OPTION1 DT Outdoor Indoor Cable 161 Web

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  • 7/27/2019 OPTION1 DT Outdoor Indoor Cable 161 Web


    A Furukawa Company


    New Totally Gel-Free, Riser-Rated Cable Enables Faster,Less Costly Deployment for Inter-Building Applications

    If your cable isnt dry, things could get sticky. Why n

    join the Dry Revolution with our new, totally gel-fre

    OPTIO ser-Rated, Outdoor/Indoor Loose Tub

    Fiber Optic Cable?

    a e nnovat ve y com nes t e sa et

    features of an indoor, riser-rated cable with the durabilit

    critical to outside plant (OSP) use, all in a single, gel-fre

    ca e t at e ps ena e aster ep oyment an re uce

    nsta at on costs.

    OFS field-proven, totally dry loose tube design lies at th

    eart o eac a e. o construct t s

    cable, optical fibers are placed within flexible 2.5 mm

    buffer tubes that contain a specially-engineered, super-

    a sor ent yarn t at e vers exce ent water penetra-

    tion resistance without the use of messy gels and filling

    compounds. Next, the color-coded buffer tubes are then

    stranded around a dielectric central member using the

    reverse oscillating lay (ROL) stranding technique for easy,

    mid-span fiber access. Additional dry, super-absorbent

    material is then applied to the cable core to offer addedwater- oc ng protect on an aster ca e preparat on.

    Finally, dielectric strength elements, a ripcord and a dura-

    ble outer jacket complete the cable construction.

    Product Description

    he completely gel-free OPTION1 DT Cable offers

    he safety features needed for indoor riser use along

    w t t e ura ty requ re or app cat ons.

    Unlike traditional loose tube cables that use gels indirect contact with optical fibers, the OPTION1 DT Cable

    rep aces ge s w t a spec a y-eng neere , super-a sor-

    bent yarn that provides outstanding water penetration

    resistance. By eliminating nasty gels and filling com-

    poun s, t s ca e e ps ena e su stant a sav ngs o

    installation time and labor costs. In fact, whe pared

    w ilar gel-filled outdoor/indoor s, the OPTION1

    a e c e p cut ca preparat on t me y up to

    80%, helpin antly reduce labor costs for splic-

    erminations .

    Why the OPTION1 DT Cable?

    Features and Benefits:

    otally gel-free, reduced weight cable helps save on

    deployment time and expense

    e ps re uce ca e preparat on t me y up to

    Streamlined installation with direct outdoor-to-indoor cable transitions

    Cleaner work environment helps support faster

    splicing with higher yields

    n ances system per ormance y avo ng a -

    ona sp ce po nt attenuat on oss

    Outdoor/IndoorOPTION1 DT Cable

    1 n e tr a s, t e ge - ree a e re uce t e t me requ re

    or ca e en preparat or sp c ng an term nat ons y up to as

    compare w t an compet tor ge - e oose tu e ca es.

    ontinued on ext page

    on nue on nex page

    OPTION1 DT Cable

    ross- ec on

    en ra em er

    Dielectric Strength Member


    Riser-Rated Outer Jacket

    ry oc a er

    oc ng a er a

    p ca e rs

    en ra em er ac e

  • 7/27/2019 OPTION1 DT Outdoor Indoor Cable 161 Web



    The totally gel-free cable design also helps save on labor

    costs by offering faster splicing with higher first pass yields

    ue to a c eaner wor env ronment. y remov ng ge s an

    filling compounds, the OPTION1 DT Cable allows virtu-

    ally effortless splice preparation, while keeping your tools,

    workspace, closures and cabinets cleaner and safer. Dry

    cables are also significantly lighter in weight, making them

    easier to handle and less of a load on your crew and plant


    The OPTION1 DT Cable also enables additional cost sav-ings by helping to minimize or eliminate the need for spe-

    cial cleaning solvents and wipes, along with eliminating

    the added expense of cleaning splicer and cleaver equip-

    ment. These advantages make this cable an environmen-

    tally-friendly solution that also helps save on deployment

    t me an expense.

