Options Booklet 2015

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Options Booklet 2015






Dear Parent/Carer Welcome to the options evening which is the next important stage in your son/daughter’s secondary education. This is the start of the decision making process with regard to Key Stage 4 Options. In September 2015, our three year Key Stage 4 curriculum offer means that your son/daughter will have three years to study for their GCSE or Vocational subjects. Courses have been carefully selected to raise standards and to develop personalised learning. This booklet contains information about the courses The John Wallis Church of England Academy offers at Key Stage 4. It also explains some of the choices and decisions which students will be making and gives the appropriate information, advice and guidance for parents/carers from teachers and outside agencies. A copy of this booklet is also available to download from the Academy website. The Key Stage 4 curriculum at The John Wallis Church of England Academy provides two pathways to examination success, helping students to sustain interest in learning new skills and knowledge. As well as allowing students to work to their individual strengths and interests, it is essential that they maintain a broad and balanced education as far as possible in order to widen their choices at Post 16 education and for employment. The Key Stage 4 curriculum consists of two parts: the CORE Curriculum and the OPTIONAL Curriculum. Students will have to make curriculum preferences from a range of courses, which will include vocational GCSE equivalent qualification courses and traditional GCSEs. THE ENGLISH BACCALAUREATE This has been introduced by the Coalition Government and awarded to students who are successful in gaining GCSE grades A* - C in the following subjects:


English Language


Combined or Triple Science

One Humanity subject in either History or Geography

One Modern Foreign Language (e.g. French or Spanish). It is generally accepted that the combination of subjects in the English Baccalaureate will be required by all universities and employers and it will become a selection criterion for the universities and employers. The Russell Group of Universities (considered the best 20 universities in the country) has made it known that Modern Foreign Languages and a Humanities subject are two of the eight facilitating subjects they will require for entry. University College London now requires students to have a Modern Foreign Language at GCSE for all their courses studied at University College London. VOCATIONAL COURSES Our vocational courses have developed since the opening of the Academy in 2010. This is an exciting time in the Academy. Vocational courses in the Construction skills and in Hair and Beauty are being taught on the ground floor of our new “Infinity” building. The City and Guilds Certificate in Building Services and Construction and the VTCT qualifications in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy are highly recognised and sought after qualifications. We have also introduced a Retail course in the Sixth Form and work in partnership with the McArthur Glen Ashford Designer Outlet. This course is proving to be a very popular choice for students interested in a career in the retail industry, whether it be on the shop floor or in management. MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICES It is very important that students and their parents/carers think carefully about the choice of study at Key Stage 4. There are several factors which need to be taken into account:

Level of interest and ability in a particular subject.

Future education and career aspirations. Some university courses will prefer students to have taken specific subjects at Key Stage 4 and certain career paths will require specific subjects.


Previous track record in a subject.

Advice and guidance from Subject Leaders and Tutors. Students should select a course because:

The student is good at a particular subject and will enjoy the subject.

It links to a career idea.

It will go well with other subject choices.

It will help develop knowledge and skills of interest to the student.

The student wants to continue studying post 16.

Student research shows that it will interest and motivate students. We emphasise that enjoyment should be the most important criteria for making option choices. CAREER PLANS Some students will have a clear idea about their career plans. However, there is no need to worry at this stage if your son/daughter does not have a particular career in mind. If they have no career plans, it is wise to select a good balance of subjects that keep open as many opportunities as possible. Future employers will look for a person who is flexible and adaptable to changing situations. WHAT STUDENTS CAN DO Making future choices can be quite daunting, but it is actually the opportunity for students to take control of their education and shape their future. Everyone needs a bit of help with decision-making. Option choices are too important to leave to chance so students need to make sure they all get the help and support needed. Students should be seeking advice, information and guidance from: Parents/carers, subject teachers, personal tutors, the Academy’s Careers Adviser, Mr Terry, family and friends and, of course, the Academy’s Senior Leadership Team. Parents and students can also access a very useful website on the internet, which has been developed by the Government to support parents in making choices for their children. The address is www.direct.gov.uk and click on the link to Education and Learning.


With help and guidance students will be asked to complete an options selection form online. Should you or your son/daughter request more information or an interview this will be made available either during or after the Parental Consultation Evening on Wednesday, 25th February 2015 which begins for Year 8 students at 3.30pm. The website link for Options is as follows: http://www.thejohnwallisacademy.org/options. If you would like any more information on the selection process, please do not hesitate to contact me or Mr Shepherd, the Vice Principal. Yours Sincerely

Mr John McParland Principal



As well as the core curriculum of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Religious Studies, Physical Education and Combined Science, students can choose three further options. Option Block A comprises the EBac subjects – namely History, Geography, Computer Science, French and Spanish. Option Blocks B and C offer a free choice from a wide range of GCSE and Vocational Courses.






SCIENCE – Combined, Triple Science
































Options Booklet 2015

English Language & English Literature


“Words signify man's refusal to accept the world as it is.” Walter Kaufmann Language underpins our shared culture and sense of who we are as human beings. The skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening are essential for all forms of employment and have wider, deeper significance for our ability to think and act as individuals within a challenging, changing world. The study of English remains at the heart of the Secondary Curriculum and is compulsory for all students and builds confidence and skill in reading, writing and thinking as well as giving students the opportunity to explore culture, art and the immense power of written and spoken communication. Wholly revised GCSE English Language and English Literature courses are to be implemented for the 2017 examination series. This requires teaching for the new two year courses to begin in September 2015. There are a wide range of changes to the contents and assessments in both subjects. All students will study both Language and Literature. The qualifications are separate and equally valuable, although they develop and assess different skills.


Why study this subject? The new English Language GCSE will encourage students to read a greater range of high quality, challenging literature and non-fiction text from a range of genres and types (from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries). Reading and writing will be equally weighted in the new English Language GCSE. The new English Language GCSE will have a greater focus on making sure that students are able to write clearly and accurately, in good Standard English. There will be a vastly increased emphasis on spelling, punctuation and grammar, including the use of vocabulary. Tiers will be removed from GCSE English Language (Literature is till tiered). This means that specifications and question papers cover the full range of abilities. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? GCSEs in English Language and English Literature English Language (AQA 8700) – QAN code: 601/4293/3 English Literature (AQA 8702) – QAN Code: 601/4447/6 What topics will I study on this course? English Language (AQA 8700)

Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing

Section A: Reading

•• one literature fiction text

Section B: Writing

•• descriptive or narrative writing

Paper 2: Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives

Section A: Reading


•• one non-fiction text and one literary non-fiction text

Section B: Writing

•• writing to present a viewpoint

How will I be assessed on this course?

Paper 1 Assessment

•• written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

•• 80 marks

•• 50% of GCSE


Reading (40 marks) (25%)

– one single text

•• 1 short form question

(1 x 4 marks)

•• 2 longer form questions

(2 x 8 marks)

•• 1 extended question

(1 x 20 marks)

Writing (40 marks) (25%)

•• 1 extended writing question (24 marks for content, 16 marks for technical accuracy)

Paper 2 Assessment

•• written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

•• 80 marks

•• 50% of GCSE


Reading (40 marks) (25%)

– two linked texts

•• 1 short form question

(1 x 4 marks)

•• 2 longer form questions

(1 x 8, 1 x 12 marks)

•• 1 extended question


(1 x 16 marks)

Writing (40 marks) (25%)

•• 1 extended writing question (24 marks for content, 16 marks for technical accuracy)

English Literature (AQA 8702)


Students will study one play from the list of six set texts. Students should study the whole text.

Choose one of:

•• Macbeth

•• Romeo and Juliet

•• The Tempest

•• The Merchant of Venice

•• Much Ado About Nothing

•• Julius Caesar.

The 19th-century novel

Students will study one novel from the list of seven set texts. Students should study the whole text.

Choose one of:

Author Title

Robert Louis Stevenson The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol

Charles Dickens Great Expectations

Charlotte Brontë Jane Eyre

Mary Shelley Frankenstein

Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle The Sign of Four

Paper 1

Shakespeare Plays

The 19th-century novel

Written examination: 1 hour 45 minutes

40% of GCSE Literature

Paper 2


Modern prose or drama

The poetry anthology

Unseen poetry

Written examination : 2 hours 15 minutes

60% of GCSE Literature

How much homework will I have to do? Homework will be issued weekly.

Do I have to do any coursework and how will I be assessed on this course?

