OPTIONS EVENING Thursday 6 th February 2020 5:30-7:30pm Pathways 2020-2022

OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

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Page 1: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their



Thursday 6th February

2020 5:30-7:30pm

Pathways 2020-2022

Page 2: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Dear Year 9 student,

As I am sure you are aware, very soon you will be asked to consider what subjects you would like to study in Key

Stage 4. Whilst the subjects English, Maths and Science are compulsory, other subjects are not and you will have

to choose three option subjects that you would like to study after Year 9. Choosing the subjects that you will

study in Key Stage 4 is an exciting and thought-provoking activity; for the first time in your school life, you will

get to choose some of what you will study for the next two years! Think carefully before making your option

choices and make sure that you discuss your preferences with your parents / carers and teachers.

The curriculum at Phoenix is designed to give you the opportunity to develop to your fullest potential academically,

personally and socially. We aim to provide a broad, balanced and meaningful curriculum, which is personalised to

your needs; a curriculum that will prepare you for the Sixth Form, Higher Education and your career. We are

delighted to be able to offer a wide range of qualifications including both academic and vocational. We aim to

provide clear progression routes to post-16 education and employment for all students.

This booklet contains details of Year 9 courses available at Phoenix and is for students, parents / carers to read

together. Our Options Evening on Thursday 6th February 2020 is an opportunity for you and your parents / carers

to find out about the subjects that you are interested in studying to Level 2.

It is anticipated that all students will opt for at least one of the English Baccalaureate subjects – History,

Geography, a Modern Foreign Language, Computer Science or Triple Science.

Don’t worry about making any decisions today! Gather lots of information about the subjects on offer and

read it carefully before making your option choices.

Please note: completed option forms must be returned to your form tutor by 3.00pm on Friday 14th February


Please feel free to discuss any concerns with your tutor, subject teacher, Head of House or member of the

School Leadership Team.

Enjoy your evening.

Mike Smith Dave Derbyshire

Head teacher Assistant Head Teacher Curriculum & Outcomes

Page 3: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

The Phoenix Collegiate Options – Your Curriculum for 2020-2022

All students at Phoenix study the following core, compulsory subjects:

• English Language and Literature (taught as ‘English’ – 5 hours per week)

• Mathematics (4 hours per week)

• Science: Double Award (5 hours per week)

In addition to the above, all students have to study Citizenship, Sex and Health Education, Personal

Development, Religious Education alongside Careers Information & Guidance (CIAG).This content is delivered

through a series of Student Enrichment Days.

The option process:

Within this booklet, you will find information about the two different Pathways available to you as you head into

Year 10, along with information about the optional subjects and your option form. Those students who have been

recommended to follow Pathway 1 will have received a letter informing them of this. These recommendations have

been based on your child’s work throughout Key Stage 3, and the opinions of your Subject Teachers.

You are required to study specific subjects in order to ensure you achieve “8 qualifying subjects”. All available

options meet these requirements.

Please note that some subjects have very specific entry requirements, which are detailed on each page. If you

are unsure about any of these requirements, or any of the information within each subject, please speak directly

to a member of staff within that department.

Pathway 1

The English Baccalaureate (EBACC.)

Pathway 2

The Academic Route

Those students that have been recommended to

follow the EBACC route have been chosen based upon

their academic performance over the last three

years. It is expected that these students will study

either History or Geography, a language and one other

subject. This will enable a clear pathway for academic

study through to university.

This route is encouraged for the majority of students

to follow. It ensures students have the correct

combination of subjects to complete for Sixth Form

/ college places. Students study one of the following:

Geography, History or a Language (including home

language if available) along with a combination of

academic and vocational subject choices.

Page 4: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their


Think about what you might do after Year 11. Most of you will continue in Further Education or go onto

training schemes. How will the subjects you choose now help you in the future?

Spend time finding out about each subject. What topics are studied? What learning experiences are there?

What does the work involve?

Who can you talk to?

You can talk to; Form tutors, Subject teachers, members of the School Leadership Team, Mrs L Edge


Do’s and Don’ts

There are some golden rules when making option choices:

DON’T pick a subject because…

A friend is doing it; you may be in different groups, it might be good for your friend but not for you

You think it is easy - all subjects involve hard work

You like the teacher - you might be taught by a different teacher

It’s new - new subjects are likely to be just as challenging as those you have studied previously.

Let someone else make up your mind for you - you have to live with the decision so get it right!

Your parents say they would have liked to have done it – they are not you!

DO pick a subject because…

Your Progress Report tells you that you are on target

You get good results in the subject

You enjoy the subject

You find the subject interesting

You have found out that it is essential for your future career.

Making your choices – FAQs

Listed below are some of the most frequently asked questions by our students and their parents; the answers

to which may help you in making sensible choices:-

Do I need to choose option subjects based on what I want to do when I leave school?

No! The core subjects (Maths, English, Science and PE, PSHE/Citizenship) give the variety and breadth required

for a wide range of careers. Remember, that as you mature and have different life experiences, you might change

your mind as to what you wish to do anyway. If you have no idea what you would like to do in the future, it might

be an idea to speak to our school careers’ officer, Mrs Edge.

What happens if I don’t like a subject after I have been doing it for a few weeks?

At Phoenix we try to provide you with plenty of advice and guidance so that you make the right decision. All your

teachers are always willing to speak with you personally to make sure that you make that decision.

Page 5: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

How can I advise my child when I know so little about today’s courses and careers?

