ORDER OF SERVICE REGIMENTAL FUNERAL FOR CORPORAL NATHAN CIRILLO 1989-2014 Christ Church Cathedral Hamilton, Ontario 28 October 2014 ‘Yea, how they set themselves in battle-array I shall remember to my dying day.’ — John Bunyan, 1682 The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise’s)

Order of Service - Cpl. Nathan Cirillo

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Read the full Order of Service for the Regimental Funeral for Cpl. Nathan Cirillo

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Order Of Service

regimental funeral fOr

cOrpOral nathan cirillO1989-2014

christ church cathedralhamilton, Ontario28 October 2014

‘Yea, how they set themselves in battle-arrayI shall remember to my dying day.’

— John Bunyan, 1682

The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise’s)

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Order Of Service

Welcome The Very Reverend Peter Wall

The Procession Flowers of the Forest

Then the celebrant shall say, The grace and peace of our risen Lord Jesus Christ, The love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.

People And also with you.

Celebrant Let us pray. Godofallconsolation, in your unending love and mercy you turn the darkness of death into the dawn of new life. Show compassion to your people in their sorrow. Be our refuge and our strength toliftusfromthedarknessofgrief to the peace and light of your presence. Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, by dying for us, conquered death and by rising again, restored life. May we then go forward eagerly to meet him, andafterourlifeonearth be reunited with our brothers and sisters where every tear will be wiped away. We ask this through Jesus Christ, the Lord.

People Amen.

The Proclamation of the WordFirst Reading Col A E Earp, OCReader A reading from the Book of Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8


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Order Of Service

Reader The word of the Lord.

People Thanks be to God.

Psalm 23 The Most Reverend Douglas Crosby, Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton

Gospel The Right Reverend Michael Bird, Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Niagara

Reader The Lord be with you.

People And also with you.

Reader The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ AccordingtoMatthew

People Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew5:1-12a The Gospel of Christ

People Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Homily Major the Reverend Canon Rob Fead, Regimental Chaplain

Reflections Jenny Holland, Cousin to Nathan The Right Honourable Stephen Harper,PC,MP Prime Minister of Canada LColLawrenceHatfield,CD, CommandingOfficer

Pipe Selection Amazing Grace

Apostles’ Creed

Celebrant I believe in God,


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All The Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. HesufferedunderPontiusPilate, wascrucified,died,andwasburied. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, theresurrectionofthebody, andthelifeeverlasting.Amen

Prayers of the People The Very Reverend Peter Wall, Dean of The Diocese of Niagara Leader Let us pray. Almighty God, you have knit your chosen people together in one communion, in the mysticalbodyofyourSon,JesusChristour Lord. Give to your whole Church in heaven and on earth your light and your peace.

People Hear us, Lord.

Leader Mayallwhohavebeenbaptizedinto Christ’sdeathandresurrectiondie to sin and rise to newness of life, and may we with him pass through the grave andgateofdeathtoourjoyfulresurrection.

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People Hear us, Lord.

Leader Granttouswhoarestillinourpilgrimage, and who walk as yet by faith, that your Holy Spirit may lead us in holiness and righteousness all our days.

People Hear us, Lord.

Leader Grant to your faithful people pardon and peace, that we may be cleansed from all our sins and serve you with a quiet mind.

People Hear us, Lord.

Leader Granttoallwhomournasureconfidencein yourlovingcare,thatcastingalltheir sorrow on you, theymayknowtheconsolationofyourlove.

People Hear us, Lord.

Leader Give courage and faith to those who are bereaved, that they may have strength to meet the days ahead in the comfort of a holy and certain hope, and in the joyful expectationofeternallifewiththosethey love.

People Hear us, Lord.

Leader WeprayforElizabethourQueen,Stephen our Prime Minister, Andfortheleadersofthenations,andallin authority; that they may strive to bring peaceandjusticetoallpeople.

People Hear us, Lord.

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Leader We commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations;givethemcouragetofacethe perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be.

People Hear us, Lord.

Leader Grant us grace to entrust Nathan to your never-failing love which sustained him in this life. Receive him into the arms of your mercy, and remember him according to the favour you bear for your people.

