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Optimize your life....the right answer and give you the right advice whenever you need it. After reading this guide you will undoubtedly have questions and will probably want to get

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Page 1: Optimize your life....the right answer and give you the right advice whenever you need it. After reading this guide you will undoubtedly have questions and will probably want to get

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Page 2: Optimize your life....the right answer and give you the right advice whenever you need it. After reading this guide you will undoubtedly have questions and will probably want to get

Advance Therapy, LLC ©2003


MISSION STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I

DO YOU NEED THERAPY? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

HORMONE REPLACEMENT Q & A’S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3

GETTING STARTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE - HGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

INTRODUCTION TO HGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

ANTI-AGING BENEFITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

DYNAMICS OF HGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

BENEFITS VS. RISKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

STAYING YOUNG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

HEALTHY LIVING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

TESTOSTERONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

INTRODUCTION TO TESTOSTERONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

DEFICIENCIES & BENEFITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

DIAGNOSIS & TREATMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-20

TESTOSTERONE PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

ANCILLARY SUPPLEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

ORDER FORMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II

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Page 3: Optimize your life....the right answer and give you the right advice whenever you need it. After reading this guide you will undoubtedly have questions and will probably want to get

Advance Therapy, LLC ©2002

Welcome to Advance Therapy, LLC. We primarily focus on hormone replacement therapy as

means of preventive medicine. HRT is one of several medical specialties of the endocrine

systems, dealing with hormones such as human growth hormone, estrogen, testosterone,

melatonin and DHEA that decline as we age.

Through our network of affiliate physicians and medically trained counselors we can provide

you with a safe and effective way to enter a medically supervised hormone replacement

program that is designed to deliver optimal results.

We will be with you every step of the way to help you make the right decision, provide you with

the right answer and give you the right advice whenever you need it.

After reading this guide you will undoubtedly have questions and will probably want to get

started on one of our programs right away. You are under no obligation, so please call us toll

free to speak with a medical counselor at 1.866.342.5444, between the hours of 9am and

8pm, Monday thru Friday – Eastern Standard Time.







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Page 4: Optimize your life....the right answer and give you the right advice whenever you need it. After reading this guide you will undoubtedly have questions and will probably want to get

Advance Therapy, LLC ©2003

What if we told you that Advance Therapy has the power to reverse symptoms associatedwith the aging process and have the ability to make you feel, look, perform and live better,what would you think?

Advance Therapy has successfully treated thousands of patients with hormone replacementtherapy, primarily focusing on medically supervised human growth hormone andtestosterone replacement programs.

Right now, it’s very likely your levels of human growth hormone and testosterone are low.Don’t believe us? Then take this simple quiz to see if you are a candidate for hormonalreplacement therapy:

Do you have a decrease in libido (sex drive)? Yes No

Do you have a lack of energy and motivation? Yes No

Do you have a decrease in strength and endurance? Yes No

Have you developed love handles or a spare tire? Yes No

Are you losing your figure and muscle tone? Yes No

Have you noticed a decrease in enjoyment of life? Yes No

Do you have tendency to be sad and grumpy? Yes No

Do you feel sleepy in the afternoon or after dinner? Yes No

Do you find yourself forgetting things? Yes No

Do you have a lack of drive and ambition? Yes No

If you have answered yes to at least half of these questions, chances are, you may alreadyhave low to moderately low levels of either human growth hormone or testosterone.

Fortunately, there is something Advance Therapy can do to help. Through our many programs we can elevate your levels to the optimal ranges you once enjoyed as a teenager.

Do you know if you need therapy?

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What is it?Human Growth Hormone is the largest proteinproduced by the pituitary gland made up of 191amino acids. Proteins are made of building blocksknown as amino acids. HGH is genetically engineeredof the same 191 amino acids. It’s the same geneticengineering they use for insulin. They cloned the 191amino acids and put them together in the same exactsequence of the DNA for that of HGH. It’s 100%identical, physically, chemically and biologically to theone made by the pituitary gland. Testosterone is theandrogenic hormone primarily responsible for normalgrowth and development of male sex and reproductiveorgans. It facilitates the development of secondary malesex characteristics such as musculature, bone mass, fatdistribution, hair patterns, and vocal chord thickening.Additionally, normal testosterone levels maintainenergy level, healthy mood, fertility, and sexual desire.

How are the hormones replaced?Testosterone is replaced using either weekly injectionsor a transdermal topical gel formulated to your needsthat is applied to the surface of the skin in themorning. HGH is taken by daily injection.The AdvanceTherapy doctors and medically trained counselors,show you how to do it. It is easy and painless.

Does it work? Yes! This is not a fanciful search for the fountain ofyouth. It is medical science at it best. Over the yearsthere have been thousands of case studies and medicaltrials that provide absolute, conclusive evidence thathormone therapy works and has many benefits thatresult in better health, energy and sexuality. It isboard certified doctors using sophisticated lab testsand treatment protocols to produce life-alteringresults. We have men and women tell us there was lifebefore and after marriage, before and after childrenand now before and after hormone therapy.