The courses are assessed solely on examinations, neither course work nor Controlled Assessment contribute to the final grades. This is true of both Language and Literature. There are a total of four examinations: two for Language and two for Literature. Spoken Language is still assessed but it does not contribute to the final grade and is separately endorsed. Where can I find out more about this qualification?

More detailed information is available from the AQA web site.

http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/english/gcse/english-language-8700 http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/english/gcse/english-literature-8702



Core QAN Code: 601/4700/3 Why study this subject? Learning mathematics can be fun. It will certainly equip you with important life skills and provides an essential qualification for further education. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? GCSE in Mathematics Students may be entered for the Higher or Foundation Tiers of this qualification. We encourage students to study the broadest range of topics that they can and to sit the Higher Tier qualification if possible. What can this qualification lead to afterwards? This is a core qualification which allows the student to access a broad range of subjects at the next level. This includes vocational subjects such as Construction, commercial subjects such as Business and Economics, Social Sciences such as Psychology, the natural sciences and of course Mathematics at A level. Sixth form and university courses will usually expect that the student has at least a grade C in GCSE Mathematics.


What topics will I study on this course? The course covers four main topics:

1. Number 2. Algebra 3. Geometry 4. Data handling

Students are also encouraged to improve their logical thinking and problem solving skills. Do I have to do any coursework? There is no coursework component to this qualification. How much homework will I have to do? Weekly written and computer-based homework will be set. Students are expected to complete this work as an integral part of consolidating and extending their learning in the classroom. How will I be assessed on this course? The course is assessed by three examination papers: one where calculators are not allowed and two where calculators are allowed. There will be an opportunity for students to sit formal mock examinations both at the end of Year 10 and in February of Year 11. All students will be expected to continue their studies in Year 11 to ensure that they achieve the best possible grades in this subject. Where can I find out more about this qualification? More detailed information is available from the Edexcel web site. http://qualifications.pearson.com/content/demo/en/qualifications/edexcel-gcses/mathematics-a-2010.html


Combined Science

Core Why study this subject? GCSE Science offers students a good knowledge of science, by studying units from GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Physics. It is a firm foundation from which a student with high grades could go on to study A-level Science subjects.

Students have the opportunity to gain a good understanding across topics such as: Classification, Materials and Energy.

Studying Science enables the development of teamwork, problem solving, IT skills, communication and numeracy.

What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? Two Science GCSEs What topics will I study on this course? Biology- Influences on life Classification, variation and inheritance Responses to a changing environment The circulatory system The respiratory system The digestive system


Chemistry– Chemistry in our World The Earth’s sea and atmosphere Atomic structure and the Periodic Table Quantitative Chemistry Bonding

Physics – Universal Physics Visible light and the solar system Waves and the universe Static and current electricity Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion Motion and forces Combined Science supports learning in GCSE Physical Education, Child Development, Health and Social Care, Beauty Therapy, Geography, Computer Science and Mathematics. How much homework will I have to do? Homework will be issued weekly. How will I be assessed on this course? Students take separate examinations in Biology, Physics and Chemistry.


Science Triple Award

Why study this subject? This course is suitable for students who are interested in Science and who are intending to have a career in science. The course aims to encourage students to:

Develop their interest in, and enthusiasm for, the three separate sciences; Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Develop a critical approach to science evidence and methods.

Acquire and apply skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works and its role in society.

Acquire scientific skills, knowledge and understanding necessary for progression to further learning.

What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? You will attain 3 GCSEs. One in Biology, one in Chemistry and one in Physics. All units are tiered either foundation or higher. Links with other subjects: Triple Science supports learning in GCSE Physical Education, Child Development, Health and Social Care, Beauty Therapy, Geography, Computer Science and Mathematics. What can this qualification lead to afterwards? A pass at a high grade will allow access to AS and A Level in Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Level 3 vocational courses in Science. Science can open many doors in the work place.


What topics will I study on this course? In addition to the topics studied for combined science, the following will also be studied: Biology: Using Biology How the body uses negative feedback as a regulatory mechanism including the renal system and the reproductive system Studying behaviour through an understanding of different types of behaviours and the role of ethologists in the understanding of this field

Chemistry: Chemistry in Action

Obtaining an understanding of qualitative tests for specific ions, and their applications in industry

Obtaining an understanding of electrolysis, to include half equations, and an appreciation of the uses of the products of electrolysis

Explore different methods in the manufacture of ethanol

Physics: Application of Physics

Radiation in treatment and medicine

X-rays and ECGs

Production, uses and risks of ionising radiation from radioactive sources

Motion of particles

How much homework will I have to do? Homework will be issued weekly. How will I be assessed on this course? Students will take three separate examinations in Biology, Physics and Chemistry.


Physical Education Core “Sport and exercise to engage the mind, body and soul”

QAN Code: 500/4676/7 What will I be doing in Core PE? All students will have the opportunity to increase their physical, social and emotional development through taking part in a range of activities designed to engage, inspire and motivate the future generations into putting their fitness, health and wellbeing as a top priority. What activities will I be doing in Core PE? In Key Stage 4 there are 6 main areas of participation and students will have the opportunity to take part in a range of activities from each area.

Invasion Games Football, Netball, Basketball, Hockey, Ultimate Frisbee.

Striking and Fielding

Rounders, Cricket, Softball.

Net Games Tennis, Badminton, Table Tennis.

OAA Climbing, Orienteering, Skiing, Rowing.

Swimming Swimming, Personal Survival, Aqua Aerobics.

Health Related Exercise

Circuit Training, Resistance Training, Zumba, Pilates and Yoga.

Creative Dance and Gym

Trampolining, Gymnastics, Cheerleading and Dance.


What roles will I take on in lesson? Students will take on a range of different roles within sport. Students will have the opportunity to be a player, coach or official in their chosen sport and use their skills to develop a practical portfolio as evidence of their dedication and develop within their chosen sport.

What opportunities will be available to inspire me? As part of the new Physical Education curriculum students will have the opportunity to visit a range of sporting venues with the sole purpose to widen their opportunities and inspire them to reach the highest level in everything they do. Opportunities will include Barclays FA Premier League matches, International Netball fixtures, Kent 20/20 Cricket matches, National League Basketball, Table Tennis and Athletics Competitions. What clubs can I join? As part of the new Physical Education curriculum young people will be given the opportunities to carry on their chosen activities during after school clubs. The next stage will be to join feeder clubs and organisations to develop and hone their skills. These have been independently chosen by Mr Nicholas (Director of Sport and Physical Education) and will allow safe and energetic environments for the next Olympians to be found. What qualifications will be on offer? The PE department will also run a range of non-compulsory sport related qualifications to increase the employability of students within the sports and leisure industry. These will include health and safety, first aid, event management and sports leadership.


Religious Studies

Core QAN Code: 500/4488/6 Why study this subject? Religious Studies will give you the opportunity to discuss and think about many of the challenging questions that dominate our world today. You will be encouraged to consider for yourself the answers to those big questions such as the meaning and purpose of life and whether or not God exists. You will study the life and teachings of Jesus described in Saint Mark’s Gospel and consider how it affects Christians today. You will also have to deal with those moral issues that split our society in deciding what is right or wrong. For example, does marriage still matter and should homosexuals have the right to raise a family of their own? Should it be illegal for people to express sexist ideas? Can an abortion ever be justified? These are just some of the many tough questions that students will be required to consider. All moral issues will be studied through Christianity and one other religion. Students will discover that Christians do not always agree with each other on what is the right answer to a moral question, by considering the teachings of the different Christian Churches throughout the world. Religious Studies will develop your understanding of those moral issues that dominate our society, and may very well affect each of us one day. By considering religious opinions, the course will give you an awareness of how religion can influence individuals, families, communities and cultures. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? You will get one full GCSE qualification in Religious Studies.


What can this qualification lead to afterwards? The skills you will develop by studying a Humanities subject are well respected by colleges and universities. They are required for successful entry into many careers. Religious Studies is even mentioned within the application documents for medicine, law, and public services including the Police. The skills you will gain include the ability to:

Write well in a variety of styles. Organise your work and meet tight deadlines. Summarise, argue and debate. Research, select, analyse, organise and present information. Think logically and critically. Justify your reasoned opinion. Improve your decision making skills. Develop personal philosophical reasoning.

Is there any coursework? No. There are no Controlled Assessments. How much homework will I have to do? Homework will be set on a weekly basis.

How will I be assessed on this course? The GCSE comprises two exam papers, each lasting 90 minutes.





