Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

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Page 1: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Orange County Sanitation District



JUNE 22, 2005




Page 2: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Minutes for Board Meeting Page 2 06/22/05


A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Orange County Sanitation District was held on June 22, 2005 at 7:00 p.m., in the District's Administrative Offices. Following the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation the roll was called and the Secretary reported a quorum present as follows:


X Steve Anderson, Chair Steve Simonian

X James M. Ferryman, Vice Chair Arlene Schafer

X Don Bankhead Leland Wilson

A Carolyn Cavecche Stewe Ambriz

X Alberta Christy Mike Garcia

X Larry Crandall John Collins

X Bill Dalton Bruce Broadwater

X Doug Davert Tony Kawashima

Harry Dotson X David Shawver

A Michael Duvall Keri Lynn Wilson X Norman Eckenrode Constance Underhill

A Richard Freschi Patricia Bortle

X Jill Hardy Debbie Cook

X Sukhee Kang Steven Choi

X Phil Luebben Lydia Sandhi

X Patsy Marshall Jim Dow X Darryl Miller Douglas Reinhart

X Roy Moore John Beauman X Joy Neugebauer Vivian Kirkpatrick-Pilger X Ken Parker Catherine Driscoll X Tod Ridgeway Don Webb X Harry Sidhu Bob Hernandez

A Jim Silva Lou Correa

X Mark Waldman Ralph Rodriguez

Paul Yost X Charles Antos

STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Blake P. Anderson, General Manager; Penny Kyle, Board Secretary; Carol Beekman; Bob Ghirelli; Jim Herberg; Dave Ludwin; Patrick Miles; Bob Ooten; Gary Streed; Lisa Tomko; Nick Arhontes; Jim Burrer; Ingrid Hellebrand; Dionne Kardos; Lilia Kovac; Rose Marsella; Jeff Reed; Mike White

OTHERS PRESENT: Brad Hagin, General Counsel; Jim Marx, Earth Tech; Catherine Biele; Don Hughes

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There were no public comments.


Chair Anderson presented Bob Ooten, Director of Operations & Maintenance, and Gary Streed, Director of Finance, with Resolutions of Commendation for their contribution and dedication to public service upon their retirement from the District after 24 years and 38 years, respectively. They were also presented commendations from Senator John Campbell, Assemblyman Tom Harman, Mimi Walters and the County of Orange.

The meeting schedule for the working committees was then reviewed for the month of July. It was noted that the OMTS and FAHR committees would not be meeting in August. Directors were also reminded that the next board meeting would be held on July 20, 2005, because of a conflict with the League of Cities conference. He also noted that the Urban Runoff Ad Hoc Committee will be setting a date dependent upon the outreach the County is now conducting for the cities and special districts.

Chair Anderson thanked staff and the Board of Directors for their support for the last year. Assuming he was elected to serve a second one-year term that evening, he stated he would be re-balancing committee appointments and would also like to take Directors' preferences into consideration.


Employees Catherine Biele and Rose Marsella were each recognized for 25 years of service to the Sanitation District.


Brad Hogin, General Counsel, reported that AB 528, which would have extended private enforcement of most of the major environmental laws in California, did not have enough votes to move the bill off the assembly floor. Two bills that were part of the governor's reform package relating to public agency retirement packages also died in committee. These bills would have established certain defined contribution plans and place a constitutional amendment on the ballot that would prohibit new employees after a certain date from enrolling into a defined benefit plan.


This being the annual meeting fixed by the Board at which elections are held for the office of Chair of the Orange County Sanitation District, the Secretary declared the nominations open. Director Steve Anderson was nominated as candidate for the office of Chair of the Orange County Sanitation District at the May Board meeting. There being no other nominations, a motion was made, seconded and duly adopted to close nominations.

There being no other nominations, the vote was polled and the Secretary cast the unanimous ballot for Director Steve Anderson as the Chair of the Orange County Sanitation District.

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Minutes for Board Meeting Page4 06/22/05


It was announced that the election of the Vice Chair of the Orange County Sanitation District was in order. Nominations were then called for the post, whereupon Director Jim Ferryman was nominated. There being no other nominations, a motion was made, seconded and duly adopted to close nominations. A motion was then duly made, seconded and adopted to cast the unanimous ballot for Director Jim Ferryman as the Vice Chair of the Orange County Sanitation District.


The Chair ordered that the minutes of the regular meeting held May 25, 2005 be deemed approved.

Directors Antos and Shawver abstained.


MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Ratify payment of claims set forth on exhibits "A" and "8", attached hereto and made a part of these minutes.

ALL DISTRICTS 05/15/05 05/31 /05

Totals $12,425,750.02 $11,628,307.38

Director Luebben abstained from discussion and voting on Warrant Nos. 71430, 72030, and 72002. Director Crandall abstained from discussion and voting on Warrant No. 71784.

10. a.


MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Adopt Resolution No. OCSD 05-16, Establishing the Annual Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2005-06, for the District in accordance with the Provisions of Division 9 of Title 1 of the California Government Code.

b. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: (1) Receive and file petition from John Crawford requesting annexation of 0.349 acres to Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) in the vicinity of Randall Street and Frank Street, in an unincorporated area of Orange County; and,

(2) Adopt Resolution No. OCSD 05-17, authorizing initiation of proceedings to annex said territory to OCSD (Proposed Annexation No. OCSD-52 - Crawford Annexation).

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c. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: (1) Receive and file petition from Eddie Jamal requesting annexation of 0.562 acres to Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) in the vicinity of Mohler Drive and Timken Street, in the City of Anaheim, Orange County; and,

(2) Adopt Resolution No. OCSD 05-18, authorizing initiation of proceedings to annex said territory to OCSD (Proposed Annexation No. OCSD-53 -Jamal Annexation).

d. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Approve Amendment No. 3 to the Blanket Purchase Order No. 101948 with National Plant Services, Inc. for removal of solids from treatment plants for the amount of $16,475 increasing the total amount not to exceed $110,000.


11. Consideration of items deleted from Consent Calendar:


12. STEERING COMMITTEE: A verbal report was presented by Director Anderson, Chair of the Steering Committee, re the June 22, 2005 meeting.

Chair Anderson advised the General Manager provided reports on biosolids legislation, SB 926 and SB 120 (Florez); recruitment for the Director of Finance; status of hiring a new public outreach consultant for the GWRS; Orange County employees retirement system fund; Measure M extension and the possibility of funding clean water projects as a feature of the extension; and requested direction from the Steering Committee on how to approach future committee and board briefings on the capital improvement projects.

Consent Calendar

a. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Order the Steering Committee Minutes for the meeting held on May 25, 2005 to be filed.

Non-Consent Calendar

No items considered.


OMTS Consent Calendar

a. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Order draft Operations, Maintenance and Technical Services Committee Minutes for the meeting held on June 1, 2005, to be filed.

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b. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Approve Amendment No.3 to the agreement with U. S. Metro Group, Inc., for Janitorial Services, Specification No. S-2001-58, authorizing an additional amount of $22,500 per year for additional services for the contract period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, increasing the total annual amount to $389,878 and a contingency amount of $15,000 for future scope expansions increasing the annual amount not to exceed $404,878.

Non-Consent Calendar

No items considered.


PDC Consent Calendar

a. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Order draft Planning, Design and Construction Committee Minutes for the meeting held on June 2, 2005 to be filed.

b. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Ratify Change Order No. 6 to Effluent Pump Station Annex, Job No. J-77, with J.F. Shea Construction, Inc., authorizing an addition of $102,475, increasing the total contract amount to $43,954,358.

c. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Ratify Change Order No. 15 to Bushard Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation, Job No. 1-2-4, with Steve P. Rados, Inc., authorizing an addition of $28,253, increasing the total contract amount to $32,264,139.

d. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Ratify Change Order No. 12 for Area Classification Study Implementation Plan, Plant Nos. 1 and 2, Job No. J-35-2, with J.F. Shea Construction, Inc., authorizing an addition of $175,562, increasing the total contract amount to $16,970,683.

e. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: (1) Authorize the General Manager to enter into agreements for Value Engineering Services, Specification No. SS-2005-225BD, with the following Value Engineering firms: Lewis & Zimmerman Associates, Inc.; Value Management Strategies, Inc.; RER Solutions, Inc.; Value Analysis, Inc.; Creative Solutions International; and Advanced Value Group LLC, for a one-year period from July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006 for an aggregate amount not to exceed $200,000 per year;

(2) Authorize the option of two additional one- year renewals for an aggregate amount not to exceed $200,000 per year; and,

(3) Authorize the General Manager to add or delete Value Engineering firms as necessary to meet District's work requirements.

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f. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Approve Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreements with Berryman & Henigar; Brinderson; CGvL Engineers; Dudek & Associates, Inc.; Jacobson Helgoth Consultants, Inc.; Lee & Ro, Inc.; RMS Engineering & Design, Inc.; South Coast Systems, Inc.; SPEC Services, Inc.; and Washington Group International for services related to Facilities Engineering projects, for amounts not to exceed $200,000 for each agreement ($2,000,000 total).

g. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Approve Professional Services Agreement with Earth Tech providing for engineering services for the Gas Compressor Building Upgrades at Plant No.2, Job No. P2-79, for an amount not to exceed $835,444.

h. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Approve Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., revising Contract Article 2, for Replacement of the Ellis Avenue Pump Station, Job No. 1-10, at no additional cost.

i. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Approve Amendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with HDR Engineering for design of Activated Sludge Plant Rehabilitation, Job No. P1-82, providing for additional engineering services for an additional amount of $2,451,478, increasing the total amount not to exceed $5,879,342.

j. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Approve Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with Camp, Dresser, & McKee for Rehabilitation of Odor Control Facilities, Job No. J-71-8, providing for additional engineering services, for an additional amount of $370,651, increasing the total amount not to exceed $4,591,532.

k. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Approve Amendment No. 7 to the Professional Services Agreement with SPEC Services, Inc. for Standby Power and Reliability Improvements to Treatment Plant Nos. 1 and 2, Job No. J-33-1, providing for additional engineering services for an additional amount of $110,878, increasing the total amount not to exceed $3,225,432.

I. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: (1) Approve a budget increase of $130,409, increasing the budget from $6,677,533 to $6,807,942; and,

(2) Approve Amendment No. 5 to the Professional Services Agreement with Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., providing for additional engineering services for Air Quality Improvements, Job No. J-79, for an additional amount of $130,409, increasing the total amount not to exceed $3,198,010.

PDC Non-Consent Calendar

No items considered.

