ORGANIC PRODUCTION OF GRAFTED HEIRLOOM TOMATOES: … · 1 organic production of grafted heirloom tomatoes: nematode management, fruit quality, and economics by charles edward barrett

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Page 1: ORGANIC PRODUCTION OF GRAFTED HEIRLOOM TOMATOES: … · 1 organic production of grafted heirloom tomatoes: nematode management, fruit quality, and economics by charles edward barrett









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© 2011 Charles Edward Barrett

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To my grandfather, one of my biggest inspirations

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I thank Dr. Xin Zhao for all of her help and guidance throughout this two year

journey. I thank my committee of experts Dr. Robert McSorley, Dr. Charles Sims, and

Dr. Alan Hodges. I am very grateful for all of their excellent advice that made this project

possible. I am lucky to have a great family that was interested in my research even if at

times it was just to humor me. I thank my girlfriend Paola Ferst for sticking by me

through good or bad and for keeping me honest. My friend Joshua Adkins really pushed

me to achieve my goals and gave me tips, editorial help, and someone to enjoy a cold

beverage with. Thanks to Jorge for being someone to drink coffee with and not think

about all the things I had to do.

Thank you to: Dr. Cantliffe for allowing me this opportunity, Dr. Brecht for advice

and postharvest help, Dr. Huber for answering my random questions and being one of

the best listeners I‟ve ever met, and Dr. Stall for answering the gray wall mystery. I also

thank Desire, Wenjing, for being excellent lab mates and for all their help. My field trials

could not have been better thanks to the expertise of Buck Nelson, Timmy, and the rest

of the crew at the PSREU. Steffen and Chris were my efficiency experts and made my

field work happen even though the biodiversity of organic farming was a little unnerving

at times.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................. 4

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ 6

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... 7

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... 8


1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 10


Background ............................................................................................................. 15 Materials and Methods............................................................................................ 17 Results and Discussion........................................................................................... 21


Background ............................................................................................................. 33

Materials and Methods............................................................................................ 34

Results and Discussion........................................................................................... 39

4 COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF USING GRAFTED TRANSPLANTS FOR ROOT-KNOT NEMATODE MANAGEMENT IN ORGANIC HEIRLOOM TOMATO PRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 45

Background ............................................................................................................. 45

Materials and Methods............................................................................................ 47 Results and Discussion........................................................................................... 51

5 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................ 63

LIST OF REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 65

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ............................................................................................ 69

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Table page 2-1 Effect of grafting treatments on root-knot nematode galling ratingsz of

heirloom tomato cultivars Brandywine and Flammey. ......................................... 28

2-2 Effect of grafting treatments on leaf area and above-ground biomass of heirloom tomato cultivars Brandywine and Flammez. ......................................... 29

3-1 Consumer demographic information. .................................................................. 42

3-2 Effect of grafting treatments on heirloom tomato fruit sensory attributesz for scion cultivars Brandywine and Flamme. ........................................................... 43

3-3 Effect of grafting treatments on heirloom tomato fruit quality attributesz for scion cultivars Brandywine and Flamme. ........................................................... 44

4-1 Sources and prices for materials used to produce grafted and nongrafted heirloom tomato transplants. .............................................................................. 57

4-2 Costs of grafted and nongrafted organic heirloom tomato transplants.z ............. 58

4-3 Estimated partialz net return per plant ($/plant) for nongrafted „Brandywine‟y plants grown organically with low root-knot nematode pressurex. ...................... 59

4-4 Estimated partialz net return per plant ($/plant) for plants of „Brandywine‟y grafted onto the rootstock „Multifort‟x grown organically with low nematode pressurew. ........................................................................................................... 60

4-5 Estimated partialz net return per plant ($/plant) for nongrafted „Brandywine‟y plants grown in a transitional organic field with high nematode pressurex. ......... 61

4-6 Estimated partialz net return per plant ($/plant) for plants of „Brandywine‟y grafted onto the rootstock „Multifort‟x grown in a transitional organic field with high nematode pressurew. .................................................................................. 62

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Figure page 2-1 Cumulative marketable yield for nongrafted and grafted heirloom tomato

cultivars Flamme (A) and Brandywine (B) from the organic field trial conducted in 2010.. ............................................................................................ 30

2-2 Cumulative marketable yield for nongrafted and grafted heirloom tomato cultivars Flamme (A) and Brandywine (B) from the organic field trial conducted in 2011.. ............................................................................................ 31

2-3 Cumulative marketable yield for nongrafted and grafted heirloom tomato cultivars Flamme (A) and Brandywine (B) from the 2011 field trial designed to reflect a transition period from conventional to organic.. .................................... 32

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Abstract of Thesis Presented to the Graduate School of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science




Charles Edward Barrett

December 2011

Chair: Xin Zhao Major: Horticultural Science

Growers are looking for sustainable alternatives to methyl bromide as a soil

fumigant that are effective and economical. Increased demand for organically produced

fruits and vegetables has also contributed to the need for ecologically friendly soilborne

disease control methods. Grafting may be a valuable tool for vegetable growers but

concerns regarding the disadvantages and challenges associated with grafting must be

addressed before grafting will be widely used in the United States.

There were four objectives carried out with this two-year study. The first objective

was to determine if grafting heirloom tomatoes onto interspecific or intraspecific

rootstocks could be effective for root-knot nematode control under organic production in

Florida. The second objective was to assess the influence of grafting treatments on

yield and crop vigor. The third objective was to determine if grafting treatments affect

fruit quality attributes. The final objective was to determine if grafting to overcome root-

knot nematodes could be cost effective on an organic farm.

Three spring field trials were conducted, one in 2010 (organic) and two in 2011

(organic and transitional). Treatments included the heirloom tomato scions „Brandywine‟

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and „Flamme‟ grafted onto the rootstocks „Multifort‟ (interspecific) and „Survivor‟

(intraspecific), and nongrafted and self-grafted scion controls. In 2010, no root-knot

nematode galls were observed and total marketable yields were not significantly

different within scion treatments. In 2011, galls were observed on roots in every

treatment in both field trials. The rootstocks reduced galling by 89% on average in the

organic field trial. Under severe nematode pressure in the transitional field trial, the

scion „Brandywine‟ grafted onto „Multifort‟ produced significantly higher marketable

yields than nongrafted and self-grafted „Brandywine‟ treatments. Although it appeared

that the rootstock „Survivor‟ may have had a negative effect on sensory attributes for the

scion „Brandywine‟, this trend was not observed in the 2011 taste tests. There were no

differences in fruit nutritional contents. Grafted and nongrafted transplants were

estimated to cost $0.78 and $0.17, respectively. Sensitivity analyses conducted using

these estimated transplant production costs revealed that under severe root-knot

nematode pressure, grafting may be an economically feasible soilborne disease control

option. This study demonstrated that grafting could be successfully implemented for

root-knot nematode control in organic heirloom tomato production. The yield of grafted

tomatoes was influenced by the rootstock-scion interaction and the root-knot nematode

population. The use of nematode-resistant rootstocks did not have a significant impact

on tomato quality attributes. Grafted transplants do cost more to produce, but can

reduce the risk of economic crop losses due to root-knot nematodes.

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Grafting is a horticultural technique that fuses two or more different plants together

to grow as one plant. The plant (s) that provides the shoot, leaves, and fruit is (are)

referred to as the scion. The roots are provided by a plant called the rootstock.

Commercial grafting has been used in the production of fruit trees (e.g. peach, apple,

citrus) and vegetables (e.g. tomato, eggplant, melon). Records of tree grafting date

back hundreds of years, whereas early vegetable grafting records date back to only the

1920‟s (Lee, 1994). Vegetable grafting began as a method to overcome fusarium wilt

(Fusarium oxyysporum) in watermelon (Lee, 1994). In addition to improved resistance

to soilborne pathogens and diseases such as root-knot nematodes, verticillium wilt,

southern blight, and bacteria wilt; grafted vegetables often demonstrate greater vigor,

enhanced nutrient and water uptake, and improved tolerance to environmental stresses

like soil salinity, low temperature, and flooding (King et al., 2010; Lee et al., 2010;

Louws et al., 2010; Schwarz et al., 2010). Vegetable grafting is currently widely used in

greenhouses, high tunnels, and some open-field producing areas in many Asian and

Mediterranean countries (Lee et al., 2010). Japan and Korea are among the leaders in

growing grafted vegetables using an estimated 721.3 million and 766.3 million grafted

transplants a year, respectively (Lee et al., 2010).

An estimated 40 million grafted transplants are used each year in the United

States (Kubota et al., 2008). However, grafted transplants in the United States are

almost completely isolated to use in the greenhouse tomato industry (Kubota et al.,

2008). Growers in the United States are concerned with the disadvantages associated

with grafting (Lee et al., 2010). The cost of grafted transplants is a major barrier

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preventing growers from adopting this technique (King et al., 2008; Kubota et al., 2008;

Kubota, 2008; Lee et al., 2010; Rivard et al., 2010b). In a recent study, estimated prices

for nongrafted tomato transplants in the United States ranged from $0.13 to $0.51, while

price estimates for grafted tomato transplants ranged from $0.59 to $1.25 ($1.88 after

markup) (Rivard et al., 2010b). According to Lee et al. (2010), grafted vegetable

transplants were estimated to cost $0.40 to $1.20. If grafted transplants are to be used,

a grower will need to know how these higher initial costs will be recovered.

Productivity of grafted vegetables may be directly related to the economic

feasibility of the adoption of grafting technology. If yields are maintained or reduced as a

result of grafting, and all other costs are held constant, the grower never makes up the

extra cost incurred for the grafted transplants and therefore profits are reduced.

However, if a grower experiences higher yields, some or all of that cost could be

recovered. In Florida, growers fumigating with expensive pesticides for root-knot

nematodes (RKN) and other soilborne pathogens, could also reduce some production

expenses by using grafted transplants instead of fumigating (King et al., 2008).

Nematodes are a major problem in the southern United States and worldwide (Rivard et

al., 2010a; Roberts et al., 2005; Sasser, 1980). Warm temperatures, sandy soils, and

excess moisture create an ideal habitat for nematodes (Roberts et al., 2005). Conditions

in Florida in the spring and fall growing seasons are usually highly favorable for

nematode populations to cause economic crop losses on susceptible crops. While many

commercial cultivars have resistance to root-knot nematodes among other soilborne

pathogens, there is a lack of such resistance in heirloom tomatoes (Rivard and Louws,


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In contrast to the conventional production systems, organic farmers have fewer

options for soilborne disease control (Rivard and Louws, 2008). Some disease

management practices such as crop rotation may be space prohibitive due to the

smaller size of many organic farms. Crop rotation can also take many years to be

effective, which often requires more land in rotation to keep productive land available.

Crop rotation may be less effective if the pathogen has a wide range of hosts. Grafting

with resistant rootstocks can be rapidly incorporated into integrated pest management

practices for controlling soilborne diseases. Resistant rootstocks can effectively act as a

non-host plant in crop rotations with susceptible cultivars.

Organic markets in the United States have grown steadily for over a decade and

one emerging problem in the organic sector is a lack of supply (Greene et al., 2009).

