawal from

battle. His absence had disastrous consequences for the Greeks. Despite

Agamemnon's grand offers of treasure and women, he did not return to the

fray until the death of Patroclus.

In the Iliad, Achilles loves Briseis, comparing their relationship with that of

man and wife (he refers to her as his wife and bride often) and explicitly to

that of Menelaus and Helen, which was, after all, what the war is about.

Achilles is angry at Agamemnon, and seethes with rage in his tent:

understandably made furious by the thought of Agamemnon sleeping with

Briseis. When Achilles returns to the fighting to avenge Patrocles' death and

Agamemnon returns Briseis to him, Agamemnon swears to Achilles that he

and Briseis never shared a bed.[3]

In medieval romances, starting with the Roman de Troie, Briseis becomes

Briseida[4] and is the daughter of Calchas. She loves and is loved by Troilus


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and then Diomedes. She is later confused with Chryseis and it is under

variations of that name that the character is developed further, becoming

Shakespeare's Cressida.

Chapter No 3

Perception and individual decision making

Perception Perception is process by which individual organizes and interpret their impression in

order to give meanings to there environment

Factors that influences perception




Theory apply on perception

Attribution theory

Selective perception

Halo effect

Contrast effect



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According to Dares Phrygius' Account of the Destruction of Troy,[7] the Latin

summary through which the story of Achilles was transmitted to medieval

Europe, Troilus was a young Trojan prince, the youngest of King Priam's (or

sometimes Apollo) and Hecuba's five legitimate sons. Despite his youth, he was

one of the main Trojan war leaders. Prophecies linked Troilus' fate to that of Troy

and so he was ambushed in an attempt to capture him. Yet Achilles, struck by the

beauty of both Troilus and his sister Polyxena, and overcome with lust directed

his sexual attentions on the youth — who refusing to yield found instead himself

decapitated upon an altar-omphalos of Apollo. Later versions of the story

suggested Troilus was accidentally killed by Achilles in an over-ardent lovers'

embrace. In this version of the myth, Achilles' death therefore came in retribution

for this sacrilege.[8] Ancient writers treated Troilus as the epitome of a dead child

mourned by his parents. Had Troilus lived to adulthood, the First Vatican

Mythographer claimed Troy would have been invincible.


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Chapter No 4

Job Attitude

In this chapter I look at attitude, there link to behavior and how employs satisfaction or

dissatisfaction with there jobs effects workplace.


Attitude is evaluative statement, either favorable or unfavorable about subject, person and


Component of attitude

Cognitive component

“It is description of statement.”

Affective component

“Affect is the emotional of felling segment of and attitude.”

Behavior component

“It refer to an intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something.”

Major Job Attitudes

Job satisfaction

“It describes a positive feeling about a job.”

Job involvement


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“It measures the degree to which people identify psychologically with their job and

consider there perceived the performance level important to self work.”

Affective commitment

“It is an emotional attachment to the organization and a belief and its values.”

Normative commitment

“It is an obligation to remain with organization for moral an ethical.”

When he discovered that his wife was missing, Menelaus called upon all the other

suitors to fulfill their oaths, thus beginning the Trojan War. The Greek fleet gathered

in Aulis, but the ships could not sail, because there was no wind. Artemis was

enraged with a sacrilegious act of the Greeks, and only the sacrifice of Agamemnon's

daughter, Iphigenia, could appease her. In Euripides Iphigenia in Aulis, Clytemnestra,

Iphigenia's mother and Helen's sister, begs her husband to reconsider his decision,

and calls Helen a "wicked woman". For Clytemnestra, sacrificing Iphigenia for

Helen's sake, "it is buying what we most detest with what we hold most dear".

Before the opening of hostilities, the Greeks dispatched a delegation to the Trojans under

Odysseus and Menelaus; they endeavored to persuade Priam to hand Helen back without

success. A popular theme, The Request of Helen (Helenes Apaitesis, Ἑλένης Απαἵτησις)

was the subject of a drama by Sophocles, now lost.

Homer paints a poignant, lonely picture of Helen in Troy. She is filled with self-distaste

and regret for what she has caused; by the end of the war, the Trojans have come to hate

her. When Hector dies, she is the third mourner at his funeral, and she says that, of all the

Trojans, Hector and Priam alone were always kind to her:


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Wherefore I wail alike for thee and for my hapless self with grief at heart;

for no longer have I anyone beside in broad Troy that is gentle to me or kind;

but all men shudder at me.

These bitter words reveal that Helen gradually realized Paris' weaknesses, and she

decided to ally herself with Hector. There is an affectionate relationship between the two

of them, and Helen has harsh words to say for Paris, when she compares the two brothers:

Howbeit, seeing the gods thus ordained these ills, would that I had been wife to a

better man,

that could feel the indignation of his fellows and their many revilings. [...]