Obviously, as their parent you know your son/daughter better than anyone and so you are in the best position to

advise them, even if you aren’t familiar with the rapidly changing world of education. The information in this

booklet will help you.

What is the English Baccalaureate?

The government believes that it is important to recognise students’ achievements across a core of selected

academic subjects. The English Baccalaureate will cover achievement in English, Mathematics, Science, Modern

Foreign Languages, Computer Science, History and Geography.

What are BTEC qualifications?

BTECs are vocational courses introducing you to the skills needed for work in a particular area. They are valuable

to you if you have a particular career in mind but are also helpful even if you are unlikely to work in the area in

question. This is because they provide you with the opportunity to develop the skills needed for adult life.

Recently, the government has sought to restrict the number of BTEC courses any one student may follow.

What happens after Year 11?

When you have successfully completed your qualifications at Key Stage Four, you will be ready to move on to the

next level. Those students obtaining five or more good GCSE grades, including English and Maths, will progress

to Level 3 Advanced Level study. The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which

offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their individual needs.

Page 6: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

The Options Timetable

Prior to Options Evening

Prior to the options evening there will be a week of dedicated tutor time with Year 9s. During this time tutors

will encourage your child to perform a Self-review. In this self-review your child will be asked questions such as

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

What are your future career options?

What are your favourite subjects?

On the 24th January there will be an extended assembly when Mr Derbyshire will deliver a presentation to Year

9 with regard to the option process. Following the assembly, students will be informed of their recommended

pathway .The option booklets will then be distributed to students on the 24th January in preparation of the

options evening on the 6th February.

Between the 27th January and the 7th February, there will be an opportunity for students to discuss their options

with the careers advisor Mrs Edge during Lunchtime drop in sessions. See table below.

Week 1

Mon 27th Tues 28th Thurs 30th Fri 31st

Maple Oak Rowan Willow

Week 2

Mon 3rd Tues 4th Thurs 6th Fri 7Tth

Alder Beech Juniper Free

Thursday 6th February 2020, 5:30pm – 7:30pm

Year 9 Option Choices Evening - Presentations to students and parents in the main hall at 5:30pm (Maple &

Juniper), 6.00pm (Oak, Rowan & Willow 6:30pm) (Alder, Beech)

Opportunities for parents to view displays and discuss option choices with subject staff.

Friday 14th February 2019 DEADLINE - Option sheets returned to tutors. Be aware that some subjects

will fill up quickly so please return your form as soon as possible.

Week commencing Monday 2nd March 2020 Individual discussions held to finalise choices.

Monday 15th June 2020 Confirmation of choices letters sent out

Thursday 18th June 2020 4.00pm -7.00pm Year 9 Parents Evening.

Year 9 Parents evening – this will be an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and ask any further

questions regarding the best option choices that your child has taken.

Page 7: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

English Language AQA

Language - 8700

Literature - 8702

Why should you study English Language

As English is such an important subject and will teach you invaluable skills that are essential in everyday

life, the study of English is compulsory. Through the study of English, students will develop their

literacy, analysis and communication skills. These are skills that employers will look for and one of the

reasons why excellent results in this subject are important.

Career Options

There are many different careers you could follow from English, such as:• Digital copywriter;• Editorial

assistant;• English as a Foreign Language Teacher;• Journalist;• Any career which involves Literacy

skills or analysis;• Developing a love and understanding of literature;• Understanding appropriate

writing and communication skills.

What else could you get out of English Language?

English is one of the best subjects to develop your analytical and communication skills. Not only will

studying English give you the ability to solve analytical problems, it will also help you develop creative

thinking skills to tackle everyday issues like writing reports and communicating both verbally and in

written work.

How is the course assessed?

4 exam papers at the end of Year 11

English Language:

Paper 1 – Exploration in Creative Reading and Writing – 1 hour 45minutes

Paper 2 – Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives – 1 hour 45 minutes

English Literature:

Paper 1- Shakespeare and the 19th century novel- 1 hour 45 minutes

Paper 2- Modern texts and Poetry- 2 hours 15 minutes

Attitudes to Learning

A positive attitude and a willingness to work hard within school and at home. You need to be prepared

to have your thinking challenged, to make mistakes and learn from them.


Page 8: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Maths AQA


Why should you study Maths

All throughout the day, from the moment that you get up to the time you go to bed, Maths plays a

crucial part in virtually all of your activities in one form or another. Key aspects of the course are

problem solving and interpreting results, which are attributes that employers are always looking for.

Good results in Maths are crucial in opening many doorways to future careers.

Career Options

Many careers involve aspects of Maths and associated skills so you can't avoid it! However careers that

you can follow from Maths include: Accountant, Banker, Data analyst (fancy being on Sky Sports?),

Engineer, Statistician.

What else could you get out of Maths?

Maths will allow you to refine and develop problem solving, analytical and interpretive skills, as well as

having the foundation to develop scientific or theoretical problems. Careers such as the trades (builder,

plumber, electrician etc.) need you to have certain Mathematical skills too...

How is the course assessed?

3 x 1 hour 30 minutes papers to be taken at the end of year 11. Paper 1 is non-calculator whereas

Papers 2 & 3 both need the use of a scientific calculator.

Attitudes to Learning

A positive attitude and a willingness to work independently both in school and at home. You need to be

prepared to be open minded, to make mistakes and learn from them. It helps to be good at working

both individually and as part of a team in order to develop those crucial Mathematical communication



Page 9: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Science AQA

Combined Science: Trilogy (8464)

Separate Science: Biology (8461) Chemistry (8462) Physics (8463)

Why should you study Science

Science is important because it teaches an understanding of natural phenomena. Science aims to

stimulate our natural curiosity in finding out why things happen in the way they do. It teaches methods

of enquiry and investigation to stimulate creative thought.

