bstews & t latus. IStlUKD EVKRY SATURDAY MORNIKCl BY TUB ORAKOKtiunU NKWS COMPANY._ 0K0. BO Ii IV KR, KuslrifKS Mwiin gor- SATU K1>7\ V, <><3. 1S75. [From the Darlington Southerner.] Maxims. IIY MUfc. WILLIAMS God made man in his own image; ho hafl transformed himself into the image of his Satanic Majesty. ThoHioro that a woman Concedes to a man tho loss he honors her. Tf you wish his rovcrcncc keep him at a dis¬ tance If you wish a man tq admire you flatter him. There Is not one man in ten thou¬ sand worthy of the love of a pure wo¬ man. "When a man is not a tyrant it is because he is a coward. Men break the com maud men Is be¬ cause they believe that God intended thorn for women only. One man has ns much conceit as 01 c hundred women. Men aro always jealous of women who have eclipsed them in literature and art. There are one hp ml red thousand bad husbands to cue good. The more you know of a man the less npt you are to admire him. The happiest women in the world aro those who have kept the (dearest of the men und given then) no oppor¬ tunity of robbing them either of thciy affections or their money. Obey ! hold that man tip somebody if be is alive, for she writes herself "Mrs." "Man has transformed him¬ self into the imago of his Satanic Majesty,'' be must be a good look¬ ing old fellow, for soine of we men are very passable "images." ""When lie i'i not a tyrant, Ovc." Ob deserted Moses! help ! help ! help! take her off! enough, we give up, don't hit again. Except that "Mrs.," that is too thin." Only some old "Miss" could get oil* such "Maxims." But there, you sl*p now, don't you come again, we ain't "troubling of you,' you just let us alone. We hut no man ever went bothering around you. School IN~olioe. The undersigned hawing been elected by the TruHtits, iis Tcsicher of the Free School tarntet! Ka*l of the Hnilrohd and known ns llio "Grove School/' hereby give notice that the Kxeroises ofsaid School will commence on Monday next October. 1th 1875. FX FA NO Ii NULL, oct 2 2t " PAIR NOTICIO. Tjie accounts of "."state of Dr. F. S. Fernnor, and T. I>. Iloyd, have been placed in my bunds for collection, and if hcceirhr for SUIT. Parties interested will snvi Costs by calling kooii. Yy\ II. GIKAItDKAU, Trial Justice prt; 3. 1S7Ö tf S ALE. My 'BeRtdenen on KukncII Street between the l»Ut of the Kstafe of K. J. Olirerns antl H. A. Hull. If, contain.", clüve» Rooms with aight Fire Places ami two Cell.tr», and ban been lately painted inside and out. J.ot measure* 2L'j feet front. I will mill either four (4) or eight (8) ncrCH of hind with Hie house. >* ¦».>* . A LSO Five eligible Lots hjii the new (Cedar) Street. AT,SO Ml If ! . 5,0.06...Four-Seated Huggy, with lop and Juinp-suat, almost as good as hew, u ill he Hyjd much below cost, and single Harness. v. - ALSO One Piano, One Cookiiig Stove, with Furr.hu ro, CjirpijLs, Chaiiv, I'oolc-Case, tve. For Terms ofSale and particulars, apply to .oct. ii MOKTIMKR G LOY* UK. 1.S7Ö if Book.! Stationery! Music! jA lot of WiNIKHY MIAMI'S «if an im- 1 pryyud Patent, being neat, simple in put¬ ting in», durable and Of IK AT in price. Lamps, Chimneys and Lamp Fixtures always on hand. »SOhl. AOS'NT I'OU TUK Celebratdh "iVATT PLOW ami Castiiigsy which I .sell at Manufacturer'* Pi it i'.-, with Ire ig lit added, viz: ^0/.eiI«r/o4A and l!.$15 00 Tw«^!|>rs4 M anil X. 'J 00 ea.-.tiiil's.7c per lb. Instil illicit Hittl Collections prompt¬ ly attended to. biverjiool, 1 ni iiiul * Hobe ln.mrnnec Co. tieornia llouiti ln-.ni.nu-e i o. Maiihattcn I ii. Insurance <'o. KIIIK ItOltlNSÜN. ocl 2 Market r>i. MRS. O- S. S^lATJIaB At her New Stund next to Pr. Duke's, lias just received a Fashionable Assortment of Fall and Winter goods consisting of BONNETS, II ATS, FKAT1IERS, V LOWICKS, RIBBONS, COLLARS, RUFFLING Ac, Sic.,, All of which 1 will sell Cheap for Cash. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. I». 