UNIVERSITY OF JOENSUU COMPUTER SCIENCE DISSERTATIONS 12 Tomi H. Kinnunen Optimizing Spectral Feature Based Text-Independent Speaker Recognition Academic dissertation To be presented, with the permission of the Faculty of Science of the University of Joensuu, for public criticism in the Louhela Auditorium of the Science Park, L¨ansikatu 15, Joensuu, on June 19 th 2005, at 13 o’clock. UNIVERSITY OF JOENSUU 2005

Optimizing Spectral Feature Based Text …epublications.uef.fi/pub/urn_isbn_952-458-694-0/urn_isbn...Optimizing Spectral Feature Based Text-Independent Speaker Recognition Tomi H

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Tomi H. Kinnunen

Optimizing Spectral Feature Based

Text-Independent Speaker Recognition

Academic dissertation

To be presented, with the permission of the Faculty of Scienceof the University of Joensuu, for public criticism in the LouhelaAuditorium of the Science Park, Lansikatu 15, Joensuu, on June19th 2005, at 13 o’clock.



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Supervisor Professor Pasi FrantiDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of JoensuuJoensuu, FINLAND

Reviewers Professor Sadaoki FuruiDepartment of Computer Science, Furui LaboratoryGraduate School of Information Science and EngineeringTokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN

Professor Unto K. LaineLaboratory of Acoustics and Audio Signal ProcessingHelsinki University of Technology, FINLAND

Opponent Professor Anil K. JainDepartments of Computer Science and EngineeringMichigan State University, USA

ISBN 952-458-693-2 (printed)

ISBN 952-458-694-0 (PDF)

ISSN 1238-6944 (printed)

ISSN 1795-7931 (PDF)

Computing Reviews (1998) Classification: I.2.7, I.5.1, I.5.4, I.5.3, G.1.6

Joensuun yliopistopaino

Joensuu 2005

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Optimizing Spectral Feature Based Text-Independent Speaker


Tomi H. Kinnunen

Department of Computer Science

University of Joensuu

P.O.Box 111, FIN-80101 Joensuu, FINLAND

[email protected]

University of Joensuu, Computer Science, Dissertations 12

Joensuu, 2005, 156 pages

ISBN 952-458-693-2 (printed), 952-458-694-0 (PDF)

ISSN 1238-6944 (printed), 1795-7931 (PDF)


AUTOMATIC speaker recognition has been an active research area for morethan 30 years, and the technology has gradually matured to a state ready forreal applications. In the early years, text-depended recognition was more

studied but gradually the focus has moved towards text-independent recognitionbecause their application field is much wider, including forensics, teleconferencing,and user interfaces in addition to security applications.

Text-independent speaker recognition is considerably more difficult problem com-pared to text-depended recognition because the recognition system must be preparedfor an arbitrary input text. Commonly used acoustic features contain both linguisticand speaker information mixed in highly complex way over the frequency spectrum.The solution is to use either better features or better matching strategy, or a com-bination of the two. In this thesis, the subcomponents of text-independent speakerrecognition are studied, and several improvements are proposed for achieving betteraccuracy and faster processing.

For feature extraction, a frame-adaptive filterbank that utilizes rough phoneticinformation is proposed. Pseudo-phoneme templates are found using unsupervisedclustering, and frame labeling is performed via vector quantization, so there is noneed for annotated training data. For speaker modeling, experimental compari-


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son of five clustering algorithms is carried out, and the answer to the question ofwhich clustering method should be used is given. For the combination of featureextraction and speaker modeling, multiparametric speaker profile approach is stud-ied. In particular, combination strategies for different fullband spectral feature setsis addressed.

Speaker identification is computationally demanding due to the large numberof comparisons. Several computational speedup methods are proposed, includingprequantization of the test sequence and iterative model pruning, as well as theircombination.

Finally, selection of the cohort models (background models, anti-models) is ad-dressed. A large number of heuristic cohort selection methods have been proposed inliterature, and there is controversy how the cohort models should be selected. Cohortselection is formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem, and genetic algo-rithm (GA) is used for optimizing the cohort sets for the desired security-conveniencebalance. The solution provided by the GA is used for establishing a lower boundto the error rate of an MFCC/GMM system, and the selected models are analyzedwith an aim to enlighten the mystery of the cohort selection.

Keywords: Text-independent speaker recognition, vector quantization, spectralfeatures, Gaussian mixture model, cohort modeling, classifier fusion, realtime recog-nition.


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CONGRATULATIONS! For one reason or another, you have opened my PhDthesis. You are currently holding a piece of work to which I have devoted

quite a many hours of hard work. The work was carried out at the Department ofComputer Science, University of Joensuu, Finland, during 2000-2005. In the twofirst years of my postgraduate studies, I was an assistant in the CS department, andsince 2002, my funding has been covered by the Eastern Finland Graduate Schoolin Computer Science and Engineering (ECSE).

My supervisor Professor Pasi Franti deserves big thanks for helping me when I’veneeded help, for giving a large amount of constructive criticism, as well arrangingnice ex tempore events. I am thankful to Professors Sadaoki Furui and Unto K.Laine, the reviewers of the thesis, for the helpful comments.

My colleagues Ismo Karkkainen and Ville Hautamaki deserve special thanksfor their endless help in practical things. I also want to thank the other co-authorsEvgeny and Teemu, the rest of the PUMS group, as well as other colleagues. Joensuuhas been a pleasant place to work. Which reminds me that I must thank the pizzaand kebab places of the town, for keeping me in good shape.

Gladly, life is not just work (well, except for the time of PhD studies maybe).The greatest thanks go to my lovely parents and my wonderful sister, who haveshown understanding, love, and simply good company during my life. Many otherpersons would deserve thanks, hugs and smiles as well, but I might forget easilysomeone. And, in fact, I need to get this thesis for print in one hour. So my dearfriends out there: remember that you are special, and forget me - NOT! :) You arethe air that I am breathing when I am not working, sleeping or playing the guitar.See you soon, it’s summer time!

Joensuu, Monday 30th of May 2005, 3 weeks before the defense. –Tomi


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List of original publications

P1. T. Kinnunen, T. Kilpelainen, P. Franti. Comparison of Clustering Algorithmsin Speaker Identification, Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. Signal Processing andCommunications (SPC 2000), pp. 222-227, Marbella, Spain, September 19-22, 2000.

P2. T. Kinnunen, Designing a Speaker-Discriminative Adaptive Filter Bank forSpeaker Recognition, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing(ICSLP 2002), pp. 2325-2328, Denver, Colorado, USA, September 16-20, 2002.

P3. T. Kinnunen, V. Hautamaki, P. Franti, On the Fusion of Dissimilarity-BasedClassifiers for Speaker Identification, Proc. 8th European Conf. on SpeechCommunication and Technology (EUROSPEECH 2003), pp. 2641-2644, Geneva,Switzerland, September 1-4, 2003.

P4. T. Kinnunen, V. Hautamaki, P. Franti, Fusion of Spectral Feature Sets forAccurate Speaker Identification, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Speech and Computer(SPECOM 2004), pp. 361-365, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 20-22, 2004.

P5. T. Kinnunen, E. Karpov, P. Franti, Real-Time Speaker Identification andVerification, Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on Speech and AudioProcessing.

P6. T. Kinnunen, I. Karkkainen, P. Franti, The Mystery of Cohort Selection, Re-port A-2005-1, Report series A, University of Joensuu, Department of Com-puter Science (ISBN 952-458-676-2, ISSN 0789-7316).


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Acknowledgements v

Contents viii

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2 Human Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.3 Speaker Individuality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Automatic Speaker Recognition 6

2.1 Components of Speaker Recognizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.2 Selection of Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.3 The Matching Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.4 Segmentation as Preprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.5 Types of Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.6 Template Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.7 Stochastic Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.8 Other Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.9 Information Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3 Feature Extraction 25

3.1 Spectral Analysis Using DFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.2 DFT in Feature Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.3 Subband Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.4 Linear Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.5 Dynamic Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


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3.6 Prosodic and High-Level Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4 Summary of the Publications 39

5 Summary of the Results 43

5.1 Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

5.2 Main Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

6 Conclusions 49

References 52


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Chapter 1


SPEECH signal (see Fig. 1.1) can be considered as a carrier wave to which thetalker codes linguistic and nonlinguistic information. The linguistic informa-tion refers to the message, and nonlinguistic information to everything else,

including social factors (social class, dialect), affective factors (emotion, attitude),and the properties of the physical voice production appratus. In addition, the signalis transmitted over a communication channel to the listener/microphone which addsit’s own characteristics. The different information are not coded in separate acousticparameters such as different frequency bands, but instead they are mixed in a highlycomplex way.

In speaker recognition, one is interested in the speaker-specific information in-cluded in speech waves. In a larger context, speaker recognition belongs to the fieldof biometric person authentication [24, 176], which refers to authenticating personsbased on their physical and/or learned characteristics. Biometrics has been appear-ing with increasing frequency in daily media during the past few years, and speakerrecognition has also received some attention. For instance, in 12th November 2002,a voice on tape broadcast on Arabic television network referred to recent terroriststrikes which US officials believed to be connected to al-Qaeda network lead by theterrorist Osama bin Laden. The tape was sent for analysis for the IDIAP groupin Lausanne, Switzerland, which concluded that the voice on the tape, with highprobability, did not belong to bin Laden1 .

Forensics is an area where speaker recognition is routinely applied. For instance,in Finland about 50 requests related to forensic audio research are sent each year tothe National Bureau of Investigation, of which a considerable amount (30-60%) arerelated to speaker recognition [153]. Forensic voice samples are often from phonecalls or from wiretapping and can contain huge amounts of data (consider continuous

1http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle east/2526309.stm


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recording in wiretapping, for instance). Automatic speaker recognition could be usedfor locating given speaker(s) in a long recording, the task called speaker tracking.

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5






Time [s]




Time [s]



cy [H


0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 50





Figure 1.1: An example of speech signal: waveform (upper panel) and spectrogram(lower panel). Utterance “What good is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?”spoken by a male.

Recently, there has been increasing interest to apply automatic speaker recog-nition methodology to help decision making process in forensic speaker recognition[73, 174, 3, 154], which has traditionally been a task of a human operator hav-ing phonetic-linguistic background [189]. Increased accuracy of automatic speakerrecognition systems has motivated to use them in parallel to support other analysismethods. One problem with this approach is that the results must be interpretableand quantifiable in the terms of accepted statistical protocols, which sets up morechallenges to the system design. The main difference between commercial and foren-sic applications is that in the former case the system makes always a hard decision,whereas in the latter case, the system should output a degree of similarity, and thehuman operator is responsible for interpreting and quantifying the significance ofthe match.

For commercial applications, voice biometric has many desirable properties.


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Firstly, speech is a natural way of communicating, and does not require specialattention from the user. By combining speech and speaker recognition technologies,it is possible to give the identity claim via speech [85] (“I am Tomi, please verifyme”). Secondly, speaking does not require physical contact with the sensor as con-trast to fingerprints and palm prints, for instance. Thirdly, the sensor (microphone)is small, which makes speaker authentication systems attractive for mobile devices.For instance, it could be used as an alternative to the PIN number, or for continuousauthentication so that if an unauthenticated person speaks to the phone, it locksitself.

Voice biometric could also be used as an additional person authentication methodin e-commerce and bank transactions. PC microphones are cheap, and at home oroffice, the environmental acoustics is predictable so that in most practical cases noiseor acoustic mismatch would not be a problem. Furthermore, as webcams have alsobecome increasingly popular, combining voice and face recognition could be used forincreasing the accuracy. In general, voice can be combined with arbitrary biometrics.

Speaker recognition and profiling has also potential to help solving other prob-lems within speech technology. The most studied subproblem is speech recognition,which refers to transcribing spoken language into text. Often speech and speakerrecognition are considered as separate fields, although from the technical side theyshare many similarities. For instance, similar acoustic features are used for bothtasks with good success, which is somehow ironical considering the opposite natureof the task. This indicates that the same features contain both phonetic and speakerinformation, and it would be advantageous to combine the tasks [85, 20].

The main problems of speech are associated with the high variability of the signaldue to (1) speaker him/herself (mental condition, health, long-term physiologicalchanges), (2) technical conditions (environment acoustics, transmission line) and (3)linguistic factors (speech content, language, dialectal variations). These variabilitiesmake it rather difficult to form a stable voice template over all different conditions.Due to the high intra-person variability of speech, a relatively large template isneeded for modeling the variabilities.

1.1 Definitions

In automatic speaker recognition literature, speaker recognition is divided into iden-tification and verification tasks [27, 67]. In the identification task, or 1:N matching,an unknown speaker is compared against a database of N known speakers, and thebest matching speaker is returned as the recognition decision; “no one” decision isalso possible in the task called open set identification problem.

The verification task, or 1:1 matching, consists of making a decision whether a


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given voice sample is produced by a claimed speaker (the claimant or target). Ingeneral, identification task is much more difficult since a large number of speakersmust be matched. The verification task, on the other hand, is less dependent on thepopulation size.

Speaker recognition systems can be further classified into text-dependent andtext-independent ones. In the former case, the utterance presented to the recognizeris fixed, or known beforehand. In the latter case, no assumptions about the text ismade. Consequently, the system must model the general underlying properties ofthe speaker’s vocal space so that matching of arbitrary texts is possible.

In text-dependent speaker verification, the pass phrase presented to the systemcan be fixed, or alternatively, it can vary from session to session. In the latter case,the system prompts the user to utter a particular phrase (text prompting). Anadvantage of text prompting is that impostor can hardly know the prompted phrasein advance, and playback of pre-recorded or synthesized speech becomes difficult.The recognition decision can be a combination of utterance verification (“did thespeaker utter the prompted words?”) and speaker verification (“is the voice ofsimilar to the claimed person’s voice?”) [128, 188].

In general, text-dependent systems are more accurate, since the speaker is forcedto speak under restricted linguistic constraints. From the methodological side, text-dependent recognition is a combination of speech recognition and text-independentspeaker recognition.

1.2 Human Performance

In forensics, auditory speaker recognition might have some use. An earwitness refersto a person who heard the voice of the criminal during the crime. Although thisprotocol has been used in actual crime cases, it is somehow questionable because ofthe subjective nature. For instance, it has been observed that there are considerabledifferences in recognition accuracies between individuals [193, 189].

Human and computer performance in speaker recognition have been comparedin [133, 193, 3]. Schmidt-Nielsen and Crystal [193] conducted a large-scale com-parison in which nearly 50,000 listening judgments were performed by 65 listeners.The results were compared with the state-of-the-art computer algorithms. It wasobserved that humans perform better when the quality of the speech samples isdegraded with background noise, crosstalk, channel mismatch, and other sources ofnoise. With matched acoustic conditions and clean speech, the performance of thebest algorithms was observed to be comparable with the human listeners.

Similar results were recently obtained by Alexander et al. [3]. In their experi-ment, 90 subjects participated the aural recognition test. It was found out that in the


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matched conditions (GSM-GSM and PSTN-PSTN) the automatic speaker recogni-tion system clearly outperformed human listeners (EER of 4 % vs. 16 %). However,in mismatched conditions (for instance, PSTN-GSM), human outperformed the au-tomatic system. The subjects were also asked to describe what “features” theyused in their recognition decisions. Pronounciation and accent were most popular,followed by timbre, intonation and speaking rate. It is noteworthy that the auto-matic system used only spectral cues (RASTA-PLP coefficients), but it still couldoutperform human in matched conditions. This suggests that human auditory sys-tem considers speaker features to some extent as irrelevant information or undesirednoise.

1.3 Speaker Individuality

It is widely known that the main determinants of speaker sex are the formant fre-quencies and the fundamental frequency (F0) [18]. Formant frequencies correspondto high-amplitude regions of the speech spectrum, and they correspond to one ormore resonance frequencies of the vocal tract which are, in turn, related to the sizesof the various acoustic cavities. The overall vocal tract length (from glottis to lips)can be estimated from the formants rather accurately [147]. The F0, on the otherhand, depends on the size of the vibrating segments of the vocal folds, and thereforeit is an acoustic correlate of the larynx size [189].

Studies in automatic speaker recognition have indicated the high frequencies tobe important for speaker recognition [82, 21]. For instance, in [82] the spectrum wasdivided into upper and lower frequency regions, the cutoff frequency being a variedparameter. It was found out that regions 0-4 kHz and 4-10 kHz are equally importantfor speaker recognition. For high-quality speech, the low end of the spectrum (below300 Hz) was found to be useful in [21].

Analysis of speaker variability of phonemes and phonetic classes has revealedsome differences in discrimination properties of individual phonemes [52, 191, 204,168, 16, 106]. The most extensive study is by Eatock and Mason [52], in whichthe authors studied a corpus of 125 speakers using hand-annotated speech sampled.They found out that the nasals and vowels performed the best and stop consonantsthe worst.

Intonation, timing, and other suprasegmental features are also speaker-specific,and they have been applied in automatic speaker recognition systems [12, 190, 30,198, 124, 215, 19, 28, 62, 183, 171, 2]. These are affected by the speaker’s attitudeand they can be more easily impersonated compared to vocal tract features (see [11]for an imitation study). However, they have proven to be very robust against noise[30, 124, 100].


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Chapter 2

Automatic Speaker Recognition

FROM the user’s perspective, a speaker authentication system has two oper-ational modes: enrollment and recognition modes. In the enrollment mode,the user provides his/her voice sample to the system along with his unique

user ID. In the recognition mode, the user provides another voice sample, which thesystem compares with the previously stored sample and makes it’s decision.

Depending on the application, the biometric authentication system might includeseveral modalities, such as combination of speaker and face recognition [26]. In thiscase, the user provides a separate biometric sample for each modality, and in therecognition mode, the system combines the subdecisions of the different modalities.Multimodal person authentication is a research topic on its own, and will not bediscussed here further.

2.1 Components of Speaker Recognizer

Identification and verification systems share the same components (see Fig. 2.1), andthey will not be discussed separately. Feature extractor is common for enrollmentand recognition modes. The feature extractor, or system front-end, transforms theraw audio stream into a more manageable format so that speaker-specific propertiesare emphasized and statistical redundancies suppressed. The result is a set of featurevectors.


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Figure 2.1: Components of an automatic speaker recognition system.

In the enrollment mode, the speaker’s voice template is formed by statisticalmodeling of the features, and stored into speaker database. It depends on the fea-tures what type of model is most appropriate. For example, the Gaussian mixturemodel (GMM) [185, 184] has been established as a baseline model for spectral fea-tures to which other models and features are compared.

In the recognition mode, feature vectors extracted from the unknown person’sutterance are compared with the stored models. The component responsible forthis task is called 1:1 match engine, as it compares one voice sample against onestored model. The match produce a single real number, which is a similarity ordissimilarity score. In current systems, the match score is normalized relative tosome other models in order to make it more robust against mismatches betweentraining and recognition conditions [127, 67, 92, 182, 184, 196][P6]. The rationaleis that when there is an acoustic mismatch, it will affect equally all models, andmaking the score relative to other models should provide a more robust score.

The component that is essentially different for identification and verification isthe decision module. It takes the match scores as input, and makes the final decision,possibly with a confidence value [72, 95]. In the identification task, the decision isthe best matching speaker index, or “no one” in the case of open-set identification.In the verification task, decision is “accept” or “reject”. In both cases, it is possibleto have a refuse-to-decide option, for instance due to low SNR. In this case, thesystem might prompt the user to speak more.

2.2 Selection of Features

Feature extraction is necessary for several reasons. First, speech is a highly complexsignal which carries several features mixed together [189]. In speaker recognition weare interested in the features that correlate with the physiological and behavioral


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characteristics of the speaker. Other information sources are considered as undesir-able noise whose effect must be minimized. The second reason is a mathematicalone, and relates to the phenomenon known as curse of dimensionality [25, 101, 102],which implies that the number of needed training vectors increases exponentiallywith the dimensionality. Furthermore, low-dimensional representations lead to com-putational and storage savings.

2.2.1 Criteria for Feature Selection

In [216, 189], desired properties for an ideal feature for speaker recognition are listed.The ideal feature should

• have large between-speaker and small within-speaker variability

• be difficult to impersonate/mimic

• not be affected by the speaker’s health or long-term variations in voice

• occur frequently and naturally in speech

• be robust against noises and distortions

It is unlikely that a single feature would fulfill all the listed requirements. For-tunately, due to the complexity of speech signals, a large number of complemen-tary features can be extracted and combined to improve accuracy. For instance,short-term spectral features are highly discriminative and, in general, they can bereliably measured from short segments (1-5 seconds) [151], but will be easily cor-rupted when transmitted over a noisy channel. In contrast, F0 statistics are robustagainst technical mismatches but require rather long speech segments and are notas discriminative. Formant frequencies are also rather noise robust, and formant ra-tios, relating to the relative sizes of resonant cavities, are expected to be somethingthat is not easily under the speaker’s voluntary control. The selection of featuresdepends largely on the application (co-operative/non co-operative speakers, desiredsecurity/convenience balance, database size, amount of environmental noise).

2.2.2 Types of Features

A vast number of features have been proposed for speaker recognition. We dividethem into the following classes:

• Spectral features

• Dynamic features


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• Source features

• Suprasegmental features

• High-level features

Table 2.1 shows examples from each class. Spectral features are descriptors of theshort-term speech spectrum, and they reflect more or less the physical characteris-tics of the vocal tract. Dynamic features relate to time evolution of spectral (andother) features. Source features refer to the features of the glottal voice source.Suprasegmental features span over several segments. Finally, high-level features re-fer to symbolic type of information, such as characteristic word usage.

Table 2.1: Examples of features for speaker recognition.Feature type ExamplesSpectral features MFCC, LPCC, LSF

Long-term average spectrum (LTAS)Formant frequencies and bandwidths

Dynamic features Delta featuresModulation frequenciesVector autoregressive coefficients

Source features F0 meanGlottal pulse shape

Suprasegmental features F0 contoursIntensity contoursMicroprosody

High-level features Idiosyncratic word usagePronounciation

An alternative classification of features could be phonetic-computational dichotomy.Phonetic features are based on the acoustic-phonetic knowledge and they often havea direct physical meaning (such as vibration frequency of vocal folds or resonancesof the vocal tract). In contrast, by computational features we refer to features thataim at finding good presentation in the terms of small correlations and/or high dis-crimination between speakers. These do not necessarily have any physical meaning,but for automatic recognition this does not matter.

2.2.3 Dimension Reduction by Feature Mapping

By feature mapping we refer to any function producing a linear or nonlinear combi-nation of the original features. Well-known linear feature mapping methods include


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principal component analysis (PCA) [50], independent component analysis (ICA)[97] and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) [65, 50]. An example of a nonlinearmethod is the multilayer perceptron (MLP) [25].

PCA finds the directions of largest variances and can be used for eliminating(linear) correlations between the features. ICA goes further by aiming at findingstatistically independent components. LDA utilizes class labels and finds the direc-tions, on which the linear separability is maximized.

ICA can be used when it can be assumed that the observed vector is a linearmixture of some underlying sources. This is the basic assumption in the source-filter theory of speech production [57], in which the spectra of the observed signalis assumed to be a product of the spectra of excitation source, vocal tract filter andlip radiation. In cepstral domain, these are additive, which motivated the authorsof [104] to apply ICA on the cepstral features. ICA-derived basis function have alsobeen proposed as an alternative to discrete Fourier transform in feature extraction[103].

MLP can be used as a feature extractor when trained for autoassociation task.This means that the desired output vector is the same as the input vector, and thenetwork is trained to learn the reconstruction mapping through nonlinear hiddenlayer(s) having a small number of neurons. In this way, the high-dimensional inputspace is represented using a small number of hidden units performing nonlinear PCA.Neural networks can also be used as an integrated feature extractor and speakermodel [86].

2.2.4 Dimension Reduction by Feature Selection

An alternative to feature mapping is feature selection [102], which was introducedto speaker recognition in 1970s [39, 191]. The difference with feature mapping isthat in feature selection, the selected features are a subset, and not a combination,of the original features. The subset is selected to maximize a separability criterion,see [27] for a detailed discussion.

In addition to the optimization criterion, the search algorithm needs to be spec-ified, and for this several methods exist. Naive selection takes the individually best-performing features. Better approaches include bottom-up and top-down searchalgorithms, dynamic programming, and genetic algorithms. For a general overviewand comparison, refer to [102], and for comparison in speaker recognition, see [32].

In [32], it is noted that the feature selection can be considered as a special case ofweighting the features in the matching phase with binary weights {0, 1} (0=feature isnot selected, 1=feature is selected). Thus, a natural extension is to consider weightsfrom a continuous set. The authors applied a genetic algorithm for optimizing theweights, and there was only a minor improvement over the feature selection.


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In an interesting approach presented in [166] and later applied in [46, 40], per-sonal features are selected for each speaker. This allows efficient exploitation offeatures that might be bad speaker discriminators on average, but discriminative fora certain individual.

2.3 The Matching Problem

Given a previously stored speaker model R and test vectors X = {x1, . . . , xT }extracted from the unknown person’s sample, the task is to define a match scores(X ,R) ∈ R indicating the similarity of X and R. Depending on the type of themodel, match score can be a likelihood, membership value, dissimilarity value, andso on.

The intrinsic complexity of speech signal makes the speaker matching problemdifficult. Speech signal contains both linguistic and nonlinguistic information, whichare mixed in a nonlinear way, and it is nontrivial to extract features that would befree of all other information except speaker characteristics. For example, HMMand GMM modeling of MFCC coefficients have been successfully applied in speechrecognition [178], speaker recognition [181], emotion recognition [123, 126], and evenin language recognition [217]. The fact that the same features give reasonable resultsin so diverse tasks suggests that MFCCs contain several information sources. Thus,small distance between reference and test vectors does not necessarily indicate thatthe vectors are produced by the same person, but they might be from differentspeakers pronouncing different phoneme.

Another point that deserves attention is that statistical pattern recognition lit-erature [50, 65, 101] deals mostly the problem of classifying single vectors, for whichthe methodology is well-understood. However, in speaker recognition, we rather havea sequence of vectors X = {x1, . . . ,xT } extracted from short-time frames around therate of 100 vectors/sec, and we need a joint decision for the whole vector sequencepresenting a complete utterance. Frames cannot be concatenated into a single vectorbecause utterances vary in their length, and so would the dimensionality also vary.Even if one managed to equalize all the utterances to a fixed dimensionality, onewould have the problem of text dependence (arbitrary order of concatenation).

Thus, it is not obvious how the traditional classification methods for the singlevector case can be generalized to the problem that we call sequence classification.One can argue that making certain assumptions, this is a well-defined problem. Forinstance, it is common to assume mutual independence of the test vectors so thatthe joint likelihood of the test sequence X = {x1, . . . ,xT } given the model R can


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be factorized as follows:

p(x1, . . . ,xT |R) =T∏


p(xt|R). (2.1)

However, the independence assumption does not hold in general, but the featurevectors have strong temporal correlations. An alternative strategy is to classify eachtest vector separately using traditional single-vector methods, and to combine theindividual vector votes [163].

A compromise between the whole sequence classification and individual vectorvoting is to divide X into temporal blocks of fixed length (say K vectors) [64], andclassify them independently. More advanced methods include segmentation of theutterance into variable-length segments corresponding to linguistically or statisti-cally meaningful units, which is discussed in the next section.

2.4 Segmentation as Preprocessing

The phonetic information (text content) is considered as the most severe inferringinformation to speaker recognition, and a number of approaches have been proposedfor separating these two strands [76, 52, 157, 17, 138, 155, 55, 85, 1, 162, 84, 20,145, 77][P2]. In text-dependent recognition, separation of phonetic and speakerinformation is embedded into the recognizer which performs nonlinear alignmentof the reference and test utterances using Hidden Markov models (HMM) or dy-namic time warping (DTW). In text-independent recognition, this kind of “stretch-ing/shrinking” is not possible since comparable phonemes in two recordings are inarbitrary positions.

Therefore, a segmenter can be considered in text-independent case as a pre-processor that segments the signal. If the segmentation produces also the transcrip-tion, the segments of the same type can be compared [7, 84]. The segmentationis based on some linguistically relevant division such as phonemes/phoneme groups[157, 17, 55, 84, 167, 78], broad phonetic categories [76, 106], phoneme-like data-driven units [172][P2], unvoiced/voiced segments [187, 8], pitch classes [54], prosodicpatterns [1], and steady/transient spectral regions [134].

In general, the segmentation/alignment and the actual matching can, and prob-ably should be, based on independent features and models because phonetic andspeaker information are, at least in theory, independent of each other. In [76],smooth spectrum features derived from a 3rd order LPC model were used for broadphonetic segmentation. In [155] the authors use principal component analysis toproject the feature vectors into “phonetic” and “speaker” subspaces, correspondingto lower- and higher order principal components, respectively.