Career Options

Engineering, medicine, forensics, physiotherapy, engineering, design, research plus many more.

What else could you get out of Science?

Problem-solving and critical thinking are two of the most important skills students learn in school. In

this way, science is one of the most important subjects students study, because it gives them the

critical thinking skills they need in every subject.

How is the course assessed?

100% GCSE examination (6 x 1Hr15 exams for combined science or 6 x 1hr45 for separate science)

Papers are B1, C1, P1, B2, C2 and P2.

Attitudes to Learning

A positive attitude with the willingness to learn and evaluate.


Page 10: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Physical Education None

Why should you study PE

This is a compulsory part of the curriculum and students will take part in two hours a week.Plus any

extra curricular activites.

Career Options

A variety of careers such as coaching and teaching in sport but the main aim is to enable students to

continue to take part in sport independently and for the rest of there lives to be healthy.

What else could you get out of PE?

Physical education develops pupils' competetence and confidence to take part in a range of activities.

It helps students develop personally and socially working as individuals and as part of a group. They

develop concepts such as fairness and resilience. It helps to develop a wide range of skills and the

ability to use tactics, sytrategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully. Students find this

is a good way to de-stress from the pressure of exams.

How is the course assessed?

Some of the activities that students take part in include; Football, Netball, Dance, Table Tennis,

Gymnastics, Fitness, Badminton, Basketball, Handball, Tag Rugby, Athletics, Rounders, Cricket and

Handball. Some students will take a leadership qualification.

Attitudes to Learning

A positive attitude and a willingness to have a go. Kit is required for every lesson and even if a student

has a medical reason they will still be required to take part in another role such as a leader, coaching,

and as an official.


Page 11: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

History Edexcel

1H10/11 & 1H10/24B1

Why should you choose History

History is a very popular subject at Phoenix, delivered by a dedicated selection of staff. This well

trained team will develop your historical skills using a variety of learning activities from group work,

roleplay, written work to independent research. You will have the opportunity to delve into the past

exploring key historical events and themes like Medicine through Time, The Civil Rights Movement, The

Cold War and The Normans. Past results have proven how students have made excellent progress at

GCSE and if you choose the subject we can offer you the same level of attainment.

Career Options

Researcher, historian, archaeologist, teacher, journalist, lawyer, data analyser and many more!

What else could you get out of History?

It is excellent preparation for many jobs, employers and universities value History very highly and the

skills you are taught. You are taught to think and then make up your own mind. It gives you an insight

into peoples’ lives and current issues.

How is the course assessed?

There will be three exams at the end of year 11 which you will be assessed on:

Paper 1: 1 Hour 15minutes – Medicine in Britain c1250-present & Injuries treatment and the trenches.

Paper 2: 1 Hour 45 minutes – The Cold War & The Normans.

Paper 3 – 1 Hour 20minutes – USA: Conflict at home and abroad.

Attitudes to Learning

Strong Work Ethic, abilty to work with others, an enjoyment of History, ability to work independently

and a desire to succeed.




Page 12: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Geography AQA


Why should you choose Geography

Geography is a very sought after qualification by colleges and sixth forms. The subject is delivered by staff with

exam board marking experience which gives pupils great support, staff are dedicated to your success and have

the ability to help you reach your potential. The course is split into human and physical Geography and a skills

paper. Many of the skills are transferable and help build your employable skills like communication, problem solving

and team work. These make up most of paper 3 and are the top three most employable skills.

Career Options

Law, science, journalism, conservation, aid, architecture, civil engineering, advertising and sales, business,

environment, nursing, information technology, management, finance, banking, marketing, research, manufacturing,

teaching, childcare, engineering and building, arts, design and media, town planning, working abroad, geologist,

waste monitoring, strategic planning, GIS system, data entry, data analysist, logistics, management, environmental

officers, the list really is endless.

What else could you get out of Geography?

Geography is all around you, you see Geography every day. Your route to school, your choices of food in a

supermarket, the holidays you take, the jobs available in the city you live in. The housing stock that is available.

Geography gives you an understanding of everything that is going to surround you in the years to come. Geography

skills help you make informed decisions. It teaches you to think beyond the textbook. As a traditional subject it

is valued very highly by employers and universities. It is also seen as a future proof subject as it will always teach

about modern day issues like climate change, trade unions and poverty which is seen in everyday news.

How is the course assessed?

At the end of the course you will take three examination papers.

Paper 1: Living with the physical environment. Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes. (35% of grade) Topics taught

for this paper are Hazards (Earthquakes and Weather), Living World (Rainforests and Hot deserts), Landscapes

(Coasts and Rivers)

Paper 2: Challenges in the human environment. Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes. (35% of grade) Topics taught

for this paper are Changing Cities (Birmingham and Rio), Development (Nigeria and UK), Resources (Global supplies

and Water in the UK)

Paper 3: Geographical Skills. Written exam: 1 hour 15 minutes. (30% of grade) A pre-released resources booklet

is made available 12 weeks before exam and we undertake fieldwork for this exam so your skills are practised

throughout the two years.

Attitudes to Learning

A positive attitude and a desire to do well is needed. Pupils will be well organised and have a strong ability to take

notes. Pupils will want to seek out knowledge from the news, online and from those around them to be able to

reach the highest of grades.