8..Remember my New Stand, F>ar- ton'fl Brick Building. oct'2 It DAVIS & BpUKNICfHTS. SCCC'f.S.SOKS TO ji. C. SHIVER A CO., , AND UFA I. kiss IN Dry Golds, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mat¬ tings, Iloots, Shoes, Etc. COLTJäOSJ A , ©. p. Tlic at'euliwn c»f publishers in every part lif this Slate i.s called to consider, a very im¬ portant fact, namelv, that the oldcilabish; td house of lt. C. SHIVER & CO. is not closed but reorganized upon ihe only basis that business caii be carried on sucee.-»fully, BTIUCTLY CASH. And we assure our patrons that we shall continue the santti honorable course of deal¬ ing wiih them that was Bitch a di. lingui.-bed feature with the Iioihc of M. C. till VKI5 iv CO. We have now ill »Iure ihe best selected stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoos, Hubs, Caps, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Paper, Etc., liver seen in Ibis city, selected by one of the firm, who superintends the business, and consequently knows the wants of this com¬ munity belter than buyers residing else¬ where. The entire stock will be ollered at juices never before equaled in I Ids section. The Prices will startle and attract you at sight. We invite you to send at once for Sarb pics oftliese ISTe w ANI> 1 f A N DSO M 10 GOO 1)8 And, if shown to your frietids and neigh¬ bors, we are sure it will be to your advan¬ tage to send us a largo Order. We pay frvight on all bills amounting to $10 and upwards. All orders must be accompanied with CASILj or we send them U. O. D., and guarantee satisfaction. liest Gle. Prülls in the city. Long Cloths SI, 10, 12Je. Norn ccjiinl to them in the Stale. Well known brands of Alpacas and Molmir.s, just imported. Hosiery Department.Full of well nssurlotl Clouds at Popular Pric6.-i. Gqits'Fiunishing Goods complete, :t.< u department. Our Boot and Shoe Depart incut is so conti to none on this continent From the cheapest Brognn to the finest Hand Made Goods. The most complete nwl best managed Carpet Department in titc Cloths, Cassimcro; ami Joans arc bought hy the case und sold at a very small Brown and Bleached Shirtings arc sold at FACTORY PRICKS. Flnnnols and Blankets at prices that will ASTOMSH. We &ltall HCvpeel iiu Order From You or a Call Whoa You Vi*it Our City. oct 2 - 1R7Ö Shi EiST.A HT il'S H JEl > 1785. THE CHRONICLE k SENTINEL, AUGUSTA, CIA. One of the Oldest Papers in the Country. One of the Leading Capers in the South. The Largest Circulation in Eastern Georgia. Thö Oflicial Organ of Several Counties. I'UlH.lSliRI) Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly. [The .Daily CHRONICLE «nd SENTI NKL is tilled with interesting Heading mailer of every description.Telegraphic; Local; Ediloiia); Georgia, and South CaV'b- Una and General News; Iutcrcstihg Corres¬ pondence, and Special Telegrams from ah important points. Subscription, 10 The Tri-Weekly CilRONlCl.K ami Sknt.- NKii is i.'tendc-d for pointsconvenient ton Tri-Weekly mail. contains nearly every¬ thing id inn rest which appears it) the Li lily. SuliscriptiOn, Sö. The Weekly CllKqxiCI.K and SkNTINKI. is a luamiufidi sheet, gotten up especially for our subscribers in the country. It is one of lb*- largest papers published in the South, and give.;, besides Editorials, all the current news of the week, a full and accur¬ ate review of the Augunta. Marketslimd l'riees Current. Tue Commercial Keports. arc a Sp. cial feature of the edition. Sub¬ scription -2. Specimen copicsofnnv issue sent frets WALSH A WltlGM'l', Proprietors, Augusta, Ga. net 2 :;t FOR RENT. The New Brick Store on Main Street, next door to Kohn iv Bro. Apply to Jd*. ROSA OL1 V EROS, .opt IS INTO 1 in The Death 1WA of Andrew Johnson. A MAGNIFICENT Engraving, just pub¬ lished, on heavy plate paper,14x10 inches in Hi7.c. It touchingly portmy the last; nioineutB of the great statesman, with fami¬ ly, t friends and physician* grouped sorrow¬ fully around him. It in a gem ofart. beautiful in design, and