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FAHR Consent Calendar

a. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Order draft Finance, Administration and Human Resources Committee Minutes for the meeting held on June 8, 2005 to be filed.

b. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Receive and file Treasurer's Report for the month of May 2005.

c. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Approve proposed Operating, Capital, Debt/COP Service and Self-Insurance Budgets for 2005/06, as follows:

Net Operations, Maintenance & Working Capital Worker's Compensation Self Insurance General Liability and Property Self-Insurance Net Capital Improvement Program Debt/COP Service

$117,791,000 $591,000

$1,702,000 $277,111,000


d. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Renew the District's Excess Workers' Compensation Insurance for the period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, at a rate not to exceed $0.00370 of the actual payroll during this time period.

e. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Renew the District's Excess General Liability Insurance Program for the period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, in an amount not to exceed $408,329.62.

f. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Renew the District's Boiler & Machinery Insurance Program for the period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, in an amount not to exceed $23,753.

g. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Renew the District's All-Risk Property and Flood Insurance Program for the period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, in an amount not to exceed $586,527.

h. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: (1) Adopt Resolution No. OCSD 05-19, authorizing the General Manager to adopt a Replacement Benefits Plan in compliance with County Employees Retirement Law of 1937;

(2) Authorize the General Manager to delegate the administration of the Replacement Benefits Plan as he determines to be appropriate; and,

(3) Authorize the General Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Orange County Employees Retirement System for said Replacement Benefits Plan.

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FAHR Non-Consent Calendar

No items considered.


GWRSSC Consent Calendar

a. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Order Joint Groundwater Replenishment System Steering Committee Minutes for the meeting held on May 9, 2005 to be filed.

b. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: Approve Amendment No. 12 to the Professional Services Agreement with Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc., providing for the annual cost-of-living adjustment for 2005 and two additional out of scope work items for the Groundwater Replenishment System, Job No. J-36, for an additional amount of $185,864, increasing the total amount not to exceed $34,115,783 to be equally shared with the Orange County Water District.

GWRSSC Non-Consent Calendar

No items considered.


17. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: (1) Approve Plans and Specifications, and Addenda Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for Activated Sludge Plant Rehabilitation, Job No. P1-82, on file at the office of the Board Secretary;

(2) Receive and file Bid Tabulation and recommendation; and,

(3) Award construction contract to J.R. Filanc Construction for Activated Sludge Plant Rehabilitation, Job No. P1-82, for an amount not to exceed $32,193,000.

18. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: (1) Approve Plans and Specifications for Plant No. 2 Headworks Construction Trailers, Job No. P2-66-2, on file at the office of the Board Secretary;

(2) Receive and file Bid Tabulation; and,

(3) Award construction contract to Dalke and Sons Construction, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $818,500.

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19. MOVED, SECONDED AND DULY CARRIED: (1) Approve Plans and Specifications and Addenda Nos. 1 and 2 for Sunflower Interceptor Manhole Rehabilitation, Contract No.7-21, on file at the office of the Board Secretary;

(2) Receive and file Bid Tabulation and recommendation; and,

(3) Award a construction contract to Sancon Engineering, Inc. for Sunflower Interceptor Manhole Rehabilitation, Contract No. 7-21, for an amount not to exceed $1,519,200.

20. The Chair declared a recess of the Board of Directors, Orange County Sanitation District, at 8:01 p.m.



A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Orange County Sanitation District Financing Corporation (OCSDFC) was called to order on June 22, 2005, at 8:01 p.m., in the District's Administrative Offices. The roll was called and the Secretary reported a quorum present as follows:


X Steve Anderson, Chair Steve Simonian

X James M. Ferryman, Vice Chair Arlene Schafer

X Don Bankhead Leland Wilson

A Carolyn Cavecche Steve Ambriz

X Alberta Christy Mike Garcia

X Larry Crandall John Collins

X Bill Dalton Bruce Broadwater

X Doug Davert Tony Kawashima

Harry Dotson X David Shawver

A Michael Duvall Keri Lynn Wilson

X Norman Eckenrode Constance Underhill

A Richard Freschi Patricia Bortle

X Jill Hardy Debbie Cook

X Sukhee Kang Steven Choi

X Phil Luebben Lydia Sandhi

X Patsy Marshall Jim Dow

X Darryl Miller Douglas Reinhart

X Roy Moore John Beauman

X Joy Neugebauer Vivian Kirkpatrick-Pilger

X Ken Parker Catherine Driscoll

X Tod Ridgeway Don Webb

X Harry Sidhu Bob Hernandez

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A Jim Silva

X Mark Waldman

Paul Yost

Chuck Smith Ralph.Rodriguez

X Charles Antos

STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Blake P. Anderson, General Manager; Penny Kyle, Board Secretary; Carol Beekman; Bob Ghirelli; Jim Herberg; Dave Ludwin; Patrick Miles; Bob Ooten; Gary Streed; Lisa Tomko; Nick Arhontes; Jim Burrer; Ingrid Hellebrand; Dionne Kardos; Lilia Kovac; Rose Marsella; Jeff Reed; Mike White

OTHERS PRESENT: Brad Hagin, General Counsel; Jim Marx, Earth Tech; Catherine Biele; Don Hughes


The Chair ordered that the minutes of the regular meeting held July 21, 2004, be deemed approved, as written.

Directors Antos, Hardy, Luebben, Shawver, Sidhu and Waldman abstained.


Gary Streed reported that the Financing Corporation Board is required to meet annually. The corporation is needed to allow staff to issue certificates of participation. Payments have been made the past year in the approximate amounts of $12 million in principal and $24 million in interest.

He noted there would be a meeting in August or September to authorize a new debt issuance for 2005/06 of approximately $200 million.

ADJOURNMENT: The Chair declared the meeting of the Orange County Sanitation District Financing Corporation adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

* * * * * *

RECONVENE: The Chair of the Board of Directors of Orange County Sanitation District reconvened the meeting at 8:05p.m.

24. CONVENE IN CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 54956.9(b): The Board convened in closed session at 8:05p.m. pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b). Confidential minutes of the Closed Session held by the Board of Directors have been prepared in accordance with California Government Code Section 54957.2 and are maintained by the Board Secretary in the Official Book of Confidential Minutes of Board and Committee Closed Meetings. A report of action taken will be publicly reported at the time the approved action becomes final re Agenda Item No. 24(a) (1 ). Agenda Item No. 24(a) (2) was not discussed.

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RECONVENE IN REGULAR SESSION The Board reconvened in regular session at

8:29 p.m.

25. Director Crandall requested a meeting with staff and the Chair to discuss an issue that

has arisen regarding the Request for Proposals process for acquiring a new publicinformation consultant. At a recent Groundwater Replenishment System SteeringCommittee — PIE (Public Information & Education) sub-Committee, the Orange CountyWater District board expressed interest to be more involved with the selection processwhich was in violation of the Sanitation District’s policy.

26. Report on Legal Services

Vice Chair Ferryman reported the Ad Hoc Committee would be sending out requests for

qualifications for legal services. It was noted that bids have not been requested for more than

25 years. Director Ferryman also stated Directors were very satisfied with the services

provided by the current legal counsel, Woodruff, Spradlin & Smart. The Ad Hoc Committee

would review and evaluate the RFQ’s that would be submitted by August 1, and then requestREP’s for consideration.

ADJOURNMENT The Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.


Penny M. Kyle /Secretary to the Board of Directors of

Orange County Sanitation District

H:\dept\agenda\Board Minutes\2005 Board Minutes\062205 minutes.doc



Page 13: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Claims Paid From 05/01/05 to 05/15/05

Warrant No. Vendor

Accounts Payable - Warrants 71151 -71410 Voided Checks

71411 Ararat Construction Co., Inc. 71412 Aurora Industrial Machining 71413 Black & Veatch Corporation 71414 Boyle Engineering Corporation 71415 Brown & Caldwell 71416 Dudek & Associates, Inc. 71417 Fluor Enterprises, Inc. 71418 GHD, L.L.C. 71419 Jamison Engineering Contractors, Inc. 71420 Kemiron Companies, Inc. 71421 Lee & Ro, Inc. 71422 MWH Americas, Inc. 71423 Pacific Investment Management Co. 71424 Pioneer Americas, Inc. 71425 Polydyne, Inc. 71426 Praxis Corporation 71427 Propipe 71428 RBF Consulting 71429 RMS Engineering & Design, Inc. 71430 Southern California Edison 71431 Tule Ranch/Magan Farms 71432 U.S. Metro Group, Inc. 71433 U.S. Peroxide, L.L.C. 71434 Waste Markets Corp. 71435 Adams/Mallory Construction Co., Inc. 71436 ARB, Inc. 71437 J F Shea Construction, Inc. 71438 J R Filanc Construction 71439 Margate Construction, Inc. 71440 Morrow-Meadows Corp. 71441 Southern Contracting Company 71442 Torrey Pines Bank 71443 Union Bank of California 71444 Abatix Environmental Corp. 71445 Ablaze Group, Inc. 71446 Able Scale Repair 71447 Abrasive Engineering Tool & Equipment 71448 Absolute Standards, Inc. 71449 AccuStandard, Inc. 71450 Advance Business Graphics 71451 Agilent Technologies, Inc. 71452 Airco Filter Service 71453 Airgas Safety, Inc.

H:\dept\fin\EXCEL.dta\220\APSHARE\Ciaims Paid Report\05-06\Ciaims Paid Report -05-15-05 fin/?1n/lr


30,000.00 51,530.00 28,911.07 37,561.15 99,204.02 62,329.76

110,996.84 25,000.00

235,377.64 168,165.81

56,777.92 155,566.06 153,904.00 133,544.99

57,229.09 33,540.00 37,239.64 51,704.29 44,390.00 56,969.19

253,783.33 27,310.00

177,206.68 51,696.49 30,570.00

983,293.03 3,390,638.42

856,991.70 421,847.00

39,976.00 74,826.00 95,221.30 55,997.32

1 '110.24 1,248.75 2,740.19

85.60 290.00 126.50 266.79

1,283.09 602.53



Checks Voided Due to Printing Problem Industrial Cleaning Services - Tunnels at Pits. 1 & 2 Gas Compressor Coolers - (2) Intercoolers & (2) Aftercoolers Engineering Services J-77 & P2-85 Professional Services 1-2-4 Professional Services P2-91 Professional Services 2-68 Engineering Services SP-81 Professional Services -Asset Management Program Construction 2-41-04, Rehab of Bar Screen Conveyor & Removal of Bulkhead at Pit. 2 Ferric Chloride MO 9-27-95 Professional Services 5-49, 5-50, 5-51, 5-52, P2-47-3 & FE05-20 Professional Services P2-74 & 15-01 Investment Management Service Res. 95-97 Sodium Hypochlorite Cationic Polymer MO 3-11-92 Electrical Safety Awareness Training & Development and Procedures CCTV Sewerline Inspection Engineering Services 5-51, 5-52 & 2-24-1 Engineering Services FE04-35 Power Residuals Removal MO 3-29-95 Janitorial & Floor Maintenance at Plants 1 & 2 Odor & Corrosion Control Treatment for Coli. Sys.; Hydrogen Peroxide Maint. Agreement - Grit & Screenings Removal & Digester Bed Mat' I. Removal Construction P2-79-1 Construction 7-39, 7-41 & 11-22 Construction J-77 & J-35-1 Construction P1-76 Construction P1-37 Construction FE02-54 Construction J-33-1 Construction P1-76, Retention Construction 7-41 , Retention Hardware Software Consulting Services - Seagate & Crystal Enterprise Installations Load Cells for Loading Scales Mechanical Parts & Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Printing Services - Business Cards Lab Parts & Supplies Air Filters Safety Supplies

EXHIBIT A Paae 1 of 10 1=:11 ~nnnz:;,

Page 14: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Claims Paid From 05/01/05 to 05/15/05

Warrant No.