Page 13: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Spanish AQA


Why should you choose Spanish

You will become more confident with different forms of communication and enhance your interpersonal

skills, gain a great deal of cultural knowledge of the Spanish-speaking world, improve your career


Career Options

- Governmental roles

- Secret Service

- Journalism

- Translation/Interpretation

- Teaching/Tutoring

- Working for an airlines

- Travel industry

-International organisations (including


- Working in the sports industry

- Jobs in a Spanish-speaking country or America

- Computer game translator

- Marketing and advertising

- International banking

What else could you get out of Spanish?

Studying Spanish will improve your vocabulary and the accuracy of your sentence structures in English,

help your confidence levels, boost your brain power, encourage you to learn more about the many

countries that speak Spanish and improve your cultural knowledge.

How is the course assessed?

4 exams - speaking, reading, writing and listening 25% per skill.

Attitudes to Learning

You will have or will develop a growth mindset, have enthusiam for the the Spanish and Hispanic

cultures, increase your linguistic ability or even just having an interest in learning a language or





Page 14: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Polish AQA


Why should you choose Polish

The objective is to enable students of all abilities to develop their Polish language skills to their full

potential, equiping them with the knowledge to communicate in a variety of contexts with confidence

The subject is dedicated to those who want to learn about Polish customs and gain cultural knowledge

of their ancestors. This subject will broaden your horizons of Polish society and national identity.A

Prior knowledge of this subject is essential.

Career Options

Governmental roles, journalist, translator, interpretor, teaching, working for airlines and international


What else could you get out of Polish?

Studying Polish will improve your vocabulary and the accuracy of your sentence structures . It will

raise your confidence levels, encourage you to learn more about the country of great people and unique


How is the course assessed?

The GCSE Polish includes 4 exams -speaking, reading, writing and listening. Each paper is 25 % of

GCSE. There are two type of papers: Higher Tier and Foundation Tier. Students are assessed at the

beginning of year 11 which Tier they are going to do.

Attitudes to Learning

Students who wish to pursue this course will be required to be organised, creative, supportive,

enthusiastic, have excellent time management skills, work well as team, work well independently and

communicate effectively in both languages Polish and English.




Page 15: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Computer Science OCR


Why should you choose Computer Science

The GCSE in Computer Science is a dynamic and exciting qualification that will help prepare you for

the future. Whatever you choose to do in the future (6th Form at Phoenix, College, Apprenticeship or

finding a Job) you will certainly need and use ICT skills. The vast majority of employers place a high

value on ICT qualifications which illustrates skills in business applications and communication software.

Most employers will require some form of evidence that you are ICT literate and even at interview for

University or a Job you may be asked to give a digital presentation. Within this qualification you will

develop ICT skills to improve your presentation of work in other subjects and be able to demonstrate

the skills you have learned to improve your earning power in the future.

Career Options

Computing involves everyone, in every walk of life, so your career opportunities are endless. If you

anticipate any kind of work in the computing industry - Graphics / Games Programmer/ Designer,

Network Engineer, Computer Programmer, Software Developer, Systems Analyst, Medical Scientist -

then Computer Science is highly appropriate.

What else could you get out of Computer Science?

Students who have taken a GCSE in Computer Science and who then progress to study the subject at

A Level or University will have a significant advantage over other students who have not studied this


How is the course assessed?

The GCSE in Computer Science has 2 assessment components:

• Paper 1: Written assessment on Computational thinking and problem solving 50%

• Paper 2: Written assessment on theoretical knowledge from subject content 50%

Attitudes to Learning

A Good work ethic is essential as the tasks you will be presented with are real, and will develop skills

that you will use in later life. The expertise you will build will last you a lifetime and we will stimulate

you with exciting projects and interesting use of top line software packages, as used in the majority

of businesses and commercial companies.

~ You must be in Set 1 in Maths and Science to be able to understand course content~




Page 16: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board



Why should you choose Art?

If you enjoy being creative, want to increase your practical skills and improve your analytical,

communication and research abilities, art and design is a great choice.The skills you gain make it a great

complement to other subjects. Art and design is a way of seeing things and making sense of the world around you.

It can help you with further study and prepare you for the world of work.

Career Options

Art and design opens the door to lots of exciting careers .Try these for starters:• Fashion design Graphic design•

Theatre designer• Animator• Video game designer• Illustrator• Museum curator• Photographer• Architecture•

Product design• Textiles design• Ceramics• Advertising• Publishing• Interior design• Fashion and media

journalism• Hair and make-up design• Retail design• Exhibition design• Jewellery design• Artist• Visual media•

Teaching new technologies are creating a whole new range of courses where art is being used in innovative ways.

What else could you get out of Art?

You can continue your art and design studies at A-level. You’ll also be able to choose areas of study to specialise

in, within a particular title. If you don’t want to take your art and design studies any further, the transferable

skills you gain will still be valuable. You’ll develop problem solving, creative thinking, investigation, research,

communication and teamwork skills, and gain the ability to develop, refine and present ideas. Employers and

universities regard all of these highly.

Alongside improving your practical expertise, you’ll learn how to:• develop, refine and record your ideas • present

a personal response that realises your intentions• improve your creative skills through the effective and safe use

of media, materials, techniques, processes and technologies• successfully use visual language and the formal

elements eg colour, line, form, shape, tone, texture• use drawing skills for different needs and purposes.

How is the course assessed?