Art and Design

Option Why study this subject? The Creative Arts Industries cover a massive range of jobs and sectors including film, television, photography, interior and exterior design, fashion, illustration, graphic design and fine art. The Creative Arts Industries actually contribute to up to 7% of Britain’s Gross Domestic Product. The GCSE in Art and Design will provide you with a grounding in the essential skills and broad fundamentals crucial to this area of study and it gives you the opportunity to progress later to a qualification at Level 3 (such as A Level or BTEC). What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? A GCSE in Art and Design (Edexcel Specification 2AD01). QAN: 500/4521/0 What can this qualification lead to afterwards? The course provides a good progression route to AS/A2 Level qualifications or Level 3 BTEC Nationals in Art and Design. This is a relevant GCSE to take if you are considering any career in the Creative Industries or if you want to demonstrate useful transferable skills. A qualification in Art and Design demonstrates that you can think creatively as well as work with a high degree of independence. Both of these skills are highly prized by both employers and further education establishments in and outside the arts sector. What will I be studying in Art and Design? Unit 1: Portfolio of Work (5AD01)


2 or 3 assignments using a range of 2D and 3D media including painting, drawing, Photoshop and ceramics. You will also be looking at and writing about other artists and writing notes about your own work. Unit 2: Externally Set Task (5AD02) 1 assignment responding to a topic set by the exam board but using media of your own choosing. Do I have to do any coursework? Yes, you will have to build a portfolio of work including annotated sketchbooks in response to 3 or 4 assignments. Art is hard work and requires that you put in a lot of work outside of lessons at home and after school. Your last assignment will be externally set by the exam board and completed over 10 hours in controlled conditions within the Art and Design Department. How much homework will I have to do? Regular research and practical tasks. You will be expected to take your sketchbook home to complete classwork tasks and to research and develop ideas further. Homework will average 2 hours per week. How will I be assessed on this course? Unit 1 Portfolio of Work – 60% Set and marked by the Academy and moderated by Edexcel. Unit 2 Externally Set Task – 40% Several weeks of preparation time and then 10 hours of sustained focused study. Set by AQA. Marked by the Academy and moderated by Edexcel. Where can I find out more about this qualification? The Edexcel Website: http://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-gcses/art-and-design-2009.html



Option Why study this subject? This course will enable you to develop practical skills and learn new techniques. You will become aware of all aspects of the catering industry and the job roles within it. It will also give you an opportunity to be creative with your own recipes. This subject can be studied as a single award or as a component of the double award Hospitality and Catering. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? 1 GCSE in Catering (WJEC Single Award 4730) QAN No: 500/4462/x What can this qualification lead to afterwards? This course provides an excellent route into Hospitality and Catering BTEC Level 2 & 3, Food and Nutrition GCE and any career that requires knowledge of catering. What topics will I study on this course? A range of topics relating to the following assessment objectives:

The industry – food and drink.

Job roles, employment opportunities and relevant training.

Health, safety and hygiene.


Food preparation, cooking and presentation.

Nutrition and menu planning.

Costing and portion control.

Specialist equipment.

Communication and record keeping.

Environmental considerations. As part of the course students will have the opportunity to complete the basic food hygiene certificate. Note: This is a very practical based course and will require students to frequently bring in ingredients and/ or pay for some items of food. Do I have to do any coursework? Controlled Assessment: Two practical tasks 60% (45 hours) and a Written Examination 40% How much homework will I have to do? 2 hours a week How will I be assessed on this course? Assessment for GCSE Catering is un-tiered, i.e. all units cater for the full range of ability and allow access to grades A*-G. You will be assessed on the practical tasks with supporting written planning and evaluation and a 1 ¼ hour written exam. Where can I find out more about this qualification? http://www.wjec.co.uk/uploads/publications/15996.pdf


Child Development Option Why study this subject? "Children are our most valuable resource." Herbert Hoover 31st US President In this subject you will study child development from 0-5 years old. You will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to the roles and responsibilities of the family, pre-conception, conception, pregnancy, birth and post-natal factors, diet and health in relation to stages and conditions of development and support available to the family. This qualification can lead to careers involving care for children and young people. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? A GCSE in Home Economics Child Development (AQA Specification 4850) QAN Code: 500/4389/4 What can this qualification lead to afterwards? The skills you will gain by studying GCSE Child Development would enable you to continue studying in the area of Child Development at a higher level or to go straight into the workplace in a job such as nursery nursing. This is a relevant GCSE to take if you are considering working in careers such as teaching, social work, youth work, nursing or pediatrics. What topics will I study on this course? You will study a wide variety of topics relating to the development of children aged 0-5 years. Topics include:

Family and parenting

Preparation for pregnancy and birth

Physical development

Nutrition and health


Intellectual, social and emotional development

Community support

Do I have to do any coursework? Yes, you have two Controlled Assessments worth 60% of your overall GCSE grade. You need to be a motivated and independent student. How much homework will I have to do? Homework will be set regularly. How will I be assessed on this course? Assessment for this specification will be divided between Years 9, 10 and 11. The units are as follows: Unit 1 Child Development Exam – 40% of GCSE Unit 2 Research Task (Controlled Assessment) – 20% of GCSE Unit 3 Child Study (Controlled Assessment) – 40% of GCSE Where can I find out more about this qualification? For more information about the AQA Child Development GCSE visit: http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/home-economics/gcse/home-economics-child-development-4580


Computer Science Option Why study this subject? The course gives students a real, in-depth understanding of how computer technology works. Students will no doubt be familiar with the use of computers and other related technology from their other subjects and elsewhere. However, this course will give them an insight into what goes on ‘behind the scenes’, including computer programming. What qualification will I get at the end of the course? You will study towards a single award GCSE and you will be graded from A*-G. As well as providing you with a qualification, the course will develop critical thinking, analysis and problem-solving skills through the study of computer programming, giving students a fun and interesting way to develop these skills, which can be transferred to other subjects and even applied in day-to-day life. In this respect, the course provides excellent preparation for students who want to study or work in areas that rely on these skills, especially where they are applied to technical problems. These areas include engineering, financial and resource management, science and medicine. Course Details Board – OCR Course Code – J275 (from 2012) What can this qualification lead to afterwards? The course provides excellent preparation for higher study and employment in the field of computer science. The increasing importance of information technologies means there will be a growing demand for professionals who are qualified in this area. Students who have taken a GCSE in Computing and who then progress to study the subject at A Level or university will have an advantage over their colleagues who are picking up the subject at these levels.


What topics will I study on this course?

Unit Title and description Assessment Weighting

Unit A451: Computer Systems and Programming Covers the knowledge about computer systems on which the examination will be based.

1 hour 30 minutes Written paper 80 marks


Unit A452: Practical Investigation An investigation into a programming problem which assesses: research, technical understanding, analysis of a problem, technical writing and evaluation skills.

Controlled Assessment 45 marks


Unit A453: Programming Project A practical project in which students demonstrate programming techniques and designing their own coded solution. This is then tested for functionality, how it follows the brief, and its successes and limitations.

Controlled Assessment 45 marks


Do I have to do any coursework? Practical and written coursework – students will create a portfolio of work that will be internally assessed and externally moderated. They must also take an external examination in Year 11. How much homework will I have to do? 1 hour per week. Sometimes students will be expected to spend time at home or school working on their skills to complete assessment materials.