71454 71455 71456 71457 71458 71459 71460 71461 71462 71463 71464 71465 71466 71467 71468 71469 71470 71471 71472 71473 71474 71475 71476 71477 71478 71479 71480 71481 71482 71483 71484 71485 71486 71487 71488 71489 71490 71491 71492 71493 71494 71495 71496 71497 71498


American Fidelity Assurance Company American Public Works Association Archie Ivy, Inc. Arizona Instrument Awards & Trophies Company AKM Consulting Engineers American Hotel Register Company AVO Training Institute AWSI Baker Tanks Bar Tech Telecom, Inc. Basic Chemical Solutions, L.L.C. Basler Electric Company, Department 590 Battery Specialties Carl E. Beach Bee Man Pest Control, Inc. BioMerieux Vitek, Inc. Bongarde Communications, Ltd. BMC: Business Machines Consultants, Inc. Cal-Glass, Inc. California Hazardous Services, Inc. California Integration Coordinators, Inc. California Relocation Services, Inc. California Specialized Training lnst. Caltrol, Inc. Martin Boyer Co., Inc. c/o Cambridge Cameron Welding Supply Cardiac Science, Inc. Ceii2Cell Clean Energy Coast Rubber Stamp, Mfg. Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Communications Performance Group, Inc. Compressor Components Of California Condition Monitoring Solutions Consolidated Elect. Distributors, Inc. Consumers Pipe & Supply Co. Conveyor Components Co. Cooper Cameron Corporation Corporate Express County Wholesale Electric Co. Crane Veyor Corp. Cummins Allison Corp. Cytec Industries Campbell Window Tinting

H:\deptlfin\EXCEL.dta\220\APSHARE\Ciaims Paid Report\05-06\Ciaims Paid Report -05-15-05 fin/?1n/l,...


254.90 595.00

7,809.00 1,678.00

155.70 14,850.00

583.65 2,692.00

166.00 560.00

2,113.13 14,063.64 12,891.79

185.33 170.00 150.00 104.04 94.25 42.51

145.90 2,250.00

259.58 131.25 65.00

4,187.26 6,625.00

324.14 1,374.77

64.63 4,985.76

213.24 300.00

4,370.00 936.00

2,550.00 200.42 706.41 481.64

1,880.96 2,925.17

137.69 2,464.00

365.41 22,120.00



Employee Cancer Insurance Registration Training Installation of Speed Bumps at Pit. 2 Instrument Repairs & Calibration Service Awards & Trophies Professional Services- Part-Time Dig Alert Technician Shower Curtains & Hardware Training Registration Department of Transportation Program Management & Testing Tank Rentals Telephone Equipment Sodium Bisulfite & Sodium Hydroxide Elevator Repairs & Maintenance Services Batteries Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Pest Control Lab Parts & Supplies Subscription Multifunctional Copier/Scanner Maintenance Agreement Lab Equipment Service UST Monitoring, Inspection & Certification Lab Parts & Supplies Office Files Moving/Relocation Services Training Registration Natural Gas Valves & Regulator Prof. Services - Workers' Compensation Claims Welding Supplies Safety Supplies Phones & Accessories CNG Station Upgrade Office Supplies Analysis of Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater & Biosolids Professional Services - SARI Line ERP Mechanical Repairs & Maint. Serv.- (24) Ignition Coils Training Registration Electrical Parts & Supplies Plumbing Parts & Supplies Electrical Parts & Supplies Engine Supplies Office Supplies Electrical Parts & Supplies Annual Crane Inspection, Repairs & Certification Accounting Equipment Maint. Agreement Anionic Polymer Spec. No. 9798-18 Window Tinting Services - Purchasing Building

Paae 2 of 10 EXHIBIT A


Page 15: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Warrant No. Vendor

71499 CMAA 71500 CWEA Membership 71501 Dapper Tire Co. 71502 Del Mar Analytical 71503 Dell Computer 71504 Dharma Consulting 71505 Dezurik Water Controls 71506 DHL Express (USA), Inc. 71507 Ecology Control Industries 71508 Edward S. Babcock & Sons, Inc. 71509 Electrical Reliability Services, Inc. 71510 Employers Group 71511 Enchanter, Inc. 71512 Environmental Microbiology Consulting 71513 Environmental Resource Association 71514 ENS Resources, Inc. 71515 FedEx Corporation 71516 Filterline Corporation 71517 First American Real Estate Solutions 71518 Fisher Scientific Company, L.L.C. 71519 Foodcraft Coffee & Refreshment Services 71520 Fountain Valley Rancho Hand Wash 71521 Franklin Covey 71522 Ganahl Lumber Company 71523 Garland Manufacturing Co. 71524 Gates Fiberglass Installers 71525 Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. 71526 George Yardley Co. 71527 Gerhardt's, Inc. 71528 Getinge Castle 71529 Global Environmental Network, Inc. 71530 Goldenwest Window Service 71531 Grainger, Inc. 71532 Great Western Sanitary Supplies 71533 Hach c/o Ponton Industries 71534 Halsted & Hoggan, Inc. 71535 Hardy Diagnostics 71536 Harold Primrose Ice 71537 Hilti,lnc. 71538 Home Depot 71539 Hopkins Technical Products 71540 Hub Auto Supply 71541 City of Huntington Beach 71542 HI Standard Automotive 71543 Industrial Distribution Group

Claims Paid From 05/01/05 to 05/15/05


255.00 194.00 216.12

2,764.00 969.64

15,000.00 1,249.13

24.89 2,807.07

640.00 4,812.00 1,620.00 4,000.00 3,780.00

937.37 10,000.00

134.10 76.85

495.25 1,769.73

865.80 701.70 130.03 566.66 572.75

4,600.00 9,470.00 1,603.32 1,319.56

908.50 2,525.00 3,787.00

938.27 111.20 563.91 177.08 408.76

55.00 900.78 198.81

7,750.19 48.01

13,230.45 223.59



Training Registration (Construction Management Association of America) Membership (Calif. Water Environment Assoc.) Truck Tires Analysis of Biosolids and Wastewater (10) Toner Cartridges Prof. Services - Strategic Planning & EMT Development Valves Freight Services Hazardous Waste Disposal Lab Analyses Professional Services- Electrical Acceptance Testing for Capital Projects On-Site Training -Team Building Div. 850 Ocean Monitoring & Outfall Inspection & Maintenance Professional Services J-1 02 Lab Parts & Supplies Professional Services - Legislative Advocate Freight Services Filters On-Line Orange County Property Information Lab Parts & Supplies Meeting Supplies Truck Wash Tickets or Gasoline Office Supplies Lumber/Hardware Mechanical Parts & Supplies Installation of (3) 48" Zero Leakage Dampers Soils, Concrete & Other Materials Testing Mechanical Parts & Supplies Mechanical Parts & Supplies Lab Instrument Service/Maintenance Training Registration Miscellaneous Repairs/Cleaning & Maintenance Services Electrical, Mechanical Parts, Supplies & Safety Signs Janitorial Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Pump Lab Parts & Supplies Ice For Samples Mechanical Parts & Supplies Misc. Repair & Maintenance Material Pump Supplies Vehicle Parts & Supplies Water Use Automotive Parts & Supplies Mechanical, Paint & Locks Supplies

H:\dept\fin\EXCEL.dta\220\APSHARE\Ciaims Paid Report\05·06\Ciaims Paid Report -05-15-05 fin/?1ntl ..... Paae 3 of 10

EXHIBIT A <=:/1~/?nn.;

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Claims Paid From 05/01/05 to 05/15/05

Warrant No.

71544 71545 71546 71547 71548 71549 71550 71551 71552 71553 71554 71555 71556 71557 71558 71559 71560 71561 71562 71563 71564 71565 71566 71567 71568 71569 71570 71571 71572 71573 71574 71575 71576 71577 71578 71579 71580 71581 71582 71583 71584 71585 71586 71587 71588


lnnerline Engineering Inorganic Ventures, Inc. lntratek Computer, Inc. lnvensys Systems, Inc. Iron Mountain Irvine Ranch Water District J & L Industrial Supply J.G. Tucker and Son, Inc. Jay's Catering Johnstone Supply JB Sea Charters K.P. Lindstrom, Inc. Kelly Paper Kleinfelder, Inc. Pamela A. Koester Lexis Nexis Matthew Bender Lucci's Gourmet Foods, Inc. LINJER Maintenance Technology Corp. Marinus Scientific Maximus, Inc. Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw, L.L.P. McJunkin Corporation McMaster-Carr Supply Co. Megger Mid-West Associates Midway Mfg & Machining Co. Milltronics, Inc. Motion Industries, Inc. CA 55 National Plant Services, Inc. Neal Supply Co. New Horizons CLC of Santa Ana City of Newport Beach Nextel Communications The Norco Companies Numatic Engineering NRG Thermal Services, L.L.C. Office Depot Business Services Div. OhmarUVEGA Corp. Omni Western Incorporated OneSource Distributors, Inc. Oracle Corp. The Orange County Register Orange County Vector Control District Orange Courier