Grafting could offer stability to these markets by promoting more competitive plants and

a reduced risk of crop failure (Taylor et al., 2008). Some growers in Florida and North

Carolina have begun experimenting with grafting on their farms in an attempt to

overcome soilborne pathogens for heirloom tomato production (grower pers. comm.;

Kubota, 2008; Rivard et al., 2010a). However, systematic studies on grafted heirloom

tomatoes are scarce, particularly under Florida conditions.

Heirloom tomatoes with distinct flavor and quality attributes represent a popular

niche market for local organic and small growers (Jordan, 2007). It has been suggested

that many commercial varieties of fruits and vegetables have lost much of their flavor

because modern breeding has targeted developing commodities with longer shelf lives

and better shipping capabilities (Klee, 2010). Breeders are now looking into heirloom

cultivars as sources for flavor genes (Klee, 2010). Grafting can allow for immediate use

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of disease resistant genes from rootstocks while maintaining the outstanding flavor

afforded by heirloom scions. Although Rivard et al. (2010a) showed that grafted

transplants can be used to effectively control southern blight and root-knot nematodes,

sensory attributes and nutritional content of the fruit was not mentioned. A previous

greenhouse study by Di Gioia et al. (2010) showed that soluble solid content, titratable

acidity, and sensory profiles of heirloom tomato fruit were not affected by grafting onto

interspecific rootstocks, whereas vitamin C content was reduced as a result of grafting.

Grafted vegetable research has yielded mixed results regarding the affects of grafting

on fruit quality attributes, possibly due to the use of varying scion-rootstock

combinations, growing environments, seasons, and grafting methods (Edelstein, 2004;

Martínez-Ballesta et al., 2008; Rouphael et al., 2010).

The influence of grafting on fruit taste and fruit quality of different scion-rootstock

combinations deserves more attention as it may impact the adoption of this technique.

Conventional growers are paid based on fruit weight and may be less concerned about

taste and nutritional content than the organic or smaller market farmer. Small farmers

often have a close connection with the purchasers of their produce and therefore have

more to lose if grafting affects fruit taste or fruit quality. Organic farmers are in a unique

position to gain from grafting because consumers are willing to pay more for organic

produce, and produce with better taste (Greene et al., 2009; Klee, 2010).

Four main research objectives were explored in this two-year study. One objective

was to determine if grafting heirloom tomatoes onto different rootstocks, i.e.,

interspecific and intraspecific, can be used for root-knot nematode control in organic

production in Florida sandy soils. Another objective was to assess the influence of

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grafting on crop vigor and yield of heirloom tomato scions. A third objective was to

determine the effect of grafted treatments on fruit quality and sensory attributes. Finally,

sensitivity analyses were performed to estimate the economic feasibility of integrating

heirloom tomato grafting on an organic farm.

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Modern tomato breeding has led to improvements in postharvest attributes but this

has come with a noticeable decrease in fruit flavor (Klee, 2010). Educated consumers

have begun demanding heirloom tomatoes for their superior flavor and unique appeal

(Bland, 2005; Jordan, 2007; Klee, 2010). This increased interest has helped expand a

niche market for local organic growers (Jordan, 2007). However, heirloom tomatoes can

be difficult to grow in Florida due to imminent pest and disease pressure. One of the

major pest management challenges are root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) which

thrive in warm weather and moist, sandy soils (Roberts et al., 2005; Sasser, 1980).

Root-knot nematodes (RKN) cause root galls that damage the root system and result in

stunted plant growth and significant yield loss. RKN persist in the soil for many years

and have a broad host range. These characteristics make RKN difficult to control on

organic farms. The small size of many organic farms may prevent utilization of the long

rotation times needed to ameliorate soil conditions between susceptible crops.

Organic growers often face pest and disease challenges with few effective control

methods, making organic heirloom tomato production even more difficult and potentially

less profitable than conventional production (Rivard and Louws, 2008; Rivard et al.,

2010a). With the use of appropriate rootstocks, grafting may be a useful technique for

vegetable producers to overcome soilborne pathogens including RKN. Vegetable

grafting began in Japan and Korea in the 1920‟s to manage fusarium wilt (Fusarium

oxysporum Smith) in watermelons and is currently widely used in cucurbitaceous and

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solanaceous crop production in Asian and Mediterranean countries (Lee, 1994; Lee et

al., 2010).

Recently, investigators have begun examining vegetable grafting as a tool for

United States producers. This research has focused on: grafted seedling production,

use, and economics (Kubota et al., 2008; Rivard et al., 2010b); grafting as an alternative

to methyl bromide in field production (Freeman et al., 2009); and the use of resistant

rootstocks for controlling soilborne diseases and RKN (Bausher, 2009; Lopez-Perez et

al., 2006; Rivard and Louws, 2008; Rivard et al., 2010a). With the phase out of methyl

bromide for soil fumigation and the continued rise in demand for organic produce in the

United States, the need for alternative disease control methods that do not rely on

synthetic biocides has increased (Greene et al., 2009; King et al., 2008; Louws et al.,


Intraspecific tomato hybrids (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and interspecific tomato

hybrids (S. lycopersicum xS. habrochaites S.Knapp & D.M. Spooner) have been

employed worldwide as disease resistant rootstocks in grafted tomato production (King

et al., 2010). It is unclear how the differences between intraspecific and interspecific

hybrid tomato rootstocks will affect field-grown indeterminate heirloom tomatoes.

Hence, rootstock evaluations for heirloom tomato production in open field conditions

should involve both types of rootstocks. Grafting has been used to successfully produce

heirloom tomatoes in a North Carolina organic system by effectively managing bacterial

wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) Yabuuchi et al.) and fusarium wilt (Rivard and

Louws, 2008). Additionally, it was shown that southern blight (Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.)

and southern RKN [M. incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood] could be managed by

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grafting heirloom tomatoes onto interspecific hybrid rootstocks (Rivard et al., 2010a).

Interest in tomato grafting is emerging among small and organic growers in Florida. The

results from these North Carolina studies are promising and suggest that grafting may

be applicable in Florida heirloom tomato production. However, appropriate rootstocks

for Florida conditions need to be determined.

The purpose of this study was to assess heirloom tomato grafting for RKN control

under organic production in naturally infested Florida sandy soils. It is hypothesized that

grafting onto resistant rootstocks can reduce nematode galling incidence. Intraspecific

and interspecific hybrid rootstocks were compared with respect to their influence on

nematode resistance, crop vigor, and fruit yield.

Materials and Methods

Scion and rootstock cultivars. Grafted tomato seedlings were produced using

certified organic heirloom tomato seed and commercially available non-treated rootstock

seeds. The heirloom tomato cultivars Brandywine and Flamme were used as nongrafted

controls and as scions (Tomato Fest, Little River, CA). „Brandywine‟ (BW) is a large,

red, open pollinated, indeterminate variety valued for its excellent flavor and large size.

„Flamme‟ (FL) is a golf-ball-sized, orange, open-pollinated, indeterminate variety.

„Multifort‟ (De Ruiter Seeds, Bergschenhoek, The Netherlands) and „Survivor‟ (Takii

Seeds, Salinas, CA) were used as rootstocks. „Multifort‟ (MU) is an interspecific (S.

habrochaites xS. lycopersicum) hybrid and „Survivor‟ (SU) is an intraspecific (S.

lycopersicum) hybrid. Both rootstocks were chosen for their high resistance to soilborne

pathogens, root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) and vigorous growth habit.

Transplant production. Rootstock seeds were sown two days before scion seeds

on 16 Feb. 2010 and 11 Feb. 2011. Seedlings were grown in Fafard Organic Formula

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Custom potting mix (Apopka, FL) using 128-cell-count Speedling Flats (Sun City, FL). At

the 4-5 true leaf stage, seedlings were tube grafted. Grafting procedures were adapted

from Rivard and Louws (2006) in which young seedlings are grafted and held together

using 2.0-mm or 1.5-mm silicon clips (Hydro-Gardens, Colorado Springs, CO). Grafting

took place 34 d and 28 d after scions were sown for 2010 and 2011, respectively. The

grafted seedlings were then placed in a temperature and humidity controlled walk-in

cooler at 25 °C and ~95% RH with no light for 24 hr. Thereafter, the grafted seedlings

were gradually exposed to light, and humidity was reduced for 6 d until the seedlings

were healed. The grafted seedlings were then transported to the greenhouse to harden

off before transplanting into the field.

Field trials. Three field trials were conducted at the University of Florida Plant

Science Research and Education Unit in Citra, FL. One trial was conducted in the

spring of 2010 while two were conducted in the spring of 2011. In both years, one trial

was grown on certified organic land following the rules outlined by the National Organic

Program (U.S. Dept. Agr., 2002). The organic research land was certified by Quality

Certification Services (Gainesville, FL). Organic yellow squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) was

grown during the 2010 fall growing season to encourage a natural RKN infestation for

the 2011 organic field trial. Additionally, in the spring of 2011, a trial was conducted on a

site with a history of continuous nematode infestation that had been managed

conventionally in previous years. The plants used in this trial were produced and grown

following organic practices. This trial was designed to reflect growing conditions during

a typical three-year transition period from conventional to organic production. The soil

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type found in all three field trials is Candler sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes, hyperthermic,

uncoated Typic Quartzipsamments, with a pH of 6.0.

In all trials there were eight treatments consisting of, nongrafted and self-grafted

scion controls for „Brandywine‟ (NGBW, BW/BW) and „Flamme‟ (NGFL, FL/FL), and the

scion-rootstock combinations including „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟ grafted onto the

rootstocks „Multifort‟ (BW/MU, FL/MU) and „Survivor‟ (BW/SU, FL/SU). The seedlings

were transplanted on 10 Apr. 2010 and 2 Apr. 2011. A randomized complete block

design was used with five blocks (replications). In the 2010 trial there were 12 plants per

treatment in each block. In 2011, there were 15 plants per treatment in the organic field

and 8 plants per treatment in the transitional field. In all three trials the in-row plant

spacing was 0.46 m (18 inches) with 1.83 m (6 feet) between row centers. The plants

were grown in raised beds with black plastic mulch and drip irrigation. A preplant

application of Nature Safe organic fertilizer 10N-0.9P-6.6K (Cold Spring, KY) was

applied at the rate of 179 kg N/ha (200 lb N/acre). Supplemental liquid fertilizer

applications were injected into the drip system weekly at a rate of 0.45 kg N/ha

throughout the season using Neptune‟s Harvest 2N-1.3P-0.8K (Gloucester, MA).

Supplemental calcium was also supplied through injection at a rate of 0.10 kg/ha Ca

with Calplex (Botanicare, Chandler, AZ). All the nutrient inputs were approved by the

Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI, Eugene, OR) for use in certified organic

production. The plants were staked and trellised as needed throughout the season

following the stake and weave system common to Florida tomato production (Olson et

al., 2011).