How will I be assessed on this course? You will have one exam that will be externally assessed, and two controlled assessment units that will be internally assessed and externally verified by OCR. You will complete practice coursework assignments to prepare you for the controlled assessment. Where can I find out more about this qualification? http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/gcse-computing-j275-from-2012/ http://www.teach-ict.com/gcse_computing.html



Option “Dance is vital, an activity both exhilarating and liberating to watch or do. It can be a huge force for good, effectively drawing people together and levelling everyone through sheer hard work. It can speed up your heart rate, it can enliven your being, and it can change your life”. Richard Alston CBE, Dance UK. This course focuses on the study of dance as an art form which develops students’ social, emotional, physical and intellectual capacities. Because of its physical nature, dance provides a means of expression and communication distinct from other art forms. Why choose this subject? GCSE Dance students learn the technical and expressive skills to perform dance, the compositional skills to create their own choreographies and the skills required to analyse professional dance that we study at the theatre and on film. The course is 80% practical and 20% theory, which means the majority of curriculum time is actually spent dancing! You have use of the Dance Studio for all of your lessons and the course is predominantly practical. You will learn and perform a challenging solo dance to test your technical and physical skills. You will choreograph your own group dance, giving you the opportunity to showcase your own ideas and creativity. You will also perform in a group piece, providing you with skills to perform sensitively with other dancers. As part of the course there will be many performance opportunities, both in the academy and other venues. You will also have opportunities to view a range of live


dance work at the theatre. This will develop your ability to discuss and review professional work. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? 1 GCSE in Dance (AQA Specification Full Course 4230) QAN code: 500/4403/5. What can this qualification lead to afterwards? This course provides a solid foundation for further studies in dance, including A-level Dance. Some students may pursue a career to become a dancer. What topics will I study on this course? Unit 1: Critical Appreciation of Dance Unit 2: Set Dance Unit 3: Performance in a duo/group dance Unit 4: Choreography Do I have to do any coursework? Yes units 3 and 4 but these are both controlled assessments, one is based on performance and one is based on choreography. How much homework will I have to do? Homework will be set regularly, you will also have to rehearse your solo and group dances in Year 11 regularly after school to show your commitment for the subject and to ensure you achieve great results. How will I be assessed on this course? Unit 1: Critical Appreciation of Dance (42301) Written Paper 1 hour 20% of the total marks


Unit 2: Set Dance (42302) Practical Examination Solo Performance – 1–1½ minutes 20% of the total marks Unit 3: Performance in a duo/group dance (42303) 3 – 3½ minutes Controlled Assessment 20% of the total marks Unit 4: Choreography (42304) Task 1: Solo Composition 1–1½ mins 15% of the total marks Task 2: Choreography – solo/duo/group 25% of the total marks Where can I find out more about this qualification? For more information about the AQA GCSE in Dance http://www.aqa.org.uk



Option Why study this subject? If you have previously enjoyed creating, performing and analysing drama then GCSE Drama is for you. Drama can help encourage enthusiasm, confidence, self-esteem, conversation and social skills. Drama lessons can stimulate you to be fully involved and motivated. Drama is a practical based subject which allows you to use your creativity to develop performances based on scripts, themes or different stimuli. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? 1 GCSE in Drama (Exam board Edexcel, Course Code 2DR01.) QAN Code 500/4578/7 What can this qualification lead to afterwards? Employers/colleges/universities will look favorably upon anyone with a GCSE in Drama; it shows you are an effective communicator with a good level of interpersonal skills. You may even choose to do A/AS level in Drama/Theatre Studies or opt for a more vocational course, like an NVQ or a BTEC in Performance Arts. A qualification in Drama can lead to a variety of job roles such as an actor or actress, a variety of different theatre job roles, media or teaching. The skills Drama can provide can assist you with many different job roles and give you vital skills needed for your future.


What does the course involve?

The course is made up of 3 units: Unit 1 – Drama Exploration

30% of the GCSE grade internally assessed This unit allows you to explore a theme or issue through use of stimuli. You must research, explore and plan practical ideas based around a chosen theme. This unit is assessed through a six hour practical examination which is led by your teacher and completed in lesson time. This assessment is filmed and sent to the exam board. The final part of this unit is the production of a written portfolio which shows clearly the rehearsal and exploration process. You must evaluate your work and reflect on the six hour workshop.

Unit 2 Exploring a play 30% of the GCSE Internally assessed This unit requires you to study a play which will be chosen by your teacher. You will explore the play practically, acting out different scenes and exploring the interpretation and aims of the play. This unit is assessed through a six hour practical examination which is led by your teacher and completed in lesson time. This assessment is filmed and sent to the exam board. The final part of this unit is the production of a written portfolio which includes a live theatre evaluation. As part of the GCSE course you are required to attend at least one theatre trip organised by the Academy.


Unit 3 Drama Performance 40% of the GCSE Externally assessed In this unit you will create and perform a piece of Drama as part of a group based around a brief set by Edexcel. The brief changes every year. This is performed to an audience and visiting examiner.

Do I have to do any coursework? Yes, this course is coursework based. You are assessed on written evidence of performance and practical work. Research, planning, preparation and performances are all documented and used as part of the assessment process. You are expected to evaluate and reflect on your work to help you improve. How much homework will I have to do? Homework will be set regularly. Is there any written examination? No, there is no written examination. Where can I find out more information about this qualification? http://www.edexcel.com/quals/gcse/gcse09/drama/Pages/default.aspx




Why study this subject?

The ability to communicate in a foreign language is a key skill for citizens of the 21st century. By speaking a language other than English we have an asset for life. We live in a multilingual, multicultural world and are part of the EU in which we can live, work or study in any of 28 countries. It may seem that everyone speaks English, but in fact 75% of the world’s population doesn’t.

In the Modern Foreign Languages Department at The John Wallis Church of England Academy, we believe it is essential for all students to visit the country of the language they are studying. At GCSE, students will have the opportunity to take part in residential trips and visit France each year.

Not convinced? Here are ten more reasons why everyone should study a Language: 1. English is not enough. Not everyone speaks English. 2. A language will always be useful, no matter what you do. 3. In class you study a wide range of topics all about different people and cultures. 4. You can read books, watch films and listen to songs in another language. 5. Speaking another language increases your chances of obtaining a university place. 6. Languages mean business! 74% of employers are looking to employ people with

language skills. 7. Using a language at work could increase your salary by 8-20%. 8. You can understand and talk to more people when you go abroad. 9. Learning languages improves your communication skills. 10. Languages are good for you! Learning a language increases your brain capacity,

improves your memory and develops self-confidence.

What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? GCSE in French (AQA exam board, Course Code 4655)


QAN code: 500/4470/9 What can this qualification lead to afterwards?

The speaking, listening, reading and writing skills you learn in GCSE French will enable you to progress to A level French and, as an academic subject, will be respected by colleges and universities alike. A qualification in a foreign language can be a positive advantage when applying for a range of jobs too. Foreign languages are useful in many areas of work including the travel and leisure industries, education and the media. The ability to speak a foreign language opens doors to new cultures, new friends and new experiences and greatly widens your career options.

What topics will I study on this course?

The course covers 4 main topics:



Home and environment

Work and education

Do I have to do any coursework?

Yes, the new GCSE in French is 25% controlled assessment (Speaking Skill) and 75% examination (Listening, Reading and Writing skills)

How much homework will I have to do?

Weekly written and learning homework will be set and expected. It is essential to learn and revise independently on the languages websites that the Academy subscribes to on a regular basis.

How will I be assessed on this course?

Speaking skill accounts for 25% of the course and is assessed by Controlled Assessment.

Writing skill accounts for 25% of the course and is assessed by examination

Listening skill accounts for 25% of the course and is assessed by examination

Reading skill accounts for 25% of the course and is assessed by examination


Where can I find out more about this qualification?

For more information about the AQA GCSE in French, visit http://www.aqa.org.uk/ or ask Mr Colmant for more details.


Geography Option Why study this subject? Geography is one of the most successful subjects at GCSE in the Academy "Geography is the subject that holds the key to our future.” - Michael Palin - Geography provides opportunities through fieldwork, for first hand investigation of

places, environments and human behaviour. - Geography builds a knowledge and understanding of current events from local to

global. - Geography develops skills for the future, including literacy, numeracy, ICT, problem

solving, team work, thinking skills and enquiry. - Geography values your views when making decisions about issues. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? GCSE in Geography (AQA Specification A Full Course 9030) (Linear) QAN Code: 600/6067/0 What can this qualification lead to afterwards? The skills you will gain by studying Geography are well-respected by colleges, uuniversities and highly sought after in almost every job. These skills include the ability to:

1. Write well in a variety of styles 2. Organise your work and meet tight deadlines 3. Summarise, argue and debate 4. Research, select, analyse, organise and present information 5. Think logically and critically 6. Work as part of a team


Jobs related to Geography include: Architect or Urban Planner for sustainable projects Environmental Engineer Environmental Management Teacher Social Worker Market Research Analyst Coastal Engineer Accountant Banker Lawyer Landscape Architect University Lecturer GIS Specialist Surveyor What topics will I study on this course and how will I be assessed? You will study a wide variety of topics relating to Physical and Human Geography. The topics are organised into the following three units:

Unit 1: Physical Geography

Unit 2: Human Geography

Unit 3: Controlled Assessments

The Restless Earth

Population Change


The Living World

Changing Urban Environments

Written Project

Coastal Environments


Examination (37.5%)

Examination (37.5%)

Coursework (25%)


Throughout the course lessons are taught in a variety of ways that develop students’ knowledge, skills and understanding. Emphasis is placed upon the techniques required to answer the examination questions. The department uses a wide range of audio-visual and ICT resources as well as text books and worksheets. The nature of the subject demands that contemporary case studies are used. Students are encouraged to keep up to date with the news! How much homework will I have to do? Homework will be set regularly. Where can I find out more about this qualification? For more information about the AQA GCSE in Geography (Specification A) check the Geography tab on the Academy website or ask Mr McElhatton for more details.