    By eliminating multiple cables and splice points, the

    a e a ows stream ne ca e nsta a-

    t on an ma ntenance, e p ng to save even more t me

    and money. In addition, this cost-effective cable also

    helps deliver enhanced system performance by avoiding

    t e a t ona attenuat on oss create y mu t p e sp cepoints.

    n summary, t e a e s a pr me ca ng

    solution for inter-building applications including private

    networks, Local Area Networks (LANs), and campus envi-

    ronments, as we as ep oyments t at nvo ve outs e

    p ant to u ng trans t ons.

    Features and Benefits (continued):

    Environmentally-friendly cable helps reduce waste

    and the need for special cleaning solvents

    ser- an tray-rate ; a - e ectrc construct on w t

    OFNR approval; meets UL 1666 (riser-rated) and

    EC 60332-3C for flame resistance

    UV-resistant jacket for reliable service in direct


    er counts up to Available with OFS AllWave Zero Water Peak

    (ZWP) Single-Mode, TrueWave RSLWP Single-

    o e, an u t mo e ers

  • 7/27/2019 OPTION1 DT Outdoor Indoor Cable 161 Web




    er ount - - - - - - - -

    a e uter ameter n. mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    a e e g t t g m

    Performance Standard (all cables)

    este per pp ca e equ rements o - - , e cor a - an ser .

    Handling (all cables)

    Minimum Bend Radius, With Load* 15 x OD

    emperature: nsta at on: - to - to

    perat on: - to - to

    torage: - to - to

    n mum en a us, t o oa x

    n mum en a us, torage o s x

    Maximum Rated Cable Load (MRCL) 600 lbf (2700 N)

    ax mum ong erm oa

    = uter ameter o a e

    OPTION1 DT Cable Ordering Information

    xamp e: T-3BE12RT-NNN1

    1 art um er s own s or stan ar ave attenuat on an stan ar ca e pr nt:

    ax mum ave attenuat on: . . . . . m nm

    tan ar r nt, examp e or a e:


    ontact r er anagement or n ormat on on ot er ca e var at ons, nc u ng a t ona er types, attenuat on, an custom ca e pr nt.

    Part Number: AT- S1 S2 SF S3 S4 S5 S6- NNN

    S1 = Fiber Selection3 =6 =R=

    1310/1550 nm (AllWave ZWP Fiber)

    1550 nm (TrueWaveRSLWP Fiber)

    850/1300 nm (Multimode Fiber)

    S2 = Fiber Transmission PerformanceB =

    2 =U =


    0.35/0.31/0.27/0.25/0.27 dB/km @1310/1385/1490/1550/1625 nm (AllWave ZWP/

    AllWave FLEX ZWP)

    0.25 dB/km @ 1550 nm (TrueWave RSLWP)

    3.4/1.0 dB/km and 200/500 MHz-km @850/1300 nm (62.5 m Multimode)

    2.5/0.7 dB/km and 500/500 MHz-km @850/1300 nm (50 m Multimode)

    S5 = Core TypeR= Totally Dry OPTION1 DT

    NNN= Fiber Count =002 288

    SF= Fiber Type2

    E =6 =

    9 =

    2 =

    AllWave ZWP Single-Mode FiberTrueWave RSLWP62.5/125 m Multimode50/125 m Multimode

    S3 = Sheath Construction1 = Single Jacket All-Dielectric

    S4 = Tensile Load2 = 600 lb (2700 N)

    S6= Fibers per TubeT = 12 fibers

    __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___

    Fiber2 Sheath Core



  • 7/27/2019 OPTION1 DT Outdoor Indoor Cable 161 Web


    For additional information please contact your sales representative. You can

    a so v s t our we s te at www.ofsoptics.com or ca - - er e p - -

    - rom ns e t e or - - - rom outs e t e .

    reserves t e r g t to ma e c anges to t e pr ces an pro uct s escr e

    n t s ocument at any t me w t out not ce.

    s ocument s or n ormat ona purposes on y an s not nten e to

    mo y ement any warrant es or spec cat ons re at ng to any o

    ts pro ucts or serv .

    opyr g t , .

    r g ts reserve , pr nte n .

    Marketing Com ions

    osp- - A Furukawa Company

    se e ectron c es, ava a e at:

    www.ofsoptics.com - Use less paper

    ave, ry oc an rue ave are reg stere tra emar s an

    is a trademark of OFS FITEL, LLC.

    UL is a registered trademark of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.