Ops-Watch Weekly Grant Opportunities Update November 1 -7, 2014 Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – CZM Projects of Special Merit Competition - FY2015 Proposal Due Date: December 11, 2014 Expected Number of Awards: 15 Estimated Total Program Funding: $1,000,000 Award Ceiling: $200,000 Award Floor: $50,000 Funding Opportunity Number: Purpose: The purpose of this document is to advise eligible applicants that NOAA is soliciting proposals for competitive funding under the Coastal Zone Management Act's (CZMA) Enhancement Program Projects of Special Merit, authorized under Section 309 of the CZMA (16 U.S.C. §1456b). The objective of Section 309 assistance is to encourage each State or Territory with a federally-approved coastal management program (CMP) to continually improve its program in specified areas of national importance. The intent of Projects of Special Merit (PSM) funding is to offer CMPs the opportunity to develop innovative projects that further their approved enhancement area strategies and focus on the following national enhancement area priorities: Wetlands, Hazards, Cumulative and Secondary Impacts, and Ocean and Great Lakes Resources. Any CMP that has been approved by NOAA pursuant to the Coastal Zone Management Act (16 U.S.C. §1455) and has an approved 2011-2015 Section 309 Assessment and Strategy that contains at least one strategy addressing one or more of the four priority enhancement areas is eligible to apply for this competition. http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=269389 Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) Land Acquisition and Construction Program for Fiscal Year 2015 Proposal Due Date: January 16, 2015

Ops-Watch Weekly Grant Update 11-07-14 Ops-Watch Weekly Grant Update … · Ops-Watch Weekly Grant Opportunities Update November 1 -7, 2014 ! Department of Commerce - National Oceanic

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Page 1: Ops-Watch Weekly Grant Update 11-07-14 Ops-Watch Weekly Grant Update … · Ops-Watch Weekly Grant Opportunities Update November 1 -7, 2014 ! Department of Commerce - National Oceanic


Ops-Watch Weekly Grant Opportunities Update November 1 -7, 2014

 Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – CZM Projects of Special Merit Competition - FY2015 Proposal Due Date: December 11, 2014 Expected Number of Awards: 15 Estimated Total Program Funding: $1,000,000 Award Ceiling: $200,000 Award Floor: $50,000 Funding Opportunity Number: Purpose: The purpose of this document is to advise eligible applicants that NOAA is soliciting proposals for competitive funding under the Coastal Zone Management Act's (CZMA) Enhancement Program Projects of Special Merit, authorized under Section 309 of the CZMA (16 U.S.C. §1456b). The objective of Section 309 assistance is to encourage each State or Territory with a federally-approved coastal management program (CMP) to continually improve its program in specified areas of national importance. The intent of Projects of Special Merit (PSM) funding is to offer CMPs the opportunity to develop innovative projects that further their approved enhancement area strategies and focus on the following national enhancement area priorities: Wetlands, Hazards, Cumulative and Secondary Impacts, and Ocean and Great Lakes Resources. Any CMP that has been approved by NOAA pursuant to the Coastal Zone Management Act (16 U.S.C. §1455) and has an approved 2011-2015 Section 309 Assessment and Strategy that contains at least one strategy addressing one or more of the four priority enhancement areas is eligible to apply for this competition. http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=269389  Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) Land Acquisition and Construction Program for Fiscal Year 2015 Proposal Due Date: January 16, 2015

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 Expected Number of Awards: 10 Estimated Total Program Funding: $1,900,000 Award Ceiling: $1,000,000 Award Floor: $20,000 Funding Opportunity Number: NOAA-NOS-OCRM-2015-2004232 Purpose: The National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS or System) consists of estuarine areas of the United States and its territories designated and managed for research and educational purposes. Each reserve within the system is chosen to represent a different bio-geographic region and to include a variety of ecosystem types in accordance with the classification scheme of the national program as presented in 15 CFR § 921. By funding designated reserve agencies and universities to conduct land acquisition and construction projects that support the NERRS purpose, NOAA will strengthen protection of key land and water areas, enhance long-term protection of the habitats for research and education, and provide for facility and exhibit construction that meet the highest sustainable design standards possible. http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=269434  Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Ocean Exploration 2015 Funding Opportunity Proposal Due Date: January 29, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: 10 Estimated Total Program Funding: $3,000,000 Award Ceiling: $1,500,000 Award Floor: $10,000 Funding Opportunity Number: NOAA-OAR-OER-2015-2004292 Purpose: NOAA's Office of Ocean Exploration & Research (OER) seeks to enhance ocean exploration and scientific knowledge in the Arctic by encouraging use of the rich Arctic data set collected since 2003 in support of the U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Project http://continentalshelf.gov/. OER challenges applicants to propose multi-partner interdisciplinary exploration projects that will capitalize and build on these Arctic ECS data, and target the mapped areas in new ways, using innovative technologies to inform some of NOAA's most pressing Arctic marine science needs, and stewardship responsibilities, pursuant to NOAA's Arctic Vision and Strategy http://www.arctic.noaa.gov/docs/NOAAArctic_V_S_2011.pdf. The applicants' proposed projects should focus on one or more of the areas of the Arctic where ECS data have been collected; and use these data as the foundation from which to launch additional explorations to identify, describe and create baseline characterizations of new habitats, marine resources and/or phenomena. OER is seeking pre-proposals and, ultimately, full proposals to support its exploration mission, consistent with NOAA's Next Generation Strategic Plan (http://www.ppi.noaa.gov/ngsp/), to search, investigate, and document poorly known and unknown ocean areas through interdisciplinary exploration, and to advance and disseminate knowledge of the ocean environment and its physical, chemical, archaeological, and biological resources. Results will inform marine policy and marine resource management decisions. Proposals must address one or more NOAA's mission goals (e.g., Healthy Oceans, Climate Adaptation and Mitigation, Resilient Coastal Communities and Economies, NOAA's Science and