Graphic Products

Option Why study this subject? In this area of the subject you will be looking at how Graphic Products are designed and made. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? 1 GCSE in Graphic Products (AQA Design and Technology: Graphic Products 4550) QAN No: 500/4496 What can this qualification lead to afterwards? This course provides an excellent route into careers in graphic design, product design, furniture design, theatre, film and television set design, printing or civil and mechanical engineering. Students could study Product Design at AS/A2 level. What will I be studying in Product Design? You will learn to be creative through the designing and modelling of new products and items. You will learn new drawing and rendering techniques so they can express their ideas. You will be developing your skills in computer-aided design (CAD) using 2-D Design, Pro-Desktop and computer-aided manufacture (CAM) like the Laser cutter.


It will develop your knowledge and use of the design process, such as designing, planning, problem solving and practical skills. You will research and analyse different lettering styles and learn about printing techniques. Do I have to do any coursework? Coursework has been replaced with a controlled assessment. This involves designing and making your own product. How much homework will I have to do? 2 hours a week How will I be assessed on this course? Single tiered GCSE covering grades A*–G to cater for students of all abilities Unit 1: External examination Written Paper (45501) 40% of the total marks 2 hours Unit 2: Design and Making Practice (45502) 60% of total marks Approximately 45 hours In addition you will be assessed on the submission of a portfolio of work Where can I find out more about this qualification? http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/subjects/AQA-4550-W-SP-14.PDF


Health and Social Care Option Why study this subject? If you are keen to work in the Health and Social Care industry in jobs such as nursing, being a health visitor, doctor, teacher, social worker, midwife, physiotherapist or caring for older or disabled people this is the qualification for you. Skills gained on this course are also transferable to a range of other careers.

What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? GCSE in Health and Social Care (AQA Specification 4820) or Double Award GCSE in Health and Social Care (AQA Specification 4820). If it is a double award it will take up two options. QAN Code Single Award: 500/4607/X QAN Code Double Award: 500/4426/6

What can this qualification lead to afterwards? This course can lead you to A-level study, further study at college or university and/or your first job within the Health and Social Care sector. What topics will I study on this course? Depending on whether you opt for the Single Award (1 GCSE) or the Double Award (2 GCSEs) you will study the following units:

• Unit One: Understanding Personal Development and Relationships • Unit Two: Health, Social Care and Early Years Provision • Unit Three: The Nature of Health and Well-Being • Unit Four: Promoting Health and Well-Being


Do I have to do any coursework? Controlled Assessments are worth 60% of your overall GCSE grade and involve you carrying out a project in a care setting of your choice. How much homework will I have to do? Homework will be set on a regular basis, and could be from a range of tasks including research, source work, reading and revising. How will I be assessed on this course? Unit 1: Understanding Personal Development and Relationships (48201) External Examination 1 hour 15 minutes 40% of the total marks (single award) 20% of the total marks (double award). Unit 2: Health, Social Care and Early Years Provision (48202) Controlled Assessment 60% of the total marks (single award) 30% of the total marks (Double Award). Unit 3: The Nature of Health and Well-Being (48203) Written External Exam 1 hour 15 minutes 40% of the total marks (single award) 20% of the total marks (Double Award). Unit 4: Promoting Health and Well-Being (48204) Controlled Internal Assessment 60% of the total marks (single award) 30% of the total marks (Double Award). Where can I find out more about this qualification? For more information about the AQA Health and Social Care qualification: http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/health-and-social-care/gcse/health-and-social-care-4820 OR Email Miss Hunter: [email protected]


History Option Why study this subject? “How do you know who you are unless you know where you’ve come from? How can you tell what’s going to happen, unless you know what’s happened before? History isn’t just about the past. It’s about why we are who we are – and about what’s next.” - Tony Robinson (Actor/Television Presenter) The world we live in today has been shaped by the world of yesterday. History at Key Stage 4 will enable you to learn about that world, to better understand the current issues facing us all. You will also develop a wide range of useful skills that are prized by employers and which will help you become confident, questioning members of society. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? GCSE in History (AQA Specification B Modern World History 9145) QAN Code: 601/0269/X What can this qualification lead to afterwards? The skills you will gain by studying History are well-respected by colleges and highly sought after in almost every job. These skills include the ability to:

• Write well in a variety of styles • Organise your work and meet tight deadlines • Summarise, argue and debate • Research, select, analyse, organise and present information • Developing critical thinking skills History would be a particularly good option to choose if you are interested in a career in Law but there is no limit to what you can do with a History GCSE, including careers in; the armed forces, accountancy, journalism, conservation, tourism and architecture to name a few.


What topics will I study on this course? The course is predominantly focused on British History, covering 3 distinct eras; Medieval (c.1066-1600), Early Modern (c.1600-1800), and Modern (c.1800 – present day). There will also be an international History element. Do I have to do any coursework? No there is no coursework in the new History GCSE How much homework will I have to do? Homework will be set on a regular basis, and could be from a range of tasks including research, source work, reading and revising. How will I be assessed on this course? This specification follows the new linear approach to GCSE with all official examinations at the end of the course. Throughout the course, students will be set mock examinations to assess progress and to practise examination technique. The final assessment for the GCSE is 100% examination based at the end of Year 11. Where can I find out more about this qualification? For more information about the AQA History B qualification: http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/history/gcse/history-b-9145



Option Why study this subject? Media Studies is essential in today’s society. All content covered by the Media course is completely relevant and up-to-date with current trends, technology, issues, theories and debates. Media is good for people who are: - Creative - Inquisitive - Excited to look beyond what they are told - Good at independent research and practical tasks. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? The AQA course can be offered as a Single or Double Award, offering either one or two GCSEs over one or two years. Media Single is one GCSE and Media Double is two.

QAN code: 500/4425/4 QAN code: 500/4457/6

What can this qualification lead to afterwards? A number of universities regard this subject as demonstrating engagement with modern life and showing knowledge of important contemporary trends. Being able to understand how the media affects us is an important tool for careers such as Journalism, Politics, Public Relations Events Management, Marketing and Advertising, Television, Research and Concept designers. These are just a few! What topics will I study on this course? Single award: Unit 1: Investigating the Media. This involves an exploration of Broadcast, Print and E-Media, so students can discover the ideologies, purpose and production skills behind


texts they interact with every day. This unit ends in an exam at the end of the course, based on study of pre-released topics, worth 40% of the overall grade. Unit 2: Understanding the Media. This is a 60%, three assignment ‘Controlled Assessment’ project including both practical and essay-based tasks. The practical element will help students learn how to produce texts in formats suitable for Broadcast (advertisements, trailers, documentaries etc), Print (newsletters, magazines, brochures) and E-media (websites). Double Award: Unit 3: Builds on Unit 1 to test students on knowledge and understanding of the Media Industry. It is externally assessed through examinations. Unit 4: A research and planning project designed to meet a brief. Culminates in a practical production and evaluation. Do I have to do any coursework? Unit 2 and Unit 4 are coursework based. How much homework will I have to do? Homework is usually around half an hour to an hour a week, and is almost always based around tasks you enjoy doing in the evenings! How will I be assessed on this course? By Examination and Controlled Assessment. Where can I find out more about this qualification? Look at http://web.aqa.org.uk/qual/newgcses/media/media-studies-updates.php



Option Why choose this subject? "Music is forever; music should grow and mature with you, following you right on up until you die." Paul Simon If you enjoy: • composing and performing music • learning an instrument or singing • creating music on computers or in a recording studio • learning about all types of music, including classical, popular and world music then our GCSE Music is the ideal subject for you. GCSE Music students learn how to perform on an instrument of their choice. You will use new computer music programs to compose exciting new music, learn how to use the recording studio and listen to a wide variety of music. You will learn: • Performance skills • About musical composition • To analyse music in a variety of styles and discover the social and historical context in which music has been composed over the last 400 years or so.


As part of the course there will be many performance opportunities, both in school and other venues. You will also have opportunities to view a range of live music at the theatre. This will develop your ability to discuss and review professional work.