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Nematode galling. Assessments of nematode infestation on plant roots were

conducted after the final harvest. On 13 July 2010 and 30 June 2011, the roots of five

plants per treatment in each block in the organic fields and three plants per treatment in

each block in the transitional field were assessed for nematode galls. The rating

scheme proposed by Zeck (1971) that estimates nematode infestation levels on a plant

was used. This scheme is a scale from 0-10 (0 = no galling, 10 = plant and roots are

dead). Three researchers assessed each plant individually and then the ratings were

averaged to form a consensus rating for that plant. The consensus ratings were then

averaged for each treatment in each block (five plants/plot in organic field; three

plants/plot in transitional field). In addition, two nematode samples from each field were

submitted the University of Florida Nematode Assay Lab for identification of species.

Fruit yield. Tomato harvests began 58 days after transplanting (DAT) in 2010 and

63 DAT in 2011. In 2010, there were four harvests occurring on 7, 13, 17, and 25 June.

In 2011, there were 6 harvests in the organic field and 5 harvests in the transitional field

occurring on 4, 8, 13, 16, 22 (organic only), 23 (transitional only), and 28 (organic only)

June. Fruit were harvested at the breaker stage of maturity when the mature color

begins to show at the blossom end. Each harvest was graded and weighed for

marketability based on organic grower standards. Non-characteristic fruit and those

exhibiting blossom end rot, cat facing, splitting, and insect/disease damage were

counted and weighed to calculate marketable yield.

Crop vigor. One representative plant per treatment was destructively harvested in

each block following the final harvest on 25 June 2010 and 30 June 2011 in the organic

fields. Leaf area was measured using a LI-COR area meter (LI-3100; Lincoln, NE). After

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recording leaf area, each plant was dried in a forced air drying room at 75°C for 5 days

and weighed for above-ground biomass.

Statistical analyses. Data analyses were performed for both scion varieties

separately using the GLIMMIX procedure of SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).

All yield, crop vigor, and nematode galling data were analyzed using a one-way analysis

of variance (ANOVA), with multiple comparisons conducted using Fisher‟s LSD test at α

= 0.05.

Results and Discussion

Nematode galling. Although the 2010 organic research field was selected

because of the record of RKN infestation in previous years, no RKN galls were

observed on the tomato plants in the field trial regardless of the treatment. Grasses

were known to be the dominant crop in the field for at least two years prior to the 2010

trial. In addition to the history of grasses, the hard freezes and record low temperatures

during Jan.-Mar. 2010 may have contributed to the low RKN population in the field.

Yellow squash was grown during the fall of 2010 in the organic field to build a natural

RKN population for the spring 2011 season. RKN trials had been conducted in the

transitional field for >10 years and there was a well established RKN population in that


In the 2011 trials, all the treatments showed RKN galling despite the use of

rootstocks. However, RKN galling index ratings were significantly lower in both fields for

tomatoes grafted onto „Survivor‟ and „Multifort‟ compared to the non- and self-grafted

„Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟ treatments (Table 2-1). The nematode species found in both

fields was identified by the Nematode Assay lab as M. javanica (Treub) Chitwood, using

species-specific PCR primers (Dong et al., 2001). In the organic field, the hybrid

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rootstocks performed similarly and significantly reduced root galling compared to the

nongrafted and self-grafted treatments for both scions by 89% on average. In the

transitional field, both rootstocks significantly reduced root galling for both scions in

comparison with the non- and self-grafted scion treatments. However, the rootstock

„Survivor‟ led to the lowest galling ratings for both scion cultivars (P=0.01). The self-

grafted „Brandywine‟ treatment had significantly lower galling index ratings than the

nongrafted „Brandywine‟ treatment. This reduced galling was unexpected and the cause

is unclear. It may be that for the scion „Brandywine‟, the act of grafting promoted a

defense response which resulted in reduced galling ratings, but further investigation will

be required to elucidate a cause. Intermediate levels of disease resistance and yield in

self-grafted tomatoes have been reported in previous research (Rivard, 2006).

The RKN galling ratings were generally higher in the transitional field than the

organic field, suggesting a more severe infestation (Table 2-1). This trend was observed

with the interspecific rootstock „Multifort‟ but not with the intraspecific rootstock

„Survivor‟. Under different field infestation levels, the high resistance to RKN was

consistent when the two heirloom tomato cultivars were grafted onto „Survivor‟. In

contrast, the resistance conferred by „Multifort‟ appeared to break when the soil RKN

infestation increased. In this study, „Multifort‟ performed similarly to „Beaufort‟ and

„Maxifort‟ which were assessed by Rivard et al. (2010a). These three interspecific

tomato rootstocks are from similar breeding lines and tend to exhibit tolerance to RKN

rather than resistance when soil RKN population levels are high. RKN resistance is

conferred by the Mi-1 gene that was introduced into commercial tomato rootstocks and

cultivars from the wild tomato relative Solanum peruvianum L. (López-Pérez et al.,

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2006; Medina-Filho and Stevens, 1980). López-Pérez et al. (2006) showed that

„Beaufort‟ carried the Mi-gene and exhibited tolerance to RKN (M. incognita) since RKN

populations were able to reproduce and increase on the „Beaufort‟ rootstock. It was also

revealed that „Hypeel45‟, a processing tomato with Mi-gene resistance, retained yields

and had lower galling ratings than „Beaufort‟ (López-Pérez et al., 2006). Our relatively

high galling ratings for the interspecific rootstock „Multifort‟ and lower galling ratings for

the intraspecific rootstock „Survivor‟ were consistent with the study by López-Pérez et

al. (2006). In the transitional field a significant reduction in root galling was also

observed with the BW/BW treatment. The effect of self-grafting on RKN resistance

deserves further research. Nevertheless, there were generally lower root galling ratings

with self-grafted than nongrafted treatments for both scion cultivars in the organic and

transitional fields.

Fruit yield. For the cultivar Flamme in 2010, the grafted plants produced

significantly lower marketable yields than the nongrafted control for the first two

harvests. However, there were no significant differences in total marketable yield for the

„Flamme‟ treatments 2010 and 2011 (Figures 2-1 A, 2-2 A, and 2-3 A). Reduced early

yields may be an effect of the grafting process. Khah et al. (2006) reported greater early

yields for nongrafted plants and hypothesized that the stress associated with grafting

and healing delayed flowering in grafted plants. There were no significant differences in

marketable yield at any harvest for the scion „Brandywine‟ in 2010 (Figure 2-1 B). In

2011, there was variability in marketable yields for the „Brandywine‟ treatments between

the organic and transitional fields. In the organic field, the NGBW and BW/SU

treatments produced significantly higher total marketable yields than the BW/BW and

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BW/MU treatments (Figure 2-2 B). However in the transitional field, BW/MU

demonstrated significantly higher total marketable yields than the BW/BW and NGBW

treatments (Figure 2-3 B). The BW/SU treatment resulted in statistically similar yields to

all other „Brandywine‟ treatments in the transitional field. Overall, total fruit yields

showed trends similar to marketable fruit yields (data not shown).

Some of these yield differences in 2011 may be attributed to the presence of RKN.

With no RKN pressure in the 2010 trial, there were no differences in total marketable

yield with either scion cultivar. However, with high RKN pressure in the 2011 transitional

field, the highest marketable yield for the scion „Brandywine‟ was achieved when grafted

onto „Multifort‟. Our results were consistent with the study by López-Pérez et al. (2006),

in which significantly higher tomato fruit yield was observed with resistant rootstocks at

high RKN (M. incognita) densities. According to Rivard et al. (2010a), total and

marketable tomato fruit yields were higher on interspecific hybrid rootstocks under

severe RKN and southern blight disease pressure. In contrast, grafting did not exhibit

any significant effect on heirloom tomato yield under low disease pressure and it was

unclear if grafting onto interspecific hybrid rootstocks would be beneficial in such

circumstances (Rivard et al., 2008).

López-Pérez et al. (2006) did not detect a yield response with plants grafted onto

resistant rootstocks at intermediate populations of RKN. In our study, NGBW and

BW/SU preformed similarly at intermediate levels of RKN infestation in the 2011 organic

field trial while, BW/BW and BW/MU yielded significantly less marketable fruit. It is

unclear why tomato yield was reduced for BW/MU since it showed significantly lower

root galling ratings compared to NGBW and BW/BW, and did not differ significantly from

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BW/SU in terms of RKN resistance. This response could be related to the genetic

background of „Multifort‟. This rootstock was developed from a breeding line of

greenhouse rootstocks aimed at enhanced crop vigor and extended growing seasons in

addition to disease resistance. It could be that the increased vigor and vegetative

growth that is useful in greenhouse conditions had a deleterious effect on „Brandywine‟

fruit yield in the shorter field-grown season. More studies are warranted to examine the

influence of vigorous interspecific hybrid rootstocks on the yield of indeterminate

cultivars grown in field production systems. New rootstocks developed for open-field

production would help establish more integrated pest management techniques for

growers not using greenhouses or high tunnels (Kubota et al., 2008).

Scion-rootstock influences were observed in this study. Although „Flamme‟ was

susceptible to RKN, marketable fruit yields were not significantly affected by grafting

with resistant rootstocks. This indicates that other factors, in addition to RKN infestation,

may be involved in determining tomato yield. It was noted that the size of „Flamme‟ fruit

was much smaller than „Brandywine‟ fruit. One effect that occurred in 2011 but not in

2010 was the presence of „Brandywine‟ cull-fruit diagnosed with the abiotic disorder

graywall (W.M. Stall, pers. comm.). No „Flamme‟ fruit displayed graywall symptoms.

Graywall incidence was greater in the transitional field than in the organic field, which

may have contributed to the overall reduction in marketable yield per plant observed in

the transitional field trial in contrast to the organic field trial (Figures 2-2 and 2-3).

Graywall is a physiological disorder and its cause is unclear, but it can be reduced by

adequate K (Olson, 2004). It was most severe in the field with the highest nematode

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pressure, and it is unclear whether its increased incidence there could be attributed to

adverse effects of RKN on nutrient and water uptake.

Crop Vigor. Rootstock effects were also observed in leaf area and above-ground

biomass evaluations. When grafted to the rootstock „Multifort‟, the scion „Brandywine‟

produced significantly more above-ground biomass than NGBW, BW/BW, and BW/SU

in both years (Table 2-2). Furthermore, BW/MU produced significantly greater leaf area

than the other „Brandywine‟ treatments in 2010. In the 2011 trial, the leaf area of

BW/MU was greater than that of BW/BW and BW/SU, but there was no significant

difference between BW/MU and NGBW. The scion „Flamme‟ treatment combinations

performed similarly to the „Brandywine‟ treatment combinations. For both years, FL/MU

produced significantly greater leaf area than NGFL, FL/FL, and FL/SU. In 2011, above-

ground biomass was significantly greater for FL/MU than all other „Flamme‟ treatments

(Table 2-2).

The interspecific rootstocks „Beaufort‟ and „Maxifort‟ have been shown to increase

biomass and leaf area for the heirloom tomato „Cuore di Bue‟ when grown in a

greenhouse (Di Gioia et al., 2010). The effect of the rootstock should be carefully

examined when grafting is used for a specific growing condition. The interspecific hybrid

rootstock „Multifort‟ used in this experiment is similar to „Maxifort‟ in terms of vigorous

growth. This is advantageous for greenhouse tomato production where season

extension is strongly emphasized. However when used in the open-field, this increase in

vegetative growth may not be beneficial. This is due to the shorter field production cycle

in Florida where early yields are important to achieve the greatest profit. On the other

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hand, the increased vigor provided by „Multifort‟ might be related to the tolerance

exhibited by this rootstock to high populations of RKN.