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 Technology Enterprise). Findings from these investigations are anticipated to result in new baseline characterizations, provide better scientific understanding of the processes on our continental margins, offer new insights into climate variability, marine ecosystems, previously unknown or unconventional energy sources, mineral resources, hazards resulting from extreme events such as earthquakes and tsunamis, and deliver technology advancements (platforms, sensors, methodologies, etc.) that will increase observational capability in the Arctic. OER is soliciting proposals that will bring together scientists from different disciplines to use innovative techniques (where feasible) to investigate unexplored and/or poorly known ocean areas and reveal new understandings and interpretations about our marine environment. Competitive proposals must be bold, innovative and interdisciplinary in their approach. It is expected that the results of funded proposals will stimulate further exploration and research, as well as inform marine policy and marine resource management decisions. Through this announcement, NOAA OER anticipates the availability of a total of approximately $3,000,000 including costs for ship and submersible assets. To familiarize themselves with past and present OER-funded activities, applicants are encouraged to visit the program's website http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov. Background on how to apply and the required proposal coversheets are accessible through the OER Office Website at: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/about/what-we-do/funding-opportunities.html. http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=269435  Department of Defense – Maintenance and Sustainment R&D Projects Proposal Due Date: December 3, 2014 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: Award Ceiling: $100,000,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: HQ0034-14-01-1030 Purpose: Maintenance and Sustainment Managing Partner for R&D Projects. Please see attachments for details. http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=269254 Department of Defense – Office of Naval Research – National Security Science And Engineering Faculty Fellowship Proposal Due Date: April 24, 2015 Refer to the FOA or application instructions for white paper due dates Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: ONR-15-FOA-0003

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  Purpose: Research Opportunity Description The National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellowship (NSSEFF) program is sponsored by the Basic Research Office, Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (ASD (R&E)). NSSEFF supports innovative basic research within academia, as well as education initiatives that seek to create and develop the next generation of scientists and engineers for the defense and national security workforce. The Office of Naval Research (ONR) manages the NSSEFF program for ASD (R&E). To accomplish this task, ONR is soliciting proposals for the NSSEFF program through this Funding Opportunity Announcement. This FOA seeks outstanding and distinguished researchers for the purpose of conducting innovative basic research in areas of interest to the Department of Defense (DoD) and fostering long-term relationships between the NSSEFF Fellows and the DoD. For full description, see full announcement. http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=269330  Department of Defense – Air Force -- Research Lab - Integrated Photonics Institute for Manufacturing Innovation Proposal Due Date: December 19, 2014 Expected Number of Awards: 1 Estimated Total Program Funding: Award Ceiling: $220,000,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: FOA-RQKM-2015-0009 Purpose: The objective of this solicitation is to select an award recipient to establish an Integrated Photonics Institute for Manufacturing Innovation (IP-IMI). The IP-IMI will accelerate research, development, and demonstration in the manufacture of integrated photonic components and circuits; to include Institute initiatives in workforce development and technology demonstration. This Institute is envisioned to bring together large and small businesses, academia, and federal and state agencies to accelerate innovation by investing in industrially relevant manufacturing technologies. The IP-IMI will serve as a technical center of excellence, providing the innovation infrastructure to support integrated photonic manufacturing enterprises of all sizes and ensure that the U.S. photonics sector is a key pillar in an enduring and thriving U.S. economy. http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=269397  Department of Energy – Request for Information (RFI) DE-FOA-0001226 - High Impact Commercial Building Technology Proposal Due Date: December 15, 2014 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: DE-FOA-0001226

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 Purpose: The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Building Technologies Office (BTO) has developed a framework, called the High Impact Technology (HIT) Catalyst, for accelerating the voluntary adoption of high impact, cost-effective, energy-saving and underutilized commercial building technologies. This Request for Information seeks data, information and feedback on the high impact technologies included in BTO’s analysis and planning. Information produced through this RFI will enable BTO Commercial Buildings Integration (CBI) to 1) prime the market for high impact technologies currently under development; 2) develop a pipeline of underutilized, high impact technologies ready for deployment; 3) better understand market potential, interest and readiness; 4) connect technology providers with demonstration hosts, distributors, end users, and tools to assist in the acceleration of market uptake. EERE is specifically interested in information and data related to available high impact technologies and market interest in those technologies. This RFI also supplements the Request issued by EERE on March 6, 2014 to introduce the HIT Catalyst and solicit initial feedback and stakeholder inputs. THIS IS SOLELY A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AND NOT A FUNDING OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT (FOA). EERE will not accept any applications or solicitations in response to this RFI. https://eere-exchange.energy.gov/ - FoaIda71feb08-0a34-4319-92a5-1e21ae74ca8f  Department of Energy – National Training and Education Resource Proposal Due Date: December 3, 2014 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: DE-FOA-0000840 Purpose: DOE seeks input from the public on its plan to transition its stewardship of NTER potentially beginning in spring 2015. Since the platform was deployed in June 2012, DOE has served as the central developer and administrator of its community, providing maintenance and technical assistance (e.g. help desk) to end users. As an open source training platform, NTER is available for any entitys use in creating its own node and registry. DOE would like to transition the administration of the NTER system to an entity that will further develop its capability and expand its use through marketing and branding. DOE has a mission is to ensure Americas security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental, and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions. Serving as the central administrator and core developer for NTER on a sustained basis is not within DOEs core mission. DOEs intent has been to transfer stewardship of the platform to an entity within the open source community in order to maximize market adoption while fostering open source, shared learning environments. It is envisioned that one or more non-governmental entities with expertise in open source development of educational content creation and sharing will be most qualified to take over this well-developed product and its customer base. This Request for Information (RFI) seeks input from those entities interested in taking over NTER as well as from impacted parties. DISCLAIMER AND IMPORTANT NOTES: The purpose of this RFI is to gather feedback from stakeholders prior to DOE potentially issuing a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). This RFI is not a FOA, therefore, DOE is not accepting applications at this time. All responses to this RFI must be provided as an attachment (in Microsoft Word format) to an e-mail message addressed to [email protected] no later than 8:00 p.m. (ET) on December 3, 2014. The full content of the announcement can be found on the EERE Exchange website at https://eere-exchange.energy.gov. EERE may issue a FOA