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The model and features for segmentation can be speaker-independent or speaker-dependent, and these have been compared for text-depended case in [63, 33]. Theresults in both studies [63, 33] indicate that speaker-dependent segmentation is moreaccurate. However, speaker-independent segmentation needs to be done only oncewhich makes it computationally more efficient. In [167], speaker-dependent scoring ismade faster using a two-stage approach. In the first stage, a GMM speaker recognizerand speaker-independent speech recognizer are used in parallel. The GMM producesan N -best list of speakers, and for them speaker-dependent refined segmentation andscoring is carried out. Similar approaches, with an aim to jointly improve speech andspeaker recognition performance, has been proposed in [85, 20]. The formulationwas done as finding the word sequence W and speaker S to maximize their jointprobability p(W,S|X ).

In speaker recognition, text content of the utterances is not of interest, andone could replace the symbols by an arbitrary alphabet; it only matters that thesegmentation is consistent across different utterances. Annotated data is not neededfor training, but phoneme-like units can be found by unsupervised methods [77][P2].

2.5 Types of Models

Campbell [27] divides speaker models into template models and stochastic models. Inthe former case, the model is nonparametric, and pattern matching deterministic; itis assumed that the test sample is an imperfect replica of the reference template anda dissimilarity measure between them needs to be defined. In the stochastic case,it is assumed that the feature vectors are sampled from a fixed but an unknowndistribution. The parameters of the unknown distribution are estimated from thetraining samples, and the match score is typically based on the conditional probabil-ity (likelihood) of the observed test vectors X given the reference model R, p(X|R).It is also possible to estimate the parameters of the test distribution parameters,and to compare the model parameters [23].

Models can be also divided according to training method into unsupervised andsupervised (or discriminative) approaches [179]. In the former case, the target modelis trained using his/her training data only, whereas in the latter case, the data fromother classes is taken into account so that the models are directly optimized todiscriminate between speakers. This is usually done using an independent tuningset matched against the models, and the models are adjusted so that the tuningset samples are classified as accurately as possible. Using another validation set,overfitting can be avoided. Unsupervised training is typical for statistical modelslike GMM [185] and VQ [200], and supervised training is common for neural networks[58, 86] and kernel classifiers [29, 213]. For a survey of various approaches, see [179].


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A compromise between unsupervised and supervised approaches is to use a unsu-pervised model training and discriminative matching [63, 209, 141]. In this approach,non-discriminating parts of the input signal contribute less to match score. For this,likelihood ratio [63, 141], competitive model ranking [141], and Jensen difference[209] have been used.

2.6 Template Models

The simplest template model is no model at all [93, 47]. In other words, the featuresextracted in the training phase serve as the template for the speaker. Although thisrepresents the largest amount of information, it can lead to excessive matching timesand to overfitting. For this reason, it is common to reduce the number of test vectorsby clustering such as K-means [129]. Even simpler approach is to represent speakerby a single mean vector [139].

In the following, the test template is denoted as X = {x1, . . . ,xT } and thereference template as R = {r1, . . . , rK}. Theory of vector quantization (VQ) [69]can be applied in template matching. The average quantization distortion of X ,using R as the quantizer is defined as

DQ(X ,R) =1T




d(xt, rk), (2.2)

where d(·, ·) is a distance measure for vectors, e.g. the Euclidean distance or somemeasure tailored for certain type of features (see [178]). In [36], nearest neighbordistance is replaced by the minimum distance to the projection between all vec-tor pairs, and improvement was obtained, especially for small template sizes. Softquantization (or fuzzy VQ) has also been used [208, 207].

For the vector distance d(·, ·), weighted distance measures of the following formare commonly used:

d2W (x, y) = (x− y)′W (x− y), (2.3)

in which W is a weighting matrix used for variance normalization or emphasizingdiscriminative features. Euclidean distance is a special case when W is an identitymatrix. The Mahalanobis distance [50] is obtained from (2.3) when W is the inversecovariance matrix. The covariance matrix can be same for all speakers or it can bespeaker-depended. In [180], the covariance matrix is partition-depended. Diagonalcovariance matrices are typically used because of numerical reasons.


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2.6.1 Properties of DQ

The dissimilarity measure (2.2) is intuitively reasonable: for each test vector, thenearest template vector is found and the minimum distances are summed. Thus, ifmost of the test vectors are close to reference vectors, the distance will be small,indicating high similarity. It is easy to show that DQ(X ,R) = 0 if and only ifX ⊆ R, given that d is a distance function [107]. However, DQ is not symmetricbecause in general DQ(X ,R) 6= DQ(R,X ), which arises a question what should bequantized with which one?

Symmetrization of (2.2) was recently proposed in [107] by computing the asym-metric measures DQ(X ,R) and DQ(R,X ), and combining them using sum, max,min and product operators. The maximum and sum are the most attractive onessince they define a distance function. However, according to the experiments in [107],neither one could beat out the nonsymmetric measure (2.2), which arises suspicionwhether symmetrization is needed after all.

Our answer is conditional. In principle, the measure should be symmetric by in-tuition. However, due to imperfections in the measurement process, features are notfree from context, but they contain mixed information about the speaker, text, andother factors. In text-independent recognition, the asymmetry might be advanta-geous because of mismatched texts. However, there is experimental evidence in favorof symmetrization. Bimbot et al. [23] studied symmetrization procedures for mono-gaussian speaker modeling, and in the case of limited data for either modeling ormatching, symmetrization was found to be useful. In [107], rather long training andtest segments were used, which might explain the difference. The symmetrizationdeserves more attention.

2.6.2 Alternative Measures

Higgins et al. [93] have proposed the following dissimilarity measure:

DH(X ,R) =1T




d(xt, rk)2 +1K




d(xt, rk)2

− 1T



min1≤k≤K,k 6=t

d(xt,xk)2 − 1K




d(rt, rk)2, (2.4)

in which d2 is the squared Euclidean distance. They also show that, under certainassumptions, the expected value of DH is proportional to the divergence between thecontinuous probability distributions. Divergence is the total average information fordiscriminating one class from another, and can be considered as a “distance” between


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two probability distributions [41]. The first two sum terms in (2.4) correspond tocross-entropies and the last two terms to self-entropies.

Several other heuristic distance and similarity measures have been proposed [143,91, 10, 111, 116]. Matsui and Furui [143] eliminate outliers and perform matching inthe intersecting region of X and R to increase robustness. In [91], the discriminationpower of individual vectors is utilized. Each vector is matched against other speakersusing a linear discriminant designed in the training phase to separate these twospeakers. Discriminant values are then converted into votes, and the number ofvotes for the target serves as the match score.

Heuristic weighting utilizing discriminatory information of the reference vectorswas proposed in [111, 116]. In the training phase, a weight for each reference vectoris determined, signifying its distance from the other speakers’ vectors. For vectorsaway from other classes, higher contribution is given in the matching phase. Inthe matching phase, the weight of the nearest neighbor is retrieved and used in thedissimilarity [111] or similarity [116] measure.

2.6.3 Clustering

The size of speaker template can be reduced by clustering [200]. The result ofclustering is a codebook C of K code vectors, denoted as C = {c1, . . . , cK}. Thereare two design issues in the codebook generation: (1) the method for generating thecodebook, and (2) the size of the codebook.

General and non-surprising result is that increasing the codebook size reducesrecognition error rates [200, 58, 83, 116][P1]. A general rule of thumb is to use acodebook of size 64-512 to model spectral parameters of dimensionality 10-50. Ifthe codebook size is set too high, the model gets overfit to the training data andincreases errors [202][P5]. Larger codebooks increase also matching time. Usuallyspeaker codebooks are equal size for all speakers, but the sizes can also be optimizedfor each speaker [60].

The most well-known codebook generation algorithm is the generalized Lloyd al-gorithm (GLA) [129], also known as the Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG), or as the K-meansalgorithm depending on the context; the names will be used here interchangeably.The algorithm minimizes the mean square error locally by starting from an initialcodebook, which is iteratively refined in two successive steps until the codebook doesnot change. The codebook is initialized by selecting K disjoint random vectors fromthe training set.

He et al. [83] proposed a discriminative codebook training algorithm. In thismethod, codebooks are first initialized by the LBG algorithm, and then the codevectors are fine-tuned using learning vector quantization (LVQ) principle [120]. InLVQ, individual vectors are classified using template vectors, and the template vec-


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tors are moved either towards (correct classification) or away (misclassification) fromthe tuning set vectors. In speaker recognition, the task is to classify a sequence ofvectors rather than individual vectors. For this reason, He et al. modified the LVQ sothat a group of vectors is classified (using average quantization distortion), and theycall their method group vector quantization (GVQ). The code vectors are tuned likein standard LVQ. The GVQ method, when combined with the partition-normalizeddistance measure [180], was reported to give the best results among several VQ-basedmethods compared in [56].

2.7 Stochastic Models

2.7.1 Gaussian Mixture Model

Gaussian mixture model (GMM) [185, 184] is the state-of-the-practise model in text-independent speaker recognition. A GMM trained for short-term spectral featuresis often taken as the baseline to which new models and features are compared.GMM can be considered as an extension of the VQ model, in which the clusters areoverlapping. The power of GMM lies in the fact that it produces smooth densityestimate, and that it can be used for modeling arbitrary distributions [25]. On theother hand, a VQ equipped with Mahalanobis distance is very close to GMM.

A GMM is composed of a finite mixture of Gaussian components, and its densityfunction is given by

p(x|R) =K∑


Pk N (x|µk,Σk), (2.5)


N (x|µk,Σk) = (2π)−d2 |Σk|−

12 exp

{− 1

2(x− µk)

′Σ−1k (x− µk)


is the d-variate Gaussian density function with mean vector µ and covariance ma-trix Σ. Pk ≥ 0 are the component prior probabilities and they are constrainedby

∑Kk=1 Pk = 1. In the recognition phase, the likelihood of the test sequence is

computed as∏T

t=1 p(xt|R).GMM parameters can be estimated using the Expectation-Maximization (EM)

algorithm [25], which can be considered as an extension of the K-means. The EM al-gorithm locally maximizes the likelihood for the training data. Alternatively, GMMcan be adapted from a previously trained model called a world model or universalbackground model (UBM). The idea in this approach is that parameters are notestimated from scratch, but prior knowledge (“speech data in general”) is utilized.The UBM is trained from a large number of speakers using the EM algorithm, and


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the speaker-depended parameters are adapted using maximum a posteriori (MAP)adaptation [184]. As an example, the mean vectors are adapted as follows:

µk =nk

nk + rEk(x) +

(1− nk

nk + r


k , (2.7)

where nk is the probabilistic count of vectors assigned to kth mixture component,Ek(x) is posterior probability weighted centroid of the adaptation data, and r is afixed relevance factor balancing the contribution of the UBM and the adaptationdata. Compared to EM training, the MAP approach reduces both the amount ofneeded training as well as the training time, and it is the preferred method, especiallyfor limited training data.

The UBM can be used in speaker verification to normalize the target score sothat it is more robust against environmental variations. The test vectors are scoredagainst the target model and the UBM, and the normalized score is obtained bydividing the target likelihood by the UBM likelihood, giving a relative score. Notethat the UBM normalization does not help in closed-set identification, since thebackground score is the same for each speaker, and will not change the order ofscores. In addition to UBM normalization, one can use a set of cohort models[92, 185][P5, P6].

Typically the covariance matrices are taken to be diagonal (i.e. a variance vectorfor each component) because of both numerical and storage reasons. However, it hasbeen observed that full covariance matrices are more accurate [224]. In [224], theauthors propose to use eigenvalue decomposition for the covariance matrices, wherethe eigenvectors are shared by all mixture components but the eigenvalues dependon the component. Although the proposed approach gave slightly smaller errorscompared to normal full covariance GMM, the training algorithm is considerablymuch more complex than the EM algorithm.

Recently, the UBM-GMM has been extended in [219]. In this approach, thebackground model is presented as a tree created using top-down clustering. From thetree-structured background model, target GMM is adapted using MAP adaptationat each tree level. The idea of this approach is to represent speakers with differentresolutions (the uppermost layers corresponding to most “coarse model”) to speedup GMM scoring.

Another multilevel model has been proposed in [34] based on phonetically-motivated structuring. Again, the most coarse level presents the regular GMM,the next level contains division into vowels, nasals, voiced and unvoiced fricatives,plosives, liquids and silence. The third and last level consists of the individualphonemes. In this approach, phonetic labeling (e.g. using HMM) of the test vectorsis required. Similar but independent study is [84].


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Phoneme group specific GMMs have been proposed in [55, 167, 78]. For eachspeaker, several GMMs are trained, each corresponding to a phoneme class. A neatidea that avoids explicit segmentation in the recognition phase is proposed in [55].The speaker is modeled using a single GMM consisting of several sub-GMMs, onefor each phonetic class. The mixture weight of the sub-GMM is determined from therelative frequency of the corresponding phonetic symbol. Scoring is done in normalway by computing the likelihood; the key point here is that the correct phoneticclass of the input frame is selected probabilistically, and there is no need for discretelabeling.

In [209], two GMMs are stored for each speaker. The first one is trained normallyfrom the training data. Using this model, discriminativeness of each training vectoris determined and the most discriminative vectors are used for training the secondmodel. In the recognition phase, discriminative frames are selected using the firstmodel and matched against the second (discriminative) model. The discriminationpower is measured by deviation of vector likelihood values from a uniform distribu-tion; if likelihood is same for all speakers, it does not help in the discrimination.

A simplified GMM training approach has been proposed in [121, 169], which com-bines the simplicity of the VQ training algorithm but retains the modeling power ofGMM. First, the feature space is partitioned into K disjoint clusters using the LBGalgorithm. After this, covariance matrices of each cluster are computed from thevectors that belong to that cluster. The mixing weight of each cluster is computedas the proportion of vectors belonging to that cluster. The results in [121, 169] indi-cate that this simple algorithm gives similar or better results with the GMM-basedspeaker recognition with much simpler implementation.

Even more simple approach to avoid training totally is to use Parzen window(or kernel density) estimate [65] from the speaker’s training vectors [186]. Given thetraining data R = {r1, . . . , rK} for the speaker, the Parzen density estimate is

p(x|R) =1K



K(x− rk), (2.8)

where K is a symmetric kernel function (e.g. Gaussian) at each reference vector.The shape of the kernel is controlled by a smoothing parameter controlling the trade-off between over- and undersmoothing of the density. Indeed, there is no training forthis model at all, but the density estimate is formed “on the fly” from the trainingsamples for each test vector. The direct computation of (2.8) is time-consuming fora large number of training samples, so the dataset could be reduced by K-means.Rifkin [186] uses approximate k-nearest neighbor search to approximate (2.8) usingthe k approximate nearest neighbors to the query vector.


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2.7.2 Monogaussian Model

A special case of the GMM, referred to as monogaussian model, is to use a singleGaussian component per speaker [71, 70, 23]. The model consists of a single meanvector µR and a covariance matrix ΣR estimated from the training data R. Thesmall amount of parameter makes the model very simple, small in size, and com-putationally efficient. Monogaussian model has been reported to give satisfactoryresults [27, 21, 225]. It is less accurate compared to GMM, but the computationalspeedup in both training and verification is improved by one to three orders ofmagnitude according to experiments in [225]. Also, it is pointed out in [23] thatmonogaussian modeling could serve as a general reference model, since the resultsare easy to reproduce (in GMM and VQ, the model depends on the initialization).

In some cases, the mean vector of the model can be ignored, leading to a singlecovariance matrix per speaker. The motivation is that covariance matrix is notaffected by constant bias, which could be resulting from convolutive noise (whichis additive in cepstral domain). Bimbot et al. [23] found out experimentally thatwhen training and matching conditions are clean, including mean vector improvesperformance, but in the case of telephone quality, the covariance model is better.

Several matching strategies for the monogaussian and covariance-only modelhave been proposed [71, 70, 23, 27, 214, 225]. The basic idea is to compare thedifferences in the parameters of the test and reference parameters, denoted hereas (µX ,ΣX ) and (µR,ΣR). This speeds up scoring compared to direct likelihoodcomputation, since the parameters of the test sequence need to be computed onceonly.

The means are typically compared using Mahalanobis distance, and the covari-ances matrices are compared using the eigenvalues of the matrix ΣXΣ−1

R . Whenthe covariance matrices are equal, ΣXΣ−1

R = I, and the eigenvalues will be equalto 1. Thus, a dissimilarity of the covariance matrices can be defined in the termsof the deviation of the eigenvalues from unity. Gish proposed the sum of absolutedeviations from unity [70]. Bimbot et al. compare several eigenvalue-based distancemeasures, and propose different ways of symmetrizing them [23].

In some cases, the eigenvalues do need to be explicitely calculated, but themeasures can be represented using traces and determinants. For instance, Bimbotet al. derive arithmetic-geometric sphericity measure which is the logarithm of theratio of arithmetic and geometric means of the eigenvalues, and can be calculatedas follows:

AGSM(ΣX ,ΣR) = log1dtr



(|ΣX |


)1/d. (2.9)

Campbell [27] defines distance between two Gaussian based on divergence [41] and


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Bhattacharyya distance [65]. From these, he derives measures that emphasize dif-ferences in the shapes of the two distributions. As an example, the measure derivedfrom the divergence, called divergence shape, is given by the following equation:

DS(ΣX ,ΣR) =12tr

[(ΣX −ΣR

)(Σ−1R −Σ−1


)]. (2.10)

To sum up, because of the simple form of the density function, the monogaussianmodel enables usage of powerful parametric similarity and distance measures. Morecomplex models like GMM do not allow easy closed-form solutions to parametricmatching.

2.8 Other Models

Neural networks have been used in various pattern classification problems, includingspeaker recognition [58, 75, 86, 125, 222]. One advantage of neural networks is thatfeature extraction and speaker modeling can be combined into a single network[86]. Recently, a promising speaker modeling approach has been the use of kernelclassifiers (see [150]). The idea in these methods is to use a nonlinear mapping intoa high-dimensional feature space, in which simple classifiers can be applied. Theidea is different from neural networks, in which the classifier itself has a complexform.

In [29], polynomial functions are used as speaker models. The coefficients of thepolynomial form the speaker model, and these are learned using discriminative train-ing. As an example, for two-dimensional vectors (x1, x2) and 2nd order polynomial,mapping into 6-dimensional feature space is defined in [29] as follows:

(x1, x2) 7→ (1, x1, x2, x21, x1x2, x2

2). (2.11)

In the matching phase, each vector is mapped into feature space and the innerproduct is computed between the speaker coefficient vector, giving an indicationof similarity. The utterance-level score is given by the average of the frame-levelscores. This model has a very small number of parameters; in [29] the best resultswere obtained using 455 parameters per speaker.

In [149, 213], the speaker model parameters rather than the data are mappedusing kernels. This has the advantage that the parameter space has fixed dimension-ality. For instance, in [149], the authors measure distance of monogaussian modelsin the probability density space using divergence (which can be computed analyt-ically in this case). The experiments of [149] indicate that this simple approachoutperforms GMM.

Speaker-specific mapping approach to speaker recognition has been proposed in[138, 145], in which the focus is in features rather than statistical modeling. The


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idea is to extract two parallel feature streams with the same frame rate, a feature setrepresenting linguistic information, and a feature set containing both linguistic andspeaker information. Denoting the linguistic and linguistic-speaker feature vectorsas (lt, st), t = 1, . . . , T , the training consists of finding the parameters of the speaker-specific mapping function F so that the mean square mapping error

E =1T



‖st −F(lt)‖2 (2.12)

is minimized. One can think F a “speaker coloring” of the “pure linguistic” spec-trum: speaker-specific detail features are added on top of the linguistic informationto give the final spectrum containing linguistic and speaker features. In [138] themapping is found using subspace approach, and in [145] using a multilayer perceptron(MLP) network. In the recognition phase, the two feature streams are extracted,and score for the speaker is defined as the mapping error (2.12) using his personalF .

Somewhat similar approach to the linguistic-to-speaker mapping is the autoasso-ciate neural network [75, 222] approach, in which a multilayer perceptron is trainedto learn the reconstruction of features via a lower-dimensional subspace. The maindifference with [138, 145] is that only one feature stream is used and so that nodomain knowledge is used. The input vector and desired output vectors are thesame, and the network is trained to minimize the reconstruction error.

2.9 Information Fusion

Decision making in human activities involves combining information from severalsources (team decision making, voting, combining evidence in the court of law), inthe wish to arrive at more reliable decisions. Lately, these ideas have been adoptedinto pattern recognition systems under the generic term information fusion. Therehas been also a clearly increasing interest towards information fusion in speakerrecognition during the past few years [35, 59, 158, 197, 194, 64, 148, 179, 188, 43, 6,136, 77][P3, P4].

Information fusion can take several forms, see [179] for an overview in speakerrecognition. For instance, the target speaker might be required to utter same utter-ance several times (multi-sample fusion) so that match scores of different utterancescan be combined [136]. Alternatively, a set of different features could be extractedfrom the same utterance (multi-feature fusion). Speech signal is complex and en-ables extraction of several complementary acoustic-phonetic, as well computationalfeatures that can capture different aspects of the signal.


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In classifier fusion, the same feature set is modeled using different classifiers [31,59, 148]. The motivation is that classifiers are based on different underlying theoriessuch as linear/nonlinear decision boundaries, and stochastic/template approaches.It is expected that combining different classifier types, the classifiers could correctmisclassifications made by other classifiers.

2.9.1 Input and Output Fusion

For multi-feature fusion there are two options available: input fusion and outputfusion. Input fusion refers to combining the features at the frame level into a vectorfor which a single model is trained. In output fusion, each feature set is modeledusing a separate classifier, and the classifier outputs are combined. The classifieroutputs can be raw match scores, rank values, or hard decisions [221].

Input fusion, in particular, combining local static spectral features with thecorresponding time derivatives to capture transitional spectral information [66, 201],has been very popular. The main advantages are straightforward implementation,the need for a single classifier only, and the fact that feature dependencies are takeninto account, providing potentially better discrimination in the high-dimensionalspace.

However, input fusion has several limitations. For instance, it is difficult toapply when the features to combined have different frame rates, or if some featurestream has discontinuities (like F0 of unvoiced frames). Feature interpolation couldbe used in these cases, but this is somewhat artificial - creating data that doesnot exist. Moreover, curse of dimensionality may pose problems especially withlimited training data. Careful normalization of the features is also necessary becauseindividual features might have different variances and discrimination power.

Output fusion enables more flexible combination strategy, because the best-suited modeling approaches can be used for different features. Because of the lowerdimensionality, simple models can be used and less training data is required. Also,different features can have different meaning, they can have different scales and dif-ferent number of vectors, and these can be processed in a unified way. In fact, theclassifiers might present even different biometric modalities like face and voice [26].

Output fusion has some disadvantages as well. Firstly, some discriminationpower might be lost if the features are statistically dependent. Secondly, memoryand time requirements are increased if there is a large number of feature streams.However, this is true also for input fusion. Based on these arguments, score fusionis more preferable option in general.


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2.9.2 Combining Classifier Outputs

If the individual classifiers output crisp labels, they can be combined using majorityvoting, i.e. by assigning the class label to the most voted one; a majority of votesis required. In [6], framework for combining rank-level classifier outputs for speakerrecognition is proposed.

If classifier outputs are continuous match scores, they must be converted intocompatible scale before combining. Let sk(X , i) denote the raw match score forspeaker i given by the classifier k. It is customary to normalize the scores to benonnegative and so that they sum to unity. In this way, they can be interpretedas estimates of posterior probabilities or membership degrees. Using a nonnegativefunction g(s), the normalization [35]

s′k(X , i) =g(sk(X , i))∑N

j=1 g(sk(X , j))(2.13)

ensures that s′k(X , i) ≥ 0 and∑N

i=1 s′k(X , i) = 1 for all k. The function g(s) takedifferent forms depending on the scores. For probabilistic classifier one can selectg(s) = s and for distance classifiers g(s) = exp(−s).

The sum and product rules [119, 205, 4], sometimes refered to also as linearopinion pool and logarithmic opinion pool respectively, are commonly used. Theyare given as follows:

Fsum(X , i) =K∑


wks′k(X , i) (2.14)

Fprod(X , i) =K∏


s′k(X , i)wk , (2.15)

where wk ≥ 0 are the relative significance of the individual classifiers to the finalscore. The weights can be determined from the accuracies of the classifiers, fromclassifier confusion matrices using information theoretic approach [5], or from esti-mated acoustic mismatch between training and recognition [192]. Properties of thesum and product rules for the equal weights case (wk = 1/K) have been analyzedin [119, 205, 4]. In general, the sum rule is preferred option since the product ruleamplifies estimation errors [119].


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Chapter 3

Feature Extraction

SPEECH signal changes continuously due to the articulatory movements, andthe signal must be analyzed in short segments or frames, assuming local sta-tionarity within each frame. Typical frame length is 10-30 milliseconds, with

an overlap of 25-50 % of the frame length. From each frame, feature vector(s) arecomputed.

Estimation of the short-term spectrum forms a basis for many feature representa-tions. Spectrum can be estimated using the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) [160],linear prediction [137], or some other methods. Common steps for most spectrumestimation methods in speech processing are pre-emphasis and windowing, see Fig.3.1 for an example. Pre-emphasis boosts higher frequency region so that vocal tractrelated features are emphasized. Pre-emphasis also makes linear prediction (LP)analysis more accurate at higher frequencies. The purpose of windowing is to pickthe interesting part of the “infinite-length” signal for short-term analysis.

3.1 Spectral Analysis Using DFT

When discrete Fourier transform (DFT) [160, 98] is used as a spectrum estimationmethod, each frame is multiplied by a window function to suppress the discontinu-ity at the frame boundaries. Notice that the “no windowing” case in fact applies awindow, however, a rectangular one. Frame multiplication in the time domain cor-responds to convolving the true signal spectrum with the spectrum of the windowfunction [81, 45, 177, 160]. In other words, the window function itself causes errorto the spectrum estimation (leading to so-called spectral leakage effect which meansthat the spectral energy “leaks” from DFT bins to each other). If frame smoothingis not done, this is equivalent to measuring a blurred version of the actual spectrum.


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Time domain Frequency domain

Figure 3.1: Effects of framing, pre-emphasis and windowing in time and frequencydomains.

For a detailed discussion of the desired properties for a window function, see [81].In addition to selecting the window function, other crucial parameters are the

frame length and overlap. The frequency resolution of the DFT can be increased byusing longer frame, but this leads to decreased time resolution. Wavelets [203] offera nonuniform tiling of the time-frequency plane, but the short-term DFT remainsthe mainstream approach.

Framing is straightforward to implement but it has several shortcomings, fromwhich the frame adjustment needs special caution as demonstrated in [108]. Theauthors demonstrate with a synthetic example that for a periodic signal, two equallength frames started from different positions lead to high spectral distance. As asolution, the authors propose to use a variable frame length chosen to be an integermultiple of the local pitch period.

Pitch-synchronous analysis has also been utilized in [227], but with different mo-tivation than in [108]. Although source and filter features are in theory separated bythe conventional spectral feature representations like MFCC and LPCC, in practisethe spectral features are affected by pitch. The authors of [227] denote that in NISTevaluations, pitch mismatch between training and recognition has been observed


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0 0.5 1 1.5 20




Hamming window, Frame length = 15 ms, Frame shift = 10 ms, NFFT

= 512

0 0.5 1 1.5 20




0 0.5 1 1.5 20




Hamming window, Frame length = 30 ms, Frame shift = 20 ms, NFFT

= 512

0 0.5 1 1.5 20




Time [s]



cy [H


0 0.5 1 1.5 20




Hamming window, Frame length = 50 ms, Frame shift = 33 ms, NFFT

= 512

0 0.5 1 1.5 20




Magnitude Phase

Figure 3.2: Effects of windowing parameters to speech magnitude- and phase spec-trograms.

to increase errors, and hypothesize that by removing the harmonic structure fromthe spectrum, “depitching” the local spectrum, would be advantageous for speakerrecognition. Unfortunately, the verification accuracy turned out to be worse for thedepitched case. Pitch-class depended spectral feature modeling has been proposedin [54, 8]. In this approach, each pitch class (e.g. voiced/unvoiced) is associatedwith its own model.

3.2 DFT in Feature Extraction

Formally, the result of an N -point DFT is an N -dimensional complex vector, whichcan be expressed in equivalent magnitude-phase form by using the polar coordinates.Magnitude and phase spectra are N/2-dimensional vectors, from which the originaltime-domain signal can be restored.