artistic in execution, and should hang in every home and cottage in the land. Agent« wanted everywhere lit once to sell this and other popular picture*. Large Pay. No money required until pie- tures are sold. ' One copy, of the il,no engrav-. ing ''Death-bed of Andrew Johnson," with terms and instructions to Agent*, will be Rent by mail on n roller, Rndpopt'paid on receipt of 30 ccntH, or two copies for 50 cents, NoterniH sent unless sample cepy ia orderet!. Address the Publishers, SOUTHERN PICTURE CO., Navhville, Tenn. oct 2 ' -81 wm föÄLir Manufacturer of DOORS, SASHES, BLIiNPS, FL00H1KG, &CÜ Dealer in Builders' Hardware, Faults, Gils, §c. Hole Agent for THE NATIONAL MIXED PAINT CO. THE GREAT AMERICA* EIRE EXTIX- dTLSHER CO. PAGZ MACHINE BELTING COMPANY. S . XI* 1'OU PRICES. OFFICE & WAKER00MS A'os. SO and SO Ilaync ami :v.\ ami 35 1'isicUncy Sts. I .KTORY and YAKD«, Ashley River, West End Broad St, C IT A HI iESTON; S.O. sept 23 . 1S7Ö ly I DR. 31. HUflTEK & CO. SPEC IA Li PRACTICE. Cancers, Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Scrofula, Epilepsy, Female Diseases, Liver Diseases, Venereal Diseases, Skin diseases', anil all kindred atliictiorrB .S lj (JCKSSFÜLL Y Til I-JA TUT). Cancers nutl Tumors will he treated with our Specific», without the use of the knife, without loss of blood, and with but little pain to the patient. CONSULTATION FREE. Terms of I real inch t en'sv'. Wo have opened a Brauel! Ofliceal 'MARION C. IL S. C Ollio.e under the Star oflicc, Meri^iK^. C'. opposite the Court House. i Dlt; J. MILES HUNTER & CO. sept 20 tf GKO. S. SIf Iii EH, C öi n m is i< >it. A Xei.<:. 11alit, dcai.kk in C.K< CERIES, FINE WINKS, Ac. Agent for Rai ion's Planter, A v pry's Plow*, and all kintls .if AgriciuVturat Implements. At New Brick Store next to Duke'* Drag Store. sept 25.Gm THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Okanouuku Cot srv. Ry Arc. I». Knowiton*, I'stpiire, J. P. Whereas, David W. Crook bath made suit to me, to urant to him Letters of Ad¬ ministration of the Estate ami cllects of Adam L. Crook, late of saitl county, due'd. Tbcsf are tbereforc to cite and ad¬ monish all hhd singular, the kindred and Creditors of the saitl Adam L. Crook, de- ecaseil, that they be aud appear, before u.e, in the Court of Probate, to be held fit Oraiigebiirg C. IL on October 18th, next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, *o shew cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 5>3d day of September, Anno Domini 1875. ÄUG; B. KNOWLTON, 'f L.ST Judge of Probate, O. C. stpt2.') 187Ö 2t THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,, CotJSTY OF ÖUAXCi KBURO. üy AUÖ. 15. KNOWLTON, Esq., Probate Judge. Wiikiikas, CHARLES II. "WILLIAM- SON has made suit to me, to grant to him Letters of Administration of the Estate and eliccts of Martin (). Iloznrd, late of said; Conn iv ilecea ed. THESE A RE TU EUE FORE to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Crcdito'ra of the said Martin O. Iloznrd deceased, lllnt they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be belli at Oraiugchuig C. II .on October 18th next,after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock In the fore¬ noon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. tSiven under my Hand, this 23fd day of September Anno Domini A I/O: It; KNOWLTON, [L.S] Judge of Probate, O. C. sein \'.