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 in the future based on or related to the content and responses to this RFI, however, EERE may also elect not to issue a FOA. There is no guarantee that a FOA will be issued as a result of this RFI. Responding to this RFI does not provide any advantage or disadvantage to potential applicants if EERE chooses to issue a FOA regarding the subject matter. Final details, including the anticipated award size, quantity, and timing of EERE-funded awards, will be subject to congressional appropriations and direction. https://eere-exchange.energy.gov/ - FoaId4292035c-06cb-4af3-bb25-de35479f52d1  Department of Health and Human Services - Health Resources & Services Administration - Rural Health Network Development Planning Program Proposal Due Date: January 9, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: 15 Estimated Total Program Funding: $1,500,000 Award Ceiling: $100,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-15-036 Purpose: This announcement solicits applications for the Rural Health Network Development Planning Grant Program (Network Planning). The purpose of the Network Planning program is to assist in the development of an integrated healthcare network, if the network participants do not have a history of formal collaborative efforts. Health care networks can be an effective strategy to help smaller rural health care providers and health care service organizations align resources and strategies, achieve economies of scale and efficiency, and address challenges more effectively as a group than as single providers. The Network Planning program promotes the planning and development of healthcare networks in order to: (i) achieve efficiencies; (ii) expand access to, coordinate, and improve the quality of essential health care services; and (iii) strengthen the rural health care system as a whole. The health care system is undergoing a significant amount of change and this can be particularly challenging for small rural providers. The goals of the Network Planning program represent ways to help rural providers better serve their communities given changes taking place in health care, as providers move from focusing on the volume of services to focusing on the value of services. This program brings together key parts of a rural health care delivery system, particularly those entities that may not have collaborated in the past under a formal relationship, to work together to establish and improve local capacity and coordination of care. Furthermore, this program supports one year of planning with the primary goal of helping networks create a foundation for their infrastructure and focusing member efforts to address important regional or local community health needs. http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=269291  Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - Environmental Influences during Windows of Susceptibility in Breast Cancer Risk (U01) Proposal Due Date: January 28, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: $6,200,000

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 Award Ceiling: $600,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-ES-14-012 Purpose: The overarching goal of the Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program (BCERP) is to support integrated scientific research to enhance our knowledge of environmental and genetic factors underlying breast cancer risk. This funding opportunity will support transdisciplinary research projects to investigate the influence of environmental exposures during specific time windows of susceptibility on breast cancer risk. Applicants must propose transdisciplinary research project that addresses one or more potential windows of susceptibility and facilitates the integration of experimental model and human studies to accelerate understanding of the contribution of environmental factors to breast cancer risk, the underlying mechanisms, and potential prevention strategies. Applications must also include community-academic partnerships with defined community engagement activities. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-ES-14-012.html  Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - Coordinating Center for the Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program (U01) Proposal Due Date: January 28, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: $1,000,000 Award Ceiling: $600,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-ES-14-011 Purpose: The overarching goal of the Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program (BCERP) is to support integrated scientific research to enhance our understanding of environmental and genetic factors underlying breast cancer risk. This funding opportunity will support a Coordinating Center, which together with a group of individual transdisciplinary projects investigating the influence of environmental exposures during specific time windows on breast cancer risk, will form the BCERP Consortium. The BCERP Coordinating Center will provide intellectual leadership as well as logistic support for the BCERP Consortium. A primary role of the BCERP Coordinating Center will be to identify opportunities for cross-BCERP collaborations and extend the transdisciplinary activities of the BCERP Consortium. The Coordinating Center will also assist in disseminating BCERP research findings and facilitating an internal evaluation of the Consortium. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-ES-14-011.html Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - Promoting Research in Basic Neuroscience (R01) Proposal Due Date: January 7, 2018 Expected Number of Awards:

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 Estimated Total Program Funding: Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: PAS-15-029 Purpose: The goal of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to stimulate research addressing fundamental questions in basic neuroscience. Proposed projects can address any area of neuroscience within the missions of the participating institutes and should focus on understanding the structure and/or function of the normal nervous system. While fundamental basic research often generates insights relevant to disorders of the nervous system, this FOA is not intended to stimulate research that is explicitly disease-related. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAS-15-029.html Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - BRAIN Initiative: New Technologies and Novel Approaches for Large-Scale Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (U01) Proposal Due Date: February 10, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: $6,000,000 Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-NS-15-003 Purpose: Understanding the dynamic activity of neural circuits is central to the NIH BRAIN Initiative. This FOA seeks applications for proof-of-concept testing and development of new technologies and novel approaches for large scale recording and manipulation of neural activity, to enable transformative understanding of dynamic signaling in the nervous system. In particular we seek exceptionally creative approaches to address major challenges associated with recording and manipulating neural activity, at or near cellular resolution, at multiple spatial and/or temporal scales, in any region and throughout the entire depth of the brain. It is expected that the proposed research may be high risk, but if successful could profoundly change the course of neuroscience research. Proposed technologies should be compatible with experiments in behaving animals, and should include advancements that enable or reduce major barriers to hypothesis-driven experiments. Technologies may engage diverse types of signaling beyond neuronal electrical activity for large-scale analysis, and may utilize any modality such as optical, electrical, magnetic, acoustic or genetic recording/manipulation. Applications that seek to integrate multiple approaches are encouraged. Where appropriate, applications are expected to integrate appropriate domains of expertise, including biological, chemical and physical sciences, engineering, computational modeling and statistical analysis. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-NS-15-003.html