People Hear us Lord

The Lord’s Prayer

Celebrant Joining all our prayers into one, let us pray for the coming of Gods kingdom in Nathan’s life and in the lives of all of us.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Andleadusnotintotemptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

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The Commendation

People Give rest, O Christ, to your servants with your saints, where sorrow and pain are no more, neithersighing,butlifeeverlasting. You only are immortal, the creator and maker of all; and we are mortal, formed of the earth, and to earth shall we return. For so did you ordain when you created me, saying, You are dust, and to dust you shall return. All of us go down to the dust; yet even at the grave we make our song: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Give rest, O Christ, to your servants with your saints, where sorrow and pain are no more, neithersighing,butlifeeverlasting.

The celebrant, facing the body, says, Into your hands, O merciful Saviour, we commend your servant Nathan. Acknowledge, we pray, a sheep of your own fold, alambofyourownflock, a sinner of your own redeeming. Receive him into the arms of your mercy, intotheblessedrestofeverlastingpeace, and into the glorious company of the saints in light. Amen.

The Blessing

The Recession Highland Cathedral

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CorporalNathanCirillowasborn23December,1989,andgrewup in Hamilton, Ontario with his mother, two sisters and step-father. CplCirilloattendedSherwoodSecondarySchool,andfromanearlyagedemonstratedapassionforthemilitary,enlistingintheCanadianArmedForcesPrimaryReservein2006withTheArgyllandSutherlandHighlandersofCanada(PrincessLouise’s),justpriortohisgraduationofhighschoolin2007.Followinghisfirsttwoyearsofservice,hewaspromotedtotherankCorporalin2008.

CplCirillowasanactivememberoftheregiment,participatingnotonly in regular training, exercises, and ceremonial events, but also was involved with The Argyll and Sutherland regimental hockey team, was theunitpugil-stickfightingchampionin2013,andparticipatedwiththeLandForceCentralAreashootingteamin2010.Outsideoftheregiment,CplCirillooftenperformedothertasksinsupportoftrainingin Petawawa, as well as in support of the Cadets at Camp Blackdown at Canadian Forces Base Borden. Cpl Cirillo was passionate about his involvementinthemilitaryandoftencommentedthatitwasapositiveinfluenceonhislifeandprovidedexcellentmotivationforpersonalimprovement.Inhisfinalyearofservicehehadprogressedtoajuniorleadershiproleasthesecondincommandofhissection,leadingothersoldiers.

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Inhiscivilianlife,CplCirillowasextremelyactiveanddemonstratedastrongzealforfitness,achievinghighpersonalstandardsanddemonstratingstrongpersonaldiscipline.Thisservedhimwellasapersonaltraineratalocalgym,aswellassecuritydutiesatsomeofthe local establishments in the Hamilton area. Cpl Cirillo’s family will remember him as a father to his young son, who was a part of his motivationtoconstantlyimprovehisperformanceandinvolvementwith the military, as well as a loving son and brother. Cpl Cirillo was a hard-working and capable soldier, Cpl Cirllo demonstrated the kindness and character expected of a Canadian Forces soldier, and an Argyll. At the regiment he won the respect and friendship of his peers and leaders – his absence will be strongly felt by both his family and the regiment.

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1903-2014 – A BRIEF HISTORY “To save lives and get a job done.”

Founding of Hamilton’s Highland Regiment KiltsandbagpipesaremerelythedistinctivesymbolsofatraditionrootedinCanadianmilitaryhistoryforover200years--theHighlandregiment.SinceConfederation,theHighlandRegimenthasbeenmostcloselyidentifiedwiththemilitia.In1856aHighlandRifleCompany--forerunner of the present regiment -- was formed in Hamilton. Between1880andtheFirstWorldWar,aspartofthisheightenedself-consciousness by Scots-Canadians and a rising interest in militarismgenerally,severalkiltedregimentswereraisedincitiesacrossCanada.Hamiltonhadhadakiltedmilitarypresencesince1856whenJamesAitchisonSkinnerorganizedaHighlandcompany;itlaterbecame a company of the 13th Royal Regiment, later the RHLI. The‘idea’forafullHighlandregimentinHamilton‘firsttookshapeamong the members of the St. Andrew’s Society [of which James Chisholmwasthelong-timetreasurer]andtheSonsofScotland[ofwhich,hewasalsoamember].’Latein1902meetingswereheldandprominent members of the city’s Highland-Canadian community were askedto‘takeholdofthematter.’JamesChisholmandhispartner,William Logie (a captain in the XIII Regiment), took a leading, perhaps predominant,roleinorganizinglocallyandinlobbyingOttawa.WiththesupportoflocalScottishorganizationsandclansocieties,adeputationwassenttoOttawabearingapetitiontotheministerofMilitia.Theminister,FrederickBorden,waslessthanenthusiasticaboutthepotentialcostandtheHighlandcharacteroftheproposedunit(hewantedthemilitiainacommonuniform).ColW.D.Otter,whomLogiecanvassedforhisopinion,wasscepticalofthegroup’sabilityto‘geteithertheofficersorthemenandifwegotboth[of]these we could not get the money. . . .’ Hamilton’sScottish-Canadianelitemovedquicklytofilltheranksoftheofficercorpsandtoraisethenecessaryfundstooutfittheregiment in full Highland dress. As a result of broad community supportandeffectivepoliticalorganization,theRegimentwasformedon13September1903andgazettedthreedayslaterasthe9lstRegiment Canadian Highlanders. In winning the day, Chisholm and Logieusedeveryreasonabletacticathand.Theywereparticularlyadeptatputtingpressureatthehighestpossiblelevel,usuallytheminister,thuscircumventingthenormalchannelsoftheDepartmentofMilitiaandDefence.