Despite the presence of RKN in 2011, both yield and crop vigor for all treatments

were greater in 2011 than those from 2010 (Figures 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3, Tables 2-1 and 2-

2). The 2010 and 2011 growing seasons were different with regard to average

temperature and rainfall. The 2010 growing season was 8.74 °C cooler and there was

27.6 cm more rain on average. The drier, more mild 2011 season may have been more

favorable for growing irrigated tomatoes.

Interest in vegetable grafting is growing in the United States, therefore more

research is needed to determine the rootstock effects on crop performance under site-

specific conditions and different production systems. With respect to controlling RKN,

our studies indicated the interspecific hybrid rootstock tended to exhibit tolerance under

severe RKN pressure to help improve the heirloom tomato yield. In fields with

intermediate levels of RKN infestation, the intraspecific hybrid rootstock was more

effective in reducing root galls and maintaining fruit yield. Interestingly, there was a lack

of a clear relationship between root galling and tomato yields. Scion-rootstock

interactions were revealed as reflected by the differential response of the two heirloom

tomato scions to the two rootstocks used. When assessing whether or not to use

grafted tomato plants for RKN management, growers need to consider the severity of

the RKN infestation, the growing system, and the scion and rootstock cultivars to be


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Table 2-1. Effect of grafting treatments on root-knot nematode galling ratingsz of heirloom tomato cultivars Brandywine and Flammey.

Treatmentx Organic field Transitional field


NGBW 7.18 a 9.30 a

BW/BW 5.86 a 7.30 b

BW/MU 1.72 b 3.88 c

BW/SU 0.28 b 0.54 d


NGFL 6.02 a 8.06 a

FL/FL 5.28 a 6.12 a

FL/MU 0.52 b 3.48 b

FL/SU 0.16 b 0.00 c z Root-knot nematode galling index proposed by Zeck (1971), ratings for spring 2011. y Means separated with Fisher‟s LSD test at α=0.05, same letter in each column indicates no significant difference; scion cultivars were analyzed separately. x NGBW and NGFL: Nongrafted „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟; BW/BW and FL/FL: Self-grafted „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟; BW/MU and FL/MU: „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟ grafted onto the interspecific rootstock „Multifort‟; BW/SU and FL/SU: „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟ grafted onto the intraspecific rootstock „Survivor‟.

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Table 2-2. Effect of grafting treatments on leaf area and above-ground biomass of heirloom tomato cultivars Brandywine and Flammez.



Leaf areay Biomassx

Leaf areay Biomassx

Treatmentw (cm²) (g/plant)

(cm²) (g/plant)


NGBW 3145 b 177 b

13137 ab 349 ab

BW/BW 2926 b 171 b

11343 b 316 b

BW/MU 5549 a 239 a

18300 a 478 a

BW/SU 2649 b 159 b

9618 b 281 b


NGFL 2420 b 172 a

6875 b 248 b

FL/FL 2358 b 168 a

8000 b 278 b

FL/MU 3833 a 204 a

10460 a 383 a

FL/SU 1729 b 165 a

6928 b 271 b z Means separated with Fisher‟s LSD test α=0.05, same letter in each column indicates no significant difference; scion cultivars were analyzed separately. y Mean total leaf area per plant. x Mean total above-ground dry weight per plant. w NGBW and NGFL: Nongrafted „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟; BW/BW and FL/FL: Self-grafted „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟; BW/MU and FL/MU: „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟ grafted onto the interspecific rootstock „Multifort‟; BW/SU and FL/SU: „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟ grafted onto the intraspecific rootstock „Survivor‟.

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58 64 68 76




le y


















58 64 68 76




le y





Days after transplanting






Figure 2-1. Cumulative marketable yield for nongrafted and grafted heirloom tomato cultivars Flamme (A) and Brandywine (B) from the organic field trial conducted in 2010. Each harvest was analyzed using a one-way analysis of variance and means were separated by Fisher‟s LSD test. LSD bars represent the least significant difference at α = 0.05. NGBW and NGFL: Nongrafted „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟; BW/BW and FL/FL: Self-grafted „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟; BW/MU and FL/MU: „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟ grafted onto the interspecific rootstock „Multifort‟; BW/SU and FL/SU: „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟ grafted onto the intraspecific rootstock „Survivor‟.



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63 67 72 75 81 88




le y




nt) NGFL














63 67 72 75 81 88




le y





Days after transplanting






Figure 2-2. Cumulative marketable yield for nongrafted and grafted heirloom tomato cultivars Flamme (A) and Brandywine (B) from the organic field trial conducted in 2011. Each harvest was analyzed using a one-way analysis of variance and means were separated by Fisher‟s LSD test. LSD bars represent the least significant difference at α = 0.05. NGBW and NGFL: Nongrafted „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟; BW/BW and FL/FL: Self-grafted „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟; BW/MU and FL/MU: „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟ grafted onto the interspecific rootstock „Multifort‟; BW/SU and FL/SU: „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟ grafted onto the intraspecific rootstock „Survivor‟.



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63 67 72 75 82




le y



















63 67 72 75 82




le y





Days after transplanting






Figure 2-3. Cumulative marketable yield for nongrafted and grafted heirloom tomato cultivars Flamme (A) and Brandywine (B) from the 2011 field trial designed to reflect growing conditions during a typical three-year transition period from conventional to organic. Each harvest was analyzed using a one-way analysis of variance and means were separated by Fisher‟s LSD test. LSD bars represent the least significant difference at α = 0.05. NGBW and NGFL: Nongrafted „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟; BW/BW and FL/FL: Self-grafted „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟; BW/MU and FL/MU: „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟ grafted onto the interspecific rootstock „Multifort‟; BW/SU and FL/SU: „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟ grafted onto the intraspecific rootstock „Survivor‟.



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Grafting is a horticultural technique primarily used to control soilborne pathogens,

provide relief from abiotic stressors, and improve crop productivity in Cucurbitaceous

and Solanaceous vegetables. This technique may be especially intriguing for organic

producers because it can be used to overcome soilborne pathogens for which they may

have limited control options. Many recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness

of grafting for controlling root-knot nematodes, bacterial wilt, fusarium wilt, and southern

blight in the United States (Bausher, 2009; Kubota et al., 2008; Lopez-Perez et al.,

2006; Rivard and Louws, 2008; Rivard et al., 2010a). Grafting research and breeding

efforts for both tomatoes and tomato rootstocks have traditionally focused on improving

disease resistances and increasing yield, rather than fruit quality (Lee, 1994; King et al.,

2010; Klee, 2010; Rouphael et al., 2010). According to Klee (2010), consumers have

noticed a decrease in fruit and vegetable flavors as breeding efforts have resulted in

enhanced postharvest attributes and they are willing to pay more for produce with

improved taste. With this increase in consumer interest for fruits and vegetables with

superior flavor, more recent studies have examined grafting effects on fruit quality (Di

Gioia et al., 2010; Fernandez-Garcia et al., 2004; Mišković et al., 2009; Pogonyi et al.,


Many studies concerning grafting effects on fruit quality have reported varying

results (Edelstein, 2004; Martínez-Ballesta et al., 2008; Rouphael et al., 2010).

Increased concentrations of lycopene, β-carotene, glucose, fructose, and soluble solids

in tomato fruit as a result of grafting have been demonstrated (Fernandez-Garcia et al.,

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2004; Oda et al., 1996). Meanwhile, some previous reports showed no differences in

soluble solids, pH, lycopene, and titratable acidity in fruit from grafted and nongrafted

plants (Di Gioia et al., 2010; Khah et al., 2006; Romano and Paratore, 2001).

Furthermore, reduced fruit concentrations of vitamin C, soluble solids, total sugars, and

lycopene due to grafting or rootstock influence were demonstrated (Di Gioia et al., 2010;

Lee et al., 1999; Mišković et al., 2009; Pogonyi et al., 2005).

To date, few studies have examined the effect of rootstocks on fruit quality and

sensory attributes of heirloom tomatoes (Di Gioia et al., 2010). Without a clear

understanding of how grafting influences fruit nutritional content and sensory attributes,

growers may be less likely to invest the extra cost associated with grafted transplants.

This cost, as reported by Rivard et al. (2010b) could be 64% to 354% higher for grafted

plants produced in the United States. Uncertainties regarding the effect of grafting on

fruit quality and sensory attributes may be especially discouraging for heirloom tomato

growers who market their fruit as having exceptional flavor and eating quality.

Grafting may provide an effective management tool for growers to control

soilborne pathogens and cope with environmental stressors. However, if fruit quality is

adversely affected as a result of grafting, growers may be less likely to adopt this

technique. The purpose of this study was to examine fruit quality and sensory attributes

of two distinctly different heirloom tomato cultivars grafted onto intra- and inter-specific

hybrid rootstocks. These plants were grown on certified organic land in order to

evaluate grafting as a viable tool for organic producers in Florida.

Materials and Methods

Grafted transplants. Certified organic heirloom tomato seeds and non-treated

rootstock seeds were used to produce grafted tomato seedlings. „Brandywine‟ and

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„Flamme‟ (Tomato Fest, Little River, CA) were used as scions with „Multifort‟ (De Ruiter

Seeds, Bergschenhoek, The Netherlands) and „Survivor‟ (Takii Seeds, Salinas, CA)

rootstocks. „Flamme‟ (FL) is an orange, plum type, open pollinated, indeterminate

heirloom cultivar popular among chefs. „Brandywine‟ (BW) is a red colored, beefsteak

style, open pollinated, indeterminate heirloom cultivar known for outstanding flavor.

„Multifort‟ (MU) is an interspecific (S. lycopersicum xS. habrochaites) hybrid rootstock

whereas; „Survivor‟ (SU) is an intraspecific (S. lycopersicum) hybrid rootstock. Both

rootstocks have vigorous growth habit and resistance to root-knot nematodes

(Meloidogyne spp.). The rootstock seeds were sown on 16 February 2010 and 11

February 2011, two days before scion seeds, as recommended by both rootstock seed


Speedling (Sun City, FL) 128-cell-count flats and Fafard Organic Formula Custom

potting mix (Apopka, FL) were used to grow the seedlings. Seedlings were tube grafted

at the 4-5 true leaf stage. Grafting took place 34 d (2010) and 28 d (2011) after scions

were sown. The grafting and healing protocol was adapted from Rivard and Louws

(2006). The newly grafted seedlings were held together with 1.5-mm or 2.0-mm silicon

clips (Hydro-Gardens, Colorado Springs, CO). After grafting, the seedlings were placed

in a climate controlled walk-in cooler at 25 °C and ~95% RH without light for 24 hr. The

seedlings were progressively exposed to increased light durations and reduced humidity

for 6 d, until the graft unions had healed. Healed grafted seedlings were relocated to a

greenhouse to harden off for 5 d before transplanting.