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 Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - BRAIN Initiative: Integrated Approaches to Understanding Circuit Function in the Nervous System (U01) Proposal Due Date: February 10, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: $7,500,000 Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-NS-15-005 Purpose: The purpose of this FOA is to promote the integration of experimental, analytic, and theoretical capabilities for large-scale analysis of neural systems and circuits. This FOA seeks applications for exploratory research studies that use new and emerging methods for large scale recording and manipulation of neural circuits across multiple brain regions. Applications should propose to elucidate the contributions of dynamic circuit activity to a specific behavioral or neural system. Studies should incorporate rich information on cell-types, on circuit functionality and connectivity, and should be performed in conjunction with sophisticated analysis of complex, ethologically relevant behaviors. Applications should propose teams of investigators that seek to cross boundaries of interdisciplinary collaboration by bridging fields and linking theory and data analysis to experimental design. Exploratory studies supported by this FOA are intended to develop experimental capabilities and quantitative, theoretical frameworks in preparation for a future competition for large scale awards. http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=269395 Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - BRAIN Initiative: Planning for Next Generation Human Brain Imaging (R24) Proposal Due Date: March 18, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: $3,200,000 Award Ceiling: $300,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-NS-15-200 Purpose: This funding opportunity announcement (FOA), in support of the NIH Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative, aims to support planning activities and the initial stages of development of entirely new or next generation brain imaging technologies and methods that will lead to transformative advances in our understanding of the human brain. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-MH-15-200.html

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 Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - Collaborative Activities to Promote Metabolomics Research (Admin Supp) Proposal Due Date: February 13, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: $2,000,000 Award Ceiling: $100,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: PA-15-030 Purpose: This Administrative Supplement funding opportunity is part of the Common Fund Metabolomics Program created to increase and improve the nations ability to undertake metabolomics analyses in translational and clinical research. Metabolomics has great potential to advance our understanding of human diseases, but requires specialized expertise in metabolomics study design, technology, and data analysis and interpretation. This FOA supports supplemental funds to current NIH-funded research projects for new interactive collaborations between basic or clinical researchers and metabolomics experts to add a metabolomics approach to the existing Research Strategy for the project. In addition to enhancing the parent grant by adding metabolomics analyses, collaborative projects must include activities to increase the expertise of the biomedical research group in key aspects of metabolomics study design, analysis, and data interpretation. All applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss potential requests with the awarding IC and with the Common Fund Metabolomics Scientific/Research contact listed below. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-030.html Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - The Early Detection Research Network: Biomarker Developmental Laboratories (U01) Proposal Due Date: January 6, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: $8,000,000 Award Ceiling: $400,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-CA-14-014 Purpose: The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to solicit applications for Biomarker Developmental Laboratories (BDLs), one of the four scientific units of the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN). The EDRN is a national infrastructure funded to discover, develop, and validate biomarkers for risk assessment, detection, and molecular diagnosis and prognosis of early cancer. The proposed BDLs will be responsible for the discovery, development, characterization, and testing of new, or the refinement of existing, biomarkers and biomarker assays for risk assessment, detection, and molecular diagnosis and prognosis of early cancer. The other three scientific units of the continuing EDRN program are: the Biomarker Reference Laboratories (BRLs), which will serve as Network resources for clinical and laboratory validation of biomarkers; the Clinical Validation Centers (CVCs), which will conduct clinical

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 research on the validation of biomarkers and will serve as resource centers for the EDRN by participating in collaborative biomarker validation studies with EDRN BDLs and BRLs; and the Data Management and Coordinating Center (DMCC), which will support statistical and computational analyses, informatics infrastructure, study design, coordination and support of EDRN-sponsored biomarker validation studies, and the coordination of Network-wide meetings and conferences. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-14-014.html Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - The Early Detection Research Network: Clinical Validation Centers (U01) Proposal Due Date: January 6, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: 8 Estimated Total Program Funding: $9,000,000 Award Ceiling: $600,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-CA-14-015 Purpose: The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to solicit applications for Clinical Validation Centers (CVCs), one of the four scientific units of the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN). The EDRN is a national infrastructure funded to discover, develop, and validate biomarkers for risk assessment, detection, and molecular diagnosis and prognosis of early cancer. The proposed CVCs will be responsible for clinical research on the validation of biomarkers. CVCs will also serve as clinical resource centers for the EDRN by participating in collaborative biomarker validation studies and collaborating with the other scientific units of the EDRN. The other three scientific components of the continuing EDRN program are: the Biomarker Developmental Laboratories (BDLs), which will be responsible for the development and characterization of new, or the refinement of existing, biomarkers and biomarker assays for risk assessment, detection, and molecular diagnosis and prognosis of early cancer; the Biomarker Reference Laboratories (BRLs), which will serve as Network resources for clinical and laboratory validation of biomarkers; and the Data Management and Coordinating Center (DMCC), which will support statistical and computational analyses, informatics infrastructure, study design, coordination and support of EDRN-sponsored biomarker validation studies, and the coordination of Network-wide meetings and conferences. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-14-015.html Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - The Early Detection Research Network: Biomarker Reference Laboratories (U24) Proposal Due Date: January 6, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: $2,000,000 Award Ceiling: $300,000 Award Floor:

