Optimizing Monitoring Feedback for your DevOps Teams Priit Potter

Optimizing Monitoring Feedback for your DevOps Teams · Log Monitoring –Splunk, Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana (ELK) stack Synthethic Monitoring –Pingdom, Uptime ... degrades beyond

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Optimizing Monitoring Feedback for your DevOps Teams

Priit Potter

Role of monitoring in DevOps toolchains

Ways to set up monitoring

Monitoring for incident management

Monitoring for problem management

Best practice examples

Optimizing Monitoring Feedback for your DevOps Teams

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The Business Problem

Large companies are forced to take plays from start-ups’ playbooks to stay competitive.

Enterprises are under pressure to innovate faster in order to stay in business.

----- McKinsey, 2019

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The Business Problem

Move fast(er), or fall out of business

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Response by IT world

Image source: https://www.perforce.com/solutions/devops

The DevOps Landscape

Coding – code development and review, source code management, code merging

Building – continuous integration, build status

Testing – continuous testing tools that provide quick and timely feedback on business risks

Packaging – artifact repository, application pre-deployment staging

Releasing – change management, release approvals, release automation

Configuring – infrastructure configuration and management, infrastructure as code tools

Monitoring – applications performance monitoring, end-user experience

Source - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DevOps

The DevOps Landscape








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Ship code fasterand with less errors

The DevOps Landscape








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In shipped code, find andfix errors fast

The DevOps Landscape








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Releases:• 60% contain bugs• 20% severely impact


Tools supporting DevOps

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The Monitoring Landscape

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Infrastructure Monitoring – Nagios, Zabbix, Prometheus

Log Monitoring – Splunk, Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana (ELK) stack

Synthethic Monitoring – Pingdom, Uptime

Application Performance Monitoring – New Relic, Plumbr, AppDynamics

Real User Monitoring – New Relic, Plumbr, AppDynamics

The Monitoring Landscape

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Infrastructure Monitoring – Nagios, Zabbix, Prometheus

Log Monitoring – Splunk, Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana (ELK) stack

Synthethic Monitoring – Pingdom, Uptime

Application Performance Monitoring – New Relic, Plumbr, AppDynamics

Real User Monitoring – New Relic, Plumbr, AppDynamics

How do RUM and APM work?

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How to install a RUM solution?

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How do you install RUM?

How to install an APM solution?

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$ java -javaagent:/path/to/plumbr.jar com.example.YourExecutable

How do you install APM?


• DevOps suggest 7 categories of toolchains

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DevOps tools Monitoring toolsRUMAPM

1. Incident management2. Problem management

Incident Management / Alerting

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Problem: whenever the availability or performance of the application degrades beyond acceptable, on-call DevOps engineer should be alerted

Solution: pick a low noise/high signal metric to base the alerts upon.

Benefit: be aware on performance & availability issues in real time

RUM as a solution

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Set up Real User Monitoring

Define user experience basedperformance and availability objectives

Configure alert channels (PagerDuty/Slack/email/…)

Be immediately aware when such issues arise

Problem Management / Post-Mortems

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Problem: when the incident has been triggered, fast root cause resolution is needed to mitigate impact

Solution: Have information about the root cause at your fingertips

Benefit: Remove the need to gather additional evidence / reproducing / troubleshooting

APM as a solution

Set up APM to trace the user interactions throughout the distributed back-end nodes

Use the information exposed as root causes to mitigate the problem fast.

Examples. How APM/RUM enable you to:

Be aware of issues thatappear

Understand impact

Prioritize response Fix issues

Let us walk through two real-world use cases

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An availability incident, rendering one of our key services unavailable for some users

A performance issue, degrading the tail performance of another service

Availability incident: groundwork laid before

Availability incident: alert to

PagerDuty at 08:31 on July 30

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Availability incident: responding

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Availability incident: understanding the impact

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Availability incident: what was the error causing it?

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Availability incident: fixing it

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• Enable a banner, notifying impacted accounts

• Patch the data processor (released 2.5 hours after the alert)

• Reprocess data for impacted accounts (~24 hours)

Availability incident: responding to support tickets

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Availabilty incident: aftermath

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Availabilty incident: summary

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Detect the incident

Trigger an alert

Understand the root cause

Monitor impact in real time

Help support team

Confirm resolution

Performance issue: groundwork laid before

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Performance issue: alert to slack chat on 7 august 14:21

Performance issue: responding

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Performance issue: understanding the impact

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Performance issue: understanding the impact

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Performance issue: impact via distributed


• Distributed trace captured exposes the way how the under-povisioned thread pool hits the dynamically spawned threads


Performance issue: patching it

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Mitigated impact by manually altering configuration in current production set-up

Forgot to change the scripts building the machines

Getting the alert again on next day release

Patching the issue for good, after altering the build scripts as well

Performance issue: aftermath

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Take-away. Value of APM/RUM for DevOps

Alert you ofincidents

Make impact estimation easy

Help prioritize based on real objective impact

Help respond to support tickets

Expose root cause in source code

When you plan to add APM / RUM to your monitoring stack…

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… Plumbr will be the solution to consider

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Integrates with existing monitoring/alerting ecosystem

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And exposes root causes to enable faster mitigation

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Thank you!

Priit Potter