Typically, only the magnitude spectrum is retained and the phase spectrum isneglected. In this way, half of the data is dropped away, and there is no hope of


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restoring the original signal anymore. Very few studies have considered using phaseinformation as a potential feature for speaker recognition [87]. The motivation fornot using phase is based on the general belief that phase has little effect on perceptionof speech [80, 68]. However, there is recent evidence to support just the opposite.In [164], the authors conducted a consonant intelligibility task by resynthesizingauditory stimuli from magnitude or phase spectrum only and destroying the otherone. It was observed that the intelligibility is a function of the window function typeand the window size. In particular, for longer time windows, the phase spectrumturned out to be more useful.

Figure 3.2 shows the low frequency part of the magnitude and phase spectra froman utterance spoken by a male speaker. Frame length is varied in the three panels,while keeping the frame shift fixed to 2/3 of the frame length. The window functionis Hamming and the number of FFT bins is 512. The magnitude spectrum showssomewhat more structured signal, but the phase spectrum does not look completelyrandom either.

50 100 150 200 2500



FFT bin




Number of filters = 4

1 2 3 4





Filter index




50 100 150 200 2500



FFT bin




Number of filters = 10

2 4 6 8 10




Filter index




50 100 150 200 2500



FFT bin




Number of filters = 30

10 20 30


Filter index




Figure 3.3: An example of filtering in the frequency domain.

DFT has several other limitations in addition to spectral leakage. A fundamentalproblem is that the base frequencies are constrained to be harmonically related ofthe form ωk = (2πk)/N , where k = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1. The Fourier spectrum can beconsidered as a least squares fit of sines and cosines of predetermined frequenciesto the input data [99]. The authors in [99] utilize a more flexible approach knownas Hildebrand-Prony method in which the basis functions are periodic, but notconstrained to be harmonically related.

Another alternative spectrum model known as Fourier-Bessel expansion was


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utilized in [74]. The method is similar to standard Fourier analysis in that thebasis functions are orthogonal, and the Fourier-Bessel coefficients are unique. Thedifference is that the basis functions are aperiodic and decay with time, which mightbetter suit to the physics of speech.

A machine-learning approach to finding speaker-depended basis functions wasproposed in [103]. The authors compare Fourier basis functions and cosine basisfunctions (DCT) with principal component analysis (PCA) and independent com-ponent analysis (ICA) derived basis functions. The experiments on a subset ofTIMIT corpus indicated that ICA-derived basis functions perform the best.

0 1000 2000 3000 40000






Frequency [Hz]



shape: triangular, warping: linear

0 1000 2000 3000 40000






Frequency [Hz]



shape: triangular, warping: mel

0 1000 2000 3000 40000






Frequency [Hz]



shape: triangular, warping: ERB

0 1000 2000 3000 40000






Frequency [Hz]



shape: hanning, warping: mel

Figure 3.4: Examples of filter banks with different filter shapes and frequency warp-ings.

3.3 Subband Processing

Subband processing enables independent processing and fusion of different subbands.The block carrying out the division into individual frequency bands is called a fil-terbank, and it can be implemented in both time and frequency domains. In theformer case, time-domain signal is convolved with a set of bandpass-type of filterkernels, each one designed to pick a certain frequency band. This produces a set


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of filtered time-domain signals, for which normal overlapping frame feature extrac-tion can be performed. In the frequency-domain approach, DFT is applied to everyframe, and the frequency bands are selected from the spectrum by windowing theFourier spectrum (see Fig. 3.4). The DFT approach (implemented using FFT)is computationally more efficient, and for this reason also more popular. For anexample about the convolution approach in speaker recognition, see [43].

Filterbank provide a smoothed version of the raw magnitude spectrum by aver-aging spectral bands over certain sets of frequencies, see Fig. 3.3 for an example.The upper panels show the DFT magnitude spectrum and the filters. The lowerpanels show the smoothed spectrum that is obtained as a weighted sum using thefilters as the weighting function. In this example, the filters are triangular shapedand their center frequencies are linearly spaced on the frequency axis so that theresponse of the whole filterbank equals 1 over all frequencies.

3.3.1 Emphasizing Important Frequencies

The filter center frequencies can be linearly spaced, or according to a nonlinear fre-quency warping function. Frequency warping can be used to adjust the amount ofresolution around specified subbands. Psychoacoustically motivated warping func-tions have been popular. For instance, the mel- and the Bark-scales [80] both givemore resolution to the low end of the spectrum, and lump together higher frequen-cies more aggressively. Some examples of warped filterbank magnitude responsesare shown in Fig. 3.4 with different filter shapes and warping functions.

In [42, 161], speaker discriminating division of the frequency domain is imple-mented by placing more filters with narrower bandwidths on the discriminatingregions. For instance, the authors of [161] determine the discrimination power usingF -ratio [27] and a heuristic vector ranking criterion. In [14], the authors hypothesizethat it would be advantageous to equalize the error rates over different subbands.Based on the error rates of individual frequency bands and other empirical obser-vations, they designed an equalizing warping function. The experiments confirmedthat the subband error rates had more flat distribution, and for a female speaker setthe error rates were degreased from mel-warped filterbank. However, for male subsetthere was no improvement. In [146], a parametric warping function was proposed forspeaker recognition. The first parameter defines the frequency band, and the sec-ond parameter controls the amount of resolution around this band. The filterbankparameters were optimized for both GMM and VQ models using a gradient-searchtype algorithm.


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3.3.2 Subband Modeling

Some subbands might be corrupted by noise whereas others are still usable. Moti-vated by this, separate model for each subband can be used [22, 21, 223, 195, 43, 144].For instance, in [22, 21] subbands are modeled using a monogaussian model and in[144] using a GMM.

Damper and Higgins [43] combine the subband likelihoods by the product rulewithout any weighting, whereas Sivakumaran et al. [195] use three weighting ap-proaches based on subband error rate, SNR, and discrimination power using com-peting speaker models. Discriminative weighting yielded the lowest error rates.

The approach by Ming et al. [144] is an interesting one because of its sim-plicity and minimal assumptions about the type or amount of noise. The methodselects automatically subbands that are less contamined by noise. This is based onmaximizing the a posterior probability of a given speaker model with respect tothe uncontaminated subbands. Intuitively, if a subband is contamined by noise, itmatches poorly all speaker models, and will not be selected to scoring.

3.3.3 Filterbank Cepstrum

Spectral subbands are correlated, and some form of dimensionality reduction shouldbe applied. The most well-known approach is the discrete cosine transform (DCT)applied to mel-warped filterbank outputs, the approach known as mel-cepstrum [44].Denoting the outputs of an M -channel filterbank as Y (m),m = 1, . . . , M , the cep-stral coefficients are given as follows [94]:

cn =M∑


log Y (m) cos



(m− 1


)]. (3.1)

Notice that c[0] equals the sum of log-compressed filter outputs and correlates withthe total energy of the frame. Thus, it depends on the distance to microphone andis not usually included in the cepstral vector. Usually 10-20 low-order coefficientsare retained, and possibly weighted (cepstral liftering) to increase their robustnessor to emphasize speaker differences.

In [90], DCT was replaced by FIR filtering of the log magnitude spectrum, inother words, convolution in the frequency domain. The motivation of the authorswas a combined decorrelation and emphasis of important features. The experimentson four different filters indicated that a smaller EER can be obtained by usingFIR filtering. The best result was obtained by using a second order bandpass filterz − z−1, which corresponds to so-called bandpass liftering [178].


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3.4 Linear Prediction

3.4.1 Linear Model of Speech Production

Linear prediction (LP) [137] is an alternative spectrum estimation method to DFT.LP can be considered as a rough formulation for the source-filter theory of speechproduction [57]. The “filter” of the LP model represents a transfer function of anall-pole model, consisting of a set of spectral peaks that are more or less related tothe resonance structure of the vocal tract, as well as to the spectral properties ofthe excitation signal. The prediction residual signal represents temporal propertiesof the signal that are not captured by the all-pole model.

The linear speech production model is given in the time domain by the followingequation [178]:

s[n] =p∑


aks[n− k] + G u[n], (3.2)

where s[n] is the observed signal, ak are the predictor coefficients, u[n] is the sourcesignal and G is the gain. The predictor equation of LP is given as follows:

s[n] =p∑


aks[n− k]. (3.3)

Equation (3.3) states that current speech sample can be predicted from a linearcombination of past p samples, which is an intuitively reasonable assumption inshort term (within the analysis frame). The predictor coefficients ak are determinedso that the square error is minimized:






aks[n− k]



The coefficients are typically solved using the Levinson-Durbin algorithm [178, 94,80]. Frequency-domain interpretation of the model (3.2) is obtained by taking Z-transforms of both sides of (3.2) and solving for the filter transfer function:

H(z) =S(z)U(z)


1−∑pk=1 akz−k

, (3.5)

where S(z) and U(z) are the Z-transforms of s[n] and u[n], respectively. This is atransfer function of an all-pole filter. The poles are the roots of the denominator,and they correspond to local maxima in the spectrum. Examples of all-pole spectra(bold line) are shown in Fig. 3.5. The DFT spectrum (thin line) is shown forcomparison.


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0 1000 2000 3000




0LP order p = 3

0 1000 2000 3000




0LP order p = 10

0 1000 2000 3000





Frequency [Hz]



de [d


LP order p = 30

FFT spectrumAll−pole spectrum

FFT spectrumAll−pole spectrum

FFT spectrumAll−pole spectrum

Figure 3.5: FFT versus all-pole spectrum estimation.

It is interesting to note that when the actual process that generated the speechsignal is close to (3.2), the prediction residual e[n] = s[n]− s[n] should be close to thescaled excitation signal G u[n]. Thus, the residual signal can be used for extractingvoice-source related features. In speech recognition, the residual signal is consideredas noise, but it has been shown to contain some speaker related information [206,61, 175]. For instance, in [175], fine structure of the glottal waveform is estimatedby finding the parameters of a parametric glottal flow model.

Selection of correct analysis order is crucial [145]. For a low-order analysis, sayp = 4, . . . , 10, the LP envelope represent mainly linguistic information, and due tolow dimensionality, the discrimination between speakers is low. For higher orders,say p > 15, the LP spectrum represents a mixture of linguistic and speaker informa-tion. Although increasing the order makes speaker differences more apparent, for


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too high an order, LP model starts to capture individual harmonic peaks, and themodel becomes more close to Fourier spectrum.

3.4.2 LP-Based Features

In addition to the predictor coefficients, the Levinson-Durbin algorithm producesintermediate variables called reflection coefficients k[i], i = 1, . . . , p as a side product.These are interpreted as the reflection coefficients between the tubes in the losslesstube model of the vocal tract [45]. From the reflection coefficients, log area ratios(LAR) or arcus sine reflection coefficients [27] can be also computed. Formantfrequencies and bandwidths can be estimated from the poles z1, . . . , zp of the transferfunction as follows [45]:

Fi =Fs


(Im zi

Re zi


Bi = −Fs

πln |zi|. (3.7)

Among a large number of parameters, LPC-derived formant frequencies were ex-perimentally studied in [110]. Formants were observed to perform slightly poorercompared to other spectral features, but they are nevertheless an interesting fea-ture set. The filterbank and cepstral features are continuous parameters describingthe distribution of amplitudes of all frequencies. Formants, on the other hand, area discrete parameter set that picks discrete feature points from the spectrum, thelocations of resonances, and not their amplitudes.

Given the predictor coefficients ak, linear predictive cepstral coefficients (LPCC)can be computed as follows [94]:

cn =

an +∑n−1

k=1knckan−k, 1 ≤ n ≤ p


knckan−k, n > p.


An equivalent presentation of the predictor coefficients are so-called line spectralfrequencies (LSF) [45, 94, 68]. Unlike other LP-based features listed here, LSFshave a special property of being ordered according to frequency. In other words,LSFs are not fullband features, and some LSFs can be still usable if some frequencybands are contaminated by noise. LSFs have been applied to speaker recognition in[132, 131, 27, 226, 152, 110].

Perceptual linear prediction (PLP) [88] exploits three psychoacoustic principles,namely, critical band analysis (Bark), equal loudness pre-emphasis, and intensity-loudness relationship. PLP and its variants have been used succesfully in speaker


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0 50 100 150 200 250 300−0.2




0 50 100 150 200 250 300−0.2





0 50 100 150 200 250 300−0.5



Frame number



Figure 3.6: Time trajectories of first MFCC coefficient (c1) and its delta and double-delta coefficients.

recognition [220, 159, 181, 211, 79]. Scanning the literature, it seems that conven-tional features like MFCC can outperform PLP in clean environment, but PLP givesbetter results in noisy and mismatched conditions.

Atal [13] compared the performance of the LPCC parameters with the followingparameters for speaker recognition: LPC coefficients, impulse response of the filterspecified by the LPC coefficients, autocorrelation function, and area function. Fromthese features, the LPC cepstral coefficients performed the best. Unfortunately,Atal’s data consists only of 10 speakers. In [110], a large number of DFT- and LP-derived spectral features were experimentally compared using two corpora of 110speakers (Finnish) and 100 speakers (English). Cube root compressed filterbankcepstral coefficients, LPCC, LSF and arcus sine reflection coefficients performed thebest when modeled using vector quantization.


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3.5 Dynamic Features

While speaking the articulators make gradual movements from a configuration toanother one, and these movements are reflected in the spectrum. The rate of thesespectral changes depends on the speaking style, speaking rate and speech context.Some of these dynamic spectral parameters are clearly indicators of the speakeritself.

So-called delta features [66, 201] are the most widely used method for estimatingfeature dynamics. They give an estimate of the time derivative of the featuresthey are applied to, and they can be estimated by differentiating or by polynomialrepresentations [66, 201]. Figure 3.6 shows an example of the time trajectory of thefirst MFCC, and the first two derivatives estimated using linear regression over ± 2frames.

The boundaries in delta processing can be handled by adding extra frames inboth ends filled with zeroes, random numbers, or copies of adjacent frames [96].If higher order derivatives are estimated, the boundaries should be handled withmore care since the error accumulates each time the deltas are computed from theprevious deltas. It can be noted also that different window lengths should be usedfor different coefficients, simply because they have different variance [96].

Delta processing is a linear filtering (convolution) in the feature domain, andit would be possible to design more general filters designed to emphasize speakerdifferences. Importance of modulation frequencies for speaker recognition have beenstudied in [212], but somewhat surprisingly, there are not many speaker recognitionstudies in which modulation spectrum would have been used. So-called RelAtiveSpecTrA (RASTA) processing [89] aims suppressing modulation frequencies thatare not important for human hearing. RASTA and related methods have beenused for speaker recognition in [181, 79, 159]. In [135], time-frequency features aremodeled using principal component analysis. Spectral vectors from a time context of±q frames are concatenated into a single vector of dimensionality (2q + 1)p, wherep is the dimensionality of the original vectors, and PCA is used for reducing thedimensionality. Nonlinear dynamic features have been proposed in [173].

3.6 Prosodic and High-Level Features

Prosodics refers to non-segmental aspects of speech, including for instance syllablestress, intonation patterns, speaking rate and rhythm. Prosodic features are alsocalled suprasegmental features. The main acoustic correlates of prosodic phenomenaare fundamental frequency and intensity, which are more or less easily voluntarilycontrolled by the speaker (see [11] for an imitation study). However, they have


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shown to be robust against noise and channel effects [30, 124] and experiments haveshown that they can complement spectral features [30, 198, 100], especially whenthe SNR is low.

Pitch information can be also used for noise-robust feature extraction [122]. SNRat the pitch harmonics can be assumed to be higher than on the valleys of the spec-trum, and the authors in [122] model harmonic structure by Gaussian pulses whoseparameters are estimated, and a noise-free spectrum is estimated as the sum of thepulses. From the conditioned spectrum, MFCCs were extracted, and improvementwere obtained in very noisy and mismatched conditions.

In [140, 8] separate GMMs are used for unvoiced and voiced frames. In [140],intercorrelation of F0 and spectral features is modeled by appending F0 to voicedvectors. For the unvoiced case, the original features are used and thus the featurespaces for the two cases have different dimension. In [54], pitch axis is split intofour experimentally defined intervals, and for each pitch class, a separate GMM onMFCC features is trained.

Atal utilized pitch contours for text-depended recognition already in 1972 [12] byapplying PCA to smoothed pitch contours. In text-independent studies, long-termF0 statistics, especially mean and median have been studied [139, 156, 30]. In [30],mean, variance, skew and kurtosis were used for parameterizing the distributions ofF0, energy, and their first two time derivatives. F0 statistics can be matched usingsimple Euclidean distance, or by divergence [30, 198, 199]. In [30] the divergencewas reported to be more accurate.

Sometimes the logarithm of F0 is used instead of F0 [198, 38]. In [38] it wasexperimentally found out that log F0 yielded smaller EERs for a Cantonese database.In [198], it is theoretically shown that log F0 follows normal distribution under somegeneral assumptions (high correlation between successive pitch periods).

Temporal aspects of pitch have been considered in [124, 199, 2]. In [124], theauthors simply divide the pitch track into fixed-length segments considered as vec-tors, which were modeled using the vector quantization approach. Unfortunately,the test material was small (18 speakers), and it was not reported what type of textor language was used. It is likely that the fixed-length segmentation poses problemswith other data sets because the vector components are in arbitrary order.

In [199, 2], each voiced segment is parameterized, or stylized, by a piecewiselinear model, which has two advantages. First, it removes noisy microperturbationsof F0 from the general trend, and second, it reduces the amount of data. Thus,contour stylization is feature extraction from the original contour. In [199], medianand slope of the stylized contour were extracted, as well as the durations of linesegments, voiced segments, and pauses. The median log F0 and segment slope weremodeled using Gaussian distribution, and the duration features with an exponentialdistribution.


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Recently, so-called high-level features have reached attention in speaker recog-nition after the discussion was initiated by Doddington [48]. The idea is to modelsymbolic information captured by symbol N -grams, such as characteristic word us-age. For instance, speaker might habitually use phrases like “uh oh” or “well yeah”in conversations. Some examples of symbolic information modeling include word us-age [48], prosodics [2, 37], phone sequences [7], and UBM component indices [218].


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Chapter 4

Summary of the Publications

IN the first paper [P1], five unsupervised codebook generation algorithms inVQ-based speaker identification are experimentally compared. In addition tothe widely used K-means algorithm, two hierarchical methods (Split, PNN),

self-organizing map (SOM) and randomized local search (RLS) are studied. Forthe experiments, a database of 25 voluntary participants was collected, consistingof university staff and students. The results indicate that there is not much differ-ence between the methods, and K-means is a good choice in general. Even randomlyselected code vectors produce acceptable results (one misclassified speaker) for code-book sizes 128-256.

The result is supported by the observations in another publication [118], in whichthe clustering structure of short-term spectral features was studied using varianceratio based clustering validity index and principal component analysis. No clearclustering structure was observed, and for this reason, the role of the clusteringalgorithm is more or less sampling the training data rather than clustering it.

In the second paper [P2], an alternative front-end to the conventional MFCCprocessing is proposed, with two major differences. Firstly, conventional MFCCprocessing treats every frame in a similar manner ignoring phonetic information. Inthe proposed method, each broad phonetic class is processed differently. Secondly,filterbank is not based on psychoacoustic principles but on the speaker discriminatingpower of the phonetic class-subband pairs.

The broad phonetic classes are found using unsupervised clustering, which has anadvantage that the method can be optimized for different databases and languageswithout the need for annotated data. In the matching phase, vector quantization isapplied for labeling each frame. The experiments on a subset of the TIMIT corpusindicate that the proposed method can decrease the error rate from 38 % to 25 %


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compared to conventional MFCC features for a test sample of 1 second. This showsthe potential of the proposed approach for very short test segments.

In the third paper [P3], classifier fusion in a multiparametric speaker profile ap-proach is studied. Distance-based classifier outputs are combined using weightedsum, and different weight assignment methods and feature sets are compared ona database of 110 native Finnish speakers. The proposed scheme is designed forcombining diverse feature sets of arbitrary scales, number of vectors and dimension-alities.

Regarding the individual feature sets, the experiments indicate the potential ofLTAS and MFCC, giving error rates of 5.4 % and 6.4 % for a test segment of length1.8 seconds. By combining LTAS, MFCC and F0, the error rate is decreased to 2.7%. This shows the potential of the proposed fusion approach for relatively short testsegments. From the weight assignment methods considered, Fisher’s criterion is apractical choice.

In the fourth paper [P4], the classifier fusion approach is further studied withtwo goals in mind. Firstly, the complementariness of commonly used short-termspectral feature sets is addressed. Secondly, different combination levels of classifiersis studied: feature level fusion (concatenation), score level fusion (sum rule withequal weights), and decision level fusion (majority voting).

A single spectral feature set (MFCC or LPCC) is usually combined with thedelta parameters, prosodic features or other high-level features. Another recent ap-proach has been combining partial match scores from subband classifiers. However,there are few studies dealing with the combination of different fullband feature setssystematically. In this study, MFCC, LPCC, arcus sine reflection coefficients, for-mant frequencies, and the corresponding delta parameters are combined, yielding 8feature sets. Individually best feature set on a subset of the NIST-1999 corpus isLPCC, giving 16.0 % error rate. The fusion gives slightly better results (14.6 - 14.7%) if all the subclassifiers are reliable, but the accuracy degrades if the combinedclassifiers perform poorly. Majority voting is more resistant to errors in the individ-ual classifiers, and gives the best result (12.6 %) when used for combining all the 8feature sets. This shows that a simple combination strategy can work if there areenough classifiers.

In the fifth paper [P5], computational complexity of speaker recognition is ad-dressed. Recognition accuracy has been widely addressed in the literature, but thenumber of studies dealing with time optimization directly is small. Speaker identi-fication from a large database is a challenging task itself, and the aim of the studyis to further speed it up.

Both the number of test vectors and the number of speaker models is reduced to


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decrease the number of distance calculations. An efficient nearest neighbor searchstructure is also applied in VQ matching. The methods are formulated for the VQmodel, but they can be adopted to GMM as demonstrated by the experiments.

The number of speakers is reduced by iteratively pruning out poor-scoring speak-ers. Three novel pruning variants are proposed: static pruning, adaptive pruning,and confidence-based pruning, and the results are compared with the hierarchicalpruning proposed in [165]. According to the experiments on the NIST-1999 corpus,adaptive pruning yields the best time-error tradeoff, giving speedup factors up to12:1 with modest degradation in accuracy (17.3 % → 19.4 %).

The number of test vectors is reduced by simple decimation and clustering meth-ods (prequantization). The experiments indicate that K-means clustering of the testsequence is efficient, especially for GMM. For the laboratory quality TIMIT, pre-quantization and pruning could be also combined, but this was not successful forthe telephone quality NIST corpus. On the other hand, for the NIST corpus, sim-ple prequantization combined with normal GMM scoring yielded a speed-up of 34:1with degradation 16.9 % → 18.5 %.

Prequantization is also applied for speeding up unconstrained cohort normaliza-tion (UCN) method [9] for speaker verification. A speed-up of 23:1 was obtainedwithout degradation in EER, giving an average processing time of less than 1 secondfor a 30 second test sample on the current implementation.

In the sixth paper [P6], the problem of cohort model selection for match scorenormalization is addressed. In literature, a number of heuristic cohort model se-lection approaches have been proposed, and there has been controversy over whichmethod should be used. Cohort normalization has been less popular compared to thewidely used world model (UBM) normalization, probably because of the difficultiesand ambiguities in the selection of the cohort models.

The problem is attacked by optimizing the cohort sets for a given cost functionusing a genetic algorithm (GA), and by analyzing the cohort sets for the givensecurity-convenience tradeoff. The motivation is not to present a practical selectionalgorithm, but to analyze the results of the optimized cohorts, and to provide anestimate of the accuracy obtainable by tuning score normalization only.

The main finding of the paper is that there is a lot of room for improving theselection heuristics, especially at the user-convenient end of the error tradeoff curve.Experiments on a subset of the NIST-1999 corpus show that for a FAR ≤ 3%, thebest heuristic methods yields a FRR of 10.2 %. For a FRR ≤ 3%, the best heuristicyields FAR of 31.6 %. The “oracle” selection scheme implemented using GA suggeststhat it would be possible to reduce these numbers down to FRR = 2.0 % and FAR= 2.7 %.

In comparison of the UBM and cohort approaches, they perform similarly at the


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user-convenient and EER regions. However, at the secure end, the cohort selection ismore accurate. Regarding the design parameters for the cohort approach, larger sizeis better in general. Even randomly selected cohorts give tremendous improvementto the baseline if the cohort size is large enough. From the studied normalizationformula, arithmetic mean is the preferred choice because it has the smallest vari-ance and good performance in overall. In a user-convenient application, the cohortspeakers should be selected closer to the target speaker than in secure applications.In particular, it is advantageous to include speaker into his own cohort.

The contributions of the thesis can be summarized as follows. The author of thisthesis has analyzed and proposed improvements to feature extraction [P2], modelingand matching [P1, P5], multi-feature fusion [P3, P4], and score normalization [P6].The author of the thesis is the principal author of all publications, and responsible forthe ideas presented. In [P2] the author also implemented the proposed method andrun the experiments. In [P1, P4], the author implemented the feature extractionscripts.


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Chapter 5

Summary of the Results

IN this chapter, main results of the original publications [P1]-[P6] are summarizedand compared with the results obtained in literature.

5.1 Data Sets

In the experimental part of the original publications, five different data sets wereused (see Table 5.1). Four of the datasets are recorded in laboratory environments,and present highly controlled conditions, whereas the fifth dataset includes conver-sational speech recorded over telephone line. Examples of speech samples from theTIMIT and NIST-1999 corpora are shown in Fig. 5.1.

Table 5.1: Summary of the data sets.Description Self-collected subset TIMIT Helsinki subset

of TIMIT of NIST-1999Language Finnish English English Finnish EnglishSpeakers 25 100 630 110 207Speech type Read Read Read Read Conversat.Record. condit. Lab Lab Lab Lab Teleph.Handset mismatch No No No No NoSampling rate 11.025 kHz 8.0 kHz 8.0 kHz 44.1 kHz 8.0 kHzQuantization 16-bit lin. 16-bit lin. 16-bit lin. 16-bit lin. 8-bit µ-lawTrain speech 66 sec. 15 sec. 22 sec. 10 sec. 119 sec.Test speech 18 sec. 1 sec. 9 sec. 10 sec. 30 sec.Publication [P1] [P2] [P5] [P3] [P4, P5, P6]where used


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1 2 3





Time [s]



cy [H


Time [s]




0 1 2 30




1 2 3 4 5




0 2 40




Figure 5.1: Speech samples from TIMIT (file SI2203, female) and NIST-1999 (file4928b, male).

For the purposes of the first paper [P1], a small corpus was collected by re-cruiting voluntary participants from the university staff and students. Each speakerwas prompted to read a long word list designed to include all Finnish phonemesin different contexts, as well as a few sentences from a university brochure. Theword list was used as the training set, and the read sentences as the test set. Therecordings took place in a normal office room, using a high-quality microphone1

for the recordings. Slight echoing and background noise is present in the samplesarising from the recording computer fans.

For the publication [P3], the feature sets were provided by the Department ofPhonetics at the University of Helsinki, and the details of the speech material canbe found in [53]. We did not have the original audio files.

For the rest of the publications, two standard corpora were used: TIMIT andNIST-1999 Speaker Recognition Evaluation Corpus, both obtainable from the Lin-guistic Data Consortium [130]. In the publication [P2], a subset of the TIMIT wasused for testing; another independent subset of the TIMIT was used for tuning theparameters of the proposed method. In the publication [P6], the whole TIMIT cor-

1AKG UHF HT40 wireless microphone, http://www.akg.com


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pus was used in the experiments, and it acted as a preliminary testbed on whichthe parameters of the proposed realtime algorithms were tuned. The TIMIT corpuswas lowpass downsampled to 8 kHz to make it closer to telephone bandwidth.

The most challenging corpus is NIST-1999, and it was used as the testbed inthe publications [P4, P5, P6]. The NIST corpus [142] is collected from telephoneconversations between two participants who have been randomly paired by the datacollection system. There are several differences to TIMIT and other laboratory-quality corpora. Firstly, the data is conversational, including turn-taking, hesita-tions, laughter, pauses, and simple phrases like “aha”, “mmh”. Secondly, the datais technically of poor quality as it is recorded over the telephone network and usingseveral different handsets. Thirdly, there is material from several sessions, settingmore challenge due to long-term changes in speaker’s voice.