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 Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-CA-14-016 Purpose: The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to solicit applications for Biomarker Reference Laboratories (BRLs), one of the four scientific units of the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN). The EDRN is a national infrastructure funded to discover, develop, and validate biomarkers for risk assessment, detection, and molecular diagnosis and prognosis of early cancer. The proposed BRLs will conduct biomarker assay development and refinement for validation studies, and will serve as a Network resource for laboratory and clinical validation of biomarkers. The other three scientific units of the continuing EDRN program are: the Biomarker Developmental Laboratories (BDLs), which will be responsible for the development and characterization of new, or the refinement of existing, biomarkers and biomarker assays for risk assessment, detection, and molecular diagnosis and prognosis of early cancer; the Clinical Validation Centers (CVCs), which will conduct clinical research on the validation of biomarkers and will serve as resource centers for the EDRN by participating in collaborative biomarker validation studies with EDRN BDLs and BRLs; and the Data Management and Coordinating Center (DMCC), which will support statistical and computational analyses, informatics infrastructure, study design, coordination and support of EDRN-sponsored biomarker validation studies, and the coordination of Network-wide meetings and conferences. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-14-016.html Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - The Early Detection Research Network: Data Management and Coordinating Center (U24) Proposal Due Date: January 6, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: $6,000,000 Award Ceiling: $4,500,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-CA-14-017 Purpose: The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to solicit applications for a Data Management and Coordinating Center (DMCC), one of the four scientific units of the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN). The EDRN is a national infrastructure funded to discover, develop, and validate biomarkers for risk assessment, detection, and molecular diagnosis and prognosis of early cancer. The proposed DMCC will be responsible for the following activities: 1) Network Coordination, 2) Data Management and Study Protocol Development, 3) Validation Study Infrastructure and Services, and 4) EDRN Core Fund Management. The other three scientific units of the continuing EDRN program are: the Biomarker Developmental Laboratories (BDLs), which will be responsible for the development and characterization of new, or the refinement of existing, biomarkers and biomarker assays; the Biomarker Reference Laboratories (BRLs), which will serve as Network resources for clinical and laboratory validation of biomarkers; and the Clinical Validation Centers (CVCs), which will conduct clinical research on the validation of biomarkers and will serve as clinical resource centers for the EDRN by participating in collaborative biomarker validation studies with EDRN BDLs and BRLs. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-14-017.html

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 Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - The Early Detection Research Network: Data Management and Coordinating Center (U24) Proposal Due Date: January 6, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: 1 Estimated Total Program Funding: $2,000,000 Award Ceiling: $300,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-CA-14-016 Purpose: The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to solicit applications for Biomarker Reference Laboratories (BRLs), one of the four scientific units of the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN). The EDRN is a national infrastructure funded to discover, develop, and validate biomarkers for risk assessment, detection, and molecular diagnosis and prognosis of early cancer. The proposed BRLs will conduct biomarker assay development and refinement for validation studies, and will serve as a Network resource for laboratory and clinical validation of biomarkers. The other three scientific units of the continuing EDRN program are: the Biomarker Developmental Laboratories (BDLs), which will be responsible for the development and characterization of new, or the refinement of existing, biomarkers and biomarker assays for risk assessment, detection, and molecular diagnosis and prognosis of early cancer; the Clinical Validation Centers (CVCs), which will conduct clinical research on the validation of biomarkers and will serve as resource centers for the EDRN by participating in collaborative biomarker validation studies with EDRN BDLs and BRLs; and the Data Management and Coordinating Center (DMCC), which will support statistical and computational analyses, informatics infrastructure, study design, coordination and support of EDRN-sponsored biomarker validation studies, and the coordination of Network-wide meetings and conferences. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-14-016.html Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - Stem Cell-Derived Blood Products for Therapeutic Use (R01) Proposal Due Date: February 20, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: 8 Estimated Total Program Funding: $3,600,000 Award Ceiling: $300,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-HL-15-022 Purpose: Stem cell technology holds the promise of providing a nearly limitless source of safe, immune-matched cells for clinical use. One of the first areas where this promise can be realized is through cell products that lack a nucleus and thus face fewer regulatory hurdles, such as red blood cells and platelets. Considerable progress has been made but scientific questions remain and improved tools to enhance the production are required if translation to clinical use is to be achieved. To this end, this FOA will support research addressing remaining scientific questions to enable and accelerate the use of stem cell-derived

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 blood products as therapeutics. While production of sufficient numbers of cells such as platelets and red cells has been demonstrated using cellular engineering methods, basic research questions related to cell differentiation and maturation remain, which if elucidated, may allow for the development of new ways to efficiently produce clinically-useful stem cell-derived platelets or red blood cells. In addition to this FOA, two companion FOAs (RFA-HL-15-029 and RFA-HL-15-030) will support small business research to develop improved techniques and tools to enhance the production of clinically-relevant, functional stem cell-derived red blood cells or platelets in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-HL-15-022.html Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - Stem Cell-Derived Blood Products for Therapeutic Use Technology Improvement (R41) Proposal Due Date: February 20, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: 3 Estimated Total Program Funding: $675,000 Award Ceiling: $225,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-HL-15-029 Purpose: The primary objective of this funding opportunity announcement is to support the development of improved techniques and tools to enhance the production of clinically-relevant, functional stem cell-derived red blood cells or platelets in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. The research supported will develop and enhance technologies that enable the production of functional stem cell-based therapies with potential commercial and clinical viability. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-HL-15-029.html Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - Stem Cell-Derived Blood Products for Therapeutic Use: Technology Improvement (R43/R44) Proposal Due Date: February 20, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-HL-15-030 Purpose: The primary objective of this funding opportunity announcement is to support the development of improved techniques and tools to enhance the production of clinically-relevant, functional stem cell-derived red blood cells or platelets in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. The research supported will develop and enhance technologies that enable the production of functional stem cell-based therapies with potential commercial and clinical viability.