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The Regiment established its Canadian character by its choice of name–“CanadianHighlanders”andaffirmeditsScottish-HighlandrootswithitsGaelicmotto–AlbainnGuBrath(ScotlandForever).AlthoughtherehavealwaysbeenindividualswithtiestoScotlandandScottish/Highlandforebears,theRegimentanditsgreatsymbols quickly came to represent the face of Canada, whether in 1903orin2014.

The First World War Likethemilitiagenerally,theRegimenthassufferedorprosperedaccording to the dictates of government policy. Peace, fortunately, has been the norm during most of the Regiment’s history. Thus, the contours of the unit’s weekly and seasonal existence has been marked mainlybyaroutineofceremony,drilling,lectures,training,exercises,administration,andrecruitment,tosaynothingoftherigoursofmesslife and an always full Regimental social calendar. DuringtheFirstWorldWar,theRegimentactedasarecruitingdepotproviding145officersand5,207otherranksforserviceinthenumberedbattalionsoftheC.E.F.,especiallythe16th,19th,andthe173rdHighlanders.Thelatterwasbrokenupforreinforcements,muchto the chagrin of its men. Although the Argylls perpetuate both the 19thandthe173rd,itistheformerwhichprovidestheRegimentitsmostintimateconnectionwiththeGreatWar.The91stgavethe19thallfourofitscommandingofficersanditspipe-major,CharlesDunbar,D.C.M.,apipe-majorofinternationalrenown,itscommandstructureandabout30%ofitsoriginalestablishment.Aspartofthe4thInfantryBrigade,2ndDivision,the19thwentfromthemudandmisery of Salisbury Plain, England, to the mud and blood of Flanders. TheBattalionsawitsfirstactionatStEloiinApril1916andwenton

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todistinguishitselfontheSomme,atCourcelette,VimyRidge,Hill70,Passchendaele,Drocourt-Quéant,andthepursuittoMons,tonamebutafew.Itisworthnotingthatthe19thBattalionwasinthefirstwaveof2ndCanadianDivision’sattackatVimy,andthatLtHughMcKenzieof3rdCanadianMachineGunBattalionwasposthumouslyawardedtheVictoriaCrossforactionsatPasschendaeleon30October1917. InDecember1918,itsPipeBandplayedavictoriousCanadianCorps across the Rhine and into Germany: here was one of the memorablepictorialrepresentationsofCanada’smilitarypast.Alltold,the19thandthevariousmachine-guncompaniesand3rdMachine-GunBattalionlost1,374soldiersandhadoverthreetimesthatnumberwounded. TheRegimentwaslessthantwodecadesoldandthesignificantpartofitshistoryhadbeenwritteninthebloodofyoungCanadians.

Inter-War Period The Regiment went through the inter-war years, endured the generalmilitiareorganizations,andprospered.Amalgamationwiththe3rdMachineGunBattalion,CMGC,(lessCCompanyofthatunit)occurredon15December1936.Notonlywastheinter-warunitlargeinnumbers,(rarelybelow400,attimesexceeding600)itbenefitedfromaconsiderablecadreofFirstWarveteransofallranks.Traditioncontinuedtoplayapre-eminentroleandtheRegimentenjoyedavisiblecivicprofilethroughweeklyparadesonthestreets,acloseattachmenttothecity’selite,andtheactivitiesofthreehighlyactivebands(pipe--stillunderDunbar,brass,andbugle).

