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OPS 571 Final Exam 30 Questions A+ Complete Answer  

OPS 571 Final Exam 30 Questions A+ Complete Answer

1.Wi! o" te "ollowin# is !onsi$ere$ a ma%or pro!ess "low stru!ture&

' (ea$ )ime

' Fa*ri!ation

' (ean anu"a!turin#

' Pro%e!t,.-SO au$its result in !erti"i!ations tat are $one * "irst/ se!on$/ or tir$ parties.

Wi! o" te "ollowin# result in te *est !erti"i!ation o" a "irm&

' Certi"i!ation is sou#t * an "irm assumin# te pa annual $ues.

' ,n$ Part were a !ustomer au$its its supplier

' 3r$ Part were a uali"ie$ national or international stan$ar$s2!erti"in# a#en!

seres as an au$itor

' 1st Part were a "irm au$its itsel" a#ainst -SO stan$ar$s

3.Wi! o" te "ollowin# is -SO 14000 primaril !on!erne$ wit&

' Qualit mana#ement

' )ime mana#ement

' Continuous improement mana#ement' Enironmental mana#ement

4. Wi! is te one !orre!t alue stream prin!iple&

' (oo "or e""i!ien!ies in te "a!tor/ o""i!e/ psi!al/ pro!e$ural/ an$ te!ni!al


' Eliminate waste tat stops/ slows $own/ or $ierts te alue stream.

' Con!entrate on spee$in# up alue6a$$in# operations rater tan remoin# waste.

' eep te alue stream moin# at minimum elo!it.

5. Wat is te startin# point in $eelopin# a !apa!it plan "or a ealt !are operation&

' 8eterminin# te e""e!tie !apa!it oer time

' Estimatin# $esi#n !apa!it

' Fore!astin# patient $eman$ "or a reasona*le len#t o" time' 8is!oer o" te *ottlene! operation

9. Wi! o" te "ollowin# is !onsi$ere$ an or#ani:ational *lueprint/ wi! pres!ri*es

te uantit an$ time "rame "or wen ea! en$ pro$u!t will *e assem*le$&

' ;P <aterial ;euirements Plan=

' E;P <Enterprise ;esour!e Plannin#=

' PS <aster Pro$u!tion S!e$ule=

' W>S <Wor >rea$own Stru!ture=

7.Wi! o" te "ollowin# is an element tat a$$resses elimination o" waste un$er lean


' an*an pro$u!tion !ontrol sstem

' Pro$u!tion aea$ o" $eman$

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' inimi:e$ run times

' ?roup plant loa$in# te!nolo#

@. -n most !ases/ $eman$ "or pro$u!ts or seri!es !an *e *roen into seeral

!omponents. Wi! o" te "ollowin# is !onsi$ere$ a !omponent o" $eman$&

' (eel elements

' Future elements' Past elements

' C!li!al elements

. 8esi#n "or manu"a!turin# an$ assem*l $eliers pro$u!t improements *

empasi:in# wi! o" te "ollowin#B

' ;e$u!in# pro$u!t ualit $urin# te assem*l pro!ess

' 8esi#nin# pro$u!ts so te !an *e manu"a!ture$ * a irtual "a!tor

' ;e$u!in# euipment in te pro$u!tion pro!ess

' Simpli"i!ation o" te pro$u!t * re$u!in# te num*er o" separate parts

10. Wi! o" te "ollowin# is one o" te prin!iples o" reen#ineerin#&

' Qualit at te sour!e

' 8o not sele!t suppliers on te *asis o" pri!e alone.' ae tose wo use te output o" a pro!ess per"orm te pro!ess.

' (eera#e i# !ost emploees wit lower !ost emploees.

11. Wi! o" te "ollowin# is a !ara!teristi! tat !an *e use$ to #ui$e te $esi#n o"

seri!e sstems&

' Seri!es are all similar.

' Seri!es *usinesses are inerentl entrepreneurial.

' Qualit wor means ualit seri!e.

' Seri!es !annot *e inentorie$.

1,. Consi$erin# au (eeDs un!ertaint "ramewor "or !lassi"in# suppl !ains/ wi!

o" te "ollowin# is #ien to a suppl !ain wi! as an eolin# suppl pro!ess *ase$

on "un!tional pro$u!ts&

' ;is e$#in#

' Forwar$ looin#

' E""i!ient

' A#ile

13. )ere are man appli!ations o" poa6oes in seri!e or#ani:ations. Wi! o" te

"ollowin# is one o" te tree6)Ds use$ to !lassi" poa6oes&

' )rust

' )eamwor 

' )as 

' )ime14. Wi! o" te "ollowin# is a ma%or "a!tor tat $istin#uises seri!e $esi#n an$

$eelopment "rom manu"a!turin# $esi#n an$ $eelopment&

' )e seri!e pa!a#e as te same le#al prote!tion aaila*le to manu"a!ture$ #oo$s.

' anu"a!turin# is "ar more !apital intensie tan seri!es.