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 http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-HL-15-030.html Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - NIBIB Quantum Program: Technological Innovation to Solve a Major Medical or Public Health Challenge (U01) Proposal Due Date: May 7, 2017 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-15-031 Purpose: The goal of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) Quantum Program is to achieve a profound (quantum) advance over present-day approaches to the prevention, detection, diagnosis, and/or treatment of a major disease or national public health problem primarily through the development of biomedical engineering/biomedical imaging technologies. In order to realize a profound advance against a major disease or national public health problem, this announcement supports research to develop and prepare a target technology for clinical efficacy at the completion of Quantum funding (which may include up to two competitive renewals). The NIBIB mission is to improve human health by leading the development and acceleration of the application of biomedical technologies. Major biomedical technologies, emerging from the interface of the engineering, physical, and life sciences such as MR imaging, endoscopic devices for minimally invasive surgery, the cochlear implant, and the pacemaker have had a profound impact on human health and quality of life. In many cases, realization of a quantum impact from a new biomedical technology can only be achieved if the needed intellectual and financial resources are focused on a specific targeted project in a concerted fashion. The NIBIB Quantum Program is intended to support development of biomedical technologies that will result in a profound paradigm shift in prevention, detection, diagnosis, and/ or treatment of a major disease or national public health problem. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-15-031.html Department of Health and Human Services – Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - Request for Applications to Disseminate Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) through Clinical Decision Support (U19). Proposal Due Date: Spring 2015 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number:

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 Purpose: HRQ intends to promote a new initiative by publishing a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) that will promote the dissemination of patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) findings through clinical decision support (CDS). This Notice is being provided to allow potential applicants sufficient time to develop meaningful collaborations and responsive projects. The FOA is expected to be published in the Winter 2014/15 with an expected application due date in Spring 2015. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-HS-15-002.html  Department of Homeland Security – FEMA - Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) Proposal Due Date: December 5, 2014 Expected Number of Awards: 2500 Estimated Total Program Funding: $304,503,764 Award Ceiling: $3,400,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: DHS-14-GPD-044-000-99 Purpose: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Grant Programs Directorate implements and administers the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program. The AFG program provides financial assistance to help fire departments, nonaffiliated Emergency Medical Service (EMS) organizations and State Fire Training Academies (SFTA): for critically needed resources to protect the public, to train emergency personnel, and to foster interoperability and support community resilience, as well as enhance through direct financial assistance, the safety of the public and to provide a continuum of support for emergency responders regarding fire, medical, and all hazard events. The authority for AFG is derived from the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974, as amended (15 U.S.C. §2229a et seq.). The Funding Opporutnity Announcement (FOA) provides potential applicants with the details of the requirements, processing, and evaluation of an application for financial assistance. https://www.fema.gov/welcome-assistance-firefighters-grant-program    Department of State - U.S. Mission to India - Building U.S.- India Ties through Small Grants Proposal Due Date: December 15, 2014 Expected Number of Awards: 10 Estimated Total Program Funding: Award Ceiling: $3,000 Award Floor: $1,000 Funding Opportunity Number: HRFP15-01

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 Purpose: The U.S. Consulate General Public Affairs Section in Hyderabad, India is soliciting grant proposals that fall into the area specified in Section II below from non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, and other legally-recognized non-profit institutions that meet U.S. and/or Indian technical and legal requirements to develop and implement educational and cultural programs as specified in Section II below. Information about the Public Affairs Section can be found at: http://hyderabad.usconsulate.gov. For more information, please see complete announcement. http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=269368    National Endowment for the Humanities - Media Projects Proposal Due Date: January 14, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: Award Ceiling: $1,000,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: 20150114-TD Purpose: NEH’s Division of Public Programs supports activities that engage millions of Americans in understanding significant humanities works and ideas. At the center of every NEH-funded public humanities project is a core set of humanities ideas developed by scholars, matched to imaginative formats that bring those ideas to life for people of all ages and all walks of life. Projects must be analytical and deeply grounded in humanities scholarship in a discipline such as history, religion, anthropology, jurisprudence, or art history. NEH is a national funding agency, so the projects we support must demonstrate the potential to attract a broad, general audience. We welcome humanities projects tailored to particular groups, such as families, youth (including K-12 students), teachers, seniors, at-risk communities, and veterans, but they should also strive to cultivate a more inclusive audience. Media Projects grants support the following formats: • film and television projects; and • radio projects. Film and television projects may be single programs or a series addressing significant figures, events, or ideas. Programs must be intended for national distribution. The Division of Public Programs welcomes projects ranging in length from short-form to broadcast-length video. Radio projects may involve single programs, limited series, or segments within an ongoing program. They may also develop new humanities content to augment existing radio programming or add greater historical background or humanities analysis to the subjects of existing programs. They may be intended for regional or national distribution. http://www.neh.gov/grants/mp  National Science Foundation - Science of Science and Innovation Policy - Proposal Due Date: February 9, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: 20 Estimated Total Program Funding: $8,000,000 Award Ceiling: $750,000 Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: PD-09-7626