For all the publications where the NIST corpus is included [P4, P5, P6], thesame subset is used. The data set consists of the male speaker data from the 1-speaker detection task in the matched telephone line case. This means that thetraining and testing telephone numbers are the same for each speaker, and for thisreason, the handsets are also very likely matched [142]. However, the handset typescan be different for different speakers. There are 230 male speakers in total, and 207from these fulfill the matched telephone line case. During writing of the paper [P5],the authors were not aware of any studies reporting speaker identification results onthis corpus, and the selection of the subset was therefore arbitrarily made.

The difficulty of the NIST-1999 was studied in publication [P4], in which eightdifferent feature sets were combined. The distribution of correct votes is shownin Fig. 5.2. There are 54 test samples which none of the eight classifiers votedcorrectly, and 155 which all the eight classifiers voted correctly.

5.2 Main Results

The most interesting results (in the author’s personal opinion) are summarized inTable 5.2 for each corpus. The error rates of [P4, P5, P6] are comparable becausethe same dataset has been used. The best identification result is 12.6 %, which isobtained by majority voting on the eight spectral classifiers [P4]. The best verifi-cation result is EER of 2.2 %, which is obtained by the “oracle” cohort selection[P6].

Unfortunately, due to the diversity of databases and the lack of discipline tofollow accurately standard benchmark tests (also in this thesis), the recognitionaccuries reported here are difficult to compare directly with the literature. Afterscanning recent literature, we came up with a few references [184, 51, 222, 210] wheresubsets of the NIST-1999 corpus have been studied, also for the matched conditions


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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 80







Number of classifiers voting correct speaker



er o

f te

st s



54 test samplesmisclassified byall 8 classifiers

155 test samplesclassified correctlyby all 8 classifiers

Figure 5.2: Distribution of correct votes over the 8 classifiers on the NIST-1999corpus [P4].

case. The equal error rates (EER) for matched case reported in [184, 51, 222, 210]vary approximately between 5-15 %2 . The results obtained in this thesis are at thelower end of this range, and the theoretical lower bound estimated using GA in [P6](2.2 % EER) is clearly better. It is unfortunate that the identification problem hasbeen focused much less in literature, and the author is not aware of any identificationstudies reported on the NIST-1999 corpus.

Regarding computational speedup by trading of the accuracy, the best identifi-cation result is 18.5 % (full search rate is 16.9 %). This is obtained by preprocessingthe test sequence using K-means and performing normal GMM scoring using theobtained code vectors. This gives a speedup of 34:1 compared to the baseline GMMwithout prequantization. Making the processing times relative to the average testsample length of 30 seconds, the current implementation runs in 30 times realtimewith a modest increase of error. Note that K-means runs relatively slow comparedto the splitting method considered in [P1], and further speedup would therefore belikely to be obtained by replacing the K-means by the splitting method.

An interesting further question is why pre-quantization works when combinedwith normal GMM scoring. A possible explanation is that clustering the test se-quence reduces the temporal correlations of the test vectors. The partitioning ofthe test vectors corresponds to segmenting the signal into homogenous units: fea-

2In some cases, only the error tradeoff curve is given, so the numbers are approximated fromthese figures.


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Table 5.2: Summary of the main result for each data set. IER = identification errorrate, EER = equal error rate.Data set Method EvaluationSelf-collected [P1] K-means (baseline) IER = 0.0 %

PNN, Split, RLS IER = 0.0 %Subset of TIMIT [P2] MFCC (baseline) IER = 38.0 %

ADFB-cepstrum IER = 25.1 %TIMIT [P5] VQ full search (baseline) IER = 0.0 % in 8.2 sec.

PQP IER = 0.0 % in 0.7 sec.NIST-1999 subset [P5] Identification

GMM full search (baseline) IER = 16.9 % in 37.9 sec.PQ + GMM IER = 18.5 % in 1.1 sec.

VerificationUnconstrained cohort (baseline) EER = 7.5 % in 18.9 sec.K-means + GMM EER = 6.9 % in 0.8 sec.

Helsinki [P3] LTAS (baseline) IER = 5.5 %Score fusion IER = 2.7 %

NIST-1999 subset [P4] LPCC (baseline) IER = 16.0 %Majority voting IER = 12.6 %Oracle (theoretical) IER = 7.8 %

NIST-1999 subset [P6] GMM/UBM (baseline) EER = 8.4 %Max. spread close (baseline) EER = 7.2 %GA oracle (theoretical) EER = 2.2 %


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Table 5.3: Comparison of computational speedup methods (IER = identificationerror rate, EER = equal error rate.)Method Ident./ Speed-up Effect to

Verif. factor accuracyHash GMM [15] Verif. 10:1 ∼EER 18 % → 18%vs. GMMCov. model [225] Verif. 17:1 ∼EER 18 % → 30 %vs. GMMStructural GMM/SBM [219] Verif. 17:1 EER 12.9 % → 13.5 %vs. GMM/UBMDecim. + GMM/UBM [105] Verif. 32:1 ∼EER 10.5 → 14.0 %vs.GMM/UBMVector reord. + GMM pruning [170] Ident. 140:1 0.7 IER → 0.7 IERvs. GMMK-means preq. + GMM [P5] Ident. 34:1 IER 16.9 % → 18.5 %vs. GMMFast cohort scoring [P5] Verif. 23:1 EER 7.5 % → 6.9 %vs. UCN

ture vectors close in their spectral shape will be clustered together corresponding torough phonetic classes of the unknown speaker. On the other hand, due to relativelyslow articulatory movements, frames close in time are close to each other in the fea-ture space. Thus, clustering performs a pseudo-temporal segmentation of the testsequence. The resulting code vectors will be less independent, and the independenceassumption in the GMM scoring holds better. Intuitively, similar vectors to eachother do not bring additional information.

The advantages of prequantizing data prior to GMM are also supported by theexperiments in [105], in which a speed-up of 20:1 with minor degradation in accuracywas obtained by simple decimation of the vector sequence, i.e. using every Kthvector.

Comparison with computational speedup methods studied in the literature aresummarized in Table 5.3. Again, the numbers should be read cautiously because ofdifferent datasets, features, and measuring protocols. For [105, 15, 225], the errorrates are estimated from the figures since the original publication did not containtabulated values. It can be seen that the studied methods are competitive withthe existing methods, except for the method reported in [170], in which a speed-upfactor of 140:1 was obtained without degradation in identification accuracy.


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Chapter 6


“A conclusion is the place where you get tired of thinking.”

– Arthur Bloch

IN this thesis, text-independent speaker recognition based on spectral features hasbeen studied. Several improvements have been achieved from both accuracy andcomputational points of view. Identification error rate on the NIST-1999 dataset

was improved from 16.0 % to 12.6 % by using an ensemble classifier of 8 feature setscombined using majority voting. Speedup factors up to 34:1 were were obtainedwith a modest degradation in the accuracy. An optimization approach to the cohortmodel selection was proposed, and used for obtaining a lower bound to verificationerror rates obtainable by MFCC features modeled using GMM. The experimentsindicate high potential of the cohort normalization approach, and currently usedheuristics do not take full advantage of score normalization. In particular, a largegap between the theoretical error rate and the heuristics was observed at the user-convenient region.

It can be concluded that for laboratory-quality speech and controlled tasks (read-ing passages, prompted text), speaker recognition is a relatively easy task. Forexample, for the entire TIMIT corpus (630 speakers), closed-set error rate of 0.0% can be reached with baseline methods. However, for conversational telephone-quality speech in which handset mismatch and session intervariability are present,the results degrade dramatically as seen also from the results of this thesis. Thisis evidenced by the fact that the studied subset of the NIST-1999 corpus includesnearly three times less speakers compared to TIMIT, and it has five and threetimes more training and testing data, respectively. Nevertheless, the best closed-setidentification result obtained in this thesis is 12.5 %.

The data sets studied here reflect only partly the difficulty of text-independent


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speaker recognition. For mismatched training and recognition conditions, the recog-nition accuracy is known to degrade dramatically [49], but in this thesis we con-centrated on the matched case only. One reason for the author’s selection into thisdirection was that rather many research sites are already concentrating on findingengineering solutions to the mismatch problem, and there is more room in the basicresearch. Referring to the literature review of the thesis, the field of speaker recog-nition is hot, and highly multidisciplinary. A large number of interesting ideas arepresented in the main forums of the field, and the good (or even bad) ideas couldbe combined to decrease error rates. As an example, in the SuperSID project [183],an EER of 0.2 % was reported, which was obtained by combining nine subsystemusing a neural network, so that each subsystem was based on different features andmethods (spectral baseline, pitch statistics, word N -grams, etc.)

In general, the fusion approach is promising and worth pursuing further. Onepossible future direction here is designing a speaker-specific fusion methodology thatuses a personal feature set for each speaker, similar to feature selection described in[166]. In order for the fusion approach to be useful in real applications, reducing thecomputational overhead is also an important issue. When the number of classifiers isincreased, the matching time will increase, and especially for the identification task,the multiple classifier approach might not be feasible in practise. A potential futuredirection would be realtime recognition on multiple classifiers, possibly following thepruning ideas presented in [P5], but generalized to multiple classifiers case.

The most serious problem with the spectral features is that they contain a mix-ture of linguistic, speaker-related and environment-depended factors, which cannotbe easily separated. Despite of this, the features are treated by the statistical mod-els as if they would be free of other factors, and they neglect the nature of speechdata by considering it as arbitrary data. Moreover, the current spectral repre-sentations are crude mathematical models of the physical reality underlying theacoustic-articulatory inter-speaker differences. In order to understand better whatis individual in the speech spectrum, there is a call for more basic research in speechscience.

In automatic speaker recognition, machine learning approaches can be used forfinding better feature representations, and this already has been proposed in a fewstudies [103, 146]. There is more room for studying the speaker-specific mappingapproach [138, 145] and speaker-centered feature representations in general. Thepotential of prosodic features has not been fully exploited yet; for example, modelingspeech rhythm and other temporal aspects of speech have reached relatively littleattention.

The segmentation approach and adaptive weighting of segments based on theirspeaker-discriminating power would be also an interesting direction to follow. Theexisting segmentation approaches based on HMM and heuristic rules consider pho-


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netically relevant segmentation. However, it is not clear what type of units aremost discriminative, and it would be interesting to consider segmentation basedon maximizing speaker differences. By establishing such a procedure, it would bealso possible to gain some deeper understanding to the speaker-specific features ofspectrum.


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Publication P1 T. Kinnunen, T. Kilpeläinen, P. Fränti, Comparison of Clustering Algorithms in Speaker Identification, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPC 2000), pp. 222-227, Marbella, Spain, September 19-22, 2000.


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Publication P2 T. Kinnunen, Designing a Speaker-Discriminative Adaptive Filter Bank for Speaker Recognition, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2002), pp. 2325-2328, Denver, Colorado, USA, September 16-20, 2002.


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Tomi Kinnunen

Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Joensuu, Finland

[email protected]


A new filter bank approach for speaker recognition front-endis proposed. The conventional mel-scaled filter bank isreplaced with a speaker-discriminative filter bank. Filter bankis selected from a library in adaptive basis, based on the broadphoneme class of the input frame. Each phoneme class isassociated with its own filter bank. Each filter bank isdesigned in a way that emphasizes discriminative subbandsthat are characteristic for that phoneme. Experiments onTIMIT corpus show that the proposed method outperformstraditional MFCC features.


Several studies have indicated that different phonemes haveunequal discrimination powers between speakers [3, 10, 12].That is, the inter-speaker variation of certain phonemes aredifferent from other phonemes. For instance, in [3] vowels andnasals were found to be most discriminating phoneme groups.

Discrimination analysis of speech sounds can be, however,carried out from a non-phonetic viewpoint also. In severalengineering-oriented studies, evidence of the differentdiscrimination properties of certain frequency bands have beendiscovered [6, 14, 15]. For example, in [6] the spectra ofspeech were divided into upper and lower frequency regionswith the cutoff frequency being the varied parameter. It wasfound, among other observations, that regions 0-4 kHz and 4-10 kHz are equally important for speaker recognition.

In [11] a more detailed analysis of frequency banddiscrimination was performed. Spectral analysis was carriedout with a filter bank with triangular overlapping filters.Discrimination powers of these subbands were then evaluatedwith three different criteria, the F-ratio [1] being one criterion.A non-linear frequency warping based on the discriminationvalues was then proposed: more filters with narrowerbandwidths were placed in the discriminative regions, whileless filters with broader bandwidth were placed in the non-discriminative regions. The proposed system outperformedconventional mel-frequency warped filter bank.

Although the phonetic studies indicate differences inphoneme-level discrimination powers, no segmentation isusually done prior to discrimination analysis with theengineering-oriented approaches. The problem is, however,

that when all different phoneme classes’ data are pooledtogether, some discriminative frequency bands that arecharacteristic for a certain phoneme may be averaged away.The frequency of occurence of phonemes reflects directly tothe discrimination values. As a consequence, if the corpusused in experiments contains a discriminating phoneme whichis infrequent, its significance decreases.

In this work, we introduce an approach which falls in themiddle ground between the ”phonetical”- and ”engineering”-oriented discrimination analyses.

Idea of the proposed front-end is illustrated in Fig. 1. Eachspeech frame is processed with a filter bank which is selectedfrom a library of filter banks according to the phoneme classof the frame. Thus, each phoneme class is filtered in acustomed way instead of a global filter bank as in [11].

Figure 1: The idea of adaptive filter bank

The basic idea of the proposed method is simple. However,there arises immediately the following design issues:• Which parametrization to choose in the determination of

the phoneme class,• How to generate and represent the phoneme templates,• What is “optimal number” of the phoneme templates,• How to compute discriminative values for subbands in

phoneme-depended filter banks,• How to exploit the filter bank in the feature extraction.

These are the substantial topics of this paper.


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2.1 Representation of the phoneme templates

In order to be of general use, the phoneme template modelmust be speaker (or even language) independent. That is, thesame model for all speakers can be used to find the phonemeclasses. We denote this model as the universal phonememodel (UPM). Due to the requirement of speaker-independence, the UPM must be designed such that itaccounts the differences between speakers and other sourcesof variability.

Note in Fig. 1 the block labeled “speaker-normalizing spectralparametrization”. Speaker normalization means that we wishto de-emphasize speaker-depended features. We use thefollowing parametrization which is general in speechrecognition [12]:

• High emphasis with H(z)=1 - 0.97z-1,• Frame length 30 ms, Hamming-windowed and shifted

by 20 ms (33 % overlap),• 12 lowest mel-frequency coefficients (MFCC), 20

triangular filters in the bank, coefficient c0 discarded,• Cepstral coefficients weighted by raised sine function.

2.2 Generation of the templates

We use clustering techniques [4, 5, 7] for generating theUPM from MFCC vectors. We use 100 speakers from theTIMIT corpus [9] as the training set. For each speaker, wetake five speech files in the training data. These aredownsampled to 8 kHz and processed with theparametrization given above. Final training set consists ofapproximately 100,000 vectors.

From the training set, a codebook is generated by the RLSalgorithm [4]. The following different codebook sizes K areused: K=4, 8, 16, 32, 64.

The worth noticing point here is that we use unsupervisedlearning in the UPM generation; i.e. we do not use anyexplicit segmentation of speech or labeling of phonemes,since we are not interested in decoding the linguistic messageof the input signal.

2.3 Classification of a frame

When applying the UPM in the phoneme classification, theclass is simply determined by the nearest neighbor rule.Frame is first parametrized in the way described in Section2.1, resulting in a single MFCC vector x. The label of thephonetic class is then given by

),(minarg* px




= ,(1)

where d is the squared Euclidean distortion measure. Theindex i* is sent to the filter bank library to select theassociated filter bank (see Fig. 1).


3.1 Subband processing

We want to assign discriminative values for each subband pereach phoneme class present in the UPM. To get started, wemust specify what we mean here by a subband.

As in general speech processing front-ends [2] we useoverlapping triangular filters to cover the entire frequencyrange (see Fig. 2). Filters are uniformly spaced and overlap by50%. In this phase we wish to avoid using any nonlinearfrequency warping, such as mel or Bark-scales, in order to besure that each subband has equal contribution in thediscrimination analysis.

Figure 2: Uniform triangular filter bank

For a Hamming-windowed frame s, an N-point FFT S[k] isfirst computed. The magnitude spectrum in dB-scale is thencomputed as 10log10|S[k]|. The dB magnitude spectrum isweighted by the triangular filterbank of M filters, thusimplying M subband energies Ej, j=1,...,M. These arecollected in a M-dimensional vector E = (E1,...,EM)T.Hereafter, by “jth subband” we simply refer to Ej. We fix thenumber of filters to M=40. Thus, for the speech with samplingrate Fs = 8 kHz, the bandwidth of each filter is 100 Hz.

3.2 Assigning the discrimination values to subbands

We use the F ratio [1] for assigning a discrimination value forthe jth subband of ith phoneme:


phoneme of

subband of eer variancintraspeak Average

phoneme of

subband of meansspeaker of Variance






F ji =(2)

If the inter-speaker variability is large while inter-speakervariability being low, F ratio is large.

Since we wish to assign the F ratios for each phoneme-subband pair, we must first segment the training data intophonetic classes using the UPM described in Section 2. Then,for each “phonetic class pool” (i) we can compute thediscrimination values for subbands (j) using F-ratio (2). Thesegmentation of the data into the pools is outlined in thefollowing pseudocode.


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Inputs:• Frames of speech {sk,t}, where k is the speaker number

and t is the frame number,• The UPM of K phoneme templates, UPM={p1,...,pK},• The number of subbands, MOutputs:• K pools of subband vectors

Procedure:FOR EACH speaker k DO

• Get next frame s = sk,t ;• Compute the MFCC vector x for s (as described in

Section 2.1) ;• Compute the subband vector E for s (as described in

Section 3.1) ;• Find nearest phoneme i* for x from UPM by (1) ;• Add the vector E to the pool of phoneme i* ;


Figure 3: Segmentation of the training data fordiscrimination analysis

To put it in words, each frame is classified by its phoneticcontent, the UPM code vectors {pi} serving as the phonemeclass representatives. The subband vector of the frame isassigned to the best matching phoneme template.

After the pooling, F ratios of each pool are computed. Indeed,different phonemes have different F curves as seen in Fig. 4,where we have used an UPM of size K=8.

A few prelimary observations can be made from the F curves.Firstly, nearly all phonemes have a peak in discriminationvalues approximately in the subbands 2-4, which correspondto frequency range 50-250 Hz. Secondly, one may see someresemblance of the F ratio shapes with the envelopes ofsmoothed LPC spectra, thus indicating the importance offormant structure and overall spectral envelope in speakerrecognition.

Figure 3: F ratios of subbands for different phonemes(UPM size K=8)

We run also an experiment in which, instead of pre-smoothing the spectra with a filter bank, we used all themagnitude values from FFT analysis as such and computedthe F ratios. We found soon out that the F curves obtained inthis way were very noisy; further, the computational load forthis method is huge compared pre-smoothing using the filterbank. For these reasons, we end up using the filter bank.

3.3 Utilization of the filter bank in feature extraction

Once the F ratios are computed for each phoneme-subbandpair, it is straightforward to utilize them in the featureextraction. The broad phoneme class i* is first found by (1).This is followed by the subband analysis as described inSection 3.1, leading to vector E. The components of E arethen weighted by the relative F ratio of the subband:

∑ =


m mi




1 *,


An example of subband weighting is shown in Fig. 4. Thefigures from top to down show the magnitude spectrum,filtered magnitude spectrum, relative weights for eachsubband, and the weighted filter outputs.

Figure 4 : An Example of subband weighting

Weighted filter outputs are then fed to discrete cosinetransform (DCT) for decorrelating the features. Only thelowest L coefficients of DCT are retained, excluding the 0thcoefficient.

In summary, the processing steps are same to that of theconventional MFCC analysis, except for that the mel-spacedfilter bank is replaced with the discriminative filter bank.Hereafter, we abbreviate the features obtained in this way byADFB-cep (standing for Adaptive Discriminative Filter BankCepstrum).


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The overall process of evaluating the proposed approachconsists of the following steps:• Create UPM as described in Section 2 (Using speaker set

SET 1),• Use independent data for finding the F ratios as described

in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 (SET 2),• Using third speaker set (SET 3), compute the ADFB-cep

features as described in Section 3.3. We choose thenumber of filters to M=40 and number of coefficients toL=20. SET 3 is further divided into training andevaluation sets.

All the three sets are disjoint. In this way we ensure thatresults will be not biased by the tuning to the training set; thatis, we wish to have a general front-end without the need toconstruct the UPM and/or the filter design data each time thedatabase is switched.

Each of the three sets consist of 100 speakers. We use VQcodebooks as speaker models [8, 13], each model having 64code vectors and created using the RLS clustering method [4].Average duration of the training speech data is 15 seconds.

Each test set X = {x1,...,xT} is divided into overlappingsegments as shown in the following:

Average duration of the test segment is about 1 second. Eachof the segments is classified using the speaker models by theminimum average quantization error rule [13]. We use thepercentage of correctly classified segments as the evaluationcriterion.. The results for different UPM sizes are shown inTable 1.

Table 1: Evaluation resultsUPM size ID rate (%)4 69.378 74.8516 67.07132 58.4964 55.73

For comparison, conventional 20 mel-cepstral coefficients(MFCC) were computed with same frame rate and equalparameters: number of mel-filters was 40 and the number ofcoefficients was 20. The identification rate using MFCC was61.96.

Based on these experiments, we make several observations.Firstly, the optimum size of UPM is K=8. When the UPM sizeis increased, results get poor. Also, the differences inperformance are quite large, which suggests that we shoulduse a linear scale instead of exponential when finding the“optimum size”.

Secondly, and more interestingly, the proposed methodoutperforms MFCC parameters, even if the UPM size is not“optimal”. The overall identification rates are quite poor in allcases, due to the very short test segment length.


A new feature set based on discriminative weighting of thecharacteristic subbands for each “phoneme class” wasproposed and evaluated experimentally. Prelimary results arevery encouraging since they outperform the popular MFCCfeatures. In future experiments, we plan to include cross-language evaluation, careful optimization of the UPM, andother discrimination criteria in addition to F ratio.


[1] Campbell, J., ”Speaker Recognition: A Tutorial,” Proc.IEEE, 85(9): 1437-1462, 1997.

[2] Deller, J.R. Jr., Hansen, J.H.L. and Proakis, J.G.,Discrete-time Processing of Speech Signals. MacmillanPublishing Company, New York, 2000.

[3] Eatock, J.P. and Mason, J.S., “A Quantitative Assessmentof the Relative Speaker Discriminating Properties ofPhonemes”, Proc. ICASSP’94: 133-136, Adelaide, 1994.

[4] Fränti, P. and Kivijärvi, J., “Randomized Local SearchAlgorithm for the Clustering Problem”, Pattern Analysisand Applications, 3(4): 358-369, 2000.

[5] Gersho, A. and Gray, R.M., Vector Quantization andSignal Compression, Kluwer Acad. Pub., 1992.

[6] Hayakawa, S. and Itakura, F.: “Text-Dependent SpeakerRecognition Using the Information in the HigherFrequency Band”, Proc. ICASSP’94: 137-140, Adelaide,1994.

[7] Jain A.K, Murty M.N. and Flynn P.J., “Data Clustering:A Review”, ACM Computing Surveys 31(3): 264-323,1999.

[8] Kinnunen, T., Kärkkäinen, I., “Class-DiscriminativeWeighted Distortion Measure for VQ-Based SpeakerIdentification”, accepted for publication in Proc. JointIAPR International Workshop on Statistical PatternRecognition (SPR 2002), Windsor, August 6-9, 2002.

[9] Linguistic Data Consortium, http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/[10] Nolan, F., The Phonetic Bases of Speaker Recognition,

Cambridge CUP, 1983.[11] Orman, Ö.D. and Arslan, L.M., “Frequency Analysis of

Speaker Identification”, 2001 Speaker Odyssey,Jerusalem, 2001.

[12] Rabiner, L. and Juang, B.-H., Fundamentals of SpeechRecognition, Prentice Hall, 1993.

[13] Soong, F.K., Rosenberg, A.E., Juang, B.-H. and Rabiner,L.R.: ”A Vector Quantization Approach to SpeakerRecognition”, AT&T Technical Journal, 66: 14-26, 1987.

[14] v. Vuuren, S. and Hermansky, H., “On the Importance ofComponents of the Modulation Spectrum for SpeakerVerification”, Proc. ICSLP ’98: 3205-3208, Sydney,1998.

[15] Yoshida, K., Takagi, K. and Ozeki, K., “SpeakerIdentification Using Subband HMMs”, Proc.EUROSPEECH ’99: 1019 - 1022, Budapest, 1999.


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Publication P3 T. Kinnunen, V. Hautamäki, P. Fränti, On the Fusion of Dissimilarity-Based Classifiers for Speaker Identification, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH 2003), pp. 2641-2644, Geneva, Switzerland, September 1-4, 2003.


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On the Fusion of Dissimilarity-Based Classifiers for Speaker Identification

Tomi Kinnunen, Ville Hautamaki, Pasi Franti

Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Joensuu, Finland

AbstractIn this work, we describe a speaker identification system thatuses multiple supplementary information sources for computinga combined match score for the unknown speaker. Each speakerprofile in the database consists of multiple feature vector setsthat can vary in their scale, dimensionality, and the number ofvectors. The evidence from a given feature set is weighted by itsreliability that is set ina priori fashion. The confidence of theidentification result is also estimated. The system is evaluatedwith a corpus of 110 Finnish speakers. The evaluated featuresets include mel-cepstrum, LPC-cepstrum, dynamic cepstrum,long-term averaged spectrum of /A/ vowel, and F0.

1. IntroductionSpeaker individuality is a complex phenomenon, where differ-ent supplementary information sources contain a part of evi-dence of the speaker identity. The individual speaker char-acteristics occur both at the lexical, segmental and prosodiclevels [11]. At the lexical level [15] this is reflected, for in-stance, in usage of certain word patterns. At the segmentallevel, speaker differences occur at the acoustic differences ofphoneme realizations that arise from physiology and anatomyof the voice production organs. Prosodic speaker characteris-tics are reflected in the usage of pitch, stress and timing.

Extraction of individual characteristics is realized by mea-suringacoustic parametersor featuresfrom the speech signal.Commonly used features in automatic speaker recognition sys-tems include mel-cepstrum, LPC-cepstrum [1], line spectral fre-quencies [10], subband processing [6], dynamic cepstral param-eters [14], and prosodic parameters [15].

Spectral parameters alone, especially the cepstrum with itsvariants, have shown good performance in speaker recognition.However, cepstrum carries only one source of evidence. Toachieve better recognition accuracy, several supplementary in-formation sources should be used.

The idea of using multiple features in speaker recognition isnot new. A well-known classifier fusion strategy is to concate-nate the cepstral vectors with their delta- and delta-delta cepstrainto a long feature vector [1]. Also the fundamental frequencyhas been used in addition with the cepstral vectors to improverecognition accuracy. In general, vector concatenation is termedasclassifier input fusion[12].

Although classifier input fusion is simple to implement andworks reasonably well, it has a few shortcomings. Firstly, thefeature space formed by concatenation of different features issomewhat superficial. The higher the dimensionality of thespace becomes, the less and less effect a single feature has tothe overall match score. Also, fusion becomes difficult if thefeature is missing (e.g. F0 for unvoiced sounds) or it should becomputed with a different frame rate.

Another way of performing classifier fusion is to combinedifferent classifiers. Inclassifier output fusion, each individualdata source is modeled separately, and the outputs of the indi-vidual classifier scores are combined to give the overall matchscore. For instance, output fusion of the cepstral and delta-cepstral features has been performed using VQ codebooks [14]and Gaussian mixture models [12] as the individual classifiers.

Slomka & al. [12] compared input and output fusion forthe mel-cepstrum and corresponding delta features. They foundout that the output fusion performed consistently better. Fur-thermore, they demonstrated that the computational complexityfor the input fusion is higher than that of the output fusion.

Classifier output fusion is, with to many respects, a flexiblecombination strategy. For instance, it enables the same datasource to be modeled by several different classifiers. In [9], acommittee of five learning vector quantization (LVQ) networkswith different network structures was applied. The combinationwas done with majority voting rule.

The main objective of this paper is to design the fusion strat-egy such that evidences from diverse data sets could be com-bined in a coherent way. Problems arise when the data sourcesdiffer in (1) the number of features (dimensionality), (2) thenumber of measurements, (3) the scales. Furthermore, a modelthat works well for one data source might not be good to modelanother feature. Thus, each individual feature stream should bemodelled with the most suitable model for that stream. The pro-posed classifier is invariant to different scales of feature sets,their dimensionality, and the number of measurements. Foreach feature set, ana priori weight is set based on the reliabilityof the feature set.