When should I think about replacing hormones?In the typical person, hormones start to decline by themid to late twenties. By age 35 declines are sufficientthat symptoms maybe evident. The best time to startreplacing hormones is between age 35 and 55.However it is never too late. We have people in their80's that have found a new life.

Is it safe?Yes. There are numerous studies that have come outover the past years that have attested to the safety ofnatural hormone replacement.

What results can I expect? Everyone is differentbut generally you can expect:

1st Month:Increase in mental sharpness, enthusiasm for life andan elimination of a mild to moderate depression. Moreenergy, better results from exercise and weight controlefforts. Better sleep.

2nd Month:Improved muscle tone, enhanced sexual function,improvement in nail growth, improvement in skin tone,better digestion, increased strength and weight loss.Improved hair growth-thickening of hair with a shinyand healthy appearance.

3rd Month:Mental processes improve, including desire to do andcomplete projects, increased muscle size, especially ifthe individual works out, hair growth, reduction inpost menstrual symptoms in women, increased sexualdesire, greater body flexibility.

4th Month:Same as 3rd Month: Generally most improvementsare heightened and more consistent.

5th Month:Impressive weight loss, reduction of inches, since fat isreduced and muscle tissue is increased, tonedimprovement to skin texture, reduced appearance ofwrinkles, Vast improvements of hair growth.

6th Month:This is a rather significant stage since cellulite greatlydiminishes, body is more contoured, eyesight is greatlyimproved, stronger resistance to colds, flu, and otherillnesses, some pain and soreness will disappear, oldwounds have healed or are healing, excellent exercisetolerance, grayed hair begins to return to naturalcolor, medical test show a reduction in cholesterol(LDL) and triglycerides, blood pressure normalizes,heart rate improves, some conditions due to diseasevanish or are diminished and immune system improves.

Do you recommend replacing both HGH andTestosterone at the same time?Hormones may be replaced separately or in anycombination. Better results are obtained from taking acombination of hormones. We like to say there is a1+1=3 relationship.We understand the cost limitation ongrowth hormone.The benefits far outweigh the cost.

Hormone replacement therapy - Q&A

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[ ]Advance Therapy, LLC ©2003 3

How will I lose weight?HGH recontours the body changing your bodycomposition reducing the fat and increasing leanmuscle mass. It’s like a metabolic liposuction,vacuuming out the fat from underneath, especially theabdominal area. Unfortunately, the more body fat youhave especially in your mid section the less HGH yourelease. HGH accelerates the burning of fat by makingit available as fuel. By increasing free fatty acids,HGH makes the fat stores available for energyproduction. Fat cells have HGH receptors and whenthe HGH binds to the receptors, it triggers a series ofenzymatic reactions in the cell to break down fat.Thisis called lipolysis. You see with HGH you’re changingthe hormonal message telling your body to get rid offat. HGH also increases your energy expendituresoverall so that you actually burn calories faster, a neatmetabolic trick. HGH is unlike any other methoddesigned to take off fat and increase muscle becauseit works with your body’s natural order, rather thanagainst it.

How will I build solid muscle?HGH working thru IGF-1 increases the uptake ofamino acids in the cell and enhances synthesis ofDNA, RNA, proteins extra cellular proteins, carbs, andsugars. The result is an increase in cell sizeaccelerating cell division resulting in acceleratedmuscle growth. It also builds muscle by conservingnitrogen. Ordinarily when you loose weight you excretenitrogen which is needed for muscle tissue. But HGHkeeps the body from losing nitrogen. It also increasesprotein synthesis without increasing the breakdown ofproteins in the cell. Accelerated cell division alsomeans speedy healing and repair after injury.

Will hormone therapy help sexual dysfunction?Sexual dysfunction can have many causes; howeverreplacing hormones is the best place to starttreatment. We suggest raising your testosterone to ahealthy level along with growth hormone, (if cost isnot a prohibitive factor), to boost your sex drive.Thereare also non-prescription products such as MalePerformance Plus that increase the amount of nitricoxide in the blood to aid sexual mechanics. If there isstill need for assistance, consider something likeViagra. This process has been found to fix over 90%of problems of sexual function. We stronglyrecommend not using a product such as Viagrawithout first taking care of testosterone levels. Youmay find that the mechanics are temporarily fixed, butyou will not have a desire to use the erection.

Will hormone replacement cause my naturalhormone production to decline?Cycling of hormones is designed to minimize thepossibility of a decline in your natural hormone production. Cycling is taking time off from hormonereplacement. When outside hormones are introducedinto the body, the gland producing that hormonesenses that the body has an adequate supply of thehormone and does not need to work as hard and maybecome "lazy". Cycling is mandatory for HGH and formen under 45 on testosterone.