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The Second World War Whenthedrumsofwarbeatagainin1939,theArgyllswerereadyformobilization--thestructure,themen,andthenumberswereallthere--butforlittleelse.PriortomobilizationinJune1940,therewereoccasionalcallsout.ArgyllsinkiltswithRossriflesandfixedbayonets, for instance, performed guard duty on the local canal and electricalfacility.Theproblemsofactivedutyweremyriad:FirstWartunicsandkiltsforuniforms,Rossriflesforweapons,hollowpipesandbricksforthemortarplatoon,andtoomanypeoplewithtoolittletraining. ThefirstmonthsofthewarwerespentinandaroundNiagara-on-the-Lake, a dreary round of guard duty on the Welland Canal and localpowerfacilities.Therewaslittletrainingandalmostnonewequipment.ThefirstBrenguns,forexample,arrivedinDecember1940.Buttherewastimeforsettingthefoundationsforexcellentadministrationandforaddressingtheusualrangeofproblemsassociatedwithturningciviliansintosoldiers.InMay1941the1stBattalionentrainedforNanaimo,B.C.,whereitunderwentseveraltediousmonthsofroutemarchesalternatingwithinspections.

September1941toMay1943broughtasojourninthesun--garrison duty in Jamaica. During this period, the reality of war was brought home by the fate of the Winnipeg Grenadiers (which unit the Argylls replaced in Jamaica) in Hong Kong, and of the RHLI (a sister unit fromHamilton)atDieppe.ItwouldhavebeeneasyfortheBattaliontolanguish here, rum-sodden. Instead, under the command of LCol Ian Sinclair, the unit received new weapons and modern equipment, improveditsadministration,andbeganacompleteprogramofsmallunittactics,fitness,andtrainingofallsorts.Inaddition,theBattalion

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acquired cohesiveness at all levels impossible to achieve under other conditions. Themenofthe1stBattalionreturnedtoHamiltoninMay1943assoldiers.Inpreparationforoverseasservice,itlostitsCOandallseniorofficersaswellasallseniorNCOsexceptitsbynowlegendaryRSM--PeterCaithnessMcGinlay.InAugust1943theunitpassedinspectioninEnglandandjoinedthe10thBrigade,4thArmouredDivision.Advancedtraining,specializedcourses,andschemesuptothedivisionallevelbecame the order of the day, all of which were overseen by the newCO,LColJ.DavidStewart.TheArgylls’affectionforhimwasinstantaneous, broadened during training, and deepened with the experienceofbattle.Hisintuitivesenseofbattle(whichcouldnotbetaught),hiscoolimperturbability,andhisrefusaltofightaccordingtopreconceivednotionsbroughtdramaticresults. Theunit’sfirstactionsinearlyAugust1944weresmallsuccessesfoughtalongtheroadtoFalaise.Thefirstmajoraction,Hill195on10August,wasabrilliantandunorthodoxsuccess;StewartledtheBattalionsinglefilethroughthedarknessofnightandGermanlinesto capture the hitherto, unassailable strong point. It was an act which historianJohnA.Englishhascalled“thesinglemostimpressiveactionof[Operation]TOTALIZE.”LessthantendayslaterintheFalaiseGap,abattlegroupcomprisedofBandCcompaniesoftheArgylls,andasquadron of South Alberta Regiment tanks captured St Lambert-sur-Divesandhelditforthreedaysagainstdesperatecounter-attacks. Nightoverdaylightfighting;infiltrationratherthanfrontalassault;innovationwhenorthodoxyfailed;superbleadership;doggedness;greatspirit;excellentadministration;andclosecooperationwiththeSARs (whom the Argylls revered above all others) -- these were the benchmarksofArgyllsuccess,andtheywereallevidentinthatfirstmonthofbattle. Oftheexperienceofbattle,CplH.E.Carterwrotetohismotheron 13 August: “That life in the front is not fun, not glamorous -- it’s dirty,andfierceandanyonethatsaysthey’renotscarediscrazy.ButI’m not going to talk much about that. We try and keep our spirits up, jokeandenjoyyourselfunderfireandwedoanexceptionallygoodjobof it.” That very same day Capt Mac Smith put it best when he wrote to his wife: “The men are simply wonderful. They have done well, and aregettingbetter.Theygrumble...anddig,andadvanceanddig,andadvance. They stand shelling mortaring and occasional bombing, and then stand up in their trenches and ask where the hell the food is.” ThesefirstweeksgavetheArgyllsa“hardcoreofcynicismandself-satisfaction.”ThedepthoftheformerwasbestrevealedwhenStewart wrote of trying to protect his men “from our two enemies,