' )e seri!e pro!ess an$ seri!e pro$u!t !an *e $eelope$ in$epen$entl.

' )e seri!e pa!a#e is te ma%or output o" te $eelopment pro!ess.

15. A pro%e!t !an *e se#mente$ into wi! o" te "ollowin#&

' Eents

' Su*6%o*s

' Wor pa!a#es

' Su!!ess marers19. Wi! o" te "ollowin# is a !ost impa!t an$ pao"" analsis tool "rom te operations

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!onsultin# tool it&

' Statisti!al tools

' 8e!ision trees

' Wor samplin#

' ?ap analsis

17. A!!or$in# to te teor o" !onstraints/ wi! o" te "ollowin# !an *e a !apa!it6!onstraine$ resour!e <CC;=&

' Pro$u!t $esi#n

' -nopera*le euipment

' An emploee

' A !ustomer

1@. )e a*ilit to rapi$l an$ inexpensiel swit! pro$u!tion "rom one pro$u!t to

anoter ena*les wi! o" te "ollowin#B

' E!onomies o" sape

' E!onomies o" si:e

' E!onomies o" s!ale

' E!onomies o" s!ope1. A!!or$in# to te teor o" !onstraints/ wi! o" te "ollowin# "inan!ial

measurements !an *e use$ to measure te "irmDs a*ilit to mae mone&

' Operatin# expenses

' 8ii$en$s

' Sales

' ;eturn on inestment

,0. 8emin#Ds P8CA <plan/ $o/ !e!/ an$ a!t= !!le un$erlies wat inerent Six Si#ma


' Continuous improement

' Control !artin#

' Stan$ar$ $eiation

' Pro%e!t mana#ement

,1. Wi! o" te "ollowin# is usuall in!lu$e$ as an inentor ol$in# !ost&

' Or$er pla!in#

' Quantit $is!ounts

' >reaa#e

' )pin# up an or$er

,,. Wi! pro$u!tion pro!ess term *est $es!ri*es te situation wen a!tiities in a sta#e

o" pro$u!tion must stop *e!ause tere is no wor&

' >lo!in#

' Starin#' Sta#in#

' >u""erin#

,3. -n a ?antt !art te erti!al axis represents wi! o" te "ollowin#&

' )ime

' ;eenue

' )ass

' Cost

,4. )e Sin#o sstem states tat te wa to preent $e"e!ts "rom !omin# out at te en$

o" a pro!ess is to $o wi! o" te "ollowin#B

' ;e$esi#n te pro!ess in or$er to miti#ate te *ottlene!s.

' tili:e SQC <statisti!al ualit !ontrol=.' -ntro$u!e !ontrols witin te pro!ess.

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' Slow $own pro$u!tion rates until te pro!ess is in !ontrol.

,5. Wi! o" te "ollowin# terms $es!ri*es te time a unit spen$s a!tuall *ein# wore$

on to#eter wit te time spent waitin# in a ueue&

' Flow time

' >uil$ time

' C!le time' ;un time

,9. Wi! o" te "ollowin# is one o" 8r. Eli ?ol$rattDs rules o" pro$u!tion s!e$ulin# "or

optimi:e$ pro$u!tion te!nolo#&

' An our sae$ at a *ottlene! operation $oes not in!rease te pro!ess "low.

' -" ou lose an our at a *ottlene! it is *etter tan main# s!rap.

' 8o not allow *ottlene!s to #oern te "low o" te line.

' tili:ation an$ a!tiation o" a resour!e are not te same.

,7. 8urin# te implementation o" a pro%e!t/ wi! o" te "ollowin# soul$ *e te

primar "o!us o" a !onsultin# "irm&

' )e !orre!t pro%e!t so"tware

' Appli!ation o" te learnin# !ure teor' )ools an$ materials aaila*ilit

' People mana#ement sills

,@. Wi! o" te "ollowin# is an analti!al tool use$ in Six6Si#ma ualit improement


' ?antt !arts

' Pareto !arts

' )ree !arts

' Pe$i#ree !arts

,. A pro%e!t mana#er must !onsi$er seeral !omponents wen oerseein# te plannin#

pro!ess o" a##re#ate operations spe!i"i!all/ weter su! !omponents are "a!tors tat

are internal or external to te or#ani:ation. Wi! o" te "ollowin# "a!tors woul$ *e

!lassi"ie$ as an internal !omponent "or an or#ani:ation&

' -nentor leels an$ e!onomi! !on$itions

' aret $eman$ an$ su*!ontra!tor !apa!it

' Current psi!al !apa!it an$ !urrent wor"or!e

' Competitor *eaior an$ !urrent wor"or!e

30. Wi! o" te "ollowin# is te net reuirement usin# an ;P pro#ram i" te #ross

reuirement is 10/000 an$ te inentor on an$ is 4/000&

' 10/000

' 14/000

' 9/000' 4/000

OPS 571 Final Exam 30 Questions A+ Complete Answer