GCSE Art and Design is assessed as two components:

Component one: Portfolio

The portfolio is made up of preparatory studies leading to a fully resolved response, or group of responses. The

portfolio represents 60% of the final mark.

Component two: Externally set assignment

The externally set assignment is based on preparatory study that leads to a ten hour period of sustained focus

in which you will produce a response to a chosen theme, brief, problem or task. This assignment represents 40%

of your final mark.

Attitudes to Learning

Some students are shocked to learn that you can’t just ‘draw whatever you want’. A very important part of an

Art qualification is drawing and observing. GCSE Art and Design meets the needs of students who wish to take

up a wide range of careers - practical or academic and leads to Art and Design A level. Whether you have an

inborn talent, natural creativity or simply a desire to make things and learn how to do this better this is your

subject. It is suited to students who have an interest and/or skill which they would like to develop.

Page 17: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Digital Photography AQA


Why should you choose Digital Photography

Why choose GCSE Digital Photography? If you enjoy being creative, want to increase your practical skills and

improve your analytical, communication and research abilities, art and design is a great choice. The skills you gain

make it a great complement to other subjects. Art and design is a way of seeing things and making sense of the

world around you. It can help you with further study and prepare you for the world of work. Areas of study

include portraiture, installation, photo-journalism, moving image: film, video and animation and fashion


Career Options

Art and design opens the door to lots of exciting careers Try these for starters: • Fashion design • Graphic

design • Theatre designer • Animator • Video game designer • Illustrator • Museum curator • Photographer •

Architecture • Product design • Textiles design • Ceramics • Advertising • Publishing • Interior design • Fashion

and media journalism • Hair and make-up design • Retail design • Exhibition design • Jewellery design • Artist •

Visual media • Teaching New technologies are creating a whole new range of courses where art is being used in

innovative ways.

What else could you get out of Digital Photography?

You can continue your Digital Photography studies at A-level. You’ll also be able to choose areas of study to

specialise in within a particular title. If you don’t want to take your art and design studies any further, the

transferable skills you gain will still be valuable. You’ll develop problem solving, creative thinking, investigation,

research, communication and teamwork skills, and gain the ability to develop, refine and present ideas. Employers

and universities regard all of these highly.

How is the course assessed?

GCSE Digital Photography is assessed as two components:

Component one: Portfolio

The portfolio is made up of preparatory studies leading to a fully resolved response, or group of responses. The

portfolio represents 60% of the final mark.

Component two: Externally set assignment

The externally set assignment is based on preparatory study that leads to a ten hour period of sustained focus

in which you will produce a response to a chosen theme, brief, problem or task. This assignment represents 40%

of your final mark.

Attitudes to Learning

GCSE Digital photography is suited to students who have an interest and/or skill which they would like to develop.

Students who wish to pursue this course will be required to be organised, creative, supportive, enthusiastic, have

excellent time management skills, work well as team, work well independently and communicate effectively.

Page 18: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Religious Studies AQA

Why should you choose Religious Studies

To get employment or into sixth form or college you need GCSE’s. Religious Studies, is a great academic

qualification for any job that involves working with people, as it helps you understand people and why they act in

the way they do. Employers are looking for someone with an enquiring mind, a critical thinker with an appreciation

of different viewpoints, and an ability to think for themselves. These skills are developed in this course. If you

want to work with people, especially in the caring professions, this subject will give you plenty to think about. You

will learn how religion, philosophy and ethics form the basis of our culture, and develop valuable skills that will

help prepare you for the future.

Career Options

Nurse, receptionist, office worker, armed services, journalist, social worker, lawyer, policeman, paramedic,

diplomat, philosopher, teacher, in fact anyone who works with people will find a GCSE in Religious Studies useful

What else could you get out of Religious Studies?

Religious Studies gives you a chance to study two religions, (Christianity and Islam) and philosophical and ethical

questions, like:

What’s the value of life?

Why is there evil in the world?

How do we make moral and ethical decisions?

Is abortion, war or assisted suicide ever right?

Is there a God? If so why is there suffering in the world?

What happens after death?

These are Topics that are debated and discussed.

How is the course assessed?

Two written examinations each lasting 1 hour 45 minutes.

Component 1 Study of Christianity 25%

Component 1 Study of Islam 25%

Component 2 Religious, Philosophical and

Ethical Studies in the Modern



Attitudes to Learning

Students need to be curious about the world we live in and have an open mind regarding people’s beliefs. An

inquisitive mind that thrives on understanding other cultures.



Page 19: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Sociology AQA


Why should you choose Sociology

Because you want to understand the world in which you live – how and why it functions as it does and

who has power and who does not. During the course, you’ll be asking questions such as….

-Who controls the Mass Media and should it be restricted in any way?

-Do we live in a meritocratic society?

-Why is it that factors such as class, ethnicity and gender appear to impact on how well – or

otherwise – we do at school?

-Is Britain becoming a secular society, or is there a rise in extremism and fundamentalism?

-Why does crime occur and how reliable are official statistics?

Career Options

Crime analyst, Lawyer, Paralegal, Law clerk, Police officer, Probation officer, Domestic violence victim,

advocate, Social service case worker, Community organizer, Non-profit administration, Health care,

Service administration, Human resource manager, Market researchers and advertiser,Teacher, Survey

researcher, Data analyst, Professor.

What else could you get out of Sociology?

You will develop the following skills:

-Understand group dynamics and diverse perspectives

-Construct and dissect persuasive arguments

-Collect, manage, and analyse complex forms of data

-Communicate effectively through written and oral presentation

How is the course assessed?