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the Germans and our own Higher Command.” He saw his trust as “to savelivesandgetajobdone.”Likeallinfantrybattalions,theArgyllssuffered“inescapablelosses”buttheBattalionwas“nevershatteredinbattle.” Through Moerbrugge, the Scheldt, Kapelsche Veer, and the HochwaldGaptoFriesoythe,theKustenCanal,andBadZwischenahn,the Argylls were successful against the enemy -- but there was more. Theirlosses(285killedand808wounded)werethelowestinthel0thBrigadeandtheirsuccessesconstant.Cynicismisasoldier’srightfullotandtheArgylls’neverlostit.Self-satisfactioncamewith,andwas sustained only by, success -- despite the successive wholesale turnoversintheriflecompanies.Neitherqualitywaslostduringtenmonthsofbattle.ItmadethemasCaptClaudeBissellonceremarked“ahappyregimentandaformidableoneinaction.” ThelstBattalionprovidedtheheadquartersandoneriflecompanyfortheCanadianBerlinBattalion,acompositebattalionwhichrepresentedtheCanadianArmedForcesintheBritishvictorycelebrationsinBerlininJuly1945.Hereagain,theArgyllsprovidedamemorablepictoriallegacyofCanada’sparticipationinthatwarasourPipesandDrumsleadtheCanadianBerlinBattalionasCanada’srepresentativesinvictory. TheBattalionreturnedtoHamiltoninJanuary1946whereitwasdismissed.

Post-war TheRegimentnowrevertedtoitstraditionalpeacetimerolewiththeprimaryreserves.Bytheearly1960sthereservoirofveteranshaddried up. Numbers shrunk with the various changes in defence policy andequipmentbecameoutdated.Bythe1980stheworstwasover.

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Numbers have increased and there is new equipment. With the Total Force concept has come a renewed emphasis upon individual and collectivetraining,andtheprofessionaldevelopmentofsoldierswhatevertheirrank.WhileretainingitsHighlandtraditions,theunitreflectsthemodernfaceofCanadaandArgyllsserveCanadianswhethercombatingnaturaldisastersathome(66deployedduringthe1998icestormandmanyvolunteeredduringtheRedRiverflood)oraugmentingUNorNATOdeploymentsabroad.Inthe1970sand1980s,FiveArgyllsservedinCyprusandanotherthreeinGermanybutitwasthe1990sandthefirstdecadeofthe21stcenturythatsawtheRegiment’soperationalroleincreasedramatically.

Former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan EventsintheformerYugoslaviamadesufficientdemandsupontheCanadian Armed Forces that maintenance of its ongoing commitment necessitatedtheimplementationofatotalforceconcept.Assuch,the primary reserves augmented Canadian deployments thereby increasingtheroleofthereservesand26Argyllsdeployedthere. The long Canadian combat mission in Afghanistan broadened and deepenedthetrendsapparentinthe1990s.Theprimaryreservesprovided about a quarter of the strength of each deployment. The operationaltempoincreaseddramaticallyinthisperiod.Over60Argylls served in Afghanistan; some for more than one tour; they were thereatthebeginningandtheywerethereattheendinJuly2011.

Argyll Soldiering Today Duringtwoworldwars,NATOandUNmissions,andAfghanistan,Argyll families waited anxiously for their sons and their daughters

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to return home safely. In far too many cases, it did not happen and itfelltotheRegimentalfamily,includingacriticalroleplayedbytheWomen’s Auxiliary, and the community to provide solace for the loved ones of the fallen. Regulartraining,nomatterhowhard,doesnotgiverisetosuchconcern.Argyllsreturntired,dirty,hungry,and,satisfied(mostofthetimeatleast).PartofArgyllsoldieringfromtheRegiment’sfirstparadeinkiltsin1904hasbeenceremonial;itisanimportantmeansofrepresentingtheRegiment,itsservice,itstraditions,andtheCanadianprinciples they embody to the community. Kilted Argylls have done so,inpeaceandinwar,since1904.Thus,110yearslater,theserviceof Cpls Nathan Cirillo and Brandon Stevenson at the Canadian War MemorialandtheTomboftheUnknownSoldierinournation’scapitalwerebutthelatestmanifestationsofafineandhonourabletradition.