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22,854.15 154.29

6,469.37 2,792.50

91.13 31.36

422.72 2,948.78 1,192.79

565.82 490.00 930.00 188.65

13,957.53 177.00 57.59

560.69 10,727.45

808.18 91.41

5,000.00 5,082.45 4,412.02 2,487.62 1,335.00 2,631.02 4,925.00

957.60 672.43

4,080.00 1,957.78 1,050.00

239.29 1,123.11

122.24 192.13

2,002.29 1,996.72 4,291.24

46.52 3,668.32

10,055.70 104.99 131.09 100.20


CCTV Videoing of Trunkline Sewers Lab Parts & Supplies Network & Server Maintenance Instrument Supplies Bid Document Storage Fees P1-37 Water Use Tools Specialty Gases Meeting Expenses Electrical Parts & Supplies Repairs to Trawl Nets Environmental Consulting Services MO 12-9-90 Paper Soils, Concrete & Other Materials Testing - J-84 Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Books & Publications Meeting Expense Professional Service - DART MO 9-22-99 Mechanical Parts & Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Professional Services - Cost Allocation Plan Professional Services - Strategic Planning & Advocacy Mechanical & Electrical Parts & Supplies Mechanical Parts & Supplies Instrument Repairs & Maintenance Service Hoses Pump Repairs & Maintenance Service Electrical Parts & Supplies Motor & Mechanical Parts & Supplies Vacuum Truck Services Plumbing Supplies Training Registration Water Use Cellular Phones & Air Time Mail Delivery Service Mechanical Parts & Supplies Mechanical Parts & Supplies Office Supplies Electrical Parts & Supplies Tools Electrical Parts & Supplies Software Updates & Support Notices & Ads Pest Control Courier Services

Paae 4 of 10 EXHIBIT A


Page 17: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Claims Paid From 05/01/05 to 05/15/05

Warrant No. Vendor

71589 Orange Fluid System Technologies, Inc. 71590 Oxygen Service Company 71591 OCB Reprographics 71592 P.L. Hawn Company, Inc. 71593 Pacific Marine & Industrial 71594 Pacific Mechanical Supply 71595 Enrique Pantoja 71596 Parker Supply Company 71597 Port Supply 71598 Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. 71599 Primary Source Office Furnishings, Inc. 71600 Prudential Overall Supply 71601 PAC 71602 Parts Distribution Services, Inc. 71603 PBS &J 71604 PCG Industries 71605 PCS Express, Inc. 71606 Jamiann M. Questa 71607 R. W. Beck 71608 Rainin Instrument, L.L.C. 71609 Reliastar Bankers Security Life Ins. 71610 Restek Corp. 71611 Ricoh Business System 71612 Johnny J. Rocha 71613 Rockwell Engineering & Equipment Co. 71614 Rosemount Analytical, Inc. 71615 Ryan Herco Products Corp. 71616 RM Automation 71617 RS Hughes Co, Inc. 71618 Schenck Trebel 71619 Schwing America, Inc. 71620 Science Applications International 71621 Scott Specialty Gases, Inc. 71622 Scottel Voice & Data Inc. 71623 Shamrock Supply Co., Inc. 71624 Shureluck Sales & Engineering 71625 Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. 71626 Skalar, Inc. 71627 Smith Pipe & Supply 71628 Smith-Emery Company 71629 South Coast Air Quality Management Dist. 71630 Southern California Water 71631 Southern Counties Lubricants 71632 Southland Envelope Company, Inc. 71633 Specialty Technical Publishers, Inc.

H:ldept\fin\EXCEL.dta\220\APSHARE\Ciaims Paid Report\05-06\Ciaims Paid Report -05-15-05 fin/?10/11"'


883.03 2,042.34

222.93 1,167.20

119.28 2,328.50

170.00 3,222.62

12.06 433.55

2,757.33 4,616.88

188.30 100.37

14,483.23 1,750.00

234.88 94.00

933.60 583.26

10,993.75 141.23

1,623.90 95.00

23,211.90 867.50 172.40 69.33 61.53

2,081.55 2,746.31 2,212.90

60.12 2,284.80

134.82 655.93 635.90 674.78 362.35

2,320.02 207.82

72.37 1,577.19

485.89 485.00


Plumbing Parts & Supplies Specialty Gases Printing Service- MO 1/26/00 Electrical Parts & Supplies Mechanical Parts & Supplies Plumbing Parts & Supplies Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Mechanical Parts & Supplies Caulking Employee Legal Service Insurance Premium Office Furniture Uniforms & Related Articles Lab Parts & Supplies Mechanical Parts & Supplies Professional Services 3-52 Repair & Maintenance Services- High Rate Mixer Pump Shaft Courier Service Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Professional Services FE02-54 Lab Parts & Supplies Employee Life Ins. Premium, Short-Term Disability & Cancer Ins. Payroll Deductions Lab Parts & Supplies Color Copier Lease Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Pumps & Pump Repairs & Maintenance Instrument Parts & Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Instrument Parts & Supplies Paint Supplies Mechanical Parts & Supplies Pump Supplies Ocean Monitoring MO 6-8-94 Demurrage Telephone System Maintenance Mechanical Parts & Supplies Mechanical Parts & Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Landscape Irrigation Supplies Soils, Concrete & Other Materials Testing Annual Emission Fees, Operation Fees & Misc. Fees Water Use Engine Oil Payroll Envelopes CD-ROM - CAUOSHA Compliance & Auditing

EXHIBIT A Paae 5 of 10 R/1":\t?nn.:;

Page 18: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Claims Paid From 05/01/05 to 05/15/05

Warrant No. Vendor

71634 Spex Certiprep, Inc. 71635 Stockstill Communications 71636 Sunset Ford 71637 Sunset Industrial Parts 71638 Technical Service Group, Inc. 71639 Systime Computer Corp. 71640 SBC 71641 SBC Long Distance 71642 SBC/MCI 71643 Seawide Marine Distribution, Inc. 71644 Thomas Gray & Assoc. 71645 Thompson Industrial Supply, Inc. 71646 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation 71647 Time Warner Communications 71648 Todd Painting, Inc. 71649 Tony's Lock & Safe Service & Sales 71650 Townsend Public Affairs 71651 Truck & Auto Supply, Inc. 71652 Tripac Fasteners 71653 TSCM Corporation 71654 US Filter Corp. 71655 U.S. Composting Council 71656 U-Line 71657 Ultra Scientific 71658 The Unisource Corporation 71659 United Parcel Service 71660 University of Wisconsin Madison 71661 Valco Instruments Co., Inc. 71662 Valverde Construction, Inc. 71663 Vapex, Inc. 71664 Varian Associates, Inc. 71665 Verizon California 71666 Verne's Plumbing 71667 Vocam USA, L.L.C. 71668 Vortex Industries, Inc. 71669 VWR Scientific Products Corporation 71670 The Wackenhut Corporation 71671 Waxie Sanitary Supply 71672 West Coast Switchgear, Inc. 71673 West-Lite Supply Company, Inc. 71674 Western States Controls 71675 Wilson Supply, Inc. 71676 WEF 71677 Wylie Communications 71678 Xerox Corporation

H:ldept\fin\EXCEL.dta\220\APSHARE\Ciaims Paid Report\05-06\Ciaims Paid Report-05-15-05 fin/?10/lr


351.97 5,000.00

30.86 1,028.88 1,381.60 1,160.00 1,298.30 1,920.38 2,813.85

17,978.45 198.00

4,438.44 1,280.00

51.07 2,800.00

144.71 5,000.00

143.75 1,367.35 3,485.00

771.83 500.00 49.19

871.20 4,456.21

77.46 4,074.00

158.18 6,626.06

646.00 357.87 716.98

2,125.00 806.38

1,276.84 21,569.29 10,842.33

165.70 16,214.30

948.59 796.89 249.98 804.00

7,500.00 65.95


Lab Parts & Supplies Professional Services - Recycling Project Strategic Advice & Counsel Auto Parts & Service Hose Assembly SCADA System VAX Service Agreement Professional Services - EnterpriseOne FIS System Upgrade & Support Telephone Services Long Distance Telephone Services Telephone Services Computer Processor for Ocean Monitoring Vessel Nerissa Purchase & Analyses of Radio Activity Wipe Tests Mechanical Parts & Supplies Elevator Maintenance Cable Services Painting Services - Shop Lunch Room Locks & Keys Legislative & Executive Advocate for Grant Funding Automotive Supplies Mechanical Parts & Supplies Street Sweeping Plant 1 Parking Lots Service Agreement- Dl Water Systems at Plants 1 & 2 Membership Office Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Office Supplies Parcel Services Training Registration Lab Parts & Supplies Construction- Emergency Road Repairs- Yorba Linda Instrument Parts & Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Telephone Services Service Contract- Testing & Cert. Backflow Devices at Pits. 1 & 2 & Pump Sta. Safety Video Door Repair Lab Parts & Supplies Security Guards Janitorial Supplies Electrical Parts, Repairs & Maintenance at Power Bldg. 6 Electrical Parts & Supplies Electrical Parts & Supplies Plumbing Parts & Supplies Membership - Water Environment Federation Training Registration Maintenance Agreement & Supplies

Paae 6 of 10 EXHIBIT A


Page 19: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Claims Paid From 05/01/05 to 05/15/05

Warrant No.