ö 1S7Ö 2t THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Oil A NU KltL'KO Co V NT Y. Itv Am. U. Knowi.tos, Esqumk, J. P. Whereas, Mary Jane Mount, hath made suit to me, to grant to her Letters of Ad¬ ministration of the Estate and eflcclu f t John D. .Mount, late til"saitl County de¬ ceased. These are therefore tot "lie anil admonish all and singular tho kindred and Creditors of the said John D. Mount deceased, that they he and appear, before nie, in the Churl of Probate, to be behl at Oraugchucg, C. II., on October 18th next, alter publication here¬ of, at II o'clock in (be forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not lie granted, (liven under my Hand, this 2!lrd day of September. Anno Domini I.S7Ö. A 13(1. It. KNOWLTON, I L.S I Judge of Probate, O. 0. pt l.S7"> 2t ¦5" 1 S. f THE MAMMOTH i T. KOHN k BROTHER THE ONLY EXCLUSIVELYDRY GOODSHOUSt INTHE COUNTY Nott oller to the citiieus of thia nnd surrouading oouutie* an immense stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and 8hoci, 1 Hats and Caps, Fancy Goods, Notions, Gentn Furnishing Goodi, Caisirnors, Jeaas, Ac., Ac. At Sew York Retail Prices. 80" Our Stock is already very complete, but we are receiving goods by Tory Steamer All wo a>k is that you stop with us loot; enough to examine our .Stock and prices, we will then convince you, that it is useless to go further lor Cheapness or Better Qoods. All close Buyers who are judges of goods are invited to call and examine our Stock before purchasing. We Cannot be UNDERSOLD. We MEAN BUSINESS. CALL ND SEE US. I T. KOHN & BBO. THE NEX ANNUAL MM of Til OraBgefour/g A&ri ANfljT Mechanical Association Will be held at the^pwn pIm-MB AT THE FAIR 01*0.1 ofthb BECINnI.NüI1 TucHdaj, October te<UbVl&#£f£ AND CLb&IBtfMMO Friday, October. S9tb*?l$7&^r THE* i PREMIUM £?£s&i* HAß BEEN I ;,T 1o .! jf NEARLY" DÖUBEÖ1T AS TO..,,? » NUMBER Sr VALWE! StST Articles can be ENTERED till TUE3DÄY EVENI^ahfllbW allowed to Compete. " **T -««,- : nig »sta Separate Table, and Sepairtt& Prizes for Articles CoutribulellM^ (Children under twelve years,of ago.fc -.». li"'. p..* A GRAND . .-».!!.. > TOTTRNA^fog WILL TAKE PLACE, ON WEDNESDAY, the ißth.^ A GAME OF "n u *.* base BAmr. on , ».-o-:*T THURSDAY, the 28th, . *>« For the Championship of the\Cquffiy, and other amusements will (take^ place every day of the Fair. THE Aj\7jNUAL.ADDKfiSaf WILL BE DFIiIVKBEp;t],,j'| ON THURSDAY/ the 28th. BY By COL. D. WYATT AHftftC 3! as tor State Grange; Every Acronnnntlation Possible, will be Provided fer both hnuibitors r aud Visitor-. T. . cm Arrangements have beenmade with ti 0 Smith Carolina Railroad tor tin* traiwporta? tion of all Freight* for die Fair at (JKrJ RATH U0T11 WAYS, and EXCURSION*'" TICK KTii will be sold to visitors'durhig'flföa werk. Mn,i*n% For further particulars .-ee rVl'm I i\ m* fitA J or address any member of the Board of Directors, at Oraiigehurg, 8. C, or'tho' Secretary ami Treasurer. DIKECTOKS. ; DR. WM. F. BIKTON, Prwudekt. . SAMUEL DIM*LE; Fxi/'"*'* LAURENCE R.iBECKWITH, Es«». CAP?. F. il. W. BRIG3MANN. CXl'T. MORGAN J. KELLER. ORAN Ii. It 1 LEY, Esq. , ,.... { HA RPIN R1GUS, Esq. .,,,.U Secretary and Trkahurer,V :~ KIRK ROBINSON, Eko.. ' ." Bids for the Refreshment Stund or Tables will be received until Tuesday the Sthjday^ of Oct- ber, the same will bs basdediac , Secretary and Treasurer. eept 18 1875 '.U'»'. id -1-1. ., ,).iii-t: The State of South Carolina;- ORANGEBURG COUNTY, , In Common Plexb. E. Rosa C. Oüvcros, widew and") It- Executor of the will of Esidro J. Oliveros, deceased, T Plaintifls, against Clifford Oliveros. Ella Rosa OH- ros, Nina Ferdinand Oliveros and Bariolo Olivero» und Thom- aa W. Glover, Defendants. Purnuant to the order of the s«d Court, the creditor of iho said Esidro J. Olivoroa arc hereby nouficd to present and prove their several and respective demand before T Charles B. Glover, Esquire, Referee, at Orangehurg, South Carolina, on or before the first day of September, A. D.' 1875, and ' that thoy arc enjoined from proceeding in separate suits against the plaintiff, and are required to present and prove their respec¬ tive claims before said Referee in. thi» action, or be debarred payment. GEO. BOL1VER, C. C. P. NOW IS TIIK TIME For you to buy your Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Taints, Oils,) Brushes, &c. Also a Fine Assortment of Cutlery, Scgara, Tobacco and Pipes. All of which will he sold CHEAP for cash at the OI,I> DRUG STORE .' r "oV " ' ' ". by, Or. A. C. DUKES.