Are there side effects?There is absolutely no evidence suggesting that if usedunder a doctor’s care that there are any unfavorablelong term side effects. If abused you may develop awrist condition called carpel tunnel syndrome which isinflammation of wrist tendons, water retention,gynecomastia or acromegaly.

What about oral HGH or HGH stimulants?Advertisements that claim they have real HGH in aspray or pill may in fact contain small amounts ofHGH.There is some evidence that HGH can enter the blood stream if absorbed directly into the membranesof the mouth, but oral HGH therapy is not as effectiveas a medically supervised injectable program. It hasbeen medically proven that HGH cannot be absorbedthrough the digestive system.

Do I have to come to the Advance Therapy Clinicin Miami Beach?No. We do our testing through our Portamedicservice. Within 48 hours of placing your order, thePortamedic service will call you to arrange a bloodtest and a physical examination in the privacy of yourown home or office.

How do I get started?It’s easy. Call us at 1-866-342-5444. Our counselorswill guide you through the various programs. You alsoneed to fill out a confidential patient medical historyform. This process takes no more than 15 minutes andcan be completed over the telephone. Provided youqualify for treatment your order will be shipped directlyto your door via FEDEX within 10 business days.

What if the doctor does not write a prescription?If your blood work results or medical historydisqualifies you from treatment, we will refund all feesand costs within 24 hours.

Hormone replacement therapy - Q&A

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To get started on a Advance Therapy hormone replacement program is easier than youthink. We have the five step set-up plan than is designed to save time and effort on yourpart so you can enter one of our medically supervised programs easily and effortlessly.

Step 1:

Call Advance Therapy toll free at 1.866.342.5444. Our medically trained counselorswill listen to your needs, assess your goals, and guide you through the various programson offer. Alternatively, complete the program order forms and fax it to 1.954.454.8316.

Step 2:

Once you have agreed on a program that is designed to deliver the results you want,Advance Therapy will process your account and then ask you a series of qualifyingquestions to complete your confidential medical history form. This process takes nomore than fifteen minutes!

Step 3:

Within 48 hours of processing your account, an affiliate Advance Therapy Portamedicwill call you to schedule a comprehensive physical examination and blood drawing in theprivacy of your own home or office. The results will be analyzed and then sent directlyto the Advance Therapy clinic.

Step 4:

Based on the results of the Portamedic examination, lab work and your medical history,one of Advance Therapy’s affiliate physicians will write the prescription needed for yoursupplies, offer qualified advice and begin to monitor your program.

Step 5:

That same day, your program supplies will be shipped directly to you from one of ouraffiliate pharmacies via FEDEX. You will begin your physician supervised hormonereplacement program.

It’s that easy! All our programs are designed to offer you a quick, safe and effective wayto self-administer a comprehensive anti-aging program. You are on your way to betterhealth, energy and performance with Advance Therapy!

How do I get started?

For additional information please contact Advance Therapy at


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Advance Therapy, LLC ©2003

Advance Therapy offers physician prescribed and medically supervised humangrowth hormone (HGH) replacement programs helping patients enter a costeffective and comprehensive age management and physical developmentprogram.

HGH is one of several endocrine hormones such as estrogen, testosterone,melatonin and DHEA that decline in production as we age. While many ofthese hormones can be replaced to deter some of the effects of aging, HGHgoes far beyond the effect of any one of these hormones to not only retardbiological aging but also to significantly reverse many of the effects of aging.Researchers have proven that HGH therapy can reverse the effects of aging byas much as 20 years with less than one year of treatment. HGH replacementtherapy is the key to rejuvenation and to adding years of vitality on to your life.HGH is the key for life extension and age regression.

Hormones can be thought of as "messengers" that are produced by theendocrine glands and then sent all over the body to stimulate specifiedactivities. For example, growth, digestion, reproduction, and sexual functionsare all triggered by hormones.

As its name suggests, HGH is an endocrine hormone that makes humans grow.HGH is a complex protein molecule of 191 amino acids linked in a specificsequence. It is secreted in pulses by the pituitary gland. These pulses varybetween 10 and 30 per day and can be strengthened by exercise. For years,doctors have prescribed HGH for children who needed a growth boost. HGH iscritical for tissue repair, healing, muscle growth, bone strength, brain function,physical and mental health, energy, and metabolism.

Somatropin is the man-made version of HGH. Each manufacturer ofsomatropin assigns its own brand name, such as Genotropin, Humatrope,Norditropin, Saizen, and Serostim. They are available only by prescription andadministered by injection.

HGH is produced at a rate that peaks during adolescence, at time when normalgrowth is acce-lerated. The production of HGH decreases with age. Humansnormally produce about 500 micrograms of HGH daily at age 20. By age 80, thedaily production falls to 60 (or less) micrograms.