What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? 1 GCSE in Music (AQA 4270) QAN: 500/4666/4 What can this qualification lead to afterwards? This course provides a solid foundation for further studies in Music or Performing Arts, including A-level/BTEC Music or A-level/BTEC Music Technology. Some students may pursue a career in the Music or Performing Arts industry What topics will I study on this course? Unit 1: Listening to and Appraising Music Unit 2: Composing & Appraising Music Unit 3: Performing Music Unit 4: Composing Music Do I have to do any coursework? Yes units 2, 3 and 4. How much homework will I have to do? Homework will be set regularly. How will I be assessed on this course?

Unit 1: Music- Listening and Appraising Written Examination 1 ½ hours

20% of the total marks

Unit 2: Composing & Appraising Music

Controlled Assessment One compositions & One Appraisal Paper


20% of the total marks Unit 3: Performing Music

Controlled Assessment

One solo performance and one ensemble performance 40% of the total marks

Unit 4: Composing Music

Controlled Assessment One composition

20% of the total mark Where can I find out more about this qualification? For more information about the GCSE AQA Music go to http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/music/gcse/music-4270



Option Why study this subject? The GCSE in Photography will introduce you to a range of techniques including how to shoot portrait and still life with studio lighting as well as landscape photography. You will also learn how to process images using traditional chemical processes and a myriad of digital techniques in Photoshop. Photographers normally specialise in one or more of the following specific areas: advertising or editorial, general or high street, press or photojournalism (including sports), fashion, science, industrial or commercial, forensic and medical. If you wish to pursue one of these careers, the GCSE will give you a grounding in the essential skills and broad fundamentals crucial to this area of study and it gives you the opportunity to progress later to a qualification at Level 3 (such as A Level or BTEC). What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? A GCSE in Art and Design: Photography – Lens and Light-based media (Edexcel Specification 2PY01). QAN: 500/4521/0 What can this qualification lead to afterwards? The course provides a good progression route to AS/A2 Level qualifications or Level 3 BTEC Nationals in Art and Design. This is a relevant GCSE to take if you are considering any career in Photography or the wider Creative Industries or if you want to demonstrate useful transferable skills.

Gaining any Art and Design qualification demonstrates that you can think creatively

as well as work with a high degree of independence. Both of these skills are highly

prized by both employers and further education establishments in and outside the

arts sector.


What will I be studying in Photography? Unit 1: Portfolio of Work (5PY01) 2 or 3 assignments using a range of techniques and subject matter including landscape, portrait and still life. You will also be looking at and writing about other photographers and writing notes about your own work. Unit 2 Externally Set Task (5PY02) 1 assignment responding to a topic set by the exam board but using techniques and subject matter of your own choosing. Do I have to do any coursework? Yes, you will have to build a portfolio of work including annotated sketchbooks in response to 3 or 4 assignments. Your last assignment will be externally set by the exam board and completed over 10 hours in controlled conditions within the Art and Design Department. Yes, you will have to build a portfolio of work including annotated sketchbooks in response to 3 or 4 assignments. Art courses, including Photography, are hard work and require that you put in a lot of work outside of lessons at home and after school. How much homework will I have to do? Regular research and practical tasks. You will be expected to take your sketchbook home to complete classwork tasks and to research and develop ideas further. It is difficult to complete a photography course without going out to take photographs in your own time. Interesting photos do not often turn up in the classroom. We can often lend cameras but you will need to be prepared to spend your own time taking photographs. Homework will average 2 hours per week. How will I be assessed on this course? Unit 1 Portfolio of Work – 60% Set and marked by the Academy and moderated by Edexcel.


Unit 2 Externally Set Task – 40% Several weeks of preparation time and then 10 hours of sustained focused study. Set by Edexcel. Marked by the Academy and moderated by Edexcel. Where can I find out more about this qualification? The Edexcel Website: http://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-gcses/art-and-design-2009.html



Option Why study this subject? Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind, behaviour and experience. Psychologists carry out research to investigate the way people think, behave and respond to others. Psychology is a challenging subject, but extremely interesting and enjoyable. Because the subject matter is about people, it is applicable to nearly all career paths and will enrich your understanding of yourself and others. It offers an excellent grounding for students and involves case studies, devising, carrying out and evaluating research, reading, written work, discussion and presentations. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? A GCSE in Psychology (AQA specification 4180). QAN: 500/4599/4 500/4435/7 What can this qualification lead to afterwards? The course provides a good progression route to AS/A2 Level qualifications in Psychology and other Social Sciences. This is a relevant GCSE to take if you are considering any career in society which involves working with people, from working in prisons to teaching or if you want to demonstrate useful transferable skills. What will I be studying in Psychology? Unit 1: (41801) Memory; Non-Verbal Communication; Development of Personality; Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination; Research Methods; Methods of Investigation. Unit 2: (41802) Learning; Social Influence; Sex and Gender; Aggression; Methods of Control; Data Analysis and Data Presentation; Ethical Considerations.


Do I have to do any coursework? No, there is no coursework for GCSE Psychology. How much homework will I have to do? Regular research and written tasks. Homework will average 2 hours per week. How will I be assessed on this course? Unit 1 Examination – 50% 1 hr 30 minutes written examination paper. Unit 2 Examination– 50% 1 hr 30 minutes written paper Where can I find out more about this qualification? http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/psychology/gcse/psychology-4180


Physical Education

Option Do you have an interest in sport? Do you have a keen interest in sport and exercise, always look forward to your PE lessons and take part in sport/exercise outside of lessons? Do you want to follow a course that develops knowledge and understanding through practical involvement? Want to know more about the benefits of sport and exercise? Want to improve your own performance in a range of sports roles? Want to study a course that is active and that you will enjoy? Are you considering a sports-related career or an A Level/higher education course? …..then this course is for you!

What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? Edexcel full course (2PE01, 5PE01, 5PE02) is 1 GCSE in Physical Education QAN: 500/4676/7

What can this qualification lead to afterwards? The course can provide a progression route to A Level PE and Level 3 BTEC National Diplomas in Sport in the Academy Sixth form.


What topics will I study on this course? Practical activities involve the different roles within sport. Students have the opportunity to be a player, coach or official in their chosen sport and use their skills to develop a practical portfolio. Theory topics include cardio vascular, muscular and skeletal systems, sports injuries, nutrition and health. How much homework will I have to do? Homework will be set every weeks in theory classes, but all your extra sport and activities could be used to improve coursework marks e.g. If you play a sport outside of school you may well be able to be assessed in that towards your coursework mark. How will I be assessed on this course? The GCSE course is assessed over two units. Unit 1 (theory) is externally assessed through a written examination paper of 1 hour and 30 minutes. This will contribute a maximum of 40 per cent towards your total marks. Unit 2 (practical) is assessed in two sections. Section 1 – Four practical performances in the role of player/participant, leader or official. You can achieve 48 per cent of the marks from your four performances, two of which may be in the role of a leader or official. Section 2 – Analysis of performance in one of the chosen activities. This will be worth 12 per cent of the marks and should include planning, performing and evaluating a Personal Exercise Program. Where can I find out more about this qualification? Come and speak to the PE Department or look at the teachers’ guide to GCSE PE (new version 2009) at www.edexel.com


Resistant Materials

Option Why study this subject? In this area of the subject you will develop your knowledge of how to use different materials like wood, plastic and metal. You will build on previous skills in the workshop using a range of tools, machines and processes, which will include the use of the laser cutter as part of projects. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? 1 GCSE in Resistant Materials (AQA Design and Technology: Resistant Materials 4560) QAN No: 500/4609/3 What can this qualification lead to afterwards? This course provides an excellent route into Product Design - 3D AS/A2 level. It will provide basic skills for any future career in manufacturing, carpentry or other related industries. What will I be studying in Resistant Materials? Students will learn to develop their designing skills and they will also develop their presentation skills. They will be able to use CAD software such as 2D design and 'Pro-Desktop', so they can draw out their ideas. They will be making the items they design in materials such as wood, metal and plastic.