Orangeburg news and times.(Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-10-02.historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn86053227/1875-10-02/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Wehut noman ever went bothering around you. SchoolIN~olioe

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ORAKOKtiunU NKWS COMPANY._0K0. BOIiIVKR, KuslrifKS Mwiingor-SATU K1>7\ V, <><3. 1S75.

[From the Darlington Southerner.]Maxims.


God made man in his own image;ho hafl transformed himself into theimage of his Satanic Majesty.

ThoHioro that a woman Concedes toa man tho loss he honors her. Tf youwish his rovcrcncc keep him at a dis¬tance

If you wish a man tq admire youflatter him.There Is not one man in ten thou¬

sand worthy of the love of a pure wo¬man."When a man is not a tyrant it isbecause he is a coward.Men break the commaudmen Is be¬

cause they believe that God intendedthorn for women only.One man has ns much conceit as 01 chundred women.Men aro always jealous of women

who have eclipsed them in literatureand art.

There are one hpmlred thousandbad husbands to cue good.The more you know of a man theless npt you are to admire him.The happiest women in the world

aro those who have kept the (dearestof the men und given then) no oppor¬tunity of robbing them either of thciyaffections or their money.Obey ! hold that man tip somebody

if be is alive, for she writes herself"Mrs." "Man has transformed him¬self into the imago of his SatanicMajesty,'' be must be a good look¬ing old fellow, for soine of we men are

very passable "images." ""When liei'i not a tyrant, Ovc." Ob desertedMoses! help ! help ! help! take heroff! enough, we give up, don't hitagain. Except that "Mrs.," that istoo thin." Only some old "Miss"could get oil* such "Maxims." Butthere, you sl*p now, don't you come

again, we ain't "troubling of you,'you just let us alone. We hut no manever went bothering around you.

School IN~olioe.The undersigned hawing been elected bythe TruHtits, iis Tcsicher of the FreeSchool tarntet! Ka*l of the Hnilrohd andknown ns llio "Grove School/' hereby givenotice that the Kxeroises ofsaid School will

commence on Monday next October. 1th1875.FXFANO Ii NULL,

oct 2 2t" PAIR NOTICIO.Tjie accounts of "."state of Dr. F. S.Fernnor, and T. I>. Iloyd, have been placedin my bunds for collection, and if hcceirhrfor SUIT. Parties interested will snviCosts by calling kooii.

Yy\ II. GIKAItDKAU,Trial Justice

prt; 3. 1S7Ötf

SALE.My 'BeRtdenen on KukncII Street betweenthe l»Ut of the Kstafe of K. J. Olirerns antlH. A. Hull. If, contain.", clüve» Roomswith aight Fire Places ami two Cell.tr», andban been lately painted inside and out.J.ot measure* 2L'j feet front.I will mill either four (4) or eight (8)ncrCH of hind with Hie house.

>* ¦».>* . A LSOFive eligible Lots hjii the new (Cedar)Street.

AT,SOMl If ! .

5,0.06...Four-Seated Huggy, with lop andJuinp-suat, almost as good as hew, u ill heHyjd much below cost, and single Harness.v. - ALSO

One Piano,One Cookiiig Stove, with Furr.hu ro,CjirpijLs,Chaiiv,I'oolc-Case, tve.

For Terms ofSale and particulars, applyto


1.S7Ö if

Book.! Stationery! Music!jA lot of WiNIKHY MIAMI'S «if an im- 1pryyud Patent, being neat, simple in put¬ting in», durable and OfIKAT in price.Lamps, Chimneys and Lamp Fixtures

always on hand.»SOhl. AOS'NT I'OU TUKCelebratdh "iVATT PLOW ami Castiiigsywhich I .sell at Manufacturer'*Pi it i'.-, with Ire ig lit

added, viz:^0/.eiI«r/o4A and l!.$15 00Tw«^!|>rs4 M anilX. 'J 00ea.-.tiiil's.7c per lb.