Once secreted by the pituitary gland, circulating levels of HGH stimulateproduction of insulinlike growth factor-1 (IGF-1) from the liver. You can thinkof HGH as the hormone that gets the ball rolling, but IGF-1 does most of thework. It’s the IGF-1 that stimulates cells to divide, which causes growth. Theamount of IGF-1 or Somatomedin-C tends to mirror the amount of HGH thatis produced by humans. Because blood levels of IGF-1 are more stable, labsoften test for HGH levels by testing for IGF-1 levels.

Advance Therapy offers HGH replacement therapy in the form of medicallysupervised HGH programs that are designed to safely replenish and replace yourbody's own production of HGH. Whether your goals are anti-aging or physicaldevelopment, Advance Therapy has a cost-effective and comprehensive HGHprogram that will deliver the results you want.

Simply put, HGH keeps humans young and attractive. For most people thepituitary gland produces sufficient HGH to retain a youthful appearance untilage 35 or so. Then, somewhere between age 40 and 50, the body's ability toproduce HGH declines to the point where the effects of aging are acceleratedand begin to show.


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Signs of aging and hormone decline











Benefits of HGH replacement therapy


















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HGH - Our hormone system is best understood if you think of it as a cascade with the brain at the topfollowed by the pituitary gland, then target organs(i.e., ovaries, thyroid, testicles), and finally physicaland mental functions (i.e., skin thickness, menstrualperiods, sex characteristics, aggression, hairdistribution, etc.). Simply put, human growth hormone(HGH) keeps humans young. For most people thepituitary gland produces sufficient HGH to retain ayouthful appearance until age 35 or so. Then,somewhere between age 40 and 50, the body's abilityto produce HGH declines to the point where the signsof aging begin to show.

Brain - The hypothalamus is part of the brain and iswhere hormone release originates, starting off thecascade by secreting "releasing hormones" which turnon the pituitary glands.

Pituitary -The pituitary gland is known as our "mastergland." It sits at the base of our brain andcommunicates directly with the hypothalamus byspecial nerves and blood vessels. Releasing hormonestravel from the hypothalamus to the pituitary andstimulate the formation and release of pituitaryhormones into our circulatory system. The pituitaryhormones exert their effects on many of our organs,such as the thyroid, adrenal glands, testicles, ovaries,and breasts.

There are five basic pituitary hormones:

• Growth Hormone (GH) • Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) • Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) • Folicle stimulating hormone (FSH) • Luteinizing hormone (LH)

The pituitary hormones are released into the generalcirculation and have effects on specific target organs,which, in turn, release hormones of their own.Thus, thepituitary hormones act like air traffic controllers, theysurvey the scene, determine what is needed, and thentell the organs in the body when to release theirhormones.


HGH - Human Growth Hormone decline (ng/ml)





al r












10 20 4030 50 60 8070

HGH decline: general approximations Age:

HGHIGF-1 ng/dl

16-24 25-39 40-54 55-60 60-70 70-80

182-780 114-492 90-360 71-290 — —













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HGH replacement therapy raises IGF-1 levels in the blood.It is the higher levels of IGF-1 that mediates all theeffects attributed to HGH. Most studies about the use ofHGH in adults and children fail to show any cancerrelated risks associated with the use of HGH or higherlevels of IGF-1. In fact, in a review article published inthe New England Journal of Medicine on October 14,1999, authored by Mary Lee Vance, M.D. and NellieMauras, M.D., after an exhaustive literature search,concluded that "there is at present no evidence thatGrowth Hormone modulation affects the risk of cancer".All patients should be aware, however, that there areother reports that do indicate there may be a risk. In1998, two published studies claimed a higher incidence ofprostate cancer among men who had higher IGF-1 levelsyears before the onset of the cancer; but a number ofexperts agree that these studies are inconclusive and maybe flawed. Problems cited with these studies include themethod of statistical analysis, the several year intervalbetween the drawing of the blood and the onset of cancer,and the absence of any IGF-1 measurement at the timeof diagnosis of the cancer. Several other studies show nodifference in IGF-1 levels between normal healthy menand those with prostate cancer at the time of diagnosisand beyond.

Another recent study points to a higher incidence ofbreast cancer in pre-menopausal women (but not post-menopausal) who had higher IGF-1 levels one to fiveyears prior to the onset of breast cancer. In this study, theblood was also drawn prior to diagnosis and was notanalyzed for several years, making the conclusionsreached somewhat suspect.

Although the majority of studies overwhelmingly pointtoward the safety of HGH, there is, as in virtually anyarea of medical science, some conflicting data amongstudies that confuses the issue.This is true because of thecomplex nature of the human body and its physiology --and the truism that medicine is not an exact science. Asin all aspects of medical therapeutics, each of us mustevaluate the information that is available, along with ourneeds and desires and measure these against thepotential risk, if any. Your Advance Therapy doctor andcounselor can help you understand and evaluate all theinformation available with as little prejudice as possible.Obviously we feel that for most patients the benefit ofHGH therapy far outweighs the risk- otherwise we wouldnot be pursuing this type of medical practice. Only youhowever, can make the decision for yourself.