Field experiments. Tomato seedlings were transplanted on 10 April 2010 and 2

April 2011. Both field experiments were arranged in a randomized complete block

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design with five blocks. There were 12 plants per treatment in each block in 2010 and

15 plants per treatment in 2011. Both trials consisted of eight treatments: non-grafted

(NGBW, NGFL) and self-grafted (BW/BW, FL/FL) controls, and the grafted

combinations (BW/MU, BW/SU, FL/MU, FL/SU). The plants were grown on raised beds

with black plastic mulch and drip irrigation. Nature Safe 10N-0.9P-6.6K (Cold Spring,

KY) Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) approved granular fertilizer was applied

preplant at a rate of 179 kg N/ha (200 lb N/acre). Neptune‟s Harvest 2N-1.3P-0.8K

(Gloucester, MA) OMRI approved fish and seaweed based, liquid fertilizer was injected

into the drip system throughout the season to provide supplemental fertilization. The

stake and weave system common to Florida fresh market tomato production was

utilized and plants were trellised to provide vertical support (Olson et al., 2011).

Both field trials took place at the University of Florida Plant Science Research and

Education Unit in Citra, FL., in the spring of 2010 and 2011. The tomato plants were

grown on certified organic land in compliance with the National Organic Program (U.S.

Dept. Agr., 2002). The soil type in both fields was Candler sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes,

hyperthermic, uncoated Typic Quartzipsamments, with a pH of 6.0. There were four

harvests in 2010 and six harvests in 2011.

Consumer sensory analyses. Consumer taste tests were conducted in 2010 and

2011 at the University of Florida sensory lab in Gainesville, FL. Fruit were harvested at

the breaker stage and allowed to ripen to maturity before analysis. In the 2010 study,

tomato fruit from NGBW, BW/BW, BW/MU, and BW/SU were harvested on June 13 and

stored at ambient temperature for 3 days prior to the sensory evaluation. Fruit from both

„Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟ treatments were tested in 2011. Tomatoes from NGFL,

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FL/FL, FL/MU, and FL/SU were harvested on 8 June and analyzed on 14 June, while

tomatoes from NGBW, BW/BW, BW/MU, and BW/FL were harvested on 13 June and

assessed on 17 June. Fruit from the five field blocks were pooled for each treatment to

provide enough ripe fruit for >100 sensory analysis samples. Tomatoes were cut into

cubes about 2.5-cm thick. Each serving sample consisted of 2-cubes of tomato fruit.

There were 75 consumer panelists for the 2010 „Brandywine‟ taste test. The 2011

studies included 75 consumer panelists for the „Flamme‟ taste test and 69 panelists for

„Brandywine‟ taste test. The sensory lab houses 10 private booths, each containing a

computer monitor, keyboard, and sliding window for presenting the sample to be tested.

Sensory test ballot presentation and data collection is completed on the computers

which are equipped with Compusense® Five (Compusense, Guelph, Canada). All

procedures used were approved by the University of Florida Institutional Review Board.

Passersby were recruited to serve as consumer panelists with signs placed near

the sensory lab. Each panelist first checked in at the front desk, signed a voluntary

consent form, and was directed to a booth. The panelist then received instruction from

the computer monitor to begin the sensory test. The sensory tests began with three

demographic questions; gender, age, frequency of tomato consumption (Table 3-1).

Then, each panelist was asked to “indicate how much you like or dislike the following

attributes” using a hedonic scale. The attributes assessed were overall appearance,

overall acceptability, firmness, tomato flavor, and sweetness. The hedonic scale ranged

from 1-9 (1 = dislike extremely, 2 = dislike very much, 3 = dislike moderately, 4 = dislike

slightly, 5 = neither like nor dislike, 6 = like slightly, 7 = like moderately, 8 = like very

much, 9 = like extremely). Between each of the four tomato samples, the panelists were

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asked to “take a bite of cracker and a sip of water to rinse your mouth”. After completing

the taste test, each panelist was compensated with their choice of a free soda or a

coupon for food on campus.

The order the tomato samples were presented to each panelist was randomized.

To reduce bias caused by the order in which the samples were presented, all possible

orders were presented approximately an equal number of times. Following each

sensory panel the data were collected from all computers and compiled.

Fruit quality attributes. Vitamin C, soluble solids content (SSC), pH, and total

titratable acidity (TTA) were determined for tomato fruit from all 8 treatments harvested

13 June 2010 and 8 June 2011. Five ripe and representative fruit were blended for 30 s

to form a homogenate for each treatment. This was replicated three times in both years.

The homogenate was centrifuged for 20 min at 15,000 rpm and 5 °C. Then the

supernatant was filtered through 8-layer cheese cloth to obtain a clarified extract.

Vitamin C was measured using a PowerWave XS2 microplate spectrophotometer

(BioTek, Winooski, VT) with absorbance at 540 nm (Terada et al., 1978). SSC was

measured with an Abbe Mark II, digital refractometer (Reichert Technologies, Depew,

NY). Initial pH was recorded and TTA was determined by potentiometric titration of 6 mL

of tomato extract to an end point of pH = 8.2 with 0.1 N NaOH using a 719 S Titrino

automatic titrator (Metrohm, Herisau, Switzerland).

Statistical analyses. All data were analyzed using a one-way analysis of variance

with Tukey‟s HSD test for multiple comparisons among treatments. The consumer

sensory test data were collected and analyzed using the Compusense® Five software

used for data collection and analysis by the University of Florida Sensory lab. The fruit

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quality data were analyzed using the GLM procedure of SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute,

Cary, NC).

Results and Discussion

Consumer sensory analyses. In 2010 the consumers perceived taste differences

between „Brandywine‟ fruit harvested from the different grafting treatments. There were

significant differences regarding overall appearance, overall acceptability, and tomato

flavor. For the overall appearance and tomato flavor attributes, NGBW was rated

significantly higher than BW/SU (Table 3-2). NGBW was rated significantly higher than

BW/MU and BW/SU for the overall acceptability attribute. BW/BW was rated similarly to

all other treatments for all taste attributes. In 2010 it appeared that the rootstock

„Survivor‟ might have had a consistent negative effect on taste however, this trend did

not persist in 2011. Both „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟ were evaluated in 2011 and no

significant differences were observed for the measured sensory analysis attributes.

These results are consistent with those of Di Gioia et al. (2010) where it was

demonstrated that grafting did not influence the sensory attributes sweetness, sourness,

and tomato-like taste for the heirloom tomato cultivar Cuore di Bue. In their study „Cuore

di Bue‟ was grafted onto interspecific hybrid rootstock cultivars Beaufort and Maxifort

which were produced from a similar breeding line as the rootstock „Mulifort‟ used in this


Tomato flavor is a complex balance of sugar and acid contents with aroma

volatiles (Krumbein and Auerswald, 1998). Cultural practices and environmental

conditions during fruit development can affect the ratios of flavor compounds in the fruit.

Harvest maturity also has a major influence on flavor in climacteric fruits like tomatoes

(Mattheis and Fellman, 1999). Environmental conditions were more amicable and yields

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were much greater in 2011 compared to 2010 (data not shown). As a result, more fruit

were available at similar stages of maturity in the 2011 study and no differences in

sensory attributes were observed. One possible explanation for the differences detected

in 2010 may be that with fewer fruit to choose from, there was more variability in fruit

maturity. When a tomato is picked before reaching maturity and ripened off the vine,

they tend to have less „tomato-like‟ intensity, are less sweet and have more off-flavor

than tomatoes ripened on the vine (Kader et al., 1977).

Grafting may also affect the maturity of fruit at harvest. Grafted plants can delay

early harvests compared to nongrafted plants because they may be less

developmentally mature due to the grafting and healing processes (Khah et al., 2006;

Lee et al., 2010). Khah et al. (2006) showed that there were no significant differences in

the number of flowers per plant later in the growing season. In our studies fruits from the

second and third harvests were used in order to reduce the variability of fruit maturity

between grafted and nongrafted treatments.

Fruit quality. Vitamin C, SSC, pH, and TTA were measured in 2010 and 2011. No

significant differences between treatments were found in either year for „Brandywine‟ or

„Flamme‟ (Table 3-3). This was expected as previous studies reported few consistent

effects of grafting or rootstock on nutritional quality attributes of tomatoes. Khah et al.

(2006) demonstrated that pH, Brix, lycopene content, and firmness were unaffected

when the commercial tomato cultivar Big Red was grafted onto „Primavera‟ and „Heman‟

tomato rootstocks. Similarly, Di Gioia et al. (2010) showed that total soluble solids and

total titratable acidity were not significantly influenced by grafting heirloom tomatoes

onto interspecific hybrid rootstocks. Rouphael et al. (2010) pointed out that grafted fruit

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quality attributes may be dependent on the selection of scion, rootstock, and growing


It has been suggested that grafting can have a positive impact on tomato fruit

quality (Martínez-Ballesta et al., 2008). Meanwhile, it has also been indicated that

grafting could affect tomato fruit quality negatively (Edelstein, 2004). Scion and

rootstock combinations can even perform differently in consecutive years (Mišković et

al., 2009). There are many possible scion-rootstock combinations and growing

environments. Clearly, more of these scenarios will need to be examined before

researchers fully understand the impact of grafting with different rootstocks on fruit

quality attributes. These studies will need to assess specific rootstocks for specific

growing conditions in a variety of regions.

Heirloom tomato fruit are desired for their exceptional flavors, colors, and unique

shapes. Overall, neither grafting nor rootstock demonstrated a prominent effect on

sensory attributes and other fruit quality measurements of „Brandywine‟ and „Flamme‟

tomato fruit in the present study. Nevertheless, growers interested in using grafted

plants need to be aware that scion-rootstock interactions are still not fully understood. It

is suggested that different grafting combinations be evaluated under site-specific

conditions before selecting appropriate rootstocks and incorporating this technique on a

large scale.

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Table 3-1. Consumer demographic information.

Percent of Percent of Percent of

Characteristic Category 75

consumersz 75

consumersy 69 consumersx

Gender Male 51 52 54

Female 49 48 46


Under 18 0 1 3

18-29 80 79 74

30-44 15 13 14

45-65 4 7 9

Over 65 1 0 0

Tomato consumption


More than once a week

52 32 49

Once a week 26 25 20

More than once a month

17 27 16

Once a month 5 13 10

Never 0 3 5 z 75 consumers participated in the taste test on „Brandywine‟ treatments in 2010. y 75 consumers participated in the taste test on „Flamme‟ treatments in 2011. x 69 consumers participated in the taste test on „Brandywine‟ treatments in 2011.

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Table 3-2. Effect of grafting treatments on heirloom tomato fruit sensory attributesz for scion cultivars Brandywine and Flamme.