71679 71680 71681 71682 71683 71684 71685 71686 71687 71688 71689 71690 71691 71692 71693 71694 71695 71696 71697 71698 71699 71700 71701 71702 71703 71704 71705 71706 71707 71708 71709 71710 71711 71712 71713 71714 71715 71716 71717 71718 71719 71720 71721 71722 71723


Bon Air, Inc. California Bank & Trust Olsson Construction, Inc. Orange Community Bank David Andrade Thomas M. Blanda Peter H. Brown Mark A. Esquer James Ferryman Jeanie M. Fields Roy A. Hendy Deirdre E. Hunter Gary J. Kemper Vladimir A. Kogan Terry W. Krie Tracey L. Murphy Andrew H. Nau Ernest R. Savedra Duane T. Smith Ronald L. Wade Paula A. Zeller Lisa Arosteguy Kienow Associates, Inc. Orange County Sanitation District Summit Consulting International Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. Mellon Trust Voided Check Orange County Water District OCB Reprographics Synagro Technologies, Inc. Skye, L.L.C. U.S. Peroxide, L.L.C. ASTM Cingular AWWA California Auto Collision California Hazardous Services, Inc. California Recreation Company Carollo Engineers Casual Gourmet Court Order Compressor Components Of California Consolidated Elect. Distributors, Inc. Corporate Express

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17,401.00 3,939.00

12,940.00 1,437.00

122.50 731.54 392.19 239.47

1,590.29 387.90 172.85 681.26 524.53 636.06 575.08 146.50 290.15 524.08 470.66 316.75 733.48

1,263.42 22,488.43

1,132.15 20,284.00 49,000.00 25,767.00

55,567.82 28,794.46

783,779.95 40,700.00 92,188.53

8,379.72 1,386.18 2,953.67

838.97 950.00

2,323.25 15,513.75

48.22 150.00

4,768.00 38.49



Construction FE02-62 Construction J-33-1A, Retention Construction P2-82 Construction P2-82, Retention Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Employee Computer Loan Program Legal Services 1-2-4 Petty Cash Reimb. Legal Services 1-2-4 0 & M Agreement Oxy Gen Sys MO 8-8-89 Investment Custodian Bank

GAP Water Use Printing Service- MO 1/26/00 Residuals Removal MO 3-29-95 Professional Services FE04-40 Odor & Corrosion Control Treatment for Coli. Sys.; Hydrogen Peroxide & Ferrous Chloride Books & Publications Wireless Phone Services Books & Publications Auto-Body Repairs V-510 Annual Underground Storage Tank Monitoring, Inspection & Certification Boat Slip Rental Fees for Ocean Monitoring Vessel Nerissa Professional Services - Coordinated Commercial Enterprise Study Meeting Expenses Wage Garnishment Repairs & Maintenance Services- Rebuild (32) Pilot Fuel Valves & Testing Electrical Parts & Supplies Office Supplies

EXHIBIT A Paae 7 of 10 ~/1~/?1\1\<;

Page 20: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Claims Paid From 05/01/05 to 05/15/05

Warrant No. Vendor

71724 County of Orange 71725 County of Orange 71726 Court Trustee 71727 Crane Veyor Corp. 71728 CRG Marine Laboratories, Inc. 71729 CWEA 71730 David's Tree Service 71731 Department of Child Support Services 71732 Dunn-Edwards Corporation 71733 Dezurik Water Controls 71734 Edward S. Babcock & Sons, Inc. 71735 Electra-Bond 71736 Emergency Management Network, Inc. 71737 Employee Benefits Specialists, Inc. 71738 Employers Group 71739 Employment Development Dept. 71740 Court Order 71741 Foodcraft Coffee & Refreshment Services 71742 Franchise Tax Board 71743 Full Spectrum Analytics, Inc. 71744 Ganahl Lumber Company 71745 Garland Manufacturing Co. 71746 Guidance Software, Inc. 71747 Harold Primrose Ice 71748 Inorganic Ventures, Inc. 71749 Internal Revenue Service 71750 Internal Revenue Service 71751 Interstate Batteries of Cal Coast 71752 Inti Union of Oper Eng AFL-CIO Local 501 71753 Jamison Engineering Contractors, Inc. 71754 K.P. Lindstrom, Inc. 71755 Local Agency Formation Commission 71756 Local Agency Formation Commission 71757 Lorman Education Services 71758 Lucci's Gourmet Foods, Inc. 71759 LA CAD Corporation 71760 Manulkin, Glaser, & Bennett 71761 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 71762 Mission Uniform Service 71763 Court Order 71764 MBC Applied Environmental Sciences 71765 National Bond & Trust 71766 National Filter Media Corporation 71767 National Plant Services, Inc. 71768 New Horizons CLC of Santa Ana

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278.50 182.14 454.49

2,991.66 750.00

97.00 4,995.00

188.50 9.33

257.61 640.00

19,847.55 1,100.00 9,622.66

715.00 4,510.00

445.00 1,459.81

100.00 600.00 502.33 467.63 640.04

55.50 180.33 300.00 200.00 835.33

3,960.06 4,950.00 2,480.00 1,150.00 1,150.00

369.00 52.82

2,850.00 116.00 23.53 40.93

225.00 1,446.00 2,336.81 4,501.16 7,070.00 1,050.00


Maint. Agreement- Repair/Installation of Base, Handheld & Vehicle Radios Wage Garnishment Wage Garnishment Repairs & Maintenance Services - Overhead Crane Outside Lab Services Membership Tree Maint. Service Wage Garnishment Paint Supplies Valves Plant 2 TOC (Total Organic Carbon) Testing P2-90 Repairs & Maintenance Services & Epoxy Coating On-Site Fire Extinguisher Training Reimbursed Prepaid Employee Medical & Dependent Care On-Site Training - Managing Projects & Priorities State Unemployment Tax Wage Garnishment Meeting Supplies Wage Garnishment Lab Instrument Service Lumber/Hardware Mechanical Parts & Supplies Software Maintenance Ice For Samples Lab Parts & Supplies Wage Garnishment Wage Garnishment Batteries for Vehicles & Carts Dues Deduction Installation of OOBS Isolation Gate Environmental Consulting Services MO 12-9-90 Annexation Fees Annexation Fees Environmental Compliance Services Meeting Registration Meeting Expense Training Registration Immigration Filing Fee & Fed Ex Shipping Charges Mechanical Parts & Supplies Uniform Rentals Wage Garnishment Outside Lab Services U.S. Savings Bonds Payroll Deductions Filter Press Belts Vacuum Truck Services Training Registration

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Page 21: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Warrant No. Vendor

71769 Nalco Company 71770 National Business Institute 71771 Orange County Sanitation District 71772 The Orange County Register 71773 Orange Fluid System Technologies, Inc. 71774 Oxygen Service Company 71775 OCEA 71776 Pacific Mechanical Supply 71777 Peace Officers Council of CA 71778 Primary Source Office Furnishings, Inc. 71779 Profit Techniques, Inc. 71780 PAPA 71781 PCG Industries 71782 Progressive Business Compliances 71783 Pureaire Monitoring Systems, Inc. 71784 Rainbow Disposal Co. 71785 Red Wing Shoes 71786 Reliastar Bankers Security Life Ins. 71787 RBF Engineers 71788 Safetycare, Inc. 71789 Sewer Line Video Inspection- MPO 71790 Shureluck Sales & Engineering 71791 Siemens 71792 Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. 71793 Smith-Emery Company 71794 Court Order 71795 Snap-On Tools, Inc. 71796 South Coast Air Quality Management Dist. 71797 South Coast Roof, Inc. 71798 Southern Counties Lubricants 71799 Summit Steel 71800 Taco Factory 71801 Terminix International 71802 Thompson Industrial Supply, Inc. 71803 Truck & Auto Supply, Inc. 71804 U.S. Metro Group, Inc. 71805 United Way 71806 US Filter Westates Carbon 71807 Wally Machinery and Tool Supply, Inc. 71808 WEF 71809 Xerox Corporation 71810 Court Order 71811 3E Company 71812 Marc A. Brown 71813 James L. Burrer

Claims Paid From 05/01/05 to 05/15/05


2,670.36 568.00

7,723.02 2,549.68 1,079.17 1,153.85

654.11 2,534.47 1,629.00

689.60 107.75

55.00 750.00 151.05

2,611.95 2,816.57

155.16 111.00

11,964.00 269.38

20,070.68 1,989.38

191.68 337.30 120.00 721.50

3,843.00 100.00 560.00

2,970.08 26.65 66.81

175.00 3,901.45

64.65 400.00 215.00

7,801.11 61.68

177.00 108.95 597.50

10,596.00 298.00



Chemicals Training Registration Worker's Comp. Reimb. Notices & Ads Plumbing Parts & Supplies Specialty Gases Dues Deduction Plumbing Supplies Dues Deduction, Supervisors & Professionals Office Furniture Professional Services - 0 & M Manager Coaching Training Registration (Pesticide Applicators Professional Association) Repair & Maintenance Services - High Rate Mixer Pump Shaft Books & Publications Professional Services FE05-14 Trash Removal Safety Shoes Employee Voluntary Life Ins. Premium Engineering Services J-84 Safety Video Sewerline Video Inspections 7-36 Mechanical Parts & Supplies Instrument Parts & Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Soils, Concrete & Other Materials Testing Wage Garnishment Tools Certification of the ESL South Coast AQMD Laboratory Approval Program Roof Repairs - Bay Bridge Pump Station Industrial Oil Metal Meeting Expenses P1-71 Pest Control Mechanical Parts, Supplies & Motor Automotive Supplies Janitorial & Floor Maintenance at Plants 1 & 2 Employee Contributions Filters Mechanical Parts & Supplies Membership - Water Environment Federation Fax & Copier Leases Wage Garnishment Professional Services - Website Development & Support Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement

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Warrant No.

71814 71815 71816 71817 71818 71819 71820 71821 71822 71823


Ricardo A. Gallegos Anthony P. Mcnary Gary A. Pons Roy J. Reynolds Jeremy J. Saum Ronald L. Wade County of Orange County of Orange County of Orange CA Dept of Health Services Total Accounts Payable- Warrants

Payroll Disbursements 37778 - 37886 Employee Paychecks 37887 - 37892 Employee Paychecks

111695 - 112257 Direct Deposit Statements Total Payroll Disbursements

Wire Transfer Payments OCSD Payroll Taxes & Contributions Lloyds TBS Bank pic Chase Manhattan Bank JP Morgan Chase Bank JP Morgan Chase Bank Total Wire Transfer Payments

Total Claims Paid 05/01/05- 05/15/05

Claims Paid From 05/01/05 to 05/15/05


510.86 239.24 225.00 908.98 731.97 131.99 43.00 43.00

850.00 4,415.00

$ 10,073,010.96

$ 159,133.35 2,187.81

1,090,707.43 $ 1,252,028.59

$ 806,565.49 65,748.71 69,646.01 86,021.04 72,729.22

$ 1,100,710.47

$ 12,425,750.02


Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Annexation Fee Annexation Fee Permit Fee- Notice of Determ. for the Final EIR- Ellis Ave. Pump Sta. Repl. Project Lab Accreditation Program Application Fee

Biweekly Payroll 05/11/05 Interim Paychecks Biweekly Payroll 05/11/05

Biweekly Payroll 05/11/05 Commitment Fee for Standby Certif. Purch. Agree. of April 9, 2001 (02/01/05- 05/01/05) Commitment Fee for Series 2000 Refunding COPs (02/01/05- 04/30/05) April Interest Payment on Series 1993 Certificates of Participation April Societe Generale Payment on 1993 Series Certificates of Participation

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Page 23: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Claims Paid From 05/16/05 to 05/31/05