Instil illicit Hittl Collections prompt¬ly attended to.

biverjiool, 1 ni iiiul * Hobe ln.mrnnec Co.tieornia llouiti ln-.ni.nu-e i o.Maiihattcn I ii. Insurance <'o.

KIIIK ItOltlNSÜN.ocl 2

Market r>i.

MRS. O- S. S^lATJIaBAt her New Stund next to Pr. Duke's,

lias just received a Fashionable Assortmentof Fall and Winter goods consisting ofBONNETS,




All of which 1 will sell Cheap for Cash.Call and examine before purchasingelsewhere.

I». 8..Remember my New Stand, F>ar-ton'fl Brick Building.

oct'2 It



, AND UFA I. kiss IN

Dry Golds, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mat¬tings, Iloots, Shoes, Etc.

COLTJäOSJ A , ©. p.Tlic at'euliwn c»f publishers in every partlif this Slate i.s called to consider, a very im¬portant fact, namelv, that the oldcilabish;td house of lt. C. SHIVER & CO. is notclosed but reorganized upon ihe only basisthat business caii be carried on sucee.-»fully,BTIUCTLY CASH.And we assure our patrons that we shall

continue the santti honorable course of deal¬ing wiih them that was Bitch a di. lingui.-bedfeature with the Iioihc of M. C. till VKI5 ivCO. We have now ill »Iure ihe best selectedstock of

Dry Goods,Boots, Shoos, Hubs, Caps,

Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades,Wall Paper, Etc.,

liver seen in Ibis city, selected by one ofthe firm, who superintends the business, andconsequently knows the wants ofthis com¬munity belter than buyers residing else¬where.The entire stock will be ollered at juices

never before equaled in IIds section. ThePrices will startle and attract you at sight.We invite you to send at once for

Sarb pics oftliese ISTewANI>

1 f A NDSOM 10 GOO1)8And, if shown to your frietids and neigh¬bors, we are sure it will be to your advan¬

tage to send us a largo Order. We payfrvight on all bills amounting to $10 andupwards. All orders must be accompaniedwith CASILj or we send them U. O. D., andguarantee satisfaction.liest Gle. Prülls in the city.Long Cloths SI, 10, 12Je. Norn

ccjiinl to them in the Stale.Well known brands of Alpacas and

Molmir.s, just imported.Hosiery Department.Full of well

nssurlotl Clouds at Popular Pric6.-i.Gqits'Fiunishing Goods complete, :t.<

u department.Our Boot and Shoe Depart incut is so

conti to none on this continentFrom the cheapest Brognn to thefinest Hand Made Goods.

The most complete nwl best managedCarpet Department in titc

Cloths, Cassimcro; ami Joans arcbought hy the case und sold

at a very small

Brown and Bleached Shirtings arcsold at

FACTORY PRICKS.Flnnnols and Blankets at prices that


We &ltall HCvpeel iiu OrderFrom You or a Call Whoa

You Vi*it Our City.oct 2 - 1R7Ö ShiEiST.A HT il'SH JEl > 1785.



One of the Oldest Papers in the Country.One of the Leading Capers in the South.

The Largest Circulation in Eastern Georgia.Thö Oflicial Organ of Several Counties.


Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly.[The .Daily CHRONICLE «nd SENTINKL is tilled with interesting Headingmailer of every description.Telegraphic;Local; Ediloiia); Georgia, and South CaV'b-Una and General News; Iutcrcstihg Corres¬pondence, and Special Telegrams from ahimportant points. Subscription, 10The Tri-Weekly CilRONlCl.K ami Sknt.-NKii is i.'tendc-d for pointsconvenient tonTri-Weekly mail. I» contains nearly every¬thing id inn rest which appears it) the Li lily.SuliscriptiOn, Sö.The Weekly CllKqxiCI.K and SkNTINKI.is a luamiufidi sheet, gotten up especiallyfor our subscribers in the country. It is

one of lb*- largest papers published in theSouth, and give.;, besides Editorials, all thecurrent news of the week, a full and accur¬ate review of the Augunta. Marketslimdl'riees Current. Tue Commercial Keports.arc a Sp. cial feature of the edition. Sub¬scription -2.

Specimen copicsofnnv issue sent fretsWALSH A WltlGM'l', Proprietors,

Augusta, Ga.net 2 :;t

FOR RENT.The New Brick Store on Main Street,

next door to Kohn iv Bro. Apply toJd*. ROSA OL1 V EROS,

.opt IS INTO 1 in

The Death 1WA of AndrewJohnson.