This work was carried out in co-operation with the De-partment of Phonetics at the University of Helsinki as a partof larger speaker recognition project [5]. To be reliable in,for instance, realistic forensic uses, speaker recognition shouldbe based on many parameters instead of only spectral parame-ters. Forensic speech samples often suffer from different typesof noises and distortions, and therefore, supplementary identitycues should be used to give a joint decision. The combinationof supplementary evidences from diverse feature sets, however,is not a straightforward task. In this paper, we report the struc-ture of the fusion system we designed for the use of this project.The experiments show that using multiple feature sets togetherimproves recognition accuracy.

2. The structure of the systemThe structure of the proposed classifier fusion system is shownin Fig. 1. Theprofile of each of the registered� speakers����� � � �� � � � � � , consists of� distinct models,���� �������� � � � � �� ����. Each of the models consists of a setof feature vectors. For each model, there is a correspond-




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Score com




Classifier 1

...S1(1) S1(N)


Score 1weighting



Classifier 2

...S2 (1) S2(N)


Score 2weighting



Classifier M

...SM(1) SM(N)

... Score 3weighting



scoretotal(X, S(1))

scoretotal(X, S(2))

scoretotal(X, S(N))


ID number +


Figure 1:Structure of the proposed system.

ing sub-classifieror expert. Given an unknown speaker pro-file � � ���� � � � � ���, each of the experts� computes amatch score�������� � for each speaker. The match score�������� � indicates the degree of similarity (or dissimilarity)between point sets�� and���.

The individual expert outcomes�������� �� � � �� � � � ��

are weighted bya priori weights���� that indicate the re-liability of the expert. The weighted match scores from thedifferent experts are then combined into a single match score���������������� that indicates the degree of similarity (ordissimilarity) between the speakers� and��. The decisionis given by returning the ID number of the most similar speakerto�. The confidence of the decision is also estimated based onthe spread of the distribution of the match scores from differentspeakers.

2.1. Sub-classifiers

For simplicity, we will use dissimilarity-based classifiers for allfeature sets. For each speaker, the individual feature sets aremodeled by codebooks [10, 6, 13] generated by clustering thefeature vectors of that feature set by randomized local searchalgorithm [3].

Dissimilarity of point sets sets�� and��� is computedby the average quantization distortion:

��� � ��

��� �



���� ����� (1)

where��� � denotes the cardinality of�� and��� denotes theEuclidean norm. The match score for the sub-classifier is com-puted as normalized distortion:

�������� � � ��� �


��� ��� ��

� (2)

In other words, the distortion of each speaker within the sub-classifier is normalized by the sum of the distortions from allspeakers within that sub-classifier. This ensures that� ��������� � � �. In this way, the outputs of the individualclassifiers are in the same order of magnitude regardless of thedimensionality or the number of vectors.

2.2. Fusion strategy

There are several options for combining the outputs from thesub-classifiers [2, 7]. Kittler & al. [7] compared several com-monly used fusion criteria in the context of of probabilistic clas-sifiers. Their theoretical and experimental results indicated thatthe sum ruleis most resilient to estimation errors. Therefore,we define the combination rule as the weighted sum:

���������������� �


���� �������� �� (3)

where���� is the weight for the feature set�. The weightsare normalized such that

������� � �, which allows the

weights to be interpreted as relative importances. For instance,if there are two feature sets and we set���� � ��� and���� � ��, then the second set gets four times more weight inthe fusion compared to the first one.

2.3. Decision and confidence estimation

The identification decision is the speaker� which produces thesmallest combined score:

�� �� ���

��������������������� (4)

We also estimate theconfidenceof the decision. Intuitively, oneshould expect high confidence if the selected speaker is verydistinctive, i.e. the scores for all other speakers are significantlyhigher. On the other hand, if there exists another speaker that isclose to�, the decision is more uncertain. Based on this idea,we define the confidence as

� � ���������


� (5)

where������� and �������� are the scores for the nearestand second nearest speakers, respectively.

2.4. Determination of the weights

We consider two ways of determining the weights in Eq. (3).In both cases, we use the same database for the weight com-putation and matching itself. In other words, the weights areoptimized for the given database. In the first approach, we ap-ply a separability criterion for the within- and between-speakerdistance scores within each feature set. The distances arecomputed between every speaker pair in the given databaseusing Eq. (1). Then, the separability of the within- andbetween-speaker distance score distributions is computed usingthe Fisher’s criterion [4]:

� ��� � ���

�� ���� (6)

where�� �� and��� ��� are the means and variances of the

two distributions, respectively. The Fisher’s criterion gives ahigh value if the two distribution are well-separated.

In the second approach, we use exhaustive search to find theoptimum weight combination. In other words, the performance



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Table 1: Summary of the data sets.Dimensionality Vectors Range

MFCC 16 499 [-102.9, 48.4]�-MFCC 16 499 [-12.7,13.4]��-MFCC 16 499 [-5.5, 6.5]

LFCC 20 1990 [-18.1,48.4]LTAS 513 1 [-25.6, 57.6]

F0 1 469 [57.9, 323.0]

of the system is evaluated for every weight combination, andthe best weight combination is selected. For a small number offeature sets this approach can be applied.

3. Experiments3.1. Corpus description

The test material consists of 110 native Finnish speakers fromvarious dialect regions in Finland [5]. The recordings were donein a silent environment by a professional reporter C-cassetterecorder. The data was digitized using 44.1 kHz sampling fre-quency with 16 bits per sample. All speakers read the samematerial which was divided into training and evaluation sets oflength 10 seconds both.

3.2. Acoustic measurements

The original acoustic measurements as provided by the Uni-versity of Helsinki consisted of four data sets [5]: fundamen-tal frequency (F0), long-term averaged spectrum (LTAS) forvowel /A/ , linear frequency cepstral coefficients (LFCC) andmel-cepstral coefficients (MFCC). We furthermore added thedynamic cepstrum parameters (�-MFCC,��-MFCC) due totheir popularity in automatic speaker recognition systems.

The data sets are summarized in Table 1. From this table,we can see that input fusion would be impossible due to thediversity of the data sets. The fusion system enables using arbi-trary feature sets together.

3.3. Sub-classifier performance

First, the performances of each feature set alone were evaluated.After some experimentation, we fixed the model sizes as fol-lows. For MFCC, LFCC,�-MFCC and��-MFCC the mod-els consist of 100 code vectors. For F0, the model consists of5 code vectors. For LTAS, the model consists of, by definition,one long vector containing 513 averaged subband outputs fromdifferent instances of /A/ vowels.

The performances of the individual data sets are summa-rized in Table 2 for segment length 1.8 seconds. Both the identi-fication error rate and average confidence for the correctly clas-sified speakers are shown.

We found out that in general increasing the model size andthe test segment length improves recognition results. An excep-tion was F0, for which the behaviour was somewhat inconsis-tent with respect both to the model size and to the test segmentlength. From the six sets, MFCC and LTAS performed best andF0 worst.

Notice that the confidences do not go in parellel with therecognition rates. For instance, F0 gives poor identification re-sult but the confidence for the correctly classifier speakers ishigher than that of MFCC, for instance.

Table 2: Performances of the subclassifiers.Error rate Avg. confidence

MFCC 6.36 % 0.14�-MFCC 52.72 % 0.05��-MFCC 46.36 % 0.04

LFCC 46.36 % 0.10LTAS 5.45 % 0.53

F0 93.64 % 0.35

3.4. Fusion of data sources

Since the fundamental idea of the fusion is that the classifierscould complement each others results, the fusion of correlatedclassifiers is not reasonable. In other words, if two classifiersmisclassify the same speakers, there is little gain in combiningtheir outputs; in fact, the results may even get worse. To attackthis potential problem, we computed the correlations betweenthe classifier score outputs which are listed in Table 3.

We can see from Table 3 that LFCC is highly correlatedwith MFCC. This is an expected result, since both of them de-scribe essentially the same quantity, spectral shape. Also, dy-namic cepstral parameters are highly correlated with each other,which can be explained by the method they are computed:��-MFCC is merely a differenced version of�-MFCC.

From the six data sets, LTAS and F0 are least correlatedwith the other feature sets. Based on these observations, weselected MFCC, LTAS and F0 for the evaluation of classifierfusion. The results for a test segment of length 1.8 seconds forthe two best sub-classifiers and the fusion are compared in Table4. It can be seen that by combining the data sets, the error rate ishalved. This shows that the fusion strategy works as designed.

3.5. Weight selection

Next we study the effect of the weight selection. The resultsfor equal weights, Fisher’s criterion, and exhaustive search arecompared in Fig. 2 for different input segment lengths.

Figure 2 indicates that the selection of weights has someimportance. With exhaustive search, we can find the opti-mum weight combination for given model size and test segmentlength. However, this is computationally intensive approachand furthermore, the weights computed in this way do not giveany insight into data sets themselves. Thus, the Fisher’s crite-rion seems more appropriate choice for practical use. Both ofthese approaches outperform the equal weights case, which sug-gests that the feature sets, indeed, have unequal discriminationpowers (reliability).

We continue by fixing the weights according to Fisher’s cri-

Table 3:Correlations of the feature sets.























0.10 0.94

0.25 0.20



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Table 4: Comparison of the two best subclassifiers and the clas-sifier fusion.

Error rate Avg. confidenceLTAS 5.45 % 0.53MFCC 6.36 % 0.14Fusion 2.72 % 0.19








0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8

Test segment length (s)




n e


r ra

te (


Equal weights Fisher's criterion Exhaustive search

Figure 2:Comparison of weight selection.

terion and examine what is the effect of excluding the best fea-ture set, LTAS. The results are compared with MFCC in theFig. 3. We observe that excluding LTAS increases error rate.Therefore, the gain in the fusion is mostly due to LTAS featureset. Fusion without LTAS is close to the results obtained usingMFCC alone. For very short segments, the classifier fusion stillimproves recognition accuracy.

4. ConclusionsInformation fusion of diverse data sets is a difficult task.We have evaluated the performance of classifier output fu-sion for multiparametric speaker identification in the case ofdissimilarity-based classifiers. The results indicate that by usingmultiple uncorrelated feature sets, the recognition performanceof the fusion system is better than any of the sub-classifiersalone.

5. AcknowledgementsThis work was partially carried out under the project ”TheJoint Project Finnish Speech Technology” supported by the Na-tional Technology Agency (agreements 40285/00, 40406/01,40238/02) and titled ”Speaker Recognition” (University ofHelsinki ProjNr 460325).

6. References[1] J. Campbell, ”Speaker Recognition: A Tutorial,”Proceed-

ings of the IEEE, 85(9), pp. 1437-1462, 1997.

[2] R.P.W. Duin, ”The Combining Classifier: To Train Or NotTo Train?,” Proc. 16th International Conference on Pat-tern Recognition (ICPR 2002), Quebec City, Canada, pp.765-770, 2002.

[3] P. Franti, J. Kivijarvi, ”Randomized Local Search Algo-rithm for the Clustering Problem,”Pattern Analysis andApplications, 3(4), pp. 358-369, 2000.










0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8Test segment length (s)







Fusion with LTAS Fusion without LTAS MFCC alone

Figure 3:Excluding the best feature set (LTAS).

[4] K. Fukunaga,Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recogni-tion, Academic Press, New York, 1972.

[5] A. Iivonen, K. Harinen, M. Horppila, L. Kein¨anen, J. Kir-javainen, H. Liisanantti, E. Meister, L. Per¨ala, L. Tuuri,L. Vilhunen, ”Development of a Multiparametric SpeakerProfile for Speaker Recognition,” manuscript, accepted forpublication inThe 15th Int. Congress on Phonetic Sci-ences (ICPhS 2003), Barcelona, Spain, 2003.

[6] T. Kinnunen, ”Designing a Speaker-Discriminative Adap-tive Filter Bank for Speaker Recognition,”Proc. ICSLP2002, pp. 2325-2328, Denver, USA, 2002.

[7] J. Kittler, M. Hatef, R.P.W. Duin, J. Matas, ”On Com-bining Classifiers,”IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Ma-chine Intelligence, 20(3), pp. 226-239, 1998.

[8] K.P. Markov, S. Nakagawa, ”Text-Independent SpeakerRecognition Using Multiple Information Sources,”Proc.ICSLP 1998, pp. 173-176, Sydney, Australia, 1998.

[9] V. Moonasar, G.K. Venayagamoorthy, ”A Committeeof Neural Networks for Automatic Speaker Recognition(ASR) Systems,”Proc. Int. Joint Conference on NeuralNetworks, pp. 2936-2940, Washington DC, USA, 2001.

[10] P.C. Nguyen, M. Akagi, T.B. Ho, ”Temporal Decomposi-tion: A Promising Approach to VQ-Based Speaker Identi-fication,” manuscript, accepted for publication inICASSP2003, Hong Kong, 2003.

[11] P. Rose,Forensic Speaker Identification, Taylor & Francis,London, 2002.

[12] S. Slomka, S. Sridharan, V. Chandran, ”A Comparison ofFusion Techniques in Mel-Cepstral Based Speaker Idenfi-cication,”Proc. ICSLP 1998, Sydney, Australia, 1998.

[13] F.K. Soong, A.E. Rosenberg, B.-H. Juang, and L.R.Rabiner, ”A Vector Quantization Approach to SpeakerRecognition,”AT & T Technical Journal, 66, pp. 14-26,1987.

[14] F.K. Soong and A.E. Rosenberg, ”On the Use of Instan-taneous and Transitional Spectral Information in SpeakerRecognition,”IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech and SignalProcessing, 36(6), pp. 871-879, 1988.

[15] F. Weber, L. Manganaro, B. Peskin, E. Shriberg, ”UsingProsodic and Lexical Information for Speaker Identifica-tion,” Proc. ICASSP 2002, pp. 141-144, Orlando, USA,2002.



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Publication P4 T. Kinnunen, V. Hautamäki, P. Fränti, Fusion of Spectral Feature Sets for Accurate Speaker Identification, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM 2004), pp. 361-365, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 20-22, 2004.


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Fusion of Spectral Feature Sets for Accurate Speaker Identification

Tomi Kinnunen, Ville Hautamäki, and Pasi FräntiDepartment of Computer Science

University of Joensuu, Finland{tkinnu,villeh,franti}@cs.joensuu.fi

13th August 2004


Several features have been proposed for automaticspeaker recognition. Despite their noise sensitivity, low-level spectral features are the most popular ones becauseof their easy computation. Although in principle dif-ferent spectral representations carry similar information(spectral shape), in practice the different features differin their performance. For instance, LPC-cepstrum picksmore “details” of the short-term spectrum than the FFT-cepstrum with the same number of coefficients. In thiswork, we consider using multiple spectral presentationssimultaneously for improving the accuracy of speakerrecognition. We use the following feature sets: mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC), LPC-cepstrum(LPCC), arcus sine reflection coefficients (ARCSIN), for-mant frequencies (FMT), and the corresponding delta-parameters of all feature sets. We study the two waysof combining the feature sets: feature-level fusion (fea-ture vector concatenation), score-level fusion (soft com-bination of classifier outputs), and decision-level fusion(combination of classifier decision).

1 Introduction

Front-end or feature extractor is the first component inan automatic speaker recognition system. Feature extrac-tion transforms the raw speech signal into a compact buteffective representation that is more stable and discrimi-native than the original signal.

Speaker differences in the acoustic signal are codedin complex way in both segmental (phoneme) level,prosodic (suprasegmental) level and lexical level. Mod-eling of prosody and lexical features has shown greatpromises in automatic speaker recognition systems lately[19]. However, the segmental features are still the mostpopular approach because of their easy extraction andmodeling.

In most automatic speaker and speech recognition sys-tems, segmental features are computed over a short timewindow (around 30 ms), which is shifted forward by aconstant amount (around 50-70 % of the window length).Two most popular features are mel-frequency cepstral co-efficients (MFCC) and linear predictive cepstral coeffi-cients (LPCC) [9]. These features are often augmented

with the corresponding delta features. The delta featuresgive an estimate of the time derivative of each feature, andtherefore they are expected to carry information about vo-cal tract dynamics. Sometimes, the delta parameters ofthe delta parameters (double-deltas) are also used, as wellas the fundamental frequency (F0). For each time win-dow, the different features are simply concatenated into aone higher dimensional (around d = 40) feature vector.

Augmenting the static parameters with the correspond-ing delta parameters can be seen as one way to per-form information fusion by using different informationsources, in the hope that the recognition accuracy will bebetter. The vector level feature augmentation is denotedhere as feature-level fusion.

Although feature-level fusion may improve recogni-tion accuracy, it has several shortcomings. First, fusionbecomes difficult if a feature is missing (e.g. F0 of un-voiced sounds) or the frame rates of the features are dif-ferent. Second, the number of training vectors neededfor robust density estimation increases exponentially withthe dimensionality. This phenomenon is known as thecurse of dimensionality [2].

An alternative to feature-level fusion is to model eachdifferent feature set separately, design a specialized clas-sifier for this feature set, and combine the classifier outputscores. Each of the different feature sets acts as an inde-pendent “expert”, giving its opinion about the unknownspeaker’s identity. The fusion rule then combines the in-dividual experts’ match scores. This approach is referredhere as score-level fusion.

Score-level fusion strategy can also be abstracted byhardening the decisions of the individual classifiers. Inother words, each of the experts produces a speaker label,and the fusion rule combines the individual decisions e.g.by majority voting. We call this fusion strategy decision-level fusion.

In a previous work [11], we documented our imple-mentation of an score-level fusion system that uses vec-tor quantization (VQ) based classifiers. The system canbe used for combining an arbitrary number of diverse fea-ture sets varying in scale, dimensionality and the numberof vectors. For each speaker and feature set, a codebookis trained using a clustering algorithm. In the recogni-tion phase, features extracted from the unknown speakerare presented to the corresponding classifiers. Each vec-

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tor quantizer computes average quantization distortion ofthe unknown sequence. Within each quantizer, the dis-tortions are scaled so that they sum up to unity over dif-ferent speakers. The scaled distortions are then weightedand summed to give the final combined match score. Theweights are feature set depended, but same for all speak-ers.

Extensive experiments in [10] were carried out on twocorpora, a 100 speaker subset of the American EnglishTIMIT corpus [16] and a corpus of 110 native Finnishspeakers, documented in [6]. There were some differ-ences between the two corpora and feature sets, but thesewere relatively small; many of the feature sets reachederror rates close to zero. Therefore, it seemed unneces-sarily to experiment with different fusion strategies withthese features since the individual features already per-formed so well. The reason for this is that the both cor-pora were recorded in unrealistic laboratory conditions.We have found out that the performance decreases radi-cally in real-world conditions.

In this study, we have selected the spectral parametersthat seem most promising in the light of the findings of[10]. We study these on a more realistic corpus, a sub-set of the 1999 Speaker Recognition Evaluation Corpus.We aim at studying whether different spectral feature setscan complement each other, and which one of the fusionstrategies (feature, score, and decision-level) is most ap-propriate for VQ-based classification in practice.

2 Selected Spectral Features

2.1 Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients

Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) are moti-vated by studies of the human peripheral auditory system.First, the pre-emphasized and windowed speech frame isconverted into spectral domain by the fast Fourier trans-form (FFT). The magnitude spectrum is then smoothedby a bank of triangular bandpass filters that emulate thecritical band processing of the human ear. Each of thebandpass filters computes a weighted average of that sub-band, which is then compressed by logarithm. The log-compressed filter outputs are then decorrelated using thediscrete cosine transform (DCT). The zeroth cepstral co-efficient is discarded since it depends on the intensity ofthe frame.

There are several analytic formulae for the mel scaleused in the filterbank design. In this study, we use thefollowing mapping [7]:

fmel(fHz) =1000

log10 2log10

(1 +



), (1)

having the inverse mapping

fHz(fmel) = 1000(1 + 10

log10 21000 fmel

). (2)

First, the number of filters (M ) is specified. Filter centerfrequencies are then determined by dividing the mel axis

into M uniformly spaced frequencies and computing thecorresponding frequencies in the hertz scale with the in-verse mapping. The filterbank itself is then designed sothat the center frequency of the mth filter is the low cutofffrequency of the (m+1)th filter. The low and high cutofffrequencies of the first and last filters are set to zero andNyquist frequencies, respectively.

2.2 LPC-Derived Features

In addition to the MFCC coefficients, we consider the fol-lowing representations that are computed via linear pre-diction analysis: arcus sine reflection coefficients (ARC-SIN), linear predictive cepstral coefficients (LPCC), andformant frequencies (FMT).

The linear predictive model of speech production [17,5] is given in the time domain:

s[n] ≈p∑


a[k]s[n − k], (3)

where s[n] denotes the speech signal samples, a[k] are thepredictor coefficients and p is the order of the predictor.The total squared prediction error is:

E =∑


(s[n] −


a[k]s[n − k])2

. (4)

The objective of linear predictive analysis is to determinethe coefficients a[k] for each speech frame so that (4) isminimized. The problem can be solved by setting thepartial derivatives of (4) with respect to a[k] to zero. Thisleads to so called Yule-Walker equations that can be effi-ciently solved using so-called Levinson-Durbin recursion[8].

The Levinson-Durbin recursion generates as its sideproduct so-called reflection coefficients, denoted here ask[i], i = 1, . . . , p. The name comes from the multi-tube model, each reflection coefficient characterizing thetransmission/reflection of the acoustic wave at each tubejunction. Instead of using the reflection coefficients, weuse instead the numerically more stable arcus sine reflec-tion coefficients [3].

In the frequency domain, the linear predictive coeffi-cients specify an IIR filter with the transfer function:

H(z) =1

1 −∑pk=1 a[k]z−k

. (5)

The poles of the filter (5) are the zeroes of the denomi-nator. They are denoted here as z1, z2, . . . , zp, and theycan be found by numerical root-finding techniques. Thecoefficients a[k] are real, which restricts the poles to beeither real or occur in complex conjugate pairs.

If the poles are well separated in the complex plane,they can be used for estimating the formant frequencies[5]:

Fi =Fs


(Im zi

Re zi

). (6)

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Table 1: Summary of the NIST-1999 subsetLanguage EnglishSpeakers 230Speech type ConversationalQuality TelephoneSampling rate 8.0 kHzQuantization 8-bit µ-lawTraining speech (avg.) 119.0 sec.Evaluation speech (avg.) 30.4 sec.

Given the LPC coefficients a[k], k = 1, . . . , p, the LPCCcoefficients are computed using the recursion [1]:

c[n] =


a[n] +∑n−1

k=1knc[k]a[n − k], 1 ≤ n ≤ p


knc[k]a[n − k], n > p.


2.3 Delta Features

There are two different ways for computing the delta fea-tures: (1) differentiating, and (2) fitting a polynomial ex-pansion. We have found out that the differentiator methodworks systematically better than the first order polyno-mial, i.e. the linear regression method [10]. Let fk[i]denote the ith feature in the kth time frame. The differen-tiator method estimates the time derivative of the featureas follows [5]:

∆fk[i] = fk+M [i] − fk−M [i], (8)

where M is typically 1-3 frames.

3 Experiments

3.1 Speech Material and Parameter Setup

For the experiments, we used a subset of the NIST 1999speaker recognition evaluation corpus [18] (see Table1). We decided to use the data from the male speakersonly. For training, we used both the “a” and “b” ses-sions. For identification, we used the one speaker testsegments from the same telephone line. In general it canbe assumed that if two calls are from different lines, thehandsets are different, and if they are from the same line,the handsets are the same [18]. In other words, the train-ing and matching conditions have very likely the samehandset type (electret/carbon button) for each speaker,but different speakers can have different handsets. Thetotal number of test segments for this condition is 692.

The parameters for different feature sets and trainingalgorithm were based on our previous experiments withthe NIST corpus [12]. The frame length and shift were setto 30 ms and 20 ms, respectively, and the window func-tion was Hamming. For MFCC computation, the numberof filters was set to 27, and the number of coefficients was12. For LPCC, ARCSIN and FMT, we used LPC predic-tor of order p = 20. We selected 12 LPCC and ARC-SIN coefficients, and 8 formant frequencies. The delta

features were computed using the differentiator methodwith M = 1. Throughout the experiments, codebook sizewas fixed to 64, and the codebooks were trained using theLinde-Buzo-Gray (LBG) clustering algorithm [15].

3.2 Individual Feature Sets

The identification error rates of the individual featuresets are reported in Table 2. The static features (MFCC,LPCC, ARCSIN, FMT) all give good results. The deltafeatures, on the other hand, are worse than the static fea-tures. The error rate of delta formants is very high.

Table 2: Accuracies of the individual feature setsStatic features Dynamic features

Feature set Error rate (%) Feature set Error rate (%)MFCC 16.8 ∆MFCC 21.2LPCC 16.0 ∆LPCC 25.1ARCSIN 17.1 ∆ARCSIN 28.6FMT 19.4 ∆FMT 70.5

3.3 Fusion Results

Next, we experimented by fusing the static parametersand their corresponding delta features using all the threestrategies. We also combined all the 8 feature sets. Forthe feature-level fusion, each feature vector was normal-ized by its norm, and the normalized vectors were thenconcatenated. For the score-level fusion, we used the nor-malized VQ distortions giving unity weights to all featuresets [11]. For the decision-level fusion, we use majorityvoting, by selecting speaker label that is voted most by allclassifiers. If no speaker received majority, then speakerlabel is selected randomly from the highest number ofvotes.

The fusion results are shown in Table 3, along with thebest individual performance from the pool. The score-level fusion gives the best result in all cases fusing fea-ture with it’s delta parameters, except with the formantdata for which fusion is not succesfull. The reason forpoor performance in this case is the poor performanceof delta formants. Situation could be alleviated by de-emphasizing the delta formants.

It can be seen that the feature-level fusion improves theperformance over the individual classifier in the case ofMFCC and its delta features. However, in all other casesit degrades the performance. The decisionl-level fusionis the best fusion strategy, when all feature sets are used.Majority voting is not applicable for only two classifiersystem as seen for all other cases, where performance isdegraded.

In the case, when user has only feature set and its deltaparameters, results show that the score-level fusion seemsto be the method to be preferred in the case of reliable ex-perts. However, if some of the “experts” produces a lotof classification errors (∆FMT), the weight for the unre-liable features or feature sets should be set small. In thisstudy, we did not attempt to weight individual features or

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Table 3: Accuracies of the fused systems.Combination Best individual Feature-level Score-level Decision-level Oracle

MFCC + ∆MFCC 16.8 15.8 14.6 19.0 12.3LPCC + ∆LPCC 16.0 19.8 14.7 20.5 12.6ARCSIN + ∆ARCSIN 17.1 18.2 16.8 22.8 15.0FMT + ∆FMT 19.4 29.9 52.0 44.9 18.5All feature sets 16.0 21.2 15.2 12.6 7.8

Table 4: Q statistic between all classifier pairs.MFCC ∆MFCC LPCC ∆LPCC ARCSIN ∆ARCSIN FMT ∆FMT

MFCC 0.916 0.976 0.861 0.953 0.875 0.925 0.594∆MFCC 0.909 0.934 0.869 0.847 0.838 0.527LPCC 0.907 0.984 0.929 0.952 0.637∆LPCC 0.866 0.898 0.854 0.517ARCSIN 0.948 0.956 0.753∆ARCSIN 0.921 0.505FMT 0.842

feature sets. In the case of feature-level fusion, it is notobvious how the individual features should be weighted.

3.4 Feature Set Diversity

Although the fusion improves performance in most cases,the gain is rather low. Intuitively, if the different classi-fiers misclassify the same speech segments, we do not ex-pect as much improvement as in the case where they com-plement each other. There are several indices to assessthe interrelationships between the classifiers in a classi-fier ensemble [4].

Given classifiers i and j, we compute the Q statistic[4]:

Qi,j =N11N00 − N01N10

N11N00 + N01N10, (9)

where N00 is the number of test segments misclassifiedby both i and j; N11 is the number of segments correctlyclassified by both; N10 and N01 are the numbers of seg-ments misclassified by one and correctly classified by theother. It can be easily verified that −1 ≤ Qi,j ≤ 1. TheQ value can be considered as a correlation measure be-tween the classifier decisions.

The Q statistics between all feature set pairs are shownin Table 4. It can be seen that all values are positiveand relatively high, which indicates that the classifiersfunction essentially the same way. In other words, theclassifiers are competitive instead of complementary [13].This partially explains why the performance is not greatlyimproved by fusion. Interestingly, although the perfor-mance of delta formants is very poor, it has lowest Qvalues on average. This means that delta formants makedifferent decisions compared to other feature sets.