2 Exam papers at the end of Year 11

-Paper 1 - Research Methods, Families and Education - 2h15m

-Paper 2 - Research Methods, Social Stratification and Crime and deviance - 2h15m

Attitudes to Learning

Students need to be curious about the world we live in and willing to question what is said in society.

You will need an open mind and a willingness to go investigate the world.

Page 20: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Fashion and Textiles Pearson


Why should you choose Fashion and Textiles?

If you enjoy being creative, want to increase your practical skills and improve your analytical,

communication and research abilities, Fashion and Textiles is a great choice.

The skills you gain make it a great complement to other subjects. Fashion and Textiles is a way of seeing things

and making sense of the world around you. It can help you with further study and prepare you for the world of


Career Options

Fashion and Textiles opens the door to lots of exciting careers try these for starters: • Fashion design • Graphic

design • Theatre designer • Animator • Video game designer • Illustrator • Museum curator • Photographer •

Architecture • Product design • Textiles design • Ceramics • Advertising • Publishing • Interior design • Fashion

and media journalism • Hair and make-up design • Retail design • Exhibition design • Jewellery design • Artist •

Visual media • Teaching new technologies are creating a whole new range of courses where art is being used in

innovative ways.

What else could you get out of Fashion and Textiles?

You can continue your Fashion and Textiles interest through art and design studies at A-level. You’ll also be able

to choose areas of study to specialise in within a particular title. If you don’t want to take your art and design

studies any further, the transferable skills you gain will still be valuable. You’ll develop problem solving, creative

thinking, investigation, research, communication and teamwork skills, and gain the ability to develop, refine and

present ideas. Employers and universities regard all of these highly. Alongside improving your practical expertise,

you’ll learn how to:• develop, refine and record your ideas • present a personal response that realises your

intentions • improve your creative skills through the effective and safe use of media, materials, techniques,

processes and technologies • successfully use visual language and the formal elements eg: colour, line, form, shape,

tone, texture • use drawing skills for different needs and purposes.

How is the course assessed?

GCSE Fashion & Textiles offers an inspiring programme of study, which will challenge students to refine and

develop practical textile skills, understanding properties of materials and creative thinking. Students will have 3

lessons per week over the duration of the three years and the course is made up of 60% coursework and 40%

final exam. Students are assessed throughout the course to support and guide their development. They will

receive a mixture of group critiques and individual tutorials/feedback. Students will be marked according to

formal GCSE grades, Students will cover different projects per year, which will include a combination of research,

recording/drawing, artist study, development and final pieces. The projects enable students to work within the

parameters of a given topic and set of criteria but also to develop an individual style and/or direction. The main

specialist techniques students will learn include Printed Textiles, Mixed Media, Expressive Stitch and Fashion


Attitudes to Learning

GCSE Fashion and Textiles is suited to students who have an interest and/or skill which they would like to develop.

Students who wish to pursue this course will be required to be organised, creative, supportive, enthusiastic, have

excellent time management skills, work well as team, work well independently and communicate effectively.

Page 21: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Product Design AQA

Why should you choose Design Technology

Studying design technology will give you the opportunity to develop a range of skills including research,

practical, designing and manufacturing. The subject enables you to investigate a wide range of

materials, techniques and processes whilst applying mathematics, science and art knowledge.

Career Options

Careers which this subject can lead to are: graphic designer, manufacturer, engineer, jewellery

designer, interior designer, carpenter, joiner, builder, surveyor, teacher, technician, mechanic, product

designer. Work is varied, well-paid and rewarding.

What else could you get out of Design Technology?

The subject is hands on and develops your ability to solve problems. It enables you to be creative and

think logically. Research skills can be transferred across other subjects studied and it is a valuable

vehicle to apply Mathematics, Science and English.

How is the course assessed?

There is no written examination. The course is assessed with an extended project and a practical


Attitudes to Learning

You must enjoy being hands on and working with tools and equipment. However, theory is a very

important part of the subject so you must be willing to investigate, evaluate and analyse materials and

processes. It is a time-consuming subject so be prepared to attend at lunchtimes and after school.



Page 22: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Hospitality WJEC


Why should you choose food

The lessons are made as interesting as possible. Learning activities include all aspects of practical

cooking , purchasing food and preparing and cooking dishes using different catagories of food items

Career Options

This qualification can lead to many things from commercial catering to a more wider Hospitality

industry including hotels and restaurants. You could be a chef or running your own restaurant, the

possiblities are endless.

What else could you get out of food?

Hospitality provides opprtunities to delevop a range of skills, techniques, personal qualities and

attitude’s essential for performance in every day life.

How is the course assessed?

Hospitality and Catering is made up of 2 units .

Unit 1 - The Hospitality & Catering Industry Course work externally assessed.

Until 2 Hospitality and Catering in Action.

Attitudes to Learning

A positive attitude and willingness to work hard through out the course .



Page 23: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Sport OCR


Why should you choose Sport

If you enjoy Sport then this course will allow you to study two sports in greater depth (individual and

a team), and focus on leadership. It is a mixture of theory and practical and lessons are made as

interactive as possible.

Career Options

There are numerous careers and jobs such as a Coach, PE teacher, Physiotherapist. A good grade will

lead into completing A'levels and BTEC Level 3 courses and apprenticeships.This allows applications to

UCAS to complete a degree course.

What else could you get out of Sport?

We take part in a number of activities and trips and regularly use Pulse fitness in Wednesbury.