To put it into context, similar controversy has surrounded the use of estrogen in post-menopausalwomen for the past 30 years.We now know that estrogenreplacement in women may increase the risk of breastand endometrial cancer in some women with familyhistories of breast cancer, and other risk factors.However, because of estrogen's proven protective effectsagainst many other diseases (alzheimer's disease, heartdisease, osteoporosis and colon cancer), overall mortalityis lower in women who take estrogen than in those whodo not. It will be many years before we have as muchdata on HGH as we do on estrogen, but we feel that formost people who have low IGF-1 levels, the benefits ofHGH replacement therapy outweigh the risks.

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There have always been things you can do to "stay young." You can be born with good genes, eat healthy foods,exercise regularly, watch your weight, avoid stress, and get enough quality sleep. As good as these practices are,they can only delay and postpone the signs, symptoms and problems of aging.

A medically supervised HGH program has many benefits that can improve life on every level imaginable. All ofthe things that you already know about healthy living are still true, whether you are starting HGH therapy or not.If you are serious about an anti-aging program, remember that all good programs consist of discipline andcommitment in five major areas: HGH replacement, proper diet, nutrition, exercise, sleep.






For years, researchers have hunted for a more dramatic key to staying young. Now, after centuries of seeking the"Fountain of Youth" it appears that medical science has achieved the first major breakthrough, human growthhormone therapy.

The first major study showing the promise of HGH therapy was published in the New England Journal of Medicine(Rudman; 323:1-6 1990).This study divided 21 men (between the ages of 60 and 80) with IGF-1 levels less than350 IU per liter into two groups: 12 test subjects and 9 control subjects.

A 6-month period of data collection was followed by a 6-month period in which the test subjects received HGHinjections.The results were promising: increases in lean muscle mass, decreases in adipose fat tissue, and increasesin vertebral bone height. All test subjects had measurable increases in HGH levels, as measured by IGF-1 bloodvalues.

The control subject group had none of these results.The effects of six months of human growth hormone on bodymass and adipose-tissue mass were equivalent in magnitude to the changes incurred during the 10 to 20 years of aging.

For a complete background on recent and past HGH studies and information on HGH therapy in general the bookentitled “Grow Young With HGH” by Dr. Ronald Klatz (ISBN 0-06-098434-1) is fascinating reading.


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[ ] Advance Therapy, LLC ©200314

> Begin with small doses - like many hormones,HGH is potent. More is not better. If you are juststarting HGH replacement therapy, begin with smalldoses in the range of 0.1 to 0.8 mg per day.Remember that the goal of HGH replacementtherapy is to restore your HGH production level tonormal to upper normal ranges---not to exceednormal production.

> Morning injections - Your own production of HGHoccurs mostly at night, during your deep sleep. Byinjecting HGH at bedtime, you have the potential ofdiscouraging your normal HGH production. So, it’sbetter to inject in the morning. Also, manyphysicians recommend giving your body 1 or 2 "daysoff" per week.

> Watch for adverse side effects - Almost alladverse effects of HGH (water retention, soremuscles, numbness in the hands) are related todoses that are too high. If you are retaining water,ask your counselor and/or physician at AdvanceTherapy about lowering your dosage. Prolongedoverproduction of HGH can cause serious sideeffects. This can occur in adults who have ahormonal disorder call acromegaly. The disorder ischaracterized by abnormal growth of the hands andfeet. Soft tissue swelling of the hands and feet isoften an early symptom, with patients noticing achange in ring or shoe size. If you notice any signsassociated with acromegaly, consult your AdvanceTherapy counselor and/or Physician.

> ExerciseIf you don't have an exercise program, start one. Itdoesn't have to be at a gym. Find a program that fitsyour life---walking, swimming, sports---anythingthat provides a reasonable workout several times aweek. Studies have shown that HGH replacementtherapy is more effective for people who exerciseregularly.

> NutritionContinue with a good nutrition supplement programthat includes a good quality multi-vitamin andadditional vitamin supplements containing vitaminsA, C and E along with the mineral zinc.

> SleepSleep is important to good health and it appearsthat several anti-aging hormones, including HGH,are produced at higher levels during sleep thanduring waking hours.

> Proper dietIf, like most people, you are overloading on highglucose carbohydrates everyday, then almost all theeffort you are putting into your anti-aging programwill be wasted.You must keep processed foods to anabsolute minimum. Focus on diets containing plentyof vegetables and fruits. You might want to buy abook that gives the glucose ratings of various foods,then stick to foods with low glucose ratings.

> Watch your weightHGH replacement therapy is not a weight lossprogram. While it does tend to build muscle andreduce fat, many users find that they have anincreased appetite.