Treatment Appearance Acceptability Firmness Tomato flavor


„Brandywine‟ 2010y

NGBW 6.39 a 6.76 a 6.45 6.61 a 6.19 BW/BW 6.31 ab 6.23 ab 6.05 6.23 ab 5.91 BW/MU 6.05 ab 6.20 b 6.49 5.97 ab 5.77 BW/SU 5.76 b 6.11 b 6.21 5.96 b 5.80

P-valuew 0.02 0.01 0.21 0.03 0.25

„Brandywine‟ 2011x NGBW 6.30 6.16 6.26 6.12 5.59 BW/BW 6.12 6.35 6.41 6.29 6.07 BW/MU 6.39 6.01 6.10 5.88 5.71 BW/SU 6.48 6.29 6.17 6.36 6.10

P-valuew 0.50 0.42 0.57 0.20 0.09

„Flamme‟ 2011y NGFL 6.11 6.19 5.93 6.27 a 5.80 FL/FL 6.01 5.69 5.99 5.67 ab 5.29 FL/MU 5.79 5.72 5.61 5.73 ab 5.52 FL/SU 5.91 5.83 5.87 5.63 b 5.49

P-valuew 0.54 0.09 0.38 0.03 0.20 z Sensory attribute ratings from hedonic scale with values 1-9 (1 = dislike extremely, 9 = like extremely), means separated with Tukey‟s HSD test α = 0.05, same letter in each column indicates no significant difference; scion cultivars were analyzed separately and by year. y 75 participants. x 69 participants. w P-values calculated at α= 0.05 confidence level.

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Table 3-3. Effect of grafting treatments on heirloom tomato fruit quality attributesz for scion cultivars Brandywine and Flamme.

Treatment Vitamin Cy

(mg AA/100 g fw) Soluble solids content

(°Brix) pH Total titratable

acidity (% Citric acid)



NGBW 26.78 3.47 4.33 0.32

BW/BW 25.27 3.20 4.29 0.38

BW/MU 24.85 2.40 4.31 0.34

BW/SU 25.75 3.37 4.26 0.43

P-valuex 0.19 0.10 0.22 0.60


NGFL 28.20 3.87 4.33 0.46

FL/FL 27.59 3.67 4.34 0.52

FL/MU 25.96 3.73 4.31 0.51

FL/SU 29.07 3.97 4.35 0.47

P-valuex 0.26 0.84 0.09 0.06



NGBW 32.33 4.93 4.45 0.32

BW/BW 31.47 4.93 4.47 0.33

BW/MU 30.79 4.97 4.44 0.31

BW/SU 30.06 4.80 4.47 0.29

P-valuex 0.33 0.45 0.74 0.13


NGFL 35.90 4.97 4.32 0.35

FL/FL 35.15 4.90 4.30 0.37

FL/MU 35.29 4.83 4.34 0.34

FL/SU 34.83 4.93 4.33 0.36

P-valuex 0.11 0.61 0.50 0.10 z Quality attributes measured from five randomly selected fruit per treatment with three replications, scion cultivars were analyzed separately and by year. y Vitamin C content reported as mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g fresh weight. x P-values calculated at α= 0.05 confidence level.

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Vegetable grafting is popular in Asian and European countries where continuous

cropping and intensive production is practiced. This technique offers

resistance/tolerance to biotic and abiotic stressors in a variety of cucurbitaceous and

solanaceous crops (Kubota et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2010; López-Pérez et al., 2006;

Louws et al., 2010; Rivard et al., 2010a; Venema et al., 2008). In the United States,

vegetable grafting is gaining in importance because of the phase out of soil fumigation

with methyl bromide (King et al., 2008; Rivard et al., 2010b). King et al. (2008) pointed

out that because the price of methyl bromide is increasing and the price of grafted

plants is decreasing, grafting may be an economically viable method of disease control

in the United States.

The continued increase in demand for foods produced organically may also have

helped fuel the interest in vegetable grafting in the United States (Greene et al., 2009;

Kubota et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2010; Rivard et al., 2010b). For instance, organic

growers have tried grafting to control root-knot nematodes (RKN) (Kubota et al., 2008)

which are a major problem in the sandy soils common to Florida (Roberts et al., 2005).

RKN-resistant tomato rootstocks have been shown to reduce RKN galling and maintain

yields both in the United States (Bausher, 2009; Rivard et al., 2010b) and elsewhere

(Louws et al., 2010; Verdejo-Lucas and Sorribas, 2008). However, grafting in the United

States has not yet reached its full potential as a control for soilborne pathogens.

It has been estimated that 40 million grafted vegetable transplants are currently

used in the U.S. every year. Most of these plants are produced in Canada and are used

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by major greenhouse tomato producers for season extension and increased crop vigor

(Kubota et al., 2008). In contrast, it has been estimated that over 200 million grafted

tomato transplants are used annually in Japan and Korea combined for improved crop

production and relief from soilborne pathogens, temperature extremes, and excess salts

(Lee et al., 2010). Grafting in the United States is expected to expand greatly in the

coming years as more uses are realized, high quality transplants become more

available, and prices for grafted transplants are reduced (King et al., 2008; Kubota,

2008; Lee et al., 2010).

High labor costs and low return per plant have been suggested as barriers to

adoption of grafted vegetable production in the United States (Rivard et al., 2010b). Lee

et al. (2010) reported prices of grafted transplants between $0.40 and $1.20 for various

crops. Grafted tomato transplants can cost between $0.60 and $0.90 per transplant

without factoring in seed costs (Kubota et al., 2008). Although interest in this technique

is on the rise, there has been little reported on the price of grafted transplants for

vegetable production in the United States (Rivard et al., 2010b). The price of domestic

grafted tomato plants has been estimated by Rivard et al. (2010b) as between $0.59

(on-farm, organic) and $1.88 (retail, twin leader) in two different transplant production

facilities. However to our knowledge, there have been few studies examining both the

cost of grafted tomato transplants and their expected return. This information could help

growers in the United States decide if the extra cost of grafted transplants could be

justified by increased output or by the reduction of production inputs when using grafting

to overcome soilborne diseases.

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Florida growers and transplant producers interested in vegetable grafting need

information based on local production systems. The purpose of this study was to

determine the cost of producing grafted heirloom tomato transplants on-farm and

estimate the economic return with expected yields for organic growers interested in

implementing this technique. Sensitivity analyses were performed to assess the

economic feasibility of growing grafted heirloom tomatoes. These analyses were

created using fruit yield information from field trials of heirloom tomatoes grown under

different levels of RKN infestation.

Materials and Methods

Transplant production. Certified organic scion seeds and untreated rootstock

seeds were used to produce transplants in accordance to the rules outlined by the

National Organic Program (U.S. Dept. Agr., 2002). The heirloom tomato cultivar

Brandywine (Tomato Fest, Little River, CA) was used for the scion and nongrafted

transplants. „Brandywine‟ (BW) is popular with local growers and consumers. The

interspecific hybrid rootstock cultivar Multifort (De Ruiter Seeds, Bergschenhoek, The

Netherlands) was used for the rootstock of the grafted transplants. „Multifort‟ (MU) was

chosen for its vigor and resistance to soilborne pathogens including RKN.

To provide seedlings with similar stem diameter for grafting, rootstock seeds were

sowed 2 d prior to sowing the scion seeds. Grafting occurred 34 d (2010) and 28 d

(2011) after the scion seeds were sowed. Seedlings were splice grafted at the 3-5 leaf

stage. A 1.5-mm or 2.0-mm silicon grafting clip (Hydro-Gardens, Colorado Springs, CO)

was used to hold the grafted scion and rootstock together. Grafted seedlings were

healed in a climate controlled walk-in cooler at 95% relative humidity, 25 °C, and without

light for 24 hr. Relative humidity was reduced and light exposure was increased for 6 d

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following grafting until the grafted transplants were healed. The transplants were then

hardened off in the greenhouse for 3 d before transplanting into the field. Grafting and

healing procedures were adapted from Rivard and Louws (2006). Nongrafted

transplants were grown in the greenhouse until transplanting into the field.

Transplanting took place on 10 April 2010 and 2 April 2011.

Field trials. An organic field trial was conducted in 2010 and repeated in 2011. A

transitional organic field trial was also conducted in 2011 at a site with a history of

nematode infestation. This trial was designed to resemble a field in the 3-year transition

to organic. A randomized completed block design with 5 replications (blocks) was used

for all three field trials. Each trial consisted of three treatments: nongrafted BW (NGBW),

self-grafted BW (BW/BW), and BW grafted onto MU (BW/MU). All field trials were

conducted at the University of Florida Plant Science Research and Education Unit

(PSREU) in Citra, FL. The soil type was Candler sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes,

hyperthermic, uncoated Typic Quartzipsamments, and had a pH of 6.0. Tomato

harvests for the organic fields took place on 7, 13, 17, and 25 June 2010, and 4, 8, 13,

16, 22, and 28 June 2011. The transitional field was harvested on 4, 8, 13, 16, and 23

June 2011. All tomatoes were graded using grower standards for marketability. Fruit

that were not marketable were culled according to their defect (e.g., blossom end rot,

cat facing, splitting, etc.). After grading, all fruit were counted and weighed. At the

completion of each trial, the roots of five plants per treatment in each block in the

organic fields and three plants per treatment in each block in the transitional field were

assessed for nematode galls. Both years, the root gall rating scheme proposed by Zeck

(1971) was used to estimate nematode infestation levels on plant root systems. This

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scale is organized from 0-10 (0 = no galling, 10 = plant and roots are dead). Three

researchers assessed each plant individually and then the ratings were averaged for

each plant. The plant ratings were then averaged for each treatment in each block (five

plants per plot in the organic fields; three plants per plot in the transitional field).

Economic analyses. Sources and prices for materials and labor used to perform

the partial budget analysis were identified for estimating the cost of producing grafted

heirloom tomato transplants (Table 4-1). A detailed partial budget analysis was

conducted using data acquired during this grafted heirloom tomato study. All phases of

grafted and nongrafted transplant production were recorded to provide accurate

estimates for labor, materials, and total transplant production costs. Production costs

were based on a target of 1,000 grafted and nongrafted transplants. The 2011 average

wage for an entry level agricultural worker in the state of Florida was $8.45/h (State of

Florida, Agency for workforce innovation, 2011). This wage was used for all labor

calculations. The cost of BW seed for the nongrafted transplants reflected the over-

seeded rate of 10% (1,100 seeds) to account for 90% germination. Scion and rootstock

seed costs for the grafted transplants reflected the over-seeded rate of 25% (1,250

seeds each) to account for 90% germination and 90% grafting success. The cost of one

grafted vs. nongrafted transplant was then calculated from the total cost of production

for 1,000 transplants.

Healing chamber labor and material estimates were based on experience gained

at the University of Florida, and reflected the most practical option for local growers and

grafters. Because the walk-in cooler used in this study for healing the grafted

transplants may be conveniently substituted by a simpler structure, the healing chamber

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cost was estimated based on a modified system that could be easily constructed.

Hence, this economic analysis did not include the price of grafted transplants produced

using a commercial walk-in cooler as healing chamber.

Sensitivity analyses were conducted to compare partial net returns for grafted and

nongrafted plants grown under organic and transitioning to organic growing conditions.

These partial net returns per plant were calculated by subtracting the cost of the

transplant from the estimated return and do not account for other production costs (e.g.,

transplanting labor, field preparation, mulch, fertilizer, etc.). Sensitivity analyses were

carried out using the mean yield per plant ± 3 standard errors and a range of average

price per pound received for organic heirloom tomato fruit. The mean yield per plant and

standard error for nongrafted and grafted plants were estimated from the analyses of

yield data from the 2010 and 2011 field trials using the GLIMMIX procedure in SAS 9.2

(SAS institute, Cary, NC).