Students will also learn how to test and evaluate their products and they will be able to problem solve during practical lessons. Do I have to do any coursework? Coursework has been replaced with a Controlled Assessment. This involves designing and making your own product. How much homework will I have to do? 2 hours a week How will I be assessed on this course? Single tiered GCSE covering grades A*–G to cater for students of all abilities. Unit 1: External examination Written Paper (45601) 40% of the total marks 2 hours Unit 2: Design and Making Practice (45602) 60% of total marks Approximately 45 hours Plus you will be assessed on the submission of a portfolio of work. Where can I find out more about this qualification? http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/subjects/AQA-4560-W-SP-14.PDF




Why study this subject? Why is family life sometimes complicated? Do people work just to earn money? Which works best – reward or punishment? What is the point of school? Who has power over me? Sociology is an exciting subject to study that will open you up to new ways of thinking about the world and will challenge you to think more deeply about some of the issues facing us today. Sociology is about the study of societies or groups of people, how they operate and how they change. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? GCSE in Sociology (OCR Full Course J696) QAN Code: 500/4557/x What can this qualification lead to afterwards? The skills you will gain by studying Sociology are well-respected by colleges and highly sought after in almost every job. These skills include the ability to:

Write well in a variety of styles

Organise your work and meet tight deadlines

Summarise, argue and debate

Research, select, analyse, organise and present information

Think logically and critically

Sociology would be a particularly good option to choose if you are interested in a career in business, teaching, social research or social planning. What topics will I study on this course? The course is divided up into three separate units. B671 - Sociology basics (25% of the total marks) B672 - Socialisation, Culture and Identity (50% of the total marks) B673 - Applying Sociological research techniques (25% of the total marks)


Do I have to do a controlled assessment? No, there is no controlled assessment for Sociology. How much homework will I have to do? Home work will be set on a regular basis. How will I be assessed on this course? Sociology is a 100% exam based subject. Where can I find out more about this qualification? For more information about the OCR course in Sociology visit: http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/type/gcse/hss/sociology/index.html


Spanish Option Why study this subject?

The ability to communicate in a foreign language is a key skill for citizens of the 21st century. By speaking a language other than English we have an asset for life. We live in a multilingual, multicultural world and are part of the EU in which we can live, work or study in any of 28 countries. It may seem that everyone speaks English, but in fact 75% of the world’s population doesn’t.

Not convinced? Here are ten reasons why everyone should study a Language:

1. English is not enough. Not everyone speaks English. 2. A language will always be useful, no matter what you do. 3. In class you study a wide range of topics all about different people and cultures. 4. You can read books, watch films and listen to songs in another language. 5. Speaking another language increases your chances of obtaining a university place. 6. Languages mean business! 74% of employers are looking to employ people with

language skills. 7. Using a language at work could increase your salary by 8-20%. 8. You can understand and talk to more people when you go abroad. 9. Learning languages improves your communication skills. 10. Languages are good for you! Learning a language increases your brain capacity,

improves your memory and develops self-confidence.

What qualifications will I get at the end of the course?

GCSE in Spanish (AQA exam board, Course Code 4695) QAN code: 500/4480/1


What can this qualification lead to afterwards?

The speaking, listening, reading and writing skills you learn in GCSE Spanish will enable you to progress to A level Spanish and, as an academic subject, will be respected by colleges and universities alike. A qualification in a foreign language can be a positive advantage when applying for a range of jobs too. Foreign languages are useful in many areas of work including the travel and leisure industries, education and the media. The ability to speak a foreign language opens doors to new cultures, new friends and new experiences and greatly widens your career options.

What topics will I study on this course?

The course covers 4 main topics:



Home and environment

Work and education

Do I have to do any coursework?

Yes the new GCSE in Spanish is 25% Controlled Assessment (Speaking skill) and 75% examination (Listening, Reading and Writing skills)

How much homework will I have to do?

Weekly written and learning homework will be set and expected. It is essential to learn and revise independently on the languages websites that the Academy subscribes to on a regular basis.

How will I be assessed on this course?

Speaking skill accounts for 25% of the course and is assessed by Controlled Assessment.

Writing skill accounts for 25% of the course and is assessed by examination.

Listening skill accounts for 25% of the course and is assessed by examination.

Reading skill accounts for 25% of the course and is assessed by examination.

Where can I find out more about this qualification?

For more information about the AQA GCSE in Spanish, visit http://www.aqa.org.uk/ or ask Mr Colmant ([email protected]) for more details.


Additional note: GCSE Spanish should be chosen if you are committed to learning a new language from scratch, have already proven yourself to be a good linguist and are prepared to put in additional work to make rapid progress over the 3 year course and have spoken to Mr Colmant, Director of Modern Foreign Languages.


Textiles Technology Option Why study this subject? Within Textile Technology you will have the opportunity to develop knowledge about all types of fabrics we use in our everyday lives. You will develop your knowledge about where textiles come from, how they are constructed and the decorative methods used on them. This will help you to create your own textile designs and produce your own practical work. You will be able to develop your skills using different sewing machines. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? 1 GCSE in Textiles Technology (AQA Design and Technology: Textiles Technology 4572) QAN No: 500/4588/X What can this qualification lead to afterwards? You may decide to look at a range of different options. You will be able to continue with a BTEC to a Level 3 Diploma, which could lead to University doing a degree in ‘Fashion and Textiles’. You could take up employment in fashion retail or manufacturing. What will I be studying in Textiles Technology? Students will learn to develop their designing and presentational skills. They will also develop their graphic skills, so they can draw out their ideas, which will include Computer Aided Design (CAD). Students will learn how to pattern cut, about manufacturing processes and the use of sewing machines, over lockers and CAM Embroidery machine. They will be making some of the items they design, as well as making practice pieces that show decorative skills. Students will also learn how to evaluate their products and they will be able to problem solve during practical lessons.


Do I have to do any coursework? Coursework has been replaced with a Controlled Assessment. This involves designing and making your own product. How much homework will I have to do? 2 hours a week How will I be assessed on this course? Single tiered GCSE covering grades A*–G to cater for students of all abilities. Unit 1: External examination Written Paper (45701) 40% of the total marks 2 hours Unit 2: Design and Making Practice (45702) 60% of total marks Approximately 45 hours Plus you will be assessed on the submission of a portfolio of work. Where can I find out more about this qualification? http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/subjects/AQA-4570-W-SP-14.PDF





Building Services and Construction Option Why study this subject? Construction is an expanding industry in the UK and many companies within it are looking to recruit qualified workers who are eager to continue their learning. This means that the demand for well-qualified people to work within the construction industry is high. We can offer a variety of courses to suit individual needs of our students; each course offered is a recognized award in the construction industry and can lead to a pathway into higher education, or an apprenticeship in a preferred field of work. What skills will I need to be able to study these courses?

Students will need good self-motivation and independent working skills.

Students need to be able to work as individuals or in small groups.

Students need to be able to read and write to a good standard so you are able to write reports and assignments.

Students will have a desire to develop their Mathematical skills so they can apply them to construction applications.

Courses offered are: City & Guilds 6219 Entry Level and Level 1 certificate in Construction skills QAN 601/0513/6 There are 3 grades to achieve:- Pass Merit Distinction City & Guilds Entry Level and Level 1 Certificate in Construction are designed to introduce learners to some of the skills that are required to work in the construction sector. It is also designed to prepare them for further study, such as the Level 1 7202-1 Diploma in Plumbing or Electrical Engineering.


What will I be studying in Construction? City & Guilds 6219 Entry Level and Level 1 certificate in Construction Skills QAN 601/0513/6 Mandatory Units Generic Units including Health and Safety General Construction Operations Optional Units Plumbing Electrics Plastering Carpentry Do I have to do any coursework? Yes, you will need to complete a portfolio and task manual. How much homework will I have to do? Between 1-3 hours per week mainly research based or small projects. How will I be assessed on this course? All units are assessed by completing controlled assessments throughout Years 10 and 11. Where can I find out more about this qualification? http://www.cityandguilds.com/Courses-and-Qualifications/construction/construction/6219-construction-skills


Construction and the Built Environment Levels 1 / 2 Btec

Through a combination of practical experiences and written assignments, this vocational qualification will provide learners with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed for a career in the sector. Units offered include;

Construction processes.

Construction technology.



Conserving and adapting buildings.

Construction drawings and techniques. Do I have to do any coursework? Yes, you will need to complete a portfolio and task manual. How much homework will I have to do? Between 1-3 hours per week mainly research based or small projects. How will I be assessed on this course? All units are assessed by completing controlled assessments throughout Years 10 and 11. Where can I find out more about this qualification? http://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/btec-firsts/construction-and-the-built-environment-2013-nqf.coursematerials.html#filterQuery=category:Pearson-UK:Category%2FSpecification-and-sample-assessments

Qualification number (QN): 600/6817/6


What can these qualifications lead to afterwards? You may decide to look at a range of different options. You will be able to continue your studies at Sixth Form in Plumbing or Electrical Engineering. You could opt to study a management course at BTEC Level 3 in Construction and the Built Environment. Alternatively you may be able to get an Apprenticeship in Plumbing or Electrical Engineering. Whatever you decide, by the time you complete Year 11 you will have learnt the basics of construction and it will help with DIY tasks around the home.