> Skin and sunWhen you are in the sun, use sun protection. Use agood skin lotion morning and night to helpmoisturize your skin.

> Don't smokeIf you have started HGH replacement therapy tolook better, then don't smoke. Among other things,smoking makes your skin look older.

> WaterDrink plenty of water---every day! A hydrated bodyfunctions better and aids good health.


Important issues to consider with a HGH replacement therapy program.

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Advance Therapy, LLC ©2003

Testosterone is the androgenic hormone primarilyresponsible for normal growth and development ofmale sex and reproductive organs, including the penis,testicles, scrotum, prostate, and seminal vesicles. Itfacilitates the development of secondary male sexcharacteristics such as musculature, bone mass, fatdistribution, hair patterns, laryngeal enlargement, andvocal chord thickening. Additionally, normal testosteronelevels maintain energy level, healthy mood, fertility, andsexual desire.

The testes produce testosterone regulated by a complexchain of signals that begins in the brain. This chain iscalled the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Thehypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasinghormone (GnRH) to the pituitary gland in carefullytimed pulses (bursts), which triggers the secretion ofleutenizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland.Leutenizing hormones thus stimulate the Leydig cellsof the testes to produce testosterone. Normally, thetestes produce 4–7 milligrams (mg) of testosteronedaily.

Testosterone production increases rapidly at the onsetof puberty and starts to decrease there after. Itdecreases rapidly after age 40 (from 20% to 70% ofpeak level by age 70). Approximately 8 million men inthe United States experience testosterone deficiency;approximately 700,000 receive treatment.

As men age, the decline in male sex hormones, calledandrogens, result in decreased muscular strength,energy, libido and an increased risk of erectiledysfunction and sexual performance.

Testosterone production declines naturally with age.Testosterone deficiency (TD) may result from diseaseor damage to the hypothalamus, pituitary gland,or testicles that inhibits hormone secretion andtestosterone production, known as hypogonadism.Depending on age, insufficient testosterone productioncan lead to abnormalities in muscle and bonedevelopment, underdeveloped genitalia, and diminishedvirility.

For men with a low level of free testosterone in theblood, testosterone or other hormone replacementtherapy (HRT) can be considered. HRT can help menwith low testosterone levels increase their libido andsexual arousal. Testosterone replacement also canimprove muscle strength and bone mineral density inmen and women with low levels of the hormone.

Androgens such as testosterone, also promote anoverall decrease in fat and an increase in musclestrength and lean body mass.Testosterone replacementtherapy has been shown to lift mood and decreaseanxiety. It may enhance orientation and memory and itmay also have antidepressant effects.

By contacting us, you have made the first step in theright direction towards better health, energy andsexuality. Advance Therapy offer many testosteroneprograms that are designed to safely replenish andreplace your body's own production of testosterone.

Whether your goals are anti-aging or physicaldevelopment, Advance Therapy has a cost-effective andcomprehensive testosterone replacement therapyprogram for you that will deliver the results you want.


Testosterone decline: general approximations:Age:


20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

280-1205 350-1010 255-1025 255-950 120-870 38-850

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Testosterone deficiency signs









Testosterone replacement benefits










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Types and Causes Hypogonadsim is classified by the location of itscause along the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadalaxis:

• Primary, disruption in the testicles

• Secondary, disruption in the pituitary

• Tertiary, disruption in the hypothalamus. Disease,injury, surgery, and drug side effects can causehypogonadism and testosterone deficiency.Hypogonadism is congenital or acquired, dependingon the nature of the underlying condition.

Congenital causes include the following:

• Anorchia (vanishing testes syndrome; causingprimary hypogonadism)

• Cryptorchidism (failure of testicles to descend intoscrotum; causing primary hypogonadism)

• Hormonal deficiency (e.g., deficiency of leutenizinghormone releasing hormone; causing secondary ortertiary hypogonadism)

• Kallmann syndrome (insufficient hypothalamicGnRH production; causing tertiary hypogonadism)

• Klinefelter syndrome (underdeveloped testicles;causing primary hypogonadism

Acquired causes include the following:

• Chemotherapy

• Damage occurring during surgery involving thepituitary gland, hypothalamus, or testes

• Glandular malformation

• Head trauma (affecting the hypothalamus)

• Infection (e.g., meningitis, syphilis, mumps)

• Isolated LH deficiency (e.g., fertile eunuchsyndrome)

• Radiation

• Testicular trauma

• Tumors (of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus,or testicles)

Signs and Symptoms Signs depend on the age of onset and the duration ofhormonal deficiency. Congenital hypogonadism isgenerally characterized by underdeveloped genitalia(testes that do not descend into the scrotum) and,occasionally, undeterminable genitalia. The develop-ment of hypogonadism near puberty can result ingynecomastia (enlargement of breast tissue), sparse orabsent pubic and body hair, an underdeveloped penis,testes, and muscle. Adult men may experiencediminished libido, erectile dysfunction, muscleweakness, loss of body hair, depression, and other mooddisorders.