But come now, enter in, and sit thee upon this chair, my brother,

since above all others has trouble encompassed thy heart because of shameless

me, and the folly of Alexander.

During the fall of Troy, Helen's role is ambiguous. In Virgil's Aeneid, Deiphobus gives an

account of Helen's treacherous stance: when the Trojan Horse was admitted into the city,

she feigned Bacchic rites, leading a chorus of Trojan women, and, holding a torch among

them, she signaled to the Greeks from the city's central tower. In Odyssey, however,

Homer narrates a different story: Helen circled the Horse three times, and she imitated

the voices of the Greek women left behind at home—she thus tortured the men inside

(including Odysseus and Menelaus) with the memory of their loved ones, and brought

them to the brink of destruction.


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After the death of Hector and Paris, Helen became the paramour of their younger brother,

Deiphobus; but when the sack of Troy began, she hid her new husband's sword, and left

him to the mercy of Menelaus and Odysseus. In Aeneid, Aeneas meets the mutilated

Deiphobus in Hades; his wounds serve as a testimony to his ignominious end, abetted by

Helen's final act of treachery.

However, Helen's portraits in Troy seem to contradict each other. From one side, we read

about the treacherous Helen who simulated Bacchic rites and rejoiced over the carnage of

Trojans. On the other hand, there is another Helen, lonely and helpless; desperate to find

sanctuary, while Troy is on fire. Stesichorus narrates that both Greeks and Trojans

gathered to stone her to death. When Menelaus finally found her, he raised his sword to

kill her. He had demanded that only he should slay his unfaithful wife; but, when he was

ready to do so, she dropped her robe from her shoulders, and the sight of her beauty

caused him to let the sword drop from his hand


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Chapter No 5

Motivation Concepts


“Motivation is the process that account for an individuals intensity direction and

persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.”

Theories of motivation

Hierarchy of needs theory

1. Psychological needs

2. Safety needs

3. Social needs

4. Esteem needs

5. Self actualization

Theory X and theory Y

Two factor theory

McClelland’s theory of needs

1. Need for achievement


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2. Need for Power

3. Need for affiliation

Self-efficacy theory

“It refer to an individual belief that he or she is capable a task.”

Hector Trojan prince and the greatest fighter for Troy in the Trojan War. As the son of

Priam the founder of Troy . He was a prince of the royal house. He was married to

Andromache, with whom he had an infant son, Astyanax. He acts as leader of the Trojans

and their allies in the defense of Troy, killing 31 Greeks in all. Hector as the very noblest


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of all the heroes in the Iliad: he is both peace-loving and brave, thoughtful as well as

bold, a good son, husband and father, and without darker motives. When the Trojans are

disputing whether the omens are favorable, he retorts .

“One omen is best:

defending the fatherland.”

For ten years the Achaeans besieged Troy and their allies in the east. Hector commanded

the Trojan army, with a number of subordinates including Polydamas, and his brothers

Deiphobus, Helenus and Paris. However, by all accounts Hector was the best warrior the

Trojans and all their allies could field, and his fighting prowess was admired by Greeks

and his own people alike.


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Chapter No 6

Emotion & Moods

OB Application emotion and moods


Decision making


“effective leader rely on emotional apply to help convey there massages infect

the expression of emotion in speeches is after the critical element that makes as

accept or reject a leader massage. When leader feel excited Enthusiastic, and

active, thy may be more likely to energize there some ordinate and convey sense

of efficacy, competence, optimism, and enjoyment. Politicians, As a case in point,

have learned to show enthusiasm when talking about there chances of wining

an election , even when pools suggest otherwise. Hector of Troy was the oldest

son of the magnificent King Priam and the beautiful Queen Hecuba. He was

presumed to be the heir to the throne of Troy. Hector was the greatest and most


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famous soldier of Troy. He was married to Andromache and he had one son

named Astyanax.

Hector killed many enemies during the Trojan War. Patroclus, Achilles’ best

friend, was killed by Hector. Achilles avenged that death by killing Hector. Hector

was dragged around Patroclus’ grave three times. Priam came to Achilles’ camp

and begged him for his son's body. Achilles gave him Hector and Hector was

brought back to Troy for a Ceremony of Death.


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Chapter No 7

Foundations of Group Behavior


It is defined as two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who have

come to achieve particular purpose

People join the groups for formal purposes


Self esteem



Goal Achievement

Stages of group development

Five stage model






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Group properties

1. Roles

2. Norms

3. States

4. Group size

5. Degree of cohesiveness

Odysseus is one of the most influential Greek champions during the Trojan War. Along

with Nestor and Idomeneus he is one of the most trusted counsellors and advisers. He

always champions the Achaean cause, especially when the king is in question, as in one

instance when Thersites spoke against him. When Agamemnon, to test the morale of the

Achaeans, announce his intentions to depart Troy, Odysseus restore order to the Greek

camp. Later on, after many of the heroes has left the battlefield due to injuries (including

Odysseus and Agamemnon), Odysseus once again persuade Agamemnon not to

withdraw. Along with two other envoys, he is chosen in the failed embassy to try to

persuade Achilles to return to combat.