Opportunities to gain further awards in leadership and officiating are offered. There is also a chance

students would be selected to be a PE leader.

How is the course assessed?

The course is assessed through 4 units each worth 25%. Unit 1 contemporary issues- written exam (Jan

/May entry in year 10). Unit 2 Sport studies skills (practical) in a team and individual sport, written

coursework about strengths and areas for development in their best sport. Unit 3- Sports leadership

students will lead within selected activities focusing on skills, qualities and responsibilities. Unit 4-

Outdoor education this unit will focus on Canoeing and will look at planning an activity, health benefits

and risk assessments.

Attitudes to Learning

Students should have a positive attitude and work ethic. The course requires effort and determination.

They must enjoy PE both theory and practical. Attending extra curricular activities and representing

the school team is an expectation. Students are assessed on their practical ability. Students need to

enjoy a variety of sports to undertake this course.



Page 24: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Engineering OCR


J831, J841

Why should you choose Engineering

Our Cambridge National in Engineering Design helps students understand the processes of engineering

design and how market requirements inform client briefs. Through practical activities they develop

skills in computer modelling and model making and how to communicate design ideas effectively.

Career Options

This subject can lead to many different careers in Design, Product Design, Engineering,

Manufacturing, Mechanics…the list is extensive.

What else could you get out of Engineering?

This Cambridge National Certificate can lead to a L3 qualification in Engineering, which the school

already offers, or a career in design, engineering or manufacture in the local area. Many local companies

in the Midlands offer Engineering Apprenticeships where students could continue their learning.

How is the course assessed?

Exam (25%) R105 Design Briefs, Design Specifications and User requirements.

Controlled Assessment Task (25%) R106 Product Analysis

Controlled Assessment Task (25%) R107 Developing and Presenting

Controlled Assessment Task (25%) R108 3D Realisation

Attitudes to Learning

A positive attitude and willingness to work hard throughout the course .



Page 25: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Health & Social Pearson


Why should you choose Health & Social

If you are interested in helping and caring for people, then the BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Health

and Social Care is the course for you. You will develop skills and knowledge about human growth and

development, health and social care services and factors affecting individuals health and well-being.

You will develop attitudes and care values used in this sector and the opportunity to practise applying

them. The course also allows you to engage with different professionals in the health and social care


Career Options

This qualification will help you make more informed choices of the range of career options in the health

and social care sector such as, nursing, midwifery, doctors, counselling, occupational therapists, social

worker, youth workers, health care assistants, carers for elderly, nursery practitioners and much more.

You may also consider progression into A'level or other BTEC Level 3 qualifications.

What else could you get out of Health & Social?

The opportunity to develop a range of transferable skills such as writing, communication, analysing

data, teamworking, evaluative skills and respect for diversity. These skills are central to dealing

interactions with clients, patients and service users. You will also develop desirable employability skills

that majority of employers want and will also support your progression to Level 3 vocational and

academic qualification.

How is the course assessed?

The BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care is made of 3 components.

Component 1 Human Lifespan development, Component 2 Health and Social Care Services and Values

and Component 3 Health and Well-being. Component 1 and 2 will be assessed internally through

completing coursework with practical elements that promotes deep learning and connecting knowledge

and practice. Component 3 will be assessed by a 2 hour external examination where you will be expected

to assess an individual's health and well-being and create a health and improvement plan.

Attitudes to Learning

Determined, self motivated, has excellent time management skills, ability to meet deadlines, willingness

to engage/participate positively in lesson, willingness to ask questions and be assertive and most

importantly having a caring attitude for others by showing respect.



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Subject Exam Board

Information Technology NCFE


Why should you choose IT

The NCFE Level 2 Technical Award in Interactive Media is aimed at learners wishing to gain an

understanding of the interactive media industry and develop the basic skills across a range of areas

and contexts within the subjects of design and media.

Career Options

The qualification focuses on an applied study of the interactive media sector and learners will gain a

broad understanding and knowledge of working in the sector. Jobs this can lead to include working in

the design, arts and the ICT media industry.

What else could you get out of IT?

Interactive media is the integration of digital media including combinations of electronic text, graphics,

moving images and sound into a structured digital computerised environment that allows people to

interact with the data for appropriate purposes.

How is the course assessed?

To be awarded the Level 2 Technical Award in Interactive Media, learners are required to successfully

complete 4 mandatory units that are internally assessed and externally moderated. Learners must also

achieve a minimum of a Pass in the external assessment.

Attitudes to Learning

Pupils will need to have a good work ethic and be self motivated as this qualification is assessed

throughout the year.



Page 27: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Music Pearson


Why should you choose Music

If you are interested in music creation, performance and production and would like to explore potential

careers in music this course would be perfect. The BTEC Tech Award in Music is a practical introduction

to life and work in the industry. You will explore the sector while developing skills in teamwork,

leadership and communication.

Career Options

The BTEC Level 1/2 First Award in Music could lead on to work in the music industry e.g. performer,

composer, producer, sound engineer, A & R, songwriter, promoter, publicist, journalism. The course

would give a broad Music education for someone thinking about teaching music.

What else could you get out of Music?

This course will help you:

• Gain confidence

• Leadership skills

• Using music technology

• Presentation skills

• Performance skills

• Team work skills

• Organisational skills

How is the course assessed?

The course has three internally assessed components, and one that’s externally assessed. The

externally assessed (exam) component is Unit 1: The Music Industry (25%). The internally assessed

components are Unit 2: Managing a Music Product; Unit 3: Introducing Live Sound and Unit 5:

Introducing Music Performance.