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  Purpose: The Science of Science & Innovation Policy (SciSIP) program supports research designed to advance the scientific basis of science and innovation policy. Research funded by the program thus develops, improves and expands models, analytical tools, data and metrics that can be applied in the science policy decision making process. For example, research proposals may develop behavioral and analytical conceptualizations, frameworks or models that have applications across a broad array of SciSIP challenges, including the relationship between broader participation and innovation or creativity. Proposals may also develop methodologies to analyze science and technology data, and to convey the information to a variety of audiences. Researchers are also encouraged to create or improve science and engineering data, metrics and indicators reflecting current discovery, particularly proposals that demonstrate the viability of collecting and analyzing data on knowledge generation and innovation in organizations. http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=501084  National Science Foundation - Benchmarks of Realistic Scientific Application Performance of Large-Scale Computing Systems Proposal Due Date: February 2, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: 10 Estimated Total Program Funding: $2,500,000 Award Ceiling: $500,000 Award Floor: $100,000 Funding Opportunity Number: PD-15-7685 Purpose: NSF is interested in supporting activities by the NSF Cyberinfrastructure community in the analysis of existing benchmarks, and in the development of new benchmarks, that measure real-world performance and effectiveness of large-scale computing systems for science and engineering discovery. Research, development, and use of performance benchmarks in high-performance computing (HPC) has been active for over 20 years, as evidenced by the development of LINPACK and the emergence of the TOP500 list in the early 1990s, followed by the development of the HPC Challenge Benchmark and the current HPCG effort (http://tiny.cc/hpcg). There have been efforts to provide benchmarks that include real applications, such as the SPEC High Performance Computing Benchmarks (http://spec.org/benchmarks.html#hpg), the Blue Waters SPP suite (http://www.ncsa.illinois.edu/assets/pdf/news/BW1year_apps.pdf), and the NERSC SSP (https://www.nersc.gov/users/computational-systems/nersc-8-system-cori/nersc-8-procurement/trinity-nersc-8-rfp/nersc-8-trinity-benchmarks/ssp/). Recent efforts have sought to broaden the set of relevant benchmarks to more effectively cover performance under different application environments such as data-intensive analysis (e.g., Graph500). Energy efficiency has also emerged in recent years as a relevant and increasingly important area of measurement and profiling for HPC systems (e.g., Green500). In addition to HPC, the Big Data community has gained interest in benchmarking; reference approaches to measuring and characterizing system performance for large-scale data analysis hardware and software systems remains an area of research, development, and community discussion (e.g., on the Big Data Top 100). Industry and academe have convened an ongoing series of workshops and meetings on the topic of Big Data benchmarking (http://clds.ucsd.edu/bdbc/workshops). Given the emergence of inference-based computing, the growing role of data analysis, changes in scientific workflow due to dynamic availability of sensor and instrument data, the expanding use of large-scale computing in all scientific disciplines, the growing role of clouds, and a diversity of architectural approaches,

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 NSF sees a timely opportunity to engage the community in benchmarking analysis and development activities. NSF welcomes benchmarking proposals in the following general areas: (1) the analysis, evaluation, and assessment of the effectiveness of one or more existing benchmarks used in industry and academe today; (2) the development (including algorithm development and prototype implementation) and experimental use of one or more new benchmarks; or (3) workshops and community engagement events to advance discussion, dissemination, and community building around benchmarks. Proposals focused in areas 1 and 2 must include some work in area 3. Industry engagement is encouraged. Proposals should describe aspects of the targeted systems and run-time environments, including relevant scales, types of platforms, and I/O processing, and should describe the new information about the targeted systems that can be expected to emerge from the project. Describe the scientific applicability characteristics of the targeted systems, and the relevance of the new information that will be learned about these systems to realistic use in the proposed applications. Because the act of measuring a quantity often leads to efforts to improve that quantity, proposals should justify the choice of characteristic(s) being measured, such as sustained performance, throughput, productivity, energy efficiency, time to solution, etc., including an application perspective in this justification. Describe the scope of the interested research community, within and/or beyond NSF; the likelihood that that community will accept the proposed benchmark as a useful measure; and the practicality and feasibility of the benchmark as a tool for that community. Describe how the proposed measurements might create incentives for vendors to design systems that will serve the application area(s). Authors should also address the issues of evolution and sustainability of the benchmarks in future generations, and the usefulness of the benchmarks in contributing to NSF’s future efforts to acquire systems that best serve the research community. Proposals should include a project plan with milestones. For proposals addressing Big Data benchmarks, NSF encourages proposers to consider the characteristics and topics described in guidance for the Fifth Workshop on Big Data Benchmarking (http://clds.ucsd.edu/wbdb2014.de) http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505151 National Science Foundation - Science of Science and Innovation Policy Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants Proposal Due Date: February 9, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: 3 Estimated Total Program Funding: $60,000 Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: 15-513 Purpose: The Science of Science & Innovation Policy (SciSIP) program supports research designed to advance the scientific basis of science and innovation policy. Research funded by the program thus develops, improves and expands models, analytical tools, data and metrics that can be applied in the science policy decision making process. For example, research proposals may develop behavioral and analytical conceptualizations, frameworks or models that have applications across a broad array of SciSIP challenges, including the relationship between broader participation and innovation or creativity. Proposals may also develop methodologies to analyze science and technology data, and to convey the information to a variety of audiences. Researchers are also encouraged to create or improve science and engineering

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 data, metrics and indicators reflecting current discovery, particularly proposals that demonstrate the viability of collecting and analyzing data on knowledge generation and innovation in organizations. Among the many research topics supported are: examinations of the ways in which the contexts, structures and processes of science and engineering research are affected by policy decision, the evaluation of the tangible and intangible returns from investments in science and from investments in research and development, the study of structures and processes that facilitate the development of usable knowledge, theories of creative processes and their transformation into social and economic outcomes, the collection, analysis and visualization of new data describing the scientific and engineering enterprise. As part of its effort to encourage and support projects that explicitly integrate education and basic research, SciSIP provides support to enhance and improve the conduct of doctoral dissertation projects carried out by doctoral students enrolled in U.S. universities who are conducting scientific research that enhances basic scientific knowledge. http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505092  National Science Foundation - CISE-MPS Interdisciplinary Faculty Program in Quantum Information Science Proposal Due Date: February 2, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: 16 Estimated Total Program Funding: $400,000,000 Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: 15-512 Purpose: The CISE-MPS Interdisciplinary Faculty Program in Quantum Information Science is designed to promote research in the area of Quantum Information Science (QIS) by providing resources to allow QIS researchers and researchers from the CISE or MPS disciplines to actively engage in joint research efforts, addressing problems at the interface between the mathematical and physical sciences and computer and information sciences through long-term visits to a host institution. http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=504743  National Science Foundation - Law & Social Sciences Proposal Due Date: February 4, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: 75 Estimated Total Program Funding: $5,000,000 Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: 15-514