Table 5: Distribution of the number of correct votes.8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

155 269 72 39 43 23 22 15 54




7.9 7.8 7.8 7.8












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Classifier pool size









) LP





















INFigure 1: Performance of the “Oracle” classifier.

We can also analyze the difficulty of the test segments.Table 5 shows how many classifiers voted correctly onthe same test segments out of 692. Interestingly, mosttest segments are voted correctly by 6,7 or 8 classifiers(72 %), which means that most of the test segments arerelatively “easy”. However, in the other end, there were54 test segments (8 %) that no classifier voted correctly.This shows that some speakers are more difficult to rec-ognize.

3.5 “Oracle” Classifier

We can estimate the lower limit of the identification er-ror rate using an abstract machine called Oracle classi-fier [14]. The Oracle assigns correct class label to the testsegment if at least one feature set classifies it correctly.Figure 1 shows the performance of this abstract classifieras a function of the classifier pool size. New classifiersare added to the pool in a greedy manner, starting fromthe best individual feature set (LPCC) and adding the fea-

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ture set that decreses the error rate most. The lowest errorrate (7.8 %) is reached by using six feature sets. Thetest segments classified correctly by the ARCSIN and∆ARCSIN feature sets are already classified correctly bysome of the other feature sets. It must be emphasized thatthis is only a theoretical classifier, giving an idea of thelowest possible error rate if the diversity of the featuresets was taken fully into account.

4 Conclusions

We have compared and analyzed different ways of us-ing several spectral feature sets for speaker identification.From the individual feature sets considered, linear pre-dictive cepstral coefficients performed the best giving anerror rate of 16.0 %. The best fusion result reduced this to12.6 %, and it was obtained by decision-level fusion withall feature sets. If many different feature sets are availe-ble we recommend to use majority voting, otherwise inmore traditional setting score-level fusion is the best.

Although fusion improves performance, the differenceis not big. The analysis of the classifier diversitiesshowed that the different feature sets classify speakersessentially in the same way. It is possible to reduce theerror rate further by setting feature set depended weightsreflecting the relative importances of the feature set. Infuture, we plan to use speaker-dependent weights and re-cent advances in information fusion, e.g. decision tem-plates and consensus classification [13].

5 Acknowledgements

The work of V. Hautamäki was supported by the NationalTechnology Agency of Finland (project “Puhetekni-ikan uudet menetelmät ja sovellukset”, TEKES dnro8713103).


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[5] J.R. Jr. Deller, J.H.L. Hansen, and J.G. Proakis.Discrete-Time Processing of Speech Signals. IEEEPress, New York, second edition, 2000.

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[9] X. Huang, A. Acero, and H.-W. Hon. Spoken Lan-guage Processing: a Guide to Theory, Algorithm,and System Development. Prentice-Hall, New Jer-sey, 2001.

[10] T. Kinnunen. Spectral Features for Automatic Text-Independent Speaker Recognition. Licentiate’s the-sis, University of Joensuu, Department of ComputerScience, Joensuu, Finland, 2004.

[11] T. Kinnunen, V. Hautamäki, and P. Fränti. Onthe fusion of dissimilarity- based classifiers forspeaker identification. In Proc. 8th European Con-ference on Speech Communication and Technol-ogy (Eurospeech 2003), pages 2641–2644, Geneva,Switzerland, 2003.

[12] T. Kinnunen, E. Karpov, and P. Fränti. Real-timespeaker identification. In Proc. Int. Conf. on SpokenLanguage 2004 (ICSLP 2004), Jeju Island, Korea,2004. (to appear).

[13] L.I.Kuncheva. Fuzzy Classifier Design. PhysicaVerlag, Heidelberg, 2000.

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Publication P5 T. Kinnunen, E. Karpov, P. Fränti, Real-Time Speaker Identification and Verification, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing.


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Real-Time Speaker Identification and VerificationTomi Kinnunen, Evgeny Karpov, and Pasi Franti

Department of Computer Science, University of JoensuuP.O. Box 111, FIN-80101 Joensuu, FINLAND,

Abstract— In speaker identification, most of the computationoriginates from the distance or likelihood computations betweenthe feature vectors of the unknown speaker and the models inthe database. The identification time depends on the numberof feature vectors, their dimensionality, the complexity of thespeaker models and the number of speakers. In this paper,we concentrate on optimizing vector quantization (VQ) basedspeaker identification. We reduce the number of test vectorsby pre-quantizing the test sequence prior to matching, and thenumber of speakers by pruning out unlikely speakers duringthe identification process. The best variants are then generalizedto Gaussian mixture model (GMM) based modeling. We applythe algorithms also to efficient cohort set search for scorenormalization in speaker verification. We obtain a speed-upfactor of 16:1 in the case of VQ-based modeling with minordegradation in the identification accuracy, and 34:1 in the case ofGMM-based modeling. An equal error rate of 7 % can be reachedin 0.84 seconds on average when the length of test utterance is30.4 seconds.

Index Terms— Speaker recognition, real-time, speaker prun-ing, pre-quantization, VQ, GMM


Speaker recognition refers to two different tasks: speakeridentification (SI) and speaker verification (SV) [1]–[3]. Inthe identification task, an unknown speaker X is comparedagainst a database of known speakers, and the best matchingspeaker is given as the identification result. The verificationtask consists of making a decision whether a voice samplewas produced by a claimed person.

A. Motivation

Applications of speaker verification can be found in biomet-ric person authentication such as an additional identity checkduring credit card payments over the Internet. The potentialapplications of speaker identification can be found in multi-user systems. For instance, in speaker tracking the task is tolocate the segments of given speaker(s) in an audio stream [4]–[7]. It has potential applications in automatic segmentation ofteleconferences and helping in the transcription of courtroomdiscussions.

Speaker identification could be used in adaptive user in-terfaces. For instance, a car shared by many people of thesame family/community could recognize the driver by his/hervoice, and tune the radio to his/her favorite channel. Thisparticular application concept belongs to the more general

Corresponding author: Tomi Kinnunen. Contact address: Department ofComputer Science, University of Joensuu, P.O. Box 111, FIN-80101 Joensuu,FINLAND. E-mail: Tomi.Kinnunencs.joensuu.fi, Tel. +358 13 251 7905,Telefax. +358 13 251 7955.

group of speaker adaption methods that are already employedin speech recognition systems [8], [9]. Speaker-specific codecsin personal speech coding have been also demonstrated to givesmaller bit rates as opposed to a universal speaker-independentcodec [10].

Speaker identification have also been applied to the ver-ification problem in [11], where the following simple rank-based verification method was proposed. For the unknownspeaker’s voice sample, K nearest speakers are searchedfrom the database. If the claimed speaker is among the Kbest speakers, the speaker is accepted and otherwise rejected.Similar verification strategy is also used in [12].

Speaker identification and adaptation have potentially moreapplications than verification, which is mostly limited to secu-rity systems. However, the verification problem is still muchmore studied, which might be due to (1) lack of applicationsconcepts for the identification problem, (2) increase in theexpected error with growing population size [13], and (3) veryhigh computational cost. Regarding the identification accuracy,it is not always necessary to know the exact speaker identitybut the speaker class of the current speaker is sufficient(speaker adaptation). However, this has to be performed inreal-time. In this paper, we focus on decreasing the compu-tational load of identification while attempting to keep therecognition accuracy reasonably high.

B. Review of Computational Speed-Up Methods

A large number of methods have been proposed for speedingup the verification process. Specifically, Gaussian mixturemodel (GMM) based verification systems [14], [15] havereceived much attention, since they are considered as thestate-of-the-art method for text-independent recognition. Usu-ally, speaker-dependent GMMs are derived from a speaker-independent universal background model (UBM) by adaptingthe UBM components with maximum a posteriori (MAP)adaptation using each speaker’s personal training data [15].This method incudes a natural hierarchy between the UBMand the personal speaker models; for each UBM Gaussiancomponent, there is a corresponding adapted component in thespeaker’s personal GMM. In the verification phase, each testvector is scored against all UBM Gaussian components, and asmall number (typically 5) of the best scoring components inthe corresponding speaker-dependent GMMs are scored. Thisprocedure effectively reduces the amount of needed densitycomputations.

In addition to the basic UBM/GMM approach, a number ofother hierarchical methods have been considered for GMM.

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Beigi & al. [12] propose a hierarchical structuring of thespeaker database with the following merging strategy. Twoclosest GMMs are merged, and the process is repeated until thenumber of GMMs is 1. A similar approach using the ISODATAclustering algorithm has been recently proposed by Sun &al. [16] for the identification task. They report identificationaccuracy close to full search with speed-up factors from 3:1to 6:1. The relative speed-up of their algorithm was higher forincreased number of speakers.

Auckenthaler and Mason [17] applied UBM-like hashmodel, in which for each Gaussian component, there is ashortlist of indices of the expected best scoring components foreach individual GMM. Using the shortlist of the hash model,only the corresponding components in the individual GMMare then scored. By increasing the lengths of the shortlists,scores can be computed more accurately, but with an increasedcomputational overhead. Auckenthaler and Mason reported aspeed-up factor of about 10:1 with a minor degradation in theverification performance.

McLaughlin & al. [18] have studied two simple speed-upmethods for the GMM/UBM-based verification system: (1)decreasing the UBM size, and (2) decimating the sequenceof test vectors with three simple methods. They noticed thatthe UBM could be reduced by a factor of 4, and the testsequence up to a factor of about as high as 20 without affectingthe verification performance. McLaughlin & al. [18] state (p.1218):

“What is surprising is the degree to which feature vectorscan be decimated without loss in accuracy. . . . The keyfactor seems to be the acoustic variety of the vectorsscored, not the absolute number of vectors.”

However, they did not experiment the combination of decima-tion and reduced UBM.

An efficient GMM-based speaker identification system hasalso been presented by Pellom and Hansen [19]. Since theadjacent feature vectors are correlated and the order of thevectors does not affect the final score, the vector sequence canbe reordered so that non-adjacent feature vectors are scoredfirst. After the scoring, worst scoring speakers are prunedout using a beam search technique where the beam width isupdated during processing. Then, a more detailed sampling ofthe sequence follows. The process is repeated as long as thereare unpruned speakers or input data left, and then the bestscoring speaker is selected as the winner. Pellom and Hansenreported speed-up factor of 6:1 relative to the baseline beamsearch.

Recently, more advanced hierarchical models have beenproposed for efficient speaker verification [20], [21]. Xiangand Berger [20] construct a tree structure for the UBM. Mul-tilevel MAP adaptation is then used for generating the speaker-specific GMMs with a tree structure. In the verification phase,the target speaker scores and the UBM scores are combinedusing an MLP neural network. Xiang and Berger reported aspeed-up factor of 17:1 with a 5 % relative increase in theEER. They also compared their method with the hash modelof Auckenthaler and Mason [17]. Although the method ofXiang and Berger gave slightly better verification accuracy(from EER of 13.9 % to EER of 13.5 %) and speed-up (from

15:1 to 17:1) as compared to the hash GMM, the Xiang’s andBerger’s method is considerably more complex than the hashGMM.

C. Contributions of This Study

The literary review herein shows that most of the speedoptimizations have been done on GMM-based systems. In thisstudy, we optimize vector quantization (VQ) based speakerrecognition, because it is straightforward to implement, andaccording to our experiments, it yields equally good or betteridentification performance than the baseline GMM based onmaximum likelihood training using the EM algorithm.

Most of the computation time in VQ-based speaker identifi-cation consists of distance computations between the unknownspeaker’s feature vectors and the models of the speakersenrolled in the system database. Speaker pruning [19], [22],[23] can be used to reduce the search space by dropping outunlikely speakers “on the fly” as more speech data arrives.We survey and compare several speaker pruning variants. Wealso propose a new speaker pruning variant called confidence-based speaker pruning. The idea is to wait for more speechdata until we are confident to decide whether a certain speakercould be safely pruned out.

We optimize the other components of the recognition systemas well. We reduce the number of test sequence vectorsby silence removal and pre-quantization, and show how thepre-quantization methods can be combined with the speakerpruning for more efficient identification. A vantage-point tree(VPT) [24] is used for indexing the speakers’ code vectorsfor speeding up the nearest neighbor search. Our main contri-bution is a systematic comparison and combining of severaloptimization methods.

Although the framework presented in this study is builtaround VQ-based speaker modeling, the methods are expectedto generalize to other modeling paradigms. We demonstratethis by applying the best pre-quantization and pruning variantsto GMM-based identification.

Finally, we demonstrate that the methods apply also to theverification task. Pre-quantization is applied for searching acohort set online for the client speaker during the verificationprocess, based on the closeness to the input vectors. Wepropose a novel cohort normalization method called fast cohortscoring (FCS) which decreases both the verification time andthe equal error rate.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II,we review the baseline speaker identification, and consider thecomputational complexity issue in more detail, focusing on thereal-time processing in general level. A detailed descriptionof the speaker pruning algorithms follows then in SectionIII. In Section IV, we utilize the speed-up methods to theverification problem. Section V describes the experimentalsetup. Test results with discussion are given in Section VI,and conclusions are drawn in Section VII.


A. General Structure

The components of a typical VQ-based speaker identifica-tion [25]–[28] system are shown in Fig. 1. Feature extraction

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• 10-20-dimensionalcepstral vectors

• Frame rate 70-100 fps

Known speakeridentity


A codebook of64-512 vectors

Database ofknownspeakers’codebooks

MatchingAll codebooks

DecisionId number



• LBG algorithm withrandom initial guess

• Average/totalquantization distortion

• Select speakergiving smallestdistortion

• 101-104 speakers


• 10-20-dimensionalcepstral vectors

• Frame rate 70-100 fps

Known speakeridentity


A codebook of64-512 vectors

Database ofknownspeakers’codebooks

MatchingAll codebooks

DecisionId number



• LBG algorithm withrandom initial guess

• Average/totalquantization distortion

• Select speakergiving smallestdistortion

• 101-104 speakers

Fig. 1. Typical VQ-based closed set speaker identification system.

transforms the raw signal into a sequence of 10- to 20-dimensional feature vectors with the rate of 70-100 framesper second. Commonly used features include mel-cepstrum(MFCC) and LPC-cepstrum (LPCC) [29], [30]. They mea-sure short-term spectral envelope, which correlates with thephysiology of the vocal tract.

In the training phase, a speaker model is created by clus-tering the training feature vectors into disjoint groups by aclustering algorithm. The LBG algorithm [31] is widely useddue to its efficiency and simple implementation. However,other clustering methods can also be considered; a comparativestudy can be found in [32]. The result of clustering is a set ofM vectors, C = {c1, c2, . . . , cM}, called a codebook of thespeaker.

In the identification phase, unknown speaker’s feature vec-tors are matched with the models stored in the systemdatabase. A match score is assigned to every speaker. Finally,a 1-out-of-N decision is made. In a closed-set system thisconsists of selecting the speaker that yields the smallestdistortion.

The match score between the unknown speaker’s featurevectors X = {x1, . . . , xT } and a given codebook C ={c1, . . . , cM} is computed as the average quantization dis-tortion [25]:

Davg(X,C) =1T



e(xi, C), (1)

where e(xi, C) = mincj∈ C ‖xi − cj‖2, and ‖ · ‖ denotes theEuclidean norm. Several modifications have been proposed tothe baseline VQ distortion matching [27], [33]–[37].

B. Time Complexity of Identification

In order to optimize speaker identification for real-timeprocessing, first the dominating factors have to be recognized.

In order to compute Davg(X, C), the nearest neighbors ofeach xi ∈ X from the codebook C are needed. With a sim-ple linear search this requires O(TM) distance calculations.Computation of the squared Euclidean distance between twod-dimensional vectors, in turn, takes d multiplications and d−1additions. Therefore, the total number of floating point oper-ations (flops) for computing Davg(X, C) is O(TMd). Thecomputation of Davg(X, C) is repeated for all N speakers, sothe total identification time is O(NTMd).

The efficiency of the feature extraction depends on theselected signal parametrization. Suppose that the extractionof one vector takes O(f) flops. The total number of flops forfeature extraction is then O(Tf), where T is the number ofvectors. Notice that the feature extraction needs to be doneonly once. To sum up, total number of flops in identificationis O(Tf + NTMd) = O(T (f + NMd)). The standardsignal processing methods (MFCC, LPCC) themselves arevery efficient. By assuming f � NMd, we can approximatethe overall time as O(TNMd).

The dimensionality d is much smaller than N , M and T .For instance, about 10-20 mel-cepstral coefficients is usuallyenough due the fast decay of the higher coefficients [29]. Thereis no reason to use a high number of cepstral coefficientsunless they are properly normalized; the coefficients with asmall magnitude do not contribute to the distance values much.

C. Reducing the Computation Time

The dominating factors of the total identification time arethe number of speakers (N ), the number of vectors in thetest sequence (T ), and the codebook sizes (M ). We reducethe number of speakers by pruning out unlikely speakersduring the matching, and the number of vectors by silenceremoval and by pre-quantizing the input sequence to a smallernumber of representative vectors prior to matching. In orderto speed up the nearest neighbor search of the codebooks,

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Speech input stream

Silence detection

Feature extraction


Speaker database

Speaker 1 model

Speaker Nmodel

List of candidate speakers

Active speakers Pruned speakers

Frame blocking

Decision ? END...

Fill buffer withnew data

All frames



Reduced setof vectors









Database pruning




Speech input stream

Silence detection

Feature extraction


Speaker database

Speaker 1 model

Speaker Nmodel

List of candidate speakers

Active speakers Pruned speakers

Frame blocking

Decision ? END...

Fill buffer withnew data

All frames



Reduced setof vectors









Database pruning




Fig. 2. Diagram of the real-time identification system.

we utilize vantage-point trees (VPT) [24] for indexing thecode vectors in the models. VPT is a balanced binary searchtree where each node represents a code vector. In the bestcase (fully balanced binary tree), the search takes O(log2 M)distance computations. Unfortunately, the VPT as well asother indexing structures [38] apply only to metric distancefunctions. Since (1) does not satisfy the triangular inequality,we can index only the code vectors but not the codebooksthemselves.

D. Real-Time Speaker Identification

The proposed system architecture is depicted in Fig. 2. Theinput stream is processed in short buffers. The audio data inthe buffer divided into frames, which are then passed through asimple energy-based silence detector in order to drop out non-information bearing frames. For the remaining frames, featureextraction is performed. The feature vectors are pre-quantizedto a smaller number of vectors, which are compared againstactive speakers in the database. After the match scores for eachspeaker have been obtained, a number of speakers are prunedout so that they are not included anymore in the matching onthe next iteration. The process is repeated until there is nomore input data, or there is only one speaker left in the list ofactive speakers.

E. Pre-quantization

In pre-quantization (PQ), we replace the original test vectorsequence X by a new sequence X so that |X| < |X|. In order











�� �







�� �



� �





�� �



� �


1st pruning 2nd pruning 3rd pruning Decision

Pruning interval

Unknown speaker’s voice sample













�� �






�� �







�� �



� �




�� �






�� �



� �





�� �



� �




�� �






�� �



� �


1st pruning 2nd pruning 3rd pruning Decision

Pruning interval

Unknown speaker’s voice sample

Fig. 3. Illustration of speaker pruning (pruning interval = 7 vectors).

to gain time, the total time spent for the PQ and matching mustbe less than the matching time without PQ. The motivationfor using PQ is that, in practise, the adjacent feature vectorsare close to each other in the feature space because of thegradual movements of the articulators. McLaughlin & al. [18]applied three simple PQ methods prior to GMM matching,and reported that the test sequence could be compressed by afactor of 20:1 without compromizing the verification accuracy.This clearly suggests that there is a lot of redundancy in thefeature vectors.

We consider four different pre-quantization techniques: (1)random subsampling, (2) averaging, (3) decimation, and (4)clustering-based PQ. In random subsampling and averaging,the input buffer is processed in non-overlapping segments ofM >1 vectors. In random subsampling, each segment is rep-resented by a random vector from the segment. In averaging,the representative vector is the centroid (mean vector) of thesegment. In decimation, we simply take every M th vector ofthe test sequence, which corresponds to performing featureextraction with a smaller frame rate. In clustering-based PQ,we partition the sequence X into M clusters using the LBGclustering algorithm.


The idea of speaker pruning [19], [22], [23] is illustrated inFig. 3. We must decide how many new (non-silent) vectors areread into the buffer before next pruning step. We call this thepruning interval. We also need to define the pruning criterion.

Figure 4 shows an example how the quantization distortion(1) develops with time. The bold line represents the correctspeaker. In the beginning, the match scores oscillate, and whenmore vectors are processed, the distortions tend to stabilizearound the expected values of the individual distances becauseof the averaging in (1). Another important observation is thata small amount of feature vectors is enough to rule out mostof the speakers from the set of candidates.

We consider next the following simple pruning variants:static pruning [23], hierarchical pruning [22], and adaptivepruning [23]. We also propose a novel pruning variant calledconfidence-based pruning. The variants differ in their pruningcriteria.

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20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 2000









Number of vectors


ch s


Correct speaker

Correct speaker found already

Fig. 4. Illustration of match score saturation (N = 20 speakers from theTIMIT corpus).

Algorithm 1 Static Pruning (SP)

A := {1, 2, . . . , N} ; X := ∅ ;while (|A| > 1) and (speech data left) do

Insert M new vectors into buffer X ;Update Davg(X, Ci) for all i ∈ A ;Prune out K worst speakers from A ;

end whileDecision: i∗ = arg mini{D(X, Ci)|i ∈ A} ;

The following notations will be used:

X Processing buffer for new vectorsA Indices of the active speakersCi Codebook of speaker iN Size of the speaker database

A. Static Pruning (SP)

The idea is to maintain an ordered list of the best matchingspeakers. At each iteration, M new vectors are read in,match scores of the active speakers are updated, and K worstmatching speakers are pruned out (Algorithm 1). The update ofthe match scores can be done efficiently by using cumulativecounts of the scores. The control parameters of the methodare M and K. Fig. 3 gives an example of the method withparameters M = 7 and K = 2.

B. Hierarchical Pruning (HP)

For each speaker i, two codebooks are stored in thedatabase: a coarse and a detail codebook, denoted here as Cc


and Cdi , respectively. Both codebooks are generated from the

same training data, but the coarse codebook is much smallerthan the detail one: |Cc

i | � |Cdi |. First, K worst speakers are

pruned out by matching the vectors against the coarse models.Scores of the remaining models are then recomputed using thedetail models (Algorithm 2). The control parameters of themethod are the the sizes of the codebooks and K.








1,47 1,5









1,77 1,8










Match score







N( , )


Fig. 5. Left: Match score distributions from the TIMIT corpus. Right:Illustration of the pruning threshold.

Algorithm 2 Hierarchical Pruning (HP)

Let Cc = {Cc1 , . . . , Cc

N} be the coarse models ;Let Cd = {Cd

1 , . . . , CdN} be the detail models ;

A := {1, 2, . . . , N} ;Read the whole test sequence into buffer X ;Compute Davg(X, Cc

i ) for all i ∈ A ;Prune out K worst speakers from A ;Compute Davg(X, Cd

i ) for all i ∈ A ;Decision: i∗ = arg mini{Davg(X, Cd

i )|i ∈ A} ;

Algorithm 3 Adaptive Pruning (AP)

A := {1, 2, . . . , N} ; X := ∅ ;while (|A| > 1) and (speech data left) do

Insert M new vectors into buffer X ;Update Davg(X, Ci) for all i ∈ A ;Update Pruning threshold Θ ;Prune out speaker i if Davg(X, Ci) > Θ ;

end whileDecision: i∗ = arg mini{Davg(X, Ci)|i ∈ A} ;

C. Adaptive Pruning (AP)

Instead of pruning a fixed number of speakers, a pruningthreshold Θ based on the distribution of the scores is com-puted, and the speakers whose score exceeds this are prunedout (see Algorithm 3). The pruning threshold Θ is computedas

Θ = µD + η · σD, (2)

where µD and σD are the mean and the standard deviationof the active speakers’ match scores, and η is a controlparameter. The larger η is, the less speakers are pruned out, andvice versa. The formula (2) has the following interpretation.Assuming that the match scores follow a Gaussian distribution,the pruning threshold corresponds a certain confidence intervalof the normal distribution, and η specifies its width. For η = 1,the speakers above the 68 % confidence interval of the matchscore distribution will be pruned out; that is approximately(100-68)/2 = 16 % of the speakers. This interpretation isillustrated in the right panel of Fig. 5. We have found outexperimentally that the Gaussian assumption holds sufficientlywell in practise. The left panel of Fig. 5 shows two realscore distributions computed from two different subsets of theTIMIT corpus [39].

Notice that the mean and variance of the score distributioncan be updated efficiently using the running values for these.Since the unlikely speakers (large scores) are pruned out

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Stabilized models

Pruned models

10.4 12.4 12.8 12.6 12.4 14.4 14.4

12.9 13.6 14.0 13.1 12.6 15.3

14.7 16.0 15.9 14.9 14.5

14.5 18.1 18.0 17.6

12.3 16.4 16.9 16.4

16.8 18.8 17.8 16.9

14.9 17.7 17.0 15.9

16.7 18.7 18.2 16.7

15.8 18.8 18.6 18.0

13.8 14.9 16.5 15.6

16.2 17.4 17.3 16.7

17.3 18.4 19.2 17.7

16.5 18.1 17.5 16.6

14.9 16.3 16.9 16.0

15.1 15.7 15.9 15.5

18.0 20.9 20.5

21.6 25.6 25.7

15.1 18.0 19.3

16.9 20.0 19.9

18.3 19.2

30 60 90 120 150 180 210


Fig. 6. Illustration of the confidence-based pruning.

iteratively, the variance of the match scores decreases withtime. The control parameters of the method are M and η.

D. Confidence-Based Pruning (CP)

In confidence-based pruning, only speakers whose matchscores have stabilized are considered for pruning. If the matchscore is poor but it still oscillates, the speaker can stillchange its rank and become the winner. Thus, we remove onlyspeakers that have already stabilized and whose match score isbelow a given threshold. This is illustrated in Fig. 6, in whichthe speakers are at given one per line, and the time (vectorcount) increases from left to right. The numbers in the cellsshow the match scores, gray color indicates that the speakerhas stabilized, and black indicates that the speaker has beenpruned out. Notice that both the stabilization and pruning canhappen in the same iteration.

The pseudocode of the method is given in Algorithm 4. Twoscore values are maintained for each active speaker i: the onefrom the previous iteration (Dprev[i]), and the one from thecurrent iteration (Dcurr[i]). When these two are close enoughto each other, we mark the speaker as stabilized. Stabilizedspeakers are then checked against the pruning threshold asdefined in (2). There are three adjustable parameters: thepruning interval (M ), the stabilization threshold (ε) and thepruning threshold control parameter (η).

E. Combining PQ and Pruning (PQP)

Pre-quantization and pruning can be combined. Algorithm5 combines clustering-based PQ and static pruning. First, thewhole input data is pre-quantized by the LBG algorithm [31].Using the match scores for the quantized data, K worst scoringspeakers are pruned out, and the final decision is based oncomparing the unquantized data with the remaining speakermodels. We refer the ratio of the number of pruned speakersto the number of all speakers as the pruning rate.

Algorithm 4 Confidence-Based Pruning (CP)

A := {1, 2, . . . , N} ; X := ∅ ;for i := 1, . . . , N do

Dprev[i] := 0 ; stable[i] := false ;end forwhile (|A| > 1) and (speech data left) do

Insert M new vectors into buffer X ;Update Davg(X, Ci) for all i ∈ A ;Update pruning threshold Θ ;for i ∈ A do

Dcurr[i] := Davg(X, Ci) ;end forfor i ∈ A do

if ( |1 − Dprev[i]/Dcurr[i]| < ε ) thenstable[i] = true ;

end ifif (stable[i]) and (Dcurr(X, Ci) > Θ) then

Prune out speaker i from A ;else

Dprev[i] := Dcurr[i] ;end if

end forend whileDecision: i∗ = arg mini{Davg(X, Ci)|i ∈ A} ;

Algorithm 5 PQ + Static Pruning (PQP)

A := {1, 2, . . . , N} ;Read new data into buffer X ;X := LBG-Clustering(X, M)Compute Davg(X, Ci) for all i ∈ A ;Prune out K worst speakers from A ;Compute Davg(X, Ci) for all i ∈ A ;Decision: i∗ = arg mini{Davg(X, Ci)|i ∈ A} ;


In this Section, we apply pre-quantization for speeding upthe scoring in the verification task. Current state-of-the-artspeaker verification systems use the Bayesian likelihood ratio[40] for normalizing the match scores [41], [42]. The purposeof the normalization is to reduce the effects of undesirablevariation that arise from mismatch between the input andtraining utterances.