TechBac to be confirmed by City and Guilds

TechBac in Construction (5700) City and Guilds

The City & Guilds TechBac is a new curriculum that will provide learners with a professional pathway to their chosen career and the technical qualifications and skills they need to progress.

Developed with and endorsed by industry, the TechBac will enable young people to develop the necessary skills to get work ready. The qualifications also carry UCAS accreditation for progression to higher education, meaning no pathway is closed off.

Where can I find out more about this qualification?



Business and Enterprise Certificate ( Level 2 )

Option What is Business and Enterprise? Do you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur? This qualification is designed for students who want a practical and hands on introduction to business and enterprise. It will enthuse and inspire you about a career in business and will be essential for students who wish to either set up their own business, move into employment or onto further study.

What qualification will I get at the end of the course? You will be awarded a NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Business and Enterprise, graded either Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction*. This is a vocational qualification, equivalent to 1 GCSE at grade C or above. QAN – 601/0048/5 Course Details Course Title: NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Business and Enterprise GLH - 120 Board – NCFE (NQF)

During this course you will develop a comprehensive understanding of the world of business, gaining significant knowledge of business sectors. You will also develop study skills that support progression through the business and enterprise route, including writing a business plan, time management and interpersonal communication skills. You will put these skills into practice when you plan, develop and take part in your own business or enterprise project. By the end of the course you will understand what it takes to become an entrepreneur, the risks and most importantly the rewards of such a venture. You will be skilled in researching new ideas, marketing your business idea, financing and VAT for small businesses and how to use social media to your advantage.


What can this qualification lead to afterwards? The course provides excellent preparation for higher study and employment in business. With an understanding of the different sectors you will be better prepared for the world of work in terms of progression and development plans, making your CV stand out from the crowd.

You will have the opportunity to work in teams, develop your communication and presentation skills, work independently, and most importantly learn how to use your most important business asset – initiative.

This course similarly aims to allow students to progress to Level 3 qualifications, an apprenticeship, or indeed set up their own enterprise.

What topics will I study on this course?

Unit Title and description Assessment Weighting

Unit 1: Introduction to business and enterprise This unit aims to give learners an introduction to business and enterprise. It gives learners an introduction to start up projects and helps them to identify risks and rewards.

Internally assessed portfolio


Unit 2: Marketing for business and enterprise This unit aims to give learners an insight into market research, and different marketing opportunities and techniques.

Externally assessed portfolio


Unit 3: Finance for business and enterprise This unit aims to provide learners with a basic knowledge and understanding of business finance for a new business or enterprise.

Internally assessed portfolio



Unit 4: Plan, develop and participate in a business or enterprise project. This unit aims to develop a project plan and implement the project. The learner will then go on to evaluate the overall success of the project.

Internally assessed portfolio


Do I have to do any coursework? Practical and written coursework – students will create a portfolio of work that will be internally assessed and one of the projects will be completed in controlled assessment conditions and externally moderated. How much homework will I have to do? 1 hour per week. Sometimes students will be expected to spend time at home or school working on their skills to complete assessment materials. How will I be assessed on this course? Your work will be both internally and externally assessed. There is no examination in Business and Enterprise, the controlled assessments you complete are what the course grade will be based upon. Where can I find out more about this qualification? To find out more please go the NCFE website. http://www.ncfe.org.uk/qualification-search/ncfe-level-2-certificate-in-business-and-enterprise--1278.aspx


Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy Option Why study this subject? The world of hairdressing & beauty therapy is an exciting one with very close links to the fashion and retail industries. They are diverse and offer lots of opportunities to learn and develop new skills in a range of areas. Students must consider that these are service based industries and the main and most rewarding aim is to help others, feel confident and good about their appearance and be the very best they can. A career in hairdressing & beauty therapy offers opportunities for you to tailor employment that is most suited to you and your ambitions. For example, worldwide travel on cruise liners, exotic spa resorts, self-employment, or specialising in a particular field such as makeup design, makeup artist, barber, wig maker, electrotherapist to name just a few. What qualification do I achieve if I study Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy? You will be studying for a VTCT VRQ Level 1 Diploma in Hair and Beauty. Vocational Related Qualification means the subject is specific to the working environment. There are health and safety regulations in place which are set by the hair & beauty industry’s governing body HABIA (Hair and Beauty Industry Authority). This means there are some things you cannot learn until you reach 16. After that you can learn more complex skills and start to work towards Level 2 & 3. Level 1 Hair & Beauty Therapy Services On these courses you will learn many practical skills such as manicure, pedicure, shampooing, dressing hair and applying makeup, but these all need to be supported by written theory work. There are external examination papers that must be achieved for the core units, written assignments and practical assessments that must be completed to the hair & beauty industries' set standards. This will all be taught in your theory and practical lessons.


You will have lots of theory lessons, many of which are looking at Anatomy and Physiology and Chemistry. Anatomy and Physiology is the study of the living body. As a trainee hairdresser & beauty therapist it is the living body you will be working on. For example, if you are learning to perform a manicure treatment you will be working on someone’s hand and nails. The practical lessons all take place in the salons where there are rules and regulations in place to ensure everyone’s health and safety. Progression QAN 601/0556/2 Level 2 Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy.

GCSE Equivalent. Exam and assignments. Level 2 Diploma in Women’s Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy. The Level 2 Certificate is a research based qualification incorporating key skills in Mathematics, English and ICT and is the equivalent of 1 x GCSE.

The Level 2 Diploma in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy incorporates key practical skills such as manicure, pedicure and makeup techniques. Key hairdressing skills in colouring, cutting and dressing hair. There are also external exams for the practical units covered. Level 3 into Year 12 and Year 13 - QAN 600/8665/8. At this level, more specialist techniques are learnt with the required Anatomy and Physiology. This can also be accompanied by a research qualification equivalent to 1 x A Level. Where can you find out more about your course? Visit: vtct.co.uk www. Habia.co.uk


NCF BTEC First Award in Sport Option Edexcel - NCF BTEC First Award in Sport

Why study this subject? The qualification is a three year course equivalent to 1 GCSE at grades A*- C. The course provides work-related vocational training, which guides students through practical and written work to explore a wide variety of approaches to a career pathway in sport, building a range of skills and understanding in this sector. What qualifications will I get at the end of the course? NCF BTEC First Award in Sport, equivalent to 1 GCSE. QAN Code: 600/4779/3 What can this qualification lead to afterwards? The course can provide a progression route to A Level PE and Level 3 BTEC National Diplomas in Sport in the Academy Sixth form.

What topics will I study on this course? The course consists of 4 units in total, consisting of both core/mandatory and optional units.


Core and Mandatory units – each unit is 30 'guided learning hours' with unit 1 being externally assessed and unit 2 being internally assessed.

Unit Unit title Qualification Size

1 Anatomy and Physiology


2 Practical Sport Award

Optional specialist units - each optional specialist unit is 30 'guided learning hours' and internally assessed.

Unit Unit title Qualification Size

4 Fitness and Training


6 Sports Coaching Award

Do I have to do any coursework? This course is 75% coursework and 25% computer based theory examination on fitness. The course will be continuously assessed by completing individual assignments which make up the units listed above. The course is based around personalised learning which to a certain extent allows students to progress at a pace relative to their own needs. How much homework will I have to do? Homework will be set on a regular basis and strict course guidelines will mean all coursework must be kept up to date with additional work to be completed at home if necessary. How will I be assessed on this course? Students will complete practical, observational and written assignments in a wide variety of sporting activities. This includes a business presentation on the media in sport and an analysis of muscles in the human body. Pass - equivalent to a grade C at GCSE


Merit - equivalent to a grade B at GCSE Distinction - equivalent to a grade A at GCSE Frequently asked questions What is the BTEC course? It is approximately 40% practical and 60% theory in lesson times, however, in many cases theory lessons are taught in a practical way where possible. Who is it suited to? Students who have an idea they would like to pursue a career in sport. Ideal for someone who wants to become a Sports Journalist, Sports Instructor or a Football Manager!! How does it differ from GCSE PE? The BTEC Sport Course is suited more to those who do not have the best practical grades but have an interest in sport. It is also a good option for those who struggle with the examination environment and prefer coursework.



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