When Hector proposes a single combat duel, Odysseus is one of the Danaans who

reluctantly volunteered to battle him. Telamonian Ajax, however, is the volunteer who

eventually did fight Hector. Odysseus aided Diomedes during the successful night

operations in order to kill Rhesus, because it had been foretold that if his horses drank

from the Scamander river Troy could not be taken.


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After Patroclus has been slain, it is Odysseus who counselees Achilles to let the Achaean

men eat and rest rather than follow his rage-driven desire to go back on the offensive—

and kill Trojans immediately.

During the funeral games for Patroclus, Odysseus becomes involved in a wrestling match

with Telamonian Ajax, as well as a foot race. With the help of the goddess Athena, who

favoured him, and despite Apollo's helping another of the competitors, he won the race

and managed to draw the wrestling match, to the surprise of all.


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Odysseus has traditionally been views in the Iliad as Achilles's antithesis: while

Achilles's anger is all-consuming and of a self-destructive nature, Odysseus is frequently

views as a man of the mean, renowned for his self-restraint and diplomatic skills. He is

more conventionally viewed as the antithesis of Telamonian Ajax (Shakespeare's "beef-

witted" Ajax) because the latter has only brawn to recommend him, while Odysseus is

not only ingenious (as evidenced by his idea for the Trojan Horse), but an eloquent

speaker, a skill perhaps best demonstrated in the embassy to Achilles in book 9 of the

Iliad. And the pair are not only foils in the abstract but often opposed in practice; they

have many duels and run-ins .

Odysseus is the best group maker .He organizes different goals for different goals and



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Chapter No 8

Power & Politics


“It refer to a capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B so that B acts in

accordance with A’s wishes.”

Bases of power

Formal Power

“Formal power is based on an individuals position in an organization.”

1. Coercive power

“Power based on fear.”

2. Reward Power

“It is the power based on financial or non financial rewards”

Personal Power

1.Expert Power

“It is Influence wielded as result of expertise, special skill or knowledge.”

2.Referent Power

“It is based on identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal



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Power Tactics

Power tactic are used to translate power bases in specific action.

Research identify nine distinct influences tactics

1. legitimacy

2. Rational persuasion

3. inspirational appeals

4. Consultation

5. Exchange

6. Personal Appeals

7. Ingratiation

8. Pressure

9. Coalition


“Conversion of power in to action by the people of a particular group.”


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Agamemnon, king of Mycenae is the founder of power and politics .He gathers

the reluctant Greek forces to sail for TROY . Preparing to depart from Aulis

which is a port in Boeotia,. in Aeschylus' play Agamemnon, Artemis is angry for

the young men who will die at Troy, whereas in Sophocles' Electra, Finally, the

prophet Calchas announces that the wrath of the goddess could only be

propitiated. Classical dramatisations differ on how willing either father or

daughter were to this fate, some include such trickery as claiming she was to be

married to Achilles, but Agamemnon did eventually sacrifice Iphigenia. Her death

appeased Artemis, and the Greek army set out for Troy. Several alternatives to the

human sacrifice have been presented in Greek mythology. Other sources, such as

Iphigenia at Aulis, claim that Agamemnon was prepared to kill his daughter, but


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that Artemis accepted a deer in her place, and whisked her away to Taurus in

Crimea. Hesiod said she became the goddess Hecate.

Agamemnon is the commander-in-chief of the Greeks during the Trojan War. During the

fighting, Agamemnon kills Antiphus and 15 other Trojan soldiers. The Iliad tells the

story of the quarrel between Agamemnon and Achilles in the final year of the war.

Agamemnon took an attractive slave, Briseis, one of the spoils of war, from Achilles.

Achilles, the greatest warrior of the age, withdrew from battle in revenge and nearly cost

the Greek armies the war.

Although not the equal of Achilles in bravery, Agamemnon is a representative of kingly

authority. As commander-in-chief, he summoned the princes to the council and leads the

army in battle. He take the field himself, and perform many heroic deeds until he was

wounded and forced to withdraw to his tent. His chief fault is his overwhelming

haughtiness; an over-exalted opinion of his position that led him to insult Chryses and

Achilles, thereby bringing great disaster upon the Greeks.

He always follows the strategy to get power and politics.

After the capture of Troy, Cassandra, doomed prophetess and daughter of Priam, fell to

Agamemnon's lot in the distribution of the prizes of war.


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Testing is only one aspect of video performance and although it is important I think the

subjective test of viewing a movie is just as important in the whole story it Is noticed that

everyone have his own behavioral traits , personality and values the proper planning’s

and enthusiasm in leadership is the code of the achieving goals.