According to the data provided by the UF/IFAS - Florida Automated Weather

Network (F.A.W.N.) for Citra, FL, the spring 2010 growing season (February-July) was

15.7 °F (8.74 °C) colder and had 10.9 inches (27.6 cm) more rainfall compared to the

spring of 2011. Overall, the 2011 spring season was a much more mild and dry growing

season and was more favorable for growing tomatoes. The tomato yield data used to

construct the grafted and nongrafted analyses for the organic field were pooled from

2010 and 2011 to form a more representative data set. The range of prices per pound

used for the sensitivity analyses were derived from the monthly average price of a 10 lb

carton of organic heirloom tomatoes, as published by the United States Department of

Agriculture from 2008 (U.S. Dept. Agr., 2009).

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Results and Discussion

Transplant cost analyses. Sources and prices for materials used in production of

grafted and nongrafted heirloom tomato transplants are shown in Table 4-1. Grafted

transplants required more materials, seeds, and labor and were more expensive to

produce than nongrafted plants. In this study, grafted transplants cost $0.78 per plant

while nongrafted transplants cost $0.17 per plant (Table 4-2). Our results are consistent

with the report by Rivard et al. (2010b) that estimated $0.59 per grafted plant and $0.13

per nongrafted plant for organically produced tomato transplants. The reason grafted

transplant prices were higher than nongrafted in the present study was similar to that

stated by Rivard et al. (2010b). The bulk of this price difference is associated with the

price of the rootstock seeds. In the present study, the rootstock seed cost accounted for

36% of the total cost of the grafted transplants and 46% of the cost difference between

grafted and nongrafted transplants. It has been suggested that high labor costs could be

a major barrier to adoption of grafted vegetable production (Kubota et al., 2008; Rivard

et al., 2010b). However, labor costs were not considered a major contributor to grafted

transplant cost and accounted for 15% of the cost difference between grafted and

nongrafted transplants.

Overall, grafting added $0.61 per transplant to the cost of production. This is

similar to the $0.60 to $0.90 (excluding seed cost) per grafted transplant price reported

by Kubota et al. (2008). Our results were also consistent with the per transplant price

increase of $0.46 in North Carolina and $0.74 in Pennsylvania for grafted tomato

production as reported by Rivard et al. (2010b). The cost of building an inexpensive but

effective healing chamber was considered in the cost estimation of grafted transplants

instead of the walk-in cooler that was actually used since a walk-in cooler may not be

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available to some growers. However, it should be noted that using a walk-in cooler as a

healing chamber may help reduce the cost of producing grafted transplants on-farm

when one is available. The reduction in cost would be accomplished by avoiding the

cost of building a healing chamber. Many growers have walk-in coolers and grafted

vegetable production typically takes place prior to the start of the season during what

may be considered a down-time for walk-in cooler use.

Lowering the cost of grafted transplants and rootstock seeds could increase

adoption by growers in the United States. The price reduction of grafted transplants may

be more important for commercial producers who rely on propagators to supply large

quantities of high quality transplants. Meanwhile, a decrease in rootstock seed cost may

be more important for small-scale growers who may be more interested in producing

grafted seedlings on-site.

Sensitivity analyses. Sensitivity analyses are useful for systematically estimating

changes in variables in an economic model. In the present study, we used sensitivity

analyses to estimate the return per plant of grafted and nongrafted plants with varying

yields and prices per pound of tomatoes. Sensitivity analyses were developed to

compare grafted transplant cost and economic returns associated with expected yields.

Excluding the extra cost of grafted transplants, overall production costs would be similar

whether grafted or nongrafted transplants were used. Comparisons were made between

plants grown in a field with relatively low RKN infestations and plants grown in a field

with high RKN infestations to assess the economic feasibility of using grafted

transplants for RKN control.

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This study focused on organic heirloom tomato production because of the unique

opportunity for vegetable grafting to be adopted by these typically smaller growers.

Heirloom tomatoes often command a higher market price than regular fresh market

tomatoes. Organic produce also commands a higher price at market therefore; organic

heirloom tomatoes offer a niche market with price premiums that afford more

opportunity for growers to experiment with grafted transplants. This is especially true

when using grafted transplants with high resistance/tolerance to soilborne diseases for

yield improvement in fields with a history of soilborne disease.

Root-knot nematode galling was not observed during the organic field trial

conducted in 2010. There was root galling in the 2011 organic field trial but the lower

galling ratings for grafted plants did not result in increased yield as compared to

nongrafted plants. The 2010 and 2011 growing seasons were also very different with

respect to climatic conditions. The 2010 growing season was 8.74 °C cooler and had

27.6 cm more rain on average. Yield data from the organic fields were pooled from the

two seasons to provide a representative estimate for an average year.

The results of the sensitivity analyses presented in Tables 4-3 and 4-4 were

representative of expected yields for grafted and nongrafted heirloom tomato plants

grown in an organic field with relatively low RKN pressure. NGBW plants produced a

mean marketable yield of 1.8 lbs per plant and at that yield for the lowest tomato price

per pound ($1.80) the estimated partial net return was $3.07 per plant. This was $1.49

more than the estimated partial net return for the mean marketable yield of BW/MU at

1.31 lbs per plant at the same price of $1.80 per pound. This comparison demonstrates

that grafting may not be economically feasible when applied to fields with low RKN

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pressure and insignificant yield improvement as a result of grafting. Taylor et al. (2008)

came to a similar conclusion that farmers growing seedless watermelons should not

consider using grafted plants if fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum) is not an issue. On

the other hand, grafting may be a cost effective practice under high disease pressure.

O‟Connell et al. (2009) reported consecutive crop failures on a farm in North Carolina as

a result of soilborne diseases (as cited in Rivard et al., 2010b). In this case,

implementation of grafted plants allowed the grower to maintain organic tomato fruit

yields and remain profitable where it was previously not possible.

Tables 4-5 and 4-6 showed the sensitivity analysis results based on expected

yields for nongrafted and grafted plants grown in a research plot representing a field

under transition to organic with high RKN pressure. The NGBW plants in this transitional

field trial had a mean marketable yield of 0.35 lbs per plant with an expected partial net

return of $0.46 per plant when paid $1.80 per pound of heirloom tomato fruit. The mean

marketable yield of BW/MU plants was 1.44 lbs per plant which was 76% higher than

that of NGBW. The expected partial net return per plant for BW/MU was $1.82 when

paid $1.80 per pound. This represents a $1.36 per plant difference between the grafted

and nongrafted estimated partial net return in the transitional field. The $1.82 expected

partial return per plant for BW/MU was lower than the $3.07 for nongrafted plants under

low disease pressure. However, when high levels of RKN infestation occurred, the

grafted plants demonstrated great potential for maintaining fruit yield and reducing

economic crop losses.

These findings suggest that grafting could be an economically feasible approach

to controlling RKN in heirloom tomato production in organic and transitional organic

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systems with severe RKN pressure. Grafting could be critical for growers in the

transition process from conventional to organic farming systems with high populations of

soilborne pathogens such as nematodes. Many of the pest control strategies employed

in organic or alternative cropping systems can take multiple seasons to have a

beneficial effect (McSorley, 2002) whereas, grafting effects are immediate. Resistant

rootstocks can also reduce field infestation levels for following crops and provide a non-

host root system in a crop rotation. Grafting may also reduce the need for expensive

fumigants in conventional farming systems thereby reducing input costs. This study

focused on the use of grafting to control RKN, in addition, grafting has been used

successfully in the United States for managing bacterial wilt, fusarium wilt (Rivard and

Louws, 2008), as well as southern blight (Rivard et al., 2010a).

As the demand for organically produced fruits and vegetables continues to rise,

more organic farmers will need effective soilborne disease control methods. Grafting is

an effective tool for soilborne disease management that carries economic

considerations with it. A grower must understand the benefits and limitations associated

with grafting and only use this technique when appropriate. Our findings suggest the

use of grafted plants in fields with a history of high soilborne disease pressure. This

research focused on organic heirloom tomato production to demonstrate a scenario in

which grafting could provide the most benefit. Actual production costs for individual

farmers will vary and for that reason only transplant costs were included in our cost-

benefit analyses. This study was designed to provide a base line reference for growers

interested in producing and using grafted transplants on-farm. Yields and production

costs can be estimated from grower experience and used in conjunction with the

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analyses presented in this study to make a decision of whether or not to implement

grafting on their farms. Further work should examine local production methods and

costs to provide accurate information for growers in diverse environments. Grafting

shows many promising applications and a better understanding of the economic risks

involved might help promote adoption of this useful technique. More rootstocks should

be developed for open-field production which in Florida is typically associated with

short, wet, and hot seasons. The season extension capability of many greenhouse

rootstock varieties may be restrictive for field production. Early harvests may be more

important to open-field tomato growers to capture highest market prices.

It is expected that more growers in the United States will consider using grafted

transplants for soilborne disease control in the near future (King et al., 2008; Kubota,

2008; Lee et al., 2010). Researchers, extension agents, and growers will need to work

together to ensure that rootstocks suited for open-field conditions and the appropriate

scion-rootstock combinations are used to optimize the benefits of this technique. The

economic viability of grafted vegetable production will ultimately depend on farmers to

know their soilborne disease incidence on site and choose the right rootstock and scion

to meet their needs. Heirloom vegetables do not yield as much as hybrid vegetables

(Bland, 2005). Organic farmers may get a higher return per plant through the use of

hybrids rather than heirlooms and this must be weighed against the loss of the heirloom

premium market price.

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Table 4-1. Sources and prices for materials used to produce grafted and nongrafted heirloom tomato transplants.

Pricez Lifespany Item Description Unit ($/unit) (years) Source

Seedling materials „Brandywine‟ Nongrafted /scion 30 seeds 1.18 TomatoFest, Little River,

CA „Multifort‟ Rootstock 250 seeds 57.00 Paramount Seeds, Palm

City, Florida Fafard custom organic mix

Potting soil 40 quart bag

9.50 BWI, Apopka, FL

Speedling 128-cell planter flats

Styrofoam seedling tray

5 flats 34.70 5 Speedling, Inc., Sun City, FL

Neptune‟s Harvest Liquid organic fertilizer

1 gallon 45.50 Neptune‟s Harvest, Gloucester, MA

Grafting Supplies 2.0-mm clips Silicone grafting

clips 1000 clips 42.00 Hydro-Gardens,

Colorado Springs, CO Razor blades, hand sanitizer, paper towels, etc.

Tools for grafting Per 1250 grafted plants

8.00 Local/regional department store

Healing Chamber Supplies

Cool-mist humidifier Maintains humidity Per chamber

25.00 5 Local/regional department store

Air conditioner Window unit Per chamber

159.00 5 Local/regional hardware store

Wood, PVC pipe, plastic sheeting, etc.

Frame and covering for chamber

Per chamber

26.86 5 Local/regional hardware store

z Based on fall 2011 prices. y Expected years of use, a straight-line depreciation was applied for the number of years indicated.