Warrant No. Vendor

Accounts Payable - Warrants 71824 American Express $ 71825 ADS Environmental Services, Inc. 71826 Black & Veatch Corporation 71827 Blue Cross of California 71828 Brown & Caldwell 71829 California Soil Products 71830 City of Buena Park 71831 Delta Dental 71832 Fortis Benefits Insurance Company 71833 Gates Fiberglass Installers 71834 Hill Brothers 71835 HDR Engineering, Inc. 71836 Irvine Technology Corporation 71837 J R Filanc Construction 71838 Jamison Engineering Contractors, Inc. 71839 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan 71840 Kemiron Companies, Inc. 71841 Lee & Ro, Inc. 71842 Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 71843 MWH Americas, Inc. 71844 NetVersant of Southern California 71845 NRG Thermal Services, LL.C. 71846 Pioneer Americas, Inc. 71847 Polydyne, Inc. 71848 RBF Engineers 71849 So. Cal. Gas Company 71850 Tule Ranch/Magan Farms 71851 U.S. Peroxide, LL.C. 71852 ARB, Inc. 71853 Mike Prlich & Sons 71854 Union Bank of California 71855 A&G Instrument Service 71856 Abrasive Engineering Tool & Equip. 71857 Absolute Standards, Inc. 71858 Accounting Options, Inc. 71859 Accutite Fasteners, Inc. 71860 AccuStandard, Inc. 71861 Advance Business Graphics 71862 Advanced Cooling Technologies 71863 Agilent Technologies, Inc. 71864 Airco Filter Service 71865 Airgas Safety, Inc. 71866 American Airlines 71867 American Chemical Society 71868 American Public Works

H:\dept\fin\EXCEL.dta\220\APSHARE\Ciaims Paid Report\05-06\Ciaims Paid Report -05-31-05 fin/210/lc


25,617.30 32,765.51

528,258.37 346,505.66 424,440.01 105,276.45 100,679.00

56,298.10 27,806.72 47,932.50 34,009.19 84,693.23 36,212.00 62,035.42 32,995.17 64,087.38

218,986.04 52,587.61

498,697.80 101,514.13 27,331.98

173,438.98 205,110.91

36,578.68 108,934.16

30,888.81 227,499.43

72,221.75 615,223.80 193,353.76 68,358.20

3,151.69 249.96 525.00

14,928.98 94.02 70.36

162.44 450.00

3,343.95 182.64

2,339.48 4,825.40

269.00 2,525.00


Purchasing Card Program, Misc. Supplies & Services Professional Services J-73-2 Engineering Services J-71-3, P2-85, P1-102, P1-76 & 5-58 Medical Insurance Premium Professional Services P2-90 Residuals Removal MO 3-29-95 Cooperative Projects Reimbursement Program Dental Insurance Plan Long-Term & Short-Term Disability Ins. Premium Installation of (3) 48" Zero Leakage Dampers for Dewatering Scrubbers D1, D2 & D3 Chemicals - Odor & Corrosion Control - Newport Trunkline Professional Services P1-82 & P2-82 Temporary Employment Services Professional Services FE03-38 Const. - Planter Removal; Install Concrete Pad; Install Isolation Kits, Remove Gates Medical Insurance Premium Ferric Chloride MO 9-27-95 Professional Services 5-49, 5-50, 5-51, P2-47-3 & FE05-20 Professional Services P2-80, J-79, 11-26, P2-80 & 1-10 Professional Services P2-74 Security System Main!., Software Upgrade & Protection Plan Professional Services J-79 Sodium Hypochlorite Cationic Polymer MO 3-11-92 Engineering Services 7-47, 2-24-1 & Surveying Services- Various Locations Natural Gas Residuals Removal MO 3-29-95 Odor & Corrosion Control Treatment for Coli. Sys.; Hydrogen Peroxide Construction 7-36 & 7-41 Construction 6-13-1 & 7-23-1 Construction 7-41, Retention Instrument Parts & Supplies Mechanical Parts & Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Temporary Employment Services Mechanical Parts & Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Printing Services - Business Cards Air Conditioning Service Lab Parts, Supplies & Computer Software Upgrades Filters Safety Supplies Travel Services Membership Membership

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Page 24: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Claims Paid From 05/16/05 to 05/31/05

Warrant No. Vendor

71869 American Red Cross 71870 American Training Resources, Inc. 71871 Analysts, Inc. 71872 Applied Industrial Technology 71873 Archie Ivy, Inc. 71874 Ashbrook Corporation 71875 Aurora Industrial Machining 71876 Awards & Trophies Company 71877 AKM Consulting Engineers 71878 AMSA 71879 American Telpehone & Telegraph Corp. 71880 Bar Tech Telecom, Incorporated 71881 Barnstead Thermolyne 71882 Basic Chemical Solutions, L.L.C. 71883 Bell Pipe & Supply Co. 71884 BioMerieux Vitek, Inc. 71885 Bush & Associates, Inc. 71886 BMC: Business Machines Consultants, Inc. 71887 Bucknall Power Tool Service, Inc. 71888 C.S.U.F. Foundation 71889 California Integration Coordinators, Inc. 71890 California Relocation Services, Inc. 71891 Carl Warren & Co. 71892 Center for Creative Growth 71893 Centre for Organization Effectiveness 71894 Chapman House, Inc. 71895 Charts, Inc. 71896 Cole-Parmer Instrument Co. 71897 Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. 71898 Compressor Components of California 71899 Computational Systems, Inc. 71900 Consolidated Elect. Distributors, Inc. 71901 Consumers Pipe & Supply Co. 71902 Cooper Cameron Corporation 71903 Corporate Express 71904 County Wholesale Electric Co. 71905 Cytec Industries 71906 CDW Government, Inc. 71907 CH2MHill 71908 CR&R, Inc. 71909 CSMFO-Monthly Meetings 71910 CWEA 71911 David's Tree Service 71912 Del Mar Analytical 71913 Dickson's, Inc. 71914 Driver Alliant Insurance Service, Inc.

H:\dept\fin\EXCEL.dta\220\APSHARE\Ciaims Paid Report\05-06\Ciaims Paid Report -05-31-05 fin/210/lc


642.50 538.31 734.82

4.04 4,262.00

11,083.96 2,935.00

21.82 21,477.35

695.00 27.54

2,112.13 1,058.10

11,514.19 448.13

65.66 6,886.00

560.33 376.82

11,079.50 106.80

1 '140.01 499.79

2,500.00 10,058.00 10,000.00

180.18 211.37 885.00

1,248.00 11,919.79 1,096.63 1,343.96

910.02 692.04

2,425.52 22,318.48

140.95 17,627.63 1,775.00

27.00 194.00

4,750.00 598.00 653.18



CPR Training & Miscellaneous Supplies Safety Videos Oil Test Kit & Analyses Mechanical Parts & Supplies Road Repairs - East of Lab Behind HR Bldg. Filter Press Parts & Supplies Freight Awards & Trophies Professional Services- Part-Time Dig Alert Technician, 7-39 & 7-36 Environmental Compliance & Monitoring Division Meeting Registration Telephone Service Telephone Equipment Lab Parts & Supplies Sodium Bisulfite Mechanical Parts & Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Professional Services 7-36 & 7-39 Multifunctional Copier/Scanner Maintenance Agreement Repair & Recertification Services - (2) Miller Retrieval Devices Membership - Center for Demographic Research Repair & Calibration Services - Flow Meters Office Files Moving/Relocation Services Insurance Claims Administrator Professional Services - 0 & M Management Coaching Professional Services J-40-7 Professional Services- 0 & M Retreat- Div. 820 Charts Instrument Parts & Supplies Analysis of Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater & Biosolids Mechanical Repairs & Maintenance Services- Cleaning & Testing (32) Ignition Coils Computer Hardware/Software Maintenance Electrical Parts & Supplies Plumbing Parts & Supplies Engine Supplies Office Supplies Fiberglass Enclosures & Panel Anionic Polymer Spec. No. 9798-18 Printer Parts & Supplies Professional Services J-40-7 Container Rentals Accounting Division Meeting Registration Membership Tree Main!. Service Analysis of Biosolids and Wastewater Electrical Parts & Supplies Special Risk- Travel-Accident Insurance

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Page 25: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Claims Paid From 05/16/05 to 05/31/05

Warrant No. Vendor

71915 Dunn-Edwards Corporation 71916 Dezurik Water Controls c/o CS-AMSCO 71917 DGA Consultants, Inc. 71918 Ecology Control industries 71919 Electronic Data Solutions 71920 Employee Benefits Specialists, Inc. 71921 Employers Group 71922 Employers Group Service Corp. 71923 Enchanter, Inc. 71924 Entech Instruments Inc. 71925 Environmental Engineering & Contracting 71926 Environmental Microbiology Consulting 71927 Environmental Resource Association 71928 Environmental Science Associate (ESA) 71929 Ewing Irrigation Industrial 71930 Electronic Packaging Systems, Ltd. 71931 Fed Ex Corporation 71932 Fisher Scientific Company, L.L.C. 71933 Flo- Systems, Inc. 71934 Foodcraft Coffee & Refreshment Services 71935 Forker! Engineering & Surveying, Inc. 71936 Frasco Profiles 71937 Furling & Rigging Corp. 71938 Floodplain Management Association 71939 G. E. Supply 71940 Garratt-Gallahan Company 71941 Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. 71942 George Yardley Co. 71943 Godwin Pumps of America, Inc. 71944 Golden Bell Products 71945 Goldenwest Window Service 71946 Grainger, Inc. 71947 Graybar Electric Company 71948 Guarantee Records Management 71949 Hach cfo Ponton Industries 71950 Harrington Industrial Plastics, Inc. 71951 Hoerbiger Service, Inc. 71952 Home Depot 71953 Hub Auto Supply 71954 HI Standard Automotive 71955 Industrial Distribution Group 71956 lnnerline Engineering 71957 Interstate Batteries of Cal Coast 71958 lntratek Computer, Inc. 71959 lnvensys Systems, Inc.