A MAGNIFICENT Engraving, just pub¬lished, on heavy plate paper,14x10 inchesin Hi7.c. It touchingly portmy the last;nioineutB of the great statesman, with fami¬ly, t friends and physician* grouped sorrow¬

fully around him. It in a gem ofart.beautiful in design, and artistic in execution,and should hang in every home and cottagein the land. Agent« wanted everywhere litonce to sell this and other popular picture*.Large Pay. No money required until pie-tures are sold. ' One copy, of the il,no engrav-.ing ''Death-bed ofAndrew Johnson," withterms and instructions to Agent*, will beRent by mail on n roller, Rndpopt'paid on

receipt of 30 ccntH, or two copies for 50 cents,NoterniH sent unless sample cepy ia orderet!.Address the Publishers,


oct 2 '-81

wm föÄLirManufacturer of


Dealer in

Builders' Hardware,Faults, Gils, §c.




OFFICE & WAKER00MSA'os. SO and SO Ilaync

ami :v.\ ami 35 1'isicUncy Sts.I .KTORY and YAKD«,

Ashley River, West End Broad St,C IT AHIiESTON; S.O.sept 23


Cancers, Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Scrofula,Epilepsy, Female Diseases, LiverDiseases, Venereal Diseases,Skin diseases', anil all

kindred atliictiorrB.S lj(JCKSSFÜLLY Til I-JA TUT).

Cancers nutl Tumors will he treated withour Specific», without the use of the knife,without loss of blood, and with but littlepain to the patient.

CONSULTATION FREE.Terms of I real inch t en'sv'. Wo have

opened a Brauel! Ofliceal 'MARION C. ILS. C

Ollio.e under the Star oflicc, Meri^iK^. C'.opposite the Court House. iDlt; J. MILES HUNTER & CO.

sept 20 tf

GKO. S. SIf Iii EH,Cöi nmis i< >it. A Xei.<:. 11alit,

dcai.kk in

C.K< CERIES, FINE WINKS, Ac.Agent for Rai ion's Planter, A vpry's Plow*,and all kintls .if AgriciuVturat

Implements.At New Brick Store next to Duke'* DragStore. sept 25.Gm


Ry Arc. I». Knowiton*, I'stpiire, J. P.Whereas, David W. Crook bath made

suit to me, to urant to him Letters of Ad¬ministration of the Estate ami cllects ofAdam L. Crook, late of saitl county, due'd.Tbcsf are tbereforc to cite and ad¬

monish all hhd singular, the kindred andCreditors of the saitl Adam L. Crook, de-ecaseil, that they be aud appear, before u.e,in the Court of Probate, to be held fitOraiigebiirg C. IL on October 18th, next,after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in theforenoon, *o shew cause, if any they have,why the said Administration should not begranted.Given under my hand, this 5>3d day ofSeptember, Anno Domini 1875.ÄUG; B. KNOWLTON,'fL.ST Judge of Probate, O. C.stpt2.') 187Ö2t


üy AUÖ. 15. KNOWLTON, Esq.,Probate Judge.

Wiikiikas, CHARLES II. "WILLIAM-SON has made suit to me, to grant to himLetters of Administration of the Estate andeliccts of Martin (). Iloznrd, late ofsaid;Conn iv ilecea ed.THESE A RE TU EUEFORE to cite andadmonish all and singular the kindred andCrcdito'ra of the said Martin O. Iloznrd

deceased, lllnt they be and appear, beforeme, in the Court of Probate, to be belli atOraiugchuig C. II .on October 18th next,afterpublication hereof, at 11 o'clock In the fore¬noon, to show cause, if any they have, whythe said Administration should not begranted.tSiven under my Hand, this 23fd day ofSeptember Anno Domini

A I/O: It; KNOWLTON,[L.S] Judge of Probate, O. C.sein \'.ö 1S7Ö2t


Itv Am. U. Knowi.tos, Esqumk, J. P.Whereas, Mary Jane Mount, hath made

suit to me, to grant to her Letters of Ad¬ministration of the Estate and eflcclu f tJohn D. .Mount, late til"saitl County de¬ceased.These are therefore tot "lie anil admonish

all and singular tho kindred and Creditorsof the said John D. Mount deceased, thatthey he and appear, before nie, in the Churlof Probate, to be behl at Oraugchucg, C. II.,on October 18th next, alter publication here¬of, at II o'clock in (be forenoon, to showcause, if any they have, why the saidAdministration should not lie granted,(liven under my Hand, this 2!lrd day ofSeptember. Anno Domini I.S7Ö.