ComplicationsTestosterone deficiency has been linked to muscleweakness and osteoporosis. In one study, proximal anddistal muscle weakness was detected in 68% of menwith primary or secondary hypogonadism. Spinal,trabecular, and radial cortical bone density may also besignificantly reduced in testosterone-deficient men.Thirty percent of men with spinal osteoporosis havelong-standing testosterone deficiency, and one-third ofmen have subnormal bone density that puts them atrisk for fracture.

DiagnosisSerum and blood testing is done to determine theavailability of testosterone and levels of leutenizing andgonadotropin-releasing hormones in the body. Men withlow testosterone in whom normal or high gonadotropinlevels are found typically have primary hypogonadism,which stems from a problem in the testicles. Secondaryand tertiary types, caused by problems of thehypothalamus or pituitary gland, often result in lowtestosterone and low gonadotropin levels.

Other tests involve injecting GnRH or clomiphenecitrate (an estrogen) to stimulate a diagnostic responsewithin the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis. Rarely,testicular biopsy is done, usually in cases where spermis absent from ejaculate despite normal testicledevelopment. Biopsy, which involves using a needle tocollect a sample of testicular tissue, may detect amalfunction in sperm production.

TreatmentTreatment involves hormone replacement therapy.The method of delivery is determined by age andduration of deficiency. Advance Therapy offers manytestosterone replacement therapy programs, designedto deliver maximum results in the safest way possible.


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Who qualifies for testosterone therapy programs.Treatment for adults is aimed at maintaining secondarysex characteristics, improving energy, strength, mood,and feelings of well-being, and preventing bonedegeneration. Modes of delivery include transdermal,injection, and oral forms of testosterone.

Transdermal delivery (through the skin) is used toadminister therapeutic agents for hormonereplacement.

Transdermal replacement therapy with a transdermalgel or cream is becoming the most common method oftreatment for testosterone deficiency in adults. Itestablishes and maintains adequate serum levelswithout causing significant side effects in as many as92% of men treated. The most common side effectsassociated with transdermal testosterone therapy mayinclude itching, discomfort, and irritation at the site ofapplication. Some men may experience fluid retention,acne, and temporary gynecosmastia. Advance Therapycan prescribed many medications that help preventthese side effects.

It delivers testosterone for 24 hours when usedproperly. The gel must be allowed to dry on the skinbefore dressing and must be applied at least 6 hoursbefore showering or swimming. It cannot be applied tothe genitals.

Kallmann syndrome in adults may be treated withhuman chorionic gonadotropin, (HCG) which can curecryptorchidism and infertility. Advance Therapy canprescribe programs that include HCG.

Instramuscular injection is used less frequentlybecause it is associated with erratic testosterone levels.Levels that get too high and then drop too low beforethe next dose may cause fluctuating moods, energylevels, and libido. Saying this, many athletes and sportspeople favor injections because of quick results andconcentrated benefits. Advance Therapy has programsthat include the most popular and safest forms ofinjectable testosterone such as Nandrolone Decanoate,Cypionate and Propionate.

Possible side effects The goal of testosterone replacement therapy is toachieve normal to optimal levels of testosterone. Formost patients, testosterone replacement therapy issafe.

Possible side effects, however, include water retention,male pattern baldness, gynecomastia (enlargedbreasts). The oral forms are also associated with liverproblems. The use of large doses of testosterone (inbodybuilding, for example) increases the risks of sideeffects.

Decreased normal testosterone production, prolongedor excessive testosterone therapy prompts the pituitarygland to stop producing the hormone gonadotropin.This in turn, surpresses normal testosterone and spermproduction, accompanied by shrinkage of the testiclesand frequent or continuing (and sometimes painful)erections. Because of this, testosterone replacementtherapy is usually prescribed in cycles. After a 2- or 3-month period, the patient takes a different drug (suchas HCG) that stimulates the testicles to beginproduction again.


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Testosterone Cypionate:Long acting oil-based injectable, which will keeptestosterone levels sufficiently elevated forapproximately two weeks. At the same time is said toproduce a slightly higher level of water retentionslowing down the release of testosterone causing lessproduction of estrogen build-up. However, since thetestosterone is high in estrogen conversion it can causegynecomastia, this is why an ancillary drug likeNolvadex should be added. Although active in the bodyfor a much longer time, cypionate is injected on aweekly basis.

Testosterone Propionate:Oil-based injectable containing ester which slows downthe release, but only for a few days. The propionate ismuch faster acting and requires a much more frequentdosing schedule that can cause irritation at the site ofinjection. At the same time the buildup of estrogen andDHT will be pronounced, increasing the risk ofgynecomastia. Users therefore need to add anantiestrogen such as Nolvadex preventing thisoccurrence. Propionate is of course a powerful massdrug, capable of producing rapid gains in size andstrength.