Given an identity claim that speaker S produced the vectorsX = {x1, . . . ,xT }, two likelihoods p(X|S) and p(X|S) areestimated. The former presents the likelihood that speakerS produced X (null hypothesis), and the latter presents thelikelihood that X was produced by someone else (alternativehypothesis). The two likelihoods are combined using the log-likelihood ratio [1]:

score(X,S) = log p(X|S) − log p(X|S). (3)

This score is then compared with a predefined verificationthreshold. The speaker is accepted if the score exceeds theverification threshold, and otherwise rejected. We assume acommon (global) threshold for all speakers.

The problem in the computation of (3) is that the likelihoodof the alternative hypothesis is not directly accessible since thisrequires information of all other speakers of the world. Thereare two main approaches for the estimation of p(X|S) [41]:universal background model (or world model) and cohort set.

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Algorithm 6 Fast Cohort Scoring (FCS)

Let X be the unknown speaker’s feature vectors ;Let CS be the claimed speaker’s codebook ;Let K > 1 be the desired cohort size ;X := LBG-Clustering(X, M) ;Let Coh := K best scoring speakers based on Davg(X, Ci),excluding the client ;score(X, S) = Davg(X, CS)/ 1


�i∈Coh Davg(X, Ci) ;

The world model is generated from a large set of speakers, andit attempts to model speech in general. In the cohort approach,for each client speaker, an individual set of cohort speakers isdefined. Usually the cohort set contains the nearest speakersto the client, since intuitively these are the “best” impostors tothe client speaker. We are not aware of large-scale comparisonof the world model and cohort approaches, and it seems thatcurrently there is no consensus which one of these is moreaccurate.

Cohort normalization methods can be divided into twoclasses: those that select the cohort speakers offline in thetraining phase [43], and those that select the cohort online[44] based on the closeness to the test vector sequence X .The online approach, also known as unconstrained cohortnormalization (UCN) [41], [44], has been observed to bemore accurate [42], [44], probably due to its adaptive nature.Another desirable feature of the UCN is that it does not requireupdating of the cohort sets when new speakers are enrolled inthe system.

The usefulness of the online cohort selection is limitedby its computational complexity. The computation of thenormalized score (3) includes searching the cohort speakers,whose time increases linearly with the number of cohortcandidates. Ariyaeeinia and Sivakumaran [44] noticed that asmaller equal error rate (EER) is obtained, if the cohort isselected among the client speakers instead of using an externalcohort set.

We propose to use pre-quantization for reducing the com-putational load of cohort search (see Algorithm 6). The inputsequence X is first quantized into a smaller set X using theLBG algorithm [31], and majority of the speakers are prunedout based on the scores Davg(X, Ci), i = 1, . . . , N . Theremaining set of K > 1 best scoring speakers constitutesthe cohort for the client speaker. The client score is alsocomputed using the quantized sequence, and the normalizedmatch score is computed as the ratio between the client scoreand average cohort speaker score. A small value indicates thatthe client score deviates clearly from the impostor distribution.The control parameters of the algorithm are the cohort size (K)and the size of the quantized test set (M ).

In acoustically mismatched conditions, both the client andcohort scores are expected to degrade, but their ratio isassumed to remains the same. This is the fundamental rationalebehind score normalization. In other words, we assume:

Davg(X, CS)∑j Davg(X, Cj)

≈ Davg(X, CS)∑

k Davg(X, Ck), (4)

where j and k go over the indices of the cohort speakers




Language English EnglishSpeakers 630 230Speech type Read speech ConversationalQuality Clean (hi-fi) TelephoneSampling rate 8.0 kHz 8.0 kHzQuantization 16-bit linear 8-bit µ-lawTraining speech (avg.) 21.9 sec. 119.0 sec.Evaluation speech (avg.) 8.9 sec. 30.4 sec.

selected using X and X , respectively. The approximation (4) isgood when X and X follow the same probability distribution.


A. Speech Material

For the experiments, we used two corpora, the TIMIT corpus[39] and the NIST 1999 speaker recognition evaluation corpus[45]. The TIMIT corpus was used for tuning the parametersof the algorithms, and the results were then validated usingthe NIST corpus.

Main features of the evaluated corpora are summarized inTable I. For consistency, the TIMIT files were downsampledfrom 16 to 8 kHz. This was preceded by alias cancellationusing a digital low-pass FIR filter. TIMIT contains 10 filesfor each speaker, of which we selected 7 for training and 3for testing. The files “sa” and “sx” having the same phoneticcontent for all speakers were included in the training material.

To our knowledge, no speaker identification experimentshave been performed previously on the NIST-1999 corpus,and therefore, we needed to design the test setup ourselves.We selected to use the data from the male speakers only.Because we do not apply any channel compensation methods,we selected the training and recognition conditions to matchclosely. For training, we used both the “a” and “b” files foreach speaker. For identification, we used the one speaker testsegments from the same telephone line. In general it canbe assumed that if two calls are from different lines, thehandsets are different, and if they are from the same line, thehandsets are the same [45]. In other words, the training andmatching conditions have very likely the same handset type(electret/carbon button) for each speaker, but different speakerscan have different handsets. The total number of test segmentsfor this condition is 692.

B. Feature Extraction, Modeling and Matching

We use the standard MFCCs as the features [29]. A pre-emphasiz filter H(z) = 1 − 0.97z−1 is used before framing.Each frame is multiplied with a 30 ms Hamming window,shifted by 20 ms. From the windowed frame, FFT is computed,and the magnitude spectrum is filtered with a bank of 27triangular filters spaced linearly on the mel-scale. The log-compressed filter outputs are converted into cepstral coeffi-cients by DCT, and the 0th cepstral coefficient is ignored.Speaker models are generated by the LBG clustering algorithm[31]. The quantization distortion (1) with Euclidean distanceis used as the matching function.

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C. Performance Evaluation

The recognition accuracy of identification is measured byidentification error rate, and the accuracy of the verificationis measured by the equal error rate (EER). The methods wereimplemented using C/C++ languages. All experiments werecarried out on a computing cluster of two Dell Optiplex G270computers, each having 2.8 GHz processor and 1024 MB ofmemory. The operating system is Red Hat Linux release 9 with2.4.22-openmosix2 kernel. We use system function clockdivided by the constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC to measure therunning time.


A. Baseline System

First, a few preliminary tests were carried out on the TIMITcorpus in order to find out suitable silence detection threshold.The number of MFCCs and model sizes were fixed to 12 and64, respectively. With the best silence threshold (lowest errorrate), about 11-12 % of the frames were classified as silentand the average identification time improved by about 10 % ascompared without silence detection. Recognition accuracy alsoimproved slightly when silence detection was used (626/630correct → 627/630 correct). Using the same silence detectionthreshold on the NIST, only 2.6 % of the frames were classifiedas silent, and there was no improvement in the identificationtime.

The effect of the number of MFCCs was studied next. In-creasing the number of coefficients improved the identificationaccuracy up to 10-15 coefficients, after which the error ratesstabilized. For the rest of the experiments, we fixed the numberof coefficients to 12.

Table II summarizes the performance of the baseline systemon the TIMIT corpus. The identification times are reportedboth for the full-search and for the VPT-indexed code vectors.The last row (no model) shows the results for using all trainingvectors directly as the speaker model as suggested in [46].Increasing the model size improves the performance up toM = 256. After that, the results start to detoriate due to theoverfitting effect, as observed also in [47]. The identificationtime increases with the codebook size. For small codebooks,VPT indexing does not have much effect on the identificationtimes, but it becomes effective when M ≥ 32. For the rest ofthe experiments, VPT indexing is used.



Codebook size Error rate (%) Avg. id. time (s)Full search VPT

8 10.5 0.29 0.3316 2.22 0.57 0.6232 0.63 1.15 1.1164 0.48 2.37 2.07128 0.16 4.82 4.14256 0.16 10.2 8.21512 0.32 21.6 12.9No model 1.59 42.8 23.7



Random subsampling


Full search








0 0.5 1 1.5 2Average ID time (s)


r ra


) Averaging


Random subsampling


Full search











0 0.5 1 1.5 2Average ID time (s)


r ra



Fig. 7. Comparison of the PQ methods with codebook size 64 (TIMIT).

B. Pre-Quantization

Next, we compare the pre-quantization methods with code-book size fixed to M = 64. Parameters were optimized withextensive testing for each PQ method separately. The besttime-error curves for each method are shown in Fig. 7. Weobserve that the clustering PQ gives the best results, especiallyat the low-end when time is critical. In general, PQ can beused to reduce the time about to 50 % of the full search witha minor degradation in the accuracy.

C. Speaker pruning

Next, we evaluate the performance of the speaker pruningvariants with the pre-quantization turned off and speakermodel size fixed to 64. Several experiments were carried outin order to find out the critical parameters. First, the variantswere considered individually (see Figs 8 to 11).

For the SP algorithm, we fixed the pruning interval (M =5, 10, 15 vectors) and varied the number of pruned speakers(K). The shortest pruning interval (M = 5) gives the poorestresults and the largest interval (M = 15) the best. Thedifference between M = 10 and M = 15 is relatively small.

For the HP algorithm, we fixed the coarse speaker modelsize (M = 4, 8, 16) and varied the number of pruned speakers(K). We observe that the model sizes M = 4 and M = 8 givethe best trade-off between the time and identification accuracy.If the codebook size is increased, more time is spent but therelative gain in accuracy is small.

For the AP algorithm, we fixed the parameter η in (2) toη = {0.0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9} and varied the pruning interval (M ).The values η = 0.5 and η = 0.9 give the best results.

For the CP algorithm, we fixed the two thresholds (ε =0.1, 0.5 ; η = 0.1, 1.0) and varied the pruning interval. Thebest result is obtained with combination η = 1.0, ε = 0.5.The selection of the stabilization threshold ε seems to be lesscrucial than the pruning parameter η.

The pruning variants are compared in Fig. 12. The APvariant gives the best results, whereas the static pruning givesthe poorest results. Next, we select the best PQ and pruningvariants as well as the combination of PQ and pruning (PQP)as described in Section III-E and compare their performance.From the Fig. 13 we observe that the pruning approachgives slightly better results. However, in a time-critical ap-plication PQ might be slightly better. The combination of

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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1Average ID time (s)


or r






Fig. 8. Performance of the SP algorithm for different pruning intervals(TIMIT).












0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1Average ID time (s)


or r



Coarse model = 4

Coarse model = 8

Coarse model = 16

Fig. 9. Performance of the HP algorithm for different coarse modelsizes with detail model size 64 (TIMIT).









� ��� ��� ��� ��� �Average ID time (s)


or r







Fig. 10. Performance of the AP algorithm for different pruningthresholds (TIMIT).









� ��� ��� ��� ��� �Average ID time (s)


or r



������ ����

������ ���

������ ����

������ ���

Fig. 11. Performance of the CP algorithm for different parameters(TIMIT).

pre-quantization and pruning (PQP) gives the best result asexpected.

D. Validation with NIST and GMM

Since TIMIT is known to give overly optimistic perfor-mance due to its laboratory quality and lack of intersessiondata, we validate the results on the NIST corpus. The best pre-quantization and pruning variants are also generalized to GMMmodeling [14] as follows. Instead of using the log-likelihoodlog p(X|GMMi) as score, we use − log p(X|GMMi) instead.In this way, the scores are interpreted as dissimilarities, andthe algorithms do not require any changes. We used diagonalcovariance GMMs since they are widely used with the MFCCfeatures, and they require significantly less computation andstorage.

The best results for both corpora and model types aresummarized in Tables III and IV. For pre-quantization, weuse the clustering-based method, and for the pruning we usethe adaptive variant. For the combination, we selected theclustering PQ and static pruning.

We optimized the model sizes for VQ and GMM separately.For VQ, larger codebook give more accurate results on bothcorpora as expected. GMM, on the other hand, is moresensitive to the selection of the model size. With TIMIT, modelsizes larger than 64 degraded results dramatically (for modelsize 256 the error rate was 16.5 %). There is simply not enoughtraining data for robust parameter estimation of the models.For NIST, there is 5 times more training data, and thereforelarge models can be used.

The problem of limited training data for GMM parameterestimation could be attacked by using, instead of the maximumlikelihood (ML) training, the maximum a posteriori parameter(MAP) adaptation from the world model as described in [15].Taking advantage of the relationship between the world modeland the speaker-depended GMMs, it would also possible toreduce the matching time [15], [20]. In this paper, however,we restricted the study on the baseline ML method.

From the results of Tables III and IV we can make thefollowing observations:

• Identification time depends on the size and the type ofthe model.

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� ��� ��� ��� ��� �Average ID time (s)


or r





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Fig. 12. Comparison of the pruning variants with speaker model size64 (TIMIT).


� ��� ��� ��� ��� �Average ID time (s)


or r



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Fig. 13. Comparison of the best PQ and speaker pruning variants withspeaker model size 64 (TIMIT).

• The error rates are approximately of the same order forboth VQ and GMM. For TIMIT, the error rates are closeto zero, and for NIST they are around 17-19 %.

• The speed-up factor of PQ increases with the model sizeas expected. Relative speed-up is higher for GMM thanfor VQ. Improvement of the pruning, on the other hand,depends much less on the model size.

• With TIMIT, PQP doubles the speed-up relative to PQ.With NIST, on the other hand, the PQP is not successful.

• The best speed-up factor for NIST with VQ is 16:1increasing the error rate from 17.34 % to 18.20 %. ForGMM, the corresponding speed-up factor is 34:1 with theincrease of the error rate from 16.90 % to 18.50 %.

In general, we conclude that the results obtained withTIMIT hold also for NIST although there are differencesbetween the corpora. More importantly, the studied algorithmsgeneralize to GMM-based modeling. In fact, the speed-upfactors are better for GMM than for VQ on the NIST corpus.The optimized systems are close to each other both in timeand accuracy, and we cannot state that one of the modelswould be better than the other in terms of time/error trade-off.The ease of implementation, however, makes the VQ approachmore attractive. In fact, prototype implementation for Symbianseries 60 operating system for mobile devices is currently inprogress.

The combination of PQ and GMM gives a good time-accuracy trade-off, which is consistent with the verificationexperiments carried out by McLaughlin & al. [18]. Theynoticed that the test sequence could be decimated up to factor20:1 with minor effect on the verification performance. Theyfound out that the fixed decimation (every Kth vector) gavethe best performance. However, as we can see from the Fig.7, the clustering based pre-quantization performs better. Thisexplains partially why we obtained a better speed-up (up to34:1).

E. Fast Cohort Scoring for Verification

The proposed cohort normalization method (FCS) was stud-ied next on the NIST corpus. We used the same subset for veri-

fication than for the identification experiments, thus consistingof N = 692 genuine speaker trials and N(N−1)/2 = 239086impostor trials. The speaker model size was set to 128 forboth VQ and GMM based on the identification results, andthe PQ codebook size for the FCS method was set to 32 afterpreliminary experiments. In both normalization methods, theclient score is divided by the average cohort score. In the caseof VQ, models are scored using the quantization distortion,and in the case of GMM, the log likelihood.

We consider the following methods:

• No normalization• Closest impostors to the test sequence• Fast cohort scoring (FCS)








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Cohort size


al e



e (%


GMM unnormalizedGMM closest impostorsGMM-FCSVQ unnormalizedVQ closest impostorsVQ-FCS

Fig. 14. Effect of the cohort size using different scoring methods (modelsizes = 128; M = 32) (NIST).

The cohort size is varied from K = 1 to K = 20. Theequal error rates of the normalization methods are shown inFig. 14, along with the unnormalized case as a reference. Weobserve an decreasing trend in EER with increasing cohortsize for both normalization methods and for both modelingtechniques. GMM gives better results for both normalizationmethods. More interestingly, the proposed method (FCS) out-

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Vector quantization (VQ) Gaussian mixture model (GMM)Setup Model Error Time (s) Speed-up Model Error Time (s) Speed-up

size rate (%) factor size rate (%) factor

Baseline 64 0.32 2.07 1:1 8 0.95 0.93 1:1PQ 0.64 0.48 4:1 0.95 0.49 2:1Pruning 0.48 0.43 5:1 1.11 0.21 4:1PQP 0.32 0.27 8:1 0.95 0.21 4:1Baseline 128 0.00 4.14 1:1 16 0.16 1.77 1:1PQ 0.64 0.59 7:1 0.48 0.77 2:1Pruning 0.00 1.88 2:1 0.16 0.92 2:1PQP 0.00 0.31 13:1 0.16 0.18 10:1Baseline 256 0.00 8.21 1:1 32 0.32 3.47 1:1PQ 0.64 1.18 7:1 0.32 0.72 5:1Pruning 0.00 3.28 3:1 0.32 1.80 2:1PQP 0.00 0.65 13:1 0.32 0.40 9:1



Vector quantization (VQ) Gaussian mixture model (GMM)Setup Model Error Time (s) Speed-up Model Error Time (s) Speed-up

size rate (%) factor size rate (%) factor

Baseline 64 18.06 2.92 1:1 64 17.34 9.58 1:1PQ 18.20 0.62 5:1 18.79 0.73 13:1Pruning 19.22 0.48 6:1 19.36 0.82 12:1PQP 18.06 0.50 6:1 17.34 0.94 10:1Baseline 128 17.78 5.80 1:1 128 17.05 18.90 1:1PQ 18.93 0.64 9:1 18.20 0.84 23:1Pruning 18.49 0.86 7:1 17.34 2.88 7:1PQP 17.78 0.67 9:1 17.63 1.34 14:1Baseline 256 17.34 11.40 1:1 256 16.90 37.93 1:1PQ 18.20 0.70 16:1 18.50 1.11 34:1Pruning 17.49 1.46 8:1 17.48 5.78 7:1PQP 17.49 0.90 13:1 18.06 2.34 16:1

performs the method of closest impostors even though onlythe quantized test sequence is used for scoring. This resultsupports the claim that redundancy in the test sequence shouldbe removed. The result also indicates that the assumption (4)holds in practise.

Table V summarizes the performances of the two scorenormalization methods. The speed-up factor is relative to theclosest impostors method. The proposed method speeds up theverification by a factor of 23:1 and it also decreases the errorrate at the same time. The equal error rates are relatively highin general, which is because of a simple acoustic front-end. Wedid not apply either delta processing nor channel compensationmethods such as cepstral mean subtraction.



MODEL SIZES = 128; M = 32) (NIST).

Method Model EER (%) Avg. verif. Speed-uptime (s) factor

Closest VQ 7.80 5.79 1:1impostors GMM 7.51 18.94 1:1FCS VQ 7.48 0.65 9:1

GMM 6.94 0.84 23:1


A real-time speaker identification system based on vectorquantization (VQ) has been proposed. The most dominating

factors of the identification time are the number of test vectorsand the number of speakers. We used silence detection andpre-quantization for the reduction of the vectors, and speakerpruning for the reduction of the speakers. A VPT tree wasapplied for speeding up the nearest neighbor search from thespeaker codebook.

We used the TIMIT corpus for tuning the parameters, andvalidated the results using the NIST-1999 speaker recognitionevaluation corpus. With TIMIT, a speed-up factor of 13:1 wasachieved without degradation in the identification accuracy.With NIST, a speed-up factor of 16:1 was achieved with asmall degradation in the accuracy (17.34 % vs. 18.20 %).

We demonstrated that the methods formulated for VQmodeling generalize to GMM modeling. With TIMIT, a speed-up factor of 10:1 was achieved. With NIST, a speed-up factorof 34:1 was achieved with a small degradation (16.90 % vs.18.50 %) in the accuracy.

We also applied pre-quantization for efficient cohort normal-ization in speaker verification. The proposed method turnedout to be both faster and more accurate than the commonlyused method of closest impostors. An EER of 6.94 % wasreached in average verification time of 0.84 seconds when thelength of test utterance is 30.4 seconds, with a speed-up of23:1 compared to the widely used closest impostors method.

Regarding the selection between pre-quantization and prun-ing methods, the former seems more attractive in the light ofthe experimental results on the NIST corpus, and the findings

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reported in [18]. Clustering can be effectively applied forremoving redundancy from the test sequence with small orno degradation in the accuracy. A possible future directioncould be towards developing more adaptive pre-quantizationmethods (all pre-quantization methods studied here assumeeither fixed buffer or codebook size).

In this paper we restricted the study of the GMM to thebaseline ML method. However, it is expected that the studiedmethods generalize to the UBM/GMM framework [15] andfurther speedups are possible by combining UBM/GMM withpre-quantization and speaker pruning. It is also possible to useUBM idea in the VQ context in the same way by generating alarge speaker-independent codebook and adapting the speaker-dependent codebooks from it.

Finally, it must be noted that the acoustic front-end wasfixed to MFCC processing in this study, and it seems thatfurther speed optimization with these features is difficult.A possible future direction could be to use multiparametricclassification: a rough estimate of the speaker class couldbe based on pitch features, and the matching could then berefined using spectral features. Alternatively, one could useinitially high-dimensional features, such as a combination ofcepstrum, delta-parameters, F0 features and voicing informa-tion, followed by a mapping into a low-dimensional spaceby linear discriminant analysis (LDA), principal componentanalysis (PCA), or neural networks. In this way, probably morediscriminative low-dimensional features could be derived.


The work of E. Karpov was supported by the National Tech-nology Agency of Finland (TEKES) (project “Puhetekniikanuudet menetelmat ja sovellukset”, TEKES dnro 8713103).


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Tomi Kinnunen received his M.Sc. and Ph.Lic.degrees in computer science from the University ofJoensuu, Finland, in 1999 and 2004, respectively.Currently he is a doctoral student in the same de-partment, and his research topics include automaticspeaker recognition and speech signal processing.


Evgeny Karpov received his M.Sc in applied math-ematics from Saint-Petersburg state University, Rus-sia, in 2001, and M.Sc. in computer science from theUniversity of Joensuu, Finland, in 2003. Currentlyhe is a doctoral student in the same department,and his research topics include automatic speakerrecognition and signal processing algorithms formobile devices.


Pasi Franti received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degreesin computer science from the University of Turku,Finland, in 1991 and 1994, respectively. From 1996to 1999 he was a postdoctoral researcher with theUniversity of Joensuu (funded by the Academyof Finland), where he has been a professor since2000. His primary research interests are in imagecompression, pattern recognition and data mining.

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Publication P6 T. Kinnunen, I. Kärkkäinen, P. Fränti, The Mystery of Cohort Selection, Report A-2005-1, Report series A, University of Joensuu, Department of Computer Science (ISBN 952-458-676-2, ISSN 0789-7316).


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The Mystery of Cohort Selection

Tomi Kinnunen, Ismo Karkkainen, Pasi Franti

Speech and Image Processing Unit, Department of Computer Science

University of Joensuu, Finland


In speaker verification, cohort refers to a speaker-depended set of “anti-

speakers” that are used in match score normalization. A large number of

heuristic methods have been proposed for the selection of cohort models. In

this paper, we use genetic algorithm (GA) for minimizing a cost function

for a given security-convenience cost balance. The GA jointly optimizes

the cohort sets and the global verification threshold. Our motivation is

to use GA as an analysis tool. When comparing with heuristic selection

methods, GA is used for obtaining a lower bound to error rates reachable

by MFCC-GMM verification system. On the other hand, we analyze the

models selected by GA, attempting to gain understanding into how cohort

models should be selected for an application with given security-convenience

tradeoff. Our findings with a subset of the NIST-1999 corpus suggest that

in user-convenient application, the cohort models should be selected more

close to the target than in secure application. The lower bounds in turn show

that that there is a lot of room for further studies in score normalization,

especially in the user-convenient end of the detection error tradeoff (DET)


1 Introduction

Speaker verification [1] is the task of deciding whether a given speech utterance

was produced by a claimed person (target). In biometric verification, two errors

are possible: false acceptance (FA) and false rejection (FR). The former means

accepting an impostor, and the latter refers to rejecting a genuine speaker. By


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adjusting the verification threshold, the system administrator can balance be-

tween the error types. By lowering the threshold, the number of false rejections

can be reduced (“user-convenient” applications), but with the cost of increased

number of false acceptances. By setting a high threshold, the number of false

acceptances can be reduced (“secure” application).

In state-of-the-art verification systems, the features extracted from the un-

known speaker’s utterance are matched against the target and nontarget models.

Normalized score [2, 3, 4, 5] is a function of the two scores, and it is compared

with the verification threshold. The rationale is to make the match score relative

to other models so that it is more robust against acoustic mismatches between

training and recognition. Setting of speaker independent verification threshold

becomes also easier because the scores are in common range.

The nontarget hypothesis represents the possibility that anyone else expect

the target produced the unknown utterance. Thus, in principle the nontarget

model should be composed of all possible speakers. Two popular approaches

for approximating the nontarget likelihood are world modeling [5] and cohort

modeling [6, 3, 7, 8, 9, 4, 10, 11], see Fig. 1. The world model, or universal

background model (UBM), represents “the world of all possible speakers”, and it

is represented by a single model, which is same for all speakers. In the cohort

approach, nontarget likelihood is approximated using a small number of speaker-

depended “antispeakers”, called the cohort set of the speaker.

The UBM normalization is straightforward and computationally efficient, but

there are two motivations to study cohort selection more closely. Firstly, since

the normalization depends on the speaker, it can change speaker rankings and

could be also applied in the identification task (1:N matching); the UBM nor-

malization does not help in this because the match scores are scaled by the same

number. The second motivation comes from the field of forensic speaker identi-

fication [12]. In forensic cases, the acoustic evidence must be contrasted against

a relevant background population (e.g. speakers of same gender and dialectal

region) to estimate the likelihood of a random match. Cohort selection could

be applied to find the background population automatically from a database of

several thousands of speakers.


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World modeling

World model

Cohort modeling

Speaker 1


Speaker 2


Speaker 1

cohort models

Speaker 2

cohort models

Speaker 1


Speaker 2


Figure 1: Illustration of the world and cohort modeling approaches.

In addition to the verification threshold, the selection of cohort models has

influence on the accuracy. Traditionally, the balancing between FA/FR errors has

been tackled by adjusting the verification threshold. However, the FA and FR

errors are functions of both the score distributions and the verification threshold,

and therefore, should be optimized jointly when setting up the verification system

for a certain application.

Our goal is to gain some insight into the selection of the cohort models for a

given secure-convenience balance. We approach the problem from two directions.

Firstly, we give experimental comparison of existing cohort selection methods by

comparing their performance at three different operating points. Secondly, we

consider the cohort selection as a combinatorial optimization problem which we

attack by a genetic algorithm. Both the cohort sets and the verification threshold

are jointly optimized to minimize detection cost function (DCF). In this way, we

can estimate a lower bound reachable by the acoustic features and model if the

cohort models would be selected optimally. We also analyze the distances of the

selected cohort models to the target speaker.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we review the back-

ground of GMM-based speaker verification. In Section 3 we define the optimiza-

tion problem and formula the GA for solving it. Section 4 includes experiments

and discussion. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section 5.


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2 Verification Background

2.1 GMM Speaker Modeling

The state-of-the-practise text-independent speaker model is the Gaussian mixture

model (GMM) [13, 5]. GMM is well-suited for modeling of short-term spectral

features like mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) and linear predictive

cepstral coefficients (LPCC) (see [14]), possibly appended with the corresponding

dynamic features [15, 16].

A GMM of speaker i, denoted as R(i), consists of a linear mixture of K

Gaussian components. Its density function is

p(x|R(i)) =K∑


P(i)k N (x|µ(i)

k ,Σ(i)k ), (1)

where N (x|µ(i)k ,Σ(i)

k ) denotes multivariate Gaussian density function with mean

vector µ(i)k and covariance matrix Σ(i)

k . P(i)k are the component prior probabilities

(mixing weights) and they are constrained by P(i)k ≥ 0,

∑Kk=1 P

(i)k = 1.

Assuming independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) observations X =

{x1, . . . ,xT }, the likelihood given a GMM R(i) is

p(X|R(i)) =T∏


p(xt|R(i)) =T∏




P(i)k N (xt|µ(i)

k ,Σ(i)k ), (2)

and the log-likelihood is

log p(X|R(i)) =T∑




P(i)k N (xt|µ(i)

k ,Σ(i)k ). (3)

Usually GMM is trained with maximum a posteriori adaptation (MAP) from

a universal background model (UBM) [5]. The UBM is a GMM trained from a

large pool of different speakers and it is supposed to represent the distribution

of speech parameters in general. In this way, the amount of training data can

be small since the parameters are not estimated from scratch. A relevance factor

parameter is used for balancing between the background model and the new data.