A 13(1. It. KNOWLTON,I L.S I Judge of Probate, O. 0.-» pt 2ö l.S7"> 2t


1 S. f






Nott oller to the citiieus of thia nnd surrouading oouutie* an immensestock of

Dry Goods,Clothing,Boots and 8hoci, 1

Hats and Caps,Fancy Goods,Notions,Gentn Furnishing Goodi,Caisirnors, Jeaas,Ac., Ac.

At Sew York Retail Prices.80" Our Stock is already very complete, but we are receiving goods by

Tory SteamerAll wo a>k is that you stop with us loot; enough to examine our

.Stock and prices, we will then convince you, that it is useless to go furtherlor Cheapness or Better Qoods.

All close Buyers who are judges of goods are invited to call andexamine our Stock before purchasing.

We Cannot be UNDERSOLD.





of Til

OraBgefour/g A&riANfljT

Mechanical AssociationWill be held at the^pwn pIm-MB


FAIR 01*0.1ofthb

BECINnI.NüI1TucHdaj, October te<UbVl&#£f£

AND CLb&IBtfMMOFriday, October. S9tb*?l$7&^rTHE* i

PREMIUM £?£s&i*HAß BEEN I ;,T 1o .! jf



till TUE3DÄY EVENI^ahfllbWallowed to Compete. " **T

-««,- : nig »staSeparate Table, and Sepairtt&

Prizes for Articles CoutribulellM^(Children under twelve years,of ago.fc-.».li"'. p..*

A GRAND . .-».!!.. >


ON WEDNESDAY, the ißth.^A GAME OF "n u *.*

base BAmr.on , ».-o-:*T

THURSDAY, the 28th, . *>«For the Championship of the\Cquffiy,and other amusements will (take^place every day of the Fair.


ON THURSDAY/ the 28th.BY

By COL. D. WYATT AHftftC3!astor State Grange;

Every Acronnnntlation Possible, will beProvided fer both hnuibitors r

aud Visitor-. T.. cm

Arrangements have beenmade with ti 0Smith Carolina Railroad tor tin* traiwporta?tion of all Freight* for die Fair at (JKrJRATH U0T11 WAYS, and EXCURSION*'"TICK KTii will be sold to visitors'durhig'flföa

werk. Mn,i*n%For further particulars .-ee rVl'm I i\m* fitAJ

or address any member of the Board ofDirectors, at Oraiigehurg, 8. C, or'tho'Secretary ami Treasurer.


. SAMUEL DIM*LE; Fxi/'"*'*LAURENCE R.iBECKWITH, Es«».CAP?. F. il. W. BRIG3MANN.CXl'T. MORGAN J. KELLER.ORAN Ii. It 1 LEY, Esq. , ,.... {HARPIN R1GUS, Esq. .,,,.USecretary and Trkahurer,V:~ KIRK ROBINSON, Eko.. ' ."

Bids for the Refreshment Stund or Tableswill be received until Tuesday the Sthjday^of Oct- ber, the same will bs basdediac ,Secretary and Treasurer.eept 18 1875 '.U'»'. id

-1-1. ., ,).iii-t:The State of South Carolina;-


In Common Plexb.E. Rosa C. Oüvcros, widew and") It-

Executor of the will ofEsidro J. Oliveros, deceased,T Plaintifls, against

Clifford Oliveros. Ella Rosa OH-ros, Nina Ferdinand Oliverosand Bariolo Olivero» und Thom-

aa W. Glover, Defendants.Purnuant to the order of the s«d Court,

the creditor of iho said Esidro J. Olivoroaarc hereby nouficd to present and provetheir several and respective demand before TCharles B. Glover, Esquire, Referee, atOrangehurg, South Carolina, on or beforethe first day ofSeptember, A. D.' 1875, and '

that thoy arc enjoined from proceeding inseparate suits against the plaintiff, and arerequired to present and prove their respec¬tive claims before said Referee in. thi»action, or be debarred payment.



For you to buy your

Drugs, Medicines,Toilet Articles,Taints, Oils,)Brushes, &c.

Also a Fine Assortment of

Cutlery, Scgara,Tobacco and Pipes.

All of which will he sold CHEAP forcash at the


' ' ".

by,Or. A. C. DUKES.