Nandrolone - Decanoate: (Deca)Extremely long acting compound, with a slow releasetime of up to three or four weeks. It exhibits muchweaker androgenic properties than testosterone and isless likely to cause unwanted androgenic side effects.This can also show an extremely lower tendency forestrogen conversion making water retention not aconcern. Clearly Deca has shown not only to beeffective at safely bringing up the lean body weight, butalso to be beneficial to the immune system and alsoworks to lubricate the joints. Deca is not known as a"fast" builder.The slow onset and mild properties of thismake it more suited for cycles with a longer duration.With a cycle lasting 8 to 12 weeks, one can expect toelicit a slow even gain of quality mass.

Testosterone Gel:Clear, colorless alcohol based gel that gets applied once daily to the inner groin. Upon application, it drieswithin a few minutes.The skin absorbs the testosteroneand serves as a reservoir for the hormone, which slowlyenters the bloodstream. Normal testosterone levels areachieved soon after application for most people. Onecan experience a significant increase in libido (sexdrive) an increase in lean body mass, reduction offatigue, increased bone density, improved energy levels,muscle strength and endurance.


Testosterone - Cypionate Injectable







0 5 10 15





Testosterone - Propionte Injectable








1 2 43

Testosterone - Nandrolone Decanoate









1 53 7 9 11 13 16




Testosterone - Gel









1 105 15 20 25 30 35




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Arimedex (Anastrozole):A non-steroidal agent, Arimidex is the aromataseinhibitor of choice.The drug is appropriately used whenusing substantial amounts of aromatizing steroids, orwhen one is prone to gynecomastia and using moderateamounts of such steroids. Arimidex can achieve a highdegree of estrogen blockade. It is possible to reduceestrogen too much with Arimidex, and for this reasonblood tests, or less preferably salivary tests, should betaken after the first week of use to determine if thedosing is correct. Arimidex's mechanism of action --blocking conversion of aromatizable steroids to estrogen.

Clomid ( Clomiphene Citrate):Not an anabolic steroid, but a synthetic estrogen withboth agonist/antagonist properties, and is very similarto Nolvadex. It is used to block negative feedback ofestrogens which can cause gynecomastia and enhances therelease of LH and FSH causing natural testosteroneproduction to increase. This is most beneficial at theconclusion of a testosterone cycle. If testosterone levelsare not brought back to normal, a dramatic loss in sizeand strength can occur. Dosages range from 50-100mgdaily over a four to six week period to bring testos-terone production back to normal levels.

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate):A non-steroidal agent that demonstrates potentantiestrogenic properties. This drug also shows theability to increase production of FSH and LH in themale body. This is accomplished by blocking negativefeedback inhibition caused by estrogen which can causegynecomastia. Since a higher release of LH canstimulate the Leydig’s cells in the testes to producemore testosterone, Nolvadex can have a positive impacton one’s serum testosterone level and help restore abalance in hormone levels. It can also increase the lookof hardness and definition in the muscles. Nolvadexshould be taken on the third week of a testosteronecycle until the point when natural testosterone levelsare well under control. Dosages are typically in therange of 10 to 30mg daily.

Teslac (Testalactone):Also an estrogen blocker, would use this w/HGH insteadof Nolvadex or Chlomid which can suppress the effectsof HGH. Blocks negative feedback caused by estrogen,has the ability to increase production of FSH & LHstimulating the leydigs cell in the testes to producemore of your own natural testosterone. Also helps toharden and define muscles aswell as help restore abablance in hormone levels


Novarel/HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin):Used to stimulate the production of endogenoustestosterone. It has the ability to mimic the LH, apituitary hormone that stimulates the testes tomanufacture testosterone. The excessive stimulationcan likewise cause the testicles to rapidly return totheir normal size and level of activity. Dosages rangefrom 1000- 2000mg for a duration usually no longerthan 2 or 3 weeks. A combination of HCG andNolvadex appears to be very synergestic, HCGproviding an immediate effect on the testes (shockingthem out of inactivity) while the antiestrogenic helps toblock inhibition of gynecomastia.


Sample Ancillary Supplement Cycle














Testosterone Estrogen Blocker HCG

This is an estimated chart for an average 3 month testosteronecycle. Always consult your physician and follow the recommendedprescribed dosage for each therapy and ancillary supplementprogram combination.

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Thank you for your interest in Advance Therapy. By contacting us, you have made the firststep in the right direction towards a vastly improved lifestyle on every level imaginable.Whether your goals are anti-aging, physical development or performance enhancement,our programs are customized to suit your goals, needs and budget.


For additional information please contact Advance Therapy at


1 Information listed in this document is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your ownphysician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease,or prescribing any medication. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.

2 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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