The Most Recent Page in Argyll History OnWednesday,22October2014,CplCirillowasmurderedwhilestandingvigil-kilted,respectful,andunarmed-aspartoftheCeremonial Guard at these splendid memorials as Canada prepares for Remembrance Day. This craven act has angered and outraged Canadians from all regions and all walks of life. They were instantly mindfulthathismotherandhissonhadsufferedagrievousandpermanent loss. No one had foreseen that Nathan’s service on this day wouldendasitdid.Sacrificeisinherentinasoldier’slotbut,atatimeofpeacefulcommemorationandinsuchamanner,itisanaffronttothedecentsensibilitiesofCanadians. And, unfortunately, this most recent page in the Regiment’s history has,again,beenwritteninArgyllblood. Today,Tuesday,28October,theRegimentparadesinsolemnceremony, with kilts and bagpipes, as it lays to rest a fallen Argyll. His comrades will escort him, his comrades will carry him, and his comrades will pay their respect to his life and to his service.

Robert L. Fraser Regimental Historian


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To the community of Hamilton and the Canadian public,

The death of Corporal Nathan Cirillo has gripped Hamiltonians and Canadians. We are not naïve; we know the glories and the sorrows of thehumancondition.YetyoungNathan’svulnerabilityanddeathasaceremonialandunarmedguardatoneofthisnation’smostcherishedandsacredmonumentshastouchedourcollectiveciviclife,ithasbrought forward our common humanity and our fundamental decency as individuals and as a society. We also remember the tragic death of WarrantOfficerPatriceVincent.

I write today on behalf of the Cirillo family and the Argyll Regimental family, two families united in sorrow. Nathan’s two families have been touched profoundly by the depth of the response and the generosity of public support. It is impossible to thank all of the individuals, government andmunicipalinstitutions,privateagenciesandcompaniesandcorporationsthathavehelpedthroughtheircondolences,theirgoodwishes,theiraffirmationsofsupport,andtheirmagnanimity.OurbroadRegimentalfamilyofvolunteerscannotkeepupwiththeoffers,the gestures, and the expressions of support. Here, however, it is fittingthattoexpressourgratitude. To all of you, I say thank you, merci, and tapadh leat (Gaelic for thank you). Our two families will never forget what Hamiltonians and Canadians have done.

Sincerely,RonFoxcroftHonorary ColonelThe Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise’s)

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Mount SorrelSomme1916-18Flers-Courcelette

ThiepvalAncre HeightsArras1917-18Vimy1917


Scarpe1918Drocourt-QuéantHindenburg LineCanal du NordCambrai1918

Pursuit to MonsFranceandFlanders1915-18



Falaise RoadSt Lambert-sur-Dives

TheSeine1944MoerbruggeThe Scheldt

Breskins PocketThe Lower MaasKapelsche VeerThe RhinelandThe Hochwald


Küsten CanalBadZwischenahn



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Anyone wishing to contribute to the Cirillo family can donate by going to any TD Bank branch and asking to give money to the Marcus Cirillo Trust. One can also donate to the military family supportagencyTruePatriotLoveFoundation.Thosewishingtodonateelectronically can go to truepatriotlove.com and earmark funds for Cirillo or to standonguardfund.com

Argyll Regimental FoundationTheArgyllRegimentalFoundationwasestablishedin1981withthebroadobjectivestomaintainHighlanddressandthetraditionsoftheRegiment.Afund-raisingcampaign-withagoalof$200,000was launched and, happily, the target was met and exceeded. Since thentheARFhasenjoyedbroadfinancialsupportfromwithintheservingbattalion,theRegimentalfamily,andthecommunityatlarge.It mounted another successful capital campaign to celebrate the Regiment’s100thaformalorganizationalfashiontheessentialworkthere at our establishment. If the Regiment wants Highland dress; in large measure, it must pay for it and it has done so for 111 years.


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In2003,TheArgyllandSutherlandHighlandersofCanada(PrincessLouise’s)celebratedits100thanniversary.Theachievementofthecentenarywasmarkedbyanarrayofcelebrationsandactivities.Therewas considerable and wide-ranging discussion that that centered on permanentcommemorationoftheRegimentanditsfundamentalattributes–serviceandloss. The noted Canadian architect, Raymond Moriyama, CC, designed thepavilionerectedatBayfrontPark.Theinscriptionsonthefloorofthe memorial are carved in stone and were dedicated by Her Majesty TheQueen,theRegiment’sColonel-in-Chief,ataPresentationofNewColourson10October2002.Theinscriptionsread:









Since then, the Pavilion has become the symbol of Argyll service andacentre-pointofArgyllcommemorationandremembrance.

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Bruce MacKinnon, The Chronicle Herald

This program has been made possible by generous donations.