71960 Irvine Ranch Water District

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271.64 1,146.32 3,830.50 4,786.48

66.72 689.50

12,212.50 4,500.00 5,000.00 1,448.70

16,800.00 720.00

1,386.50 2,774.75

798.64 326.08 267.37

4,511.25 1,260.19

370.21 3,776.25 1,398.50

467.39 120.00 158.91 533.59

14,700.00 909.41 247.86

15,526.50 920.00

3,874.20 766.98 421.31 225.63

1,486.95 385.86

1,183.61 585.98 154.22

1,358.07 13,268.02

844.04 969.36

1,704.11 3.90


Paint Supplies Valves Professional Services - CCTV Data Evaluation & Support Hazardous Waste Disposal Lab Parts & Supplies Reimbursed Prepaid Employee Medical & Dependent Care Prof. Serv. -Organizational Structure- Communications, Admin. Serv., HR & Finance On-Site Training - Clerical Training Program Ocean Monitoring & Outfall Inspection & Maintenance Instrument Repairs & Maintenance Service Prof. Serv.- Comprehensive Industrial Wastewater Treatment Operator Training Course Professional Services J-1 02 Lab Parts & Supplies Professional Services J-40-1 0 Plumbing Parts & Supplies Electrical Parts & Supplies Freight Services Lab Parts & Supplies Pump Supplies Meeting Supplies Surveying Services P1-76 & 1-2-4 Human Resources Background Checks Port Supplies Training Registration Electrical Parts & Supplies Chemicals Professional Services 7-41, P1-76 & 7-36 Valves Pump Supplies Contractual Services- Insecticide Coating of Manholes Maintenance of Parking Area at Pit. 2 & Plant Clean-up Electrical Parts & Supplies Electrical Parts & Supplies Off-Site Records Storage Lab Parts & Supplies Plexiglas Sheets Mechanical Parts & Supplies Misc. Repair & Maintenance Material Vehicle Parts & Supplies Automotive Parts for Emergency Response Vehicles Mechanical Parts & Supplies CCTV Videoing of Trunkline Sewers Batteries for Vehicles & Carts Computer Hardware/Software- PIX Firewalls Instrument Supplies Water Use

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Page 26: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Claims Paid From 05/16/05 to 05/31/05

Warrant No.

71961 71962 71963 71964 71965 71966 71967 71968 71969 71970 71971 71972 71973 71974 71975 71976 71977 71978 71979 71980 71981 71982 71983 71984 71985 71986 71987 71988 71989 71990 71991 71992 71993 71994 71995 71996 71997 71998 71999 72000 72001 72002 72003 72004 72005 72006


J.G. Tucker and Son, Inc. J. L. Wingert Co. Jay's Catering John Lisee Pumps Johnstone Supply JWC Environmental Kleinfelder, Inc. L & N Uniform Supply Co. Lorman Education Services Lucci's Gourmet Foods, Inc. LINJER Maintenance Technology Corp Managed Health Network Mandie Motors MassMutual Michel Financial Group Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw, L.L.P. McMaster-Carr Supply Co. Michael Asner Consulting Mid-West Associates Midway Mfg & Machining Co. Miller Equipment Co. Mission Uniform Service Motion Industries, Inc. Marc Boney MSA c/o Mag Systems National Technology Transfer, Inc. Neal Supply Co. 0 C Tanner Recognition Company Odor Control Co., Inc. Office Depot Business Services Div. OneSource Distributors, Inc. Orange County Hose Company The Orange County Register Orange Courier Orange Fluid System Technologies, Inc. Oxygen Service Company OCB Reprographics Pacific Mechanical Supply Parker Supply Company Partners Consulting Services Peak Technologies Pen Valve Port Supply Primary Source Office Furnishings, Inc. Procurement Services Associates Prudential Overall Supply

H:\dept\fin\EXCELdta\220\APSHAREICiaims Paid Report\05-06\Ciaims Paid Report -05-31-05 fin/210/lc


646.50 932.26

3,095.04 1,956.74

290.91 15,447.05 2,063.00

36.63 359.00

37.95 5,237.65 1,888.04

965.52 150.00 522.29

5,015.00 1,455.58 3,920.07 8,405.11 4,767.94

188.56 99.12

585.50 11,600.00

489.56 1,734.00

878.14 3,273.38

846.00 2,020.35 1,042.78

698.26 4,691.16

137.00 1,181.76 1,581.07 1,231.21

73.21 405.27

3,600.00 363.33 128.71 179.20

1,202.49 14,880.00



Cell Chlorine for Cal 2000 Generator Pump Parts & Supplies Meeting Expenses Pump Supplies Electrical Parts & Supplies Muffin Monster Upgrade Soils, Concrete & Other Materials Testing Embroidering for Field Staff Uniforms Training Registration Meeting Expense Professional Service - DART MO 9-22-99 Mechanical Parts & Supplies Employees Assistance Program Towing Services Executive Disability Plan Premium Professional Services - Strategic Planning & Advocacy Safety Materials & Mechanical Supplies Professional Services J-40-7 Pump Supplies Mechanical Parts & Supplies Repair/Replace Gear Oil Dispenser at Fleet Services Shop Uniform Rentals Motors Professional Services - Executive Management Recruitment Instrument Parts & Supplies On-Site Training - Electrical Safety Plumbing Supplies Employee Service Awards Program Odor Neutralizing Chemicals - Pit 2 Office Supplies Electrical Parts & Supplies Hydraulic Hose Supplies & Parts Notices & Ads Courier Services Plumbing Parts & Supplies Specialty Gases Printing Service- MO 1/26/00 Plumbing Supplies Mechanical Parts & Supplies FIS On-Site Support- One World XE Migration Project Lab Parts & Supplies Plumbing Parts & Supplies Port Supplies Office Furniture Temporary Employment Services Uniforms & Related Articles

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Page 27: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Claims Paid From 05/16/05 to 05/31/05

Warrant No.

72007 72008 72009 72010 72011 72012 72013 72014 72015 72016 72017 72018 72019 72020 72021 72022 72023 72024 72025 72026 72027 72028 72029 72030 72031 72032 72033 72034 72035 72036 72037 72038 72039 72040 72041 72042 72043 72044 72045 72046 72047 72048 72049 72050 72051



Pyramid Fence Company, Inc. PCG Industries Polymer Plastics Corp. Porter Novelli Pureaire Monitoring Systems, Inc. R. L. Abbott & Associates Reliastar Restek Corporation Rockwell Engineering & Equipment Co. Royale Cleaners RPM Electric Motors S.G.E., Inc. Scientific Refrigeration Scott Specialty Gases, Inc. Scottel Voice & Data, Inc. Shamrock Supply Co., Inc. Shureluck Sales & Engineering Siemens Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. Skalar, Inc. Smith Pipe & Supply Smith-Emery Company South Coast Air Quality Management Dist. Southern California Edison Southern Counties Lubricants Sterling Art Stockstill Communications Sunset Ford Sunset Industrial Parts Super Chern Corporation Technical Service Group, Inc. Synagro West, Inc. SBC SBC/MCI SKC-West, Inc. Techno Coatings Tekdraulics, Inc. Terminix International The Standard Insurance Company The Walking Man, Inc. Thompson Industrial Supply, Inc. Tony's Lock & Safe Service & Sales Southern Calif. Trane Service Truck & Auto Supply, Inc. Tuff Skin TEKsystems

H:\dept\fin\EXCEL.dta\220\APSHARE\Ciaims Paid Report\05-06\Ciaims Paid Report -05-31-05 fin/210/lc


550.00 750.00

1,957.84 2,835.87 3,823.04 3,000.00 8,288.00

54.95 13,854.23

6.00 1,388.45 1,080.19

702.00 171.65 64.41 36.64

1,567.11 3,393.51

276.29 1,455.16

783.02 120.00

9,522.93 8,002.32

124.13 207.80

5,000.00 260.26

83.57 358.33

1,381.60 8,403.26 2,324.60

14.61 3,684.05 3,790.00 2,906.98 1,200.00 2,417.83

400.00 8,788.38 1,338.46 3,446.00

437.65 500.00



Gate Repairs Repair & Maintenance Services - High Rate Mixer Pump Shaft Clear Acrylic Sheets Professional Services SP-105 Professional Services FE05-14 Kern County Biosolids Consulting Services Employee Basic Life & Managers' Insurance Premiums Lab Parts & Supplies Sludge Transfer Pump Dry Cleaning Services Motor Repairs Lab Parts & Supplies Lab Equipment Repairs & Maintenance Demurrage Telephone System Maintenance Mechanical Parts & Supplies Pump & Mechanical Parts & Supplies Instrument/Electrical Parts & Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Lab Parts & Supplies Landscape Irrigation Supplies Soils, Concrete & Other Materials Testing Annual Emissions, Operations & Misc. Fees Power Grease Drafting & Graphic Supplies Professional Services SP-105 Auto Parts & Service Mechanical Parts & Supplies Chemicals SCADA System VAX Service Agreement Digester Cleaning (4) at Plants 1 & 2 Telephone Services Telephone Services Safety Supplies Painting Services - Coal Tar Belt Press #5 Frame Submersible Pump Pest Control Executive Disability Plan Premium Public Notice Printing & Mailing Services Various Projects Mechanical Parts & Supplies Locks & Keys Electrical Equipment Service Contract Automotive Supplies Sandblast Truck Rear Utility Bed & Spray Liner on Rear Deck Temporary Employment Services

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Page 28: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Claims Paid From 05/16/05 to 05/31/05

Warrant No. Vendor

72053 US Filter Corp. 72054 Ultra Scientific 72055 Underground Service Alert of So. Calif. 72056 United Pacific Services, Inc. 72057 United Parcel Service 72058 United States Postal Service 72059 The Vantage Group, LLC. 72060 Verizon California 72061 Verne's Plumbing 72062 Village Nurseries 72063 Vision Service Plan-(CA) 72064 VWR Scientific Products Corporation 72065 The Wackenhut Corporation 72066 Susan M. Walker 72067 Water 3 Engineering, Inc. 72068 WateReuse Association 72069 Weston Solutions, Inc. 72070 WEFTEC 72071 Wright Way Developments 72072 Xerox Corporation 72073 Xyon Business Solutions, Inc. 72074 Yokogawa Corp. of America 72075 Akraa Construction 72076 Dalke & Sons Constructions, Inc. 72077 JEM Industries 72078 Blake Anderson 72079 Steve Anderson 72080 Carol T. Beekman 72081 Laurie S. Bluestein 72082 Anne H. Brandvold 72083 Deon M. Carrico 72084 James E. Colston 72085 Jose L Eroles 72086 John G. Gonzalez 72087 Randy E. Harris 72088 Michelle R Hetherington 72089 Deirdre E. Hunter 72090 Laurie J. Klinger 72091 Michael D. Moore 72092 James C. Mullins 72093 Umesh N. Murthy 72094 Dawn K. Myers 72095 Robert Ooten 72096 Sejal Patel 72097 Jamiann M. Questa 72098 Kenneth L Ramey

H:\deptlfin\EXCEL.dta\220\APSHARE\Ciaims Paid Report\05-06\Ciaims Paid Report -05-31-05 fin/210nc