Attitudes to Learning

The course would require students to be organised, creative, enthusiastic, have excellent time

management skills, work well as team, work well independently and communicate effectively. In

preparation for your performance you will need to be self-disciplined and rehearse in your own time.



Page 28: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise Pearson

Why should you choose BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise

If you are interested in the world of business then a BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise is the subject

for you. You will develop knowledge and understanding of real businesses by applying your learning and

skills to a work-related context. You can explore what it means to set up and run a Business Enterprise

as well as develop key skills and gain an insight into industry sectors.

Career Options

After completing your BTEC Tech Award, you will be in a great position to continue in the enterprise

sector. This qualification prepares students for both practical and academic routes with students

progressing to study a range of Level 3 Advanced and Vocational qualifications before eventually

progressing to study Level 4 qualifications in this subject area. Typical eventual careers include

apprenticeships in Business, Finance, Administration, Marketing and Accountancy or even setting up

your own business.

What else could you get out of BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise?

A BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise is a practical introduction to life and work as an entrepreneur and

as such you will develop an aptitude in planning and carrying out an enterprise activity, develop the

knowledge that underpins the effective use of skills that can affect the performance of an enterprise

and develop attitudes and ways of working that are important for enterprise and any establishment

that you may work for in the future.

How is the course assessed?

The course is assessed through 3 components of work.

Component 1 and Component 2 – Internally assessed – 60% weighting combined.

Component 3 - Externally assessed Examination – 40% weighting.

Attitudes to Learning

There is an expectation that students of this award will demonstrate skills such as those possessed by

a typical entrepreuner including interpersonal, communication, leadership, and creativ skills. In addition

to this students need to demonstrate typical qualities of an entrepreuner such as a motivation to work

hard and a desire to achieve success.



Page 29: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Child Development CACHE


Why should you choose Child Development

The Level 2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care provides learners with the opportunity to gain a

vocational qualification that gives a basic introduction to the sector. It has been designed to meet the needs of

learners from the age of 14 years. It includes the knowledge and understanding of child development and well-

being necessary for working with children in a variety of settings. It is aimed at a range of learners who wish to

be introduced to childcare and development of children aged 0-5 years. It also gives learners an insight into their

preferred learning styles and assists in developing their ability to study.

Career Options

Here are a few examples of jobs available to graduates with a bachelor's in child development:

Child Life Specialist.

Special Education Paraprofessional.

Parent Educator.

Early Childhood Education Consultant.

Early Childhood Education Regulator.

Social Worker.

What else could you get out of Child Development?

Learners will be able to progress to further relevant level 2 programmes of study or level 3 programmes of study

including those from our Early Years Educator suite. Learners may also progress to an Apprenticeship route in

early years or child care at either level 2 or level 3.

How is the course assessed?

This qualification consists of 3 units:

Unit 1 and unit 2 graded A*– D, assessed by an externally set, internally marked assessment task. Mandatory

assessments for each unit will be subject to internal and external quality assurance.

• Unit 3 graded A*-D, assessed by an externally set and externally marked synoptic scenario based short

answer examination (component TACDC).

Attitudes to Learning

Do you enjoy reading people and figuring out what makes them tick? Do your friends often come to you for help

with their problems? You like to find solutions after thoroughly diagnosing situations. You’re naturally observant

and analytical, which will serve you well in a child development career. Not all children learn at the same speed—

some will need extra help in certain areas that others won’t. As an early childhood educator, it’s your job to notice

when a child may need require some extra attention.



Page 30: OPTIONS EVENING · The Phoenix Collegiate has a large and extremely successful Sixth Form, which offers our young people the opportunity to follow a range of options, suited to their

Subject Exam Board

Drama Pearson


Why should you choose Drama

This course will provide a sound & sufficiently broad educational base to enable each student to progress either

to a Level 3 Extended Certificate in Performing Arts (Acting), and/or A Level Theatre Studies/Drama. It is a

vocational course and therefore we try and make it as practical as possible. It is intended that the Performing

Arts course will use each student’s skills & enthusiasm in acting to develop an awareness & interest in the

Performing Arts. You will work with a range of different people throughout the course, you will have a lot of fun

experimenting with different styles of theatre and you will also see live theatre. The coursework you produce

contributes significantly to your final grade so it would help if you are reaching your target grade in English!

Career Options

This qualification can lead to many careers; not just careers in the Performing Arts industry. Many big companies

are now specifically looking for Drama qualifications as they enable you to develop your team work, presentation

and confidence skills.

What else could you get out of Drama?

As referenced in the careers section; many companies are searching for employees with Drama qualifications as

they know they are equipt with the skills to work effectively in many a workplace. You will improve a range of

skills such as confidence, team work, presentation, co-operation, organisation, committment, creativity and many


How is the course assessed?

All Components consist of a set of formal assessment tasks/assignments.

The range of tasks will include:

• Practical Performance

• Observations of rehearsals

• Logbooks and PowerPoint presentations

• Research and character development

• Assessment of written responses which provide evidence for the Component criteria

• Observation of performance in practical tasks matched against assessment criteria

• Peer assessment of team work

• External witness Statements to support pupil’s achievements

Attitudes to Learning

Students who wish to pursue this course will be required to be organised, creative, supportive, enthusiastic, have

excellent time management skills, work well as a team, work well independently and communicate effectively.

Students will also be required to rehearse in their own time (after school and lunch times) and will need to attend

a live theatre performance in Year 10.