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 Purpose: The Law & Social Sciences Program considers proposals that address social scientific studies of law and law-like systems of rules. The Program is inherently interdisciplinary and multi-methodological. Successful proposals describe research that advances scientific theory and understanding of the connections between law or legal processes and human behavior. Social scientific studies of law often approach law as dynamic, made in multiple arenas, with the participation of multiple actors. Fields of study include many disciplines, and often address problems including though not limited to: Crime, Violence and Punishment Economic Issues Governance Legal Decision Making Legal Mobilization and Conceptions of Justice Litigation and the Legal Profession LSS provides the following modes of support: Standard Research Grants and Grants for Collaborative Research Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellowships Workshop and Conference Awards LSS also participates in a number of specialized funding opportunities through NSF’s crosscutting and cross-directorate activities, including, for example: Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Research at Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) Grants for Rapid Response Research (RAPID) Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) For information about these and other programs, please visit the Cross-cutting and NSF-wide Active Funding Opportunities homepage. http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=504727    National Aeronautics and Space Administration - 2014 NASA RESEARCH ANNOUNCEMENT {NRA} - MUREP INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY {MIRO} Proposal Due Date: January 30, 2015 Expected Number of Awards: 16 Estimated Total Program Funding: $400,000,000 Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: NNH14ZHA001N-MIRO Purpose: Awards will be made as grants, cooperative agreements, and inter- or intra-agency transfers depending on the nature of the proposing organization and/or project requirements. The period of performance for an award is up to 5 years. Note that it is NASA policy that all investigations involving non-U.S. organizations will be conducted on the basis of no exchange of funds. Prospective proposers are requested to submit any questions in writing to [email protected] no later than 10 business days before the proposal due date so that NASA will be able to respond. Every effort will be made to answer any questions received after that date, but there is no guarantee that an answer will be provided. Only Minority Serving Universities that are legally recognized by the Department of Education are eligible to apply for this NASA Research Announcement (NRA). No later than the due date for proposals, proposers to this NRA are required to have: 1) a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, 2) a valid registration with the System for Award Management (SAM) [formerly known as the Central Contractor Registry (CCR)], 3) a valid Commercial And Government Entity (CAGE) Code, 4) a valid registration with NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) (this also applies to any entities proposed for subawards or subcontracts.) Consult Appendix H Section H.2.1 regarding teaming requirements and partnership guidelines. The mission of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Office of Education is to advance high quality Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education across the United States. To maximize these efforts, NASA has consolidated its education activities into the Minority University Research and Education Project

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 (MUREP). MUREP supports training and development of students and faculty in STEM at targeted colleges and universities, and provides opportunities for research and education that attract and prepare increasing numbers of students for STEM careers. As an integral part of this mission, the MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity (MIRO), previously University Research Centers (URC) is being established to strengthen and develop the research capacity and infrastructure of Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) in areas of strategic importance and value to NASA’s mission and national priorities. Overall, MIRO awards aim to promote STEM literacy and to enhance and sustain the capability of institutions to perform NASA-related research and education, which directly supports NASA’s four Mission Directorates – Aeronautics Research, Human Exploration and Space Operations, Science, and Space Technology. The specific goals of MIRO awards are to: 1) Expand the nation's base for aerospace research and development by fostering new aerospace research and technology development concepts; 2) Develop mechanisms for increased participation by faculty and students at MSIs in the research programs of NASA’s Mission Directorates; 3) Increase the number of undergraduate and graduate degrees awarded to students from MSIs in NASA-related fields. Grantee institutions have the responsibility for budgeting and documenting compliance with Code of Federal Regulations, 14 CFR§1230, commonly referred to as “the Common Rule for the Protection of Human Subjects.” Research to develop NASA-themed exhibits, programs, curriculum products, etc., may involve full human subjects review through an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or it may be exempt. An IRB also certifies when research is exempt. Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity – MIRO may be categorized as both Science and Technology and other Research and Development (ST) and Education funded activity. Every institution that intends to submit a proposal to this NRA, including the proposed prime award or any partner whether an informal education institution, other non-profit institutions, state and local Government agencies, and other organizations that will serve as subawardees or contractors, must be registered in NSPIRES. Electronic submission of proposals is required by the due date and must be submitted by an authorized official of the proposing organization. Such registration must identify the authorized organizational representative(s) who will submit the electronic proposal. All principal investigators and other participants (e.g. co-investigators) must be registered in NSPIRES regardless of submission system. Potential proposers and proposing organizations are urged to access the system(s) well in advance of the proposal due date(s) of interest to familiarize themselves with its structure and enter the requested information. Electronic proposals may be submitted via the NASA proposal data system NSPIRES or via Grants.gov. Organizations that intend to submit proposals via Grants.gov must be registered 1) with Grants.gov and 2) with NSPIRES. Additional programmatic information for this NRA may develop before the proposal due date. If so, such information will be added as a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) or formal amendment to this NRA and posted on http://nspires.nasaprs.com . It is the proposer’s responsibility to regularly check NSPIRES for updates to this NRA. http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=269420  USAID – Agency for International Development - Thailand USAID-Bangkok - Improving Childhood Nutrition and Community Sanitation in Key Vulnerable Areas in Laos Proposal Due Date: November 24, 2014 Expected Number of Awards: Estimated Total Program Funding: Award Ceiling: Award Floor: Funding Opportunity Number: USAID-RDMA-RFI-486-15-000002

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  Purpose: The United States Agency for International Development, Regional Development Mission for Asia (USAID/RDMA), is hereby issuing a Request for Information (RFI) for the anticipated “Improving Childhood Nutrition and Community Sanitation in Key Vulnerable Areas in Laos” activity. The RFI offers the opportunity for interested individuals and organizations to provide recommendations on approaches for community-based activities to reduce stunting through improved infant/young child feeding practices and community sanitation in Laos. In responding to this RFI, significant emphasis should be placed on 1) discrete and actionable evidence-based interventions USAID/RDMA could take to support improvements in community sanitation and childhood nutrition through feeding practices to reduce overall stunting; 2) coordination with other donors, partners, and stakeholders with current or planned interventions supporting improvements in community sanitation and childhood nutrition. http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=269369