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Table 4-2. Costs of grafted and nongrafted organic heirloom tomato transplants.z

Graftedy Nongraftedx

Laborw Material Labor Material

Item $/1000 plants $/1000 plants

Seeds Scion („Brandywine‟)v 49.56 43.66 Rootstock („Multifort‟)u 285.00 Seedling Potting soil 19.00 9.50 production Flatst 27.76 12.49 Seed sowing and care 92.95 59.15 Liquid fertilizer 91.00 45.50 Grafted transplant Graftings 52.81 production Silicon clips 56.70 Miscellaneous supplies 8.00 Post-graft care 21.13 Healing chamberr Humidifier 5.49 Air conditioner 31.80 Building supplies 26.86 Assembly 16.90 Subtotal 183.79 601.17 59.15 111.15 Total 784.96 170.30 Cost/plant 0.78 0.17 z Estimate of costs based on fall 2011 prices for a target 1,000 grafted transplants. y Seeds over sowed by 25% to account for 90% graft success and 90% germination. x Seeds over sowed by 10% to account for 90% germination. w $8.45/hr pay wage for all labor. v Indeterminate heirloom tomato cultivar, certified organic seed. u Interspecific hybrid rootstock. t 128-cell count transplant flats, straight line depreciated for 5-years estimated use. s 200 plants/grafter/h graft rate. r Straight-line depreciated for 5-years estimated use.

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Table 4-3. Estimated partialz net return per plant ($/plant) for nongrafted „Brandywine‟y plants grown organically with low root-knot nematode pressurex.

z Matrix values represent [(yield*$/lb) – transplant cost]. Other production, harvest, and packing costs (e.g. land preparation, drip tape, mulch, fertilizer, pest control, labor, etc.) must be factored in to achieve a full net return per plant. y „Brandywine‟ is a popular, indeterminate, heirloom, beefsteak tomato cultivar that is susceptible to root-knot nematodes. x Root-knot nematode pressure was assessed by root galling ratings (Zeck, 1971). w Yields presented were the estimated mean yield ± 3 standard errors, the estimated mean yield was based on pooled data from the 2010 and 2011 organic field trials. v Prices per pound were calculated from published 2008 monthly averages for 10 lb cartons of organic heirloom tomato fruit (USDA, 2009), 1 lb = 0.454 kg.

Standard error

Yieldw (lbs/plant)

Tomato pricev


1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 -3 1.39 2.33 2.61 2.89 3.17 3.45 3.72 4.00 4.28 -2 1.53 2.58 2.88 3.19 3.49 3.80 4.10 4.41 4.72

-1 1.66 2.82 3.16 3.49 3.82 4.15 4.49 4.82 5.15 Mean 1.80 3.07 3.43 3.79 4.15 4.51 4.87 5.23 5.59

+1 1.93 3.31 3.70 4.09 4.47 4.86 5.25 5.63 6.02 +2 2.07 3.56 3.97 4.39 4.80 5.21 5.63 6.04 6.46 +3 2.21 3.80 4.24 4.68 5.13 5.57 6.01 6.45 6.89

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Table 4-4. Estimated partialz net return per plant ($/plant) for plants of „Brandywine‟y grafted onto the rootstock „Multifort‟x grown organically with low nematode pressurew.

Standard error

Yieldv (lbs/plant)

Tomato priceu


1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 -3 0.90 0.85 1.03 1.21 1.39 1.57 1.75 1.93 2.11 -2 1.04 1.09 1.30 1.51 1.71 1.92 2.13 2.34 2.54 -1 1.17 1.33 1.57 1.80 2.04 2.27 2.51 2.74 2.98

Mean 1.31 1.58 1.84 2.10 2.37 2.63 2.89 3.15 3.41 +1 1.45 1.82 2.11 2.40 2.69 2.98 3.27 3.56 3.85 +2 1.58 2.07 2.39 2.70 3.02 3.34 3.65 3.97 4.29 +3 1.72 2.31 2.66 3.00 3.35 3.69 4.03 4.38 4.72

z Matrix values represent [(yield*$/lb) – transplant cost]. Other production, harvest, and packing costs (e.g. land preparation, drip tape, mulch, fertilizer, pest control, labor, etc.) must be factored in to achieve a full net return per plant. y „Brandywine‟ is a popular, indeterminate, heirloom, beefsteak tomato cultivar. x „Multifort‟ is an interspecific hybrid tomato rootstock with resistance to root-knot nematodes and vigorous habit. w Root-knot nematode pressure was assessed by root galling ratings (Zeck, 1971). v Yields presented were the estimated mean yield ± 3 standard errors, the estimated mean yield was based on pooled data from the 2010 and 2011 organic field trials. u Prices per pound were calculated from published 2008 monthly averages for 10 lb cartons of organic heirloom tomato fruit (USDA, 2009), 1 lb = 0.454 kg.

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Table 4-5. Estimated partialz net return per plant ($/plant) for nongrafted „Brandywine‟y plants grown in a transitional organic field with high nematode pressurex.

Standard error

Yieldw (lbs/plant)

Tomato pricev


1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 -3 -0.25 -0.63 -0.68 -0.73 -0.78 -0.83 -0.88 -0.93 -0.98 -2 -0.05 -0.27 -0.28 -0.29 -0.30 -0.31 -0.32 -0.33 -0.34 -1 0.15 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.27 0.30

Mean 0.35 0.46 0.53 0.60 0.67 0.74 0.81 0.87 0.94 +1 0.55 0.82 0.93 1.04 1.15 1.26 1.37 1.48 1.59 +2 0.75 1.18 1.33 1.48 1.63 1.78 1.93 2.08 2.23 +3 0.95 1.54 1.73 1.92 2.11 2.30 2.49 2.68 2.87

z Matrix values represent [(yield*$/lb) – transplant cost]. Other production, harvest, and packing costs (e.g. land preparation, drip tape, mulch, fertilizer, pest control, labor, etc.) must be factored in to achieve a full net return per plant. y „Brandywine‟ is a popular, indeterminate, heirloom, beefsteak tomato cultivar that is susceptible to root-knot nematodes. x Root-knot nematode pressure was assessed by root galling ratings (Zeck, 1971), high root galling ratings in the transitional organic field indicated a severe nematode infestation. w Yields presented were the estimated mean yield ± 3 standard errors, the estimated mean yield was based on data from the 2011 transitional organic field trial. v Prices per pound were calculated from published 2008 monthly averages for 10 lb cartons of organic heirloom tomato fruit (USDA, 2009), 1 lb = 0.454 kg.

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Table 4-6. Estimated partialz net return per plant ($/plant) for plants of „Brandywine‟y grafted onto the rootstock „Multifort‟x grown in a transitional organic field with high nematode pressurew.

Standard error

Yieldv (lbs/plant)

Tomato priceu


1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 -3 0.84 0.73 0.90 1.07 1.24 1.41 1.58 1.74 1.91 -2 1.04 1.10 1.30 1.51 1.72 1.93 2.14 2.35 2.56 -1 1.24 1.46 1.71 1.96 2.20 2.45 2.70 2.95 3.20

Mean 1.44 1.82 2.11 2.40 2.69 2.97 3.26 3.55 3.84 +1 1.64 2.18 2.51 2.84 3.17 3.50 3.83 4.15 4.48 +2 1.85 2.54 2.91 3.28 3.65 4.02 4.39 4.76 5.13 +3 2.05 2.90 3.31 3.72 4.13 4.54 4.95 5.36 5.77

z Matrix values represent [(yield*$/lb) – transplant cost]. Other production, harvest, and packing costs (e.g. land preparation, drip tape, mulch, fertilizer, pest control, labor, etc.) must be factored in to achieve a full net return per plant. y „Brandywine‟ is a popular, indeterminate, heirloom, beefsteak tomato cultivar. x „Multifort‟ is an interspecific hybrid tomato rootstock with resistance to root-knot nematodes and vigorous habit. w Root-knot nematode pressure was assessed by root galling ratings (Zeck, 1971), high root galling ratings in the transitional organic field indicated a severe nematode infestation. v Yields presented were the estimated mean yield ± 3 standard errors, the estimated mean yield was based on data from the 2011 transitional organic field trial. u Prices per pound were calculated from published 2008 monthly averages for 10 lb cartons of organic heirloom tomato fruit (USDA, 2009), 1 lb = 0.454 kg.

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Vegetable grafting is used successfully in intensive agricultural production systems

throughout the world. With the phase-out of methyl bromide for soil fumigation, growers

in the United States are searching for sustainable alternatives for pest management.

The steadily increasing demand for organic fruits and vegetables has also helped drive

the need for new methods of controlling soilborne diseases that do not rely on synthetic

chemicals. Interest in grafting is emerging in the United States but adoption has

remained low. Growers are concerned that grafting will have a negative impact on crop

performance and fruit quality. More importantly, the higher cost of grafted transplants

has presented a major barrier that has prevented a more wide-spread adoption of this

technique. Growers need to know how the extra costs associated with using grafted

plants will be recovered and what effects grafting will have on fruit attributes before they

consider it economically feasible.

This research demonstrated that through the use of appropriate rootstocks,

grafting can be used to successfully overcome the root-knot nematode species

Meloidogyne javanica in organic production of heirloom tomatoes in the open-field. Yield

was generally unaffected by grafting treatments under low nematode pressure.

However, tomato yields were maintained by using a nematode-resistant interspecific

hybrid rootstock under severe nematode pressure as compared to nongrafted plants.

Given that nematode infestations can be particularly severe during the transition to

organic production, grafting may play an effective role in pest management in the

transition process. To address concerns with regard to a possible rootstock effect on

fruit quality and sensory attributes, fruit assessments and consumer taste tests were

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conducted. The rootstocks used in this study showed no consistent effect on fruit quality

attributes including fruit taste. A partial budget analysis was performed to determine the

cost of producing grafted tomato transplants on-farm. The major contributor to the cost

of grafted transplants in this study was the price of rootstock seeds. In time, the price of

rootstock seeds should drop as more rootstocks are developed for United States

producers, making grafting more affordable. Finally, sensitivity analyses were performed

to estimate expected partial returns for grafted and nongrafted plants grown under high

and low root-knot nematode pressure conditions. The use of grafted plants was

demonstrated to be economically feasible when specific scion-rootstock combination

was used in a field with a severe root-knot nematode infestation.

Growers using grafted transplants will need to choose appropriate rootstocks for

their site-specific growing conditions. Future research should be conducted in major

production regions with multiple rootstocks, including both intraspecific and interspecific

hybrids, in order to fully elucidate the scion-rootstock interactions. This will help growers

select the most suitable rootstock for their production systems and reduce the risk of

economic losses.

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Charles Edward Barrett was born in Amsterdam, NY. When he was 5 years old his

family moved to Edgewater, FL. Charles grew up loving the ocean, the springs and all of

Florida‟s natural beauty. He graduated from New Smyrna Beach High School in May of

2002 and decided to work before going to college. Charles earned his A.A. from

Daytona Beach Community College in December of 2007 and began at the University of

Florida in January 2008. Charles felt inspired in Gainesville and after receiving his B.S.

in botany, he was accepted into the UF graduate school for an opportunity to earn a

M.S. in horticultural science.

Upon completion of his M.S. program Charles will decide to either continue his

education or seek employment.