270.25 449.99

1,587.60 18,267.51

19.98 5,000.00

24,570.00 646.44 250.00 159.47

9,874.56 3,384.09

10,013.99 947.54

15,502.54 300.00

2,825.00 630.00 380.00

14,318.90 20,954.00

5,233.47 17,233.11 19,489.95 14,404.00

224.54 1,371.70

317.22 365.38

2,016.64 397.75 310.01 124.84 604.84 471.74

1,503.35 753.74 131.76 192.00

4,789.63 4,878.82

395.15 620.25 118.96 319.58 215.14


Service Agreement- Dl Water Systems at Plants 1 & 2 Lab Parts & Supplies Membership - Underground Utility Identification/Notification Service Landscape Maintenance at Plants 1 & 2 and Pump Stations Parcel Services Postage for Mail Machine Temporary Employment Service Telephone Services Service Contract- Testing & Cert. Backflow Devices at Pits. 1 & 2 & Pump Sta. Landscaping Supplies Vision Service Premium Lab Parts & Supplies Security Guards Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Engineering Services J-67 Training Registration Outside Laboratory Services Training Registration Machinery Repairs & Maintenance Fax & Copier Leases Temporary Employment Services Instrument Parts & Supplies - Recorder Construction SP2001-08 Construction J-89 Construction FE05-13 Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Equipment Inspection J-77, Tokyo, Japan, M.O. 12-15-04 Equipment Inspection J-77, Tokyo, Japan, M.O. 12-15-04 Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement

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Page 29: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Claims Paid From 05/16/05 to 05/31/05

Warrant No. Vendor

72099 George L. Robertson 72100 James W. Silva 72101 Mahin Talebi 72102 Ronald L. Wade 72103 Ken H. Wong 72104 Ernest N. Yeboah 72105 Morris C. Ying 72106 California Specialized Training lnst. 72107 County of Orange Collections - Permits 72108 County of Orange 72109 Orange County Sanitation District 72110 Sewer Line Video Inspection - MPO 72111 Woodruff, Spradlin & Smart 72112 Air Products & Chemicals 72113 ARB/PERP -Air Resources Board 72114 ATCC 72115 Brown & Caldwell 72116 BMC: Business Machines Consultants, Inc. 72117 California Hazardous Services, Inc. 72118 California Municipal Revenue & Tax Assoc. 72119 Challen 72120 City of Newport Beach 72121 Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. 72122 Compressor Components Of California 72123 Consumers Pipe & Supply Co. 72124 County of Orange -Auditor Controller 72125 County of Orange -Auditor Controller 72126 County of Orange -Auditor Controller 72127 County of Orange -Auditor Controller 72128 Culligan of Orange County 72129 College of Performance Management 72130 CR&R,Inc. 72131 CWEA 72132 Dept. of Fish and Game 72133 Doug M. Dysart 72134 Electra-Bond 72135 James M. Elo 72136 Employers Group 72137 Fisher Scientific Company, L.L.C. 72138 Fry's Electronics 72139 Ganahl Lumber Company 72140 Graybar Electric Company 72141 Hach c/o Ponton Industries 72142 Health Science Associates 72143 David R. Heinz 72144 Chuck Hodge

H:ldept\fin\EXCEL.dta\220\APSHARE\Ciaims Paid Report\05-06\Ciaims Paid Report -05-31-05 fin/210nc


249.43 106.00 116.00 190.00 170.00 498.71 397.97 65.00

850.00 850.00

1,438.49 27,121.33

101,932.13 24,500.00

90.00 154.00 400.00

88.17 500.00 25.00

821.50 435.00 270.00

4,740.00 1,215.95

70.00 350.00 350.00 875.00

42.80 650.00 315.00

51.00 99.00

130.00 6,389.58

170.00 6,750.00 2,506.82

215.38 199.07

3,725.75 781.19

67.50 190.00 225.00


Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Planning Division Meeting Registration Notice of Determ.- Subsequent EIR for Secondary Treatment Pit. lmprov. Project J-40-10 Notice of Determ.- Final EIR for Carbon Canyon Dam Sewer Project 2-24-1 Petty Cash Reimb. Sewerline Video Inspections -Various Projects Legal Services MO 7-26-95 0 & M Agreement Oxy Gen Sys MO 8-8-89 Registration Fee - (1) Portable Engine Lab Parts & Supplies Notices & Ads Multifunctional Copier/Scanner Maintenance Agreement Underground Storage Tank Annual Monitoring, Inspection & Certification Accounting Division Meeting Registration OCSD Hats - 0 & M Plan-Check Fee - 5-58 Analysis of Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater & Biosolids Mechanical Repairs & Maintenance - LSVB Engine Igniters Plumbing Parts & Supplies Encroachment Permit 7-41 Encroachment Permit 7-41 Encroachment Permit 7-36 Encroachment Permit 7-39 Maint. Agreement- Cen Gen Water Softener System Training Registration Container Rentals Membership (2) Scientific Collection Permits Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Equipment Repairs & Maintenance Services - Fusion Bond & Epoxy Coating Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement On-Site Training - Clerical Training Program Lab Parts & Supplies Computer Supplies Lumber/Hardware Electrical Parts & Supplies Instrument Parts & Supplies Lead Analyses Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement

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Page 30: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Claims Paid From 05/16/05 to 05/31/05

Warrant No. Vendor

72145 Hopkins Technical Products 72146 Hydrotex 72147 Hylan Harrison and Sam's Club 72148 Industrial Threaded Products, Inc. 72149 lSI, Inc. 72150 Jay's Catering 72151 Knowledge Point 72152 Lorman Education Services 72153 Los Angeles Times 72154 Mid-West Associates 72155 Motion Industries, Inc. CA 55 72156 National Journal Group, Inc. 72157 Partners Consulting Services 72158 Pearl Art & Craft Supplies of Calif. 72159 Pen Valve 72160 PerkinEimer LAS 72161 Port Supply 72162 PrinterGuy 72163 PAPA 72164 Edwin D. Ratledge 72165 RJN Group, Inc. 72166 Smardan Supply Company - Fountain Valley 72167 So Coast Air Quality Management District 72168 South Coast Air Quality Management Dist. 72169 South Coast Air Quality Management Dist. 72170 Synegi, Inc. 72171 SSPC-The Society for Protective Coatings 72172 Thompson Industrial Supply, Inc. 72173 Tony's Lock & Safe Service & Sales 72174 Truck & Auto Supply, Inc. 72175 The Wackenhut Corporation 72176 Mike J. Herrera 72177 Michael D. White 72178 Conex International 72179 Jessica Ma 72180 State Board of Equalization 72181 Court Order 72182 County of Orange 72183 Court Trustee 72184 Department of Child Support Services 72185 Employee Benefits Specialists, Inc. 72186 Court Order 72187 Franchise Tax Board 72188 Internal Revenue Service

72189 Inti Union of Oper Eng AFL-CIO Local 501

72190 Court Order

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178.04 1,759.28 1,467.48

91.44 2,356.00

112.85 2,338.25

329.00 234.00

8,181.69 1,892.18

83.29 8,160.00

34.76 38.17

5,314.24 213.79

4,934.97 90.00

683.83 9,000.00

74.75 54.37

150.00 3,174.31 6,177.14

795.00 5,645.06

199.49 90.51

4,091.03 995.00 265.00 302.50 498.77 350.00 150.00 150.00 454.49 188.50

9,507.28 445.00

84.40 300.00

3,941.12 225.00


Freight Charges Lube Oil Employee Computer Loan Program Mechanical Parts & Supplies Software Maintenance & Support Meeting Expenses Software Maintenance & Support On-Site Training - Performance Impact Now Training Notices & Ads Pump Supplies Motor & Mechanical Parts Books & Publications FIS On-Site Support- One World XE Migration Project Misc. Art & Graphic Supplies Plumbing Parts & Supplies Lab Instrument Repairs & Maintenance Port Supplies Printer Maintenance Membership & Training Registration Replacement of Stale Dated Payroll Check CMMS Consulting Services Plumbing Parts & Supplies Training Registration Annual Emissions, Operations & Misc. Fees SCAQMD Research Permit Application for Mobile Scrubber Pilot Equipment at Pit. 1 Software Licenses, Maintenance & Support Training Registration Mechanical Parts & Supplies Locks & Keys Automotive Parts & Supplies Security Guards Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Legal Services P2-60 Claim Settlement Annexation Fee - Ellis Ave. Wage Garnishment Wage Garnishment Wage Garnishment Wage Garnishment Reimbursed Prepaid Employee Medical & Dependent Care Wage Garnishment Wage Garnishment Wage Garnishment Dues Deduction Wage Garnishment

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Page 31: Orange County Sanitation District MINUTES BOARD MEETING

Warrant No.

72191 72192 72193 72194 72195 72196 72197 72198 72199 72200 72201 72202 72203 72204 72205 72206 72207 72208 72209 72210 72211 72212


National Bond & Trust OCEA Peace Officers Council of CA Primary Source Office Furnishings, Inc. Court Order United Way Court Order Orange County Water District Southern California Edison Irvine Ranch Water District City of Seal Beach Finance Dept. Southern California Edison Douglas M. Stewart SBC SBC/MCI Verizon California Randy E. Harris Linda Losurdo Michael D. Moore Douglas M. Stewart Robert J. Taylor Sonja A. Wassgren Total Accounts Payable- Warrants

Payroll Disbursements 37893 - 37979 Employee Paychecks 37980 - 37985 Employee Paychecks

112258 - 11281 0 Direct Deposit Statements Total Payroll Disbursements

Wire Transfer Payments OCSD Payroll Taxes & Contributions U.S. Bank Total Wire Transfer Payments

Total Claims Paid 05/16/05-05/31/05

Claims Paid From 05/16/05 to 05/31/05


2,336.81 644.86

1,638.00 411.93 721.50 215.00 597.50

3,275,865.63 158,859.62

31.36 195.52 240.45 849.30

17.30 733.11

80.23 283.87 342.98 262.00 308.27 200.00 445.85

$ 9,131,134.37

$ 150,400.05 2,814.58

1,145,118.84 $ 1,298,333.47

$ 826,583.67 372,255.87

$ 1 '198,839.54

$11 ,628,307.38


U.S. Savings Bonds Payroll Deductions Dues Deduction Dues Deduction, Supervisors & Professionals Office Furniture Wage Garnishment Employee Contributions Wage Garnishment GWRS Project J-36 Power Water Use Water Use Power Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Telephone Services Telephone Services Telephone Services Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Meeting/Training Expense Reimbursement Software Maintenance - Mail Manager lntellitouch System

Biweekly Payroll 5/25/05 Interim Paychecks 5/25/05 & 5/27/05 Biweekly Payroll 5/25/05

Biweekly Payroll 5/25/05 May Interest Payment for Series 2000, A & B Certificates of Participation

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EXHIBIT B 6/13/2005