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2.2 Bayesian Framework

In speaker verification, we are given an input sample X = {x1, . . . ,xT }, and an

identity claim. The verification is defined as a two-class classification problem

(or hypothesis testing) with the following possible decisions:{

Accept identity claim, i.e. classify X → Target

Reject identity claim, i.e. classify X → Nontarget.

We set nonnegative decision costs CFR and CFA for the FA and FR error

types. As an example, for a high security system, we might set CFR = 1 and

CFA = 10, i.e. accepting an impostor is ten times more costly than rejecting

a true speaker. According to Bayes’ rule for minimum risk classification [17],

speaker is accepted if


≥ P (Nontarget)P (Target)


CFR, (4)

where p(X|·) are the likelihoods and P (·) are the prior probabilities. Notice that

the right hand side of (4) does not depend on X, and therefore, decision rule is

of the form l(X) ≥ Θ, where

l(X) =p(X|Target)


is the likelihood ratio and Θ is the verification threshold. Equivalently, for the

log likelihood ratio, we accept speaker if

log p(X|Target)− log p(X|Nontarget) ≥ log Θ. (6)

The likelihood ratio concept is intuitively easy to understand: when the evidence

in favor of the target hypothesis is large while the evidence for the nontarget

hypothesis is small, we are confident that the speaker is the one who he claims

to be. On the other hand, when l(X) ¿ 1, we are confident that the speaker is

not the claimed one, and the case l(X) = 1 corresponds to the most uncertain

case (“no decision”).

The likelihood ratio l(X) is called normalized score as it is a relative score

computed by normalizing the target score by the nontarget score. Score nor-

malization is expected to reduce the acoustic mismatch between training and


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testing. When the acoustic conditions change, both the target and nontarget

scores change but the relative score is expected to remain unchanged [18]. The

same idea can be applied to other than likelihood scores. In addition to cohort

and world modeling approaches, the scores can be normalized using impostor

score distribution mean and variance [2, 4]. Some of the various background

normalization methods have been compared experimentally in [19, 20, 10, 21].

2.3 World and Cohort Normalization

In the world modeling (UBM) approach, nontarget likelihood is computed using

a single world model p(X|RUBM). Thus, the log likelihood ratio for speaker i is


log l(X) = log p(X|R(i))− log p(X|RUBM). (7)

In the cohort approach, each speaker has a set of personal cohort1 models which

we index by Ci. In addition to the target likelihood p(X|R(i)), we have the

cohort likelihoods p(X|R(j)), where j ∈ Ci. The nontarget likelihood can be

approximated by applying geometric mean [7], arithmetic mean [3] or maximum

[18] to the cohort likelihoods. For cohort size M = |Ci|, the log likelihood ratios

for these are given respectively by

log l(X) = log p(X|R(i))− 1M


log p(X|R(j)) (8)

log l(X) = log p(X|R(i))− log1M


p(X|R(j)) (9)

log l(X) = log p(X|R(i))−maxj∈Ci

log p(X|R(j)). (10)

Different normalization approaches have been proposed e.g. in [22, 23, 24].

The world model approach is more popular because of the following reasons.

Firstly, in the MAP adaptation [5], the world model is needed anyway, so it in-

tegrates into the GMM framework naturally without extra storage requirements.1According to Oxford English Dictionary, cohort was a body of infantry in the Roman army,

of which there were ten in a legion, each consisting of from 300 to 600 men. In demography,

cohort refers to a group of persons having a common statistical characteristic, for instance, being

born in the same year.


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target model

cohort model








xxx x








xxx x



x = test vector

Figure 2: Problem of redundant cohort models.

Secondly, there is no ambiguity in defining the normalized score, whereas the

cohort approach requires selection of the cohort speakers and fixing both the

normalization formula and the cohort size. However, the cohort approach is intu-

itively reasonable, and because of the flexibility, it is potentially more accurate.

2.4 Cohort Selection

A large number of cohort selection methods have been proposed [6, 3, 7, 8, 25, 9, 4,

26, 10, 11]. Closest speakers to the target are the most competitive ones, and they

are good candidates for the cohort speakers. This approach [6, 25, 8, 27, 4, 21] is

the most commonly used one, and will referred here to as the closest impostors

(CI) method. One problem with this approach is that it prepares for impostor

attacks only against “similar” speakers. However, if the impostor is dissimilar

(e.g. another gender), the data will be in the tails of both target and nontarget

distributions, giving rise to poorly estimated likelihood ratio [28]. Thus, the

cohort should include models both from close and far from the target [3].

If the cohort size is small, selection of redundant models should be avoided,

see Fig. 2 for an illustration. Approaches presented in [3, 10] prevent adding

redundant models into the cohorts. In both studies, initial cohort candidate set

is first constructed, and the final cohort set is obtained by pruning out similar


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models [3] or by clustering them [10].

Cohort speakers are usually selected in the training phase because of computa-

tional reasons. Unconstrained cohort selection (UCN) that selects the competing

models based on the test utterance likelihood is proposed in [8]. This method is

computationally expensive, but it can be made more efficient by clustering the

test sequence [11]. Usually cohort sets are composed of full speaker models; an

alternative approach has been proposed in [9, 29], in which the impostor model

is built from the individual Gaussian components of different speakers.

In the model selection algorithms, a similarity or distance measure between

two GMMs is needed. Rosenberg et al. [6] propose the following similarity


s(R(i),R(j)) =12

{log p(Xi|R(j)) + log p(Xj |R(i))

}, (11)

where Xi and Xj are the training data used for constructing the models Ri and

Rj , respectively. Reynolds [3] proposes the following divergence-like dissimilarity


d(R(i),R(j)) = logp(Xi|R(i))p(Xi|R(j))

+ logp(Xj |R(j))p(Xj |R(i))

. (12)

3 Optimization Framework

We assume that the speaker models R(i), i = 1, . . . , N have already been trained.

In general, these can be other than GMMs since we operate on the score space.

All cohort sets are denoted collectively as C = (C1, . . . , CN ). We consider each

speaker’s model Ri and the cohort models {R(j)|j ∈ Ci} together as a one model,

called the compound model. The compound model for speaker i is denoted as

M(i) = (R(i), {R(j)|j ∈ Ci}), and we will denote the normalized match score as

s(X,M(i)). The task is to optimize the compound models M(i) from the existing

single models so that a cost function is minimized. In a sense, cohort selection

can be seen as discriminative training of speaker models.

3.1 False Acceptance and Rejection

The match score s(X,M(i)) ∈ R is a continuous random variable with an un-

known probability distribution p(s) which can be divided into genuine and im-


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postor distributions p(s|genuine), p(s|impostor), see upper panel of Fig. 3. These

represent the distributions obtained by matching a random utterance X against

genuine speaker model (the speaker who actually produced X) and someone else’s

model, respectively.

Figure 3: Increasing Θ decreases false acceptances and increases false rejections.

The true distributions p(s|target), p(s|nontarget) are not available, so we need

to estimate them empirically. For this, we use a labeled development set Z =

{(Xj , Yj)|j = 1, 2, . . . , L}, including at least one segment per speaker (L ≥ N).

Here, Xj ’s are the test segments, and Yj ’s are the correct class labels (Yj ∈{1, . . . , N}).


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First, we define the error counts FRi and FAi for each speaker i as follows:

FRi =L∑


I{Yj = i ∧ s(Xj ,Mi) < Θ} (13)

FAi =L∑


I{Yj 6= i ∧ s(Xj ,Mi) ≥ Θ}, (14)

where I{A} = 1, if proposition A is true and 0 otherwise. False rejection rate

(FRR) and false acceptance rate (FAR) can now be calculated as

FRR(C, Θ) =1

N · LN∑


FR(Ci, Θ) (15)

FAR(C, Θ) =1

N · LN∑


FA(Ci, Θ), (16)

where we used the notation to emphasize their dependence on both the cohort

sets and the verification threshold Θ. Because the errors depend on both, they

should be jointly optimized.

By keeping the cohort sets fixed and sweeping the verification threshold over

the real line, we can calculate FRR and FAR at every threshold. By plotting

FRR as a function of FAR, we get a curve that shows the trade-off between the

two error types. On the other hand, by varying the cohort sets, we get different

score distributions. Again, we get a new error trade-off curve by sweeping the

threshold over the real line. Each point at each curve corresponds to a certain

(C,Θ) pair, and the error values FRR(C,Θ), FAR(C, Θ) for this pair are known.

The optimization task can be formulated as finding the pair (C,Θ) for which an

objective function depending on FRR and FAR is minimized.

3.2 Detection Cost Function

Decreased FAR implies increased FRR, and vice versa. In most applications,

either one of the error types can be considered more costly than the other one.

Following the detection cost function (DCF) defined by NIST [30], we define the

optimization problem as finding (C,Θ) for which the weighted sum of errors is


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g F


+ (

1 −




g = 0.1

g = 0.5

g = 0.9

Figure 4: Illustration of the cost function along with the error tradeoff curve in the




{γ · FRR(C, Θ) + (1− γ) · FAR(C, Θ)

}, (17)

where 0 < γ < 1 is a design parameter controlling the tradeoff between the errors.

An illustration of the cost function is shown in Fig. 4.

Since the cohort sets Ci do not depend on each other, the cost function can

be written as a sum of cost functions over different speakers:




{γ · FR(Ci, Θ) + (1− γ) · FA(Ci,Θ)


We can separate C and Θ by defining the optimal threshold Θ∗(C) for a given Cas

Θ∗(C) = arg minΘ



{γ · FR(Ci, Θ) + (1− γ) · FA(Ci,Θ)

}, (19)

which can be found by linear search by sweeping Θ over the genuine and impostor

score distributions. The optimization problem becomes




{γ · FR


)+ (1− γ) · FA

(Ci, Θ∗(C)

)}. (20)


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Cohort populationfor speaker 1

Cohort populationfor speaker 2

Cohort populationfor speaker N

Cohort population forspeaker i





Individuals : integer vectors

containing cohort model indices

Cohort populationfor speaker i

Generation g











C 1 i C 2

i C P i

C 1 i C 2




















Candidates forcohort models

Figure 5: Basic data structures in the GA-based cohort optimization.

3.3 Genetic Algorithm for Minimizing DCF

Brute force optimization requires evaluating an exponential number of cohort

sets and is out of question. We use a genetic algorithm (GA) [31] to minimize

DCF. We maintain a separate population for each speaker, see Fig. 5 for the data

structures. Individuals are integer vectors of dimensionality M (cohort size). The

jth individual for speaker i is denoted as Cji .

Pseudocode for the GA is given in Algorithm 1. Initialization is done by

selecting M disjoint random integers as the individuals. New candidates are

generated using crossover and mutation operators, which doubles the sizes of

the cohort populations. Next, we compute the normalized match scores using a

labeled tuning set Z.

Since computation of the fitness values DCF(Cji , Θ) requires the common

threshold, we must pool together all genuine and impostor trial scores over all

speakers and cohorts. In practise, we use histograms for reducing the number op-


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Algorithm 1 Outline of the GA-based cohort optimization.P ← InitializePopulations() ;

for g = 1, 2, . . . ,NumGenerations do

Pcand ← GenerateNewCandidates(P) ;

(G,I) ← ComputeNormalizedScores(R,P ∪ Pcand,Z);Θopt ← ComputeOptimalThreshold(G,I,CFA, CFR) ;

F ← ComputeDCFValues(G,I,Θopt) ;

(P,F) ← SelectSurvivors(P ∪ Pcand,F) ;

end for

return (P,Θopt) ;

erating points before pooling. As a result, we have the genuine and impostor trial

score distributions (G, I). Using these, we find the optimal threshold as (19). After

the threshold Θ∗(C) is found, the fitness values are calculated as DCF(Cji , Θ).

New candidates are generated by pairing the vectors randomly and performing

crossover. The parents and the offspring are pooled, and for the pooled popula-

tion, every vector is mutated with a probability Pm. Crossover is implemented

by duplicating the parent vectors into the offspring vectors and swapping their

elements with probability Pc. In mutation, we replace a randomly selected index

by a random number.

For selection, we sort the vectors according to their fitness (DCF) values.

The best individual (smallest DCF) is always selected to the next generation.

For the remaining ones, we compare successive pairs, and select the better one.

The worst individual dies out.

4 Experiments

4.1 Corpus, Feature Extraction, and Modeling

For the experiments, we use the male subset of NIST 1999 Speaker Recognition

Evaluation corpus [32]. Both the “a” and “b” files are used for training the 64

component diagonal covariance GMMs, whereas the 1-speaker male test segments

are used as the tuning set Z for the cohorts.

In the current implementation, we use a simple MFCC front end without


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Table 1: Summary of the corpus.Language EnglishSpeakers 207Speech type ConversationalQuality TelephoneSampling rate 8.0 kHzQuantization 8-bit µ-lawTraining speech (avg.) 119.0 sec.Evaluation speech (avg.) 30.4 sec.

channel normalization, so we decided to restrict the experiments to matched

telephone lines case. There are 230 male speakers in total, and from these 207

fulfill the matched telephone line case.

The UBM is trained by using all the two-speaker detection task files from the

same corpus, including both males and females. From this, speaker-depended

GMMs are derived by adapting the mean vectors using the MAP procedure [5].

MFCC features are computed from Hamming-windowed and pre-emphasized 30

ms frame with 10 ms overlap. We retain the 12 lowest MFCC coefficinets (ex-

cluding c0) from the log-compressed 27-channel filterbank outputs using DCT.

Throughout the experiments, we consider three operating points correspond-

ing to the following application scenario:

• Secure scenario (low FAR)

• 50-50 scenario (low EER)

• User-convenient (low FRR)

For the secure scenario, we require false acceptance rate to be at most 3 %, and

compare the obtained FRRs for different approaches. Similarly, for the user-

convenient scenario, we require the FRR to be at most 3 % and compare the

obtained FARs.


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1 2 5 10 20 40




False acceptance rate


se r




Geometric mean


No cohort





All speakers (M=207)

(a) Geometric mean method

1 2 5 10 20 40




False acceptance rate


se r




Arithmetic mean


No cohort



M=20 M


All speakers (M=207)

(b) Arithmetic mean method

1 2 5 10 20 40




False acceptance rate


se r






No cohort





All speakers (M=207)

(c) Maximum method

Figure 6: The effect of the normalization formula and cohort size (randomly

selected cohorts, averaged DET curves for 100 repetitions).

4.2 Normalization Formula

First, we study the behavior of the normalization formulae (8)-(10), with the

focus on their robustness. For this, we select the cohort models randomly and


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Table 2: Standard deviations of errors using random cohort (100 repetitions).Secure 50-50 User convenient

FRR @ FAR = 3 % EER FAR @ FRR = 3 %Cohort size 5 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20Geometric mean 3.9 3.1 2.9 1.0 0.8 0.8 9.1 8.8 8.7Arithmetic mean 3.8 2.4 1.7 0.9 0.6 0.7 9.6 8.2 8.3Maximum 3.6 3.0 4.6 1.8 1.0 0.6 10.0 9.9 9.3

repeat the procedure 100 times. In this way, we get an idea about the average

performance and variance. The average detection error tradeoff (DET) curves [33]

for the three normalization methods are shown in Fig. 6 for different cohort sizes.

For comparative purposes, we also show the baseline (no score normalization) and

the case where all speakers are included in the cohort. Table 2 shows the standard

deviations for the three application scenarios and cohort sizes M = 5, 10, 20.

We observe that increasing the cohort size improves accuracy for all methods,

except for cohort size M = 1, for which the baseline gives similar or better

results. However, the performance increases rapidly with increasing cohort size

in both “secure” and “user-convenient” ends of the curve for all three methods.

Increased cohort size reduces also variance, which is due to the fact that larger

cohorts include more and more tge same models as the models are selected among

the targets.

Regarding the three methods, the ordering is consistent: geometric mean

performs the worst and maximum the best on average. However, the variance

of the arithmetic mean is smallest, and thus it is expected to be most robust.

Because of larger variance, we expect that the geometric mean and maximum

methods require more careful selection of the cohort.

Geometric mean and maximum operators are in a sense opposites to each

other. Geometric mean gives high nontarget score if the test data yields high like-

lihood for all cohort models (“AND” operator). In contrast, maximum method

indicates high nontarget score if there is a single cohort model that has high like-

lihood (“OR” operator). The arithmetic mean is in between the two extremes,

and all the three formulae are special cases of generalized mean [34].

Even though performance increases with the cohort size, it must be remem-


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0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 40











se r







Fals e ac c e ptanc e pro bability (%)

(J = 0.9) User-convenient

(J = 0.5) 50-50

Secure(J = 0.1)

Figure 7: Examples of DET curves obtained by GA (arithmetic mean, cohort

size M = 5).

bered that large cohort size implies a large number of likelihood calculations

and it becomes computationally unfeasible. For this reason, we are interested in

smaller cohort sizes.

Table 3: Verification thresholds optimized by GA (log likelihood ratio domain).Secure 50-50 User convenientγ = 0.1 γ = 0.5 γ = 0.9

Cohort size 5 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20Geometric mean 1.37 1.39 1.4 0.89 0.95 0.97 0.27 0.37 0.42Arithmetic mean 1.09 1.11 1.11 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.12 0.19 0.21Maximum 0.56 0.41 0.27 0.25 0.00 0.00 -0.35 -0.50 -0.64


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Table 4: Results for geometric mean normalization.Secure 50-50 User-convenient

FRR @ FAR = 3 % EER FAR @ FRR = 3 %Baseline 69.4 20.2 56.1UBM 17.2 8.4 45.8Cohort size 5 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20Random 38.6 29.6 24.3 12.1 10.5 9.7 45.9 43.2 43.5CI 20.8 16.7 14.8 9.7 8.1 7.7 41.6 31.6 39.5MSC 20.7 16.6 14.5 9.2 8.3 7.9 42.6 36.6 35.5MSCF 34.7 32.1 27.2 12.1 11.0 10.3 49.3 52.7 50.3UCN 60.9 55.4 47.8 17.6 15.8 14.6 52.7 50.2 44.7GA reference 3.7 2.6 4.3 3.1 2.8 3.1 13.4 5.0 19.1

Table 5: Results for arithmetic mean normalization.Secure 50-50 User-convenient

FRR @ FAR = 3 % EER FAR @ FRR = 3 %Baseline 69.4 20.2 56.1UBM 17.2 8.4 45.8Cohort size 5 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20Random 27.3 18.5 14.8 10.1 8.9 8.3 44.2 41.9 40.6CI 17.5 13.6 11.3 8.8 7.8 7.4 40.8 36.4 40.1MSC 15.1 11.4 10.2 8.1 7.9 7.2 41.1 35.4 32.8MSCF 18.4 13.2 11.1 9.2 8.0 7.9 43.2 48.2 49.3UCN 56.1 48.8 39.5 15.9 14.3 12.7 51.1 49.0 48.7GA reference 3.9 2.6 4.0 3.1 2.7 4.0 12.0 2.7 30.2

4.3 Selection Algorithms

Next, we compare the following heuristic approaches:

Random Random cohortCI Closest impostors selected using (12)MSC Maximally spread close [3]MSCF Maximally spread close + far [3]UCN Unconstrained cohort normalization [8]

Genetic algorithm is optimized for the test data, and its purpose is to provide

a lower bound to the error rates reachable by MFCC/GMM combination. It


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Table 6: Results for maximum normalization.Secure 50-50 User-convenient

FRR @ FAR = 3 % EER FAR @ FRR = 3 %Baseline 69.4 20.2 56.1UBM 17.2 8.4 45.8Cohort size 5 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20Random 24.7 18.4 19.9 10.9 9.0 7.9 44.9 43.3 44.1CI 13.9 11.7 10.4 9.2 8.3 7.7 42.8 40.8 49.4MSC 13.8 11.8 10.8 8.9 8.6 7.9 40.5 51.5 49.5MSCF 19.4 14.1 11.7 9.9 8.8 8.6 42.2 50.5 58.4UCN 50.4 39.6 29.0 14.5 14.0 11.3 51.2 46.4 48.0GA reference 2.8 2.0 3.6 2.9 2.2 3.6 2.9 5.3 24.8

presents an “oracle selection” scheme - the oracle knows exactly what the targets

are going to say during verification trial and selects the optimal cohorts for future.

GA finds a single operating point from the error tradeoff curve and is subop-

timal in the other regions, see Fig. 7. Examples of thresholds optimized found by

GA are listed in Table 3. It can be observed that the threshold increases when

moving towards secure applications, which is expected.

The “corner” points in Fig. 7 are the minimum cost function operating points.

We set γ = 0.1, γ = 0.5, and γ = 0.9 for the secure, 50-50, and the user-

convenient scenarios, respectively. After preliminary experimentation, we fixed

the GA parameters as follows: population size 100, the number of generations

500, mutation probability 0.01, and crossover probability 0.5.

The results for the three normalization methods are given in Tables 4-6. The

results for baseline (no score normalization) and the UBM [5] are also shown as

a reference. Several observations can be made. Firstly, arithmetic mean and

maximum are more accurate than geometric mean. Secondly, comparing the

heuristic methods, CI, MSC and MSCF are similar in performance, whereas UCN

is worse. Thirdly, comparing the cohort and UBM approaches, UBM outperforms

random cohort, MSCF and UCN in most cases, whereas CI and MSC outperform


Some interesting observations can be made regarding the application scenario

and UBM versus cohort approaches. In the 50-50 case, the differences are small


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between the methods. However, in the secure and user-convenient scenario, the

cohort approach clearly outperforms UBM. In the secure end, UBM reaches an

FRR of 17.2 %, whereas the best heuristic cohort selection method reaches 10.2

% (MSC with arithmetic mean, cohort size 20). In the user-convenient end,

UBM reaches a FAR of 45.8 %, whereas the best heuristic cohort method reaches

31.6 % (CI with geometric mean, cohort size 10). These observations stress the

importance of comparing methods using not only on the EER operating point

which is an arbitrary choice.

The reference performance given by GA shows that there is much room to

improve cohort selection algorithms. In particular, all the studied methods are

poor at the user-convenient end. The GA suggests that it would be possible to

reach a FAR of 2.7 % at FRR = 3.0 % if the cohorts were selected optimally.

The best heuristic reaches as poor as 31.6 % FAR, an order of magnitude worse

than GA suggests. Notice however that for GA, increased cohort size reduces the

performance, which is contradictory to the results for the heuristic methods. A

possible explanation for this is that the parameter space is larger for increased

cohort size and GA might not have converged yet. We did not make further

attempts in optimizing the number of generations as the simulations take rather

long time.

4.4 Analysis of Selected Cohorts

Next, we analyze the cohort sets selected by the genetic algorithm, with the hope

to gain understanding on the selection procedure. The GA was optimized for the

test data, and now we are interested to see if optimal selection could be predicted

from the training conditions only. We use the distance (12) for analyzing the

model proximities. We also experimented with the similarity measure (11), and

the results were similar.

The distribution of means and standard deviations of the distances from the

target to his cohort models are shown in Fig. 8 for the arithmetic mean method

and cohort size M = 20. The CI, MSC and MSCF are also shown for compari-

son. We make the following observations. Regarding the distribution of means,

the models selected using CI and MSC are closer to target models than for other


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methods as expected. The models selected using MSCF are further away, and the

GA selected models in between. The order of the standard deviations is the same,

and holds for all the three application scenarios. These observations suggest that

the optimal cohort should contain not “too close” or “too far” models but some-

thing in between. Similarly, the optimal cohort should not be too concentrated

or too spread but something in between.

0 2 4 6 8 100









Mean distance

GA, g = 0.9

GA, g = 0.5

GA, g = 0.1




(a) Means

0 1 2 3 4 5 60








Standard deviation of distances

GA, g = 0.9

GA, g = 0.5

GA, g = 0.1




(b) Standard deviations

Figure 8: Distributions of mean and standard deviation of cohort model distances

from the target.

Table 7: Number of cases (%) where speaker belongs to his own cohortSecure 50-50 User convenientγ = 0.1 γ = 0.5 γ = 0.9

Cohort size 5 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20Geometric mean 11.0 20.0 24.0 25.0 38.0 46.0 86.0 74.0 74.0Arithmetic mean 19.0 33.0 48.0 49.0 66.0 76.0 93.0 95.0 95.0Maximum 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.00 99.0 99.5 95.0 95.0 97.0

According to Fig. 8, in user-convenient scenario, the cohort models should

be selected closer to the target than in the secure scenario. Table 7 gives further

evidence of this by showing the the number of cases, in which speaker belongs to

his own cohort. We observe that in the user-convenient scenario, speaker belongs

to his own cohort in 74 % - 97 % of the cases, and the number decreases when


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moving towards the secure end.

This result might seem counterintuitive at the first glance. In a user-

convenient application, it is important that the correct speaker is not rejected;

thus, it seems logical to assume that competing models should not be located

“too close” to the target. However, by including close models to the cohort, the

denominator of the LR will be accurately presented when a genuine speaker is

present (likelihood of X for both target and cohorts is accurately computed). In

the extreme case of cohort size M = 1 and speaker in his own cohort, LR for a

genuine speaker will be always close to 1 and the threshold is set easily around

this value by GA (see Table 3).

By excluding the target from his cohort in the secure scenario, the score for

a genuine speaker will be in general larger, which has the effect of shifting the

genuine distribution right. On the other hand, (casual) impostor data is far

away from the target model in general, and it does not matter if the target is

included in the denominator or not - the impostor data will far away from the

target model and not be affected by it much. Thus, the impostor distribution

will be relatively unchanged regardless of whether target is or is not included in

the cohort. Because the genuine distribution shifts up, the distributions will be

better separated.

In conclusion, the effect of including target in his own cohort in a user-

convenient application makes the genuine distribution centered around LR = 1,

and setting of threshold is easier. In the secure application, leaving the speaker

out from the cohort has the effect of shifting genuine distribution right while

retaining impostor distribution relatively unchanged.

5 Discussion and Conclusions

We have presented a step towards non-heuristic cohort selection based on min-imizing a detection cost function. We find the following observations the mostinteresting ones:

1. UBM and cohort approaches perform similar in 50-50 and user-convenientscenario, whereas cohort is clearly better in the secure scenario.

2. There is lots of room for studying score normalization, especially in the


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user-convenient end of the DET curve. The results of GA suggest thatthe MFCC features can reach both low FAR and FRR if the cohorts arewell-selected.

The experiments suggest the following design rules for the cohort normalizationapproach:

1. Randomly selected cohort is better than no cohort. In this case, the cohortsize should be as large as possible.

2. In general, larger cohort is better because it reduces the variance of thenontarget scores.

3. Arithmetic mean normalization is most robust and consistent over differentselection methods, and we recommend to use it by default.

4. Maximum normalization has the best potential according to the GA refer-ence, but the difference with the arithmetic mean is not large.

5. Of the heuristic methods compared, CI and MSC are both good choices.

6. In a user-convenient and 50-50 applications, it is advantageous to includenearby models into the cohort. In particular, the speaker’s own model.

From a practical point of view, we must ask how useful the cohort normalization is

in real applications. Sometimes cohort approach is criticized for its computational

complexity and memory requirements, which is true if cohort size is large or the

cohort models are selected from an external population. However, the results of

GA suggest that good cohorts can be selected among the other registrants; in this

case, we need to store only the lookup tables for the cohort indices in addition

to the models. The results also suggest that small error rates could be reached

if we knew how to select the cohorts; the methodology in this study presents an

“oracle selection” scheme where the oracle knows exactly what the targets are

going to utter during verification trial and selects good cohorts.

We have used GA here merely as an analysis tool. However, it might be used

also as a practical cohort selection method. We believe in its potential, because

it jointly optimizes the cohort sets and the verification threshold; usually these

two are designed independent from each other, although FAR and FRR errors

depend on both of them.


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To apply GA as a practical cohort selection method, there are two princi-

pal issues that need to be studied. Firstly, as seen from Fig. 7, the algorithm

optimizes a single point on the tradeoff curve. However, from the system adminis-

trator’s perspective, it would be good to have the whole tradeoff curve optimized,

from which the desired optimal threshold can be selected. For this, the objective

function should be modified to minimize the total area under the DET curve for

example. The second challenge relates to computational complexity: the simula-

tions made in this study were time- and memory-consuming.

Finally, we wish to emphasize that the optimization was carried out entirely

in the score space by having fixed acoustic features and models. The result of the

optimization is a set of indices that merely tells against which models the features

are to be matched during the verification process. Similar optimization can be

carried out for any biometric authentication problem, in which severe mismatches

are expected between training and testing.


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